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Thesis On Wireless With Health

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The key takeaways are about the potential health risks of prolonged exposure to wireless devices and electromagnetic radiation, and calling for more research and precautionary measures.

The topic being discussed is the use of wireless equipment in modern life and its impacts on health in the Gulf region.

The thesis is that wireless devices are bad for health because they emit radio waves and microwaves during transmission, and prolonged improper use can cause health problems.


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My topic today is use of Wireless equipment in modern life and its impacts on our Health in the Gulf region. 2. Thesis:

Wireless is bad for your health because it emits radio waves and/or microwaves (Electro Magnetic Force) between devices for communication. There is evidence that prolonged and improper use of wireless devices, which cause radiation while transmitting, can cause serious health problems to the human beings. I was seriously thinking about it when I saw an article in the Newspaper that published a Worldwide Call for Precaution on use of wireless devices. It indicates that: While it is, still in open debate whether there is a definitive risk of brain tumor or other adverse health effects from long-term exposure to wireless radiation, many governments adopted a precautionary approach on this issue and have recommended measures to minimize wireless radiation exposure of their citizens. Users of wireless devices are typically exposed for much longer periods than for mobile phones and the strength of wireless devices is not significantly less. Wireless routers are typically located significantly farther away from users' heads than a mobile phone the user is handling, resulting in far less exposure overall. The Health Protection Agency (HPA - UK) claims that if a person spends one year in a Wi-Fi hotspot, they will receive the same dose of radio waves as if they had made a 20minute call on a mobile phone. WiFi uses a frequency of 2.45Ghz. Data is sent in 'packets' or 'pulses' along the waves. It is this 'pulse' that many scientists think is responsible for the mechanism for adverse health effects that are being reported in the scientific literature. Although the intensity is 'low' it is still trillions of times above the natural background levels in that part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The ICNIRP guidelines are intended to protect in the very short term against gross heating effects. 3. Background:

In the modern world, no one can think of living without an electronic device helping him in his day-to-day activities. We get up early morning to use a powered toothbrush and whole day we will be using many personal life style and home life devices for relax and luxury life styles. They are changed our way of living to some extent. Some of the inventions that are changed our way of life are Smart phones,

Mobiles, Microwaves, Computers, Wi-fi, Laptops, Tablets, Cordless telephones, Musicals devices, Blue tooth, Wireless head phones, Digital Camera, Smart Television sets, Internet surfing, E-mails, baby monitors, Gaming devices, etc: Most of the personal and modern life care devices are wireless for a best optimum comfort and to ensure our freedom of movement. We are not giving much attention to the ill effect to personnel health by using such devices for a long time. Every day we use many electronic devices for our requirements. It all produces certain level of radiation from electromagnetic wavelength. Most of the devices are of Wireless type to suit the modern life style attracted millions of people across the globe. Following countries are issued precautionary notice to public to take care of their electronic devices, which are emitting continuous radiation. Public also cautioned for not to buy cheap quality devices for their usages which doesnt meet any quality standards.
a) b) c) d) e) f) UK France India Switzerland Germany United States

The World Health Organization (WHO) has acknowledged the "anxiety and speculation" regarding electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and their alleged effects on public health. Every day we use many electronic devices for our requirements. It all produces certain level of radiation from electromagnetic wavelength. Most of the devices are of Wireless type to suit the modern life style attracted millions of people across the globe. The technological explosion happened in Mobiles phones, which are now termed as Smart Phone to meet all modern requirement of the fast life. All mobiles phones are emitting radiation, which is very harmful to human life especially young children. I think this area need much more study in depth to understand the effect and to educate the young generation to use these devices with much more care otherwise a generation will form with lots of medical issues.


While cellphones are very popular for entertainment and social interaction via texting, cordless phones were most popular for calls. If their use continued at the reported rate, many would be at increased risk of specific brain tumours by their midteens, based on findings of the Interphone and Hardell-group studies. 4. Purpose / Intended Audience:

