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F8uk 2011 Dec A

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Fundamentals Level Skills Module, Paper F8 (UK) Audit and Assurance (United Kingdom) 1 (a) Payroll system implications and recommendations Implication Clocking in process As there is no supervision of the clocking in process then, as witnessed, employees can clock in multiple employees simply by using their employee swipe cards. This will result in a substantially increased payroll cost for Chuck Industries.

December 2011 Answers

Recommendation The clocking in and out procedures should be supervised by a responsible official to prevent one individual clocking in multiple employees. In addition, Chuck Industries could consider linking the access to the factory floor with the employee swipe card system. Hence employees can only access the factory one at a time upon presentation of their employee swipe card. Employees should be reminded about the importance of following Chuck Industries policies and procedures, especially in relation to the clocking in/out process.

In addition, this could create a weaker control environment whereby employees consider it acceptable not to follow controls.

Without supervision/monitoring of the clocking in or out Overtime hours should be reviewed by the production process, employees could try to boost their hours worked by supervisor prior to payment, to ensure that only previously clocking out several hours after their shift has finished, this authorised overtime is paid for. will lead to invalid and unauthorised overtime payments. Wages calculations The wages calculations are generated by the payroll system and there are no checks performed. Therefore, if system errors occur during the payroll processing then this would not be identified. This could result in wages being over or under calculated, leading to an additional payroll cost or loss of employee goodwill. Hourly wage increase All increases of pay should be proposed by the HR The hourly wage has been increased by the Human department and then formally agreed by the board of Resources (HR) department and notified to the payroll department verbally. As payroll can be a significant expense directors. for a business, any decision to increase this should be made by the board as a whole and not just by HR. The payroll department should not accept verbal Written notification of the increase should be sent to payroll notifications of pay increases as it could be an unauthorised and HR and only then should the pay rise be incorporated increase, or an effort by an employee in HR to increase the into the payroll package. pay of certain members of staff, such as their friends. Wage payout The factory supervisor should not be given the pay packets of the night shift staff as this is a significant amount of cash, being approximately one-third of the workforce. This cash will not be in a secure location and so is open to the risk of theft. In addition, the supervisor is not sufficiently independent to pay wages out. He could adjust pay packets to increase those of his close friends whilst reducing others. Consideration should be given to operating a shift system for the payroll department on Fridays. This will ensure that there are sufficient payroll employees to perform the wages payout to the night shift employees. Therefore the same controls applied to the morning and late afternoon shifts can be put in place for the night shift. Employees who miss the payout by the payroll department will need to wait until Monday for their pay. No factory supervisor should be allowed to hand out wages. A senior member of the payroll team should recalculate the gross to net pay workings for a sample of employees and compare their results to the output from the payroll system. These calculations should be signed as approved before wages payments are made.

For employees absent on pay day, the supervisor retains the Pay packets of absent employees should be safely secured wages and only returns them on Monday. This cash is in the safe overnight and then banked on Monday. therefore not secure and is susceptible to loss or theft. Joiners/leavers Notification of joiners and leavers should be made on a timely basis to the payroll department, even if some staff are on holiday. Otherwise Chuck Industries could continue making payments to employees who have left, or pay new employees late, resulting in a loss of employee goodwill. During periods of illness or holidays, key roles of the affected employees should be reallocated to other members of the team to ensure that controls are maintained. Forms for new joiners should be completed when they are appointed with appropriate start dates filled in, these should then be distributed to all relevant departments. This should reduce the risk of new joiners being missed out by the payroll department.



Payroll substantive procedures Agree the total wages and salaries expense per the payroll system to the detailed trial balance, investigate any differences. Cast a sample of payroll records to confirm completeness and accuracy of the payroll expense. For a sample of employees, recalculate the gross and net pay and agree to the payroll records to verify accuracy. Re-perform calculation of statutory deductions to confirm whether correct deductions for this year have been included within the payroll expense. Compare the total payroll expense to the prior year and investigate any significant differences. Review monthly payroll charges, compare this to the prior year and budgets and discuss with management any significant variances. Perform a proof in total of total wages and salaries, incorporating joiners and leavers and the pay increase, compare this to the actual wages and salaries in the financial statements and investigate any significant differences. Select a sample of joiners and leavers, agree their start/leaving date to supporting documentation, recalculate that their first/last pay packet was accurately calculated and recorded. For salaries, agree the total net pay per the payroll records to the bank transfer listing of payments and to the cashbook. For wages, agree the total cash withdrawn for wage payments equates to the weekly wages paid plus any surplus cash subsequently banked to confirm completeness and accuracy. Agree the year-end tax liabilities to the payroll records, and subsequent payment to the post year-end cash book to confirm completeness. Agree the individual wages and salaries per the payroll to the personnel records and records of hours worked per clocking in cards.


