Chapter 6 - Gripping IFRS ICAP 2008 (Solution of Graded Questions)
Chapter 6 - Gripping IFRS ICAP 2008 (Solution of Graded Questions)
Chapter 6 - Gripping IFRS ICAP 2008 (Solution of Graded Questions)
Solution 6.1
a) Calculations
Current taxation (and deferred taxation adjustment) Accounting profit Permanent differences: - capital profits (exempt income) + donations (non-deductible expenses) Taxable accounting profits Temporary differences: - expenses prepaid closing balance Taxable income 30% 100 000 (50 000) 30 000 80 000 (40 000) 40 000
Deferred taxation calculation (Balance sheet approach) Carrying Tax Temporary amount base difference Balance: 1 March 20X0 0 0 0 Adjustment Balance: 28 February 20X1 40 000 0 (40 000)
Deferred Balance/ tax adjustment 0 (12 000) dr TE; cr DTL (12 000) L
b) Ledger-accounts
Description Current tax payable/ receivable Deferred tax
12 000
Description Taxation
12 000
12 000
Profit & Loss
24 000 24 000
Balance c/d
24 000
Deferred tax
Description Taxation
12 000
Balance c/d
Chapter 6: Page 1
d) Journals
GENERAL JOURNAL Tax expense Current tax payable: normal tax Current normal taxation estimated for 20X1 Tax expense Deferred taxation: normal tax Deferred normal taxation estimated for 20X1 Debit 12 000 Credit 12 000 12 000 12 000
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Solution 6.2
a) Journals
Debit 20X7 Tax expense Current tax payable: normal tax Current normal taxation estimated for 20X7 Tax expense Deferred taxation: normal tax Deferred normal taxation adjustment estimated for 20X7 Depreciation: equipment Accumulated depreciation: equipment Depreciation on equipment: 20X7 20X8 Tax expense Current tax payable: normal tax Current normal taxation estimated for 20X8 Deferred taxation: normal tax Tax expense Deferred normal taxation adjustment estimated for 20X8 Current tax payable: normal tax Bank Payment of current normal taxation charged for 20X7 Depreciation: equipment Accumulated depreciation: equipment Depreciation on equipment: 20X8 100 000 100 000 800 800 48 000 48 000 Credit
116 000 116 000 3 200 3 200 100 000 100 000 48 000 48 000
b) Disclosure
EYE LIMITED EXTRACT FROM STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AT 30 JUNE 20X8 Note Non-current assets Equipment Non-current liabilities Deferred tax Current liabilities Current tax payable 15
EYE LIMITED EXTRACT FROM STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEARS ENDED 30 JUNE 20X8 Note 20X8 C Profit before tax 10 282 000 Income tax expense 11 (112 800) Profit for the period 169 200 Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income 169 200
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1.3 Equipment
Equipment held for the use in the production or supply of goods or services, or for administration purposes, are stated in the statement of financial position at their costs less any subsequent accumulated depreciation and subsequent impairment losses. Depreciation is charged so as to write off the cost or valuation of assets, over their estimated useful lives using the straight line method. The estimated useful lives, residual values and depreciation method are reviewed at each year end, with the effect of any changes in estimate accounted for in a prospective basis.
11. Taxation
Normal tax Current tax Deferred tax Income tax expense 116 000 (3 200) 112 800 100 000 800 100 800
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8 752
11 952
Chapter 6: Page 6
116 000
100 000
W2. Deferred tax: property, plant and equipment 30/06/X6 30/06/X7 30/06/X8 Balance Balance Balance
Carrying amount 384 000 (48 000) 336 000 (48 000) 288 000
Tax base 356 120 (50 000) 306 120 (40 000) 266 120
Temporary difference (27 880) (2 000) (29 880) 8 000 (21 880)
Deferred tax bal/ adj (11 152) (800) (11 952) 3 200 (8 752)
L Cr L Dr L
Chapter 6: Page 7
Solution 6.3
a) Calculation of profit before tax
Cash received - cash received in advance (closing balance) + cash received in advance (opening balance) (now recognised) Profit before tax
110 000 (0) 10 000 120 000
10 000 (10 000) 0 0
120 000
3 000 0
Comment: The reason for the distortion shown above (i.e. the difference between the effective tax rate and the standard tax rate of 30%) is that the tax on the C10 000 rent received in 20X1 is recognised in 20X1 whereas this rent income is only recognised in 20X2. If one recognised the tax expense in the same period that the related income was recognised (i.e. both recognised in 20X2), then matching would be achieved. See below: Profit before tax Tax (120 000 x 30%) (0 x 30%) (current and deferred!) Profit after tax Effective rate of tax per year 120 000 (36 000) 84 000 84 000 30% n/a 0 0 0
The profit after tax and the effective rate of tax makes more sense now that the taxes have been matched to the profits.
d) Ledger-accounts
Taxation Description 20X1 CTP 1 20X2 CTP 3 Deferred tax
Current tax payable/ receivable C 3 000 Description C Description 20X1 Taxation 1 20X2 Taxation 3 C 3 000 33 000
Chapter 6: Page 8
1) 2)
3) 4)
Current tax owing to the tax authorities in 20X1 must be recognised as a liability. The tax expense caused by income that will only be recognised in the future should be deferred and recognised in the future instead. This tax is treated as a deferred tax asset and is much the same as a prepaid expense in that it is tax to be paid before it is incurred (the accountant believes that this tax is only incurred once the related income is earned). Current tax owing to the tax authorities in 20X2 must be recognised as a liability. The tax expense, the recognition of which was previously deferred to a future year (i.e. deferred tax), should now be recognised since the income has now been recognised (i.e. the deferred tax asset balance should now be reversed and recognised as an expense).
e) Disclosure
PHOBIE LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 20X2 4. Taxation Normal tax Current tax Deferred tax Income tax expense
f) Journals
Debit 20X1
Bank Rent income received in advance Rent received Tax expense Current tax payable: normal taxation Current normal taxation estimated for 20X1 Deferred taxation: normal Tax expense Deferred normal taxation adjustment estimated for 20X1 20X2 Bank Rent income Rent received Rent income received in advance Rent income Rent received in advance opening balance reversed in 20X2 Tax expense Current tax payable: normal tax Current normal taxation estimated for 20X2 Tax expense Deferred taxation: normal tax 10 000 10 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000
110 000 110 000 10 000 10 000 33 000 33 000 3 000 3 000
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Chapter 6: Page 10
Solution 6.4
a) Discussion Definition of a liability A present obligation Of the entity As a result of a past event The settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow of future economic benefits. Definition of an expense Decrease in economic benefits During the accounting period In the form of decrease in assets or increase in liabilities resulting in a decrease in equity Other than through a distribution to equity participants. Recognition criteria A reliable estimate must be possible. The outflow of future economic benefits must be probable. Discussion: liability The event is the earning/ receiving of the taxable profits: since the profits on which the tax is calculated were earned/ received before 31 December 20X3, the event is a past event. Since there is a past event, there is a present obligation as at 31 December 20X3. Since the taxable profits were earned by the entity, the tax thereon is a legal obligation of the entity. The settlement of the obligation will result in an outflow of cash. Discussion: recognition criteria A reliable estimate is possible since the Income Tax Ordinance is available to the public to use in the estimate thereof/ the auditors, who are professionals in this area, have already calculated the estimated tax. The outflow is probable since it has either already been pre-paid via the provisional payment system/ or will have to be paid since it is a legislative requirement! Discussion: expense The decrease in economic benefits is the tax outflow expected in relation to the profits made (i.e. a decrease in profits). The profits arose in 20X3 and therefore the tax arose in 20X3 and thus it is a decrease in economic benefits during the accounting period 20X3. Since there has been an increase in liabilities without an equal increase in assets, equity will decrease. The tax payable on the profits is not a distribution to equity participants. Conclusion Since both the liability and expense definitions and the related recognition criteria have been met, the current tax liability and related tax expense should be processed.
