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Astm C 1055

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The document establishes methods for determining safe surface temperatures to prevent burns from heated systems.

The document scope is to establish a process for determining acceptable surface operating conditions for heated systems to prevent serious injury from contact with exposed surfaces.

The three degrees of burns described are first, second, and third degree burns.

y 1; f

Di;signation : C 1055 - 99
of energy fre

involve a bre

Standard Guide for

Heated System Surface Conditions
That Produce Contact Burn Injuries'
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 1055 ; the number immediately foltovring the designation indicaes the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision- A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval . A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval .

1 . Scope

C 680 Practice for Determination of Heat Gain or Loss .and

the Surface Temperatures of Insulated Pipe and Equipment
Systems by Use of a Computer Program3
C 1057 Practice for Determination of Skin Contact Temperature from Heated Surfaces Using a Mathematical
Model and the Thetmesthesiometer3

1 .1 This guide establishes a process for the determination of

acceptable surface operating conditions for heated systems .
The human burn hazard is defined, and methods are presented
for use in the design or evaluation of heated systems to prevent
serious injury from contact with the exposed surfaces .
1 .2 Values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard .
1 .3 The maximum acceptable temperature for a particular
surface is derived from an estimate of the possible or probable
contact time, the surface system configuration, and the level of
injury deemed aceeptable for a particular sitnation .
1 .4 For design purposes, the probable contact time for
industrial situations has been established at 5 s . For consumer
products, a longer (60-s) contact time has been proposed by
Wu (1)" and others to reflect the slower reaction times for
children, the elderly, or the infirm .
1 .5 The maximum level of injury recommended here is that
causing first degree bums on the average subject . This type of
injury is reversible and causes no pennanent tissue damage .
For cases where more severe conditions are mandated (by
space, economic, exposure probability, or other outside considerations), this guide may be used to establish a second, less
desirable injury level (second degree burns), where some
permanent tissue damage can be permitted . At no time,
however, are conditions that produce third degree bums recommended .
1 .6 A bibliography of human bum evaluation studies and
surface hazard measurement is provided in the list of references at the end of this guide (1-1 6) .

3 . Terminology
3 .1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard : Descriptions of Terms Specific to This Standard :
3 .1 .1 skin:
3 .1 .2 epidermis-the outermost layer of skin cells . This
layer contains no vascular or nerve cells and acts to protect the
skin layers. The thickness of this layer averages 0 .08 mm .
3 .1 .3 derrnis-the second layer of skin tissue . This layer
contains the blood vessels and nerve endings . The thickness of
this layer averages 2 mm
.1 .4 necrosis-Iocalized
.3 death of living cells . A elinical
term that defines when permanent damage to a skin layer has
3 . 1 .5 burns:
3 .1 .6 first degree burn-the reaction to an exposure where
the intensity or duration is insufficient to cause complete
necrosis of the epidermis . The normal response to this 1eveJ ;tif
exposure is dilation of the superficial blood vessels (reddeniRg
of the skin) .
3 .1 .7 second degree burn-the reaction to an expo~,r~ie
where the intensity and duration is sufficient to cause comPlde
necrosis of the epidennis but no significant damage toldldermis . The normal response to this exposure is blisteriri ;~,<'f
the epidermis
.1 .8 third.3 degree burn-the reaction to an exposure wsignificant dermal necrosis occurs. Significant dermal nec7
has been defined in the literature (3) as 75% destmction o :
dermis. The normal response to this exposure is open sore- leave permanent scar tissue upon healing
3 .1 .9 contact exposure-the process by which the surf~
skin makes intimate contact with a heated surface such C' ~'
insulating layer, film, moisture, etc ., interferes with the ^
transfer of available energy.
3 .1 .10 insulation system-the combination of an insu'
material or jacket, or both that forms a barrier to the rapitl . ;

1 .7 This standard does not purport to address all the safety

concerns, if any, associated with its use . It is the responsibility
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and
health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory
limitations prior to its use .

2 . Referenced Documents
2 .1 ASTM Standards:

' This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Cornmittee C-16 on Thermal
Insulation and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C16.24 on Iiealth and
Safety Hazard Potentials .
Curzent edition approved March 10, 1999 . Published May 1999. Originally
published as C 1055-86. Last previous edition C 1055-92 .
' The boldface numbers in parentheses refcr to the list of references at the end of
this guide.

' Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 04 .06 .

copyright ASTM, 100 narr Harbor Orive, West Conshohockeu, PA 19420-2959, tlnited States .



