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SOP For Sewing Operator Recruitment and Training PDF

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I. Procedure for Setting up of Sewing Training Section in factory II. Procedure for Recruitment of Trainee Operators (Tentative) III. Training Syllabus for Trainee Operators

Scientific Approac to !"##$ %AS#$ TRAI"I"&' in ( simple Steps ). Primary Training* %asic Sewing + ,ac ine -ontrol Training (. Secondary Training* Adding on S.ills to #/isting Operators + Improving t e #fficiency of 0ow Performing Operators I. Procedure for Setting up of Sewing Training Section in factory A. Analysis to be made before setting up of the Training Section 1. The Output capacity of training section needs to be determined before setting up of a training section in the factory. 2. To determine the Output of the training section following factors need to be considered: a. Present Operator Strength in the Factory & strength. b. "ine wise# rade wise Operators ! a$ailable in e$ery line c. ! "abour Turno$er in the factory & rade %ise ! Split in the total Turn O$er d. ! &bsenteeism in Factory 'Should also be analysed line wise( & rade wise ! Split in the o$erall &bsenteeism rade wise ! contributing to the

e. )omple*ity of styles running in the factory & Operation wise S+ill Set re,uirement for the style needs to be analysed. This would tell use what should be the ideal mi* of S+ill Set that needs to be allocated to the line f. &nalysis of most fre,uently running styles in the factory & Operation wise S+ill Set re,uirement for the style. -eeds to be analysed. This would tell use what should be the ideal mi* of S+ill Set that needs to be allocated to the line g. super$isor in Style.Operation training Specific S+ill of set a$ailability Operators

)onsidering the abo$e said factors# the factory /0 has to co1ordinate with the training

B. Planned Strategy: 1. Training /nstructors need to be recruited depending on the si2e of the training section and the trained operator output planned out of the training section. 2. There will be two categories of instructors re,uired in training of the operators. One is training section instructor who will train the trainees within the training section and the other instructor will render O- 3O4 T5&/-/- instructor who will train the e*isting operator or the newly trained operator. II. Procedure for Selection of Trainee Operators (Tentative) 1. Personal interview: 6iscuss & fill the rele$ant information in the Trainee Operator Recruitment Slip by 75 6epartment (. Selection tests* 1. Peg board tests 2. Pin board test 3. Ball &tube test

4. Visual Accuracy test 5. Colour Perception test Ob1ective* Assessment of %asic S.ills for ma.ing successful Sewing Operators These tests are $ery important for assessment of basic S+ills such as 8anual de*terity 'Speed of 7and 8o$ements(# Finger 6e*terity 'Speed of hand mo$ements(# and 7and 0ye )o1ordination & Sewing tests 'Only for e*perienced operator# these basic s+ills are $ery /mportant for ma+ing successful Sewing Operators(.

). P#& %OAR$ $#2T#RIT3 T#STS* A. Peg %oard $e/terity Test A (P%$A)* /n this test# we can assess the ability of applicant9s 7and & &rm mo$ements# Two 7and )o1ordination &pparatus 5e,d: Peg 4oard# 8etal pegs '12:(# Stopwatch rade: 1to ; ' rade ;'<; sec(= rade >'<?1@: Sec(= radeA '@11 @?Sec(= rade 2'@<1B:sec( rade1 '&bo$e B: sec(. Target: <; seconds -ote: 1 4eing "east & ; 4eing 7ighest %. Peg %oard $e/terity Test % (P%$%)* /n this test we can assess the ability of finger mo$ements# & two hand )o1 Ordination. &pparatus 5e,d: Peg 4oard# 8etal pegs '12:( one end painted red# & Stopwatch rade: 1to; ' rade ;'@2 sec(= rade >'@A1B: Sec(= radeA 'B111::Sec(= rade 2'1:111:; sec(= rade1 '&bo$e 1:; sec(