Chapter 6: Page 11
Tax expense Current tax payable (L) Current normal tax for 20X3 Tax expense Current tax payable (L) Under-provision of current normal tax in 20X2 Tax expense Deferred tax (L) Deferred tax adjustment for 20X3: 60 000 (L) 50 000 (L)
Chapter 6: Page 12
Solution 6.5
a) Deferred tax working paper
Carrying amount Property, plant & equipment: Balance 28/02/20X1 145 000 Movement Balance 28/02/20X2 120 000 Rent received in advance: Balance 28/02/20X1 Movement Balance 28/02/20X2 Interest income receivable: Balance 28/02/20X1 Movement Balance 28/02/20X2
(1) 115 000 30 000 = 85 000
85 000
(2 000) (5 000)
0 0
2 000 5 000
A Dr DT; Cr TE A
0 20 000
0 20 000
0 0
0 0 0
Income receivable 0 0 0
L Cr DT; Dr TE L
Profit before tax Permanent differences Movement in temporary differences Add depreciation Less tax depreciation Add rent received in advance c/ balance Less rent received in advance o/ balance Taxable profits
30 000 600
145 000 120 000 Given Will be taxed in 20X2 Was taxed in 20X1
29 400
Current tax
Chapter 6: Page 13
9 000 9 000
Current tax payable/ receivable Description Balance c/f C Description C 10 000 29 400 39 400 Balance b/f 1) 2) 3) 4) 39 400
9 000 600: see workings in part (a): (opening balance of deferred tax) 10 500 1 500: see workings in part (a): (closing balance of deferred tax) 9 000 8 400: see workings in part (a): (deferred tax adjustment) Current tax for 20X2
d) Disclosure
BLUE CHEESE LIMITED EXTRACT FROM STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20X2 Notes Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Current assets Interest receivable Non-current liabilities Deferred tax Current liabilities Current tax payable Income received in advance 10
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Rent received in advance The carrying amount of the rent received in advance represents the obligation to provide services in future periods. The tax base of the rent received in advance is the carrying amount of the liability, less any amount of the revenue that will not be taxable in future periods. In other words, the tax base represents the portion of the future economic benefits (past cash receipt) that will be taxable in a future period. As the rent received in advance was not recognised as income for accounting purposes but was taxed in the current period, the tax base is zero (C5 000 C5 000) (i.e. no portion of the income received in advance account will be taxable in the future). This gives rise to a deductible temporary difference and the tax pre-paid is a deferred tax asset.
Interest income receivable The carrying amount of the interest income receivable represents the amount that will be recovered in the form of economic benefits that will flow to the entity in future periods. The tax base of interest income receivable is equal to its carrying amount if the economic benefits will not be taxable in future periods. Since all the interest income is taxed in the current year, no portion of the amount receivable will be taxed in the future: the tax base is therefore equal to its carrying amount (carrying amount: 20 000 portion to be taxed in the future: 0). The tax authority taxes interest income on accrual basis and thus the interest income receivable is taxed in the current year (year of accrual). The accountant recognises income in the same year (the year of accrual). There is thus no temporary difference and no deferred tax.
Chapter 6: Page 16
Solution 6.6
a) Deferred tax calculation
DT A/ L or DT adjustment
0 0 0
15 000 15 000 0
0 0 0
Calculations: 19 500 (L) - 4 500 (A) + 0 16 500 (L) - 8 400 (A) + 3 000 (L)
300 000 (5 000) 295 000 13 000 35 000 (25 000) 28 000 (15 000) (10 000) 308 000 5 000 88 500 3 900
Chapter 6: Page 17
Tax expense Current tax payable Current normal income tax for 20X3 Deferred taxation Tax expense Deferred normal income tax adjustment for 20X3
3 900 3 900
d) Disclosure
FISH LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBE 20X3 20X3 C 6. Deferred taxation asset/ (liability) The deferred tax balance is caused by temporary differences relating to: Property, plant and equipment Expenses prepaid Income received in advance 20X2 C
Chapter 6: Page 18
Solution 6.7
Part A
a) Calculating the taxable profits and current tax Profit before taxation and depreciation (given) Depreciation: First plant (20X1, 20X2 & 20X3: 200 000 x 20%) Second plant (20X2 & 20X3: 500 000 x 20%) Profit before taxation Adjust for permanent differences: Taxable accounting profits Adjust for temporary differences: + depreciation - tax depreciation: first plant (20X1, 20X2 & 20X3:
200 000 / 4 yrs)
20X3 C 200 000 (40 000) (100 000) 60 000 0 60 000 140 000 (50 000) (125 000) 25 000 35% 8 750
20X2 C 200 000 (40 000) (100 000) 60 000 0 60 000 140 000 (50 000) (125 000) 25 000 35% 8 750
20X1 C 200 000 (40 000) 0 160 000 0 160 000 40 000 (50 000) 0 150 000 35% 52 500
b) Calculation of deferred taxation using the income statement approach Current tax (taxable profits x 35%) Tax expense (taxable accounting profits x 35%) Deferred tax charge (movement in temporary
differences x 35%)
Summary of deferred tax effect on deferred tax in the statement of financial position (not required) 1/1/20X1 Opening balance 0 Given 20X1 Deferred tax charge (calculation b) 3 500 Cr DTL; Dr TE 1/1/20X2 Opening balance at 35% 3 500 Liability 20X2 Deferred tax charge (calculation b) 12 250 Cr DTL; Dr TE 1/1/20X3 Opening balance at 35% 15 750 Liability 20X3 Deferred tax charge (calculation b) 12 250 Cr DTL; Dr TE 31/12/20X3 Closing balance at 35% 28 000 Liability
c) Current and deferred tax journals 01Jan Tax expense Current tax payable (liability) Recording estimated current taxation owing 31Dec Tax expense/ (income) Deferred tax asset/(liability) Recording current years deferred tax charge
Kolitz & Sowden-Service, 2009
3 500 (3 500)
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b) Calculation of deferred taxation using the income statement approach Current tax (taxable profits x 35/45/40%) 8 750 Tax expense (taxable accounting profits x 21 000 35/45/40%) Deferred tax charge (balancing) or (temporary differences x tax rate) 12 250
11 250 27 000
60 000 64 000
15 750
4 000
