CIVL2104 2024 MAY
CIVL2104 2024 MAY
CIVL2104 2024 MAY
Use of Calculators:
Only approved calculators as announced by the Examinations Secretary can be used in this
examination. It is candidates’ responsibility to ensure that their calculator operates
satisfactorily, and candidates must record the name and type of the calculator used on the
front page of the examination script.
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Abstractions in the SCS method: F, = Pai +S
The equivalent curve numbers: CN(J) = 10—0.058CN() = 3CAW(77)
’ ~ 10+0.13CNUD
1. There is a long rectangular channel with a width of 4.0 m, the slope of 1:1000 and the
Manning’s coefficient of 0.012. A sluice gate is located at the upstream of the channel. The
flow depths just behind and after the gate are 5.9 m and 0.6 m, respectively. Determine (1)
the flowrate, and (ii) the force acting on the gate. The flow in the downstream eventually
reaches the normal flow. Compute (iii) the normal flow depth, and (iv) the deepest flow
depth after the sluice gate. (v) Evaluate the specific energy difference between the flow
behind the sluice gate and in the downstream with the normal flow depth. (vi) Name the
free surface profile before the sluice gate, and the free surface profile between the sluice
gate and the downstream with the normal flow depth. (20 marks)
2. (a) In a city, the annual rainfall depth follows the normal distribution. For a 70-year
annual rainfall dataset, the mean annual rainfall depth and the standard deviation are
1990 mm/yr and 430 mm/yr, respectively. For the dataset, the annual rainfall depths
of the first and second driest years are 821 and 1250, respectively. Using the plotting
position method and the normal distribution method, determine two return periods of
the first and second driest years. Comment on the results from both methods. (See the
appendix for the normal distribution table.) : (12 marks)
(b) After 1.5 hours of a rainfall event, the infiltration rate is 12.5 mm/hr, and a total of
26.6 mm rain water infiltrates into the soil. Determine the value of soil sorptivity and
the final infiltration capacity. Assume continuously ponded conditions. (8 marks)
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3. The table below lists the 30-minute unit hydrograph (UH) of a catchment. Determine the
catchment area and the time of concentration. (8 marks)
Discharge (m°/s/cm) 18 48 12
The table below gives a rainfall hyetograph recorded in the catchment, and the related
excess rainfall depth is 45 mm. Determine the ¢ index value of the catchment. Using the
above unit hydrograph, compute and plot the runoff hydrograph at a 15-minute interval.
The baseflow is 3.5 m°/s. (12 marks)
4. (a) Inacatchment, the curve number is 75. The table below lists a rainfall event. For the
wet antecedent moisture condition, compute and plot the cumulative abstractions and
cumulative excess rainfall. Determine and plot excess rainfall hyetograph.
(12 marks)
(b) The watershed in (a) can be divided into three 10-minute isochrone zones. From the
downstream to the upstream, the areas of those zones are 0.1 km’, 0.3 km’, and 0.2
km7, respectively. Use the derived excess rainfall in (a) to compute the peak direct
runoff and plot the direct runoff hydrograph. (8 marks)
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a An inflow to a turbine with a discharge of 30 m’/s leads to a ration speed of 150 rpm. The
blades inlet edges have an angle of 120° to the direction of whirl. The outer diameter of the
runner is 1.5 m and the runner inlet width is 1.0 m.
(i) To plot the velocity triangle at the turbine blade inlet edge. (4 marks)
(ii) Assume design operating conditions and no velocity of whirl at outlet, calculate the
power delivered by the runner. (6 marks)
(iii) What are the hydraulic efficiency and overall efficiency for turbines? (4 marks)
(iv) We have same pumps available for lifting water. If one pump works for providing
the right discharge, however, but too little head. Please suggest the way you install
pumps and explain how to identify the system’s operating point. (6 marks)
(a) There was a small fishpond which is approximated by a half-body shape. A water
source point O located at 0.5 m from the left edge of the pond, delivers about 0.63 m’/s
per meter of depth into the fishpond. Find the point location along the axis where the
water velocity is approximately 25 cm/s. (10 marks)
(b) A ship tows a submerged cylinder with diameter of 1.5 m and length of 22 m. The water
flow velocity is 5 m/s. Drag coefficient is 1.12 for faced cylinder, and 0.41 for normal
faced cylinder.