Laws and regulations Under ISA 250A (UK & Ireland) Consideration of laws and regulations in an audit of financial statements, management have a responsibility to ensure that the operations of Chuck Enterprises are conducted in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. This includes compliance with laws and regulations that determine amounts and disclosures in financial statements, including tax liabilities and charges. Auditors are not responsible for preventing non-compliance with laws and regulations, and cannot be expected to detect non-compliance with all laws and regulations. They have a responsibility to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. Blair & Cos responsibility differs in relation to the two different categories of laws and regulations identified below: Laws and regulations which have a DIRECT effect on the determination of material amounts and disclosures in financial statements. Here the auditor is responsible for obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding compliance. Laws and regulations which DO NOT HAVE A DIRECT EFFECT on the determination of material amounts and disclosures in financial statements, but may impact the entitys ability to continue to trade. Here the auditors responsibility is limited to specified audit procedures to help identify non-compliance with those laws and regulations that may have a material effect on the financial statements. This includes inquiring with management whether the entity is in compliance with such laws and regulations, and inspecting correspondence with relevant licensing or regulatory authorities.

Blair & Co also has a responsibility to remain alert, by maintaining professional scepticism, to the possibility that other audit procedures may bring instances of identified or suspected non-compliance with laws and regulations. (d) Substantive procedures to verify redundancy provision Discuss with the directors of Chuck Industries as to whether they have formally announced their intention to make the sales ledger department redundant, to confirm that a present obligation exists at the year end. If announced before the year end, review supporting documentation to verify that the decision has been formally announced. Review the board minutes to ascertain whether it is probable that the redundancy payments will be paid. Obtain a breakdown of the redundancy calculations by employee and cast it to ensure completeness. Recalculate the redundancy provision to confirm completeness and agree components of the calculation to supporting documentation. Review the post year-end period to identify whether any redundancy payments have been made, compare actual payments to the amounts provided to assess whether the provision is reasonable. Obtain a written representation from management to confirm the completeness of the provision. Review the disclosure of the redundancy provision to ensure compliance with IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets.



Reliance on internal audit ISA 610 (UK & Ireland) Using the work of internal auditors details the factors the external auditors should consider in order to place reliance on the work of the internal audit (IA) department as follows: Objectivity The auditor should consider the status of IA within the company and if they are independent of other departments, in particular the finance department. In addition, consideration should be given as to who IA reports to, whether this is directly to those charged with governance or to a finance director. Technical competence The technical competence of IA staff should be considered. Consideration should be given to whether they are members of a professional body and have relevant qualifications and experience. Due professional care The external auditors should consider if the IA department have exercised due professional care, the work would need to have been properly planned including detailed work programmes, supervised, documented and reviewed. Communication In order to place reliance there needs to be effective communication between the internal auditors and the external auditor. This is most likely to occur when the IA department is free to communicate openly and regular meetings are held throughout the year.


