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Left Alive

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Left Alive Written By Jeffrey Wright

OVER BLACK The word "SPRING" shows up. CUT TO: EXT. DESERTED STREETS OF ATLANTA - DAY The streets of Atlanta are filled with deserted cars, dead bodies, and foliage overtaking the land.John Bayes, a man in his 40s, jogs up to a empty hospital. EXT. HOSPITAL - CONTINUOUS John jogs up to the hospital doors to see a woman missing the lower half of her body, stuck between the automatic doors of the hospital. He slows to a walk and heads over to the corpse. The womans corpse is still alive, like some type of zombie. John pulls out a large knife and sneaks behind the half eaten corpse. He stabs her in the back of the head, moves her body out of the way, and enters the hospital. INT. WAITING ROOM, HOSPITAL - CONTINUOUS As John enters the hospital a long, deep, haunting sound enters the air. He crouches down and gets in cover behind a wall. A zombie walks by looking for any meat to feed its hunger. After a few seconds the zombie turns back around and shambles into the hallway. John pulls a handheld two-way radio out of the backpack on his back. He begins to speak into it. JOHN (into radio) Anne? He pauses for a second, waiting for a response. JOHN (CONT.) (into radio) Anne? You there? After a few more seconds a response is received. ANNE (V.O) (through radio) Yeah? John blows a sigh of relief.




JOHN (into radio) Im in the hospital. Where are you? CUT TO: INT. GROCERY STORE - DAY Anne, a woman in her late teens, is hiding in cover inside the grocery store. ANNE (into radio) Im in the grocery store. Fucking freaks are everywhere. JOHN (V.O) (through radio) Alright. Be careful. I will radio back in a minute whenever I can find some medicine. ANNE (into radio) Alright. Anne gets off of the radio and places it into her bag. She sneaks by some zombies before heading over to the canned foods and packing it into her bag. CUT TO: INT. HALLWAY, HOSPITAL - DAY We return to John stabbing the zombie from before back of the neck. He pulls the knife back out and places the corpse on the ground so to not attract unwanted attention. He continues down the hallway reaches the storage room. The door is locked. JOHN (whispering to himself) Shit! John steps back and reaches into his bag, pulling out a bobby pin. He begins to pick the lock. After a few second he hears a click and he turns the knob, unlocking the door. in the he slowly any until he

3. INT. STORAGE ROOM, HOSPITAL - CONTINUOUS John walks into the storage room. There are still large quantities of medicine left over. He begins to pile as much medicine as possible into his bag. Once he is finished, John walks back into the hallway. INT. HALLWAY, HOSPITAL - CONTINUOUS A few more zombies have arrived and began to eat the corpse of the dead zombie. John sneaks over until he gets close. One of the zombies notices him. He quickly stabs the closest in the neck before pulling out the knife and kicking the other zombie over. He finishes this zombie off by sticking the knife into its forehead. John hurries back into the waiting room. INT. WAITING ROOM, HOSPITAL - CONTINUOUS John continues to hurry to the entrance as he pulls out his radio and radios Anne. JOHN (into radio) Im coming out now. Where are you? EXT. DESERTED STREETS OF ATLANTA - CONTINUOUS

John jogs out of the doors back to Atlanta and jogs down the steps, waiting for a reply from Anne. JOHN (CONT.) (into radio) Anne? You therJohn is interrupted by the sound of running. He turns to his left to see Anne being chased by a large group of zombies. JOHN Fuck! ANNE I think its time for us to go! John and Anne run down the streets of Atlanta. They reach the car they arrived in and get inside. They speed off, leaving the horde of zombies behind. CUT TO: Title Sequence: (CONTINUED)



LEFT ALIVE CUT TO: INT. JOHNS CAR (MOVING) - EVENING John is driving as Anne sits in the passenger seat of the car. They have been sitting in complete silence ever since they left Atlanta. Anne finally gets the nerve to start a conversation. ANNE So, how much medicine did you get? JOHN ....A few things. Probably enough to last us a few months. We will need to come back in the fall time with more people and try to get enough supplies to last through the winter. How much food did you get? ANNE A couple things, I guess. The whole store had pretty much been sacked before I got there. JOHN I guess it is better than nothing, huh? John looks at Anne and smiles. She smiles back. CUT TO: EXT. SURVIVORS CAMP - NIGHT John pulls up to the camp and parks the car. Both John and Anne get out of the car. Billy, a older man in his late 50s, greets John and Anne. BILLY How was the ride? JOHN Alright I guess. We grabbed enough supplies to last us for a month or so.




