Early Problems PDF
Early Problems PDF
Early Problems PDF
With the help of Allah Almighty, Islamic Republic of Pakistan came into being on 14th August 1947 but Indian National Congress did not accept the creation of Pakistan from the core of its heart. Lord Mountbatten and Sir Radcliff conspired with the Hindu leaders to create a weak moth eaten Pakistan that would ultimately confederate with Indian Union. The people of Pakistan, who faced all the problems and difficult circumstances, showed their determination to defend the freedom.
2. Administrative Problems:
The Hindus working in offices situated in the areas of Pakistan migrated to India and the offices became empty. Furniture, stationery, typewriters and other necessary items were also not available in the offices. Most of the offices started their work under the open sky with no shelter. The Hindu officers had destroyed the records before going to India. The Government of Pakistan began its work under miserable conditions. How could it be done without experienced and trained officials? The nation accepted the challenge and performed the duties under odd circumstances. Pakistan had to take a new start form the scratch.
3. Arrival of Refugees:
Millions of Muslim families migrated to Pakistan. On the way to Pakistan, a very large number of Muslims were massacred and the properties were looted with the help of British forces. The number of the Muslims who finally crossed the border was more than 1,25,00,000. The oppressed and depressed Muslims were temporarily provided accommodations in camps. To rehabilitate the refugees in Pakistan was a very big task for the administration. The provision of shelter, clothing and food for them was a great responsibility.
4. Division of Assets:
The Indian National Congress took every step to crush the withering economy of the new state. When the question of division of assets between the two separated countries was raised, the Hindus once again did not do justice with Muslims. The India government remained reluctant to pay the share of Pakistan out of the cash balance of four billions. The share of Pakistan was 750 million rupees. First installment of 200 millions issued at once but remaining amount was delayed illegally. India inspite of world pressure became ready to pay the amount if Pakistan would surrender Kashmir Valley to India. Gandhi interfered in the matter and partial payment of 500 millions was released. The balance of 50 million has not been paid by India so far. A meeting was held in November 1947 in this context. The representatives of the two states signed a treaty but India took no action.
7. Problem of States:
At the time of creation of Pakistan there were 635 small and big states. These states had given an open option to join Pakistan or India or remain independent. There were four states on which India take control by force and problem was arise because these state wanted to join Pakistan these state over Kashmir, Hayderabad, Junagargh and Monarader.
9. Constitutional Problems
At the time of establishment of Pakistan there was no constitution. Necessary amendments were made in the 1935 constitution of India and it was implemented so that government could be run. Due to lack of constitution the problems of power became more complexes. Because of this in December 1971, East Pakistan was separated and became Bangladesh. Rest of Pakistan started bringing the fire of prejudice and sectarianism and is still burning .