Internal control components ISA 315 (UK & Ireland) Identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement through understanding the entity and its environment considers the components of an entitys internal control. It identifies the following components: (i) Control environment The control environment includes the governance and management functions and the attitudes, awareness, and actions of those charged with governance and management concerning the entitys internal control and its importance in the entity. The control environment sets the tone of an organisation, influencing the control consciousness of its people. The control environment has many elements such as communication and enforcement of integrity and ethical values, commitment to competence, participation by those charged with governance, managements philosophy and operating style, organisational structure, assignment of authority and responsibility and human resource policies and practices. (ii) Entitys risk assessment process For financial reporting purposes, the entitys risk assessment process includes how management identifies business risks relevant to the preparation of financial statements in accordance with the entitys applicable financial reporting framework. It estimates their significance, assesses the likelihood of their occurrence, and decides upon actions to respond to and manage them and the results thereof. (iii) Information system, including the related business processes, relevant to financial reporting, and communication The information system relevant to financial reporting objectives, which includes the accounting system, consists of the procedures and records designed and established to initiate, record, process, and report entity transactions (as well as events and conditions) and to maintain accountability for the related assets, liabilities, and equity. (iv) Control activities relevant to the audit Control activities are the policies and procedures that help ensure that management directives are carried out. Control activities, whether within information technology or manual systems, have various objectives and are applied at various organisational and functional levels. (v) Monitoring of controls Monitoring of controls is a process to assess the effectiveness of internal control performance over time. It involves assessing the effectiveness of controls on a timely basis and taking necessary remedial actions. Management accomplishes the monitoring of controls through ongoing activities, separate evaluations, or a combination of the two. Ongoing monitoring activities are often built into the normal recurring activities of an entity and include regular management and supervisory activities.


Audit report elements The following elements should be included within an auditors report: Title The auditors report shall have a title that clearly indicates that it is the report of an independent auditor, this distinguishes this report from any other. Addressee The auditors report shall be addressed as required by the circumstances of the engagement, it is determined by the Companies Act but is usually to the shareholders.


Introductory paragraph The auditors report should identify the financial statements of the entity that have been audited, including the date of, and period covered by, the financial statements. Respective responsibilities of those charged with governance and the auditor This section should include a statement that those charged with governance are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements and a statement that the responsibility of the auditor is to audit and express an opinion on the financial statements in accordance with applicable legal requirements and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). The report should also state that those standards require the auditor to comply with the Auditing Practices Boards (APB) Ethical Standards for Auditors. Scope of the audit of the financial statements The auditors report shall cross refer to a Statement of the Scope of an Audit that is maintained on the APBs website, or is included elsewhere in the annual report. Otherwise the audit report should include a description of the scope of an audit. Opinion paragraph When expressing an unmodified opinion the auditors opinion shall state that the financial statements give a true and fair view in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. Opinion on other matters If the auditor addresses other reporting responsibilities in the auditors report, these shall be addressed in a separate section in the auditors report. Date of report The date of the auditors report shall be the date on which the auditor signed the report expressing an opinion on those financial statements. It must be dated no earlier than the date on which the financial statements have been approved by those charged with governance and the auditor has considered all necessary available evidence. Auditors address The auditors report shall name the location of the office where the auditor is based. Signature of the auditor The auditors report must be signed, this is normally the personal name of the auditor or, if a partner is signing on behalf of the audit firm, then the signature is of the name of the firm. Where the auditor of a UK company is a firm the report is signed by the senior statutory auditor in his/her own name, for and on behalf of the firm.


Components of audit risk Inherent risk The susceptibility of an assertion about a class of transaction, account balance or disclosure to a misstatement that could be material, either individually or when aggregated with other misstatements, before consideration of any related controls. Inherent risk is affected by the nature of an entity and factors which can result in an increase include: Changes in the industry it operates in. Operations that are subject to a high degree of regulation. Going concern and liquidity issues including loss of significant customers. Developing or offering new products or services, or moving into new lines of business. Expanding into new locations. Application of new accounting standards. Accounting measurements that involve complex processes. Events or transactions that involve significant accounting estimates. Pending litigation and contingent liabilities.

Control risk The risk that a misstatement that could occur in an assertion about a class of transaction, account balance or disclosure and that could be material, either individually or when aggregated with other misstatements, will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis by the entitys internal control. The following factors can result in an increase in control risk: Lack of personnel with appropriate accounting and financial reporting skills. Changes in key personnel including departure of key management. Deficiencies in internal control, especially those not addressed by management. Changes in the information technology (IT) environment. Installation of significant new IT systems related to financial reporting.

Detection risk The risk that the procedures performed by the auditor to reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level will not detect a misstatement that exists and that could be material, either individually or when aggregated with other misstatements. Detection risk is affected by sampling and non-sampling risk and factors which can result in an increase include: Inadequate planning. Inappropriate assignment of personnel to the engagement team. Failing to apply professional scepticism. Inadequate supervision and review of the audit work performed. Incorrect sampling techniques performed. Incorrect sample sizes.



