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The Ascension Guidebook of Light

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The Ascension Guidebook of Light

Welcome to the Ascension Guidebook of Light! My purpose in writing this book is not to preach but to teach the ways that I have found very useful upon my journey of discovering magic. It is supposed to be a collection of resources rather than an informative text. I wish to present some of the ideas, practices and techniques that brought me to where I am now. These are the practices that I have benefited from and wish to share. Find one that is useful to you! And use your own self to distinguish what is correct and what isnt. I also do not wish to provide fact as proof or evidence, if you desire, seek it yourself. I am of a very feminine nature so it is in this way that I have written. Also, nothing that is written is set in concrete. We are all unique in our ways and the universe is creative, so anything can happen! Just allow. Work through these pathways at your own pace, in your own way. We each have our own journey to discover. Come back to this book when you are ready for more! I began a focused input upon my spiritual journey in January 2013 when my father passed away, so I owe much of my love to him! With him missing physically I was thoroughly encouraged to find out what happens after death. It was odd but I could feel his presence within my very skin. Ofcourse, my viewpoint quickly changed from believing our energy was passed on only into the earth where we buried to being dispersed into our loved ones and the ones that we connected with in our lives. This gave an explanation to my extra strength. And it wasnt long till I found myself examining my own spirit which is still within my body, and still attached to a mind. I spent many days alone with my own company to ponder. Having already begun meditation practice the September before, I was directed down this path as I knew it would bring me the healing I needed. I had begun seeking out as many forms of healing as I could that would aid the passing of grief. As my grief passed I started to become engulfed by the idea of raising my vibration! I didnt know why but I wanted to become more vibrant! More conscious, more aware, more present, and more loving. Something that really fascinates me is energy. It is purely magic in my eyes! And I want to ever come closer to the source of where it is coming from for I believe that is where I came from also. And so I repeat to myself I am on my way home. So I write this book as a guide for those too who are seeking out an adventure! Who wish to also find the source of light in which magic emanates from and whom also wish to seek peace, love and joy within themselves, within others and within all of existence. With the decisions we make now we ourselves can become beings of light and aid in the positive transformation of mother Earth.
I open my heart to the language of light, Receiving with grace the gift of second sight. Prepare the way for the great rebirth, The co-creation of heaven on Earth. Peace on Earth.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om.


Lets begin!

Crystals were my first mode of healing that I found. Theyre fascinating! From the core of Mother Earth herself they are heated by Father Suns light. They are pure light consciousness stored within rock! They aid in endless ways upon all of your bodies, mentally, physically, emotionally and energetically. You dont even have to know that they help, just having them around releases positive vibrations into the atmosphere. They are light vibrating into the physical world. Yes, I said crystals are consciousness! They have names and faces and can speak to you if you connect with them enough. I am often able to know the name of the stone before I look it up. Miraculously the other day I was shown the crystal forming at a base of a mountain as the mountain grew when I asked where it came from! They are very intelligent and are here on earth for their own specific purposes, given roles to play and tasks to carry out. Dont be upset if your crystal runs away from you, its job is finished with you and it on its next mission! Crystals are like friends, they want to be taken places and shown people. They want experience just like you! Show them the world and the way we live and in turn they will help everything around you. So which crystals should you begin with? There are literally hundreds of thousands of different tyoes. The best way to begin is to find a crystal store and find one that stands out. If you like its colour, shape, texture. This is the one for you! I first discovered crystals when I wore this necklace I found with stones wrapped in it and it brought me great comfort to wear. Though, my mother gave me my first piece of amethyst which brought me my first realisation that they were magical stones.

Amethyst to me brings great comfort and relief. Its a type of quartz so it is an amplifier of energy and can be easily cleansed with water. It is a holder of the violet flame and is a manifestation of the Ascended Master, St Germaine. It is a marvellous healer, transmuting condensed negativities, anger, stress, fear, into pure vibrations of peace and relaxation. Amethyst will also aid you in a restful sleep and aid in dreamwork.

