Five Years of
Education Reforms
Alif Ailaan 2018. 2013-2018 Five Years of Education Reforms in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Wins, Losses and
challenges for 2018-2023. Islamabad: Alif Ailaan. i-38 pp.
ISBN: 978-969-7624-10-2
Five years of
education reforms
Wins, losses and challenges
for the future
Fasi Zaka
Table of Contents
1.1 Framing the debate in 2018 6
Why provincial profiles,
and what they entail
5 1.2 Policy complexity and simple metrics 6
1.3 Beyond competition between provinces 7
1.4 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s unique challenge 7
Education reform in
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
9 2.1 Education sector plan 2010-11 to 2015-16 10
2.2 Education sector plan 2015-16 to 2019-20 10
2.3 Summarising the ESP into four themes 11
better in Khyber
What changed for the 3.1 Better government schools
3.1.1 Improved infrastructure & school facilities
Pakhtunkhwa 3.1.2 Area for play in schools & sports tournaments 14
3.1.3 Inclusion of technology and science initiative in
schools 15
4.1 The challenge of better spending 22
4. Key education 21
4.2 The challenge of better government schools 22
challenges for 4.2.1 Out of school children 22
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
4.2.2 Primary versus beyond primary schools 24
in 2018
4.2.3 Crisis of retention 24
2013-2018 Five years of education reform: KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Wins, losses and challenges for the future 2018-2023
1.1 Framing the the country and across both the private and the
public domain, very little learning takes place in
debate in 2018 Pakistani schools.
Why provincial profiles, and what they entail
¡¡ The imbalance in the supply of schools for This demand for education has constantly been
boys versus the number of schools for girls compromised by both historical neglect, and by
at the primary, middle and high school levels the very specific circumstances in the province.
No treatment of the context in which education is
The DER also generated significant debate offered to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s children can be
among political leaders, and provincial complete without taking into account the impact of
department representatives as they compare the migration. The province has been host to at least
performances of provinces relative to each other. three million displaced people from Afghanistan
since the 1980s, and has had to deal with the
Channelling the DER, the objective of this
internal displacement of millions in various waves
document is to provide a deeper understanding
since 2005, including substantial movement
within the province, from Swat, to Swabi, Mardan right direction. This report recognises this and
and the rest of the province in 2009, and from attempts to engage in a treatment of Khyber
the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Pakhtunkhwa given its unique context. This
at various occasions, perhaps most significantly context is marked with significant progress
from North Waziristan to Bannu, Dera Ismail towards improving education provision, as well
Khan, Hangu, Lakki Marwat, and Tank in 2014. as unique challenges that merit specifically
There has also been a substantial migration out tailored analysis taking stock of the gains, while
of Peshawar from among the elite and educated identifying what needs to be done to adequately
upper middle class, to other urban centres of the build on what has been achieved.
country, most notably Islamabad and Karachi—
We identify challenges and enduring gaps whilst
throughout the past decade and a half.
acknowledging meaningful progress that needs
The costs of this displacement have been two to quickly evolve and grow, in order to address
fold. The first is the pressure under which the the mammoth needs of the province.
government’s education resources have been.
Pakistan District Education Rankings 2017 has
This downward pressure has rarely, if ever,
shown that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has moved
been acknowledged in terms of province-
up the index and now leads the provision of
level policy instruments to deal with it. The
infrastructure at the primary level across all the
second is the depletion of the stock of high
provinces in Pakistan; however, at the middle
end human resources in the province, which
school level Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is at the second
has, anecdotally, had an impact on the quality
spot after the Punjab. Similarly, on the education
of teachers available to the province at large,
score and beyond primary readiness score index
and to elite private schools in particular. On the
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa lags behind the Punjab,
whole, education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and in
Islamabad Capital Territory and Gilgit-Baltistan.