Audit risks and responses Audit risk The finance director of Abrahams is planning to capitalise the full 22 million of development expenditure incurred. However in order to be capitalised it must meet all of the criteria under IAS 38 Intangible Assets. There is a risk that some projects may not reach final development stage and hence should be expensed rather than capitalised. Intangible assets could be overstated and this risk is increased due to the loan covenant requirements to maintain a minimum level of assets. The inventory valuation method used by Abrahams is standard costing. This method is acceptable under IAS 2 Inventories; however, only if standard cost is a close approximation to actual cost. Abrahams has not updated their standard costs from when the product was first developed and hence there is a risk that the standard costs could be out of date, resulting in over or undervalued inventory. The work in progress balance at the year end is likely to be material; however there is a risk that due to the nature of the production process the audit team may not be sufficiently qualified to assess the quantity and value of work in progress leading to misstated work in progress. Over one-third of the warehouses of Abrahams belong to third parties. Sufficient and appropriate evidence will need to be obtained to confirm the quantities of inventory held in these locations in order to verify completeness and existence. Consideration should be given as to whether an independent expert is required to value the work in progress. If so this will need to be arranged with consent from management and in time for the year-end count. Additional procedures will be required to ensure that inventory quantities have been confirmed for both third party and company owned locations. The standard costs used for the inventory valuation should be tested in detail and compared to actual cost. If there are significant variations this should be discussed with management, to ensure that the valuation is appropriate. Audit response A breakdown of the development expenditure should be reviewed and tested in detail to ensure that only projects which meet the capitalisation criteria are included as an intangible asset, with the balance being expensed.

In September Abrahams Ltd introduced a new accounting The new system will need to be documented in full and system. This is a critical system for the accounts preparation testing should be performed over the transfer of data from and if there were any errors that occurred during the the old to the new system. changeover process, these could impact on the final amounts in the trial balance. The new accounting system is bespoke and the IT manager who developed it has left the company already and his replacement is not due to start work until just before the year end. The accounting personnel who are using the system may have encountered problems and without the IT managers support, errors could be occurring in the system due to a lack of knowledge and experience. This could result in significant errors arising in the financial statements. Significant finance has been obtained in the year, 1 million of equity finance and 25 million of long-term loans. This finance needs to be accounted for correctly, with adequate disclosure made. The equity finance needs to be allocated correctly between share capital and share premium, and the loan should be presented as a non-current liability. The loan has a number of covenants attached to it. If these are breached then the loan would be instantly repayable and would be classified as a current liability. This could result in the company being in a net current liability position. If the company did not have sufficient cash flow to meet this loan repayment then there could be going concern implications. This issue should be discussed with the finance director to understand how he is addressing this risk of misstatement. In addition, the team should remain alert throughout the audit for evidence of such errors.

Check that the split of the equity finance is correct and that total financing proceeds of 35 million were received. In addition, the disclosures for this finance should be reviewed in detail to ensure compliance with relevant accounting standards. Review the covenant calculations prepared by Abrahams Ltd and identify whether any defaults have occurred; if so then determine the effect on the company. The team should maintain their professional scepticism and be alert to the risk that assets have been overstated to ensure compliance with covenants.


Audit risk

Audit response

The land and buildings are to be revalued at the year end, it Review the reasonableness of the valuation and recalculate is likely that the revaluation surplus/deficit will be material. the revaluation surplus/deficit to ensure that land and The revaluation needs to be carried out and recorded in buildings are correctly valued. accordance with IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment; otherwise non-current assets may be incorrectly valued. The reporting timetable for Abrahams Ltd is likely to be reduced. The previous timetable was already quite short; any further reductions will increase detection risk and place additional pressure on the team in obtaining sufficient and appropriate evidence. (c) (i) The timetable should be confirmed with the finance director. If it is to be reduced then consideration should be given to performing an interim audit in late December or early January, this would then reduce the pressure on the final audit.

Procedures to confirm inventory held at third party locations Send a letter requesting direct confirmation of inventory balances held at year end from the third party warehouse providers used by Abrahams Ltd regarding quantities and condition. Attend the inventory count (if one is to be performed) at the third party warehouses to review the controls in operation to ensure the completeness and existence of inventory. Inspect any reports produced by the auditors of the warehouses in relation to the adequacy of controls over inventory. Inspect any documentation in respect of third party inventory.