My purpose is to demonstrate that the use of Wireless equipment without proper care is a significant negative factor in modern life and I will convince the reader that modern fast changing life style can cause creation of a new generation with lots of medical problems and nothing promising to the generations ahead. Low frequency and high frequency electromagnetic waves affect the human body in different ways. This report will certainly benefit for the young children who are regularly using smart phones, electronic gadgets, Tablets, Laptops, Gaming devices, to identify the potential risks, which are associated with these devices, and how can it cause health issues. I would like to caution all parents who normally permit their children to use their handheld wireless devices for a possible risk of wireless radiation generated from the devices. Every such user is in a close proximity to receive maximum radiation from the devices due to wireless communication. The Magnetic fields generated by wireless devices are strongest close to their origin and rapidly decrease at greater distances from the source. Parents may caution or not to allow their children to use such devices for a prolonged use which may cause health problems. The symptoms most commonly experienced include dermatological symptoms (redness, tingling, and burning sensations) as well as neurasthenic and vegetative symptoms (fatigue, tiredness, concentration difficulties, dizziness, nausea, heart palpitation, and digestive disturbances). The collection of symptoms is not part of any recognized syndrome.


Proposed Content The Wi-Fi concepts and its effect on human life need to be studied. A study on various devices, which are using Wi-Fi for its normal functions and how it will influence on us. The survey results of the penetration of Wi-FI devices and duration of its usages in the Gulf Region. Examination of Popular surveys conducted by reliable agencies like ACER, North Western University in Qatar, etc:


Research Method: Primary Research: A) Analyze the survey results of The Northwestern University in Qatar, Acer and Qatar Statistics Authority. B) Secondary:

Searching the web for authentic research reports such as:

a. A study conducted by Earthcalm who produces Green devices. ( All technological devices emit electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that erode your immune system and eventually cause health symptoms. With devices that protect you from EMFs, you can avoid these dangers and maintain good health.) b. Pong a mobile device company, who periodically publish technological breakthrough reports. c) Wiredchild protecting our children from Wireless technology.

d) The dynamic and strategic analysis of wireless communication technologyin health industry by Massachusetts Institute of technology d) Wikipedia

e) Lin,J,UpdateofIEEERadioFrequencyExposureGuidelines,IEEEMicrowaveMagazine; 2006. f) Lin,J,SafetyStandardsforHumanExposuretoRadioFrequencyRadiationandTheir BiologicalRationale,IEEEMicrowaveMagazine;2003. g) WorldHealthOrganization.ElectromagneticFieldsandPublicHealth:BaseStationsand WirelessTechnologies.FactSheetNo.304;2006 h) AustralianRadiationProtectionandNuclearSafetyAgency.MaximumExposureLevels toRadiofrequencyFields3kHzto300GHz.RadiationProtectionSeriesPublicationNo.3; 2002. i) InternationalCommissionforNonIonizingRadiationProtection.EpidemiologyofHealth EffectsofRadiofrequencyExposure.EnvironmentalHealthPerspectives;2004 j) k) l) RFHazardControlDocumentfortheGlennieSchool,THLAustralia,January2006 Consumerhealthreportpublishedbywww.emfacts.com. TheRisksfromElectromagenticFieldsAstudyconductedbyWHO.




The range of possible health effects that are adverse with chronic exposures has broadened. The most serious health endpoints that have been reported to be associated with extremely low frequency (ELF), radiofrequency radiation (RFR) and/or electromagnetic force (EMF) include childhood and adult leukemia, childhood and adult brain tumors, and increased risk of the neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimers and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Recent studies on EMF radiation largely indicate the potential risks to health (rather than reducing our concerns, or providing actual indications of safety). In addition, there are reports of increased risk of breast cancer, genotoxic effects (DNA damage, chromatin condensation, micronucleation, impaired repair of DNA damage in human stem cells), pathological leakage of the bloodbrain barrier, altered immune function including increased allergic and inflammatory responses, miscarriage and some cardiovascular effects. Insomnia (sleep disruption) is reported in studies of people living in very low-intensity RFR environments with WI-FI and cell towerlevel exposures. Short-term effects on cognition, memory and learning, behavior, reaction time, attention and concentration, and altered brainwave activity (altered EEG) are also reported in the scientific literature. Biophysical mechanisms that may account for such effects can be found in various articles and reviews. We could do otherwise. Each wireless need had a wired solution in counterpart that has none of the health effects that wireless RFR does, with the exception of cell phone use for talking directly to someone. It is time to re-think the wireless tsunami and educate people about health, privacy and security risks. It is past time to develop new safety standards. It is necessary now to look to less harmful ways to communicate, move ourselves from place to place, shop, sleep, recreate, save energy, and educate our children in school. It is time to rethink our global commerce, energy, banking, transportation and communications infrastructures so we are all committed to sustaining healthy living spaces and conserve safe sanctuary for all species on earth.


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