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Customer Query Track

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Customer Query Track

Development of a feature-rich web based Query Tracking System

1. Title of the project: Customer Query Track 2. Domain: Open Industry

3 Sub Domain: Sales Services and !arketing Division

4. Project Architecture " #-Tire $rchitecture

% SDLC methodologies: &$D'(aterfall model ! Abstract of the project: This pro)ect is mainly used to track the *ueries of the customers in the organi+ation and resolve the *ueries This ,ro)ect also sends the services to the customer to find out the customer satisfaction and employee performance The system has a ma)or problem in finding the product support and service activities that are undertaken by the employees Once the products have installed at the client-s site. the cycle of warranty maintenance starts To keep the customers in a proper chain of satisfaction the system needs the data to be organi+ed in a proper relational way The pro)ect is to maintain the relational communication among the pro)ect is to maintain this relational communication among the data. such that consistency. reliability and integrity can be achieved The ma)or technicality within the system lies in managing the coordination among the sales and service departments. which is the ma)or hold upon the system to gain or achieve profits This project is been di"ided into t#o modules! These are: / 0ustomer-s !odule 1 2mployee-s !odule Customer$s %odule" The 0ustomer-s !odule is designed to provide the following services a! Posting a Query: 0ustomers should be free to post their *ueries to the concern department The system must identify each *uery with an automatically generated Query Id. for future references

b! Sur"ey Details: c! Status 0ustomers should be allowed to check the status of their *uery. by using the uni*ue Query Id provided by the system 0ustomers should be able to post the survey details on a department by simply selecting the department and post the survey details to the organi+ation In survey details service the system provides the rate of satisfaction of the customer on a particular employee The rate of satisfaction can be known by giving ratings to the employee

The system must display the answers along with the Query to the customer. after posting the *uery

&mployee$s %odule: In this 2mployee-s !odule we have two services. which are a! Posted Queries: The employees should be able to see the posted *ueries. which are posted by the customers $n employee can visit the *ueries posted to that department only The employee should post back the solution to the *ueries he has received $n employee cannot only see his rating but also rating of other employees who are working in other departments b! Sur"ey: The employees should be able to see the survey details posted by the customers 3e can able to see the survey details of all the departments This system should also provide registration of new customers for the organi+ation The customers should be able to see the fre*uently asked *uestion asked by the customers

$ password protection with secure mode option is provided to guard from un-authori+ed access to database

7. 'eatures "
The 0ustomers should be free to post their *ueries to the concern department The 0ustomers should be able to post the survey details on a department by simply selecting The 0ustomers should be allowed to check the status of their *uery. by using the uni*ue Query Id provided by the system The employees should be able to see the posted *ueries. which are posted by the 0ustomers The 2mployee can visit the *ueries posted to that department only The employee should post back the solution to the *ueries he has received $n employee cannot only see his rating but also rating of other employees who are working in other departments The employees should be able to see the survey details posted by the customers This system should also provide registration of new customers for the organi+ation The customers should be able to see the fre*uently asked *uestion asked by the customers

The software is fully integrated with C(% 40ustomer &elationship !anagement5 as well as C%S 40ontent !anagement System5 solution and developed in a manner that is easily manageable. time saving and relieving one from manual works )! *ey#ords: +eneric Technology *ey#ords: Databases. 6ser Interface. ,rogramming Specific Technology *ey#ords: $S, #et. 07 #et. !S SQ8 Server Project Type *ey#ords: $nalysis. Design. Implementation. Testing

SDLC *ey#ords" ,resentation. 9usiness Ob)ect. Data $ccess 8ayers

,! &n"ironment: Ser"ers: -perating System Ser"er: . !icrosoft (indows 1::: or 3igher Data /ase Ser"er: !icrosoft SQ8 Server 1:::'1::%

Clients: !icrosoft Internet 2;plorer. Tools: !icrosoft <isual Studio #et 0ser 1nterface: $S, #2T with $=$> Code /ehind: <07 #2T

23! (e4uirements: 5ard#are re4uirements: 6umber / Description ,0 with 1 ?9 hard-disk and 1%@ !9 &$!

Soft#are re4uirements: 6umber /

Description (indows 1:::' >,' or 3igher with !S-office !S-SQ8 server1:::'1::% !s-<isual Studio #et 1::% !s-Internet 2;plorer

1 3 A

%anpo#er re4uirements: 3 to A Developers can complete this in 3-A months

22! %ilestones: 6o! / %ilestone 6ame &e*uirements Specification %ilestone Description 0omplete specification of the system including defining hierarchies constitutes this milestone $ document detailing the same should be written and a presentation on that be made 6nderstanding of the technology needed to implement the pro)ect $ database of at least /: entries of users with at least / should application admin 8isting down all possible scenarios and then coming up with flow-charts or pseudo code to handle the scenario Implementation of the main screen giving the login. screen that follows the login giving various options. screens for each of the options The front-end developed in the earlier milestone will now be able to update the database Other features should be functional at this stage In short. the system should be ready for integration testing The system should be thoroughly tested by running all the test cases written for the system 4from milestone %5 Issues found during the previous milestone are fi;ed and the system is ready for the final review (emarks $ttempt should be made to add some more relevant functionality other than those that are listed in this document The presentation should be from the point of view of being able to apply it to the pro)ect. rather than from a theoretical perspective It is important to finali+e on the database at this stage itself so that development and testing can proceed with the actual database itself The scenarios should map to the re*uirement specification During this milestone period. it would be a good idea for the team to start working on a test-plan for the entire system This test-plan can be updated as and when new scenarios come to mind

Technology familiari+ation Database creation

3igh-level and Detailed Design Development of front end functionalities

Integrating the front-end with the database

Integration Testing Dinal &eview

$nother 1 weeks should be there to handle any issues found during testing of the system $fter that. the final demo can be arranged During the final review of the pro)ect. it should be checked that all the re*uirements specified during milestone number / are fulfilled

27! The follo#ing steps #ill be helpful to start off the project: Study and be comfortable with technologies such as" $S, #et with 07. and SQ8 Server

?ather some knowledge of product hierarchies and maintenance before starting the design 0reate a user database with different access levels Start with creating the login screen 0reate menus for navigation and group the functionalities as sub menus 0reate the help-pages of the application in the form of D$Q This will helps user

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