3 .1 .11 jac.
side of an ins
or abuse . Th
metal, canva
materials .
3 .1 .12 thei
Marzetta (13:
the human fil
4 . Summar)
4 .1 This g
designer, or
temperature c
made with a
4 .2 The pi
listed below :
4.2 .1 The
exposure tim
particular sys
4 .2 .2 Seco:
surface temp
direct measur
design condit
C 680.
4 .2 .3 Nextt
surface tempt
detennines tht
below the inju
is required .
4 .2.4 If th.
analysis of tht
siometer (a di
methods are d
4 .2 .5 If afte
the injury levt
Ihe criterion s

40 C 1055
oE energy from a heated surface . The insulation system may
h,,, )ve a broad range of types and configurations of materials,
"3 :1 :11 jacket-the protective barrier placed on the exposed
side of an insulation to protect the insulation from deterioration
oj abuse . The jacket material can be made of paper, plastic,
o etal, canvas cloth, or combinations of the above or similar

5 . Significance and Use

5 .1 Most heated apparatus in industrial, commercial, and
residential service are insulated, unless thermal insulation
would interfere with their function ; for example, it is inappropriate to insulate the bottom surface of a flatiron . However,
surface temperatures of insulated equipment and appliances
may still be high enough to cause bums from contact exposure
under certain conditions .
5 .2 This guide has been developed to standardize the
determination of acceptable surface operating conditions for
heated systems. Current practice for this determination is
widely varied. The intent of this guide is to tie together the
existing practices into a consensus standard based upon scientific understanding of the thermal physics involved . Flexibility
is retained within this guide for the designer, regulator, or
consumer to establish specific burn hazard criteria . Most
generally, the regulated criterion will be the length of time of
contact exposure .
5 .3 It is beyond the scope of this guide to establish appropriate contact times and acceptable levels of injury for particular situations, or determine what surface temperature is "safe ."
Clearly, quite different criteria may be justified for cases as
diverse as those involving infants and domestic appliances, and
experienced adults and industrial equipment . In the first case,
no more than first degree burns iti 60s might be desirable . In
the second case, second degree burns in 5 s might be
acceptable .

.1 .12.3 thermesthesiometer-a probe device developed by
Tqarie[ta (13) that simulates the thermal physical response of
jhe huinan finger to contact with heated surfaces .
"Loss and
.tact Tem.

.': Descrip-

:ells . This
)8 mm.
This layer
uckness of
A clinical
i layer has

mre where
iis level of
e complete
age to the
listering of
sure where
mi necrosis
:tion of the
n sores that

4 . Summary of Guide
d .( This guide establishes a means by which the engineer,
designer,'or operator can detennine the acceptable surface
temperature of an existing system where skin contact may be
madewith a heated surface .
4 .2 The process used in the analysis follows the outline
Gsteit below :
4 .2.1 The user must first establish the acceptable contact
expb5ure time and the level of acceptable injury for the
particnlar system in question
the maximum operating
.2:2 Secondly, the user determines
surface temperature. This determination is made either by
direct measurement (if possible) or by use of a calculation at
design conditions using a method conforming to Practice
C 680 .
4 .2:3 Next, utilizing the contact time (4 .2.1), the maximum
surface temperature (4.2.2), and the graph, Fig . 1, the user
deterinines the potential injury level . If the operating point falls
below the injury level specified (4.2 .1), then no further analysis
is required .
4.2.4 If the injury level exceeds that specified, further
analysis of the system is required using either the thermesthesiorneter (a direct method) or an additional calculation. Both
methods a're described in Practice C 1057
.2.5 If after this additional analysis the.4 system still exceeds
the injury level criterion, then the system is unacceptable for
the criterion specified and the design should be revised .

No-rE I-An overview of the medical research leading to the development of this guide was presented at the ASTM Conference on Thermal
Insulation, Materials and Systems on Dec. 7, 1984 (14).

5.4 This guide is meant to serve only as an estimation of the

exposure to which an average individual might be subjected .
Unusual conditions of exposure, physical health variations, or
nonstandard ambients all serve to modify the results .
5 .5 This guide is limited to contact exposure to heated
surfaces only. It should be noted that conditions of personal
exposure to periods . of high ambient temperature or high

Threshold A 7/- Complete Transepidermal Necrosis (Death)

60 7

: surface of
uch that no
h the rapid
Threshold B
- Reversible Epidermal Injury

t insulalion
e rapid loss





Exposure Time - Seconds (Log Scale)

FIG. 1 Temperature-Time Relationship for Bums



0 C 1055
radiant fluxes may cause human injury with no direct contact .
5 .6 This guide is not intended to cover hazards for cold
temperature exposure, that is, refrigeration or cryogenic applications .
5 .7 The procedure found in this guide has been described in
the literature as applicable to all heated surfaces . For extremely
high-temperature metallic surfaces (>70C, damage occurs
almost instantaneously upon contact .