(ii) Estimate the drag force if the cylinder is normal to the tow direction (3 marks)
(iii) Briefly describe under what conditions the pressure drag and skin friction should
be considered for flow in a boundary layer (4 marks)
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Standard Normal Distribution Table
; z | .O | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | .09
0.0 | 0000 | .0040 | .0O80 | .0120 | .0160 | .0199 | .0239 | .0279 | .0319 | .0359
0.1 | .0398 | .0438 | .0478 | .0517 | .0557 | .0596 | .0636 | .0675 | 0714 | .0753
0.2 | .0793 | .0832 | .O871 | .0910 | .0948 | .0987 | .1026 | 1064 | 1103 | 1141
0.3 | 1179 | 1217 | .1255 | .1293 | 1331 | .1368 | .1406 | 1443 | 1480 | .1517
O.4 | 1554} 1591 | 1628 | .1664 | .1700 | .1736 | .1772 | 1808 | 1844 | 1879
0.5 | 1915 | 1950 | .1985 | 2019 | 2054 | 2088 | .2123 | 2157 | .2190 | 2294
0.6 | 2257 | 2991 | 2394 | 2357 | 2389 | 24299 | 2454 | 2486 | 2517 | .2549
0.7 | 2580 | 2611 | 2642 | 2673 | 2704 | 2734 | 2764 | 2794 | 2823 | .2852
O.8 | 2881 | 2910 | 2939 | 29067 | .2995 | 3023 | .3051 | 3078 | 3106 | .3133
0.9 | 3159 | .3186 | .3212 | .3238 | 3264 | .3289 | .3315 | 3340 | .3365 | 3389
1.0 | 3413 | 3438 | 3461 | 3485 | .3508 | 3531 | .3554 | 3577 | .3599 | .3621
1.1 | .3643 | .3665 | .3686 | .3708 | .3729 | .3749 | .3770 | 3790 | 3810 | .3830
1.2 | .3849 | .3869 | 3888 | .3907 | .3925 | .3944 | .3962 | 3980 | .3997 | A015
1.3 | 4032 | 4049 | 4066 | 4082 | 4099 | 4115 | 4131 ) 4147 | 4162 | 4177
L.4 | 4192 | 4907 | 4999 | 4236 | 4251 | 4265 | 4279 | 4292 | 4306 | 14319
1.5 | 4332 | 4345 | 4357 | 4370 | .4382 | 4394 | 4406 | 4418 | 4429 | A441
1.6 | 4452 | 4463 ] 4474 | 4484 1 4495 | 4505 | 4515 | 4525 | 4535 | 4545
1.7 | 4554 | 4564 | 4573 | 4582 | 4591 | 4599 | 4608 | 4616 | 4625 | 4633
1.8 | 4641 | 4649 | 4656 | 4664 | 4671 | .4678 | 4686 | 4693 | 4699 | 706
a 9 | ATI3 | A719 | 4726 | 4732 | 4738 | A744 | 4750 | 4756 | 4761 | A767
0 | 4772 | 4778 | 4783 | 4788 | 4793 | 4798 | .4803 | 4808 | 4812 | 4817
4891 | 4826 | 4830 | 4834 | 4838 | 4842 | 4846 | 4850 | 4854 | 4857
A861 | 4864 | 4868 | 4871 | 4875 | 4878 | 4881 | 4884 | 4887 | 4890
4893 | 4896 | 4898 | .4901 | 4904 | 4906 | 4909 | 4911 | 4913 | 4916
4918 | 4920 | 4922 | 4925 | 4927 | 4929 | .4931 | 4932 | 4934 | 4936
on 4938 | 4940) 4941 | 4943 | 4945 | 4946 | .4948 | 4949 | 4951 | 4952
o> 4953 | 4955 | 4956 | 4957 | 4959 | 4960 | .4961 | 4962 | 4963 | 4964
4965 | 4966 | 4967 | .4968 | .4969 | 4970 | .4971 | 4972 | 4973 | 4974
4974 | 4975 | 4976 | 4977 | 4977 | .4978 | .4979 | 4979 | 4980 | 4981
4981 | 4982 | 498? | 4983 | 4984 | 4984 | 4985 | 4985 | 4986 | 1986
A987 | 4987 | 4987 | 4988 | 4988 | 4989 | 4989 | 4989 | 4990 | 4990
4990 | 4991 | 4991 | .4991 | 4992 | 4999 | 4992 | 4999 | 4993 | .4993
4993 | 4993 | 4994 | 4994 | 4994 | 4994 | 4994 | 4995 | 4995 | 4995
4995 | 4995 | 4995 | 4996 | 4996 | .4996 | .4996 | 4996 | 4996 | 4997
A997 | 4997 | 4997 | 4997 | 4997 | 4997 | 4997 | 4997 | 4997 | 4998
4998 | 4998 | 4998 | 4998 | 4998 | 4998 | 4998 | 4998 | 4998 | 4998
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