Procedures to confirm use of standard costs for inventory valuation Discuss with management of Abrahams Ltd the basis of the standard costs applied to the inventory valuation, and how often these are reviewed and updated. Review the level of variances between standard and actual costs and discuss with management how these are treated. Obtain a breakdown of the standard costs and agree a sample of these costs to actual invoices or wage records to assess their reasonableness.


Corporate governance Corporate governance is the system by which companies are directed and controlled. According to the UK Corporate Governance Code the purpose of corporate governance is to facilitate effective, entrepreneurial and prudent management that can deliver the long-term success of the company. Corporate governance considers the responsibilities of directors, how the board of directors should be run and structured, the need for good internal controls and the relationship with external auditors. It is important for companies to consider good corporate governance principles as often it is management or those charged with governance who run the company, but the owners are the shareholders and they are not involved in the running of the business. For these shareholders their only opportunity to raise concerns is at the annual general meeting, which only occurs once a year and often attendance is low. Shareholders need to ensure that their needs are taken into account by management, and that there is a process in place for them to be informed as to how the business is operating.


Corporate governance weaknesses and recommendations Weakness The chairman of Serena VDW plc, Daniel Brown, is both the chairman and chief executive. There should be a clear division of responsibility at the head of the company and no one individual should have such unrestricted levels of decision-making, as this can lead to an abuse of power. The board is comprised of four executives and two non-executive directors. There should be an appropriate balance of executives and non-executives, to ensure that the board makes the correct objective decisions, which are in the best interest of the stakeholders of the company, and no individual or group of individuals dominates the boards decision-making. Recommendation The roles of chairman and chief executive should be split and not performed by the same individual. Daniel Brown should remain as chief executive, but one of the non-executives should be appointed as chairman. Corporate Governance principles would recommend that the chairman should be an independent non-executive director. At least half of the board should be comprised of non-executive directors. Hence Serena VDW plc should consider recruiting and appointing an additional one to two non-executive directors.


Weakness The finance director is the only member of the board who reviews the financial statements and budgets. However, the board as a whole should be presented with an understandable assessment of Serena VDW plcs financial position and prospects. They should be aware of the financial implications of any business decisions made. The audit committee is comprised of two non-executives, the chairman and the finance director. The audit committee is supposed to be made up of independent non-executives as opposed to having executive directors as well. The chairman can, for smaller companies, sit on the committee provided that he is an independent non-executive, which is not the case for Serena VDW plc. The task of appointing and remunerating the external auditors is undertaken by the chairman and the finance director. This should be performed by the audit committee so as to strengthen the independence of the external auditors. If executive directors are responsible, the auditors may feel that if they do not provide an unmodified audit opinion then they could be removed. In order to reduce costs, Serena VDW plc has not established an internal audit function. The audit committee should consider the effectiveness of internal controls and internal audit could perform this role. Where there is no internal audit function, the audit committee is required to annually consider the need for one. The remuneration for the directors is set by the finance director and chairman. However, no director should be involved in setting their own remuneration as this may result in excessive levels of pay being set. Executive remuneration is comprised of a salary and annual bonus. However, the pay should motivate the directors to focus on the long-term growth of the business. Annual targets can encourage short-term strategies rather than maximising shareholder wealth. No member of the board of directors has been subject to re-election by shareholders for over five years. The shareholders should review on a regular basis that the composition of the board of directors is appropriate, and they do this by re-electing directors.

Recommendation The finance director should produce financial information and budgets and present this to either the audit committee or the full board. This will allow all directors to understand the financial position of the company and to make informed business decisions. The audit committee must be comprised of non-executives only; the chairman and finance director should resign from the committee. If Serena VDW plc does appoint additional non-executives, then they should be invited to sit on the audit committee as well.

The audit committee should have primary responsibility in appointing the auditors and in setting their remuneration.

Further consideration should be given to establishing an internal audit function. Both costs and benefits should be considered, as it is not sufficient to solely consider cost savings.

There should be a fair and transparent policy in place for setting remuneration levels. The non-executive directors should decide on the remuneration of the executives. The finance director or chairman should decide on the pay of the non-executives. The remuneration of executives should be restructured to include a significant proportion aimed at long-term company performance. Perhaps they could be granted share options, as this would help to move the focus to the longer term. The directors should be subject to re-election by the shareholders at regular intervals not exceeding three years. At the current years AGM it should be proposed that a number of the directors are subject to re-election. The remaining directors could then be subject to re-election next year.


