TMP 26 D8
TMP 26 D8
TMP 26 D8
by those neutron stars which are the remnants of asym- bound to the planet. The authors of reference [31] yield a
metric explosions of core‐collapse supernovæ (SNe) [18]. total number of free‐floating binary planets in the Ga-
Their extreme speeds are very likely to be attributed to laxy as large as 7 × 108 . At present, no planets like them
the kick [19] received in such a kind of peculiar defla- have yet been detected. Proposed microlensing surveys
grations1. By measuring the displacements of young of next generation will be sensitive to free‐floating terre-
pulsars from the apparent centers of their associated SN strial planets [32]; under certain circumstances, they may
shells and using the pulsar spin‐down periods as age be able to yield 10-100 detections of Earth‐mass
estimates, the authors of references [20-21] inferred that free‐floating planets [32]. One to a few detections could
pulsars are typically born with transverse velocities of be made with all‐sky IR surveys [31].
500 km s −1 , and that velocities v 2000 km s −1 may Are there some solitary traveling astronomical objects,
be possible. At present, the observational record belongs still undetected for some reasons, which may hit the
to the radio‐quiet neutron star RX J 0822 − 4300 , which Earth over a time scale of a few years? In view of the
moves at a record speed of 1570 km s −1 = 331.191 au growing attention that such a possibility may really oc-
yr −1 = 0.0052c at a distance of 7000 lyr = 4 × 108 , as cur on2 21 December 2012 is receiving in larger portions,
measured in 2007 by the Chandra X‐ray Observatory also (relatively) educated, of the large public, the present
[22]. It is thought to have been produced in an asymme- study may also have a somewhat pedagogical/educational
tric SN explosion. value contributing, hopefully, to dissipate certain fears
Moving to isolated substellar objects having smaller too often artificially induced simply for the sake of gain.
velocities by about one order of magnitude ( v ≈ 10−4 c ), Mere academic disdain and/or conceit, derision, and
we have the so‐called brown dwarfs. They are astro- hurling insults should not be retained as adequate prac-
physical objects in the range mass M ≈ 0.04 − 0.09M tices to counter them. Moreover, the analysis presented
= 41 − 94mJup unable to sustain hydrogen fusion in their here can be repeated in future when other “doomsday”
cores; as a consequence, it is very difficult to detect dates will likely pop out.
them, since most of the energy of gravitational contrac- The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we
tion is radiated away within 108 yr, leaving only a very present a relatively simplified analytical calculation3
low residual luminosity. After that their existence was which, however, grasp the essential features of the situa-
postulated for the first time in references [23-24], the tion investigated. A more sophisticated numerical analy-
first undisputed discovered brown dwarf, and the first T sis is presented in Section 3. It is based on the numerical
dwarf, was Gl 229B [25], with a mass M= 20 − 50mJup . integration of the equations of motion by randomly va-
After the advent of large‐area surveys with near‐infrared rying the initial conditions. Section 4 summarizes our
(IR) capability in the late 1990’s, hundreds more brown findings.
dwarfs were discovered [26]. Actually, smaller brown
dwarf, with M < 20mJup , exist [27]. In particular, in 2. ANALYTICAL CALCULATION
2005 the author of reference [28] discovered Cha
Let us consider a simplified two‐body scenario in
110913 − 773444 . It is a planetary‐mass brown dwarf
which a test particle X moves along a heliocentric
with M = 8mJup , which is well within the mass range
hyperbola4 hurling itself towards the Earth; the system is
observed for bounded extrasolar planets ( M 15mJup ).
represented by X and the Sun, while the Earth only indi-
An even smaller body, named rho Oph 4450 with
rectly enters through its heliocentric distance as a para-
M = 2 − 3mJup , has been recently discovered by the au-
meter of the X’s motion. The conserved (positive) total
thors of reference [29].
mechanical energy E of X is [33]
Concerning the existence of free‐floating planets of
smaller mass, the author of reference [30] noted that, 1 2 α
= µ v − >0
E (1)
under certain circumstances, Earth‐sized solid bodies 2 r
wandering in the interstellar space after being ejected where r and v are the relative X‐Sun distance and speed,
during the formation of their parent stellar systems may respectively, µ is the system’s reduced mass
sustain forms of life. Again as a consequence of
three‐body interactions with Jovian gas giants, the au- 2
I See, e.g., collision on the WEB.
thors of reference [31] have recently shown that during 3
See also
planet formation a non‐negligible fraction of terrestri- html on the WEB for the case of a bound, highly eccentric orbit of X
al‐sized planets with lunar‐sized companions will likely coming close to the Earth.
