Business Intelligence Notes
Business Intelligence Notes
Business Intelligence Notes
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These are the file extensions that tableau files are stored as.
Twb is the most important , it stores sheets, dashboards and
stories. These are nothing but saving the workbooks.
.tbm is for single sheet, .tbwx is for workbook with
data, .tde is for local copy of data extract, .tds is for
shortcuts to often used data sources. Tdsx is for data source
file along with any other files
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Lets learn some dataware housing terms:
Dimensions, Measures and Agreegates.
Dimensions are qualitative data(blue color – discrete label),
measures are quantitative (green color – continuous label).
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Move the region back to color. Then move sales to size. It will
size the bar by sales. Remove sales and click on size and slide it
to increase or decrease
Add sales on the row and discount on the column and then add
order id in the detail.
You can highlight selected items from the right side on the
category. The highlighted option also comes on most of the
mark items when clicked on arrow.
Category>subcategory>Product Name.
Lets learn first what this is. Pull sales to marks in the text. And
product name to the rows in a new sheet. This show sales by
product name.
Now lets add sub category and then category in the front on
the row shelf
For eg; add category and sub category to the filtersa and click
show filter. Now lets say I want to see only technology t, so
select that filter , now lets say I want to see only phones
withing sub category , so select that , now within phones which
phone has highest sales. You can sort them accordingly.
Now, lets add more fun to this chart. Lets select all to all fielters
first , then drag region and dop it on to column. This shows
sales by region which is drillable. Now drag sales to color and
change the mark from automatic to square. This automatically
applies the color combination by sales. Rename sheet to sales
by product
Now lets see the hierarchy which is by default in tableau.
Now lets create a calculated field. Click on the drop down arrow
on the data side bar, next to search and click create calculated
field. Or right click on the white space in the measure and click
create calculated field. Now give the name as profit ratio and
drag profit and sales to the white space in the field and make
the formula as sum(profit)/sum(sales).
Now in a new sheet, add profit ration to the column and region
to the row, color this by region, add profit and sales to the
column as well. Now we want sales per customer. So create
another calculated field.
Now add this to the row as well. Sum of sales by total number
of customer in each region.
Now lets create another sheet, double click on state and you
will see that all states are maked not double click on sales ( it
moved it to shapes) and now move profit to color.
1) Default
2) Phone