Summary of deferred tax effect on deferred tax in the statement of financial position (not required) 1/1/20X1 Opening balance 0 Given 20X1 Deferred tax charge (calculation b) 4 000 Cr DT 1/1/20X2 Opening balance at 40% 4 000 Liability Increase in rate (4 000/ 40% x 5%) 500 Cr DT Opening balance restated at 45% 4 500 20X2 Deferred tax charge (calculation b) 15 750 Cr DT 1/1/20X3 Opening balance at 45% 20 250 Liability Decrease in rate (20 250/ 45% x 10%) (4 500) Dr DT Opening balance restated at 35% 15 750 20X3 Deferred tax charge (calculation b) 12 250 Cr DT 31/12/20X3 Closing balance at 35% 28 000 Liability 20X3 Dr/ (Cr) 8 750 (8 750) 20X2 Dr/ (Cr) 11 250 (11 250) 20X1 Dr/ (Cr) 60 000 (60 000)
c) Current and deferred tax journals 01-Jan Tax expense Current tax payable (liability) Recording estimated current taxation owing
01-Jan Tax expense/ (income) (4 500) 500 Deferred tax asset/(liability) 4 500 (500) Recording effect of rate change on opening balance of deferred taxation 31-Dec Tax expense/ (income) Deferred tax asset/(liability) Recording current years deferred tax charge
Kolitz & Sowden-Service, 2009
n/a n/a
4 000 (4 000)
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20X1 C 10 800
20X0 C 12 000
c) Note disclosure
HOBBIT LIMITED EXTRACT FROM NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMEMENTS AT 31 DECEMBER 20X1 3. Taxation Normal Tax W1 - Current - Deferred Income tax expense Tax rate reconciliation Tax effects of: Profit before tax / Applicable rate Income not subject to tax Expenses disallowed for tax Tax expense / effective rate %
508 000 x 30% 30 000 x 30% 9 000 x 30% 146 100/ 508 000
20X1 C 147 300 (1 200) 146 100 C 152 400 (9 000) 2 700 146 100
The effective tax rate is lower than the applicable tax rate due to: Exempt income. Disallowed expense. 10. Deferred taxation asset/ (liability) The deferred tax balance is caused by temporary differences relating to: W3 - Plant W3 - Prepaid expenses W3 - Income received in advance 20X1 C (10 500) (1 800) 1 500 (10 800) 20X0 C (12 000) 0 0 (12 000)
Chapter 6: Page 24
147 300
* where CA: 155 000 = DTL: 12 000 / 30% + TB: 115 000
Liability Dr DT Cr TE Liability
0 0 0 0 0 (10 000)
0 5 000 0 (6 000) 0 0
Dr DT Cr TE Asset
Dr TE Cr DT Liability
0 20 000
0 20 000
0 0
0 0 0
Chapter 6: Page 25
Solution 6.8
Part B a) Statement of comprehensive income disclosure
HOBBIT LIMITED EXTRACT FROM STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20X1 Note Profit before tax Taxation Profit for the period Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income
(497 000 5 000 + 6 000 10 000 + 20 000) 3
20X1 C 10 800
20X0 C 12 000
c) Note disclosure
HOBBIT LIMITED EXTRACT FROM NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20X1 3. Taxation Normal tax - Current - Deferred - current year temporary differences - rate change Income tax expense Tax rate reconciliation Tax effects of: Profit before tax / Applicable rate Income not subject to tax Expenses disallowed for tax Rate change Tax expense / effective rate 20X1 C
W1 W3.4 W3.4
144 300 (1 200) 1 800 (3 000) 143 100 % C 152 400 (9 000) 2 700 (3 000) 143 100 20X1 C (10 500) 1 500 (1 800) (10 800) 20X0 C (12 000) 0 0 (12 000)
508 000 x 30% 30 000 x 30% 9 000 x 30% Above 143 100/ 508 000
10. Deferred taxation asset/ (liability) The deferred tax balance is caused by temporary differences relating to: W3.1 - Plant W3.2 - Income received in advance W3.3 - Prepaid expenses
Chapter 6: Page 26
Tax expense Dr TE Cr DT
85 000
(35 000)
0 0
0 5 000
0 1 500 1 500
Dr DT Cr TE Asset @30%
0 0 IRIA 0
0 (6 000) EPP 0
Cr DT Dr TE Liability @ 30%
(10 500)
1 500
(1 800)
(1) 12 000 / 40% = 30 000 (2) 115 000 + 30 000 = 145 000 (Add the temporary differences since the DT balance was a liability)
Chapter 6: Page 27
Solution 6.9
Part A a) Calculation of deferred taxation using the balance sheet approach
20X2 Opening balance Plant - cost Depreciation 20X2 20X2 Closing balance Depreciation 20X3 20X3 Closing balance Depreciation 20X4 20X4 Closing balance Depreciation 20X5 20X5 Closing balance Depreciation 20X6 20X6 Closing balance Carrying amount 0 500 000 (100 000) 400 000 (100 000) 300 000 (100 000) 200 000 (100 000) 100 000 (100 000) 0 Temporary Tax base differences 0 0 500 000 0 (250 000) (150 000) 250 000 (150 000) (150 000) (50 000) 100 000 (200 000) (100 000) 0 0 (200 000) 0 100 000 0 (100 000) 0 100 000 0 0 Deferred taxation 0 0 (60 000)Cr DT Dr TE (60 000)Liability (20 000)Cr DT Dr TE (80 000)Liability 0 (80 000)Liability 40 000Dr DT Cr TE (40 000)Liability 40 000Dr DT Cr TE 0 Liability
b) Calculation of taxable profits/ current tax Profit before tax Permanent differences Taxable accounting profits Temporary differences: + depreciation - tax depreciation Taxable profit Tax rate Current tax
20X5 150 000 0 150 000 100 000 0 250 000 40% 100 000
20X4 120 000 0 120 000 100 000 100 000 120 000 40% 48 000
c) Journal entries
Taxation expense Current tax payable (liability) Current normal tax estimated Taxation expense Deferred taxation Deferred tax adjustment
20X5 20X4 20X3 20X2 Dr/ (Cr) Dr/ (Cr) Dr/ (Cr) Dr/ (Cr) 100 000 48 000 (100 000) (48 000) not required not required
Chapter 6: Page 28
20X2 Opening balance Plant purchased Depreciation 20X2 20X2 Closing balance Depreciation 20X3 20X3 Closing balance Depreciation 20X4 20X4 Closing balance Depreciation 20X5 CA of asset sold 20X5 Closing balance
20X5 150 000 0 150 000 100 000 0 0 100 000 350 000 40% 140 000
20X4 120 000 0 120 000 100 000 (100 000) n/a n/a 120 000 40% 48 000
c) Journals
31 Dec Taxation expense Current tax payable (liability) Recording current tax 31 Dec Taxation expense Deferred tax asset/(liability) Recording deferred tax
20X4 20X3 20X2 Dr/ (Cr) Dr/ (Cr) Dr/ (Cr) 48 000 Not required Not required (48 000)
n/a n/a
Chapter 6: Page 29
MAKE LIMITED EXTRACT FROM STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AT 31 DECEMBER 20X5 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Non-current liabilities Deferred taxation 20X5 C 0 20X4 C 200 000
80 000
MAKE LIMITED EXTRACT FROM NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20X5 20X5 20X4 1. Accounting Policies C C 1.1 Deferred taxation Deferred tax is provided using the balance sheet liability method, on all the temporary differences at the balance sheet date between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. Deferred tax asset are recognized for all deductible temporary differences, carry forward of unused tax losses, to the extent that is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary difference, unused tax losses and tax credits can be utilized. Carrying amount of deferred tax asset is reviewed at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax benefit will be realized. Deferred taxis calculated at the rates that are expected to apply to the period when differences reverse based on the tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. 3. Taxation Normal tax Current tax