ANNE Freaks were everywhere. JOHN They are getting more aggressive. They dont seem to care how infected their meat is anymore. BILLY Good. Maybe they will all eat each other? JOHN You wish. John turns to Anne. JOHN (CONT.) Give me your backpack. I will put everything in the supply tent. Anne hands over the backpack. JOHN (CONT.) Thank you. Anne nods as John walks over to a tent on the far side of the camp. He unzips the entrance and walks inside. INT. SUPPLY TENT, SURVIVORS CAMP - CONTINUOUS John enters the tent and empties out all of the bags, organizing the new supplies with the old. He finishes and exits the tent. EXT. SURVIVORS CAMP - CONTINUOUS John zips the entrance back up and heads over to his tent. He yells to the group. JOHN I think I am going to head to bed! Wake me up if there is any trouble! John unzips the entrance to his tent and heads inside.

6. INT. JOHNS TENT, SURVIVORS CAMP - CONTINUOUS John zips the entrance back up and unloads all of his gear on the floor. Afterwards, John unzips his sleeping bag and crawls inside. He closes his eyes. CUT TO: INT. JOHNS TENT, SURVIVORS TENT - NIGHT John is jarred awake by the sound of gunshots and screams. He quickly springs up, and drowsily reaches for his weapons. He pulls out a Glock 17 from inside his backpack and runs for the exit of the tent. EXT. SURVIVORS CAMP - CONTINUOUS John hurriedly exits the tent and heads for a ditch he can use for a makeshift foxhole. He dives down into the ditch and peeks over into the camp. A group of attackers have found the camp and have lain waste to much of the group. John peers through the bodies. Billy, Angela, Tina, all dead. But no sign of Anne. John checks around him before getting up and heading to the right, toward the far end where Anne and the other children sleep. Suddenly, two attackers come into Johns view. They havent spotted him yet. John quickly takes cover behind a large tree. He ejects the magazine from his Glock into his hand and barley pulls the slide back, making sure there is ammo inside. He counts the rounds in his head. twelve in the mag, plus one in the chamber. John releases the slide quietly and pushes the magazine back into the Glock. One of the attackers begin to speak. ATTACKER #1 (pointing in Johns direction) Check over there. I will look this way. The second attacker jogs towards the tree John is hiding behind. John takes a few deep, maybe final, breaths. The attacker turns toward the back of the tree as soon as he reaches it. John grabs for the attackers gun and flips the attacker around before placing him in a chokehold. John presses hard onto the assailants neck, slowing pulling him downward until he is knocked out. John quietly places the body on the ground.

7. John continues past the tree, heading toward Anne. He reaches the tent and slows his pace. He slowly enters the tent, which has already had its entrance unzipped. INT. CHILDRENS TENT, SURVIVORS CAMP - CONTINUOUS John quietly enters the tent. The attacker from before has his back turned to the entrance and has his two-way radio out. ATTACKER #1 (into radio) Rick. You there? Only static comes through. ATTACKER #1 (CONT.) Fuck. John continues to sneak up toward the attacker, but once the attacker begins to turn around, John sprints toward him, and smacks him in the face with the bottom of the gun. The attacker falls down. John quickly jumps on top of him and begins to beat him with the gun, over and over again. John slowly stops beating the man, and stands up. He looks around the tent. No children are around. John quickly turns around and heads back to the exit of the tent. EXT. SURVIVORS CAMP - CONTINUOUS Gunfire still rings through the camp as John exits the childrens tent. Bodies of people that John once called friends lie on the ground. Motionless. JOHN (whispering) Anne, Where the hell are you? John heads toward the middle area of the camp. He takes cover behind a tent and looks over at the entrance of the camp. The assailants brought a large trailer where they are rounding up all of the children and able bodied men they are able to capture. JOHN (CONT.) (whispering) What the fuck? John heads to his right to flank the people surrounding the trailer. He ducks into cover behind another tree while he surveys the area. (CONTINUED)