Apophyllite is very special to me. It is of white light and aids the crown chakra, connecting you to higher sources of energy. It too is a powerful healing stone so it kinda feels like it sources in pure energy rather than pulling you out of your body. It is a very visual stone and holding it to your third eye will undoubtedly awaken your clairvoyancy. It is very useful for dreamwork also. Apophyllite and amethyst I take everywhere with me. Ill let you do the exploring with crystals as they become very personal.
An excellent source I use regularly for learning the healing properties of the stones is http://www.healing-crystals-for-you.com/index.html

I want to speak of orgonite as it is a miraculous concept, conceived by Nicola Tesla, which transmutes all electromagnetic frequencies and diseased energy that is harmful to us from wifi, cell towers, television broadcast and all technology! It combines natural and unnatural materials, so the energy channels through, bouncing around going positive-negativepositive until it neutralises. It then goes through a quartz crystal which creates a spanking new clean energy. Its amazing! One piece of orgonite can reduce up to half of the radiation from a cell tower. Its important to make and place these as there are many sea birds becoming lost during their migration. Also the insects are dying out due to confusion in navigation.
Heres a good doco on the problems of cell towers http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/resonance-beings-frequency/ And here is all the information youll need to understanding and making your own orgone generator! http://www.orgonite.info/

Ethereal Crystal Reiki

This healing modality uses the pure energy of crystals that are derived from the etheric realms. Personally, I use this energy daily, it is very helpful. The energy used is much more potent than that of a physical crystal and can be called upon for use of virtually anything! You can insert various crystals into yourself which can be of extreme aid at times. It can be placed inside of other people, especially helpful if you are performing a healing. The crystals energies can embody a room or space, be placed in water for an elixir, or in your food! Once the crystals purpose has been served the energy disintegrates and disappears.
Here is a manual on Ethereal Crystals: http://www.reikihealingacademy.com/mandalas/Ethereal%20Crystals%201%209%20REVISED%20Manual.pdf You may attune yourself if you have contact with your higher self or you may contact myself and i can attune you. I was attuned by Sherry: http://sherryspeaks.com/

Meditation is one of the most important modals youll want to focus upon on your adventure. Meditation practices and strengthens your state of awareness and presence. By sitting down and closing your eyes you are able to focus on things within yourself (and without) that you would normally be too distracted to observe. Meditation means something completely different to everybody. So make it your own unique time to express yourself to yourself.

Vipassana is the practice of the observation of sensations, without judgement and without attachment or aversion. It practices equanimity and impermanence. This is extremely helpful in reducing your ego as it focuses upon the pure action, cancelling out the automatic reaction. 10 Day courses of Vipassana teachings are run worldwide, and in every state of Australia, at centres founded by S. N. Goenka. There is no fee required. The course is run in noble silence so it takes you very deep within yourself, allowing you to work on very subconscious problems. I found it clearing a lot of my anxieties and fears. Though it is very confronting it is also very beautiful to spend time with yourself giving yourself absolute care and attention. There is much to learn from the course..that its just best you find out yourself! It is well worth the experience.
http://www.bhumi.dhamma.org/ Doing Time, Doing Vipassana, a documentary about Vipassana and its use in an indian prison: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8tZX3dGSM8

Annapana is the objective observation of your natural breath. I recommend this technique for all that are just beginning meditation. It will help greatly to train you monkey mind that stops you from being present. Focus upon the breath within your nose; do not worry about your throat or your lungs. You breathe both consciously and unconsciously so by observing the natural breath (without altering it purposely) you are able to bridge that gap and consciously focus upon your unconscious. If your mind strays from your breath, do not bring up emotions and condemn yourself for it but accept the moment. Now you have come to observe your thought, rendering it powerless. Casually avert your attention back to your breath. If you can only focus for 5 seconds, next time try 6! Try and stay focused for 5 or 10 minutes straight.

This is the intake of prana with regulated breathing. Take long deep breaths using your abdomen and stretching it upwards. The Tibetans practice archery and pranayama at the same time. So imagine your diaphragm rising into your chest like your pulling a bow. Breathe 6-7seconds in, hold for 1-2 seconds, 6-7 seconds out, hold for 1-2 seconds. It has been found that without that moments hold no prana will flow in. The prana enters your body from your perineum, between your anus and vagina or scrotum, and the top of

your skull, through your pranic tube (width of your wrist) Find your own rhythm that is comfortable.