A test particle acted upon by the Newtonian force of universal gravita-
be ejected into interstellar space with the companion tional can only move along three types of conic sections: ellipse
(closed), hyperbola (open) and parabola (open). The state of motion at
Indeed, if the explosion of a progenitor star expels the ejecta preferen- a given instant of time chosen as initial one determines the trajectory
tially in one direction, the compact core must recoil in the opposite effectively followed.
direction because of momentum conservation.
Figure 1. Time t, in yr, required to a body X with Figure 3. Time t, in yr, required to a body X with
M X = M to reach the terrestrial orbit from M X = m⊕ to reach the terrestrial orbit from d X = 175
d X = 12 kau as a function of its present day au as a function of its present day speed β X , in units
speed β X , in units of c.
of c.
would take 300 − 800 yr to reach our orbit if it was
tive colliding X is a rock‐ice body with the mass of the-
now at 100 kau from us, while 40 − 90 yr would be
kau as a function of its present day speed β X , in units of c
required if it was at just 12 kau. Incidentally, let us remark
Earth is unlikely because, by assuming d X = 175 au
that the closest black hole so far discovered, whose dis-
[34], it should travel at = v / c 0.001 − 0.003 to reach
tance has been directly measured from its parallax using
the orbit of our planet in the next few yr.
astrometric VLBI observations, is in the X‐ray binary
Given the ejection mechanisms occurring in the planet
V404 Cyg, at about 2 kpc= 4 × 108 [42]. Another close
formation processes which may be responsible for such
black hole is V4641 Sgr [43], at about 7 − 12 kpc .
free‐floating small planets, their typical velocities should
Figure 2 depicts the case of a brown dwarf with
M = 80mJup and d X = 5.2 kau [34]. be of the order of v ≈ 1 − 3 km s −=1 0.3 − 1× 10−5 c for
a Jupiter‐sized mass ejecting body [45]. Thus, 180 − 300
Also such a scenario looks highly implausible because
yr would be required by traveling at such speeds if an
it should be v / c ≈ 0.03 − 0.05 ; moreover, for d X = 20
Earth‐sized body X was now at d X = 175 au.
kau it turns out that v / c ≈ 0.08 − 0.2 . No brown dwarfs
As we will see in Section 3, the conclusions of such a
at all moving at speeds comparable to those of SNRs and
simplistic analytical two‐body scenario are also sup-
HVSs are known; on the contrary, their speeds are of the
ported by a more sophisticated, numerical analysis.
order of v ≈ 100 km s −1= 3 × 10−4 c [44]. Traveling at
It may be interesting to note that some reflections by
such typical speeds, it would take 1 − 3 kyr to reach the
M. Brown similar to the reasonings developed in detail
terrestrial orbit for d X = 20 kau, and 300 − 900 yr for
d X = 5.7 kau. in this Section can be found at
space/mike‐brown‐planetx‐pluto.html on the Internet.
Figure 3 shows that also the case in which the puta-
The case of a body, of unspecified mass, reaching the
Earth’s orbit on an unbound trajectory in the next 2 yr
starting now from 1 kau is touched. Strictly speaking,
the speed of such an unbound X is computed by assum-
ing that it travels uniformly, so that it is = v 2.4 × 103
km s = 0.008c . According to reference [34], 1 kau is
the dynamically inferred lower limit for a body with
M X = mJup lying perpendicularly to the ecliptic; the
speed required to come here in the next 2 − 1.6 yr turns
out to be 0.8 − 1% of c . If we take d X = 1.2 kau for
a jovian‐sized body lurking now in the ecliptic [34], we
get v / c = 0.01 to reach 1 au in the next 2 yr. Concern-
ing a Jupiter‐sized body X, Brown at http://news.dis-
Figure 2. Time t, in yr, required to a body X with‐brown‐planetx‐pluto.html puts it
M X = 80mJup to reach the terrestrial orbit from d X = 5.7 at at a few thousand au; in this case, by setting, say,
kau as a function of its present day speed β X , in units d X = 2.5 kau we have v / c = 0.02 .
of c.
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