Three men are standing around the trailer. John blindly opens fire on the men. He shoots one in the shoulder, the man drops to the ground in pain. He quickly shoots another in the head, the guy drops to the ground. Dead. The last man is able to find cover on the other side of the trailer. ATTACKER #3 That fucker killed Bobby! ATTACKER #4 Ahhh, fuck! My fucking shoulder! The downed assailant continues to roll on the ground. John puts another round into the downed assailants head. The yelling stops. JOHN You fucked with the wrong camp! Let us go and walk away! ATTACKER #3 It is you who have messed with the wrong group! The dark one blesses us! JOHN (to himself) The fuck? John now leaves his cover and heads toward the trailer. Out of nowhere John hears a loud crack. A bullet pierces his chest, rendering him unconscious. CUT TO: EXT. DESTROYED CAMP - DAY The camp has been completely ransacked. The only thing that remains is a pile of bodies in the middle of the camp. John awakes. Right in front of him is the body of Billy. JOHN Fuck! John begins to frantically push himself through the bodies. A piercing pain shoots through his ribcage. John fights through the pain and forces himself out of the pile. John catches his breath. He hears footsteps and begins to look around. The smell of the decomposing bodies has caused a large amount of zombies to funnel into the destroyed camp.




John gets up slowly. This wound will slow him down. He needs to get somewhere safe and patch himself up. John walks past the zombies, slowly dodging each attempt to grab onto him. The soldiers have taken Johns car. John continues walking and dodging until he reaches the road. EXT. ROAD - CONTINUOUS John stops once he reaches the road. He can still see the tracks from the vehicles that attacked the camp. John takes a deep breath, keeping pressure on the wound from his ribs. JOHN Hold on Anne. Im coming. John begins the long march. The zombies from before shamble behind him. CUT TO: EXT. SMALL TOWN - NIGHT John shambles into a small town. His body is covered in sweat, and he has slown down considerably. He walks up to a pharmacy which has been looted. The door has been ripped off, making it easy for John to walk inside. INT. PHARMACY - CONTINUOUS John walks into the pharmacy. The place has been looted, but it was obviously done in a hurry. Many bottles and other assorted drugs lie on the ground. John picks up a bottle of Ibuprofen, a rag, some medical tape, and a bottle of water. He walks over to a chair and sits down. CUT TO: EXT. SMALL TOWN - MORNING The sun blinds John as he walks out of the pharmacy. He has a backpack that he found inside the pharmacy. A few zombies continue to shamble around in the town. John walks down the road, toward an old gun store. A zombie heads toward John. John picks up a wrench sitting on the sidewalk and smashes the zombies head open. John drops the wrench in pain and grabs his ribs. After taking a few long breaths, John reaches down and picks up the wrench. He walks into the gun store.


INT. GUN STORE - CONTINUOUS The gun store has almost been completely looted. John walks around looking for any weapon he can use. He finds a old revolver sitting in a broken display case. John opens up his backpack and puts the wrench inside. He picks up the revolver and presses the cylinder release button to check if there is any ammo inside. Empty. John closes the cylinder. John looks on the barrel and reads the words molded onto the barrel. Colt Python .357 magnum revolver. John heads over to the ammo shelf and finds a box of .357 magnum ammunition. He opens the box and pulls out 6 shells. He reopens the revolvers cylinder and loads the round in. John closes the revolver. John places the rest of the box in his backpack and goes over to the accessories. He find a holster that can fit the revolver and wraps it around his hip. John holsters the revolver and heads out of the store. CUT TO: OVER BLACK: The word "SUMMER" appears. CUT TO: EXT. WOODS - EVENING John, who has recovered from his injury and looks much more lean, sits over a hill overlooking a factory. There is another group of survivors who have made this factory home. John stares at them through his binoculars he acquired offscreen. JOHN (Whispering to himself) Anne? You in there? John lowers his binoculars and heads down the hill toward the main gate. CUT TO:


