Figures of Legend: Heroic Legacies
Figures of Legend: Heroic Legacies
Figures of Legend: Heroic Legacies
Heroic Legacies
What makes a hero is not only his actions on the battleeld. A Space Marine is judged by his Battle-Brothers and by the Emperor Himself, both for the strength of his arm and the strength of his purpose.
he Battle-Brothers of the Adeptus Astartes are, arguably, the nest and most deadly warriors ever to stride across a battleeld. Even the most junior Battle-Brother of the tenth company, fresh from his indoctrination, is more than a match for any ten other soldiers. Competent in arms and tactics, experienced Space Marines consistently outmanoeuvre, outthink, and outght the enemies of the Imperium on battleelds throughout the galaxy. They keep His people safe from the mindbending horrors and esh-hungry xenos that stalk the dark places of the galaxy, and carry on their mighty shoulders the burden of the hopes and fears of countless trillions of Imperial citizens. There are some Space Marines, veterans of innumerable campaigns, who are more than the rank and le Battle-Brother, however. They are more experienced, more cunning, more knowledgable, more skilled, and indeed more deadly than nearly any other warrior in the galaxy. These Battle-Brothers, these veterans of long campaigns, are giants among their fellows, and embody traits and attributes to which every Space Marine aspires. They have decades or even centuries of combat experience, and they are nothing less than the wrath of the Emperor made esh. The following chapter outlines a set of new rules for creating Heroic Legacies for veteran Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch of the Jericho Reach. Heroic Legacies are jointlypurchased packages of combat roles and manoeuvres that an experienced Kill-team can use to increase their battleeld effectiveness, better bringing the wrath of the Emperor to the enemies of Him on Earth in the Jericho Reach. These various packages expand on and upgrade the standard Squad Mode abilities presented in the DEATHWATCH Core Rulebook. They provide numerous bonuses and special abilities that give individual members and the Kill-team as a whole more tactical exibility on the battleeld and allow them to react quickly and effectively to the constantly shifting needs of combat in the 41st Millennium.
s mentioned above, Heroic Legacies are a system with which DEATHWATCH players can represent playing an experienced, well-trained, and cohesive Kill-team. The Heroic Legacy rules are an addendum to the basic rules from the DEATHWATCH Core Rulebook. A Heroic Legacy Package contains a mixture of Roles, Formations, and Manoeuvres that enhance the way Battle-Brothers work together on the battleeld. A Kill-team can purchase these packages to increase the Battle-Brothers efcacy in combat and mark themselves as a truly powerful and experienced Kill-team. When purchasing a Heroic Legacy, the players collectively agree to and enter into it as a whole and, similar to the Squad Mode abilities which it supersedes, uses cooperative resources like Cohesion to activate the abilities associated with it. There are eight Heroic Legacies presented in this book, located at the end of this chapter. The eight packages represent eight different archetypal Kill-teams, and each Package offers a mix of Roles and Manoeuvres unique to that archetypes particular tactical sensibilities and play style.