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ST Andrews-Lhanbryd & Urquhart Parish Church Morning Worship 6 July 2014

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#or$%$& Wors'% (
*ul+ ,-./
Introit: Hymn 59: vv 1-2, 5 (Irish)
1 Oh, come, an !et "s to the Lor
in son#s o"r voices raise,
$ith %oy&"! noise !et "s the 'oc(
o& o"r sa!vation )raise*
2 Let "s +e&ore his )resence come
$ith )raise an than(&"! voice ,
!et "s sin# )sa!ms to him $ith #race,
an ma(e a %oy&"! noise :
5 Oh, come, an !et "s $orshi) him,
!et "s +o$ o$n $itha!,
an on o"r (nees +e&ore the Lor
o"r Ma(er !et "s &a!!*
Minister: O come, let us sing to the Lord;
All: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of
our salvation!
Minister: Let "s come into his )resence $ith than(s#ivin#,
All: let us make a joyful noise to him with songs
of praise!
Minister: -or he is o"r .o,
All: and we are the people of his pasture, and the
sheep of his hand fro" Psal" 01.
Hymn 1/5 (0e!!in#ton Ha!!) PSALM 112
1 .!ory to .o a+ove 3
Heavens ec!are his !ove ,
)raise him, yo" an#e!s,
)raise him a!! yo" hi#h an heaven!y host*
0orshi) him, s"n an moon ,
stars, com)!ement their t"ne ,
#ro"ne in .o4s #oo )"r)ose
!et his #race +ecome yo"r +oast*
2 s%$& 'all!lu3a'
a$d ra%s! 4od for !5!r"or! 6
2 .!ory to .o +e!o$
!et e)ths o& ocean sho$,
!i#htnin# an hai!, sno$,
$in an c!o" )er&orm at his comman 3
Let every mo"ntain ran#e,
&orest an #rove an #ran#e,
creat"res o& earth an air an sea
)raise .o in every !an*
5 6.!ory to .o 3 4 no$ sin#
commoner, 7"een, an (in# ,
$omen an men o& every a#e
"nite to )raise the Lor*
0orshi) .o4s ho!y name,
an !et yo"r !ives )roc!aim
.o4s savin# )o$er e8tens to those
$ho !ove an serve his $or*
2 s%$& 'all!lu3a'
a$d ra%s! 4od for !5!r7 !5!r"or! 6 Psa!m 112 ara'ras!d 9ohn L* :e!! (8.

"ord: #amily $alk: %&ands'
Hymn 551 (A" ;!air <e La L"ne)
1 9es"s4 hans $ere (in hans, oin# #oo to a!!,
hea!in# )ain an sic(ness, +!essin# chi!ren sma!! ,
$ashin# tire &eet, an savin# those $ho &a!! ,
9es"s4 hans $ere (in hans, oin# #oo to a!!*
2 =a(e my hans, Lor 9es"s, !et them $or( &or yo",
ma(e them stron# an #ent!e, (in in a!! I o ,
!et me $atch yo", 9es"s, ti!! I4m #ent!e too,
ti!! my hans are (in hans, 7"ic( to $or( &or yo"*
Mar#aret :eatrice ;ro))er (122>?192/)
(omans ): *+ , -.a
Hymn 121 (Me!ita)
1 .reat .o, yo"r !ove has ca!!e "s here,
as $e, +y !ove &or !ove $ere mae*
@o"r !ivin# !i(eness sti!! $e +ear,
tho"#h marre, ishono"re, iso+eye*
0e come, $ith a!! o"r heart an min
yo"r ca!! to hear, yo"r !ove to &in*
2 0e come $ith se!&-in&!icte )ains
o& +ro(en tr"st an chosen $ron#,
ha!&-&ree, ha!&-+o"n +y inner chains,
+y socia! &orces s$e)t a!on#,
+y )o$ers an systems c!ose con&ine
yet see(in# ho)e &or h"man(in*
5 .reat .o, in ;hrist yo" ca!! o"r name
an then receive "s as yo"r o$n,
not thro"#h some merit, ri#ht or c!aim,
+"t +y yo"r #racio"s !ove a!one*
0e strain to #!im)se yo"r mercy-seat
an &in yo" (nee!in# at o"r &eet*
1 =hen ta(e the to$e!, an +rea( the +rea,
an h"m+!e "s, an ca!! "s &riens*
S"&&er an serve ti!! a!! are &e,
an sho$ ho$ #ran!y !ove intens
to $or( ti!! a!! creation sin#s,
to &i!! a!! $or!s, to cro$n a!! thin#s*
5 .reat .o, in ;hrist yo" set "s &ree
yo"r !i&e to !ive, yo"r %oy to share*
.ive "s yo"r S)irit4s !i+erty
to t"rn &rom #"i!t an "!! es)air
an o&&er a!! that &aith can o
$hi!e !ove is ma(in# a!! thin#s ne$*
:rian 0ren (8.