Target: @2 seconds -ote: 1 4eing "east & ; 4eing 7ighest A. PI" %OAR$ T#ST (P%T)* /n these tests# we can tests the ability to do the fine wor+ with the fingers. /t tests the ability to ma+e rapid finger mo$ements# neatly# accurately & sensiti$ity. &pparatus 5e,d: Standard Pin board# 1A; pins# & Stopwatch# Target: B: seconds Test: 5ight 7and & "eft 7and -ote: 1 4eing "east & ; 4eing 7ighest >. %A00 + T4%# T#STS (%TT)* /n this test# we can measure the main manual )o1ordination together with the Finger de*terity &pparatus 5e,d: 4all tube Stand & 4o*es with one lid# 2; balls & Stopwatch Target: 2; Seconds Test: 5ight 7and & "eft 7and ;. 5IS4A0 A--4RA-3 T#ST (5AT)* /n this test# we can measure the $isual &ccuracy & Speed &pparatus 5e,d: Cisual forms# pencils# & Stopwatch. Target: >@ Seconds

rade: 1to; ' rade ;'1<12:(= rade >'1A11?(= radeA '1:112(= rade 2'<1B(= rade1'less than <(( -ote: 1 4eing "east & ; 4eing 7ighest 6. -O0O4R P#R-#PTIO" T#ST (-PT)* This test is conducted to analy2e the colour sensiti$ity of the operator. /n this test operators are as+ed to differentiate and ran+ different shades of the same colour in &scending Order. %e also can gi$e them some cones of thread of different colours and bloc+s of same or nearly same colours and as+ed to match the thread to the bloc+ of colours. &fter passing of abo$e tests by trainees# then only they are eligible for to entering the training department Resources Re7uired* 1. Sewing ac!ines

a. Single "eedle #oc$ Stitc! % 1& "os b. 'ouble "eedle #oc$ Stitc! % 1 "o c. ()er #oc$ d. ()er #oc$ e. +lat #oc$ 2. ac!ine % 3*!d % 1 "o ac!ine % 5*!d % 1 "o ac!ine % 3*!d , 1 "o

anpower % Sewing -nstructor % 1 Person

3. Continuous A)ailability o. +abric/ *!read & "eedle .or Sewing *raining 4. Cupboard o. 'ocu0entation % 1 "o 5. So.t Board % 414 % 1 "o 2. 3!ile Board % 414 % 1 "o 4. 'uster , 1/ 3!ite Board *ape % 5 5. Stop Cloc$ % 2 "os 6. Peg Boards % 1 "o & etal Pegs % 12& "os ar$er % 4/ Per0anent ar$er % 1/ easuring

1&.Pin Board % 1 "o & Pins % 135 "os 11.Ball & *ube Stand % 1 "o & arble Balls % 25 "os

III. Training Syllabus for Trainee O era!ors STEP 1: Appro/ $uration* ) $ay T eory* 1. eneral idea of other departments in the factory. 2. 6ifferent types of Sewing 8achines A. Sewing 8achine and its parts. >. Threading se,uence for different types of Sewing 8achines 'S.-#O."#6.-#F."#FO&( STEP 2: Appro/ $uration* 8 $ays Practical 1. Treadle mo$ement# Treadle )ontrol P&5T1/ a. 5unning the machine at high Speed b. 5unning the machine at low Speed c. 5unning the machine at $ery low speed# d. -eedle up & -eedle down. e. Full speed & stop at stop points.

f. 5oughing e*ercises.T eory 2. 6ifferent +inds of Stitches. A. 6ifferent +inds of Fabric# and its general use. >. 6ifferent +inds of -eedles# Threads and their use. ;. Stitches per /nch 'SP/( & Stitches per )ms 'SP)( and adDustments. STEP 3: Appro/ $uration* 8 $ays T eory 1. Ad7usting Sewing conditions , SP-/ *!read tension/ Presser +oot/ +eed dog etc. 2. "eedle c!ange/ *ension ad7ust0ent. 3. Selection o. "eedle/ *!read and SP- .or gi)en +abric. 4. +olders/ Attac!0ents and t!eir use. 5. -0portance o. 'aily c!ec$,up. Practical 2. *readle 0o)e0ent/ *readle Control PA8*,-Fabric 0*ercises 'Single ply( with threaded machine. 1. Straight line 'single ply( 2. S,uare 'single ply( A. Triangle 'single ply( ac!ine Cleaning and Pre)enti)e aintenance

