This document provides information about fluid drives from Turboresearch Industries (TRI). It describes how TRI fluid drives can minimize costs and downtime while improving reliability, efficiency, and equipment life for various applications including crushers, conveyors, material handling, marine drives, and portable equipment. It provides details on TRI's fluid drive models for diesel engine or motor applications up to 40,000 horsepower and 20,000 rpm.
This document provides information about fluid drives from Turboresearch Industries (TRI). It describes how TRI fluid drives can minimize costs and downtime while improving reliability, efficiency, and equipment life for various applications including crushers, conveyors, material handling, marine drives, and portable equipment. It provides details on TRI's fluid drive models for diesel engine or motor applications up to 40,000 horsepower and 20,000 rpm.
This document provides information about fluid drives from Turboresearch Industries (TRI). It describes how TRI fluid drives can minimize costs and downtime while improving reliability, efficiency, and equipment life for various applications including crushers, conveyors, material handling, marine drives, and portable equipment. It provides details on TRI's fluid drive models for diesel engine or motor applications up to 40,000 horsepower and 20,000 rpm.
This document provides information about fluid drives from Turboresearch Industries (TRI). It describes how TRI fluid drives can minimize costs and downtime while improving reliability, efficiency, and equipment life for various applications including crushers, conveyors, material handling, marine drives, and portable equipment. It provides details on TRI's fluid drive models for diesel engine or motor applications up to 40,000 horsepower and 20,000 rpm.
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Torsional shock protection
Torque overload protection Repeated start-stop control No ad]ustments 8oft starts Designed For Crushers/chippers Conveyors Material handling Marine drives Portable Equipment Minimize Capital costs Operating costs Down time Maintenance 8tarting torque Driver size Noise mprove Reliability Efficiency Process control 8pace requirements 8tart up / warm up Equipment life TeI: 800-363-8571 or 610-363-8570 Fax: 610-524-6326 E-maiI: fl0l0 0fl908 f8I I888f IRyIR88 8Rd 8 N8f8I8 OIrccz OrIvc BHcvc/BcIz GcrcU OrIvc ?RI CzIog: moUcI EFO nU mFO FIwIU OrIvcs BpccUs zo 2,#DD RPm PoWcr zo #,DDD MP B mW) TeI: 800-363-8571 or 610-363-8570 Fax: 610-524-6326 E-maiI: fl0l0 0fl90 $lIl 008fl l0f 0l080l ll08 80 0 N0l0f8 TypicaI Limits: 4000 HP (3000 KW) or 2400 rpm Based on Advanced RoIIing EIement Bearing TechnoIogy Exarp|e: For dr|ver equ|prerl W|l| a poWer requ|rererl ol 800 lP al 900 RPH, l|rd l|e proper s|ze erg|re, F|u|d 0r|ve ard speed reducl|or lype. 1) C|oose ar erg|re W|l| a rax|rur rel corl|rous ral|rg aoove l|e poWer requ|rererls ol l|e dr|ver equ|prerl, say 850 lP al 2100 RPH. 2) To s|ze l|e F|u|d 0r|ve, lo||oW l|e |or|zorla| ||re correspord|rg lo l|e poWer derard ol l|e |oad url|| |l |rlersecls l|e verl|ca| RPH ||re lor l|e erg|re. T|e |rlersecl|or ol l|ese lWo ||res W||| oe lourd W|l||r l|e capac|ly erve|ope ol l|e 3|ze 230 F|u|d 0r|ve. 3) T|e rexl requ|rererl |s lo reduce l|e erg|re speed lror 2100 RPH lo 900 RPH. 0eperd|rg or equ|prerl corl|gural|or, l||s car oe accorp||s|ed W|l| a 3|ze 230 F|u|d 0r|ve W|l| e|l|er a speed reduc|rg gearoox oulpul group or, |l oe|l dr|ve |s requ|red, W|l| a ||g| capac|ly s|eave dr|ve oulpul group. T||s s|z|rg c|arl |s lo oe used as ar approx|rale gu|de |r se|ecl|rg l|e proper s|ze F|u|d 0r|ve. To opl|r|ze l|e ell|c|ercy ard |rsla||al|or ol l|e TRl F|u|d 0r|ve, p|ease corlacl TRl lor a dela||ed ara|ys|s ol your requ|rererls. N8 ff80M0l8 80 0#ll08 98ll80l0 Construction detaiIs and oiI system arrangements designed to suit specific appIication requirements. $l808f0 f08l0f08 Heavy duty fIuid circuit construction RoIIing EIement Bearing designed for extended Iife. OiI Pump is driven internaIIy by gear or by an externaI motor OverIoad protection with externaI reset and restart AII oiI contained in the housing - No "Fuse PIugs" to repIace No oiI to cIean up from bIown Fuse PIug f0f 0l080l ll0 0fl908 FIywheeI driving rings are provided, designed for bIind assembIy Standard Output Configurations High capacity sheave drive Straight shaft for direct drive Speed Reducer Gear Speed Increaser Gear Standard Input Configurations Housing FIywheeI piIot SAE #1 18.375" (SAE 14") SAE #0 22.500" (SAE 18") SAE#00 26.500" (SAE 21") Diesel Engine Driven Space is available for 12 belt sheave Typical shaft size is 4 11/16 inch diameter Sheaves can be easily replaced. Drive to left or to right by rotating housing Specially designed to be extra short to help machinery users meet trailer width restrictions N000l Nf000 fl0l0 0fl90 l0f "0lf00l 0fl90 AC Motor Driven, typically. Any power source remote from Fluid Drive. Specify: Application & motor Available motor, if any Speed, maximum power of load, and duty cycle N000l lf0$ fl0l0 0fl90 Nll0 $00890 TeI: 800-363-8571 or 610-363-8570 Fax: 610-524-6326 E-maiI: N000l lf000 fl0l0 0fl90 l0f "0lf00l 0fl90 Diesel Engine Driven. Specify: Application, maximum power at max. speed, and duty cycle Engine manufacturer and model, or specify flywheel housing size N000l lf068 I0f lf06ll fl0l0 0fl90 Nll0 608f00K Diesel Engine Driven. Motor Driven Versions Available. Specify: Application and duty cycle Engine manufacturer and model Maximum load power and maximum load speed Mounting arrangement preferred, foot or side Note: Made with reducing speed gear (GR) or increasing speed gear (GI) Engineering Services and Products P.O.Box 454 Lionville, PA Tel:610-363-8570 E-mail: for Large Rotating Machinery 212 Welsh Pool Rd. 19353-0454 Fax:610-524-6326 100 f8Mll 0l 18l fl0l0 0fl90 Ff0000l8 BrocHwrcs Ior ccH Czcgory rc vIIBIc Model EFD or MFD Diesel Engine/Motor Driven Fluid Drives to 4000 hp, to 3600 rpm Model RAH / RAV Variable 8peed Fluid Drives to 4000 hp, to 3600 rpm Model RBH / RBV Variable 8peed Fluid Drives to 8000 hp, to 1800 rpm Model FH / FV Geared Variable 8peed Fluid Drives to 40,000 hp, to 20,000 rpm E=Engine M=Motor F=Oil Film Bearings R=Rolling Element Bearings H=Horizontal 8haft V=Vertical 8haft Contact TR for more information and for name of sales representative serving your product or geographical area America's leader in the technological advancement of high powered fluid drives since 1973