Energy body (chakras)

This is the fun! Where you see you are magic Your entire body is a collection of energy so its important to take care of your energy body! It is responsible for your physical body (your blood and bone) your emotional body (your emotions across your entire body) and your mental body (the way you think and behave). We have hundreds of tiny centres across the body called meridian which are prime centres for prana. They store, receive and send energy. They are like a network of communications linked by your nervous system. There are 13 major energy centres within the body but to begin you should first look at 7 of them. Because they are centres of life force, they are responsible for your mentality associated and different emotions you have and for the functionality of your physical organs. Because we are beings of light, each chakra is focused upon a specific shade of the spectrum. They are all building blocks upon each other and the human consciousness evolves with the chakras throughout our life, using all of them by the age of 13. Root Chakra (red)
Located at the perineum. Connected to the adrenal gland. Responsible for your basic primal instincts and material belonging to the world. Survival, food, fighting, reproduction, money, safety, security

Sacral Chakra (orange)

Located at the abdomen. Connected to the gonad or ovary. Also called the sex chakra as it is the energy for those sexual energies and physical pleasure of life. Enjoyment, pleasure, creativity, abundance, sensuality, sexuality.

Solar Plexus (yellow)

Located about an inch above the navel. Connected to the pancreus. Power in interaction and power to make things happen. Energy to bring assertion to yourself, marking boundaries and taking your ideas and acting upon them. Willpower, self-discipline, ego, personal power.

Heart Chakra (green)

Located in the chest. Connected to the thymus. Its the bridge between the lower three chakras and the upper three chakras. Your loving relationship with yourself. Love and emotion, self-nurture and self-care.

Throat Chakra (blue)

Located in the throat. Connected to thyroid. Self-expression, communication, connection, listening and relating.

Third Eye (indigo)

Located in between the brows. Connected to the pituitary gland. Clear intention and manifestation is present here. Psychic, intuitive, clear-seeing.

Crown Chakra (violet)

Located at the top of the head. Connected to the pineal gland. Spirituality, higher consciousness and higher awareness. Connection to divine energies.

If you find after examining your chakras that one is not sufficiently working, is dull or clogged up, spend time with it. Exercise it! Try drawing lines across it like your stroking it. Rotate the chakra one way and then the other. Visualize the colour of the chakra becoming more vivid. Spend time with that colour. Wear the colour on your clothes, eat the same coloured fruit, notice that colour in your surroundings. Expand the chakra to the width of your pranic field, which is your arms length. Mantras work too, "My throat chakra is healthy and functioning at its best."Be creative, and find something you like, it is your intention that you are predominately using. Once you feel confident with your energy body by using the 7-Chakra System, move onto the 13-Chakra System. You whole energy body will shift and realign with this new knowledge. Its important you begin to examine the basic 7-Chakra system, as this is the system you have been using all of your life, and then advance to the more complex system when you are ready. The 13-Chakra System has the major chakras evenly placed throughout your body. The spacing is the same space from between your chin and the tip of your nose or the distance between your eyes. This system is the true nature of your being. You can learn this in detail in Drunvalo Melchizedeks work the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Vol. 2

Spirit Science and Thrive

The entire Spirit Science series is fascinating and is a valuable resource for learning spirituality.

Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? Is a marvellous documentary about free energy.

Mudras stimulate the meridians within your hands by connecting them in various positions. They stimulate various aspects of the energy body.
http://www.eclecticenergies.com/mudras/indexemotional.php I generally use the Dhyana mudra in meditation. It is very calming and relaxing to the whole body, which is perfect for creating stillness. Left hand over right for male, right over left for female. Tip of the thumbs touch lightly.

Kundalini is a type of sexual energy that is stored in your perineum. You can either have a Kundalini orgasm or a tantric orgasm (intercourse). The Kundalini permanently

evolves your energy body into a higher state, increasing its potential. It appears to have its own consciousness separate from yours, taking form of a serpent, and erupting like fire. I cannot say exactly how to get her to rise, for I have only recieved this experience once and it happened quite automatically. Quick, repetitive breaths followed by long, deep breaths seem to stir her, also opening and closing the perineum. Vocal expressions are useful. Though you can evoke her to awaken, she will retreat the moment you move closer to her, as is the nature of a snake. Very taunting and illusive. Be careful about provoking her, she may strike viciously even if youre not ready and some people undergo serious pain and illness during the process. I dont believe you can be taught how to do this and its something you just work out for yourself when you are ready. Her energy is very unique and obvious. She is easy to distinguish and you will know Kundalini when you meet her. She is apart of your being. She lives within you, resting asleep. Kundalini will want a clean energy vessel to travel through so all of your chakras must be healthy and aligned. Blue kyanite is powerful at balancing your chakras. The serpentine crystal holds Kundalini energy within it so carrying that with you will adapt you to her power.

