Practical Work No
Practical Work No
Practical Work No
6: "Receiver"
In this TP implement, through a subtractor, a scale adapter DC. Adequately inform the activity in this practical work. Theoretical development:
For independent resistors R1, R2, R3, R4, apply this formula:
This expression can be simplified using resistors are alike. The differential impedance between two entries is: Zi = R1 + R2. We underline that this type of configuration has a low input resistance as compared with other such subtractors instrumentation amplifier. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------Materials Needed: - Integrated Circuit LM741 - Resistors: - Capacitors: * 2 x 10 uF Capacitors 25 V Electrolytic * 2 Ceramic Capacitors 100 nF -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------Practical Development:
The first thing to do is to calculate the value of resistors required for the development of practical work, the Rf and R1. To use this graph Vc (Volts) versus temperature ( C) As we see: Vc (40 C) = 3V
Vc (30 C) = 1V Y being adjusted so that said variation is fulfilled: Vo (40 C) = 5V Vo (30 C) = 0V With these values we proceed to calculate the resistors R1 and Rf: Having calculated the values we build the circuit. Here we leave an image in proteus:
With Vc = 1V we vary one of the potentiometers (R3) to achieve Vo = 0V simulating a temperature of 30 C: Vc = 1V Vo = 0V With Vc = 3V we vary one of the potentiometers (Rf) to achieve Vo = 5V simulating a temperature of 40 C: Vc = 3V
Vo = 5V
And finally taking as input these voltages (Vo and Vc) can perform a graph of a function of Vc Vo is the following:
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------To begin, we must have certain knowledge about operational amplifiers (op-amp or AO). These are electronic circuits, integrated circuits generally, with two inputs and one output: Vo = G (V + - V -) Are linear devices with the ability to handle signals from 0 Hz to frequency, to that defined by the manufacturer. Signal also has limits ranging from nV, to dozens of volts (this is also defined by the manufacturer). They are characterized by differential input and a very high profit, which generally exceeds 100dB. For completeness, we leave a text on the history of operational amplifiers They have three basic configurations: 1) The investor: The signal is injected into the inverter node. In order to analyze the electrical behavior of the circuit must take into account the characteristics of the amplifier.
2) The non-inverting: It has a differential input and amplifies the voltage difference between its inputs.
3) Buffer: The buffer is a special case of the non-inverting amplifier. If the feedback loop overrides the value of your gain is limited resistor 0 dB.
For much more information on the operational amplifiers recommend this book of Robert F. Coughlin -Frederick F. Driscoll and talking further about these amps (experiences, settings, applications, etc.).
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------We continue with a brief explanation of the following integrated (the LM741 and the TL081): - LM 741:
Generally these op amps are used, since they have a higher performance than industry standards such as the LM709. Can be replaced by the following integrated (in most applications): - 709C; - LM201; - MC1439; - 748. They offer many features that make it almost inevitable application: protection from input overload and output, not on when the common mode range is exceeded, and the absence of oscillations.
Its configuration is the same as in the cases of LM741/LM741A in LM741C guaranteed to work for a 0 C to 70 C instead of -55 C to +125 C
- THE TL081
Are operational amplifiers that incorporate well adapted transistors, high voltage J-FET and bipolar monolithic integrated circuit. They are characterized by high rates of rotation, low input bias currents and offset, and low temperature coefficient voltage deviation. Some high speed models: - TL081;
- TL081A; - TL081B.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------Materials needed: - Integrated Circuit LM741 - Integrated Circuit TL081 - Potentiometer 1K - Resistors: * 2x 5K6 * 1x 150K * 2x 10K - Capacitors: * Ceramic: 2x 100uF x 25V * Electroplated: 2x 100nF Development TP:
Adjust the signal generator such that delivers a DC voltage. We use the offset control to vary the voltage supplied to the meter and measure the voltages Vs and Vo of the circuit. 1)
We summarize the measurements made by completing the following table and graph making transfer function (Vo according Vs):
A resistor placed at the noninverting terminal to help reduce offset voltage, thus reducing the base current of the operational amplifier. This does not affect the calculation of the voltage gain because this depends on the realimentador theoretically and practically, with Av = 1/Beta.
Adjust the generator to deliver a sinusoidal signal Vs = 50 mVpp (peak to peak) at a frequency of 1kHz, so we see that the phase of the input signal is opposite to the outlet and that the voltage gain remains constant Despite imposing a 1KHz sine signal.
LM781 replaced by the TL081 and found a decrease in the saturation voltage.
- 30 KHz:
- 100 kHz:
- 200 kHz:
- 300KHz:
- 400KHz:
- 500 kHz:
- 600 kHz:
- 700 kHz:
- 800 kHz:
- 900 kHz:
- 1 MHz:
Finally, we adjust the signal generator measured at 1 KHz and the input impedance of the inverting amplifier from the input terminal Vs, using the method of maximum energy transfer and 7.56 resulted K. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------Noninverting amplifier: Using an operational amplifier, a noninverting amplifier design which voltage gain at 26 dB over a 1 kOhm load, in a range of frequencies from 1 KHz to continuous. The maximum input voltage is 1 Vpp. Here I leave a picture made circuit:
The criteria we use for external components was to choose a value of a resistor realimentador amplifier, and based on that value could be calculated with the following formulas the value of the other resistor.
This TP could meet the basic settings of the operational amplifier. As we increased the frequency of the amplifier diminished the peak signal value. We found that: a) The voltage gain of an open-loop op amp goes to infinity.