FATA has suffered like few other places across
The reforms introduced during the current tenure
Pakistan. Whilst this document does not cover
have had some success in identifying closed
FATA, there is virtual consensus that whatever
schools, in recruiting teachers on the basis of
crisis in education that exists across Pakistan, or
merit and reducing teacher absenteeism in
in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is but a small sliver of the
government schools through accountability
crisis that FATA’s children have endured. Despite
mechanisms and in partially addressing the
all this, the people of both the province and FATA
issue of better spending by popularising the role
have consistently sought schools that offer a
of PTCs. Yet, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa continues to
quality education to their children.
suffer from an education system that is unable
Governments since 2008 have sought to address to produce high learning outcomes among its
the demand for education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa students; especially in that of maths and science.
through a series of reforms. The current
This document aims to contextualise the
government that took power in the province in
challenges faced in the provision of education
2013 has made substantial efforts to provide
across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and summarise
schools with key inputs, including improved
successes in education reform over the last
school facilities and infrastructure, increased
five years. In the coming five years, Khyber
budgetary allocations, and a new generation
Pakhtunkhwa may have a generational
of teachers recruited through a merit-based
opportunity to ensure that all children have
access to high quality education. This document
An analysis of education sector indicators attempts to frame how this opportunity may be
demonstrates significant movement in the utilised.
reform in
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
2013-2018 Five years of education reform: KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Wins, losses and challenges for the future 2018-2023
This includes an extensive situational analysis
of the education sector in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
and working statistical model for inputs. Second,
The Education Sector Plan 2010-11 to 2015-16
it identifies key obstacles over the past few
was conceived to be a working document and
years in delivering high quality education
a guideline for the preparation of the Annual
and employs lessons learnt from previous
Development Programme as well as a monitoring
experiences to sharpen the focus of objectives.
and evaluation tool to measure progress in the
The government’s effort to transition from an
sector during the five year period. The targets
exclusive focus on inputs delivery to ensuring
set in this document were in accordance with
inclusive access to education and institutional
the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and
reform is very visible in how the document reads
Education for All (EFA) targets of 2015 as stated
and the objectives and priorities it identifies.
by the Elementary and Secondary Education
Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. However, The challenges identified in the education
looking at the progress on the achieved sector plan point to an approach aimed at
targets, it is apparent that the plan was more addressing the lingering structural deficiencies
ambitious and less practical given the scale of in the education delivery apparatus of the state.
the challenge faced by the province especially While addressing structural inadequacies of
right after the 18th constitutional amendment the system may not yield visible output level
(which devolved education to the provinces) was changes in the immediate term, they are
passed. fundamental in ensuring a sustained pace of
improvement in medium and long terms. The
The plan highlighted key strategic areas of focus
challenges outlined in the sector plan are listed
which included::
¡¡ Increasing enrolment
¡¡ Weaknesses in data and information
¡¡ Improving quality management
¡¡ Improving infrastructure
¡¡ Weaknesses in budgeting and financial
¡¡ Non-formal education and community management
Education reform in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
¡¡ Limited capacity to deliver across the this report focuses on school education, we do
department not include an assessment of higher education
¡¡ Politicisation of employees or adult literacy programmes – though both
represent important areas of investment for
¡¡ The geography and social fabric of the
provincial governments.
1. Better government schools – According
Accounting for the aforementioned challenges,
to the NEMIS estimates, around 80% of all
the plan identifies the following priority areas of
the schools in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are
public schools. Similarly, around 75% of
¡¡ Redevelop approach to selecting and all the students enrolled at the primary to
training new teachers higher secondary levels in the province
¡¡ Redevelop teaching cadre employment rules attend government schools. Therefore,
the future of most of the children in the
¡¡ Establish a sustainable approach to the
province continues to be at the mercy of
provision of facilities
the government school that they are, or
¡¡ Launch new benefits aimed at children most could be attending. One of the major reform
at risk areas, possible in a short period of time,
¡¡ Scale up partnerships with the private sector and to scale is more accessible, better
quality government schools. Government
¡¡ Launch a draw down fund for use in
schools continue to offer the clearest path
emergency situations
for education reform which can change the
¡¡ Test and update population estimate for lives of the children from the least privileged
school age population and most vulnerable households in Khyber
¡¡ Develop district officials’ management skills Pakhtunkhwa.
¡¡ Account for inflation while setting education 2. Better quality of education – The education
budget challenge being faced by Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa and the rest of Pakistan
3. Improved data regimes – Accurate, robust 4. More budget spent more effectively –
and timely data is a critical component of Increases to the budget that do not translate
effective policymaking. Accurate and timely into improved utilisation are practically
data not only facilitates evidence based an ineffective value to the resource. The
policy interventions but also informs policy district component of the education budget
research that can steer policy making allocation since 2015 has been an important
apparatuses in the right direction. With the step in the direction of funds being available
formation of the Independent Monitoring closer to the schools for better utilisation.
