12 Principles Examples
12 Principles Examples
12 Principles Examples
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Principle 1' Designers need to strive to ensure that all material and energy inputs and outputs are as inherentl( nonhazardous as possible. Principle 2' Preventing waste is better than treating or cleaning it up after it is formed. At every design scale, an opportunity exists to prevent waste rather than treat it after it is generated. Waste requires the expenditure of capital, energy, and resources with no realized benefit. Examples are presented in Table through the application of !rinciple ". for molecules, processes, products, and systems to demonstrate moving from the status quo toward sustainable design
TA)*E 1 E+amples of status ,uo an- application of Principle 2 across -esign scales
.urrent practice Protecting groups; substitution reactions Dry cleaning with perchloroethylene #irgin paper %ossil energy
Application of principle Atom economy (1) Dry cleaning with supercritical !" Paper with recycled content %usion energy
Principle %' $eparation and purification operations should be a component of the design framewor&. #eparation and purification operations can be designed at every scale to minimize energy consumption and materials. This design strategy can be used at the beginning of the product$s life to isolate the desired output or at end of life to aid in the recovery, reuse, and recovery of materials as illustrated by the examples in Table ". TA)*E 2 E+amples of status ,uo an- application of Principle % across -esign scales
Design scale Molecular Process Product $ystem .urrent practice olumn chromatography; distillation Permanent (oining)bonding of two materials ircuit board mas&s and etching using large volumes of organic solvent $eparation intensive recycling of municipal waste Application of principle 'eaction product insoluble in reaction medium (2) 'eversible fastening omputer chip manufactured by vapor deposition *ocal)residential material and energy systems
Principle /' $ystem components should be designed to ma+imize mass, energy, and temporal efficiency. !rocesses and systems often use more time, space, energy, and material than are necessary. Table % illustrates examples where designing for maximized efficiency and intensity moves toward eliminating the design flaw of waste.
TA)*E % E+amples of status ,uo an- application of Principle / across -esign scales
Design scale Molecular Process Product $ystem .urrent practice -atch reactors using large volumes of solvent Painting Printed media .rban sprawl Application of principle ontinuous flow microreactors (3); spinning dis& reactors Powder coating Digital media /coindustrial par& planning
Principle 0' $ystem components should be 0output1pulled2 rather than 0input1 pushed2 through the use of energy and materials. Extensive energy and material inputs often drive a transformation toward the desired outcome. This logic has resulted in waste, inefficiency, and environmental damage. Table & presents examples at each scale in which the final outcome is 'pulled( rather than 'pushed(. This concept can be applied to all design scales minimizing the demand for resources to obtain the desired output and resulting in a more sustainable design.
TA)*E / E+amples of status ,uo an- application of Principle 0 across -esign scales
Design scale Molecular Process Product $ystem .urrent practice /+cess reagent oating technologies with high curing temperature Metal casting Mar&eting overproduced items at a minimal profit Application of principle Dehydration reactions %ermentation product removal Direct metal deposition (4) 03ust in time2 manufacturing
Principle 1' /mbedded entropy and comple+ity must be viewed as an investment when ma&ing design choices on recycle, reuse, or beneficial disposition. The degree of complexity is a function of the expenditure of materials, energy, time, and capital. These investments should be considered when ma)ing design choices on recycle, reuse, or beneficial disposition. *igh complexity should generally correspond to reuse, while lower complexity should correlate with recycling where possible and beneficial disposition where necessary. Table + provides examples of applying !rinciple , at each design scale and has led to more sustainable design decisions.
TA)*E 0 E+amples of status ,uo an- application of Principle 1 across -esign scales
Design scale .omple+it( *ow Molecular 5igh *ow Process 5igh *ow Product 5igh *ow $ystem 5igh .urrent practice 0%laring2 methane at petroleum refineries omple+ biomaterials reduced to hydrocarbon feedstoc&s 6ncorporating used rubber as a fill material for its bul& properties 6ncineration of P/7 bottles *andfilling of yard 0waste2 $ingle1use (nonrechargeable) batteries Municipal wastewater treatment sludge to landfill .nder1used public school buildings torn down Application of principle 14 (carbon) as a feedstoc& for value added material hiral molecules with multiple stereo centers Depolymerization of homopolymers 'egeneration of Petretec polymer (5) .sing yard 0waste2 for mulch 'efurbished) re1manufactured copiers $ludge for energy and)or agricultural %ormer schools converted to senior centers
Principle 2' 7argeted durability, not immortality, should be a design goal. !ersistence of synthetic materials in the environment and biosphere is increasingly recognized as incompatible with sustainability, and some of these examples are listed in
Table ,. The targeted durability of product, process, and system levels can help avoid the legacy of environmental impacts that have historically caused extensive concerns.
