ERT Calder PDF
ERT Calder PDF
ERT Calder PDF
Our current range of Energy Recovery Turbines and high pressure pumps incorporate the latest design improvements and knowledge gained in conjunction with our customers on hundreds of RO plants around the world. This experience allows us to give our customers the best possible support when specifying, selecting and installing a pump and energy recovery turbine into an RO plant. Our well-trained team of service engineers ensure comprehensive support during start-up and after sales service, either on a call out or contract basis. The engineering and process knowledge of our service engineers ensures the best possible support.
Seawater RO plant in Spain with 7 trains and a production of 110,000 m3/d (29 MGD)
When you consider all of the features built into the Calder ERT, youll find that no other energy recovery device can match the innovation, energy efficiency and dependability that you will get with a Calder energy recovery turbine.
Seawater RO plant in the Balearic Islands with 9 trains and a production of 90,000 m3/d (24 MGD)
The Principle
The System
The Calder Energy Recovery Turbine (ERT) takes advantage of the high-pressure energy, which remains in the concentrate (brine) from the reverse osmosis process. The high-pressure concentrate enters the Calder ERT through the inlet nozzle. The high pressure water stream drives the ERT rotor which then produces rotating power used to assist the main electric motor in driving the high-pressure pump. The Calder ERT rotor and nozzle is optimised to convert the kinetic energy of the jet into rotating mechanical energy, enabling the turbine to operate at maximum efficiency with the liquid brine being discharged at atmospheric pressure. This concept allows a smaller, less costly motor to be utilised and saves a very considerable proportion of the power and cost necessary to drive the high pressure feed pump.
The system is very easy to operate with only one control, comprising the adjustable inlet nozzle, which is required to set and maintain the system pressure. The plant is started up with the inlet nozzle fully open. The hand wheel or actuator operating the nozzle, is then adjusted until the system pressure is reached. The nozzle directs the jet of high-pressure concentrate onto the Calder ERT rotor buckets, rotating the wheel and shaft assembly.
Product Range
Calder Energy Recovery Turbines are designed to operate with either centrifugal pumps or plunger pumps. A range of standard turbines are available with a power recovery potential up to 1.5 MW. Larger units are available as engineered product built to suit seawater and brackis water applications. The Calder ERT can be direct coupled to motors or pumps at speeds up to 3,600 rev/min.
HP Pump Skid M
Pump Throttle Valve
HP Pump
Turbine Nozzle Valve
Reject Line
Turbine Model RO-290-40-20 RO-290-40-30 RO-290-65 RO-310-65 RO-350-65 RO-310-70 RO-350-70 RO-310-75 RO-350-75 RO-310-80 RO-350-80 RO-310-100 RO-350-100 RO-310-80-2 RO-350-80-2 RO-310-100-2 RO-350-100-2 RO-310-100-4 RO-350-100-4 Max. Flow
m3/h (USGPM)
Max. Power
Seawater RO plant in Spain with 14 trains and a production of 140,000 m3/d (37 MGD)
15 25 40 55 80 110 110 150 150 200 200 250 250 330 330 550 650 900 1200
66 110 176 242 352 484 484 661 661 881 881 1101 1101 1453 1453 2422 2860 3963 5284
28 45 75 100 150 210 210 290 290 390 390 500 500 640 340 960 1100 1500 1500
38 61 101 135 203 284 284 392 392 527 527 675 675 864 459 1296 1460 2025 2025
Convenience of Operation
The inlet nozzle of the turbine replaces the brine control valve fitted to conventional plants. An adjustable nozzle assembly is incorporated to enable the required operating conditions to be set easily after start-up and also allow original operating conditions to be re-established quickly if conditions change. Adjustment of the nozzle can be done either manually or by motor drive (actuator) as an option. It is important to note that the Calder ERT recovers all of the energy available in the concentrate stream. There is no bleed, bypass or mixing as exists in other systems.
Each turbine is a horizontal shaft, single rotor which is a precision casting machined to accurate tolerances and dynamically balance. The rotor is carried on a shaft of Duplex material running in heavy duty self-aligning roller bearings with grease lubrication system. The turbine casing of our smaller units are manufactured of non-metallic FRP material. All mechanical forces acting on the turbine are contained within an epoxy coated steel frame. Turbines RO-350-80 and larger have Duplex steel casings. The turbines are of the horizontal split case design with external bearings. All components are easily accessible for inspection without disturbing piping or alignment. The adjustable nozzle assembly has a 3 Victaulic inlet connection. The nozzle can be mounted in any one of four 90 degree orientated positions to suite a wide variety of inlet pipe configurations. Substantial research and development has gone into the hydraulic design of our turbine rotors resulting in exceptionally high efficiencies over a wide operating range. In the case of our larger turbines efficiencies in excess of 90% are now possible.
Return on Investment
The moderate capital cost of the CALDER ERT and the high operational efficiency ensure an excellent return of investment compared to other recovery devices. Power consumption of a typical sea water high-pressure pump train fitted with a Calder ERT will be 2.6 to 2.8 kWh/m3 product. This combined with minimal maintenance results in very short payback periods.
Convenience of Installation
The turbine discharge is a standard ANSI or DIN flange for easy connection to the discharge pipe. The inlet flange is normally a Victaulic connection, but ANSI or DIN flanges are also available.
Working Reliability
The simplicity of the Calder Energy Recovery Turbine, with only one rotating element, results in inherent reliability under continuous operating conditions. Many years of operational experience has influenced our radical engineering and design, when combined with careful material selection, results in long term reliability and efficiency of the Calder ERTs.
The Calder ERT offers several opportunities and advantages to the end user.
Seawater RO plant in Trinidad with 5 trains and a production of 110,000 m3/d (29 MGD)
Seawater RO plant in Caribean Area with 2 trains and a production of 10,000 m3/d (2.6 MGD)
Design Features
Cross Section RO-290-65 / 310-65 / 350-65 RO-350-70 / 350-75 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Totally Sealed, non-metallic Casing Horizontal Split Case Design External Taper Roller Bearing Integrated Double Labyrinth Seals Integrated Discharge Flange, ANSI and DIN Precision cast Duplex Stainless Steel Rotor New + High Efficiency + Calder Hydraulic Design Cross Section RO-350-80 / 350-100
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Horizontal Split Case Design Super Duplex Stainless Steel Casing External Taper Roller Bearing Integrated Double Labyrinth Seals Integrated Discharge Flange, ANSI and DIN Precision cast Duplex Stainless Steel Rotor New + High Efficiency + Calder Hydraulic Design
1 2 3
1 2 3
4 6,7 5
4 6,7 5
Energy Consumption
Typical Plant Example
Train Capacity: Product Flow: Conversion: Membrane configuration: Req. Membrane pressure: 10,000 m3/ day (2.64 MGD) 417 m /h (1,836 USGPM)
Electric Motor
Speed: Power: Motor Efficiency: 2,985 rev/min (for 50 Hz application) 1,300 kW (1,730 HP) 96.5 %
Type: Flow: Suction Pressure: Discharge Pressure: Pump Efficiency: Centrifugal 834 m3/h (3,672 USGPM) 2 bar (29 PSI) 68 bar (986 PSI) 87%
HP-Pump 1,963 kW To Membrane: 926 m3 / h / 68 bar Feed: 926 m3/ h / 2 bar
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