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An Extended Model of The S 2 Reaction Between A Substituted Alkane and Nucleophile

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Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem) 541 (2001) 110


An extended model of the SN2 reaction between a substituted alkane and nucleophile
V. Gineityte*
Institute of Theoetical Physics and Astronomy, Gostauto 12, 2600 Vilnius, Lithuania Received 7 June 2000; accepted 28 June 2000

Abstract This paper is devoted to the development of qualitative quantum-chemical models of bimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN2 reaction) of substituted alkanes. To this end, we invoke the algebraic expressions for occupation numbers of basis orbitals of heteroatom-containing bonds obtained previously in the form of power series (J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem), 434 (1998) 43). The third-order terms of this series absent in the previous contribution but necessary for investigation of the SN2 reaction, are additionally derived. The well-known two-orbital model of the reaction (based on taking into account only the direct interaction between the electron-donating orbital of nucleophile (w (1)d) and the electron-accepting orbital of the heteroatom-containing bond of the substituted alkane (w (2)a)) is shown to follow from second-order terms of the above-mentioned power series. Taking into account the third-order terms of the same series yields an extended model of the reaction, wherein the indirect interactions between orbitals w (1)d and w (2)a also are explicitly included, and orbitals of the nearest (Ca Cb and Ca H) bonds with respect to the heteroatom-containing (ZCa) bond play the role of the principal mediators of this new interaction. The indirect interactions between orbitals w (1)d and w (2)a are shown to contribute signicantly to a greater efciency of the back attack of the nucleophile vs. the frontal one. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Bimolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction; Quantum-chemical modelling; Substituted alkanes; Direct and indirect interaction of orbitals

1. Introduction The calculations of potential energy surfaces has become possible now-a-days for more and more chemical reactions. The results of these calculations (if sufciently accurate) allow certain predictions to be made about the reaction path and transition states (see e.g. Ref. [1]). This does not imply, however, that simple qualitative approaches and/or models [25] lose their significance in this eld. Indeed, the question why just the given reaction takes place between the molecules
* Tel.: 1370-620-953; fax: 1370-2-225361. E-mail address: gineityte@itpa.it (V. Gineityte).

under study may be answered primarily on the basis of qualitative investigations. Moreover, modelling of chemical reactions in terms of quantum chemistry allows us to formulate simple rules governing similar processes within a series of related compounds. In this connection, development of qualitative models of chemical reactions is an important task. The so-called PMO theory of chemical reactivity of ckel model is organic compounds [2] based on the Hu among the most popular qualitative approaches. An early stage of the reaction is usually studied in the framework of this method. In particular, bimolecular processes are modelled by formation of an intermolecular bond represented by respective resonance parameters.

0166-1280/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0166-128 0(00)00628-X

V. Gineityte / Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem) 541 (2001) 110

Fig. 1. Diagram representing the two possible directions of the attack of nucleophile (Nu) with respect to the substituted alkane (ZCaH2CbH2Cg, where Z stands for a heteroatom), and the principal orbitals participating in the SN2 reaction: arrows denoted by (f) and (b) indicate the frontal and the back attacks of nucleophile, respectively, and w (1)d stands for its only electron-donating orbital. Numbering of the basis orbitals of the substituted alkane (i.e. of sp 3hybrid AOs and of 1sH AOs) is also shown. The bonding bond orbitals of the Ca Cb and Ca H bonds (w (1)2, w (1)3 and w (1)4) and the antibonding orbital of the ZCa bond w21 ; w2a are dened by Eq. (1). The only dashed basis function x1Ca coincides with that described by a negative coefcient in the antibonding orbital w (2)a.

