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© Kumar Neeraj

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Kumar Neeraj

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Professional Synopsis
An astute professional with 3+ years of experience in Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM 5. ! ". functional#$ Pre%Sales$ &usiness 'e(elopment ! Corporate Mar)eting ! Ser(ices. An effecti(e communicator with strong analytical$ pro*lem sol(ing ! organi+ational a*ilities. Possess a flexi*le ! ,etail oriente, attitu,e. -xceptional contri*utions towar,s Implementing and providing SAP CRM functional support to Marketing, Sales & Services Division .

Profile: SAP CRM Functional Consultant

As a SAP CRM functional consultant responsi le for implementation & support as far as SAP!CRM module is concerned & Responsi le for all kind of development t"at goes "and in "and #it" t"e e$pansion of t"e compan% integration #it" SAP CRM modules for marketing planning, segmentation, campaign management, lead management, encompassing sales planning, order management, account and contact management , personali&ation Implementing and providing functional support to Marketing, Sales & Services process' In Services: - Installed ase, Service order, Service contract, Complaints and returns, (arrant% and claims In Marketing: - Marketing Planner and Campaign Management, )rade Promotion Management, Segmentation, Campaign Automation, *ead management, +*M In Sales:- Sales C%cle, ,pportunit% Management, -uotation Management, ,rder Management, Contract Management, Products Configuration ased on t"e Product .ierarc"% and Customer /roups' Also, +$posure to Web UI , #it" kno#ledge of customi&ation in Business roles and navigation bar profile .aving good conceptual 0no#ledge of CRM Connectivit% i'e . Middleware '

Role & Responsibility in Project as SAP CRM Functional Consultant

ase custo!i"ation:
Customi+ation of num*er ranges an, groupings for &usiness partner Customization of Business Partner Role and Maintaining Relationship, Customization Partner Data Set Customi+ation of .rgani+ation structure$ /erritory management$ 'i(ision$ 'istri*ution Channel an, .rgani+ation 'ata 'etermination. Customi+ation of Attri*ute an, set types for Pro,ucts 0ierarchy an, categories. 1tem Category 'etermination for Pro,uct 2nowle,ge on Acti(ity Management (&usiness Acti(ity ! /as)# an, Acti(ity 3ournal. 'efining new transaction type$ follow%up transaction ! copying control for transaction. Page 1

Kumar Neeraj

Customi+ation of Partner 'etermination Proce,ure using Access se4uence ! use, in transaction type /ext 'etermination for transaction type Content Management$ Status Profile ! 'ate Profile Actions ! .utput$ incompleteness Chec)$ Change 'ocuments ! Archi(e 'ocuments 2nowle,ge of CRM &illing process$ ! Mi,,leware Campaign types$ .*5ecti(es$ /actics$ Authori+ation. Segmentation of &usiness Partners$ ,efine a ,ata sources an, attri*ute list$ Creation of /arget 6roup Calen,ar 1ntegration (Creating search 4uery ! 7iew# -xternal list management$ Creating 8ormat for con(ersion of Row 'ata to &P 9ea, Management$ customi+ation of lea, origins$ priorities$ lea, groups. 'efine the 4uestionnaire for lea, an, assigning 4ualification le(els to :uestionnaires. Ser(ice Contract management(8rom Sales transaction to Ser(ice contract#$ 'etermining the item category 1nstalle, *ase configuration for (arious /echnical Pro,uct . Copy Control ! 'ocument flow Ser(ice :uotation management ! Ser(ice .r,er management Ser(ice Pro,uct Configuration an, ,etermination $ $ Complaint an, return management ;arranty claim management

Custo!i"ation of Marketing Plan an# Ca!paign Manage!ent:

Custo!i"ation of Service processes:

Custo!i"ation of Sales Cycle:

.pportunity management(8rom lea, to Sales transaction#$ 'etermining the item category Copy Control ! 'ocument flow :uotation management ! .r,er management Pro,uct 'etermination$ Pro,uct su*stitution$ :uantity ! 7alue Contract an, Contract ,etermination in Sales or,er 8ree goo,s an, con,ition type management

$o!ain %&perience in Service & Marketing '(ealt) Care Soft*are+s & %,uip!ents.rgani"ation / centella usiness Solution Pvt 0t# Sales & Service Manage!entt & event management
Supporting glo*al Sales /eams with Collaterals ! Pre%sales support *y preparing P.C$ Seminar$ 'emo$ Col, call$ Campaign$ 8 to 8 Meeting an, through Mail correspon,ence Mar)et stu,y$ trac)ing competitors$ 1,entifying clients$ generating *usiness$ achie(ing *usiness targets Formulating & reviving marketing comms & advertising strateg for the organisation & its products! "#ecute promotions $ launches as part of Campaign, %rand %uilding & market development effort! Finding out the precise re&uirements of the client through various primar and secondar sources Coor,ination with 1nternal 'epts. ! -xternal &o,ies for the *i,. Page 2

Kumar Neeraj

Manage!ent Infor!ation Syste!