>. )ur$e. 'Single ply( ;. )ircle or o$al shape 'single ply( ?. Eig2ag 0*ercises. STEP 4: Appro/ $uration* 8 $ays Practical 1. 9:ercises to i0pro)e !andling & increase 1. "ong burst practice on waste fabric 2. Practice of 5un stitch# 0dge stitch# pointed stitch# Precision Start & Stop & $arious other sewing e*ercises. A. Two ply attaching by 5un stitch# Turn & stitch pointed or edge '+inari(. T eory ;c ti0e

2. Structure and Principle o. Asse0bly o. Clot!s. 3. Sewing 'e.ects/ Cause and 9..ect diagra0/ *rouble s!ooting. 4. -0portance o. <Align0ent= w!ile stitc!ing and its i0portance to >uality. 5. >uality 8e?uire0ent/ >uality Control and 8eliability. ?. Wor" la#e $ayou! % Prin#i les of Mo!ion e#ono&y'

-n t!is Session we particular train operators on better !andling tec!ni?ues/ arranging t!eir wor$ place according to t!e se?uence o. 0otion to reduce !andling & increase 0ac!ine ti0e.

STEP 5: Appro/ $uration* ( $ays Practical 1. Practical 0*ercise 1 To consolidate all the abo$e steps. 2. )ommon Operations in armenting of 6ifferent Styles a. )ollar operation 'collar run stitch# collar top or edge or pointed stitch( b. Slee$e operations 'plac+et attach by using folder( c. 7emming Operations A. Fuality 0*ercises ObDecti$e: To ma+e more Fuality awareness to all trainees by showing & e*plaining the different types of defects showing in the readymade board. 7ere we should ma+e Dob cards showing correct method 'it shows good ,uality( & wrong method of sewing 'it shows defects(. STEP 6: Released to Production 0ine + 9ollow up 1. (nce t!e training instructor !as been satis.ied about trainee

per.or0ance during training/ t!en !e ;s!e can been released into t!e production line using Trainee O era!or Release Sli . 2. 3!ile releasing t!e operator to production line/ per.or0ance report o. t!e operator during training/ detailing t!e s$ill le)el/ t!e reco00endation o. t!e instructor & t!e strengt! & wea$ness o. t!e operator is gi)en to -9 tea0 .or t!eir re.erence.

3. "ewly trained operators !a)e to be constantly 0onitored by t!e *raining instructor see$ing t!e !elp o. t!e wor$ analyst & (nline training instructor in t!e line and t!e industrial engineer o. t!e .actory. FI$ES FOR DOWN$OAD Cli#" on !(e lin"s belo) !o *o)nloa* !(e file Trainee O era!or Re#rui!&en!+ Training Tes!s % Release Sli For&a!s Trainee O era!or Re#rui!&en! Sli Trainee O era!or Release Sli Trainee O era!or Progress C(ar! Training Tes! for S!e , Training Tes! for S!e , . Training Tes! for S!e , / Training Tes! for S!e , 0 Training Tes! for S!e , 1

#AB9#S@ APPA89#/ -"'AS*8-A# 9"B-"998-"B/

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A"AB9 9"*/ S93-"B (P98A*(8 *8A-"-"B/ *8A-"-"B

5esearch Papers

3!at is -ndustrial 9ngineeringC Co0petency 'e0onstration 8eport 3 , Plant #ayout Co0petency 'e0onstration 8eport 1, y +irst -9 Dob a:i0u0 9:ploitation o. -nternet .or 9..ecti)e/ Producti)e & Pro.itable Co00unication in Apparel Business Paradig0 S!i.t towards >uality Assurance Application o. 3or$ study in Apparel anu.acturing S(P .or Sewing (perator 8ecruit0ent and *raining Basic S(P .or Cutting Section in Apparel .g 8educing Product C!ange ()er *i0e in Apparel .g 8+-' in Production *rac$ing o. Apparels #ogical Approac! to 3age +i:ation;8e)ision o. Sewing (perators o. Bar0ents +actory in -ndia Strategy .or i0ple0entation o. -*;98P solutions in Apparel anu.acturing An (bser)ation o. -9;-* Application in Apparels

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