In the case of reactions between saturated organic molecules, the so-called local models [2,3,6] are used along with the PMO theory. Two points form the basis of these models: rstly, localized two-center bond orbitals (BOs) play the role of basis functions there; secondly, a large number of interorbital interactions (resonance parameters) are considered as irrelevant to the given reaction, especially those between orbitals localized outside the directly contacting fragments. The above-described approach may be examplied by the simple two-orbital model of the bimolecular nucleophilic substitution of substituted alkanes [2,3,5], i.e. of the SN2 reaction. The model is based on taking into account the direct interaction (resonance parameter) between the initially occupied (electron-donating) orbital of nucleophile (w (1)d) and the initially vacant (electron-accepting) orbital of the

ZCa bond of the substituted alkane (w (2)a), where Z stands for a heteroatom. Orbitals of the remaining bonds are ignored in this model. The SN2 reactions of substituted alkanes are known to be accompanied by inversion of conguration of the attacked carbon atom [24,7]. In this connection, a back attack of nucleophile (Fig. 1) and not a frontal one is commonly assumed to give rise to a subsequent reaction process [25,79]. Hence, accounting for the greater efciency of the back attack vs. the frontal one is the principal task of the theory of these reactions. To solve this problem, the intermolecular bonding energies and/or the extents of the charge transfer between the two reacting systems are usually compared for both types of the attack [25]. In the framework of the two-orbital (local) model, this actually resolves itself to comparison of resonance parameters between orbitals w (1)d and w (2)a for the back attack and for the frontal one, and these are expected to take smaller values in the latter case. Arguments for such an anticipation are as follows [3]: nucleophile is likely to approach the ZCa bond perpendicularly during a frontal attack (Fig. 1). Then the antibonding nature of the electron-accepting orbital w (2)a implies that the overlap integral kw1d uw2a l and thereby the respective resonance parameter contains two contributions of similar absolute values and of opposite signs that almost cancel one another, and the nal resonance parameter proves to be small. This simple explanation, however, is not free from weak points. First, the above-mentioned argument about similar absolute values of two contributions to the overlap integral kw1d uw2a l referring to the frontal attack is undoubtedly valid in the case of a small difference in electronegativities of the atoms Z and Ca but it is not the case for considerable differences in these electronegativities. Second, the frontal attack is not necessarily strongly perpendicular to the ZCa bond. The third and the most important point, however, consists in the fact that the overlap integrals under comparison, i.e. those between the orbitals w (1)d and w (2)a referring to the back attack, also are rather small. The latter conclusion is based on the localized nature of bond orbitals. Let us invoke here the usual denition of these orbitals as bonding and antibonding linear combinations of pairs of sp 3-hybrid AOs directed along the given bond [2,3,5,1012]. Then only a

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small loop of the sp -hybrid AO of the Ca atom is directed towards the back-attacking nucleophile (Fig. 1). Consequently, the relevant overlap integral kw1d uw2a l hardly takes a signicant value. Therefore, similar values of resonance parameters between orbitals w (1)d and w (2)a for both types of the attack are quite probable. Then the two-orbital model becomes insufcient to distinguish between the two possible ways of the reaction, and an extended model of this process is required. To achieve this end, let us recall the results of Ref. [6], wherein the power series for the one-electron density matrix (DM) of saturated organic molecules derived previously [1012] has been used to investigate the electron density redistribution between two interacting molecules. It is essential that connement to the second-order terms of the above-mentioned series proved to be equivalent to application of a local model containing orbitals of only two (or several) directly contacting bonds and/or lone electron pairs (the latter are treated similarly in the approach of Ref. [10]). It may be expected, therefore, that an extended model of the SN2 reaction may be constructed by invoking the third-order terms of the abovementioned power series. Such an expectation may be additionally supported by the fact that the thirdorder corrections to occupation numbers depend on indirect interactions between the electron-donating orbital and the electron-accepting one by means of orbitals of other bonds from their nearest environment [13]. The experience of previous studies of heteroatom-containing molecules shows that indirect interactions contribute signicantly to the nal picture of the electron density distribution, especially in the cases of comparable increments of direct interactions to populations of orbitals under comparison [13]. Thus, we are about to extend the above-described two-orbital model of the SN2 reaction of substituted alkanes to the case of explicitly taking into account the orbitals of the neighboring Ca H and Ca Cb bonds. The main aim of this study consists in comparison of contributions of indirect interactions between orbitals w (1)d and w (2)a to the additional population acquired by the heteroatom Z under the inuence of a frontally and back-attacking nucleophile. The case of similar values of direct interactions between orbitals w (1)d and w (2)a during both types of the attack is of