Kolitz & Sowden-Service, 2009
140 000
48 000
Chapter 6: Page 30
Deferred tax (80 000) 0 Income tax expense 60 000 48 000 Authors comment: There is no rate reconciliation since there are no permanent differences or any other reconciling items. There is no permanent difference on the sale since the proceeds did not exceed the original cost. 3. Deferred tax liability The deferred tax balance comprises temporary differences relating to: Property, plant and equipment
80 000
Chapter 6: Page 31
Solution 6.10
ROOT LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20X6 20X6 C 7. Tax expense Current - current year - overprovision for the prior year Deferred Rate reconciliation Standard/ applicable tax rate Tax effect of: Profit before tax Dividend income taxed at lower rate Over-provision of current tax Effective tax rate
344 000 x 30% 200 000 x 30% Per above 59 200/ 344 000
80 600 (4 000) (17 400) 59 200 30% 103 200 (40 000) (4 000) 59 200 17.2%
Profit before tax Tax Profit for the year Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income
Chapter 6: Page 32
344 000 (100 000) 150 000 (200 000) 150 000 (270 000) 130 000 (10 000) (7 000) 15 000 202 000 60 600 20 000 80 600
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Solution 6.11
Debit 4 000 Credit 4 000
Current tax payable: NT Tax expense (current normal) Over-provision of current tax expense in 20X5: given Tax expense (normal tax) Current tax payable: NT Current normal tax payable: given Deferred tax: NT Tax expense (normal tax) Deferred normal tax adjustment:W1
57 600 57 600
17 400 17 400
TREE LIMITED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20X6 Non-current liabilities Deferred tax Current liabilities Income received in advance Current tax payable: NT Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Deferred tax Current assets Expenses prepaid 20X6 C
Given Given O/bal: 6 000 payments: 30 000 + current NT for 20X6: 57 600 overprovision in 20X5: 4 000 Given W1 Given
TREE LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AT 31 DECEMBER 20X6 8. Deferred tax asset/ (liability) note The deferred tax balance is caused by temporary differences relating to: Property, plant and equipment Income received in advance Expenses prepaid
W1 W1 W1
20X6 C
20X5 C
Chapter 6: Page 34
0 (123 000)
0 0
0 123 000
0 36 900 36 900
5 000 0
0 0
(5 000) 0
(1 500) 1 500 0
L Dr DT; Cr TE
Note 1
The opening balances for TB, TD and DT are all balancing figures, calculated as follows: 1st calc the o/bal of DT caused by PPE: 16 500 1 500 0 = 15 000 (credit) 2nd calc the related TDs: 15 000 / 30% = 50 000 (credit) 3rd calc the related TB of PPE using the following equation: TB CA = TD; therefore: TB 1 000 000 = -50 000 TB = 1 000 000 50 000 = 950 000
Chapter 6: Page 35
20X6 C 17 400
46 400
BEAN LIMITED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AT 30 JUNE 20X7 20X7 C Current liabilities Current tax payable
20X6 C 5 900
19 300
Profit before taxation Income tax expense Profit for the period Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income
(X6: 151 900 8 700 2 900) (X7: 168 300 + 29 000 + 14 200)
Chapter 6: Page 36
Statement of compliance
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the approved accounting standards as applicable in Pakistan. Approved accounting standards comprise of such International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board as are notified under the Companies Ordinance, 198, provisions of and directives issued by under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. In case the requirements differ, the provisions or directives of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 shall prevail. Basis of preparation The financial statements have been prepared in the historical cost basis except for the revaluation of certain non-current assets. These policies are consistent in all material respects with these applied in the previous years. Deferred tax Deferred tax is provided using the balance sheet liability method, on all the temporary differences at the balance sheet date between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. Deferred tax asset are recognized for all deductible temporary differences, carry forward of unused tax losses, to the extent that is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary difference, unused tax losses and tax credits can be utilized. Carrying amount of deferred tax asset is reviewed at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax benefit will be realized. Deferred taxis calculated at the rates that are expected to apply to the period when differences reverse based on the tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. Equipment Plant and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses. Depreciation is charged so as to write off the cost of assets over their estimated useful lives using the straight line method. The estimated useful lives, depreciation methods and residual values are reviewed at each year end, with the effect of any change in estimate accounted for on a prospective basis. 20X7 C 4 Taxation Normal tax Deferred tax Under / (over) provision Taxation expense Tax rate reconciliation Tax expense on profit Dividend income exempt Under / (over) provision Effective tax rate
(X7: 207 500 / 700 000) (X6: 140 300 / 520 000) W2 W1 W3
(X7: 700 000 X 0.29) (X6: 520 000 X 0.29) (X7: 30 000 X 0.19) (X6: 40 000 X 0.19)
Chapter 6: Page 37
3 474 000 (2 929 000) 545 000 30 000 (166 100) 408 900
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DT X29%
Dr TE Cr DT 26 100
90 000
26 100
L Dr DT Cr TE 8 700
60 000
17 400
L Dr TE Cr DT 40 600
Loss on sale / Recoupment 30/06/X7 Expenses paid in advance 30/06/X6 Rent paid in advance
L Dr DT Cr TE 58 000
Dr TE Cr DT 52 200 L
Rent paid in advance (270 000 X 4/6) Income received in advance 30/06/X6 Rent received in advance
180 000
180 000
52 200
Dr DT Cr TE 5 800 A
20 000
20 000
5 800
Chapter 6: Page 39
20X6 520 000 (40 000) 90 000 120 000 (180 000)
Depreciation Impairment Tax allowance Loss on sale Tax gain on sale Rent prepaid Rent received in advance Dividend income
W3 Under / over provision and payment with return 20X6 year 20X5 normal assessed tax 20X5 normal tax provided / provisional payments Overprovision / Balance owing on assessment 20X7 year 20X6 normal assessed tax 20X6 normal tax provided / provisional payments Underprovision / Balance owing on assessment