Astral Travel and Lucid Dreaming

I have only ever caught glimpses of astral travelling and lucidly dreamt a few times but it is well worth the try, if you can! Astral travelling is the practice of leaving your body whilst in a deepened state of awareness and travelling to anywhere you desire within the universe! Lucid dreaming captures the same idea but instead of already being aware and leaving, you leave your body in your dream state and then become aware. There is much information on the internet about these tools.

If you are engaging in sexual activities, it is important that you learn to ankh your orgasm. This means that you are containing the energy you source within your being, which is very good for you; as opposed to releasing it back out into the universe and losing some of your energy also.

Sacred Space of the Heart

This meditation is very divinely incredible! Within the heart there is a known space which is the precise central point in which your bodys, and your hearts, toroidal flow meets. It is the exact centre of your consciousness. Your speck of god within. It has been proven this place exists yet it is so miniscule that research institute HeartMath are still trying to find it. In this space you have access to the infinite. You have access to any source you seek. May it be a spirit, a space or a piece of information. It all exists within you! And it is very simple to access!

It is taught in Drunvalo Melchizedeks work Living in the Heart. http://www.scribd.com/doc/27272740/Living-in-the-Heart-by-Drunvalo-Melchizedek

Mer Ka Ba
I believe that this is the most important meditation that anyone is to learn at this time of creation. The Mer Ka Ba exists within the highest vibrating form of your being, your light body. It is a conscious grid within your field that can be used to be a vehicle between dimensions, to transcend your physical being into any existence, outside of space and time. It is your vessel to ascension.
The Mer Ka Ba is briefed here: http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/sep2/merkaba.htm The process to understanding and living the Mer Ka Ba is taught by Drunvalo Melchizedek in his books The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Vol 1 & 2 http://www.scribd.com/doc/46987809/Drunvalo-Melchizedek-Ancient-Secret-of-the-Flower-of-LifeVol-1 http://www.scribd.com/doc/52765577/Drunvalo-Melchizedek-Ancient-Secret-of-the-Flower-of-LifeVol2 http://www.scribd.com/doc/9847629/Drunvalo-Melchizedek-Merkaba-Meditation Here is Drunvalo Melchizedeks Earth Sky Heart workshop: http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/7404669/Drunvalo_Melchizedek__Earth_Sky_Heart_Workshop_2011__ndash__Day

Divine Presence
The divine is absolutely all that is. It is the source in which all of existence, consciousness and bliss comes from. But our awareness can not always comprehend this amount of love so its useful to invoke the divine through something that we can recognize. If you find the divine in your apple tree, that is great! Continue to speak to the apple tree and invite the tree into your heart, asking you be filled with divine love. It is evident though that communicating to beings such as the Ascended Masters is much easier to do! The Ascended Masters are human incarnations whom have accomplished ascension into the light but remain among the earth to aid the rest of humanity in achieving ascension also! Connect with them! They are very powerful beings, readily willing to help. Just call their name! They are all different aspects of the light of the Ascended Masters so connect with each of them and find whom you relate to well. They include the St. Germaine, El Moruya, Jesus, Mother Mary, Moses, Buddha, Quan Yin, Vishnu, Ganesh, Lahkshmi, Avalokiteshvana Shiva, Archangel Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Azuriel, Ariel and The Green Man. (you can invoke a spirit by simply calling their name)

It is important to invoke divine presence through a face that you can relate to otherwise youll be calling upon this infinitely vast space which is very hard to relate to. I did this for quite some time and its remarkable how much easier Jesus is to speak to than the universe. They can bring through the divine to you. When you are creating a face for your divine, speak to this face, and ask it to always be present with you. Give it your intentions you need help accomplishing and tell it what attributes you wish to see in it? Shall your divine bring you strength, courage and nobility? Shall it be comforting and warm, loving, like a mother? Your divine will become what you need it to be. Just tell it. Build upon this relationship with your divine, make it personal to you. Ask your divine that it may become a clean vessel in accessing the divine presence. *Invoke Archangel Michael for protection. He is the guardian of the Earth and his consciousness is directly linked to Mother Gaia. He will offer absolute guidance and protection.

