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anjaniKumarCA - SAP BO

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AnjaniKumar C.A.

Plot no:-126,
Beside Jeera Club, Jeera,
"nd#ra Prades#.
Contact Numbers
$obile : 89%182!96%
Personal Details
+ate o, Birt# : 5 "-ril 198.
Se/ : $ale
Nationalit* : 0ndian
$arital Status : 1n)arried
2an(ua(es : 3n(lis#,Hindi,4elu(u.
To become a technically sophisticated and business savvy management
professional with a pioneering career focus on the latest Information
Over 2.2 Years of Experience in development of Dashboards reports
using !usiness Ob"ects #rystal $celsius #rystal %eports .
&olding Masters of Computer Applications from Osmania 'niversity
through &oly (other ).*.#ollege.
Executive Summary
+ide experience in analyzing, designing and developing
dashboards experienced in developing dynamic reports.
+ell,versed in development of $celsius dashboards and in
+ebservice connectivity - .ive Office #onnectivity.
Energetic and self,motivated team player/builder 0uic1 learner and
excellent #omputer and #ommerce bac1ground . 2t ease in high
stress and fast,paced environments re0uiring the ability to effectively
handle senior level responsibilities.
#ommitted to learning new technologies.
&ighly enthusiastic and persuasive with excellent )ersonal
%elationship s1ills.
Domain Knowledge
Experience in !usiness logic implementation Data connectivity
Dashboard design (ulti,pro"ect management etc
*ood 1nowledge on !usiness Ob"ects +ebi #rystal %eports
$celsius Data connectivity and .ive Office #onnector.
3pecialis4ed in +eb connectivity components and !Ex connectivity
with $celsius.
Professional !perience " # years of !perience
$or%ing in &nfo' (ystems as a (AP )O Consultant from 5ov
2667 8 till date.
$or%ed as a )O Consultant in #I* solutions from 2pr 26678 Oct
$or%ed as (oftware ngineer in !I% solutions from 9un 266:8
(ar 2667.
*esponsibilities" Designing and developing Dynamic dashboards and
!usiness Ob"ects +E!I reports. (anaging existing reports and
implementing new techni0ues. Developing and (aintaining Dashboards
%eports using !usiness Ob"ects $celsius ;.< - $celsius 266= #rytsal
%eports. Involvded in embedding reports in the >lash applications
through action script. )rovided support in deploying the applications on
the server. +or1ed on 2dd,on components of $celsius ;.< 3D? in
@isual!asic. Involved in Testing of the deployed reports and applications.
)articpated in some administrative tas1s.
+ec,nical !pertise
+ec,nical (%ills
O3 A +indows 5T/2666/$) (3,DO3.
!I Tools A !usiness Ob"ects $I%2 - B $celsius
. ;.<266=C #rystal %eport $I %2.
+eb 3ervers A Tomcat;.D<.6
2pplication 3erver A +ebsphereE.6.
(ar1up .anguages A &T(. $(.
Databases A Oracle7i3F. 3erver 2666.
ducational (trengt,
Mastres of Computer Applications from Osmania -niversity
266; 8 266: &oly (other ).*. #ollege
2ffliated to Osmania 'niversity !alapur &yderabad 2ndhra )radesh.
)ac,elor of Commerce through @idya Dayini Degree #ollege Osmania 'niversity
3antoshnagar &yderabad 2ndhra )radesh.
Run E2E Duration: Nov 2009 till date

%unE2E is a leading provider of customer relationship management G#%(H solutions for small and
midsi4e business. +e deliver cost,effective easy to deploy and easy to use solutions that help customers
achieve rapid %OI thru sales mar1eting and service optimi4ation
nvironment "
!usiness Ob"ects $I%B 266= +in $) 32) !+ 32) !Ex B.$ Excel 266B .ive
Office B.D.
Roles and Responsibilities:
!uilding 'niverse through O.2) connection 32) !+.
Installing and #onfiguring 32) Integration ?it.
#reated some webi reports which are used for some Decession ma1ing.
Involved in developing webi reports using 2lerts >ilters.
Involved in developing innovative management level dashboards.
#onnected .ive Office parameters from +ebi Fuery filters to $celsius.
)reparing 32) !usiness Explorer G!Ex B.xH Fueries through Fuery Designer and %eport
! !orld Duration: "pr 2009 #ct 2009

