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Vocabulary Calenar Advanced

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Vocabulary Calendar Order 1


Word achieve /tiv/ verbo adventurous /dventrs/ adjetivo agony / %ni/ (pl &nies) nombre ali(e ) /la(/ adjetivo among /m*/ preposici+n assertive /stv/ adjetivo

Translation or example (accomplish) lograr; I can achieve a new job in my own. film/design atrevido! auda"; architect/composer auda"! innovador traveler intr#pido; spirit/person aventurero $he adventurous pioneers. dolor muy fuerte. he was in agony. 'staba desesperado de dolor. parecido; (in midst of) entre; tone autoritario; $ry to be assertive without being aggressive. $rata de ser firme y en#rgico sin ser agresivo. medianamente



4th 5th 6th


averagely adverb

avoid /vd/ verbo transitivo 'vitar! eludir. I avoided an accident. aw(ward / (wd/ adjetivo (clumsy) movement/person torpe; phrase poco elegante $hey are aw(ward when they are watching a tennis match on $,. badge /b%d/ sustantivo be ashamed (pin&on) chapa f! bot+n m (-m.); (sew&on) insignia f; I have a badge with a peace symbol on it. estar avergon"ado

!th 1"th 11th 12th 13th

bubbly / bbli/ adjetivo &lier! person lleno de vida; &liest /he is a bubbly woman. chat /t%t/ verbo (tal() to ($0 o 1I$2 sb) charlar or hablar or conversar or 3eople chatted before the meeting began. os asistentes charlaban antes de 4ue empe"ara la reuni+n. (on Internet) to 5 (to or with) sb chatear (con algn) $eenagers chat on their computers. - los adolescentes les gusta chatear. .a actual $he current one problem! will be very difficult to resolve. /ordo. $hat man is deaf. 2e can6t hear. 7esmentir! negar. 2e denied (that) other people had been present. 8eg+ 4ue hubiera habido alguien m9s presente. - psar de $hey decided to go ahead with the plans despite widespread objections among the staff. 7ecidieron seguir adelante con el plan a pesar de las cr:ticas generali"adas del personal. pronombre cual4uiera; (with neg) ninguno! &na; (in 4uestions) alguno! &na; I couldn6t wear either of those dresses. 8o podr:a ponerme ninguno de esos vestidos.

14th 15th 16th

current one deaf /def/ adjetivo deny /dna/ verbo denies! denying! denied despite /dspat/ preposici+n



either / i;(r)/ ! / a;(r)/



eCchange /(stend/ sustantivo

(of information! greetings! insults) intercambio m; (of prisoners! hostages) canje m; (for sth) a cambio de algo (of students) intercambio m; Dany families eCchange gifts on Ehristmas. Duchas familias intercambian regalos en 8avidad.

2"th 21st 22nd 23th 24th 25th 26th

farewell / fewel/ sustantivo 7espedida. $he act of saying goobye to somebody. /he said her farewells and left. forgetful /fetfl/ adjetivo fun&loving / fnlv*/ adjetivo giggle / l/ verbo (absentminded)olvidadi"o! desmemoriado. 3eople who forget thing very easily. amante de las diversiones 1hen I was young I was a fun&loving boy. Feirse tontamente! risita. .augh lightly in a nervous or silly maners. 1hen she is nervous! she giggly.

grimace /rmes/ sustantivo Dueca. /he ma(es a grimace. guilty / lti/ adjetivo &tier! &tiest hiding / had*/ sustantivo Eulpable. $his man is guilty because he steal a bag. 'star escondido/esconderse (de algn); $hey went into hiding when the police began to search for them. /e ocultaron cuando la polic:a comen"+ a buscarles. (sort of! more or less) de alguna manera! de algGn modo In a way! language is li(e Dath. translation/estimate ineCacto! err+neo; heredar algo (de algn/algo) I have inherited a beautiful armchair from my uncle. absence or deficiency of something. place/atmosphere/debate animado; music alegre; description/account v:vido; I have had a lively life. a contest in which people or teams compete against each other. $hey are playing a tennis match. (irritable! sul(y) de mal humor! malhumorado; (gloomy) deprimido! taciturno (changeable) person temperamental 8o importa. (a un adversario, una emocin) vencerH I6m sure you6ll overcome your fear of flying. 'stoy segura de 4ue superar9s tu miedo a volar. 0rgulloso. I am very proud with our effort. ( 0ccult ) para(p)sicol+gico; ( 3sych ) (p)s:4uico vidente mf! m#dium mf conj (in preference to) m9s 4ue! en ve" de. I6ll have wine rather than beer with my dinner. ,oy a tomar vino en ve" de cerve"a con la cena. prisoner/hostage poner en libertad! liberar; /he was released from jail.