particular interest here. As a result of this investigation, we expect to replenish simple accounting for the advantages of the back attack. The expressions for occupation numbers of sp 3hybrid AOs of heteroatom-containing bonds with the second-order terms inclusive have been derived in Ref. [12]. In Section 2 of this paper, we describe briey these expressions and supplement them with third-order terms. The SN2 reaction will be studied in Sections 3 and 4. 2. The expressions for occupation numbers of basis orbitals of heteroatom-containing bonds with the third-order terms inclusive As in Refs. [6,12], let us consider a heteroatomcontaining (ZC) bond involved in any saturated organic system, including several interacting molecules [6]. Let the bond under study coincide with the Ith bond of our system. The bonding BO w (1)i and the antibonding BO w (2)i will correspond to this bond. Furthermore, the sp 3-hybrid AOs x IZ and x IC will be ascribed to atoms Z and C of our bond and directed along it. Let these orbitals be represented by Coulomb parameters a IZ and a IC, whereas the bond itself will be characterized by resonance parameter b I. The equalities aI C 0; aI Z aI ; and bI 1 will be accepted further for convenience. The bond orbitals w (1)i and w (2)i will be dened as eigenfunctions of the respective 2 2-dimensional Hamiltonian matrix block in the basis of HAOs {x IZ, x IC}, i.e.

w1i axI Z 1 bxI C ;

w2i bxI Z 2 axI C


1 2 3

where the coefcients a and b are [14]: a cosgI =2; b singI =2; and

gI arctg2=aI ;

0 # gI # p=2

(More electronegative heteroatoms (Z) versus carbon and hydrogen atoms are considered here and a I is positive in our negative energy units.) Let us also note that the CC and CH bonds may be described by equalities: p aI 0; gI p=2; a b 1= 2 4

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(Electronegativities of the C and H atoms and thereby the relevant Coulomb parameters may be assumed to take equal values [15].) When deriving the expressions for occupation numbers of HAOs x IZ and x IC [12], the general form of the power series for the one-electron DM of saturated organic molecules in the basis of BOs [10] has been used. The third-order terms of this series also may be easily obtained as described in Ref. [10]. Thereupon, the 2 2-dimensional block of the DM corresponding to the bond under study and containing terms with the third-order inclusive should be transformed into the basis of HAOs as it was done in Ref. [12]. As a result, the occupation numbers of HAOs x IZ and x IC of the Ith bond may be expressed as follows: XI Z XI C 1 ^ cos gI 1 1
1 2 1 2

tions for resonance parameters between various types of BOs, the latter being indicated within the bra- and ket-vectors, viz. ^ uw1j l; Sij kw1i uH ^ u w 2 j l Qij kw2i uH ^ uw2j l; Rij kw1i uH 7

and note that Sij Sji ; Qij Qji but Rij Rji : Then the element G(1)ij takes the form G1ij 2 Rij E 1 i 2 E 2 j 8

where the denominator of Eq. (8) contains the difference in one-electron energies of BOs w (1)i and w (2)j. Given that the subscript J describes a lone electron pair and an ABO w (2)j is absent, we obtain DX2I L 2G1li 2 . 0 9 The next term of Eq. (5) (^d(2)I) has been expressed as follows [12]: 8 9 <X = 2 2 d 2 I 2 {G1ji 1 G1ij } cos gI , 0 10 :j]J ; and it represents the so-called depolarization dipole moment of the Ith bond. This moment describes the reduction of the primary dipole of the given bond (equal to 1 ^ cos gI due to the dipole-like distribution of the additional population lost (acquired) by the Ith bond owing to the second-order interbond charge transfer. The last second-order increment of Eq. (5) (^p(2)I) describes the so-called induced dipole moment of the Ith bond arising under the inuence of other bonds. This dipole moment equals p2I 22G2ii sin gI 11 where G(2)ii is the diagonal element of certain second order matrix G(2) [10]. For further convenience, any element G(2)ij is given below in Eq. (12): G2ij 1 E1i 2 E2j 2
ABOs X k BBOs X l