In this organi4ation technician and (anager )erformance is Trac1ed through a (anual
)rocess called the IscorecardJ This 3corecard is compiled with reports from multiple
applications and includes various statistics on technicians across the Organi4ation This score
card is produced manually it has lengthy time frame to complete and is sub"ect to input errors.
2nd end users are typically unable to view it until several days after month end. +ith a new
version of !usiness Ob"ects that will improve the reporting process for 3ales and )roductivity
modules The %eal performance (etrics G%)(H contains data related to the above modules.
!usiness Ob"ects $I %2,Designer is used for 'niverse development and the +eb reports are
developed through !usiness Ob"ects Info view.
nvironment "
Oracle7i !usiness Ob"ects $I %2 +in $).
Roles and Responsibilities:
*enerated %eports using the 'niverse as the main Data provider and also using the
personal data files provided by the users.
Prepared month-end reports for General Ledger, Net Investment, Interest, Fees and
#reated reports with different functionalities li1e 2lerts 3orting >ilters )rompts.
$% &elly 'roup Duration: $uly 200( )ar
9@?elly*roup Inc. is a leading professional services firm that speciali4es in developing and
implementing innovative spend management solutions. 3ince 2662 It has been delivering innovative
spend management solutions to the worldKs leading organi4ations.
nvironment "
#rystal $celisus ;.< - 266= +in $) 3F. 3erver 2666 Excel 266B
+ebservices >lash.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Involved in developing innovative management level dashboards and embedding them in a flash
application using action script .
+or1ed on web sevices to fetch the data and embed it in the report.
*athered the site information through 3harepoint server and deliverded it in to a dashboard.
)reapred a #arousel which contains various management dashboards which is developed using
flash action script.
)erformed Testing for all dashboards.
n*ormation on Demand +oD, Duration: Dec
200- $un 200(
Information on Demand is an i3tore maintained by !usiness Ob"ects. This i3tore provides different type
of reports and Dashboards to the !usiness )eople GEnd 'sersH on the basis of !uy and 3ubscribe. The
main aim of this pro"ect was to develop and upload the #% %eports in to !usiness Ob"ects istore G3erverH
from where the end users can buy and analy4e the %eports.
The %eports developed in this pro"ect gives complete analysis on e!ay mar1eting at
different products li1e DE3?TO)3 .2)TO)3 #Ds D@Ds and 2'DIO DE@I#E3 etc. !y using these
%eports the end user can analy4e data at different levels li1e K!y age *roupK K!y *enderK K!y !randK.
3ome administrative tas1s are done in maintainence such as deploying the dashboards and reports to the
testing server after successful phase of testing we used to migrate those files to the production server.
.lient : /usiness #bjects an S"P company0 1S"2
nvironment "
!usiness Ob"ects $I%2 #rystal $celius ;.< #rystal %eports $I Faaws GFuery as a web serviceH
+in $) Excel 266B .ive Office connector +ebi.
*oles and *esponsibilities"
Invloved in developing +ebi reports which compares the revenue generated different regions
of an organi4ation.
Developed dashboards using #rystal $celsius ;.< - 266= using .ive Office #onnector
and +ebi %eports.
*enerated some reports using #rystal %eports $I.
#reated some web services using +ebservice generator tool Faa+3.
3ome administrative tas1s are performed li1e deploying reports and dashboards. (igrating
them from the testing server to production server.
+or1ed with .ive Office #onnector which fetches data from #rystal %eports and +ebi
)erformed testing for all the reports dashboards and widgets.
!eb Enabled "utomated )anu*acturin3 System+"cademic,
The system creates a web based (anufacturing 3ystem that enables a (anufacturing industry to
schedule its manufacturing operations based on the daily update of sales from its dealers. Once
the sales figures of items for the past wee1 are entered by the Dealers over the internet along
with the Orders for the next delivery the schedule for the next wee1Ls production will be drawn
up. 2 report of the re0uired raw materials or parts will be drawn up with the approved suppliers
for each suppliers will be intimated about the product re0uirements over the internet - as1ed to
0uote their rates. Once the rates are 0uoted the Order will be placed with the re0uired delivery
Client" 2ssureThin1.
nvironment "
9d1 D.; +in $) oracle 7i (3,2cess.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Writing Server side code in JSP and Servlets.
Designed Front end applications design.
I here by declare that the above,furnished informationLs are true to the best of my 1nowledge and belief.
Yours sincerely
Anjani Kumar .C.A.

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