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Sathya Narayana Bandla Phone:+: Job Profile Overall 3+ Years of IT Experience

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Sathya Narayana Bandla E-mail:

JOB PROFILE Overall 3+ Years o I! e"#erien$e%


June&'(() to !ill *ate Currently working as a Software Engineer at First Indian Corporation, Hyderabad. S+ill S,mmary 3+ Years of I e!perien"e wit# de$elop%ent of &ata ware#ouse- &ata 'odeling. (ell $ersed wit# t#e &ata (are#ouse "on"epts like )* +, )*,+, Star and Snowflake S"#e%as. Ha$e a t#oroug# understanding of )ra"le -usiness Intelligen"e Enterprise Edition .)-IEE/ ,r"#ite"ture and t#e role played by different )-IEE "o%ponents like analyti" ser$er, web ser$er, rpd, se"urity, &as#boards, 0eports, i-ots and s"#eduler. (ell trained in designing )-IEE ,nalyti"s 0epository wit# ,ggregate 1a$igation, &i%ension Hierar"#ies, and le$el based %easures. (ell trained in i%ple%enting &ata se"urity using 20)3+ and 3I se"urity using (E-20)3+S in )-IEE Ha$e knowledge in designing and de$elop%ent of &as#boards, reports, +ro%pts in )-IEE. Ha$e knowledge in %ost of t#e 4iews a$ailable in )-IEE ,nswers for report de$elop%ent. Ha$e knowledge in )-IEE &eli$ers to "reate i-ots for s"#eduling reports.

.$ademi$ /,ali i$ations: 5667869: 0aster o B,siness .dministration .Finan"e/ fro% )s%ania 3ni$ersity, Hyderabad. !e$hni$al E"#erien$e -usiness Intelligen"e ool )S < En$iron%ent &atabases < 0&-'S Pro1e$t S,mmary )-IEE ;6.;.3.3.5 (indows 1 , =>, 5666, ?+ S@* Ser$er 5666, )ra"le =i<;6g

Pro1e$t Name: S 0 I S% 2lient: B.J.J Ltd- India Environment: Ora$le BIEE 3(%3%3%'- In ormati$a )%3%4 *,ration: J,ne&'((5 to Present *es$ri#tion: -,J,J is one of t#e leading players in t#e Consu%er goods enable%ent initiati$e in t#e Sales B

industry in India. -,J,JAs Ele"troni"s and applian"es di$isions #as e%barked upon a $ery signifi"ant pro"ess i%pro$e%ent and I &istribution .SB&/ fun"tion t#at seeks to put -aCaC at t#e forefront of SB& "apability. Hig#er effe"ti$e ti%e in %arket work t#roug# si%pler planning and ad%inistration pro"esses. I%pro$ed Duality of %arket work t#roug# a$ailability of infor%ation on w#at needs to be done at w#i"# outlet. -etter e$aluation B ti%ely "orre"ti$e a"tion of %arket work by pro$iding infor%ation on %arket a"ti$ities. Res#onsi6ilities:

(orking "losely wit# -usiness ,nalyst in understanding t#e ,nalyti"s

reDuire%ents and "reated t#e business %odel for generating reports as per t#e user reDuire%ents.

'odeling a"ti$ities w#i"# in"luded building star s"#e%a as per t#e business

reDuire%ents and "onfiguration of *ogi"al *ayer, *ogi"al tables, di%ensions and "olu%ns. Establis#ed t#e logi"al Coins<keys reDuired to support drill8down aggregation.

Configured Siebel ,nalyti"s 0epository like i%ple%entation of p#ysi"al data

%odel as per reDuire%ents, i%porting t#e tables and #a$ing t#e p#ysi"al Coins<keys reDuired and "#anged t#e p#ysi"al Coins<key on t#e e!isting tables. Created di%ension #ierar"#ies and assigned le$els and "usto% aggregation In$ol$ed and de$eloped $arious steps to i%pro$e t#e perfor%an"e of t#e Custo%iEed &as#boards, ,d%inistered per%issions and pri$ileges for I%ple%ented t#e deli$ery of i-ots using Siebel &eli$ers to alert t#e asso"iated rules for ea"# le$el. Dueries used in t#e reports by #a$ing t#e aggregate tables. &as#board $isibility and %odifi"ations to users. tea%s.

Project # 02:

Pro1e$t 2lient *,ration !eam Si9e Environment *ata Base

: .methyst Billin7 Sol,tions : British !ele$om : 0ay-'((8 to J,ne-'((5 : 3' : OBI Version :Ora$le-3(:

*es$ri#tion: ,%et#yst -illing Solutions is a %igration proCe"t w#ere we were #elping t#e% to %igrating t#e e!isting Crystal 0eport to )-I report. Res#onsi6ilities: 0+& as well as web "atalog side w#i"# "onsists of ,nswers, &as#boards, and 0eport For%atting. In$ol$ed and de$eloped $arious steps to i%pro$e t#e perfor%an"e of t#e Dueries used in t#e reports by #a$ing t#e aggregate tables. Custo%iEed &as#boards. I%ple%ented t#e deli$ery of i-ots using &eli$ers to alert t#e asso"iated tea%s. Pro1e$t ; (3: Pro1e$t 2lient *,ration !eam Si9e Environment OS : .*< Shi#ment Sie6el .nalyti$s Im#lementation : Pro$ter = :am6le- Ltd% >S. : J,ne-'(() to .#ril-'((8 : 8 : OBIEE- Ora$le 5i: <indo?s N!

Pro1e$t *es$ri#tion: +ro"ter B 2a%ble #as a large Siebel S#ip%ents 0eporting progra% spanning "usto%ers globally, #e Siebel te"#nology #as been sele"ted by +B2 as t#e preferred platfor% for 0eporting needs. #ere are "urrently appro!i%ately F66 S#ip%ent related Siebel report t#at are run fro% t#e Sy%p#ony &ata8%art to support t#e global reporting needs of $arious +B2 users. #e ,&( .,to%i" &ata (are#ouse/ is a new data ware#ouse platfor% "urrently being built and deployed at +B2. ,&( S#ip%ents proCe"t will deli$er a %ore "o%plete set of &aily and 'ont#ly S#ip%ent pro"essing and reporting, and will take t#e pla"e of t#e "urrent S#ip%ents "o%ponent on"e deli$ered into produ"tion. 2ontri6,tions: OBIEE@Sie6el .nalyti$s *evelo#er = *ata 0odeler In$ol$ed in &ata 'odeling of t#e &ata ware#ouse using Star S"#e%a based on t#e reDuire%ents. &e$eloped Fa"t, &i%ension tables. ,lso "reated aggregate tables for want of better perfor%an"e.

Created +#ysi"al, -usiness 'odel and +resentation *ayers of 0epository wit# lot of "usto% logi"al "al"ulated %easures based on t#e reDuire%ent. Created &i%ension Hierar"#ies in t#e -' layer for i%e, produ"t, 2eograp#y and Custo%er &i%ension. Enabled ,ggregate na$igation in t#e -usiness %odel layer. I%ple%ented InitialiEation blo"ks to populate Session $ariables for "reation of dyna%i" filters in t#e reports. Created &as#boards Reven,e Li e$y$le, Shi#ment .nalysis et" wit# +ro%pts and 0eports #a$ing %ultiple $iews like able, +i$ot able, C#art and 1arrati$e based on reDuire%ent. Enabled Ca"#ing for want of better perfor%an"e and also enabled E$ent polling to re%o$e stale "a"#e.

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