Oneness originated in India and is the work and intention of Sri Bhagavan and Amma Bhagavan. It is a collection of blessing-givers whom bless the divine presence into recipients by a deeksha with the intention of awakening you to the truth of your essence. There are over 1.5 million people receiving oneness blessings worldwide, it is a very powerful pool of energy that is rapidly growing in consciousness. Receiving these blessings are very beneficial to your awakening, to your expansion into love.
Online deekshas are given daily on this webpage: http://www.onewithlife.se/om/index.asp?valdzon=UTC9

Mind, Body, Soul

It is important that as you progress you start to respect your body and treat it as a temple. Though the foods we eat are not killing us or making us terribly ill, they are preventing you from growing as an energetic being. You will begin to start intaking more pure energies into your body and find them benefiting your wellbeing, It is important to remove toxins from your diet such as alcohol, caffeine and sugar. As you are cleansing yourself and begin to store alot more prana within you, your body will be releasing the toxins within each cell. It doesnt help your growth to continue to ingest toxins. Fresh foods ,(fruit, veges, and nuts). contain high amounts of prana and are a higher source of light. Eat organic or home-grown where possible. You are eating and integrating the conscious of another living being. Avoid meat, or monitor your meat intake. A vast majority of meat is not healthy for your energy body. Avoid processed foods, they contain many unnatural ingredients which are most certainly not beneficial. The regulators, food acids, preservatives etc. Avoid the microwave!!! ..and become interested in food combinations, there are many foods that go well together, and many that dont. Herbs are natures remedies and are here to help! Intake as many as you can! Sage(sage thyme, oregano), Ginseng, Spirulina, Gingko, Brahmi, CoQ10, Mugwort, Gotu Kola, Yerba Mate, dandelion, hemp, chlorophyll, amino acids. These will help with your energy system.

Eat as you wish but begin to become conscious of your stomach and how it feels. Do not deprive yourself of the things you love but ease yourself way away from them.

Drink as much water as possible daily. You are undergoing incredible changes when you start to intake more energy. Your cells are releasing toxins and begin evolving. You are evolving from being a carbon-based life form to a crystalline form, the whole planet is! And as this occurs our bodies become very dehydrated, so quench that thirst! Hot water and herbal teas! They have their many benefits. Water has a miraculous memory as discovered by Dr. Masaru Emoto.

Placing intention into your water can create healthy elixirs! I have just discovered the wonder of cold showers! When you change from hot to cold you are rapidly changing your blood flow from being close to the skin and very open, to condensing around the heart. It strengthens your circulation. This has many benefits including mood regulation and hormonal production. Stop drinking fluoride. It calcifies your pineal gland, your spirituality muscle in your brain, turning it from a muscle into a bone. Drink rainwater or if thats not available drink distilled water. Also avoid using fluoridated toothpaste.

Continue to exercise your body, increasing your energy flow. Stretch your body and take up yoga! This is so helpful in keeping your energy functioning correctly. Ive found the fun by doing handstands, acrobats and some martial arts.

Sound Healing
Sound healing is the first form I found because I could heal myself just by listening to music. Wonderful! It is very effective also and these days I rarely go beyond healing music. Concert pitch in 432hz instead of 440hz resonates more relevantly to the universe. 432hz is the foundation for sound healing.

Some sound healers i have discovered include: Jonathon Goldman, Steven Halpern and Dean Evenson. Shanti music is very consciousness expanding. Youll find a great use of mantras in the songs, many of which are invoking the divine presence into your being which can lead to miraculous altered states. Some beautiful artists include: Bahramji, Maneesh de Moore, Maureen Ji, Darpan, Shimshai, Bhagavad Das, Sacred Earth, Mooji, Omkara, Snatam Kaur, Nick Barber The solfeggio scale is a scale with specific frequencies based of pythagoras logic and is said to heal you towards liberation.

http://www.somaenergetics.com/forgotten_in_time.php http://attunedvibrations.com/solfeggio-scale/

Brainwave entrainment (BWE) such as Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones are very beneficial in exercising your brain. By sending two different frequencies to your ears, your brain tries to correct the frequencies, in turn resonating with the difference. Say 100hz and 104hz, your brain would fall into a delta state at 4hz. Isotones use pulses. I was going through a solid depression for a few months and after two days of using delta entrainment I was laughing again! It was miraculous improvement and the studies show it! Discover whether you prefer to use binaural beats or isochronic tones.
http://free-binaural-beats.com/ Here is information on each frequency and how it affects you. http://lunarsight.com/freq.htm

Sun Gazing
This is one of the most beautiful practices, being healed by the sun! The staring at the sun within the first hour or last hour of the day, there are no UVs that could damage your eyes, and a free access to the Suns prana! I have found very rapid advancements within myself through this practice even removing me from lethargy i was suffering. Utilize the suns energy firsthand!