/t Matt **: -. 0 *-: 1
/ermon: %$ake My 2oke 3pon 2ou'
(esponse: Hymn 55/ (As the <eer Pants)
1 As the eer )ants &or the $ater,
so my so"! !on#s a&ter yo"*
@o" a!one are my heart4s esire,
an I !on# to $orshi) yo"*
You alo$! ar! "+ s)r!$&)'7 "+ s'%!ld7
)o +ou alo$! "a+ "+ s%r%) +%!ld.
You alo$! ar! "+ '!ar)9s d!s%r!7
a$d I lo$& )o wors'% +ou.
2 I $ant yo" more than #o! or si!ver ,
on!y yo" can satis&y*
@o" a!one are the rea! %oy-#iver,
an the a))!e o& my eye*
5 @o"4re my &rien an yo" are my +rother,
even tho"#h yo" are a Ain#*
I !ove yo" more than any other,
so m"ch more than anythin#*
Martin 9* Bystrom (8.

Offering: &ymn .4. v*
1 A!! that I am, a!! that I o,
a!! that I4!! ever have I o&&er no$ to yo"*
=a(e an sancti&y these #i&ts &or yo"r hono"r, Lor*
Ano$in# that I !ove an serve yo" is eno"#h re$ar*
A!! that I am, a!! that I o,
a!! that I4!! ever have I o&&er no$ to yo"*
Se+astian =em)!e (1922?199C)
!rayers of 5ntercession6 Lord's !rayer
Hymn 152 (;am+er$e!!)
1 At the name o& 9es"s
every (nee sha!! +o$,
every ton#"e con&ess him
Ain# o& #!ory no$,
4tis the -ather4s )!eas"re
$e sho"! ca!! him Lor,
$ho &rom the +e#innin#
$as the mi#hty 0or*
2 :rothers, sisters, name him
$ith !ove stron# as eath,
+"t $ith a$e an $oner
an $ith +ate +reath 3
He is .o the Savio"r,
he is ;hrist the Lor,
ever to +e $orshi))e,
tr"ste, an aore*
5 In yo"r hearts enthrone him,
there !et him s"+"e
a!! that is not ho!y,
a!! that is not tr"e :
!et his #race s"))ort yo"
in tem)tation4s ho"r ,
an his $i!! en&o! yo"
in its !i#ht an )o$er*
1 In his -ather4s #!ory
;hrist sha!! come a#ain,
an#e! hosts )roc!aimin#
his ret"rn to rei#n*
-or a!! $reaths o& em)ire
meet ")on his +ro$,
an o"r hearts con&ess him
Ain# o& #!ory no$*
;aro!ine Maria Boe! (121C?12CC):al).;
7lessing: 7enediction
Hymn 21/ (.on&a!on 'oya!) (s"n# seate)
Sin# to the Lor o& heaven an earth,
$hom an#e!s serve an saints aore,
the -ather, Son, an S)irit +!est
to $hom +e )raise &or evermore* Amen*
9ohn Sam"e! :e$!ey Monse!! (1211?12C5) ;;L Licence Bo >252
Scottish ;harity Bo* S;//225/

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