D X2I ^ d2I ^ p2I 5

D X 3 I ^ d 3 I ^ p 3 I

where the upper signs refer to the HAO x IZ and the lower ones correspond to the orbital x IC. The subscripts (2) and (3) denote here the second- and the third-order terms, respectively. The zero-order term of Eq. (5) 1 ^ cos gI describes the occupation numbers of HAOs x IZ and x IC of an isolated ZCa bond. The population of the HAO x IZ of a more electronegative heteroatom Z proves to be increased, whereas that of the HAO of the carbon atom is reduced, and this result is not unexpected. The next term of Eq. (5) describes a half of the second-order contribution to the population of the Ith bond lost (acquired) by this bond owing to the interbond charge transfer. The total population alteration DX(2)I takes the form: X X D X2I J 2 {G1ji 2 2 G1ij 2 } DX2I
J j]J

6 where the subscript j embraces the two BOs of the Jth bond w (1)j and w (2)j dened as shown in Eq. (1). The notation G(1)ij stands for an element of certain rst order matrix G(1) [10] describing the direct (throughspace) interaction between the bonding BO (BBO) w (1)i of the Ith bond and the antibonding BO(ABO) w (2)j of the Jth bond. As in Ref. [12], let us introduce the following nota-

Sil Rlj E 1 l 2 E 2 j ! 12

Rik Qkj E 1 i 2 E 2 k

and the diagonal element G(2)ii follows from Eq. (12) if

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moment of the Ith bond which takes the form: p3I 22G3ii sin gI 15

where G(3)ii stands for a diagonal element of the thirdorder analog of the matrix G(2). This element is equal to G3ii 21 E 1 i 2 E 2 i ( BBOs X BBOs X
j m BBOs X ABOs X j r

Sij Sjm Rmi E1j 2 E2i E1m 2 E2i Sij Rjr Qri E1j 2 E2i E1j 2 E2r


Fig. 2. Diagram reecting the one-electron energies and the shapes of basis orbitals of nucleophile and of the substituted alkane. The subscripts used for sp 3-hybrid AOs {x } and for bond orbitals {w } coincide with those of Fig. 1.

2 1 1

Sij Rjr Qri E1i 2 E2r E1j 2 E2r Rir R1 rj Rji E1j 2 E2r E1j 2 E2i

i j: The notations of Eq. (12) coincide with those of Eq. (8). It is seen that the element G(2)ij describes the indirect (through-bond) interaction between the BBO w (1)i of the Ith bond and the ABO w (2)i of the Jth bond by means of other BBOs and/or ABOs. Let us turn now to the third-order increments of Eq. (5). These may be interpreted similarly to the abovedescribed second-order terms. The increment 1 2 DX3I describes a half of the thirdorder contribution to the population lost (acquired) by the Ith bond owing to the interbond charge transfer. The respective expression takes the form: X DX3I 4 G1ji G2ji 2 G1ij G2ij 13

Rir R1 rj Rji 1 E1i 2 E2r E1j 2 E2r 1

ABOs X ABOs X p r

Rir Qrp Qpi E1i 2 E2p E1i 2 E2r

16 and Rjr : The element G(3)ii describes the indirect interaction between the BBO w (1)i and ABO w (2)i by means of two mediators. 3. The three-orbital model of the SN2 reaction Let us start with investigation of the intermolecular interaction between a mono-substituted alkane (ZCaH2CbH2Cg) and nucleophile (Nu) during its frontal and back attacks (Fig. 1). Our main purpose consists in comparison of populations of the HAO x 1Z of the heteroatom Z for different positions of nucleophile (The number I 1 is ascribed to the ZCa bond). To this end, the expressions of Section 2 will be used. Eq. (5) describes the total populations of HAOs x 1Z and x 1C. To investigate the inuence of nucleophile upon the population of HAO x 1Z, studies of the R1 rj

where G(2)ij is dened by Eq. (12). It is seen that products of direct and of indirect interactions of BOs w (1)i and w (2)j, as well as of w (2)i and w (1)j, are present in Eq. (13) in contrast to Eq. (6). Similarly, the increment ^d(3)I may be interpreted as the third-order depolarization dipole moment of the Ith bond. This term may be expressed as follows: 8 9 <X = d 3 I 2 2 G1ji G2ji 1 G1ij G2ij cos gI , 0 :j]J ; 14 And nally, ^p(3)I is the third-order induced dipole