Client confidentiality ACCAs Code of Ethics and Conduct addresses the area of auditor confidentiality and states that auditors acquiring information in the course of their professional work should not disclose any such information to third parties without first obtaining permission from their clients. Confidentiality is an implied term of auditors contracts with their clients. For this reason auditors should not disclose confidential information to other persons, against their clients wishes. The obligation of confidentiality continues even though a professional relationship has ended. There are, however, circumstances where auditors may disclose information to third parties without first obtaining permission. These can be categorised as obligatory and voluntary disclosures. Obligatory Auditors are obliged to make disclosure where, for example, there is a statutory right or duty to disclose, such as if the auditor suspects the client is involved in money laundering, terrorism or drug trafficking in which case they must immediately notify the relevant authorities. In addition, auditors must make disclosure if compelled by the process of law, for example under a court order or summons, under which they are obliged to disclose information.


Voluntary In certain circumstances auditors are free, as opposed to obliged, to disclose information without obtaining the clients permission first. These circumstances can be categorised into the four areas below: Public interest An auditor may disclose information which would otherwise be confidential if disclosure can be justified in the public interest. This would be perhaps if those charged with governance are involved in fraudulent activities. Protect a members interest Members/auditors may disclose information to defend themselves against a negligence action, disciplinary proceedings or if suing for unpaid fees. Authorised by statute/laws There are cases of express statutory provision where disclosure of information to a proper authority overrides the duty of confidentiality. Non-governmental bodies Auditors may be approached by non-governmental bodies seeking information concerning suspected acts of misconduct not amounting to a crime or civil wrong. Disclosure should only be made to those bodies with statutory powers to compel disclosure.


ISA 560 (UK & Ireland) Subsequent events responsibilities Period between the year-end date and the date the auditors report is signed The auditor shall perform audit procedures designed to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence that all events occurring between the date of the financial statements and the date of the auditors report that require adjustment of, or disclosure in, the financial statements have been identified. The auditor is not, however, expected to perform additional audit procedures on matters to which previously applied audit procedures have provided satisfactory conclusions. Period between the date the auditors report is signed and the date the financial statements are issued The auditor has no obligation to perform any audit procedures regarding the financial statements after the date of the auditors report. However, if a fact becomes known to the auditor that, had it been known to the auditor at the date of the auditors report, may have caused him to amend the auditors report, the auditor shall discuss the matter with management, determine whether the financial statements need amendment and, if so, inquire how management intends to address the matter in the financial statements. If management amends the financial statements, the auditor shall carry out the necessary audit procedures, extend the subsequent events testing to the date of the new auditors report and provide a new auditors report on the amended financial statements.


Humphries Ltd Receivable A customer, owing 03 million at the year end, is experiencing significant going concern difficulties. This information was received after the year end but provides further evidence of the recoverability of the receivable balance at the year end. Under IAS 10 Events after the Reporting Period, if the customer is experiencing cash flow difficulties just a few months after the year end, then it is highly unlikely that the 03m was recoverable as at 30 September. The receivables balance is overstated and consideration should be given to adjusting this balance, if material, through the use of an allowance for receivables or by being written off. The following audit procedures should be applied to form a conclusion as to the level of the adjustment: The correspondence with the customer should be reviewed to assess whether there is any likelihood of payment. Discuss with management as to why they feel an adjustment is not required. Review the post year-end period to see if any payments have been received from the customer.

The receivable of 03 million is not material as it represents 4% of profit (03/75) and 04% of revenue (03/78) and therefore, although overstated, it does not require adjustment. However, the 03m should be noted in the summary of unadjusted errors. As the error is immaterial then no amendment is required to the audit opinion. Lawsuit A key supplier is suing Humphries Ltd for 1 million and the company has made contingent liability disclosures. However, subsequent to the year end the supplier agreed to settle at 06 million and it is likely the company will agree. Although the settlement was agreed after the year end, it provides further evidence that the company had a present obligation as at 30 September. The financial statements should be adjusted with the contingent liability disclosures being removed and instead a provision of 06 million being recorded.


