Duas To Cure Temper PDF
Duas To Cure Temper PDF
Duas To Cure Temper PDF
Various Duas for Children
Supplication 1: Supplication 1: Supplication 1: Supplication 1: To get rid of temper, recite this verse 101 times 101 times 101 times 101 times on sugar for 21 days 21 days 21 days 21 days then make the
person eat it:
Su Su Su Supplication 2: pplication 2: pplication 2: pplication 2: If the child is disobedient or temperamental, then recite the below verse 11 times 11 times 11 times 11 times with
your hand on their forehead:
Supplication 3: Supplication 3: Supplication 3: Supplication 3: If child is not listening to their parents then recite the below verse 11 times 11 times 11 times 11 times while
keeping your hand on their forehead or head:
Supplication 4: Supplication 4: Supplication 4: Supplication 4: To get child to be obedient and for them to be worshippers of Allh and do deeds
which would be pleasing to Allh recite this verse 3 times 3 times 3 times 3 times every day:
Then recite the following 10 times 10 times 10 times 10 times and blow over them:
Supplication 5: Supplication 5: Supplication 5: Supplication 5: For a child who is disobedient, recite the following 313 times 313 times 313 times 313 times with the child in mind or
with their name taken for 41 days 41 days 41 days 41 days:
Prayers and Supplications for Children
Supplication 6: Supplication 6: Supplication 6: Supplication 6: To reduce temper recite the following verse 313 times 313 times 313 times 313 times followed by reciting Suratul Saff
over water once and give this to the child to drink:
Supplication 7: Supplication 7: Supplication 7: Supplication 7: On Friday mornings, recite the following 786 times 786 times 786 times 786 times over water and also over sugar and
give this to the person to drink
Supplication 8: Supplication 8: Supplication 8: Supplication 8: After every wajib salat recite the following 7 times 7 times 7 times 7 times each to make the child pious:
Supplication Supplication Supplication Supplication 9 99 9: :: : To cultivate discipline in the child, recite the following once once once once:
Supplication 10: Supplication 10: Supplication 10: Supplication 10: If recited 31 31 31 319 99 9 times times times times, child will become obedient and well mannered:
Supplication 11: Supplication 11: Supplication 11: Supplication 11: If a child, while growing up, shows signs of disobeying the elders, recite this verse 7 7 7 7
times times times times after every wjib alt, keeping the intention for the child:
Supplication 12: Supplication 12: Supplication 12: Supplication 12: To prevent any evil eye from affecting the child, the following prayer should be
recited over the child. The beginning is a short prayer while the second half is verses 3 and 4 of
Sratul Mulk (chapter 67):
Supplication 13 Supplication 13 Supplication 13 Supplication 13: :: : This is another prayer for protection from the evil eye. In place of the parenthesis,
say the name of the child:
Supplication 1 Supplication 1 Supplication 1 Supplication 14: 4: 4: 4: The final supplication is verses 51 and 52 from Sratul Qalam (chapter 68) of the
Noble Qurn and should be continuously recited while in the childs presence. In addition, this
supplication should be written on paper and kept with the child or hung up in his or her room:
Supplication 1 Supplication 1 Supplication 1 Supplication 15 55 5: :: : Perform *2* prayers of two rakat each with the niyyah of, I am praying this salat to
make my children obedient and righteous believers seeking the proximity to Allh.
1 11 1
st st st st
Rakat: Rakat: Rakat: Rakat: Recite Suratul Ftia ONCE and then the following verse ten times (from Suratul Baqarah (2),
verse 128) following this, continue alt with ruk and sajdah:
Prayers and Supplications for Children
2 22 2
nd nd nd nd
Rakat: Rakat: Rakat: Rakat: Recite Suratul Ftia ONCE and then the following verse ten times (from Suratul Baqarah
(2), verse 128) following this, continue alt with qunt, ruk and sajdah:
Once done, Once done, Once done, Once done, stand up, make the niyyah again and perform the same prayer once more (as noted
Supplication 1 Supplication 1 Supplication 1 Supplication 16 66 6: :: : To help make your children pray salat without having to tell them too many times,
recite the following verse from Surah Ibrahim, verse 40 after the dhikr of every sajda of all wajib
Supplication 1 Supplication 1 Supplication 1 Supplication 17 77 7: :: : To bring a person towards religion and make them recite their alt, one should
recite the following 300 times over water and after every 100 times, breathe onto the water and
then the water should be given to the desired person to drink. This should be done for 40 days.