Unit in the province, data driven monitoring However, the scale of the education
of schools has been made possible. The challenge in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa calls for
School Management Information System is more resources to be allocated to the sector
also being rolled out, phase-wise, for schools while ensuring that the money allocated is
across the province. These initiatives offer spent in the best manner possible.
unprecedented knowledge about the state
In the following sections of this document, we
of the education in the province tracking
attempt to highlight the positive steps taken
the schools, their infrastructure provisions,
to reform education provisions in Khyber
attendance rates and mobility of students
Pakhtunkhwa, and to frame the challenges that
across different schools.
remain broadly within these four overarching
thematic areas.
Education reform in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
for the
better in
2013-2018 Five years of education reform: KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Wins, losses and challenges for the future 2018-2023
What changed for the better in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
2013 with allocation of Rs 500 million and 180 sports grounds were
2013-2018 Five years of education reform: KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Wins, losses and challenges for the future 2018-2023
What changed for the better in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
system. Viewed from both angles, matric that are conducted within the schools,
and intermediate board assessments the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government
are a critical component of the system. has recently made efforts to popularise
the system of external assessments at
There has been a consensus that the
the primary and middle level as well.
quality of assessments needs to be
This is important for the education
improved dramatically to ensure robust
department to gauge the learning
tracking and management of talent. The
outcomes of the students and in order
boards of intermediate and secondary
to prepare policies accordingly. The
education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa this
department will conduct 5th & 8th
year have tried to move away from the
class assessments in March 2018 in all
decades-old pattern of the examination
government schools to assess learning
papers that put exclusive focus on
outcomes of students to provide data
rote memorisation as opposed to
points about the effectiveness of
gauging how well the students have
teaching. From next year onwards,
internalised concepts. From 2018
students from all the private schools
onwards, the exam papers for both
will also be participating in these
the matric as well as the intermediate
mandatory assessments based on a
classes will be set in order to assess
question bank related to the Student
the learning outcomes of the students in
Learning Outcomes (SLOs) instead of
accordance with the spirit of the latest
rote memorisation.
curriculum developed in 2006. Under
2013-2018 Five years of education reform: KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Wins, losses and challenges for the future 2018-2023
What changed for the better in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
2013-2018 Five years of education reform: KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Wins, losses and challenges for the future 2018-2023
Key education challenges for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in 2018
for Khyber
in 2018
2013-2018 Five years of education reform: KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Wins, losses and challenges for the future 2018-2023
For example, the challenge of out of school
children in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa across all three
tiers of schooling, and the persistently high
levels of student attrition beyond primary school 4.2.1 Out of School Children
due to a lack of schools or facilities cannot be
met without adequate funding. Building more According to the Pakistan Education Statistics
middle and high schools and ensuring that 2015-2016, there are 2.5 million children out
they are of good quality requires sustained of school in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Out of
political commitment for raising expenditure these children, around 445,411 are those who
above its already high levels. More importantly, should be attending primary school, and more
the manner in which funds are allocated and than 2 million are those that are missing out
used, highlights the persistent public financial on a middle, high or higher secondary school
management challenge not only in the Khyber education.
Pakhtunkhwa, but across the country.
Whilst the challenge of providing access to
A dilapidated and dated regime of rules that all children of primary school going age is yet
are supposed to prevent abuse tend to often to be resolved, the most significant test of the
neither mitigate fiduciary risk, nor allow for quick government’s resolve is to provide access to
spending on key areas. The result is the kind of children between the ages of 10 and 16 years
utilisation figures that Pakistan has had. There to middle, high, and higher secondary schools.
is also a pressing need to ensure that allocated However, there is a massive imbalance between
amounts are spent both comprehensively and the provision of primary and post primary
efficiently to ensure that they do not lapse. It is schools across the province.