EXT.GUARD TOWER, FACTORY - EVENING A survivor named Randy, a younger man in his early 20s, is standing in the guard tower. He turns and sees John walking toward the factory. John raises his hands, both empty, as he walks toward the gate. RANDY Stay where you are! John stops. He continues to keep his hands up. Randy picks up a radio and talks into it. RANDY (into radio) Carl? You there? CARL (through Radio) Yeah. Whats wrong? RANDY (into radio) We got a survivor outside. CARL (through radio) Alright. Keep him there. CUT TO: EXT. MAIN ENTRANCE - EVENING Carl, a man in his 30s, comes out of the large sliding door that leads to the inside of the factory. He runs up to the main gate. CARL (to John) Whats your business here? JOHN Im looking for a friend. CARL Whats her name? JOHN Anne. Shes 15.




CARL We dont have anyone here named Anne. Any sort of confidence John had has gone down the drain. JOHN Fuck. Look...can I just come inside for the night? I havent slept anywhere decent for atleast a month. CARL We will need to take all of your weapons. JOHN Of course. Carl gives Randy a hand signal to show that he is about to open the door. Carl grabs a hold of the chain and pulls down. The large gate opens and John walks inside. Carl lets go of the rope. CARL Get against the fence. John nods and leans against the fence. Carl comes over and frisks him, before taking off Johns backpack and the holster around Johns hip. CARL (CONT.) Sorry about this. You know how the world is now. Come inside and sit down. Carl leads John into the factory. INT. THE FACTORY - CONTINUOUS Carl leads John into the factory, closing the door behind him. Many of the survivors have piled around, watching John. CARL Welcome to our humble abode. It isnt the greatest, but I feel that we do better than a lot of people do nowadays. JOHN You got that right.




CARL Pardon me. I forgot to ask what your name was. JOHN Its John. Yours? CARL Im Carl. You dont meet many new people nowadays. Carl proposes a hand shake. John obliges. CARL (CONT.) Follow me. The two walk into the managers office. INT. MANAGERS OFFICE, THE FACTORY - CONTINUOUS Carl walks over and takes a seat behind the desk while John sits in the other chair. CARL (CONT.) So John, you said you were looking for a friend? JOHN ..Yeah. My camp was attacked a few months ago. Fuckers burnt the place to the ground, shot me in the ribcage, and rounded up anyone under 18. CARL Including Anne? JOHN Yeah. Been looking for them since. Whoever these fuckers were, they were crazy. One of them yelled something about a "dark one" blessing them. CARL A dark one, huh? Sounds like you ran into the Bleeders. JOHN The Bleeders?


CONTINUED: CARL Youve never heard of The Bleeders? They are a cult that started after the apocalypse. The believe that an entity called "the dark one" brought about the infection. JOHN Really? CARL Yep. Its pretty fucked up. JOHN How did you hear about them? CARL One of our people ran into them before. They did the same thing to the camp she was staying at. We found her walking outside the gate a few days later. JOHN You think that I could speak to her? CARL I dont know. She doesnt like to talk about it. JOHN Maybe you could ask h-


A loud gunshot echoes over Johns voice. Carl sprouts up from his chair and walks back outside. John picks up his holster and backpack and follows him outside. INT. THE FACTORY - CONTINUOUS Carl jogs out of the office. He catches a survivor who is running. CARL What the fuck was that? ABBY (crying) Theyre back! Theyve came back for me! Carl grabs ahold of Abby.