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difference dX1Z X1Z 2 X 81Z 17

two increments
dQ2 d 1 2 DX21 1 dd2I Rda 2 1 2 cos g1 .0 E1d 2 E2a 2

proves to be sufcient, where the superscript 8 refers to an isolated substituted alkane. As in Ref. [6], the difference d X1Z may be called the intermolecular part of the total population of the HAO x 1Z. Let us introduce now the following notations for the principal resonance parameters representing the intermolecular interactions: ^ uw1d l; Rda kw1d uH ^ uw2a l Sad kw1a uH 18

21 remains positive whatever the position of nucleophile and depends on square of the only resonance parameter Rda. Hence, taking into account the depolarization dipole moment does not require any extension of the two-orbital model. Let us turn now to the intermolecular part of the second-order induced dipole moment d (p(2)I) arising under the inuence of nucleophile. This term follows from Eqs. (11) and (12). The electron-donating orbital w (1)d plays the role of mediator of the indirect interaction between the orbitals w1a ; w11 and w2a ; w21 of the ZCa bond contained within the element G(2)ii. We then obtain d p 2 I 2 2 Sad Rda E1a 2 E2a E1d 2 E2a 22

The relative positions and shapes of BOs of the nearest neighborhood of the fragment Nu Ca Z are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Nucleophile is modelled here by a single electron-donating orbital w (1)d. Inasmuch as the zero-order term of Eq. (5) does not depend on the position of nucleophile, no zero-order increments arise in the difference d X1Z. The second order contribution 1 2 DX21 to the total population of the HAO x 1Z is additive with respect to increments of particular bonds as shown in Eq. (6). Each of these increments, in turn, depends only on the mutual arrangement of the Ith and Jth bonds (lone pairs). As a result, square of the direct interaction between the electron-donating orbital of nucleophile w (1)d and the electron-accepting orbital of the bond under study w2a ; w21 remains in the difference of Eq. (17) i.e. d 
1 2

 DX21 G1da 2

Rda 2 . 0 19 E1d 2 E2a 2

It is seen that three orbitals, viz. w (1)d, w (1)a and w (2)a, participate in the formation of the induced dipole moment of the ZCa bond. To study the signs of the induced dipole moments d (b)(p(2)I) and d (f)(p(2)I) for the back and the frontal attacks, respectively, let us turn to Figs. 1 and 2 and assume that resonance parameters are proportional to respective overlap integrals [16]. This implies a positive (negative) sign of resonance parameters in our negative b units if the overlap integral is positive (negative). Then the following inequalities may be easily established on the basis of Fig. 1:
b S ad , 0; b R da . 0; f S ad . 0; f R da , 0 23

It is seen that the population acquired by the HAO x 1Z owing to the second-order intermolecular charge transfer depends on square of the resonance parameter Rda. This term may be evidently ascribed to the local two-orbital model of the reaction (Section 1). The intermolecular part of the depolarization dipole moment d (d(2)I) describes the actual distribution of the acquired population among the HAOs x 1Z and x 1C of the ZCa bond. This term takes the form: dd2I 2G1da 2 cos g1 , 0 20

Substituting Eq. (23) into Eq. (22) and taking into account the positive sign of any energy difference E1i 2 E2j allows us to conclude that db p2I . 0; df p2I . 0 24 Thus, the intermolecular part of the induced dipole moment contributes to an increase of the population acquired by the HAO x 1Z of the ZCa bond irrespective of the position of the nucleophile. On the whole, taking into account the second-order terms of the power series for occupation numbers