TA)*E 1 E+amples of status ,uo an- application of Principle 2 across -esign scales
Design scale Molecular Process Product $ystem .urrent practice Polyacrylic acid Paper coating with petroleum1 based polymers Polystyrene pac&aging material .tility energy sales Application of principle Polylactic acid (6) Paper coating with renewable, biodegradable polymers /co1fill (7) (starch1based pac&ing peanut) /nergy efficiency buy1bac& programs
Principle 3' Design for unnecessary capacity or capability should be considered a design flaw. 7his includes engineering 0one1size1fits1all2 solutions. Table - provides examples of where historical 'overengineering( in unsustainable ways has caused environmental concerns and where the application of !rinciple . has and can result in more sustainable products, processes, and systems.
TA)*E 2 E+amples of status ,uo an- application of Principle 3 across -esign scales
Design scale Molecular Process Product $ystem .urrent practice /+cessively reactive reagents !verchlorinating or overdisinfecting domestic drin&ing water 0!ff1the 1shelf2 technologies $hipping by underutilized fi+ed capacity vehicles Application of principle /nzyme catalysts under mild conditions 'eal1time process analysis) controlled systems (8) 7echnologies specific to needs and demands of end user $hipping by rail with railcars that can attach or detach as needed
Principle 4' Multicomponent products must minimize material diversity and strive for using materials that promote disassembly and value retention. /n certain design fields and engineering specialties, up0front design will determine to what degree a product can be disassembled and the value recovered. The application of !rinciple 1 to the examples in Table . illustrate how movement from the status quo to next0generation design can be accomplished across scales.
TA)*E 3 E+amples of status ,uo an- application of Principle 4 across -esign scales
Design scale Molecular Process .urrent practice Multistep syntheses Plastics with dyes, Plasticizers and elasticizers #ehicle door panel based on multiple plastic types Analog photography developing Application of principle !ne1pot reactions, cascading reactions, self1assembly (9) Properties of polymers built into the bac&bone (10) #ehicle door panel based on monomaterial (i.e., polypropylene) synthesized to meet mechanical property demands Digital photography developing
Principle 1$' Design of processes and systems must include integration of interconnectivity with available energy and materials flows. While the list of examples in Table 1 shows the importance of interconnectivity of material and energy flows in moving toward sustainability from the current status quo, there are important caveats. 2esign for interconnectivity requires that the designer recognize that such integrated systems can be either very stable or very vulnerable to isolated failure causing cascading impacts. The positive impacts of integrating flows on sustainability are an essential design element.
TA)*E 4 E+amples of status ,uo an- application of Principle 1$ across -esign scales
Design scale Molecular Process Product $ystem .urrent practice 8eutralizing waste acids to waste salts %laring at refineries -ra&ing systems integrated with drive trains based on internal combustion engines Municipal solid waste)landfill Application of principle .sing 0waste2 nitrous o+ide as in1process o+idant (11) ogeneration of energy 'egenerative bra&ing in hybrid electric cars (12) 9alundborg, Denmar&
Principle 11' Performance metrics include designing for performance in commercial 0afterlife2. Table 3 features examples of how !rinciple can be used to design products,
processes, and systems for commercial afterlife, ensuring that the impacts are nonharmful if not beneficial. With forethought, design can ensure performance and value long after initial commercialization.
TA)*E 1$ E+amples of status ,uo an- application of Principle 11 across -esign scales
Design scale Molecular Process Product $ystem .urrent practice Polyester fabrics $ingle1purpose unit process Personal electronics (cellular phones, PDAs, laptop computers) $ingle1purpose)use buildings Application of principle 8ylon :: %le+ible manufacturing ;ero+ copiers (13) onvert industrial buildings to housing at end of business life
Principle 12' Material and energy inputs should be renewable and from readily available sources throughout all life1cycle stages. Table illustrates how applying !rinciple " to current practices can help move toward
sustainability and ensuring material and energy inputs are renewable rather than depleting, where technically and economically feasible. While moving toward renewable material and energy sources will require extensive innovation and infrastructure, examples already exist where these types of technologies have been successfully commercialized.
TA)*E 11 E+amples of status ,uo an- application of Principle 12 across -esign scales
Design scale Molecular Process Product $ystem .urrent practice Petroleum1based feedstoc&s <astewater)water treatment by chemically based systems Petroleum1based plastics 5azardous waste site soil e+traction)cleaning Application of principle 'ecovered biomass feedstoc& <astewater)water treatment by natural ecosystems (14) -io1based plastics Phytoremediation
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