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Smoking Should Be Banned Permanently in The UAE

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Smoking should be banned permanently in the UAE

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Smoking should be banned permanently in the UAE

Introduction I can say The health effects of tobacco are big problem for people and the circumstances, mechanisms, also all factors of tobacco effect on human health. so Epidemiological research has been focused primarily on cigarette tobacco smoking, which has been studied more extensively than any other form of consumption. 1

The World ealth !rgani"ation when gove more attention for smoking estimates that tobacco caused #.$ million deaths in %&&$ and 1&& million deaths over the course of the %&th century. 'imilarly, the (nited 'tates )enters for *isease )ontrol and +revention describes tobacco use as ,the single most important preventable risk to human health in developed countries and an important cause of premature death worldwide., 'everal countries have taken measures to control the consumption of tobacco with usage and sales restrictions as well as warning messages printed on packaging. 'moke contains several carcinogenic pyrolytic products that bind to *-. and cause manygenetic mutations. There are $# known or suspected chemical carcinogens in cigarette smoke. Tobacco also contains nicotine, which is a highly addictive psychoactive drug. When tobacco is smoked, nicotine causes physical and psychological dependency. Tobacco use is a significant factor in miscarriages among pregnant smokers, and it contributes to a number of other threats to the health of the fetus

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such as premature births and low birth weight and increases by 1.$ to 2 times the chance for 'udden Infant *eath 'yndrome. The result of scientific studies done in neonatal rats seems to indicate that exposure to cigarette smoke in the womb may reduce the fetal brain3s ability to recogni"e hypoxic conditions, thus increasing the chance of accidental asphyxiation. Incidence of impotence is approximately 4# percent higher in male smokers compared to non5smokers, and is a key factor causing erectile 6E*7.

Tobacco is the single greatest cause of preventable death globally. Tobacco use leads most commonly to diseases affecting the heart, liver and lungs, with smoking being a ma8or risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 6)!+*7 6including emphysema and chronic bronchitis7, and cancer 6particularly lung cancer,cancers of the larynx and mouth, and pancreatic cancer7. It also causes peripheral vascular disease and hypertension. The effects depend on the number of years that a person smokes and on how much the person smokes. 'tarting smoking earlier in life and smoking cigarettes higher in tar increases the risk of these diseases. .lso, environmental tobacco smoke, or secondhand smoke, has been shown to cause adverse health effects in people of all ages. )igarettes sold in underdeveloped countries tend to have higher tar content, and are less likely to be filtered, potentially increasing vulnerability to tobacco5 related disease in these regions.

!besity leads to several other complications such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, which is one of the leading causes of death in the (.E, according to the 9inistry of ealth statistics.

There is an urgent need to make more public the campaign against obesity. :reater awareness and public programmes are re;uired. ,!besity has the possibility of assuming epidemic proportions, especially keeping in mind the existing lifestyle of the country3s population.

,<ack of enough exercise and high fat content in the diet are the main causes of obesity. ,+eople haven3t given the problem of being overweight and obese the same attention as other risks such as smoking, but it is a top health issue.%

.cross the (.E, over recent years, there has been a steady increase in food5energy consumption, and a lack of physical exercise is also apparent. !verweight and obesity, therefore, have risen dramatically in the country over the past decade. ,!besity is a ma8or health problem in the (.E community, and may play an important role in increasing the occurrence of other chronic diseases.



+eople who smoked throughout their lives and lived in poverty were significantly more likely to have a chronic disease such as asthma, diabetes, arthritis or heart disease. =ut the effects of smoking and poverty were smaller than the effects of obesity on both a person3s health and ;uality of life.

There is a need to target the problem of obesity more seriously in the (.E, as it has been found to have a greater impact problem of obesity more seriously in the (.E on health than drinking or smoking

I explain that obese individuals were found to have higher rates of chronic medical illness and a poorer ;uality of life than alcohol abusers, smokers and those living in poverty, according to the new .merican findings. ,These results are ;uite dramatic and have a huge impact on the (.E, as obesity is a big health problem here

. 9inistry of ealth study carried out in the last decade on national nutrition revealed that 22 per cent of married women in the (.E were overweight and 24 per cent were obese. !f the married men studied, $&.2 per cent were overweight, but only 1#.4 per cent were obese. It was found that around %& per cent of the population suffers from obesity, which is more than the (.'.


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