W4 Current tax payable Current tax payable Description Tax expense (o/p 20X5) Bank (Balance owing 20X5) Bank (p/p 20X6) Balance Bank (Balance owing 20X6) Bank (p/p 20X7) Balance C 2 900 2 200 142 000 9 900 157 000 20 100 146 000 22 300 185 400 Description Balance (01/07/X5) Tax expense (20X6) C 5 100 151 900
Balance (30/06/X6) Tax expense (u/p 20X6) Tax expense (20X7) Balance (30/06/X7)
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Solution 6.13
a) Journals
Debit Tax expense Current tax payable Current normal tax estimated Tax expense Deferred tax Deferred normal tax
742 350
Given Current tax payable Tax expense Overprovision of 20X1 normal tax
b) Note disclosure
4. Taxation Normal tax Current tax Current tax for 20X7 Overprovision of current tax in 20X6 Deferred tax Tax expense Tax rate reconciliation Tax on profit at applicable rate Non-deductible donations Dividend income Exemption on administration building Overprovision of current tax in 20X6 Tax expense The effective tax rate is higher than the applicable tax rate due to: Non-deductible expenses; and Comment: the rate reconciliation need not be provided in percentages and currency. You may choose which method to present. My suggestion would be as a currency as this is less time-consuming. 10 Deferred tax asset or (liability) Equipment Unearned income Prepaid expenses
W1: 2 350 000 X 0.30 20 000 X 0.30 15 000 X 0.20 120 000 X 0.30 Per above % 30 0.26 (0.13) 1.53 (0.21) 31.45 W1
W1 Given W2.6
742 350 (5 000) 1 650 739 000 705 000 6 000 (4 500) 36 000 (5 000) 739 000
Chapter 6: Page 42
W1 Current normal tax computation Profit before tax (2 410 000 + 15 000 75 000)
2 350 000
+ Depreciation on equipment - Tax allowance - Unearned income: o/ balance + Unearned income: c/ balance - Prepaid expenses: c/ balance
Given Given Recognised as income in 20X7, but already taxed in 20X6 Taxable in 20X7, to be recognised as income in 20X8 Deductible in 20X7, to be recognised as expense in 20X8
W2 Deferred normal tax computation CA W2.1 Land 31/12/X6 2 470 000 0 31/12/X7 2 470 000 W2.2 Admin buildings 31/12/X6 31/12/X7 W2.3 Equipment 31/12/X6
TB 0 0 0
DT 0 0 0 Exempt Exempt
0 0 0
0 0 0
Liability Cr DT Liability
W2.4 Unearned income 31/12/X6 31/12/X7 W2.5 Prepaid expenses 31/12/X6 31/12/X7
0 0
26 250 63 750
Asset Dr DT Asset
0 25 000
0 0
0 (25 000) C
0 (7 500) (7 500)
Cr DT Liability
W2.6 Summary of deferred tax Proof of deferred tax at 31/12/X6 as per question Deferred tax at 31/12/X7 Movement: increase in deferred tax liability (1) 630 000 + 170 000 = 800 000
Liability Liability Cr DT
Chapter 6: Page 43
800 000 248 000 (minus because temporary differences were taxable) Given Given
Chapter 6: Page 44
Solution 6.14
a) Journal entries
Rent received in advance Rent income Reversal of opening balance of rent received in advance Rent income Rent received in advance Creation of closing balance of rent received in advance Expense account Expense prepaid Reversal of opening balance of expense prepaid Expense prepaid Expense account Creation of closing balance of expense prepaid Current tax payable: normal tax Assessed: 48 000 Expensed: 52 000 = 4 000 overprovided Tax expense (current normal) Over-provision of current tax expense in 20X5 Tax expense (normal tax) Current tax payable: NT Current normal tax payable Tax expense (normal tax) Deferred tax: NT Deferred normal tax adjustment
Debit 10 000
Credit 10 000
8 000 8 000
15 000 15 000
7 000 7 000
4 000 4 000
60 000 60 000
19 200 19 200
Chapter 6: Page 45
69 000
Chapter 6: Page 46
800 000 352 000 (300 000) (176 400) (17 600) (44 000) (120 000) 494 000 (77 700) 416 300 416 300
RAINY LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20X6 7. Tax expense note Normal tax Current - current year - overprovision for the prior year Deferred 20X6 C
W1 (in part a) 52 000 48 000; or per the journal 42 000A 22 800A; or per the journal
Rate reconciliation Standard/ applicable tax rate Tax effect of: Profit before tax Exempt dividend income Over-provision of current tax 30%
Chapter 6: Page 47
Solution 6.15
W1. Calculation of current normal tax Profit before tax Dividend Income Temporary differences (PPE) Assessed tax loss brought forward Taxable profit/ (tax loss) Current normal tax at 30% Add: Tax on dividend income @ 10% (10 000 x 10%) 20X3 C 30 000 (10 000) (8 000) (4 000) 8 000 2 400 1 000 3 400 20X2 C 20 000 (10 000) (4 000) (10 000) (4 000) 0 1 000 1 000 20X1 C 14 000 (10 000) (14 000) 0 (10 000) 0 1 000 1 000
W2. Calculation of deferred normal tax Carrying amount (SOFP) (a) W2.1 PPE Balance: 1 Jan 20X1 70 000 Movement (6 000) Balance: 31 Dec 20X1 64 000 Movement (16 000) Balance: 31 Dec 20X2 48 000 Movement (12 000) Balance: 31 Dec 20X3 36 000 W2.2 Tax loss Balance: 1 Jan 20X1 Movement Balance: 31 Dec 20X1 Movement Balance: 31 Dec 20X2 Movement Balance: 31 Dec 20X3 W2.3 Summary of deferred tax on: Balance: 1 January 20X1 Movement Balance: 31 December 20X1 Movement Balance: 31 December 20X2 Movement Balance: 31 December 20X3
Tax base (IAS 12) (b) 90 000 (20 000) 70 000 (20 000) 50 000 (20 000) 30 000
Temporary difference (b) (a) (c) 20 000 (14 000) 6 000 (4 000) 2 000 (8 000) (6 000)
Deferred tax at 30% (c) x 30% (d) 6 000 (4 200) 1 800 (1 200) 600 (2 400) (1 800)
0 0 0 0 0 0 PPE
0 10 000 4 000 0
(1 800) Liability
Chapter 6: Page 48
Debit 4 200
Credit 4 200
3 000 3 000
1 000 1 000
Liquid limited Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 December 20X3 3. Taxation expense Normal taxation expense Current Deferred Tax loss (created)/ used Other temporary differences Tax rate reconciliation Applicable tax rate Tax effects of: Profit/ (loss) before tax
(20X3: 30 000 x 30%) (20X2: 20 000 x 30%) (20X1: 14 000 x 30%)
20X3 C
W1 W2.3
20X2 C 1 000 3 000 1 800 1 200 4 000 30% 6 000 (2 000) 4 000
20X1 C 1 000 1 200 (3 000) 4 200 2 200 30% 4 200 (2 000) 2 200
Permanent differences (20X1 - 20X3: 10 000 x 20%) Tax expense per the statement of comprehensive income
Chapter 6: Page 49
5. Deferred tax asset/ (liability) The deferred tax balance comprises tax on the following types of temporary differences: W2.3 (1800) 600 Property, plant and equipment W2.3 0 1 200 Tax loss (1 800) 1 800
Chapter 6: Page 50
Solution 6.16
This is the solution to the question as it stands in the book (i.e. no DTA is to be recognised at all)
W1. Calculation of current normal tax Profit before tax Less: Dividend income Less: Temporary differences (PPE) Assessed tax loss brought forward Taxable profit/ (tax loss) Current normal tax at 30% Add: Tax on dividend income @ 10% 20X3 C 30 000 (10 000) (8 000) (4 000) 8 000 2 400 1 000 3 400 20X2 C 20 000 (10 000) (4 000) (10 000) (4 000) 0 1 000 1 000 20X1 C 14 000 (10 000) (14 000) 0 (10 000) 0 1 000 1 000