NorE 3--(]) Cace should be used in attaching measurement devices on

hot systems since burns can result and (2) Proper installation techniq,,ty
must be used with direct contact thexmometry to prevent heat sinking uf

the surface and obtaining incorrect temperature readings .

6 .4 In many, situations, surface temperatures exceed, _j(te 17 . Report

range of applicability of this guide and thus the evaluation .is
7 .1 Any re
made through interpretation of the surface temperature .data
following inf
and the system properties . The limiting conditions be]ow
7 .1 .1 Sysb
should first be examined to see if further analysis is required .
7.1 .2 Sysn
6 .4 .1 If the surface temperature is below 44C, no,sliort
term (that is, less than 6 It) hazard exists and the remaining
7.1 .3 Amt
sections can be ignored.
. ., . . ,
7 .1 .4 Mett
6 .4 .2 If the, surface temperature . exceeds . 70C and the
cnlation or n:
surface is metallic, it may present a hazard regardlecq . of
7 .1 .5 Metl
contact duration . Attempts should be made to lower the av [ ;ice
temperature below 70C . Nonmetallic skins may be safc . Ccr
limited exposure at temperatures above 70C . In these cases ; as
with all cases between 44C and 70C, the analysis shouki h,
6 .5 With the measurement or estimation of surface tempem>
ture for the system in question, utilize the graph (Fig . 1) and
check if the intersection of the operating surface temperature
and the selected time of contact falls below the threshold

6. Procedure
. 6.1 This procedure requires the user to make several decisions that are based upon the results obtained . Careful documentation of the rationale for each decision and intermediate
result is an important part of this evaluation process .
6.2 The first phase in the use of this guide is to establish the
acceptable limits for contact exposure time and the acceptable
level of injury for the system in question . Where no available
standards for these limits are prescribed, the following limits
are recommended based upon a survey of the existing medical
literamre .
6.2 .1 Acceptable Contact Times :
6.2 .1 .1 Industrial Process-5 s .
6.2 .1 .2 Consumer Items- 60 s .
6 .2 .2 Acceptable Injury Levels-The acceptable injury level
is that of first degree bums as defined in 3 .1 .6 and is the limit
represented by the bottom curve in Fig . 1 .
6 .3 The next phase in the process is to establish the
maximum operating surface temperature under worst case
conditions . This evaluation may be made either by direct
measurement (but only at worst case conditions) or by using a
calculation approximation . The steps required for determining
the maximum surface temperature are as follows :
6 .3 .1 The initial step is to establish the operating system
parameters . This step provides input information to the analysis and may preclude any further work conceming bum hazard.
The items that need to be identified and recorded are as
follows :
6 .3 .1 .1 System Description--Shape, size, materials, including jacket material, thickness, and surface emittance.
6 .3 .1 .2 Operation Conditions-Temperatures of heated sys- tem, times of year, cycle, etc
6 .3 .1 .3 Ambient Conditions-Worst case design temperature for burn hazards would be summer design dry bulb . Or, for
inside conditions, the maximum expected room ambient air
temperature . Include the ambient air velocity, if known .

NoTe 4-The threshold temperature used will depend on the ]uriifs of

acceptable burn chosen in 6 .2.2 . If the burn level is first degree; use
threshold line B in Fig. 1 . If second degree burns are acceptablgSUme
threshold line A in Fig . 1 .

6.6 If the operating surface temperature and time are tlelory

the thresbold (line B) curve, then the system meets theselestfd
criteria .

6.7 If, however, the point falls above 4he: curve, the system
may meet the selected criterion only if certain combinatioAs :of
insulation or jacketing, or both, are used . Analysis procedutes
for the jacketing/insulation effects are outlined in Pra,gtice
C 1057. Two methods provided in Practice C 1057 are ;bngfly
described below.
.7 .1 The calculation technique pmvided in Practice G,1 ;457:6
uses system geometry, material properties, and tempera[ute
. conditions to estimate the maximum contact temperaturebsed
in Fig. 1 when the heat capacity effects of the surface are to be
considered . Once this maximum contact temperature is determined, the user retums to steps 6 .5-6 .7 for the refined an0s .
6 .7 .2 An alternative to calculation of the contact temp?sa'
ture is available for those systems that are already operati.ng
The thermesthesiometer (13) provides an analogue measute"
ment of the same phenomenon as the computer method models
(6 .7 .1). Care should be used in applying the thermesthesi,ometer since it must be applied at worst case conditions if the
hazard potential is to be evaluated . Practice C 1057 outlin?l0he
correct procedures for nse of this device for surface hta~
evaluation . The output from the thermesthesiometer is~ .,*
maximum contact temperature of the skin that can be related to
Fig . I with no corrections for surface type needed.
6 .8 If, after analysis using Practice C 1057, the systeID
temperature still fails to meet the selected criterion, ?h~
increasing insulation, changing jacketing, or other means taos
be used to lower the surface temperamre . PracGce C 680 ~
be helpful in determining the levels required .