The following audit procedures should be applied to form a conclusion as to the level of the adjustment: The auditor should contact the companys lawyers to ask their view as to whether the settlement is probable and whether 06 million is the likely amount. Review the correspondence with the supplier to confirm that the amount they are willing to accept is in fact 06 million. Discuss with management as to whether it is probable that they will pay this sum and obtain a written representation confirming this.

The sum being claimed is 1 million but the probable payment is 06 million, this is material as it represents 8% of profit (06/75) and hence management should provide for this amount. If management refuse to provide then the audit report will need to be modified. As management has not complied with IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets and the error is material but not pervasive then a qualified opinion would be necessary. A basis for qualified opinion paragraph would be required and would need to include a paragraph explaining the material misstatement in relation to the lack of a provision and the effect on the financial statements. The opinion paragraph would be qualified except for. Warehouse The warehouse in Bass has been subject to a flood in late November; the entire inventory has been disposed of and the company has insurance in place. This event occurred after the year end and the flood would not have been in existence at 30 September, and hence this event indicates a non-adjusting event. The financial statements should not be adjusted; however, if the impact of any uninsured losses are material, then a disclosure of the nature of the event and any estimates of the financial impact may be required. If the amount is not material then it may not be necessary to include any disclosures. The following audit procedures should be applied to form a conclusion as to the extent of any disclosures: Discuss the matter with the directors, checking whether the company has sufficient inventory to continue trading in the short term. Obtain a written representation confirming that the companys going concern status is not impacted. Obtain a schedule showing the inventory destroyed and compare this to the average inventory in the other two warehouses to see if the amount claimed to be damaged is reasonable. Review any correspondence from the insurers, confirming the amount of the insurance claim to assess the extent of any uninsured amounts.

The amount of damaged inventory is likely to be material; however, the company has insurance and so it is only the uninsured level of inventory which should possibly be disclosed. If disclosures are not required, because the uninsured loss is immaterial, then there will be no reporting implications for the audit report. If disclosure of this subsequent event is required and management refuse to make these disclosures, then the audit report will need to be modified with a qualified except for opinion. If the impact of the uninsured level of inventory is such that the companys going concern status is impacted, consideration should be given to modifying the audit report opinion. This would involve including an emphasis of matter paragraph drawing attention to the possible risk in relation to going concern.


Fundamentals Level Skills Module, Paper F8 (UK) Audit and Assurance (United Kingdom)

December 2011 Marking Scheme Marks


Up to 1 mark per well explained implication and up to 1 mark for each well explained recommendation Multiple employees can be clocked in Weaker control environment Unauthorised overtime hours Payroll system errors not identified Payroll increases to be agreed by the board Written notification of pay increases to payroll department Night shift wages susceptible to risk of theft Factory supervisor not independent Absent night shift employees pay not secure over weekend Joiners/leavers notified on timely basis



Up to 1 mark per substantive procedure Agree wages and salaries per payroll to trial balance Cast payroll records Recalculate gross and net pay Recalculate statutory deductions, agree relevant to current year rates Compare total payroll to prior year Review monthly payroll to prior year and budget Proof in total of payroll Verify joiners/leavers and recalculate first/last pay Agree salaries paid per payroll to bank transfer list and cashbook Agree total cash withdrawn from bank equates to wages paid and surplus cash banked Agree tax liabilities to payroll and post year-end cashbook Agree the individual wages and salaries as per the payroll to the personnel records and records of hours worked per clocking in cards


Up to 1 mark per valid point Management responsibility to comply with law and regulations Auditors not responsible for preventing non-compliance Auditors reasonable assurance financial statements free from material error Law and regulations Direct effect responsibility Law and regulations Indirect effect responsibility Remain alert/Professional scepticism


Up to 1 mark per substantive procedure Discuss with directors whether formal announcement made of redundancies Review supporting documentation to confirm present obligation Review board minutes to confirm payment probable Cast breakdown of redundancy provision Recalculate provision and agree components of calculation to supporting documentation Review post year-end period to compare actual payments to amounts provided Written representation to confirm completeness Review disclosures for compliance with IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets


Up to 1 mark per well explained point Objectivity independence, status and to whom report Technical Competence qualifications and experience Due professional care properly planned and performed Communication between internal and external auditors

