Financial Risk Management: Module 7 Accounting For Derivatives and Hedge Relationships
Financial Risk Management: Module 7 Accounting For Derivatives and Hedge Relationships
Financial Risk Management: Module 7 Accounting For Derivatives and Hedge Relationships
Question 14
Correct Answer: a
A firm commitment can be considered as creating an exposure to fair value changes or as creating an exposure to
cashflow changes at settlement. Accordingly, IAS 39 permits a firm commitment to be hedged as a fair value or
cash flowhedge.
You can review this topic area in the study materials under the section entitled The hedged item.
Question 15
Correct Answer: b
IAS 39 permits organisations to hedge their net investment in a future operation. However, it does not permit
hedging of futureprofits.
You can review this topic area in the study materials under the section entitled Accounting for hedges of net
investments in a foreign operation.
Question 16
Correct Answer: a
The definition of a highly effective cash flow hedge is that the cash flows of the hedge instrument offset the
cash flows of the hedged item in a range of 80per cent to 125per cent.
You can review this topic area in the study materials under the section entitled Hedge effectiveness.
Question 17
Correct Answer: a
By definition, a fair value hedge is highly effective when the fair value changes of the hedge instrument offset
the fair value changes of the hedged item in a range of 80 per cent to 125 per cent.
You can review this topic area in the study materials under the section entitled Hedge effectiveness.
Question 18
Correct Answer: c
IAS 39 requires the organisation to assess each hedge prospectively and retrospectively at each reporting
period. Accordingly, even a perfect hedge must be assessed prospectively as to whether any of the critical
terms have changed or whether the counter party is no longer capable of settling the transaction. In regard to
the retrospective hedge, the organisation must calculate the quantum of ineffectiveness.
You can review this topic area in the study materials under the section entitled Hedge effectiveness.