Nore 2-Design conditions for bum hazard evaluation may be different

from those used for heat loss analysis . For example, the highest ambient
is used for burn hazard analysis versus the lowest for heat loss .

6.3 .2 The second step is to determine the temperature of the

system surface at the worst design condition by one of the
following methods
.3 .2 .1 Insert the
.6 system dimensions, material properties,
and operating conditions into an analysis technique conforming
to Practice C 680. This technique should be used during design
or where the system surface temperatures cannot be physically
measured at worst case conditions .
6.3 .2 .2 Direct contact thermometry (thermocouple or resistance device) or infrared, noncontact thermometry.


6.9 Once ;
the analysis a
conditions .



%1 .1 Backgr
X1 .1 .1 Ma
touching hot
times. He wt
than with th
occurrence, f
iasulation for
vlas exposed .
since the indc
lure power at
modem insult
d o protect p
gy expandec
processes, ant
mereased use
X1 .1 .2 At
more hazard(
products that
fai hazards ft
more insulati
Protection nor
PAunples inc
washers, light
X1 .1 .3 The
patt and thus
he fandom al
e loss is d
ro of the pr
I w~cess systen
t0gt of the ins
UsNg this cr
' I `ach, that is



pnce a new level of jacket and insulation is determined,

7 .1 .6 Statement of analysis of results and conclusions .

-alysis above should be repeated to confirm safe operating

I.dons .
ceed the
lnation is
Iture data
:rs below
no short
and the
rdless of
re surface
safe for
s cases, as
should he

8 . Precision and Bias

8 .1 As stated in the Scope, this procedure is valid for the
average person . Individuals may be tolerant or sensitive to
bums depending upon physical condition, age, ambient conditions, emotional state, etc . The literature (1, 4, 5) has shown,
however, agreement on pain response and tissue damage for a
panel of subjects to within approximately 10 % .

, Any report citing the use of this guide should include the
. wing infonnation :
I System description,
.'~2 System operating conditions (either measured or de-

,3 ;
- :^1,3 Ambient conditions (either measured or design),
.7r:1A Method of surface temperature evaluation used, cal,:e,l:~t,ion or measurement,
.~.-;i-1 .5 Method of analysis of hazard potential, calculation,
tG: :anesthesiometer, contact time, and hazard level selected,

9 . Keywords
9 .1 bums ; epidermal injury; heat; injuries ; skin contact
temperatures ; thermal insulation

tempera- j
g . 1) an ~d
ie limits of ~ $~ "`

(Nonmandatory Information)


3egree, use `'tisC .

. . .a a .+av~ aao iawu uro Y.no.,ua. va nru . . vaano

Ptabte,use ~ p.At

create exposed surface temperatures that exceed even the

shortest tenn human exposure limits . Thus, to protectt both
operators and casual visitors in an area, an analysis of the
exposed surfaces must be undertaken to identify those having
temperatures capable of causing bums .
X1 .1 .4 When consumer product and industrial system designers recognized the need to design for personnel safety, they
established what they felt were safe operaflng limits for
exposed surfaces . Since limited research data was available
before 1950, many industries chose to establish their own
standards for maximum surface temperatures based upon
combinations of available research results and personal experience . This remains as the current method for the evaluation of
surface hazards.
X1 .1 .5 In 1983, Committee C-16 undertook the study of a
proposal to establish a standard criteria for evaluating bum
hazard potential . This standard was to be well documented and
easily used . As an adjunct to this effort, a second standard was
proposed to establish a means for evaluating existing or
proposed systems for hazard level by either physical measurement or mathematical modeling .

