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Weblogic Application Server Administration On 9.x, 10.x:: UNIX, Red Hat Linux, Windows

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Mahesh Mobile no: 9885514076 Email:-mahesh.wls12@gmail.com Summa !

having 4 years of progressive experience in WebLogic Application Server Administration" versions 9.x and 10.x Administration on Red hat Lin x and !indo!s environment. "andling all the aspects of administration tas#s s ch as day$to$day site monitoring and maintenance% &nstallation% 'onfig ration% 'l stering% (eploying Applications% )ro bleshooting% Load *alancing% +erformance ) ning and ,aintenance of WebLogic Server. -xtensive !or#ing experience creation and config ration of domains% incl ding Administration Servers% ,anaged Servers% ,achines% node manager% cl sters% .(*' and .,S +roficient in deployment and tro bleshooting of WAR and -AR files in domain and cl stered environments of WebLogic server. -xpertise in &nstallation and 'onfig ration of Apache "))+ /.0% S n one 0.1 Web server. 1ood !or#ing #no!ledge in vario s 2S environments li#e W&3(2WS% 43&5% and Red hat Lin x. &nvolved in tro bleshooting vario s iss es in (evelopment% )esting and +rod ction environments &nvolved * ilds and Application release in prod ction environment. S#illed in leadership% self$motivated and ability to !or# in a team effectively. 1ood #no!ledge in sage of 43&5 shell scripts. +rovided /467 on call s pport for prod ction. "ave excellent experience in 'lient &nteraction. -xcellent problem solving s#ills !ith good interpersonal s#ills.
#echnical S$ills % ima ! S$ills -anguage.s /(e a)ing S!s)em &eb se *e s 0a)abase #ools : 8

&eblogic '((lica)ion Se *e
: ./S-%./-43&5% Red "at Lin x% Windo!s : Apache /./% S n 2ne 0.1% 8 2racle 10g : Wily &ntroscope% )oad% Sam rai

a+minis) a)ion on 9.," 10.,

E+uca)ional +e)ails

'ompleted M.1.' from 24 92smania 4niversity:.

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&o $ E,(e ience &o $ing 2o 134 h!+e ba+ as a &eblogic '+min since ma 2012-( esen) Wor#ed for Rofo s &ndia +vt Limited "yderabad as a &eblogic '+min from ;an /010$mar /01/ % o5ec) / gani6a)ion 0u a)ion 0esc i()ion:
This Product (Renaissance 3.0) is a fully web enabled system that automates all operation and functionalitys of General Auto nsurance !ompany which contains "arious silos li#e P$%& PA%& 'illin( and !laims. Guardian P$% contains different modules li#e )uic#)uote& Application and !ustomer %er"ice& the main feature of this system is an a(ent can start with *uote& con"ert *uote to application& issuin( a policy& and retrie"e throu(h customer ser"ice

: Guardian Auto Insurance Company : 134 : ma 2012 )o )ill +a)e

7es(onsibili)ies: &nstallation and config ration of !eblogic servers on 4nix +latform 9 7e+ha) -inu,8. (eployment of WAR and -AR applications sing admin console. )ro bleshooting !eblogic iss es !ithin SLA and doing root ca se analysis of the iss es. ,onitoring the !eblogic reso rces. &nvolved b ilds and application Releases in prod ction environment. 1ood !or#ing #no!ledge in administrating sing admin console. &nstalled !eblogic on prod ction and pre$prod ction 43&5 boxes. 'reated and config red domains% !eblogic server instances sing con2igu a)ion wi6a +. 'reated vertical cl sters for scalability% failover and load balancing sol tions. +rovided on call s pport for the client on /467 rotational basis. (aily health chec#s p of Weblogic reso rces and sending the stat s mail to all middle!are gro ps. 'onfig red .(*' connection pools and data so rces !ith 2racle. 'reation and config ration of .,S Servers% )opics% < e es% +ersistent stores in WLS server. )ro bleshooting of the Weblogic iss es. &nvolved in preparation and pdating of middle!are doc ments. &nvolved in server start p scripts. 1ood #no!ledge on basic 9:44; commands.

% o5ec): 7es(onsi*e 'u)o 4nsu ance 1om(an!. )his +rod ct 9Renaissance /.0: is a f lly !eb enabled system that a tomates all operation and f nctionality=s of &nterboro A to &ns rance 'ompany !hich contains vario s silo=s li#e +2S% +AS% *illing and 'laims. &nterboro +2S contains different mod les li#e < ic#< ote% Application and ' stomer Service% the main feat re of this system is an agent can start
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!ith > ote% convert > ote to application% iss ing a policy% and retrieve thro gh c stomer service 7oles < 7es(onsibili)ies S pported on call sched le for % o+uc)ion su((o ). (eployed the applications li#e formats of &'7" ='7 an+ E'7 in &eblogic 'onfig re and administered of =0>1" =MS" =:04 &eb logic Se *e 4ns)all% config re and a+minis)e e+ of >ea &eblogic Se *e in vario s environments. 'onfig re and administered of &eblogic se *e !ith / acle9i database. (eployed the applications on m ltiple &eblogic Se *e and maintained -oa+ balancing% "igh availability and ?ail over f nctionality. 'onfig re 3ode manager for administer the ,anaged servers. 'onfig re and administered 'onnection pools for =0>1 connec)ions. 4sed config !i@ard and config b ilder extensively to create and manage Weblogic +omains.
% o5ec) / gani6a)ion 0u a)ion : 3# :7o2ous 4n+ia (*) l)+ : 5an 2010 )o ma 2012

Project Description GT is a tool which allows loadin( all the satellite ima(es and different data related to maps and allows processin( the data to map on the ima(es. t allows to do all the calculations and re*uired modifications to that data to (i"e user best and efficient path.+e will import the maps from other systems into Goo(les ,ap,a#er platform& and then (radually we will be wor#in( on the *uality of the maps and then they should be pushed into Goo(le ,aps. +ell also be importin( our data into the $pen%treet,ap pro-ect by the end of the year. There are numerous applications for accessin( $pen%treet,ap on mobile de"ices& most easily on the iPhone or Android de"ices& and this will most definitely help "isitors to Geor(ia find their way around the world..$pen%treet,ap is a free editable map of the whole world. t is made by people li#e you.

S pported on call sched le for % o+uc)ion su((o ). (eployed the applications li#e formats of &'7" ='7 an+ E'7 in &eblogic 'onfig re and administered of =0>1" =MS" =:04 &eb logic Se *e 4ns)all% config re and a+minis)e e+ of >ea &eblogic Se *e in vario s environments. 'onfig re and administered of &eblogic se *e !ith / acle9i database. (eployed the applications on m ltiple &eblogic Se *e and maintained -oa+ balancing% "igh availability and ?ail over f nctionality. 'onfig re 3ode manager for administer the ,anaged servers.
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'onfig re and administered 'onnection pools for =0>1 connec)ions. 4sed config !i@ard and config b ilder extensively to create and manage Weblogic +omains.

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