W2. Calculation of deferred normal tax Carrying amount (SOFP) (a) W2.1 PPE Balance: 1 Jan 20X1 70 000 Movement (6 000) Balance: 31 Dec 64 000 20X1 Movement (16 000) Balance: 31 Dec 48 000 20X2 Movement (12 000) Balance: 31 Dec 36 000 20X3
Tax base (IAS 12) (b) 90 000 (20 000) 70 000 (20 000) 50 000 (20 000) 30 000
Temporary difference (b) (a) (c) 20 000 (14 000) 6 000 (4 000) 2 000 (8 000) (6 000)
Deferred tax at 30% (c) x 30% (d) 6 000 (4 200) 1 800 (1 200) 600 (2 400) (1 800)
W2.2 Tax loss Balance: 1 Jan 20X1 Movement Balance: 31 Dec 20X1 Movement Balance: 31 Dec 20X2 Movement Balance: 31 Dec 20X3
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 10 000 4 000 0
0 10 000 4 000 0
Dr DT Cr TE Asset Cr DT Dr TE Asset Cr DT Dr TE
W2.3 Summary
Recognised Unrecognised Total
Tax loss
Recognised Unrecognised Total
Recognised Unrecognised
(e) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
O/ balance 20X1 Movement C/ balance 20X1 Movement C/ balance 20X2 Movement C/ balance 20X3
(1 800) (1 800)
(1 800) 0
Chapter 6: Page 51
Please note: when the unrecognised portion of a DTA is reduced (see columns c and f), this means that some of what was previously unrecognised is now recognised (i.e. see column c: 6 000 DTA relating to PPE was initially not recognised, but by the end of 20X1, the portion that was unrecognised was only 1 800: this therefore means that 4 200 was recognised see journals).
Chapter 6: Page 52
DTA recognised now that it was used (i.e. reversed jnl above): PPE (20X1)
Deferred tax : tax loss W2.2 Tax expense DTA created: tax loss created (20X1) Tax expense Deferred tax: tax loss
Tax expense Current tax payable Current tax payable 20X1
W2.3: column (f)
Journals 20X2 Tax expense Deferred tax Deferred tax Tax expense Tax expense Deferred tax Deferred tax : tax loss Tax expense
1 200 1 200
1 200 1 200
DTA recognised now that it was used (i.e. reversed jnl above): PPE (20X2)
DTA recognised now that it was used (i.e. jnl above): tax loss (20X2) Tax expense Current tax payable Current tax payable 20X2 1 000 1 000
2 400 2 400
DTA reversed and a DTL created due to temporary differences reversing: PPE (20X3) NOTE 1
600 600
DTA recognised now that it was used (i.e. the remaining previously unrecognised asset of 600 reversed included in jnl above): PPE (20X3)
Tax expense Deferred tax Deferred tax : tax loss Tax expense Tax expense
Kolitz & Sowden-Service, 2009
1 200 1 200
DTA reduces due to remaining tax loss being used (20X3) NOTE 1
W2.3: column (f)
1 200 1 200
DTA recognised now that it was used (i.e. jnl above): tax loss (20X3)
3 400
NOTE 1: The journal is processed showing that a DTA asset was reversed (see W2.1 & W2.2). The problem is that since the company did not want to recognise deferred tax assets, the original 6 000 DTA on PPE and the original 3 000 DTA on the tax loss that are reversed were not recognised in the first place! This is the reason for the next journals where the part of the DTA that is reversing is now quickly recognised. The effect is nil on the balances, but these journals are necessary since disclosure of this movement is required.
Chapter 6: Page 54
Reflection Limited Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 December 20X3 15. Taxation expense Normal taxation Current Deferred - Temporary differences current year - Tax loss current year (arose)/ used - Current year DTA not recognised: tax loss 12.81 (e) - Prior year unrecognised DTA now recognised: - Tax loss (because used) 12.80 (e) - Temporary differences (because reversed) 12.80 (e) Tax expense per the statement of comprehensive income Tax rate reconciliation Applicable tax rate Tax effects of: Profit before tax
(20X3: 30 000 x 30%) (20X2: 20 000 x 30%) (20X1: 14 000 x 30%)
20X3 C
20X2 C
20X1 C
Permanent differences (20X1 - 20X3: 10 000 x 20%) Current year DTA not recognised: tax loss 12.81 (e) Per above Prior year unrecognised DTA now recognised: Per above - Tax loss (because used) 12.80 (e) - Temporary differences (because reversed) 12.80 (e) Per above Tax expense per the statement of comprehensive income Effective tax rate
(5 200 / 30 000, 1 000 / 20 000, 1 000 / 14 000)
5. Deferred tax asset/ (liability) The deferred tax balance comprises tax on the following types of temporary differences: Property, plant and equipment W2.3 (1 800) 0 Tax loss W2.3 0 0 (1 800) 0
0 0 0
Chapter 6: Page 55
Tax base (IAS 12) (b) 90 000 (20 000) 70 000 (20 000) 50 000 (20 000) 30 000
Temporary difference (b) (a) (c) 20 000 (14 000) 6 000 (4 000) 2 000 (8 000) (6 000)
Deferred tax at 30% (c) x 30% (d) 6 000 (4 200) 1 800 (1 200) 600 (2 400) (1 800)
0 0 0 0 0 0 PPE
Recognised Unrecognised
0 10 000 4 000 0
Dr DT Cr TE Asset Cr DT Dr TE Asset Cr DT Dr TE
Recognised Unrecognised
Recognised Unrecognised
(c) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(e) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
O/ balance 20X1 Movement C/ balance 20X1 Movement C/ balance 20X2 Movement C/ balance 20X3
Chapter 6: Page 56
Deferred tax : tax loss W2.2 Tax expense DTA created: tax loss created (20X1) Tax expense Deferred tax: tax loss
Tax expense Current tax payable Current tax payable 20X1
W2.3: column (f)
Journals 20X2 Tax expense Deferred tax Tax expense Deferred tax Deferred tax : tax loss Tax expense
1 200 1 200
DTA recognised now that it was used (i.e. jnl above): tax loss (20X2) Tax expense Current tax payable Current tax payable 20X2 1 000 1 000
2 400 2 400
DTA reversed and a DTL created due to deductible temporary differences reversing and taxable temporary differences arising: PPE (20X3)
Tax expense Deferred tax Deferred tax : tax loss Tax expense Tax expense Current tax payable
Current tax payable 20X3
1 200 1 200
DTA reduces due to remaining tax loss being used (20X3) NOTE 1
W2.3: column (f)
1 200 1 200
DTA recognised now that it was used (i.e. jnl above): tax loss (20X3)
3 400 3 400
NOTE 1: The journal is processed showing that a DTA asset was reversed (see W2.1 & W2.2). The problem is that since the company did not want to recognise deferred tax assets on the tax loss, the parts of the original 3 000 DTA on the tax loss that are reversed were not recognised in the first place! This is the reason for the next journals where the part of the DTA that is reversing is now quickly recognised. The effect is nil on the balances, but these journals are necessary since disclosure of this movement is required.