. .v .n

I{{/ topcn_g hot surfaces since the discovery of fire in prehistoric

are below titoes, . He was concerned more with treatment of the injury
eselected d!art with the development of some means to prevent its
occ.urrence . As civilization advanced, man developed crude
insulation forms to control the extremes of heat to which he
te system
was exposed . The greatest improvement to these systems came
nations of
since the industrial revolution where the use of high temperarocedures
ture, power and process systems dictated the development of
i Practice
modem insulation systems, that not only conserve energy but
e briefly
alsofprotect process products during manufacture . As technology
.exparrded to include higher,temperatures, more complex
and thus more worker exposure situations, worker
organizations and later governmental agencies demanded the
tture used
increased use of insulation for personal protection .
; are to be
. X1 .1 .2 At the same time that the workplace was becoming
: is determo,re hazardous, the increased development of consumer
I analysis.
pro,ducts that heated, steamed, or cooked increased the poten- .
temperaGal hazards found in consumer products and forced the use of
more :,insulation and protection for the operator. Personal
measureprimtection now is required everywhere for consumer products .
)d models
Examples include curling irons, ranges, irons, dryers, dishsthesiomwashers, light fixtures, and .fumace and heating fixtures .
ans if the
XI .1 .3 The obvious solution is to simply insulate the heated
nlines the
part and thus isolate the hazard from the user. Unfortunately,,
ce hazard
the random application of insulation without detailed analysis
ter is the
related to
can sometimes disrupt the process (that is, overheating where
some loss is desired) or be an economic handicap to the overall
cost of the project. Most applications of insulation to heated
e system
Process systems are made on the basis of trade-offs between the
ion, then
cost of the installed insulation and the cost of the energy lost .
eans must
Usting this criteria or the more common rule-of-thumb ap: 680 will
proach, that is, "put on about an inch like we always do," can


XL2 Background-Physiological Mechanism of a Burn

X1 .2 .1 Previous to World War 11, little research has been
performed in developing an understanding of the physiology of
bums to the human body. With the increased destruction
potential of more powerful weapons, bum injuries became a
common battle problem and the military began to support
research to study the relationships between bum damage and
the severity of exposure. At that time, little was known about
the mechanism by Which hyperthernria (high temperature
exposure) leads to irreversible damage . The chemical reactions
occurring within the skin cells upon exposure and the relationships between exposure temperature and duration on the



RD C 1055
xansfer of heat into the skin were also subjects of research .
XL2 .2 The first significant research on the subject was
~onducted by Henriques and Moritz at the Harvard Medical
School (2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11) . The results were released for
publication in 1946 through 1948 . This research, performed
primarily on swine (which happen to have similar skin properties to humans), with some human subjects added later, ,
helped define the significant parameters controlling the flow of
heat into the skin . Later, the relationship between temperature
. and duration of exposure to the extent of damage observed was
established to serve as a guide for future work . Some of the
significant results of this initial work (2) are :
X122 .1 The burning of human skin occurs as a complex,
- nonsteady heat trwsfer between a contacted medium, that is, a
hot surface, and the surface of the skin . The rate of heating
depends upon the temperature and heating capacity of the
source and the heat capacity and thermal conductivity of the
skin layers (see Fig. XI .1) . Neglected in these studies were the
flow of blood to carry heat away and the physiological changes
in skin properties as the damaged zone traverses the outer skin
layers .
- X1 :2 .2 .2 Factors that cause increased complexity of the
_ problem include : (1) site variations with respect to the thickness of the different skin layers ; (2) variations of initial
: conditions within the skin with respect to time, position, and
physical condition of the subject ; (3) the unknown average rate
of blood flow through the skin layers and variations within the
layers with respect to location and ambient temperatures (warm
- ambient causes increased flow near surface and cold ambient
- results in less flow near surface) ; and (4) the appearance of
' watery fluids in variable quantities upon exposure that result in
alterations of skin density, heat capacity, thickness, and theimal
- conductivity .
- X1 .2 .2 .3 Analysis of the experimental results showed that it
- was possible to assume average conditions and to develop an
approximate first order Fourier's law equation to describe the
transient heat flow in the contact problem . The modeling work
' by Henriques neglected the influence of contact resistance and
' blood flow and assumed that both the skin and touched surface
_ could be treated as serni-infinite . Succeeding experiments
-. showed that the assumption of semi-infinite solids and neglecting ing blood flow were valid for the time/temperature conditions
of interest. The experiments performed at Harvard used a direct
`contact water bath which avoided the issue of contact resistance .
X1 .2 .3 After their initial work was complete, Moritz and
Henriques extended their work to include the effects on human
skin of hyperthermia of varying duration and varying degrees
-of intensity. These studies (3) led to a clearer definition of the