Pranic Healing
Pranic healing focuses on the energy body of a person and on clearing out the auric field. Unlike Reiki it is hands off and instead of channelling a specific energy from a certain deity it uses prana, qi, the life force energy! It is very simple to learn and I have performed many healings with wonderful results!
It is from Master Chao Kok Suis Pranic healing book that I learnt this technique. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/494410.Pranic_Healing http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/6541266/Pranic_Healing-Mantesh

Ka Shem Sekhem
Ka Shem Sekhem is a form of reiki that was used in ancient Egypt but has been lost until recently. It is a living light energy source, so it has a consciousness and is very intelligent! It knows exactly where the root problem lies and how to deal with it. I have only recently begun practicing with Sekhem but I can tell you it is powerful!

I received my first attunement from: http://www.vibrational-alchemy.com/kashen/intro.htm

Dont forget you are always able to attune yourself to any energy because the energy already exists within you. The attunement purely just makes you aware of this potential. Know this before you purchase attunements.
Here is a valuable self-healing technique that I had learnt before I learnt Sekhem. Simply channel life force energy or prana instead of Sekhem. I use this technique every night as I sleep. http://www.vibrational-alchemy.com/kashen/Connecting_with_Sekhem.pdf

Ayahuasca is a very sacred hallucinogenic medicine native to the Amazon. She is directly linked to the consciousness of mother Gaia, a part of her incarnated as a vine. She is a direct link to the Spirit Realms bringing us access to the higher planes of existence. I owe much of my awakening to her. Open yourself up to journeying a shaman of Mother Ayahuasca and join her in a ceremony. She is a marvellous teacher!
Here Darpan explains Ayahuasca: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NTINQnz5Ww

Your relationships are energetic tethers between yourself and the other person. Every time you interact with the other person you are transferring those energies that you hold within you. In saying, the relationship relies on your part. You can heal this cord on your own accord, without the presence of the other party. Once this tension is released, you yourself will be freer within. A lot of tension is stored within relationships between your parents, siblings and love acquaintances. Begin with these. Invoke your divine presence to be with you as you heal your relationship. Visualize the other person present, you will need to apologize for all of the hurt and pain that you have caused to them and you will need to forgive them for all the hurt and pain that they have caused. Accept any emotion that comes up and any situation in which there is pain stored. Sit and make sure. Once all of this has been cleared send your own love to the other person and be open to receive. Ask your personal divine that there be divine presence within your relationship. You will also need to heal your inner child as the majority of us encountered problems within our childhood as we were growing up.
Here is a very helpful article on inner child healing: http://www.healing-crystals-for-you.com/healing-the-inner-child.html

Celestial White Beings

The Celestial White Beings are beings of white light whom have come to Earth to spread the light of the Creator. They are very powerful healers and will help you if it is the light that you seek.

Violet Ray of Light

The violet ray is the final colour of the 7ray spectrum and is the bridging colour ray to the 5 higher rays now present on earth. It is the flame of completion. St. Germaine is an embodiment of the violet flame and is working upon shedding this light into our beings so that we may ascend into the higher realms. He is an alchemist, giving us the gift of self-tranformation. The violet flame is a very powerful healer. The amethyst crystal is a gift brought to us by St. Germaine, a crystal embodiment of the flame. Call upon the violet flame under St. Germaines guidance. Envision the flame coming down into your being and embodying you entirely. Guide it into every space and especially work on the condensed spaces asking that the flame transmute your negativities into purity. Extend the flame around your body, working on all of your bodies. Allow 15minutes or so.
http://thevioletflame.tripod.com/ Information on the 12 Rays of Light can be found here: http://www.antraeus.co.uk/thetwelverays.htm If you are wishing to become a being of light then attuning yourself to each ray will aid upon the embodiment.


Psychic Intuition
Everybody is psychic! We all have the ability. And its just a matter of sensitivity. Your psychic intuition will develop automatically through consistent meditation, work on your energy body, crystal work, and activities that raise your vibration. When you receive psychic information you are accessing the higher etheric realms. As you raise the vibration of your being, you are coming closer to these living realms that are not tangible upon this physical plane. Stillness is the key. Your mind is the main keeper of your physical presence. Train your mind to be still with the Annapanna technique and you will find yourself in a different state of existence. When you create stillness you are in fact raising your vibration and building a bridge into the spirit realm, making it easier for the spirits who often have to lower their vibration to be able to contact us. With a higher vibration of being, you can commune with the spirits. Make contact with first your higher self.
I was helped greatly in psychic development by Anna Sayce http://www.psychicbutsane.com/ She has many great articles on her website. If you are interested in her Psychic Awakening course contact me and I am happy to share!