also important to ensure that funds allocated
for education and its related departments are Girls are at a greater disadvantage with almost
not reallocated to other departments during half of all the girls (51%) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
the course of the fiscal year as was the case not attending the schools. This percentage of
earlier this year. The government of Khyber out of school rests at 23% for all the boys in the
Pakhtunkhwa made headlines in the news when province. Even at the primary level, where of all
Key education challenges for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in 2018
cumulative middle and high schools 2,639
by a ratio of 4:1. The disparity in 2,626
numbers means that students are 22,179
forced to travel further from their 22,363
homes to access schooling beyond 23,291
the primary level. This has repeatedly
been documented in education
2013-2018 Five years of education reform: KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Wins, losses and challenges for the future 2018-2023
the primary level and a significant 291,726 323,388 336,622 358,767 370,363
improvement at the high school levels if
compared over the last five years. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Between 2012 and 2017, enrolment Middle
in primary schools have increased High
Gender wise
Key education challenges for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in 2018
Despite these initiatives over the last few years, the gap between
the enrolment numbers of girls with that of boys has remained
almost constant each year. Therefore, this may be seen as
an indication to provide a seamless mechanism to expand
opportunities for females to retain in the system.
2013-2018 Five years of education reform: KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Wins, losses and challenges for the future 2018-2023
Key education challenges for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in 2018
of the schools etc. One of the major criticisms between curriculum and content. In Pakistan,
of government schooling is that government conversations among non-governmental policy
systems do not allow for any such effective circles are often focused on curriculum. It should
accountability mechanism. be noted that the curriculum is defined by basic
standards and guidelines. The more pressing
For any education system to afford its students
challenge for policymakers, and one that can
with the maximum opportunities to learn
be addressed on immediate footing is that of
and excel, teachers are the most critical
content. Content essentially means what the
stakeholders. A key issue that must be tackled
textbooks taught in school entail.
to produce a meritocracy within the teaching
profession is whether teachers’ promotions One issue that needs urgent attention is
should be based on seniority alone. The archaic ascertaining whether the content published in
manner of promoting teachers based solely on textbooks does justice to existing curriculum
their years of service sucks the motivation out standards and guidelines. The textbooks
from among teachers who are recruited on merit published by the government should be
and are looking for ways to climb the hierarchical invaluable instruments at the service of teachers
ladder based on their good performance. whose responsibility it is to make students learn
Another consequence of the current promotion and understand different topics for different
structure is that almost invariably, the most subjects as per the curriculum standards. The
“junior” teachers are allocated to lower classes first step in improving the quality of content
and as they become “senior” with years, they are taught to children is to issue contracts for
moved to higher classes. textbooks on a competitive basis overseen by a
technical committee formed by the government.
Any substantial improvements to the system
This will be a critical first step towards allowing
of education, and to the quality of education
children and teachers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
imparted, requires teachers to be provided
the access to modern and sophisticated
with more opportunities to grow based on their
instruments of learning that they deserve.
performance. Another important aspect of
this component is ensuring that teachers are Secondly, the medium of instruction is closely
equipped with both subject specific skills as linked to the delivery of the content. Both the
well as pedagogical standards. In order for the Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have shifted
system to have a sustainable supply of skilled their medium of instruction to English. They have
talent, the government needs to undertake some done this because of the preference that parents
very foundational reforms to the teacher training have anecdotally expressed in choosing private
centers such as Provincial Institute for Teacher schools because of this difference, and a desire
Education (PITE) across the province to make to have students to are competitive globally.
them more effective nurseries of teachers Starting from class 1, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
government introduced the content of the
.4.3.2 Challenge of Content textbooks in English three years ago. Each
Along with assessments and teachers, the subsequent year, the textbooks for the next
content that is taught to students in schools is class were translated and now the content being
a critical component of quality. It is important taught in government schools up to class 4
to note that there is a clear distinction level is in English. However, for such a radical
2013-2018 Five years of education reform: KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Wins, losses and challenges for the future 2018-2023
change it is imperative to know of the efficacy of machineries ensuring an adequate focus in the
the policy. How have teachers coped with such districts that required them the most. Quality
a change, to what extent are they complying education provision is among the most important
in instruction, and how has it affected pupils in equaliser in any society and hence it is critical
learning is important to assess in such a system for the government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to
wide change. examine the trends where some districts lag
behind others across different indicators. It is
4.4 Wide intra-provincial imperative that the provinces have the intent, the
plans and the resources to address these gaps.
