This document contains an assignment for an introduction to petroleum engineering course. It includes three problems: 1) describing primary production drive mechanisms and reservoir energies, 2) calculating relative permeabilities from coreflood data and defining critical properties, and 3) deriving equations for radial flow and average permeability and plotting well productivity curves for different skin factors.
This document contains an assignment for an introduction to petroleum engineering course. It includes three problems: 1) describing primary production drive mechanisms and reservoir energies, 2) calculating relative permeabilities from coreflood data and defining critical properties, and 3) deriving equations for radial flow and average permeability and plotting well productivity curves for different skin factors.
This document contains an assignment for an introduction to petroleum engineering course. It includes three problems: 1) describing primary production drive mechanisms and reservoir energies, 2) calculating relative permeabilities from coreflood data and defining critical properties, and 3) deriving equations for radial flow and average permeability and plotting well productivity curves for different skin factors.
This document contains an assignment for an introduction to petroleum engineering course. It includes three problems: 1) describing primary production drive mechanisms and reservoir energies, 2) calculating relative permeabilities from coreflood data and defining critical properties, and 3) deriving equations for radial flow and average permeability and plotting well productivity curves for different skin factors.
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ENPE 241 Introduction to Petroleum Engineering
Assignment No. 4: Fall 2013
Due Date: 2:00 PM on November 8, 2013
1. Describe four major types of drive mechanisms for primary production and state the dominant reservoir energy in each type of the drive mechanisms.
2. If the flow rates are measured at 100% saturation and the other saturations, respectively, no other details about a core plug is needed for calculating relative permeabilities. Table 1 shows the oil and water flow rates at the corresponding water saturation in a steady-state experiment. 1) Calculate the relative permeability for the oil-water system and plot the oil and water relative permeabilities versus water saturation. 2) Define the critical water saturation, residual oil saturation on the relative permeability curve. 3) Is this a water-wet or oil-wet system? Provide your justification.
3. Figure 1 shows n beds or flow rings in series for a radial flow system. Each bed i has inner and outer radii, i r and 1 + i r ( w r r = 0 , e n r r = ) and a permeability i k . 1) Derive the radial flow equation with skin effect. 2) Derive the following formula for the average permeability of the system without skin effect:
Figure 1 Radial flow through permeable beds in series. 3) With the above average permeability, draw the well IPR curves for skin factors equal to -5, 0, 5, respectively. Use a drainage radius, ft r e 2980 = (A=640 acres), ft r 200 1 = , and ft r 1800 2 = , mD k 3 . 9 1 = , mD k 3 . 23 2 = , and mD k 6 . 21 3 = Data: psi p e 6452 = , STB bbl res B / 23 . 1 = , s Pa = 3 10 5 . 1 , ft h 40 = , and ft r w 328 . 0 = .