degree or Dummg. aeverat anmuonal conclusions were faith . . tesult of irreve

coming fromthat research and are outlined as followsi ; . . ; wigtin the cell .
X1 .2 .3 .1 The pain reaction to prolonged hyperthermia,ex- . pig}t temperau
posure first occurs as a stinging sensation at between 47 .5 and . activation ene
48 .5C . The level of discomfort does not always correlate ivith exposure, the I
the level of damage sustained or with intensity between ibe results of
subjects or the same subject on different days . jD{ormafion pt
X12 .3 .2 The lowest temperature where epidermis (outside . ship between
skin layer) damage occurs is approximately 44C when .it is temperature at
sustained for approximately 6 h . It is possible to extrapolate X1 .2 .3 .9 St
this result to conclude that longer exposures might .cause - s6ip between
damages at temperatures below 44C . ~ approximately
X1 .2 .3 .3 As the temperatures of contact increase . above for individual
44C, the time to damage is shortened by approximately'5b'yo - minimum tim
for each 1C rise in temperature up to about 51C .
temperature tc
XL2 .3 .4 Testing showed that increasing the pressuze of ~ rvhere pain wa
contact within an expected range was not sufficient to collapse
epidermal nect
the blood vessels and cause an increased vulnerability of the
ihe time for in
epidermis to thermal injury.
X1 .2.3 .10 S
XL2 .3
proposed a th
.5 At temperatures above 70C, the rate of injiuy from a high capacity surface exceeds the body reaction time
X1 .3) so that
(less than I s to have completed epidermis cell death) such that
substrate coulc
the blood vessel location or flow has little effect on the level of
case to that of
bum .
equations Wu
X12 .3 .6 The level of skin damage to the duration .and '. extrapolation c
intensity of surface contact can be related by the following I
X1 .2 .3.11 V
curve (Fig . 1) . Exposures below the-lower curve should not
limit be nsed I
produce permanent injury in normal humans . Exposti"re$-b'e= j reactions (infa
tween the curves are described as second-degree b'um3~snd ! severe hazard
have intermediate levels of cell damage. Exposures at~leels i was shown to
above the top line are defined as third-degree bums that cSusA j
deep, permanent cell damage and scarring .
demonstrated flmes were bei
XL2 .3 .7 After the initial research described above, $Aeial
iucluded in tha
other researchers studied the same problems to exterid''
ihe interface '
. Most signifi'
tetmerature of
cant here are problems with contact resistance and zuil&
plished using a
surfaces having non-infinite thertnal inertias
depending upc
.Wu(1)toh'k`eanlysi devlopedbyMoritzonestpfurthe byad'i gthe at rnsfer actionfrasourceofhig enrgy
down to as loN

. Hi~ la F ment, as uming contac betw en two semi- nfi te bo&a of in te hermal inertia ( s measured by the square o t of t re ti9l
ditfusivity) at different temperatures, showed that source~of '
low inertia , for example, wood; insulafion , and some pjas`fidS
cause a slower rise in skin temperature than a source
thermal inertia, for example, steel and aluminum, aLtlie
temperature . In short, this is explained by observing tFibrtn'gH ;
thermal inertia materials can make more ener available ~lttbe _ O
surface in a given time than those of lesser therznal iri'dfFiy'`V~
X1 .2 .3 .8 Wu also pointed out that cell death (necro?is`T~`a 0) i



Deep Fatty and Muscle Layers


Tissue Depth-Microns
FIG . Xl .t Cross Section of Human Tissue




QM C 1055
i'rreversible thermal denaturation of the protein present
Schematic of Heat Transfer Model
'ie cell . This denaturation is a rate process having a very
HeareE ' f' ~ .aWa6on '1 ssuenperature coefficient that corresponds to a very high
hertuia ex. .
n 47 .5- an(
, n .energy. In short, the higher the temperature of
the faster damage occurs . This explanation confirms
rrelate wiQ . I
tlts of Henriques and Moritz . Wu also developed the
ty betweei
;'f",i,011rtion presented in Fig . X1 .2 that outlines the relationbetween the pain sensation, exposed skin color, tissue
nis (outsid,
at 80 pm depth, and cell process .
when it [
t= ;jl
3 .9 Stoll (4) on the other hand, looked at the relation'-x~--~ ~x, -f- z,-
tight canse
shif,' .i'etween pain, reaction times, and injury and found
,,l,ptoyjmately 10% day-to-day variation in pain thresholds
FIG. Xt .3 Schematic of Heat Transfer Model
ease abov
nately 50%
ruinirunmtime to sense the pain and react to it at any
X12.3.12 Finally, McChesney (7) added a final point to the
i'JiJl,:rature to be a minimum of 0 .3 s . For those situations
pressure of
,,f-. .1c pain was reached beyond 0 .3 s Stoll found that complete
understanding of burn prevention when he suggested that some
: to collaps 111(e
factor be included in the analysis to account for the heating
, .J.dcitital necrosis occurred at a time approximately 2 .5 times
:)ility of the
theame'for initial pain sensation .
wave which continues to penetrate the skin for some time after
the contact is removed . He did not, however, venture a guess as
. :};1,:2.3 .10 Several years after his initial work, Wu (5)
:e oI injmy
to what that factor should be since it would depend upon the
grogosed .a third model, composed of three layers (see Fig .
;action time
method of cooling the contact location on the skin .
:h) such that ~ ' snbstr'atecould be different . This model describes the identical
X1 .3 Background-C-16 Activity
. the level of
case;to-:that of an insulation covered by a jacket material . The
epa,tions Wu developed are a basis for establishing an
XI .3 .1 In 1983, members of Committee C-16 requested that
extrapolaCton of Moritz's work to real insulated systems .
a task group be established to study the problem of bum hazard
uration and e following ! ..
evaluation . The initial task group was established within the
X1 .2.3 .11 Wu also recommended that a 1-min exposure
should not '
Iimit be used for design purposes for persons who have slow
C16.24 Health and Safety subcommittee with the charter to
.posures be- bums and
reactions (infants, elderly, or infirmed) or who freeze under
establish "a guide for the deterntination of safe surface
severe hazard conditions . The influence of contact resistance
operating conditions for heated systems ." The scope of this
was shown to also have significant effect . Hatton et al . (6)
work included : (I) to establish a uniform definition of the
res at levels is that cause
demonstrated that the results of Stoll on pain and blistering
human bum hazard ; and (2) to establish a usable practice for
times.were better correlated if a finitecontaet resistance was
design or evaluation, or both, of heated systems to prevent
included in the model . He defined pain as the point in which
serious injury upon contact with exposed surfaces . After initial
ove, several extend the vlost signifithe''interface between the epidermis and dermis reaches a
review of thescope and objectives, a second area was
. temperature of 44C . His improved correlations were accomidentified which was necessary to support the work of the first
and source
plished nsing a surface coefficient of 1000 (W/m2-K) ; however,
group . At the fall 1983 Committee C-16 meeting, a task group
(1) took the
depending upon skin conditions, this coefficient could range
within Subcommittee C16.30 on Thermal Measurements, was
f adding the
down to as low as 10 (W/m2-K) .
established with the objective to develop the analytical tools
y. His treatte bodies of
ot of thermal
Skin Color
't sources of
were forg