disparities The following sub-sections provide rankings of
districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa across a range
Among the key challenges faced by all
of different metrics.
provinces in Pakistan is that of coherence,
consistency and integration across the various
4.4.1 Primary school infrastructure
districts in the province. Intra-provincial or
inter-district differences are substantial and they
have the potential to reinforce socio-political Alif Ailaan’s District Education Rankings 2017
grievances and other problems of both real contain four indices for districts from all over
and perceived distributional justice across the the country. The primary school infrastructure
province. The devolution of education to the index ranked all districts in the country based on
provinces under the 18th amendment was meant cumulative scores on availability of satisfactory
to ensure the provinces are autonomous in building, drinking water, electricity, boundary
making financial and administrative decisions. walls and toilets in schools. For this index, nine
It was also meant as a requisite structural out of the top ten districts in the country are from
shift for effective management of education at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The table below shows
the district level by “empowered” provincial all districts from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with
headquarters. This should have led to provincial provincial and national ranks for reference.
Key education challenges for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in 2018
Malakand and
11 13 KP 94.94 98.54 94.72 98.54 98.54 84.34
Protected Area
The focus of the government on fixing missing facilities at existing schools are showing results. So
much so that the inequity found in the range of education ranking scores in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is
not as wide as the range between the highest and lowest school infrastructure rankings in the other
provinces. However, the districts of Kohistan, Torghar and Shangla require special focus by the
2013-2018 Five years of education reform: KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Wins, losses and challenges for the future 2018-2023
Pakistan District Education Rankings 2017 also include an index for middle school infrastructure
using the availability of the same indicators in middle schools to calculate district scores. The table
below ranks all districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in addition to providing a column for national ranks
for each district as a reference.
Dera Ismail
20 58 KP 85.45 65.78 86.63 91.44 97.33 86.1
24 80 Torghar KP 68 56 48 76 64 96
Key education challenges for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in 2018
Malakand and protected areas and Swabi are ranked at the top two spots in not just Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa but also across the country as well. Batagram, Torghar and Kohistan are at the bottom
three ranks in middle school infrastructure.
The education score index included in the district education rankings 2017 was comprised of
measures for learning score, retention score and gender parity score. The learning score was
calculated using findings from ASER 2016 report, whereas retention scores was calculated using the
proportion of middle school enrolment as a proportion of primary school enrolment and high school
enrolment as a proportion of middle school enrolment for each district. The gender parity score was
calculated by taking out the proportion of girls and boys enrolment and retention between levels for
girls and boys. The table below shows the scores and ranks for districts from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Malakand and
4 40 KP 66.2 66.15 44.55 87.9
Protected Area
2013-2018 Five years of education reform: KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Wins, losses and challenges for the future 2018-2023
The District Education Rankings demonstrate that there is considerable inequity within the province
regarding schooling. The 25 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, on a national level districts are ranked
from being the 1st in the nation, to 141st. The education rankings in the province are from a high
of 81.62 to a shockingly low 20.67 (with only 24% of districts having a score of above 60). Gender
parity scores between districts exist from a high of 91.19 to a low of 32.67. Where a definitive
problem exists across all districts is in retention, which is in the highest range to 55.36 to a low of
Haripur, Abbotabad and Mansehra are the top districts in the province whereas Upper Dir, Buner,
Shangla, Torghar and Kohistan are at the bottom of the table.The challenge in the province is to
prioritise the worst performing districts whose scores are significantly below those of the upper
The beyond primary readiness index of the DER 2017 is meant to capture the imbalance between
primary and above primary schools available to students as well as the infrastructural health of
middle schools in each district.
Key education challenges for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in 2018
Provincial National Province/ Beyond primary Above-primary
District Infrastructure
Rank Rank Region readiness score to primary ratio
An agenda for 2018 – 2023
There are two pieces of legislation in the province assessments, and the framing of public policy that
that can help frame a better future for Khyber is committed to the cognitive and non-cognitive
Pakhtunkhwa’s children. The first is the Free and skills of the children of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This
Compulsory Primary and Secondary Education section proposes a few key areas of attention that
Act meant to address the absence of universal should guide the government’s reform efforts over
enrolment, and it includes punitive measures for the next five years.