Chapter 6: Page 57
20X3 C
20X2 C
20X1 C
Permanent differences (20X1 - 20X3: 10 000 x 20%) Current year DTA not recognised: tax loss 12.81 (e) Per above Prior year unrecognised DTA now recognised: - Tax loss 12.80 (e) Per above Tax expense per the statement of comprehensive income Effective tax rate
(20X3: 5 800 / 30 000) (20X2: 2 200 / 20 000) (20X1: 5 200 / 14 000)
5. Deferred tax asset/ (liability) The deferred tax balance comprises tax on the following types of temporary differences: Property, plant and equipment W2.3 column b (1 800) 600 W2.3 column e 0 0 Tax loss W2.3 column h (1 800) 600
1 800 0 1 800
Chapter 6: Page 58
Solution 6.17
W1. Calculation of current normal tax Profit before tax Less: Dividend income (to be taxed as a separate block of income) Assessed tax loss brought forward Taxable profit/ (tax loss) Current normal tax at 30% Tax on dividend @ 10% Total current tax Carrying amount (SOFP) (a) W2.1 Tax loss Balance: 1 Jan 20X1 Movement Balance: 31 Dec 20X1 Movement Balance: 31 Dec 20X2 Movement Balance: 31 Dec 20X3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tax base (IAS 12) (b) 0 110 000 140 000 180 000 20X3 C (20 000) (20 000) (140 000) (180 000) 0 2 000 2 000 Temporary difference (b) (a) (c) 100 000 110 000 140 000 180 000 20X2 C (10 000) (20 000) (110 000) (140 000) 0 2 000 2 000 Deferred tax at 30% (c) x 30% (d) 30 000 3 000 33 000 9 000 42 000 12 000 54 000 20X1 C 10 000 (20 000) (100 000) (110 000) 0 2 000 2 000
Deferred tax balance/ adjustment
Asset Dr.DT CR.TE Asset Dr.DT Cr. TE Asset Dr.DT Cr. TE Asset
W2.2 Summary
Tax loss
Recognised Unrecognised Total
Recognised Unrecognised
(b) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(c) 0 0 0 0 0
O/ balance 20X1 Movement C/ balance 20X1 Derecognise (1) Movement C/ balance 20X2 Re-recognise (2) Recognise (3) Movement C/ balance 20X3
0 0
0 0
0 0
12 000 54 000
12 000 0
12 000 54 000
12 000 0
(1) Write-down of an asset derecognising the asset (2) Write-back of an asset re-recognising the asset that was derecognised in a prior year (3) Recognising a deferred tax asset that had not been recognised before
Chapter 6: Page 59
Deferred tax adjustment: tax loss created Tax expense Deferred tax: tax loss
0 0
0 0
Write-down of prior year DTA since future profitability is now in question (only in 20X2)
0 0
9 000 (9 000)
0 0
DTA reversed: Current year deferred tax asset is not to be recognised since profitability is in question (only in 20X2)
0 0
0 0
Write back of previously written down DTA: sufficient profitability is now expected such that the tax loss will be able to be used
9 000 (9 000)
0 0
0 0
Prior year DTA now recognised for the first time: sufficient profitability is now expected such that the tax loss will be able to be used Current tax Current tax payable Current tax payable for the years20X1, 20X2 and 20X3 2 000 (2 000) 2 000 (2 000) 2 000 (2 000)
Chapter 6: Page 60
Jnls Jnls
0 0
(52 000) Tax rate reconciliation Applicable tax rate Tax effects of: Profit before tax
(20 000 x 30%) (10 000 x 30%) (10 000 profit x 30%) 20 000 x 20% (each year)
35 000
(1 000)
30% (6 000)
30% (3 000)
30% 3 000
Permanent differences Current year deferred tax asset not recognised: Tax loss 81 (e) Per above Prior year recognised DTA written down/(written back): Tax loss 80 (g) Per above Prior year unrecognised deferred tax asset now recognised: Tax loss 80 (f) Per above Tax expense per the statement of comprehensive income Effective tax rate
(52 000 tax income / 20 000 loss) (35 000 expense / 10 000 loss) (1 000 tax income / 10 000 profit)
5. Deferred tax asset/ (liability) The deferred tax balance comprises tax on the following types of temporary differences: Tax loss 54 000 0 54 000 0
33 000 33 000
Chapter 6: Page 61
Solution 6.18 ADAPTED Adaptation: This question has been adapted by adding the following requirements: c) Calculate the total tax expense recognised in 20X8 d) Calculate the adjustment to the deferred tax liability account caused by temporary differences arising in 20X8. e) Calculate the adjustment to the deferred tax liability account caused by the rate change. f) Calculate the total deferred tax expense recognised in 20X8. g) Calculate the total tax expense recognised in 20X8. h) List the items that would appear as reconciling items in the tax expense notes rate reconciliation.
