Business Object Professional: Roles and Responsibilities
Business Object Professional: Roles and Responsibilities
Business Object Professional: Roles and Responsibilities
Professional Summary. Working from past Four(4) years experience in Business Objects BOXI R2/R3.1 and BI 4.0 in different tools. Worked in different projects in various domains like Inventory Management, Utilities, Retail, Finance, Sales and Distri ution. !"perience in client server application end to end implementation. !"tensively #ands on e"perience in $usiness o ject Universe Designer, %rystal Report designer, Das# oard Designer studio, &dministrator 'orks in (%M%). Das# oard Manager, Import Wi*ard and Report %onversion +ools. ,-&. and ot#er reporting and analy*ing tools We i, ID+, $I -aunc# pad/Info 0ie'. !"perience in data ase S&. 1&2& D$, oracle 3i, 4i, MS S5Server. !"perience in $W Reporting 'it# S&. $, 6.7
Education Details
Work Experience
Currently I am working as SAP BO DEVELOPER from
Technical Skills
Operating Systems Databases Tools Windows 95/98/2000/XP. SAP HANA, Oracle 9i, 10g, MS S ! Ser"er. #$siness O%&ec's X( )2,#$siness O%&ec's X( *.1, +r,s'al )e-or's, Xcelsi$s 2008/.as/%oard,0ni"erse .esigner, We% (n'elligence, #$siness O%&ec's 12-lorer, #e2 $er, .esinger.
Project 1 Project Client !eam Si"e Role Duration En%ironment Project Description. In%entory management &roject is (e%elo&e( for Pace Inc) *'S'A' De%elo&e( t+e *ni%erse, -e$i an( Crystal Re&orts' It is a com&lete automation of In%entory .anagement' /Create( Crystal Re&orts using Crystal re&orts formulas' /*se( alerts to +ig+lig+t critical (ata $ase( on $usiness con(itions' / *se( 01unctions 20select, 0w+ere, 0&rom&t3 to increase t+e Performance an( Reuse t+e con(itions'
+onnec'ed 'o SAP HANA .a'a #ase and 9enera'ed W1#( and .as/ #oard )e-or's %ased on (n5or6a'ion Models in HANA S'$dio +rea'ed 0ser gro$-s and assigned re-or's a$'/ori:a'ion $sing +M+ +rea'ed Single Sign On 4SSO8 logins across so$rce and 'arge' s,s'e6s
ame # Senior Business O$ject De%elo&er' #$siness O%&ec's #( 3.0, 4#( !a$nc/ -ad, (n5or6a'ion .esign 7ool.8, Oracle 10g, Windows XP.
/ E4tensi%ely worke( Crystal Re&orts, Crossta$, Su$)re&orts an( Re&ort linking using anot+er re&ort o$ject o&tion an( e4&orte( t+e re&orts in PD1 format' / Create( interacti%e Das+$oar(s $y im&orting (ata from E4cel s+eets using Crystal 5celsius' / E4&orting t+e re&orts in PD1 format an( sen(ing t+em to t+e users In$o4' / Sc+e(ule( an( &u$lis+e( t+ese re&orts in Business O$jects Enter&rise using Info View' / Create( +ig+ly formatte( re&orts to %isually re&resent (ata using Crystal 5celsius'
Project 2 Project Client !eam Si"e Role Duration *ni%erse Designing, -e$i Re&orts (e%elo&ment' ame
Accounts Paya$le an( Recei%a$le (omain for Ca&ita In(ia, De%elo&e( *ni%erse (esigning, -e$i Stan(ar( an( A()+oc Re&orts' Com&le4 Re&ort wit+ gra&+ical re&resentation' *se( alerter to +ig+lig+t critical (ata $ase( on $usiness con(itions' / *se( 01unctions 20select, 0w+ere3 to increase t+e Performance an( Reuse t+e con(itions'
Designed Universes using Oracle data sources and developed reports in WebI, Xcelsius Dashboards and Crystal eports! Created Hierarchy for the LOV for Webi and Designer and used Cascading LOV in Web
intelligence and also created Reusable LOV, Reusable filters and used Custom SQl in Designer.
Designed Reusable interactive objects and used Derived tables and involved in setting
up Multidimensional analysis, granting access to niverse, Object level security, !etting Restriction "riorities and also #or$ed #ith multiple designers % metadata &ntegration'
Project 4 Project Client !eam Si"e Role Duration En%ironment Project Overview: ALCO In(ia +as migrate( from Business O$jects 5I to Business O$jects 5I R< en%ironment' !+e e4isting en%ironment +as > major uni%erses w+ic+ re?uire( o&timi"ation for t+e loa( $alancing (uring accruing (ata from t+e (ata$ase' !+e e4isting uni%erses +a( most com&licate( (esign' -e i(entifie( t+e flaws in t+e (esign to o&timi"e an( rectifie( t+e same' In%ol%e( groun( le%el system stu(y De%elo&e( 1unctional Sco&e Documentation an( !ec+nical Sco&e Documentation In%ol%e( t+e (e%elo&ment of re(esigning of uni%erse In%ol%e( t+e re&ort (esigning from t+e re(esigne( uni%erse En()*ser training +an(le( Business O$jects 5I R<, -in(ows ser%er <996' < Business O$ject De%elo&er7Designer' ame
Project: 5 Project Client !eam Si"e Role Duration En%ironment Project Overview: @L +onsolida'ion management &roject is (e%elo&e( for !ata !imken In(ia Lt(' De%elo&e( t+e Das+$oar(, *ni%erse, -e$i an( Crystal Re&orts' It is a com&lete automation of Su&&ly C+ain .anagement' /Create( Crystal Re&orts using Crystal re&orts formulas' /*se( alerter to +ig+lig+t critical (ata $ase( on $usiness con(itions' / *se( 01unctions 20select, 0w+ere3 to increase t+e Performance an( Reuse t+e con(itions' / E4tensi%ely worke( Crystal Re&orts, Crossta$, Su$)re&orts an( Re&ort linking using anot+er re&ort o$ject o&tion an( e4&orte( t+e re&orts in PD1 format' / Create( .aster Detail re&ort in -e$i an( Crystal Re&ort' / Create( interacti%e Das+$oar(s $y im&orting (ata from E4cel s+eets using Crystal 5celsius' Microso5' Windows XP Pro5essional ;ersion 2002 wi'/ Ser"ice Pac< 2, Oracle 9i, #$siness O%&ec's X( )*.1 Business O$ject De%elo&er' ame
/ E4&orting t+e re&orts in PD1 format an( sen(ing t+em to t+e users In$o4' / Sc+e(ule( an( &u$lis+e( t+ese re&orts in Business O$jects Enter&rise using Info View' / Create( +ig+ly formatte( re&orts to %isually re&resent (ata using Crystal 5celsius'