It is also seen that the sum of the above-discussed

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yields a three-orbital local model of the SN2 reaction, wherein the lone pair orbital of nucleophile and the two orbitals of the ZCa bond are included. The simplest (two-orbital) version of this model follows after neglecting the intermolecular part of the induced dipole moment of the ZCa bond. Given that the resonance parameters of Eq. (18) are of equal absolute values for both types of the attack as discussed in Section 1, i.e.
b f u S ad u uSad u; b f uR da u uRda u

These are   2G1da G2da D X dH 1 3 1 2 d H d31 22G1da G2da cos g1 and their sum   d H Q 3 d H 1 1 d H d 3 1 D X 3 1 2 2G1da G2da 1 2 cos g1 where G1da 2 and
G2da 3 E1d 2 E2a

26 27



the total second-order increments to the population of the HAO x 1Z also coincide with one another. Hence, the second-order terms do not allow us to distinguish between the two ways of the reaction in this case.

Rda E1d 2 E2a


Sd2 R2a Rd2 Q2a 2 E12 2 E2a E1d 2 E22

4. Contributions of orbitals of the Ca Cb(Ca H) bonds to population alteration of heteroatom This section is devoted for the investigation of the third-order terms of Eq. (5). Let us start with the intermolecular parts of the charge transfer and of the depolarization dipole moment of the ZCa bond following from Eqs. (13) and (14). Additivity of the above-mentioned terms with respect to contributions of various bonds (J) is evident. However, the contributions of the Jth bond (lone pair) to both d 1 2 DX31 and d (d(3)1) depend not only on the mutual arrangement of the Ith and Jth bonds but also on the structure of the whole molecule. Indeed, the indirect interaction between BOs w (1)i and w (2)j, as well as between w (2)i and w (1)j, represented by elements G(2)ij and G(2)ji, respectively, contain orbitals of other bonds (w (1)l and w (2)k) that play the role of mediators of this interaction (see Eq. (12)). As a result, two types of terms remain after taking the difference shown in Eq. (17), namely terms wherein the orbital w (1)d coincides with the jth orbital w1d ; w1j and those containing w (1)d as mediator in the indirect interactions between orbitals of the Ith bond and those of other bonds. Let us start with the case w1j w1d : The respective contributions to the intermolecular parts of the charge transfer and of the depolarization dipole moment of the ZCa bond will be denoted by H .

30 The factor 3 in Eq. (30) is due to three similar increments of bonds Ca Cb, Ca H3 and Ca H4 of the substituted alkane shown in Fig. 1 to the total element G(2)da. Let us compare now the principal factors of Eq. (28), i.e. G(1)da and G(2)da, for the frontal and back attacks of nucleophile. From Eqs. (23) and (29) it follows that
b G 1da , 0; f G 1da . 0


Hence, the direct interactions between orbitals w (1)d and w (2)a are of opposite signs for both types of the attack. This result may be traced back to different signs of respective resonance parameters Rda shown in Eq. (23). Let us consider now the indirect interaction between orbitals w (1)d and w (2)a described by the element G(2)da. The resonance parameter Rd2 in Eq. (30) may be expected to be of a small value for both types of the attack owing to the equality a b for C C(CH) bonds (see Eqs. (1) and (2)). As a result, the matrix element G(2)da may be approximated as follows: G2da < 3Sd2 R2a E1d 2 E2a E12 2 E2a 32

and describes the indirect interaction between orbitals

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w (1)d and w (2)a by means of bonding BOs of the Ca Cb(Ca H) bonds. Furthermore, the resonance parameters contained in Eq. (32) meet the following inequalities:
b S d2 . 0; f S d2 . 0; b f R 2a R2a , 0

(37) becomes d HH Q3 < 26Rda S2d R2a 1 2 cos g1 E12 2 E2a 2 E1d 2 E2a 1 6Rd2 Sad Ra2 1 1 cos g1 E 1 a 2 E 2 2 2 E 1 d 2 E 2 2 41