a) Deferred tax balance
W1.1 PPE Balance: 1/1/20X8 (at 29%) Rate change (1) Balance: 1/1/20X8 (at 30%) Building: sold Plant: revaluation surplus (2) Plant: depreciation (3) (4) Other: depreciation (given) Balance: 31/12/20X8 CA 700 000 TB 680 000 TD (20 000) DT (5 800) (200) (6 000) (120 000) 10 000 (12 000) (50 000) 528 000 (130 000) 0 (0) (35 000) 515 000 (10 000) (10 000) 12 000 15 000 (13 000) (3 000) (3 000) 3 600 4 500 (3 900)
(1): 5 800 / 29% x 1% = 200 (increase in the balance) (2): FV: 60 000 CA: 50 000 = 10 000 (3): FV: 60 000 / RUL: 5 years = 12 000 (4): Tax deductions on plant are nil: a nil tax base means that 100% of the cost has already been deducted
W2 Expense prepaid Balance: 1/1/20X8 (at 29%) Rate change Balance: 1/1/20X8 (at 30%) Movement Balance: 31/12/20X8 W3 Deferred tax balance A/(L) Balance: 1/1/20X8 (at 29%) Rate change Revaluation surplus Other temporary differences Balance: 31/12/20X8
CA 0
TB 0
TD 0
DT 0 0
0 0
(9 000) (9 000)
Chapter 6: Page 62
62 000 (35 000) 20 000 (30 000) (30 000) 617 000 20 000 185 100 2 000 187 100
e) Deferred tax adjustment due to rate change (temp. differences arising before 20X8)
Deferred tax rate change adjustment recognised in: N/A: no opening balance reval surplus Other comprehensive income Cr DT Dr TE: working (a) Profit or loss 0 200
Chapter 6: Page 63
h) Reconciling items
The items that would cause the effective rate of tax to differ from the standard rate of tax include: 20 000 x 20% 4 000 Dividend income 200 Rate change (6 500) Overprovision
Chapter 6: Page 64
Solution 6.19
Part A: Journals Date
1 Jan X4
Account names Revenue received in advance: 1 Jan 20X4 Revenue from services Reversal of opening balance of revenue received in advance Rent expense Rent expense prepaid: 1 Jan 20X4 Reversal of opening balance of rent expense prepaid Revenue from services Revenue received in advance: 31 Dec 20X4 The recognition of revenue received in advance deferred to future years Rent expense prepaid: 31 Dec 20X4 Rent expense The recognition of rent prepaid as an expense is deferred to future years Dividend declared Dividends payable Final dividend declared on 29 December 20X4
Debit 5 000
Credit 5 000
1 Jan X4
20 000 20 000
31 Dec X4
15 000 15 000
31 Dec X4
30 000 30 000
29 Dec X4
20 000 20 000
Note to student: you would now need to calculate profit before tax (you should normally do this as part of your SOCI to save you time later: no SOCI was asked for in this question so it was done as a working instead). After doing this, calculate taxable profits and current normal tax. Only then are you able to do the tax journals.
31 Dec X4
Tax expense W1 Current tax payable: normal tax Current normal tax estimated for 20X4 Tax expense Assessment: 120 000 - Expensed: 110 000 Current tax payable: normal tax Current normal tax in 20X3 was underprovided Tax expense W3.4 Deferred tax: normal tax Increase in opening balance of deferred normal tax rate changed from 30% to 40% Deferred tax: normal tax W3.4 Tax expense Adjustment of deferred tax balance owing to current year movement in temporary differences
31 Dec X4
10 000 10 000
31 Dec X4
29 250 29 250
31 Dec X4
1 000 1 000
Chapter 6: Page 65
810 000 (5 000) 25 000 (25 000) 7 500 (5 000) 15 000 20 000 (30 000) 50 000 (30 000) 832 500 333 000 500 333 500
(5 000 X 10%)
W3. Deferred tax calculation: W3.1 Income received in advance 01/01/X8 Balance Rate change (30% - 40%) Movement Balance
Carrying amount
Tax base
Temporary difference
0 0 0
W3.2 Rent expense prepaid 01/01/X8 Balance Rate change (30% - 40%) Movement Balance 20 000 10 000 30 000 0 0 0 (20 000) (10 000) (30 000) (6 000) (2 000) (4 000) (12 000)
W3.3 Property, plant and equipment 01/01/X8 Balance (work backwards) Rate change (30% - 40%) Depreciation/tax depreciation Sale of plant: carrying amt Balance 1 155 000
(1) (1)
877 500
(50 000) (1) (30 000) (30 000) (2) (47 500) 1 075 000 800 000
W3.4 Summary Opening balance (1 500 6 000 83 250) Rate change (500 2 000 27 750) Movement (4 000 4 000 + 8 000 7 000) Closing balance (6 000 12 000 110 000) (87 750) (29 250) 1 000 (116 000)
Chapter 6: Page 66
Tax base of plant sold Proceeds Less: capital profit Tax base
CA: 30 000 + PoS: 25 000 Given
Chapter 6: Page 67
Solution 6.20
20X4 C
ASSETS Non current assets Property, plant and equipment Current assets Inventory Debtors Expenses prepaid LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Equity Issued share capital and reserves Non current liabilities Deferred tax Loan liabilities Current liabilities Creditors Income received in advance Dividends payable Current tax payable: normal tax Bank overdraft
Per SOCIE W 3.4 Total liabilities 150 000 20X3 DT: 132 000 Given 5 000 -5 000 + 15 000 Per journal: final dividend declared but unpaid Given 15
1 073 500 87 000 18 000 40 000 15 000 20 000 271 500 10 000 1 535 000
Share Capital Retained Earnings
Opening balance Total comprehensive income Less dividend declared Closing balance
C 200 000
200 000
Notes 1 510 000 + Accrual adjs: 5 000 15 000 Revenue (25 000 + 5 000) Add: other income 50 000 + 25 000 + 600 000 + Accrual adjs: 20 000 30 000 Less: expenses Less: finance costs Profit before tax Tax note Less taxation Profit for the year Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income
10 11
20X4 C 1 500 000 30 000 (665 000) (55 000) 810 000 (266 500) 583 500 0 583 500
Chapter 6: Page 68
50 000
271 500 261 500 10 000 (45 000) (12 000) (33 000) 266 500
Rate reconciliation Standard tax rate Tax effect of: Profit before tax Less exempt dividend income Add non-deductible donation Current tax: prior year under-provision Deferred tax: rate change 30%
810 000 x 30% 5 000 x 20% 25 000 x 30% Per above Per above
243 000 (1 000) 7 500 10 000 (33 000) 226 500 27.96 % 20X4 C (82 500) 4 500 (9 000) (87 000) 20X3 C (126 000) 2 000 (8 000) (132 000)
Tax expense on face of statement of comprehensive income Effective tax rate 15. Deferred tax asset / (liability) The deferred tax balance is caused by the following W 3.1 Property, plant and equipment W 3.2 Income received in advance W 3.3 Expenses prepaid
226 5005 / 810 000
Chapter 6: Page 69
20X4 C 810 000 (5 000) (25 000) 45 000 25 000 15 000 (5 000) (30 000) 20 000 50 000 (30 000) 870 000 261 000 500 261 500
Chapter 6: Page 70
(315 000)
(126 000) L
@ 40%
W3.2 Income received in advance Opening balance (5 000) Movement Closing balance W3.3 Expenses prepaid Opening balance Movement Closing balance W3.4 Summary Opening balance at 40% Rate change (rate decreased) Opening balance restated 30% Current year movement in TDs Closing balance 30% (15 000)
0 0
5 000 15 000
2 000 A
4 500 A
0 0 IRIA 2 000
(8 000) L
(9 000) L
99 000 87 000
4 500
Chapter 6: Page 71