Project Report
Project Report
Project Report
Pharmacognostic study
2. Physico-chemical parameters
i. Foreign matter
ii. Loss on drying
iii. Total ash
iv. Acid insoluble ash
v. Alcohol soluble extractive
vi. Water soluble extractive
vii. Qualitative test for the presence of different group of
viii. Volatile oil content (in case of volatile oil containing
ix. Hexane/Pet. ether extract (in case of fixed oil containing
x. Assay :
It is very difficult to determine purity and strength of
herbal drugs like assay in modern medicine. Because in
most of the cases the actual therapeutic compound is not
known and may not be due to the single compound but it
may be due to the combined effect of different chemical
compounds present in it. Moreover, the seasonal
variation, ontogenic variation of herbal drugs is a well-
known fact. It can be tried to find out from the available
literature about the important/major therapeutic
ingredients present in the sample. Then attempt can be
made to evolve some assay procedure wherever possible,
e.g. determination of total alkaloid content in major
alkaloid containing drugs.
i. Description
ii. Loss on drying
iii. Ash value
iv. Acid insoluble ash
v. Water soluble extractive
vi. Alcohol soluble extractive
vii. Qualitative tests for identification of different group of
chemical compounds, if possible
needed. The tests for heavy metals can be carried out as per I.P.
Hence, the microbial load and the limit of certain pathogenic micro
organisms in the final products has to be carried out.
Spectrophotometric Analysis.
Biological Standardization
Perusal of the available literature and Ayurvedic texts reveals that many a
time for the preparation of a single formulation numbers of methods have
been described. At present it is not clear, in majority of the cases, which would
be the ideal one to be employed. Studies undertaken by earlier workers show
that the same formulation prepared by different methods vary considerably in
their composition. Sodhana (purification) is one of the processes mentioned in
Ayurvedic literature and used for various raw materials like guggulu,
Vatsanav, etc. Various methods of sodhana using different materials like
gomutra, godugdha, triphala-kwath, etc for the purification of the Guggulu
has been mentioned in the literature. Guggulu is used in various types of
ailments. It may be possible that guggulu purified by different methods may
have different therapeutic indication. Study shows that the same guggulu
purified by different methods vary in their chemical composition. So if the
raw materials and manufacturing process is not standardized, the
standardization of finished products will be meaningless. Hence, the process
standardization of Ayurvedic formulations is also very important and this will
also be carried out in the Centre.
Future requirements:
1. Pharmacognosy division
2. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Division
3. Pharmacology & Microbiology Division
4. Pharmacy Division
5. Technical Services
6. Essential Services
Pharmacy Division
Infrastructural Facilities
I Buildings - Space requirement (Square Mtr.)
Central administration and accounts - 100
Central Store - 100
Records and Central Computer room - 50
Joint Directors Room - 50
Toilets and bathroom - 50
Total 490 sq. m.
c. Pharmacognosy Division
Office - 50
Laboratory - 150
Tissue Culture - 50
Authentic Drug Museum & Herbarium - 100
Total 350 sq.m.
Office - 50
Laboratory - 250
Instrumentation - 200
Total 500 Sq.m.
e. Pharmacology & Microbiology Division
Office - 50
Pharmacology Laboratory - 200
Microbiology Laboratory - 50
Animal House - 300
Total 600 sq. m.
f. Pharmacy Division
Office - 50
Laboratory - 100
Pilot plants - 200
Stores - 50
Total 400 sq.m
g. Technical Services
Library - 200
Documentation & Publication- 100
Drawing & Photography - 50
Computer - 100
Engineering - 50
Total 500 sq.m.
h. Essential Services
Administration - 100
Accounts - 100
Total 200 sq.m.
i. Others
Out put
Financial Requirements
Total 800
Recurring expenses (in Lakhs):
Salary (Annexure ) :
Stationary, Electricity, Telephone, Water, etc.
: 10
Maintenance, Security, etc. (On contract)
: 10
Books, journals, etc. : 10
Materials and supplies : 20
Repairing, yearly servicing of equipments/instruments etc.
: 10
Miscellaneous : 10 lakhs
Total : 190