I U S D C F W D V: Plaintiffs
I U S D C F W D V: Plaintiffs
I U S D C F W D V: Plaintiffs
JOANNE HARRIS and JESSICA DUFF, and CHRISTY BERGHOFF and VICTORIA KIDD, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs, v. ROBERT F. MCDONNELL, in his official capacity as Governor of Virginia; JANET M. RAINEY, in her official capacity as State Registrar of Vital Records; THOMAS E. ROBERTS, in his official capacity as Staunton Circuit Court Clerk, Defendants.
No. 5:13-cv-00077
PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE BRIEF IN EXCESS OF TWENTYFIVE PAGES Pursuant to the Courts September 17, 2013 Scheduling Order, the Plaintiffs respectfully request that they be permitted to file a reply brief in excess of twenty-five pages in support of their Motion for Summary Judgment, which is due to be filed Thursday, November 7, 2013. A proposed order is attached as Exhibit A. This case involves a complex and rapidly evolving area of the law and multiple legal theories, including the Equal Protection Clause and Due Process Clause of the Constitution claims that require considerable argument on both the proper standard of review and the substantive law. Both Plaintiffs and Defendants McDonnell and Rainey have sought additional pages previously without objection, see ECF Nos. 50 & 69 (Plaintiffs brief: 60 pages exclusive of Tables; State Defendants Brief: Request not to exceed 75 pages) , which the Court granted,
see ECF Nos. 52 & 70, in appreciation for the issues involved and an interest in ensuring the best presentation of the issues. Moreover, Plaintiff must reply to the arguments of two separate defense briefsthose of Defendants McDonnell and Rainey in addition to those of Defendant Roberts. Plaintiffs have made every effort to be concise in their reply, but cannot respond to the arguments raised by Defendants in the allotted twenty-five pages. Plaintiffs therefore request leave of court to file a brief not to exceed thirty pages, exclusive of the Table of Contents and Table of Authorities. CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons, Plaintiffs respectfully request that the Court permit them to file a reply brief not to exceed thirty pages, exclusive of the Table of Contents and Table of Authorities, in support of their Motion for Summary Judgment.
Dated: November 4, 2013 Respectfully submitted, AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION, INC. /s/ . Rebecca K. Glenberg (VSB No. 44099) 701 E. Franklin Street, Suite 1412 Richmond, Virginia 23219 Phone: (804) 644-8080 Fax: (804) 649-2733 rglenberg@acluva.org
AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION FOUNDATION James D. Esseks, pro hac vice Amanda C. Goad, pro hac vice Joshua A. Block, pro hac vice 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor New York, New York 10004 Phone: (212) 549-2500 Fax: (212) 549-2650 jesseks@aclu.org agoad@aclu.org jblock@aclu.org JENNER & BLOCK LLP Paul M. Smith, pro hac vice Luke C. Platzer, pro hac vice Mark P. Gaber, pro hac vice 1099 New York Avenue, NW Suite 900 Washington, D.C. 20001-4412 Phone: (202) 639-6000 Fax: (202) 639-6066 psmith@jenner.com lplatzer@jenner.com mgaber@jenner.com
LAMBDA LEGAL DEFENSE AND EDUCATION FUND, INC. Tara L. Borelli, pro hac vice Gregory R. Nevins, pro hac vice 730 Peachtree Street, NE, Suite 1070 Atlanta, Georgia 30308 Phone: (404) 897-1880 Fax: (404) 897-1884 gnevins@lambdalegal.org
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the 4th day of November 2013, I effected service upon counsel for Defendants by electronically filing the foregoing with the Clerk of the Court using the CM/ECF system. E. Duncan Getchell, Jr. Solicitor General of Virginia Office of the Attorney General 900 East Main Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 786-7240 dgetchell@oag.state.va.us Rita W. Beale Deputy Attorney General rbeale@oag.state.va.us Allyson K. Tysinger Senior Assistant Attorney General/Chief atysinger@oag.state.va.us Michael H. Brady Assistant Solicitor General mbrady@oag.state.va.us Counsel for Defendants Robert F. McDonnell and Janet M. Rainey Rosalie Pemberton Fessier Timberlake, Smith, Thomas & Moses, P.C. 25 North Central Avenue P.O. Box 108 Staunton, VA 24402-0108 (540) 885-1517 rfessier@tstm.com Counsel for Defendant Thomas E. Roberts November 4, 2013 . /s/ Rebecca K. Glenberg (VSB No. 44099) 701 E. Franklin Street, Suite 1412 Richmond, Virginia 23219 Phone: (804) 644-8080 Fax: (804) 649-2733 rglenberg@acluva.org
JOANNE HARRIS and JESSICA DUFF, and CHRISTY BERGHOFF and VICTORIA KIDD, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs, v. ROBERT F. MCDONNELL, in his official capacity as Governor of Virginia; JANET M. RAINEY, in her official capacity as State Registrar of Vital Records; THOMAS E. ROBERTS, in his official capacity as Staunton Circuit Court Clerk, Defendants.
No. 5:13-cv-00077
ORDER Upon motion of the Plaintiffs and for good cause shown, It is hereby ORDERED that Plaintiffs Motion for Leave to File a Brief in Excess of Twenty-Five Pages is GRANTED.
Date: ________________________________