We then obtain
b G 2da

, 0;

f G 2da



Let us compare now the separate increments of Eqs. (35) and (41). The following inequalities may be assumed on the basis of Fig. 2: u E 1 d 2 E 2 a u p u E 1 2 2 E 2 a u < u E 1 d 2 E 2 2 u p uE1a 2 E22 j 42 These relations imply that the second term of the right-hand side of Eq. (41) contains a much larger denominator as compared to the rst term. Moreover, the above-discussed small value of the resonance parameter Rd2 contained in the numerator of the second term of Eq. (41) should be taken into consideration along with the equality cos g1 p 1 established for the majority of heteroatoms Z [14]. We then obtain d HH Q3 < 26Rda S2d R2a 1 2 cos g1 E12 2 E2a 2 E1d 2 E2a 43

Hence, the sign of the indirect interaction between orbitals w (1)d and w (2)a does not depend on the position of nucleophile. Substituting Eqs. (29) and (32) into Eq. (28) yields the following expression for the sum d H Q(3): d Q3

26Rda Sd2 R2a 1 2 cos g1 < E1d 2 E2a 2 E12 2 E2a


Let us consider now the remaining part of the population alteration wherein the orbital w (1)d plays the role of mediator of the indirect interaction. Terms corresponding to J 2; 3; 4 (Fig. 1) evidently make the most signicant contributions there. Let us denote the respective increments by HH . These are   36 d HH 1 2 DX31 6G12a G22a 2 G1a2 G2a2 d HH d31 26G12a G22a 1 G1a2 G2a2 cosg1 37 where G1a2 2 G12a and G2a2 Sad Rd2 E1a 2 E22 E1d 2 E22 S2d Rda E12 2 E2a E1d 2 E2a 39 Ra2 ; E 1 a 2 E 2 2

Furthermore, comparison of Eqs. (35) and (43) shows that the right-hand sides of these relations contain coinciding numerators S2d Sd2 ; whilst the denominator of the rst increment d H Q(3) is considerably smaller. Hence, the increment d H Q(3) corresponding to w1j ; w1d seems to be prevalent and we obtain dQ3 < d H Q3 2G1da G2da 1 2 cos g1

R2a 2 E 1 2 2 E 2 a



26Rda Sd2 R2a 1 2 cos g1 E1d 2 E2a 2 E12 2 E2a




Then the sum of increments shown in Eqs. (36) and

Therefore, the sum of the intermolecular parts of the third-order charge transfer and of the third-order depolarization dipole moment of the ZCa bond is primarily determined by the product of the direct interaction between orbitals w (1)d and w (2)a and of their indirect interaction by means of the bonding BOs of the Ca Cb(Ca H) bonds. Since only the former type of interaction changes its sign when changing the relative position of nucleophile as Eq. (31) b f indicates, different signs of dQ 3 and dQ3 may be

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expected. Using Eqs. (31) and (34) we then obtain

b dQ 3 . 0; f dQ 3 , 0


passing from the frontal to the back attack. As a result, b f different signs of dp 31 and dp31 follow, viz.
b dp 31 . 0; f dp 3 1 , 0

It is seen that the HAO x 1Z acquires an additional population under the inuence of the back-attacking nucleophile, and it loses its population during a frontal attack if third-order terms are included. It is also evident that the inequalities of Eq. (45) should be valid also in the case of explicitly taking into account of the term dQ HH 3 of Eq. (43). Let us turn now to the intermolecular part of the third-order induced dipole moment of the ZCa bond arising owing to the emergence of the orbital w (1)d as a new mediator for the indirect interaction of BOs w (1)1 and w (2)1 by means of two mediators. Thus, let us assume that the orbital w (1)d plays the role of the rst mediator of this interaction described by Eq. (16). From Fig. 2 and Eq. (16), it follows that the antibonding BOs w (2)2, w (2)3 and w (2)4 are not efcient second mediators for the indirect interaction of BOs w (1)1 and w (2)1 owing to both the relatively large energy differences E1a 2 E22 and E1d 2 E22 and small resonance parameter Rd2. Thus, let us exclude these orbitals from consideration. Then, three similar pairs of bonding orbitals (w (1)d, w (1)2), (w (1)d, w (1)3) and (w (1)d, w (1)4) play the role of the most efcient mediators of the indirect interaction between the orbitals w (1)1 and w (2)1. This implies that the rst double-sum of Eq. (16) yields the main contribution to the element G(3)11 determining the additional induced dipole moment d p(3)1. Moreover, two cases should be considered here, namely j 1d; m 12 and j 12; m 1d: We then obtain
dp31 < 6Sad Sd2 R2a 1 Sa2 S2d Rda sin g1 E12 2 E2a E1a 2 E2a E1d 2 E2a