Psychic Gifts
There are various ways in which you will be able to receive information. Each of us will receive it differently. Clairvoyance- Seeing spirit with your minds eye. Having visuals. Artist have well developed clairvoyancy. Clairaudience- Hearing spirit with your inner voice. Hearing voices and sounds. Musicians will have a well developed clairaudience. Clairsentience- Feeling spirit with your gut. Emotions and desires communicated to you. Empathetic people have well developed clairsentience. Claircognizance- Knowing spirit with your intuition. Information and ideas appearing. Writers have well developed claircognizance Dreaming- Contacting spirit in your dreamstate. The ability to decode and remember information relayed to you in your dreamstate. Each gift is unique and helpful to you. You are not limited to the ones you are natural at, you can train each ability, though it is helpful to begin with your natural gift and understand that spirit can communicate to you in all of these ways.

Higher Self
Your higher self is the consciousness that you are and exists in both lower and higher dimensions. Imagine that this segment that you experience is your consciousness imprisoned within your physical body but because you also extend beyond your body, you have access to the other parts of you in other dimensions. Your higher self has access to a lot of information so it is very helpful to link up with your higher being. There are many techniques that will bring you closer to your higher self and as you practice youll realise that you are always connected and you can automatically connect. I will present two techniques that I had learned. ---Intend to make contact with your higher self. Breathe in and out a couple of times with the ratio of 1:2 (3 seconds in, 6seconds out). Your outbreath relaxes and calms you and is helpful for meditation. Create stillness within you. 1)Select a place to meet your spirit and decide how youll get there before your mediation. When I met it was in a tall tree and I climbed up to the top branch. It can be anywhere. In a spaceship, in an office, in a flower. Now, open up your chakras to the width of your pranic sphere, the length of your arms outstretched. Then begin to travel to the meeting place. Take your time, expanding yourself into a higher state as you do. 2)Open up all of your chakras. Imagine your consciousness as a sphere of white light sitting at the bas of your spine. First send that sphere into the core of the Earth then slowly bring that sphere up your spine, then up and out of the top of your head. Continue expanding higher to the top of the room. Once you are in these states, make contact with spirit. Chapter 16, pg 393 is a marvellous description of the Higher Self.
http://www.scribd.com/doc/148157558/Drunvalo-Melchizedek-Ancient-Flower-of-Life-2 I now know it is true that you cannot connect with your higher self until your lower self is present and you are like an innocent child. Each time I hadnt been in this state it was my lower self playing with me and imitating my higher being. So have a read of what Drunvalo says.

Spirit Guides
Each of us has our own guides. They are like a clan we formed when we were spirit and they agreed to remain with you through your physical life to bring you aid. We all have at least 8 guides and up to 12. We have our primary guides and some come and go depending on what help is needed at a certain time. Each guide is unique in the way in which they help you. Just like a friend, they appreciate attention and relation so just as your contacted your higher self you can contact your spirit guides. We also have one or two guardian angels which come to us in times of great need. Be careful in contacting spirits that are nearby. Though they are usually not harmful, it is very often

that they have no idea what they are saying and can lead you astray or into confusion. Make sure you are aware of your own presence before you do this.

The elemental beings are beings of the Earth. They are the faeries, the pixies, the gnomes and the elves They are here to help mother Gaia with her existence, aiding the natural occurrence of the planet. The elementals exist halfway between the spiritual realm and the pysical realm. So they are walking here with us on Earth, just at a much higher vibration. If you look carefully you will be able to see them! Invite them to live in your garden! Call upon the Faerie Queene Maeve to assist this. They will aid the life of your plants, increase crop, keep away pests and create a vibrant atmosphere. Gnomes will create suits of armour for you if you ask! Call upon The Green Man, the ascended master of nature healing!