4 30


Marks 2 (a) Up to 1 mark per well explained component, being 05 for stating the component and 05 for an explanation Control environment governance and management function, attitudes awareness and actions of management Control environment made up of a number of elements (need to list at least 2 of these to score 1 mark) Entitys risk assessment process for identifying risk Information system relevant to financial reporting procedures and records to record an entitys transactions, assets and liabilities and to maintain accountability Control activities policies and procedures to help ensure management directives are carried out Monitoring controls assess effectiveness of internal controls Note to markers: Please award credit for reasonable explanations of internal control components, even if not listed above (b) Up to 1 mark per well described element Title Addressee Introductory paragraph Responsibility of those charged with governance and the auditor Scope of the audit of the financial statements Opinion paragraph Opinion on other matters Date of report Auditors address Signature of the auditor

5 10


Up to 1 mark for each component of audit risk (if just a component is given without an explanation then just give 05) and up to 1 mark for each example of factor which increases risk. Inherent risk Control risk Detection risk


Up to 1 mark per well explained risk and up to 1 mark for each well explained response. Overall max of 5 for risks and 5 for responses. Development expenditure treatment Standard costing for valuation of inventory Expert possibly required in verifying work in progress Third party inventory locations New accounting system introduced in the year Lack of support by IT staff on new system may result in errors in accounting system New finance obtained; loans and equity finance treatment Loan covenants and risk of going concern problems Revaluation of land and buildings Reduced reporting timetable



1 mark per well explained procedure, maximum of 2 marks for each of (i) and (ii) (i) Third pary locations Letter requesting direct confirmation Attend inventory count Review other auditor reports and documentation Standard costing Discuss with management basis of standard costs Review variances Breakdown of standard costs and agree to actual costs


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Marks 4 (a) Up to 1 mark per valid point System by which companies are directed and controlled Considers directors responsibilities, board structure, importance of good internal controls and relationship with external auditors Management run the business but shareholders own the company Shareholders only have annual general meeting to raise concerns Shareholders need process in place to ensure their needs met and kept informed (b) Up to 1 mark per well explained weakness and up to 1 mark per recommendation. Overall max of 6 for weaknesses and 6 for recommendations. Chairman is chief executive Two of six directors are non-executive, should be at least half Finance director alone reviews financial information and budgets Audit committee comprised of non-executives, chairman and finance director Finance director and chairman appoint and remunerate external auditors No internal audit function to save costs Finance director and chairman decide on the remuneration for the executive directors Remuneration all in form of salary and yearly bonus No director subject to re-election for the last five years (c) Up to 1 mark per valid point ACCAs Code of Ethics and Conduct auditors should not disclose information without client consent Confidentiality implied term of engagement contract Obligatory disclosure in certain circumstances Statutory right or duty to disclose Compelled by process of law Voluntary disclosure in certain circumstances Public interest Protect members interest Authorised by statute/laws Non-governmental bodies


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Marks 5 (a) Up to 1 mark per valid point Auditor shall perform audit procedures to identify subsequent events requiring adjustment or disclosure No need to perform additional procedures for areas already tested No obligation to perform audit procedures on financial statements after auditors report signed Discuss with management if fact known which may have changed audit report Determine if adjustments required, if so discuss with management If amended then audit adjustment, extend subsequent events testing, provide new auditors report (b) Up to 1 mark per valid point, overall maximum of 5 marks per event. Receivable Provides evidence of conditions at the year end Receivable to be adjusted via write down or allowance Review correspondence with customer Discuss with management Review post year-end period for cash receipts Calculation of materiality No audit report modification required Lawsuit Provides evidence of present obligation at the year end Provision required and not contingent liability disclosures Discuss with company lawyer Review correspondence with supplier Discuss with management and obtain written representation Calculation of materiality Type of audit report modification required Impact on audit report Warehouse Provides evidence of conditions that arose subsequent to the year end No adjustment required, possible disclosure of any uninsured sums Discuss with management whether sufficient levels of inventory to continue operating Obtain written representation that going concern status appropriate Obtain schedule of damaged inventory and review reasonableness Review correspondence with insurance firm to assess levels of uninsured goods Calculation of materiality Type of audit report modification required Impact on audit report

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