Comparison of Eqs. (45) and (48) shows that the total third-order increment to the population of the HAO x 1Z is positive for the back attack of nucleophile and negative for the frontal one. It is essential to note that the absolute values of the third-order increments are not necessarily small as compared to those of the second-order increments. Two points form the basis of the latter expectation: rstly, the resonance parameter Sd2 ; S2d contained in Eqs. (44) and (46) is likely to be sufciently large owing to the bonding nature of the orbital w (1)2; secondly, the factor 6 in the expressions for thirdorder terms owing to three geminal neighbors of the ZCa bond also contributes essentially to an increase of the relative values of the third-order contributions to population of the HAO x 1Z. Hence, the third-order increments may play a decisive part in distinguishing between the two possible ways of the SN2 reaction, especially if the secondorder increments are of similar absolute values as discussed in Section 3. Moreover, the third-order terms always contribute to the greater efciency of the back attack of nucleophile as compared to the frontal one even if the relevant second-order increments take equal values. 5. Conclusions The application of the power series for occupation numbers of basis orbitals of saturated organic molecules to investigate an intermolecular interaction between a nucleophile and a substituted alkane allowed us to extend the most popular two-orbital model of the SN2 reaction to the case of explicitly taking into account orbitals of the Ca Cb and/or Ca H bonds. Moreover, different models of the reaction proved to be attributable to connement to terms of different order within the above-mentioned power series: 1. Taking into account terms with the second-order inclusive yields a local model of the reaction, which involves the electron-donating orbital of

46 It is seen that products of three resonance parameters come from the numerator of Eq. (46). Moreover, use of Eqs. (23) and (33) along with additional inequalities:
b f S a2 Sa2 . 0; b S 2d . 0; f S 2d . 0


allows us to conclude that only one of every three resonance parameters, viz. Sad and/or Rda, changes its sign within the above-mentioned products when


V. Gineityte / Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem) 541 (2001) 110

nucleophile (w (1)d) and the two orbitals of the Z Ca bond (w (1)a) and (w (2)a). The simplest two-orbital model containing only the orbitals w (1)d and w (2)a corresponds to a particular case of the former. 2. An extended model of the reaction, wherein orbitals of the nearest Ca Cb(Ca H) bonds also are explicitly included, corresponds to an additional taking into account the third-order terms of the same power series. These orbitals play the role of mediators in the indirect interaction between orbitals w (1)d and w (2)a, as well as between w (1)a and w (2)a, contained in the third-order corrections to occupation numbers. These results indicate an unambiguous hierarchy of models. Studies of the extended model indicate that a larger absolute value of the direct interaction (overlap) between the electron-donating orbital of nucleophile (w (1)d) and the electron-accepting orbital of the ZCa bond (w (2)a) is not a necessary condition for a greater total intermolecular interaction as it is commonly believed on the basis of the two-orbital model. The point is that the indirect interactions between orbitals w (1)d and w (2)a, as well as between w (1)a and w (2)a, also contribute signicantly to the total interaction. Moreover, the above-mentioned indirect interactions by means of orbitals of the Ca Cb(Ca H) bonds lead to a larger population acquired by the heteroatom Z under the inuence of the back-attacking nucleophile as compared to the frontally attacking one even if the direct interactions are of coinciding absolute values. Therefore, the greater efciency of the back attack of nucleophile vs. the frontal one (assumed on the

basis of experimental facts [25,79]) might be related either to the larger direct interaction between orbitals w (1)d and w (2)a, or to the decisive role of indirect (through-bond) interactions. References
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