parents that fail to enrol their children. While this
Act requires extensive investment in planning and
allocation of financial resources, it does provide
5.1 Improved quantum,
an essential fillip to the province’s struggle to efficiency and
ensure universal enrolment. The second is the governance of
education spending
already enacted Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Private
Schools Regulatory Authority Act 2017. This
Act can be an important instrument to expand
enrolment and improve quality across all schools, 5.1.1 Bringing out of school
but the government needs to exercise caution and children to schools
ensure that it does not overregulate the system in
The main thrust of reform between 2013 and
terms of compromising the private system’s ability
2018 has been to fix the existing school system
to continue to delivering quality education.
rather than expanding it significantly. This
The intra-provincial statistics regarding the consolidation of efforts makes sense in the first
performance of districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa phase of the reform process which is to fix and
show a considerable lack of achievement in some upgrade what already exists. However, efforts
districts, notably Battagram, Buner, Shangla, to enroll children out of school need as big
Kohistan, Torghar and Upper Dir. Perhaps this a concentrated push that can now be taken
will require the provincial government to treat advantage of with the roll out of the EMIS and
them as special districts that are provided with Out of School children survey. The government
attention that is substantially more than the must focus on all means that will help
general education sector plan. Such measures are dramatically increase enrolment in middle
inescapable if every child of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and high schools, especially for girls.
is to be provided an equal chance of getting a
One key instrument that may serve government
high-quality education.
to achieve universal enrolment is the Elementary
The gains made since 2013 are not permanent, Education Foundation (EEF), and a rapid
and without sustained efforts, a sharper focus and expansion of its role and capacity as was the
even stronger political will, these gains may suffer case with the Sindh Education Foundation (with
being erased. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s schools half a million children) and Punjab Education
require a singular emphasis on improved learning Foundation (with 2.5 million children), may serve
outcomes—and this means a renewed commitment to reach out to out of school children across the
to measuring quality, a dramatic improvement in province, quickly and efficiently.
Conclusion: An agenda for 2018 – 2023
Given that the cohort of out of school children level needs to expand from its pilot phase
is bigger for post primary groups, it will be and expansion in nine planned districts to all
harder to get them into school given their unique districts within the province. In combination with
and difficult circumstances. Therefore, the the EMIS, the potential to both assess school
reform push must also include an expansion level efficiencies and those aggregated for
of accelerated literacy programmes and both districts and the province will provide rich
community based schools that the government data about non-academic performance and
is already running. give schools greater flexibility in deciding how
to use and prioritise resources. Government
5.1.2 Provision of middle and high must expand the space for schools to make
schools determinations about the best use of resources
allocated to them.
The limited number of schools at the middle,
high and higher secondary levels is a critical
reason for dismal retention rates. Currently
5.2 Learning outcomes
82% of all schools are primary schools. If, and in public and private
when, quality increases in concert with retention,
students will hit a glass ceiling. Children will
either be prevented from accessing middle and Increased enrolment and retention in the
high school education because of an absence absence of learning merits scrutiny of education
of schools, or their middle and high school policy. Public sector investment in education
education will be compromised by dramatically need to be, at their core, about the skills that
worsening student-teacher ratios (as enrolment the system is imparting to children to deal with
rises to accommodate new entrants). The next the future. As classrooms become better, more
half decade requires that the education system teachers are inducted and missing facilities are
significantly expand on the provision of middle provided to more children in the classroom, it will
schools immediately, and high schools in the be imperative that enrolment and retention lead
longer run. During this expansion phase, a to actual learning.
particular emphasis needs to be on schools
for girls, as well as transportation facilities 5.2.1 Primary assessment
and other measures to enable girls’ access
to middle and high school, and to engender Primary education is too important a base to be
greater confidence among communities that assessed insufficiently. Many experts believe
their children—girls and boys—are safe and that a grade 5 (Class V) assessment is too late
secure whilst going to, attending and coming a juncture at which to measure the skills primary
home from school. schools should be imparting. The government
must explore adequate responses to criticism
5.1.3 Expansion of school level of a grade 5 (Class V) assessment as being too
budgeting late. Additionally, programmes currently being
piloted and expanded by the government in
The current devolution of budgeting and
areas like information technology and coding
expense tracking for both salary and non-
need to be assessed for learning outcomes if
salary level at the primary and middle school
2013-2018 Five years of education reform: KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Wins, losses and challenges for the future 2018-2023
gains from them are to be consolidated. or downloaded for further analysis. The media
in the province have used the IMU significantly
in their reporting, and used it as means of spot
5.2.2 Supporting maths and
checking data with the actual condition of
science learning in schools
schools. However, the need for the IMU to be
It is further proposed that going forward, more transparent is significant if it is to serve
learning outcomes in maths and science not just as a means of accountability for schools
need to be given due importance. Existing to the government, but also as a means for
data shows a low learning baseline in these two accountability of the government to its people.