CARL (courteous) Calm down. Its OK. Lock yourself in the office. I will get you when this is over. Abby goes into the office and closes the door behind her. JOHN What the fuck is going on? CARL Its The Bleeders. They must have followed you here. The sliding door to the factory opens. Three gunmen enter. CARL (CONT.) (whispering) Fuck! Get in cover! John and Carl get in cover behind an old machine. The three gunmen walk closer. CARL (CONT.) (whispering) Think we can take all three? JOHN (whispering) Yeah. Both men unholster their weapons. JOHN (CONT.) (whispering) On three. One....Two....Three. Both men jump up and begin firing. They take down all three gunmen. CARL Fuckers! JOHN Check their bodies. Carl runs over to the bodies and begins to check them for supplies. John opens his backpack and pulls out the box of ammo from the gun store. The box is missing most of its rounds. John reloads and puts the box back in his backpack. CUT TO:


EXT. THE FACTORY - EVENING The main gate has been ran over as 3 humvees are parked inside the factory. Randy has been killed and his body is hanging over the outside of the tower. 8 men are rushing into the factory while one stays behind with a radio in his hand. CUT TO: INT. THE FACTORY - EVENING Carl finishes checking the body and quickly throws a old hunting rifle with a scope attached to John. The men are starting to come inside. Both John and Carl get in cover. John fires once, taking out one of the men. The other nine men get into cover. JOHN (whispering) Fuck! Theyre dug in. I need you to draw their fire. CARL (whispering) Alright. Stay here. Carl runs from his cover and fires a few shots. One of the men pop their head up and John fires simultaneously. Another down. Carl gets back into cover. The men frontal pulling another try to get up and attack John and Carl with a full assault. John fires off one shot before quickly the bolt back and firing again. Carl takes aim at man and shoots him.

The three men that are left quickly pop into cover. JOHN Theres only three of you left! Why dont you just come on out! A grenade rolls in front of John. JOHN (alarmed) Fuck! John quickly runs and dives backward. The sound of the explosion rockets through the solid walls of the factory. A long constant ring shoots through Johns ears. He drops his (CONTINUED)



rifle and pulls out the revolver in his holster. Carl flanks the men and fires at them, taking down 2. John shoots the final man. CARL You okay? Carls voice is still muddled by the ringing. JOHN .....What? CARL Are you okay? JOHN ....Yeah. Lets go check outside. There has to be more. John and Carl jog up to the large sliding door and take cover on the edge of the door. John peers out. One more man is hiding behind a Humvee, speaking on the radio. EXT. THE FACTORY - CONTINUOUS John walks out of the factory and heads toward the final man. He sneaks up behind him and grabs him. John throws him onto the ground. John pulls out his pistol and shoots the man in the leg. The man screams in agony. JOHN Listen you fucker! Youre gonna tell me where you sleep at night. And if you dont....well lets just say, it wont be pretty. MAN (in pain and crying) You shot me you fucker! JOHN (mad) Yeah I fucking shot you! Answer my fucking question or I will shoot you in the other leg! MAN Fuck you! John steps on the mans leg with all of his force. The mans screams become louder. (CONTINUED)



JOHN You have 15 seconds before I shoot the other leg! MAN Go fuck yoursJOHN 10.... MAN Please god no! JOHN 7....6.... MAN Okay, okay! We live in a prison a few miles north of here. JOHN 3.....2... MAN I gave you what you wanted! John shoots the other leg. The man cries out again. JOHN Dont lie to me you fucker! Youre telling me that you only live a few miles away and you are only finding this place! John pulls a map and a pencil out of his backpack. JOHN (CONT.) Youre gonna mark on this map right where you guys are staying at. And I swear to god, if you lie again.....I will make you experience pain on a level you didnt even think imaginable. MAN Okay! Okay! Just give me the fucking map! John hands the map over. The man marks on the map where they are staying.




JOHN Thank you. The man hands over the map. John pulls out his pistol and executes him. FADE OUT AND CUT TO: EXT. OUTSIDE THE PRISON - NIGHT John is pushing a humvee on flat land. He pushes it toward the end of the road and gives one more hard push. The humvee tumbles down the hill, crashing into the main gate of the prison. CUT TO: EXT. THE PRISON - NIGHT Three men run up with flashlights to the crashed humvee. ADAM What the fuck? ZANE Fuck! This thing is covered in fucking gasoline! CUT TO: EXT. OUTSIDE THE PRISON - NIGHT John drops a match, lighting the long line of gasoline leading to the prison. CUT TO: EXT. THE PRISON - NIGHT The fire ignites the humvee, which explodes in a fiery mess. The three guard are taken out by the fire. John runs into the prison through the gate. A loud alarm goes off, waking the inhabitants. John runs through the prison courtyard and enters a backdoor.


