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Church of Scotland St Andrews-Lhanbryd & Urquhart Parish Church

Order of Service
24th Nove ber 2!"# www$salucofs$word%ress$co &ev$ Andrew &obertson' tel !"#4# (4#)*+
Introit Call to worship (Repeat together) May the grace and peace of God the Father, and the love of Jesus fill us; and the power of the oly !pirit lead us in our ti"e of worship# $"en#% "2) , worshi% the -in. & ' worship the (ing, all glorious a)ove ; ' gratefully sing his power and his love ; our shield and defender, the $ncient of *ays, pavilioned in splendour and girded with praise# + ' tell of his "ight, ' sing of his grace, whose ro)e is the light, whose canopy space ; his chariots of wrath the deep thunder,clouds for", and dar- is his path on the wings of the stor"# . /he earth with its store of wonders untold, $l"ighty, thy power hath founded of old ; hath sta)lished it fast )y a changeless decree, and round it hath cast, li-e a "antle, the sea# 0 /hy )ountiful care what tongue can recite 1 It )reathes in the air, it shines in the light ; it strea"s fro" the hills ; it descends to the plain, and sweetly distils in the dew and the rain# 2 Frail children of dust and fee)le as frail, in thee do we trust, nor find thee to fail ; thy "ercies how tender, how fir" to the end, our "a-er, defender, redee"er, and friend 3 4 ' "easureless "ight, ineffa)le love 3 5hile angels delight to hy"n thee a)ove, the hu")ler creation, in lowlier ways' with true adoration shall sing to thy praise# Ro)ert Grant (&6678&9.9)/alt$0fro" Psal "!4 :rayer +44 1hen 2 needed a nei.hbour & 5hen I needed a neigh)our, were you there, were you there 1 5hen I needed a neigh)our, were you there 1 And the creed and the colour and the na e won3t atter' were you there 4 + I was hungry and thirsty, were you there, were you there 1 I was hungry and thirsty, were you there 1 . I was cold, I was na-ed, were you there, were you there 1 I was cold, I was na-ed, were you there 1

5hen I needed a shelter, were you there, were you there 1 5hen I needed a shelter, were you there 1 2 5hen I needed a healer, were you there, were you there 1 5hen I needed a healer, were you there 1 4 5herever you travel I;ll )e there, I;ll )e there, wherever you travel I;ll )e there# And the creed and the colour and the na e won3t atter' 25ll be there$ !ydney <ertra" Carter (&7&28+==0) Fa"ily talReading >phesians + &&, ++, Mathew 2?7 *+6 Put %eace into each other3s hands & :ut peace into each other;s hands and li-e a treasure hold it ; protect it li-e a candle fla"e, with tenderness enfold it# + :ut peace into each other;s hands with loving e@pectation ; )e gentle in your words and ways, in touch with God;s creation# . :ut peace into each other;s hands, li-e )read we )rea- for sharing ; loo- people war"ly in the eye ? our life is "eant for caring# 0 $nd at co""union, shape your hands into a waiting cradle ; the gift of Christ, receive, revere, united round the ta)le# 2 :ut Christ into each other;s hands, he is love;s deepest "easure ; in love "a-e peace, give peace a chance and share it li-e a treasure# Fred (aan (b$ &7+7) !er"on? Ma-ing :eace S7P *2 Lead us' , 8ather' in %aths of %eace /offerin.0 Aead us, ' Father, in the paths of peace? without thy guiding hand we go astray, and dou)ts appal, and sorrows still increase; lead us through Christ, the true and living 5ay# Aead us, ' Father, in the paths of truth? unhelped )y thee, in error;s na"e we grope, while passion stains, and folly di"s our youth, and age co"es on, uncheered )y faith or hope# Aead us, ' Father, in the paths of right? )lindly we stu")le when we wal- alone, involved in shadows of a dar-so"e night; only with /hee we Bourney safely on#

Aead us, ' Father, to /hy heavenly rest, however rough and steep the path "ay )e, through Boy or sorrow, as /hou dee"est )est, until our lives are perfected in /hee# 5# <urleigh (!) Praise 7od' fro who all blessin.s flow :raise God, fro" who" all )lessings flow ; praise hi", all creatures here )elow ; praise hi" a)ove, ye heavenly host ; praise Father, !on, and oly Ghost# /ho"as (en (&4.68&6&&) :rayers "+4 9ow .reat thou art & ' Aord "y God 3 when I in aweso"e wonder consider all the wor-s thy hand hath "ade, I see the stars, I hear the "ighty thunder, thy power throughout the universe displayed ? :hen sin.s y soul' y Saviour 7od' to thee' ;9ow .reat thou art' how .reat thou art < 3 :hen sin.s y soul' y Saviour 7od' to thee' ;9ow .reat thou art' how .reat thou art < 3 + 5hen through the woods and forest glades I wander and hear the )irds sing sweetly in the trees ; when I loo- up fro" lofty "ountain grandeur, and hear the )roo-, and feel the gentle )reeCe ? . $nd when I thin- that God his !on not sparing, sent hi" to die D I scarce can ta-e it in, that on the cross, "y )urden gladly )earing, he )led and died to ta-e away "y sin ? 0 5hen Christ shall co"e with shout of accla"ation and ta-e "e ho"e D what Boy shall fill "y heart 3 /hen shall I )ow in hu")le adoration and there proclai", "y God, how great thou art 3 !tuart (# ine (&9778&797) vv# &,+,0 )ased on , store 7ud &992 )y Carl Gustaf <o)erg (&9278&70=) <enediction CCA Aicence Eo 4+29

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