domains in addition to English and Urdu writing; Furthermore, data from the current 5th and 8th
a state of affairs which cannot be allowed to class board examinations need to be similarly
continue given the critical importance of these made available in a detailed fashion online so it
two subjects in developing human capital, and can truly serve as a health check on the status
consequently, its link to the overall agenda of of the education department’s performance and
development. initiatives. Similarly, the out of school census
conducted by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Evidence also suggests that improvement
government needs to be made public as
in quality of learning in these two subjects,
soon as possible with a commitment on the
as well as of teaching, cannot only be linked
periodic regularisation of the same.
to the teacher’s competence but also to
environmental factors. Science fairs, festivals
and melas, development of local content and
5.4 Improved
human resource
delivery mechanisms that excite children
in and outside school, and sustained fiscal
support for maths and science needs to be
institutionalised across the province through
the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ESE department.
5.4.1 Effective means of teachers’
recruitment and trainings
5.3 Developing a
The current type of large scale recruitment being
conducted by the education department through
and transparent NTS is an organisational response to the need
Conclusion: An agenda for 2018 – 2023
potential teachers outside of just a written test legislate to create cover for what could be a
and their educational background. contentious form of improvement in the system.
More than 40,000 teachers have been recruited Merit based recruitment needs to be
through NTS merit-based recruitment processes followed up with lifelong career planning
in the province so far and another 17,000 are and management. The challenges linked to
being recruited on need basis at the school the career paths of the current as well as the
level. Taking into account the population growth newly recruited teachers, need to be addressed
in addition to the current trends of increasing at the sectoral level. In addition to that, special
enrolment numbers, the number of teachers focus needs to be given to formulating effective
required in the system is around 60,000. policies in order to retain the talent thus gathered
through the competitive recruitment processes.
Moreover, the teachers training system in the
province is orthodox and the new pilots were 5.4.3 Aligning the management
attempted only in few districts whereas the structures with the current
actual ambition of the government should be educational needs
to create a specialised body with a mandate,
board, budgets and ambitious targets to put At the districts level, a correct evaluation of the
in place a teachers training model that can working of management structures at district and
address the needs of the future of Khyber local level vis a vis local government systems
Pakhtunkhwa. should be made with a view to ensure the
following three aspects of the district structures:
5.4.2 Accountability, career attract quality human resources, should be able
planning and management to ward off any local level political influence
for teachers in teachers’ management and should have
an adequate capacity to initiate schemes and
The current data regime implemented through resource them.
the IMU and its OAMS is holding teachers
accountable for absenteeism and service At the provincial level, in addition to the
violations fairly effectively with some good information coming in from the districts the
results. However, teachers have not been government needs to examine how the
dismissed or significantly penalised for being management structures at the provincial
poor or delivering low quality teaching. Creating level can service the 21st century educational
information systems have helped tackle some needs of the province and explore whether
endemic problems of ghost schools, ghost there is any way of professionalizing them over
teachers, meddling in recruitment – but the time.
2013-2018 Five years of education reform: KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Wins, losses and challenges for the future 2018-2023
15 government schools an estimated 7.8% special needs are held back because of their
were thought to be dyslexic) – however there invisibility on account of the lack of accessible
needs to be a much broader push for the places, and that is especially true of children
inclusion of children with disabilities into and schools. This needs to change. An important
regular schools and incorporate special step moving forward is to bring the children with
needs education within the content of existing special needs under the ambit of the education
teacher training and induction programmes. department. Currently, there is a lack of
Article 25A has been increasingly discussed ownership based on the fact that they are under
nationally as education is now seen with more the social welfare department which also poses
urgency than has previously been done over the a challenge of capacity.
past several decades. However persons with