6enerating an, maintaining reports to trac) performance$ Preparation of annual .peration plan report$ Monthly report Maintaining Sales .r,er up,ates ! Maximi+ing customer relationship *y pro(i,ing assistance with SAP CRM mo,ule Varicent global Technologies

Professional Exposure

SAP CRM Functional Consultant

1ul 2334

About %!ployer 'aricent (lo%al )echnologies is *) Consulting, +utsourcing and Staffing firm led % e#perienced %usiness and technolog professionals! *ndustr leaders such as *ntel, Sharp, Ra theon, Cleveland *ndians and several small to medium sized companies have taken advantage of technolog services delivered % 'aricent (lo%al )echnologies ! +ur goal is to %e our trusted partner that trul understands our %usiness process and information technolog needs! ,e focus on solutions and services that include design and implementation of -ard.are, S stems *ntegration, Business *ntelligence Solutions, Content Management S stems, Custom "nterprise /pplications, )echnolog Planning and Deplo ment, CRM *mplementations, and Contract Consulting and Staffing! 'aricent (lo%al )echnologies is .ith core competencies in Custom Development Solutions .ith ,e% Development and Smart Client Specialization, Data Management Solutions .ith Business *ntelligence Specialization, Business Process and *ntegration Solutions, and Mo%ilit Solutions! 5ebsite: www. varicentglobal.com

Key Projects
Current Project: M&M 'Automo*ile company#

Client Profile: In 1947, we introduced India to the utility vehicle . More than 01 ears later, .e2re still *ndia2s premier utilit vehicle 34'5 compan , %ut .e2ve also gro.n &uite a %it! *n addition to making ground%reaking 4's like the Scorpio and Bolero, Mahindra offers cars, pickups, and commercial vehicles that are rugged, relia%le, environmentall friendl , and fuel6efficient! +ur glo%al presence means ou can find Mahindra vehicles on the roads7%oth paved and unpaved7of /ustralia, "urope, 8atin /merica, Mala sia, and South /frica! /nd .e2re seeking out ne. terrain ever da
Roles & Responsibilities: implementation ! Support of SAP CRM '". # ( Mar)eting ! Ser(ices#

Previous Projects: Kumar Neeraj Page 3

Roche scientific company pvt(in ia! "t

Client Profile: "sta%lished since 9:;0 in S.itzerland!! )his Compan .as founded % F -offman 8a Roche! Shortl after foundation of compan offices and manufacturing units .ere opened throughout man countries ! head&uarter in Basel 3S.itzerland5!Roche is one of the .orlds leading research6oriented healthcare groups in the fields of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics ! Roche<s innovative products and services address needs for the prevention , diagnosis and treatment of disease, thus enhancing people<s .ell %eing and &ualit of life !since then Roche has gro.n into one of the leading healthcare companies in the .orld! *n =ovem%er 9;1> finalized negotiations .ith the (overnment of *ndia for the local manufacture of s nthetic 'itamin / and pharmaceutical specialties in line .ith *ndian (overnment<s polic of industrialization !
Roles & Responsibilities: S/P CRM *mplementation 31!?5

#ools$S% S&ills
Type (oftware atabase Business ) $ffi!e (uites es!ription SAP CRM 4'5 & 6'5 MS ,racle 1556 MS ,ffice 1556 9(ord, Po#er Point, Pro:ect, +$cel;, ,pen ,ffice2'1, MS <isio 56 "ands # $n % &'perien!e 71'11 8ears

'ca emia
*ualifi!ation ,1 B2 B.Te!3 +ourse etails ) ,assing -ear Persuing CS & + = 1556 +ollege ) University)Board ./egular0 IM) , /"a&ia ad I+)+ , Del"i +lass ) ,er!entag e !!!!!!!!!!! >irst = 62 ?

Extracurricular Participations Professional (ist

+urrent &mployer 4 lo!ation &'pertise Kumar Neeraj 5ari!ent 1lobal Te!3nologies 6 Banglore SAP CRM 6'5 , 4'5 >unctional Consultant, @usiness Page 4

+urrent (alary &'pe!ted +T+ Total &'perien!e /elevant &'perien!e +urrent Noti!e ,eriod 7ob 8o!ation ,referen!es 8anguages

Development, Pre!Sales, , MIS & Customer "elp & support !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can e discussed 3A 8ears 2'518ears Can e Begotiated Bot an Issue .indi, +nglis"

Personal Particulars
9ull Name Kumar Neeraj

+urrent /esidential 2ddress +onta!t etails

@anglore9india; AC1!DDC114D133 .,rimary06 AC1! CC42DD66C1 kumarneera:'sapEgmail'com


Kumar Neeraj

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