Ime plastics,
urce of high
, at the same
ing that high
ailable atthe
ral inertia.
recrosis) is a

deg . C

deg . F







Red and White




Maximum Pain

Bright Red


Severe Pain
Light Red
Threshold Pain













FIG . X1 .2 Thermal Sensations and Associated Effects Throughout Range of Temperatures Compatible with Tissue Life



ecessary for evaluating the contact burn potential of heated

urfaces either on existing equipment or during design . These
ools, when used with the guide established by the first group,
re intended to provide to the user, designer, or manufacturer
he procedures needed to evaluate the relative safety of a piece
)f hardware or system .
X1 .3 .2 A survey was made of available literature to estabish the state of the art on the subject and to determine what
;tandards were already in place. The infortnation in the
)ackground section of this Appendix summarizes some of the
;ignificant work done to date in this area . Significant technical
)apers which relate to bum hazard evaluation and associated
nedical research are listed in the References (1-16) .
X1 .3 .3 In April 1984, each task group presented the first
9raft of the proposed standards . The two draft standards
-eceived final society approval in February 1986 . The Guide
~ 1055, developed by Subcommittee C16 .24, establishes the
3efinitions of burn hazards and a guide for evaluating the
2ombinations of time of exposure, surface temperature, and
>urface composition that make up a system with potential
hazards . Practice C 1057, developed by Subcommittee C16 .30
has identified two tools for the evaluation of specific systems
for hazardous conditions . Ttte first tool, intended for existing
systems, is a device called the thennesthesiometer. Developed
by Marzetta (13, 15, 16) at National Institute of Standards and
Technology, this device simulates the thermophysical reaction

of the human skin to touch contact with a heated stuface .

Although this device is relatively accurate and easy to use, it
has the drawback of requiring an existing system for test and
cannot be used during the design phase . The second tool
identified combines the previously established Practice C 680
method for surface temperature prediction with the modeling
work of Dussan (12) to p,redict, for a given design, .the expecte .d
contact temperature for the system . This temperature iss a
function of surface temperature and composition of both the
jacketing material and insulation substrate : The designer then
refers in Guide C 1055 to determine the safety of the surface .

XL4 Summary
X1 .4.1 Personal injury resulting from contact with' heated
surfaces can be .prevented by proper design of insulapon
systems or other protective measures . The work of Subcommittee C16 .24 on Health and Safety and Subcommittee C16 .30
on Thermal Measurements has established a guide foravhat
constitutes safe surface conditions and has standardizedrlhe
tools by which proposed or existing systems can be examined
for potential bumm hazard . These standards, supported by
significant research into both the physical and medieaF'prncesses involved, provide the, designer the tools he needsto
balance the expected exposure times, operating condition5, and
system geometry to obtain the safest yet most economical
systems .

(1) Wu, Yung-Chi, "Materlat Properties Criteria for Thermal Safety,"
Journal of Materials, Vol 1, No. 4, December 1972, pp. 573-579 .

