Saber POS Administrator Guide PDF
Saber POS Administrator Guide PDF
Saber POS Administrator Guide PDF
July 2011
Sales Panel
Payment Method
Customer Panel
Maintenance Panel
Users Panel
Choose Administration then Maintenance and select Users. To create a new User: Click button New. Enter the new User name in the Name field, and then select their Role. You want them to be visible, so do not change anything else.
Stock Panel
Go to Stock under Administration and Select Taxes. Here you can set up Tax bands that can be associated with Products. This allows taxation calculations to be performed automatically. To create a new Tax band click on the button New. Edit the name and set the rate value. After you are done; click the Save button.
Go to Stock then Administration and select Categories. Managing the catalog consists of setting up Categories and adding Products to those Categories. Note: Products must belong to one Category. The Category form is very much like to the Taxes screen. Here you can define several Categories under which you can assign your Products. Categories are organized hierarchically. Categories can have sub-Categories. To Add a sub-Category: First select a parent Category from the drop down Category list. Optionally you can add a picture for each Category by editing the Image field. To do this: Select the folder button; then Browse your files and select the desired image. You can also Add all the Products that belong to one Category by pressing the button Add to Catalog and also remove all of them pressing the button Remove from Catalog.
Select Stock under Administration and Select Products. The value entered in the Barcode field is used to search Products when using the barcode reader. You must set the Buy Price and the Sell Price. Either enter a Sell Price, with or without taxes included, or edit the desired percent Margin Per Unit. Note: Every Product must belong to a Category and must have a Tax band set. If desired, you can Add a picture for each Product editing the Image field. . To do this: Select the folder button; then Browse your files and select the desired image. Select the Stock tab if you want to edit the Stock Cost by Year and Stock Volume values for report purposes. In the Properties tab you can decide if the product will be visible in the Catalog panel of the Sales panel an whether it is an Auxiliary Product and if it is a Product which will be sold by weight.
Saber POS uses the a new language based on XML to print receipts and output to a customer display and independent of the model of printer and customer display used. This language supports one customer display and several printers.
Ticket prints a receipt. When it finishes, it cuts the paper. Ticket can contain a printer attribute which sets the The following elements can be used between Ticket Tags: This sets a Text line in a receipt. It can contain a parameter Size Setting to set size of the Text. Possible values are: 0 - Normal size (by default) 1 - Double height 2 - Double weight
Between Line Tags to print text <text> tag is required. The Text Tag can contain the following parameters: align - defines the Alignment of the text string: left - align text to the left (Default value) right - align text to the right center - sets the text in the centre. length - defines the length in characters used to fit the text strings.
Insert an Image in the receipt. This is resource name that contains the Image file. The Image is converted to black and white before sending it to the printer.
A barcode. The number of the barcode. EAN-13 format is used.
Opens the Cash-drawer attached to the receipt printer.
A Text Line in the display. Enter text between Line Tags to display text <text> tag. The Text Tag can contain the following parameters: align - defines the alignment of the text string left - align text to the left (Default value) right - align text to the right center - sets the text in the centre length - defines the length in characters used to fit the text strings