INT. BACK HALLWAY, THE PRISON - CONTINUOUS John runs through the hallway of the prison. He unholsters his gun as he comes around a corner. A guard is running toward John. John fires, killing the guard. John continues to go through the hallways of the prison. He runs into a room and is smacked with a metal pipe to the forehead. CUT TO: INT. INTERROGATION ROOM, THE PRISON - NIGHT John awakens from his unconscious state. He is in the prisons interrogation room. A man in a dark robe stands in front of him. THE REVEREND Ah, your awake. Ive been waiting a long time for you, John. JOHN (dweary) ...How do you know my name? THE REVEREND The dark one knows all, John. He knew that you would come, he knew that you would attack, and he knew that you would fail. JOHN (still dweary) ...Who are you? THE REVEREND I am the Dark Ones Messenger. People refer to me as the Reverend. CUT TO: EXT. OUTSIDE THE PRISON - NIGHT Two humvees fly through the broken gate leading to the prison. Carl is at the helm of the machine gun that lies on the top of the humvee.

21. EXT. THE PRISON - NIGHT The two humvees stop. Carl opens fire on the alarmed guards. After all of them have been wiped out, Carl and his group get out of he humvees. They continue their assault on the prison through the front door. CUT TO: INT. INTERROGATION ROOM, THE PRISON - NIGHT The alarm goes off, alarming The Reverend. A knife drops through the sleeve of Johns shirt and into his hand. JOHN I guess your Dark One didnt see this coming! John cuts through the rope binding his hands to the chair before turning it onto The Reverend. John slides the knife through The Reverends throat. The Reverend gasps for air and gurgles before falling to the floor. John pulls the knife out of The Reverends neck and heads out the door. INT. CELL BLOCK A, THE PRISON - CONTINUOUS Mass panic has made its way through the prison. A woman cradles back and forth in the corner crying and holding onto a dark cross. WOMAN The dark one protects us...the dark one protects us....the dark on protects us... John stares at her. He turns his head and continues through the prison. He walks down the stairs and goes through the door to the next cell block. INT. CELL BLOCK B, THE PRISON - CONTINUOUS John walks into the cell block. He notices a teenage girl sitting in the corner. He runs up to her. JOHN Anne? Anne! John approaches Anne but she does not move. She holds a dark cross in her hand. (CONTINUED)



ANNE The dark one protects us....the dark one protects us...the dark one protects us... JOHN Oh god...Anne. What did they do to you? Anne continues to chant. JOHN (CONT.) Im so sorry, Anne. John begins to cry. JOHN (CONT.) (crying) I should have protected you... John lays beside Anne. Anne continues to chant as John sobs quietly. JOHN (CONT.) (crying) I promised Marie I would protect you...and I didnt. John picks up Anne. She sits emotionless in his arms, chanting. John begins to walk. He walks through another door that leads to the back hallway from before. INT. BACK HALLWAY, THE PRISON - CONTINUOUS John continues to carry Anne. He walks through the halls. The body of the dead survivor from before lies in the floor. John steps past him. John walks out the backdoor. EXT. THE PRISON - CONTINUOUS It has begun to rain as John carries Anne through the blood soaked courtyard. A loud crack of thunder erupts through the air. Zombies have begun to breach through the gate of the prison. John walks up to one of the humvees and places Anne in the passenger seat. He walks over to the drivers side and gets in.


INT. HUMVEE - CONTINUOUS John starts the humvee and drives out of the prison, running over multiples zombies in his way. CUT TO: INT. HUMVEE (MOVING) - DAY John pulls the humvee over next to an old tourist lookout. Anne is asleep in the passenger seat. John gets out of the humvee. EXT. LOOKOUT - CONTINUOUS John walks over to the wooden fence and stares at the beautiful view. He begins to cry again. FADE TO BLACK. CREDITS. END.

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