(9) Moritz, A . R ., and Henriqnes, F. C ., "Smdies in Tbermal Injury. Itt;

The Relative Importance of Time and Surface Temperanno 1n'!be

(2) Moritz, A. R ., and Henriques, F. C ., "Studies of Thermal Injury Part

Causation of Cutanoous Bums," American Journal of PuU-~%-'eoy,

1, The Conduction of Heat To and Through Skin and the Temperatures

Attained Therein . A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation,"
American Journal of Pathology, Vol 23, 1947, pp . 531-549 .
(3) Moritz, A . R ., and Henriques, E C ., "Studies of Thermal Injury Part 11 .

(10) Henriques, E C ., "Studies in Thermal Injury V The PredictaLili=y md
Significance of Thermally Induced Rate PPocesses Leadmg.iii I;;=versible Epidermal Injury," Archives of Pathology, Vol 43, L'~'= l, :'p .

The Relative Importance of Time and Surface Temperature in the

Causation of Cutaneous Bums," American Journal of Pathology, Vol
23, 1947, pp . 695-720.

489-502- (11) Henriques, F. C., "Studies of Thermal Injury VIII AutdtlBtic

Recording Calorie Applicator and Skin Tissue and Skina ;Surlaee
Thermocouples," Revised Scientific Instrurnents, 1947 .
(12) Dussan, B . L, and Weiner, R . I., "Study of Bum Hazard'n : Itesle
Tissue and Its Implication on Consumer Product Design ;'.,jtsa~

(4) Stoll, A. M ., Chianta, M . A., and PiergalBni, I . R ., "Thermal

Conduction Effects in Htunan Skin," Aviation, Space and Environmentat Medicine, Vol 50, No. 8, August 1979, pp . 778-787.
(5) Wu, Yung-Chi, "Control of Thermal Impact for Thermal Safety," AIAA
Journal, Vol 15, No . 5, 1977, pp . 674-680 .
(6) Hatton, A . E, and Halfdanarson, "Role of Contact Resistance in Skin
Bums," Journal Biomedical Engineering, Vol 4, April 1982, pp .

Journal, 1972, Paper No . 71-WAHT-39, presented at Winter M1~?"'-'

November 28-December 2, 1971 .
(13) Marzetta, L. A ., "A Thermesthesiometer-An Instrument 1Lt1"u
Hazard Measurement," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Er, ~it'?
ing, September 1974, pp . 425-427.

(7) McChesney, M ., and McChesney, E, "Preventing Bums From Insu-

(14) Mumaw, J . R., "I3uman Protection from Bums by Heated SS"t`~~--

lated Pipes," Chemical Engineering, July 27, 1981, pp . 58-64.

(8)Moritz, A . R., Henrique.s, E C ., DuVa, F . R ., and Weisiger, J. R .,

The Problem and Solution," T6ermal Insulation : Materiu ;'

Systems, ASTM STP 922, F. J. Powell and S . L. Matthews, eds
. A., `"1'hemtesthesiomefer," U.S. Patent No. 3,8.'.(15)Marzet,L
dated April 22, 1975 .
(16) Marzetta, L . A., "Engineering and Constmction Manuat

"Studies of Thermal Injury IV, Exploration of Casualty Producing

Attributes of Conflagrations . The Local and Systematic Effects of
Generalized Cutaneous Exposure to Excessive Circumambient (air)
and C4rcuuuadiant Heat of Varying Duration and Intensity," Archives
of Pathology, Vol 43, 1947, pp . 466-488 .


Instrument to Make Burn Hazard Measurements in Consumer

ucts," NBS Technical Note 816, Febmary 1974 .


40 C 1055
TheAmerican Society forTes6ng and Materials takes no position respecting the validity ofanypatent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infrirtgemem of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility .

ted surFacc -I
sy to ase,it
for test and
second tool
Ictice C 680
le modelfng
the expecteA .
erature is a
of both the
esigner theu
the snrfaee-

This standard is subject to revision at any timd by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
it not revised, eitherreapproved or withdrawn . Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard ortoradditional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428 .

with heated
If insulatiop
of Subcotn .
iittee CI6 .30
de for what
3ardized the ~t

be examined
.tpported by
nedical pmhe needs to inditions, and 'r

:mal Injury ID, ~.Jerature in the l'

of Pathology, ? ~
edictabilityvd ,~ .eading to lne- r
rl 43,1947,pp. ~ .
TIII Automatic

I skin Sodaze
.zard in Humao i
)esign," ASb1C'
Winter Meefiat
rment for Bwc ..~
dical Engineer
ated SudacesMaterials anJ svrs, cds., 1986. No. 3,878,728, .,

Manual for 1,
"onsumer 11Prod


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