27th 2

in a way adverbio inaccurate /n%(jrt/ adjetivo inherit /nhert/ verbo lac( /l%(/ sustantivo lively / lavli/ adjetivo &lier! &liest match /m%t/ sustantivo moody / mudi/ adjetivo &dier! &diest never mind overcome /v6(m/ verbo

2!th 3"th 31st

32nd 33th 34th 35th

36th 37th 3

proud /prad/ adjetivo &er! &est psychic / sa((/ adjetivo psychic / sa((/ sustantivo rather than conjunci+n



release /rlis/ verbo




reliable /rlabl/ adjetivo

information/source fidedigno; witness fiable! confiable wor(er responsable! de confian"a; vehicle fiable! 4ue no falla $hey are reliable wor(ers. (emotionally responsive) person sensible; performance/account lleno de sensibilidad; (wor( period) turno to wor( the day/night 5 hacer shift. 'l turno de d:a/de noche. to wor( (in) shifts trabajar por turnos; person t:mido! vergon"oso; smile t:mido; animal huraIo! asustadi"o; I have a shy dog. improve/change ligeramente! levemente! un poco; rain/snow ligeramente; different ligeramente;

42nd 43th

sensitive / senstv/ adjetivo shift /ft/ sustantivo

44th 45th 46th 47th 4


shy /a/ adjetivo shyer! shyest slightly / slatli/ adverbio

smoothly / smu;li/ adverbio (moverse) suavemente (desarrollarse) sin problemas sort /st/ sustantivo spare /spe(r) / time statement / stetmnt/ sustantivo straight away adverbio subject ) / sbd(t/ sustantivo survey / sve/ sustantivo ((ind! type) (of things) tipo m! clase f; 1hat sort of dog is itH a Jerman /hepherdK $iempo libre. 1hat dou you do in your spare timeK 7ecaracion. /he made a statement in front of a judge. (immediately) ahora mismo I found an answer straight away. (topic) tema. $his morning we have studied two subjects! Dath and $echnology. (investigation) estudio m; (poll) encuesta f! sondeo m $his morning we have answered a survey about health.

4!th 5"th 51st 52nd 53th

tac(y / t%(i/ adjetivo tac(ier! 2ortera.. tac(iest the movie had a really tac(y ending. /he is a woman tac(y. the future hold toothache /6t#e(/ nombre trust /trst/ verbo depara el futuro 7olor de muelas. I have been having a toothache all night. (have confidence in) person confiar en! tener confian"a en; 2e can6t be trusted. 8o es de fiar. tablecloth/map desdoblar! eCtender mala gana! falta de voluntad /i I don6t (now whether he6s in (or not. 8o s# si est9 (o no). (viajar) eCtensamente ! generalmente 'star dispuesto!&a a hacer algo. $hey are willing to confess. 'st9n dispuestos a confesar .

54th 55th 56th

57th 5

unfold / nfld/ verbo unwillingness /n6wlns/ name whether / we;(r)/ conjunci+n widely / wadli/ adverbio willing / wl*/ adjetivo


6"th 61st



wish to (eep

desean mantener I wish to (eep in touch with you. De gustar:a seguir en contacto con usted. 3reguntarse. I wonder what time isK lo ingles. $o discover the L defining characteristics of 'nglishnessM. disfuncional (pred) to be 5 to N I8O no poder arregl9rselas! poder P$ith% conQH (in reality) verdaderamente! realmente clothes eCtravagante! estrafalario (de persona) comportamiento tribu f charlando

63th 64th 65th 66th 67th 6


wonder / wnd(r)/ 'nglishness dysfunctional /dsf*(nl/ adjetivo unable /nebl/ adjetivo cope P(pQ verb truly / truli/ adverbio outrageous /atreds/ adjetivo beha&iour% US beha&ior Pb6hevjQ nombre tribe /trab/ sustantivo chatting

6!th 7"th 71st 72nd 73th 74th 75th 76th

deep ) /dip/ adjetivo &er! &est color intenso! subido spi(y / spa(i/ adjetivo &(ier! &(iest reali"e / rila"/ verbo conspicuous P(n6sp(jsQ adjective I wish I could 2armful / hrmfl / RR / hmfl/ adjetivo /trengthen / stre*Sn/ verbo transitivo (having spi(es) con puntas or pGas or pinchos (sharp! pointed) puntiagudo! picudo! puntudo (Eol! E/) hair de punta 7arse cuenta de (obvio) evidente llamativo!&a! visible

77th 7

0jal9 pudiera. substance nocivo; influence pernicioso! daIino; effect perjudicial muscle/limb/teeth fortalecer(conj.) ;

7!th "th !1st !2nd !3th !4th !5th


!6th !7th !

!!th 1""th




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