Pendulum Dowsing
Dowsing with a pendulum is a very useful skill to acquire! It is using a weighted object that is suspended to answer yes or no questions by observing the rotation. What happens here is that your spirit is connecting to your subconscious mind and directing your wrist to rotate the pendulum. It is not spirit guiding the pendulum itself. In this way it is very simple to receive messages. You can use a crystal tied to a string as this will channel your intention a lot more though I just use my necklace or whatever is close by. It is helpful to begin by saying, I wish to make contact with my higher self and my higher self only and that the information be in 100% truth and accuracy to the benefit of my highest good. Invoking your Higher Self is important. Even just say Higher Self three times but make sure you are connecting with it! It is important for you not to be communicating with your subconscious or emotional body. These will produce hazy answers. Inhale with a ratio 1:2 to create stillness, sensitivity and connectivity. Begin by first asking the pendulum to demonstrate a yes and the n to demonstrate a no and then a maybe. Give thanks. Everyone has a unique way for the pendulum to swing. Useful questions are Is it within my highest good to or Is it aligned with my higher self to You can even put percentages to your question. Is it 100% within my best intention to..

As you explore the higher planes in more depth you will begin to see that not every being has the best intention for you and that many low conscious beings are attracted to your light. These beings may drain your light and prevent your progress. So It becomes important to offer yourself protection. Do not worry to begin with, but when it feels right, protect. I have found the use of return to sender very effective. It simply sends the energy back to whence it came. Also, thats an interesting point of view and so what? these motifs render the energy useless. Its helpful when you wake up to cloak yourself in platinum gold light or whichever light you choose for protection. Mercury is effective for deflection also. Dont cloak yourself with

white light when going out in public as Ive found it is confronting to people, instead use rainbow. Before you sleep it is a good idea to protect your bed with a cloak of mercury. Many attacks are made during the night when you are unconscious. Also other humans unknowingly can send negative energy to you. And it is helpful to shield a doorway with mercury to bounce back negative energies when someone enters. Create your own fun protections! You may find an entity has attached itself to you. This only happens if you give it permission, but often it may occur when youre in an unstable state and subconsciously give permission. It happens automatically during sexual intercourse and when you exchange energies with somebody. I have had numerous spirits attach to me during healings. It is also possible for spirits to attach leaches or parasites to your field which very minutely leak your energy into theirs, they do not have to be nearby. Therefore it is helpful to yourself to clean your field out so that you are your own being.
Here are very good techniques for doing so: http://www.alchemicalmage.com/techniques/index.htm

I have banquished one from within me by opening a portal on my head and within other people by opening white light portals but some times they need some convincing to leave as they had often made themselves at home for many years. So the help that is presented within that link is helpful if you are nt able to make full contact. Crystals help too! http://www.healing-crystals-foryou.com/psychic-protection.html And you may call upon Archangel Michael. He is a very strong protector and will always offer that to you. Do not worry about psychic attacks though. You are your own being. You are protected by your skin essentially and your body is for you! Have faith in that!

DNA Activation
As you vibrate more frequently at a higher rate, you will begin to activate new codons in your DNA structure. You will undergo serious changes, many of which are very confusing and confronting. Know that

the entire planet is undergoing these changes too. I have found myself fainting recently and experiencing extreme fatigue. Though, I know, these are healthy changes for me. These experiences are healthy shifts in your energy flow. It is helpful to receive the advice of Sri and Kira here:

As you grow remember that you already know all of this information. You have lived this all before. You are just remembering what is within you. You are God yourself. You are the Creator. Be easy and gentle upon yourself, it is a difficult journey reconstructing your physical mentality to uncover your essence. Take baby steps but be firm upon the distractions to the truth. Stay close and true to friends and family that care for you. Help them when they require it. We must come together during this evolution, this transformation into a new world. Become aware of the Miracles of Love. Begin to see that miracles occur daily and that your entire life is a compilation of divine miracles. As you begin to notice miracles they become more present and occur in greater detail. Intend with love upon all of your actions. Seek out the expansion and growth of your consciousness and the consciousness of the entire planet. May we design a perfect heaven on Earth. Remember to have fun with it all! We live in a school and schools have playgrounds, so remember to play with what you learn and see the joy in living! It has given me great enjoyment to be able to share all that has helped me so far on this journey within this text. I wish to hear from you all and share our experiences of discovery. Please contact me with any advice or opinions that come to you. If you think anything I have shared with you is invalid or my knowledge can be added to, share with me and aid me too! May all beings be happy. May all beings awaken to the truth. May all beings be love.
Be immersed, go right in. Allow! And accept! Duality seems together, awakening the soul from this dream, being as one, as one being. It only takes a spark to ignite the love in your heart. And as it burns bright, become a dancing flame of light! Begin eternity. Om shanti shanti shanti ~In loving service, Jackson Griffiths jacksonrevello@gmail.com

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