Common Law Trust Unincorporated Business Trust Asset Protection Remedy (Protect Assets)
Common Law Trust Unincorporated Business Trust Asset Protection Remedy (Protect Assets)
Common Law Trust Unincorporated Business Trust Asset Protection Remedy (Protect Assets)
wea"t is contro"# not owners ip$ % en &assie L$ &unt# a !amous oi"man o! 'a""as# Te(as# died as t e wor"d)s ric est man# t e on"y asset e owned in is own name was a *+,- C"et pic/up truc/ wort a0out 12#344$ 5&is5 tota" wort cou"d on"y 0e estimated as it was disc"osed (t e Octo0er 3# *+,3# issue o! t e 'a""as 6orning 7ews reported 5guesstimates5 w ic ranged 0etween 12 0i""ion and 18 0i""ion do""ars)$ T e 9edera" :i!t and ;state Ta( in *+,- too/ ,,< o! persona" property .a"ued in e(cess o! 1*4 mi""ion do""ars= t e >R? wou"d a.e co""ected 12#@42#@44#444 (0ased on 1@ 0i""ion do""ar estate) i! &unt ad owned t e wea"t imse"!$ &e did not= e mere"y contro""ed it t roug numerous trust !unds$ Co"umnist Aac/ Anderson as noted= 5Bice President 7e"son Roc/e!e""er $ $ $ paid no income ta( in *+,4$ &is 0rot er# Ao n '$ Roc/e!e""er >>># pays a *4< !edera" ta( as a matter o! persona" princip"e $ $ $ $ Pau" 6e""on# wort a coo" one 0i""ion do""ars# is a0"e to get away wit neg"igi0"e income ta(# as do ot er mem0ers o! is !a0u"ous"y ric !ami"y$ And Te(as oi" mi""ionaire Bun/er &unt as managed to "i.e in "u(ury wit out paying any ta(es at a"" in se.era" years$ T ey a.e made use o! t e "aw$ >t is t e process t at $ $ $ ma/es a c ump out o! t e person w o does not distort is a!!airs $ $ 5 T ere is no need to 5distort5 oneCs a!!airs= mere"y arrange t em proper"y$ 'o not .io"ate t e "aw= ma/e use o! t e "aw$ T e secret o! t e ?uper Ric seems to 0e in t e manner in w ic wea"t is con.eyed to a specia" /ind o! trust t at# instead o! mere"y o"ding t e property# actua""y owns t e property$ T us t e ?uper %ea"t y# enDoying opu"ent and " "i!esty"es# are a0"e to "i.e and die as Paupers# 0ut wit t eir !ami"yCs 0"essingE A"" trusts are not created eFua""y Git goes wit out statement t at a"" trusts are not created proper"yH$ T ere are 0asica""y two great c"asses o! trustsI statutory trusts and common "aw trusts$ T e more popu"ar and wide"y used statutory trust its e(istence and is de!ined# go.erned# and regu"ated 0y statutes to w ic it must strict"y con!orm$ A common "aw trust arises !rom contract under common "aw# t e rig t to w ic as 0een secured 0y t e Constitution and esta0"is ed and up e"d 0y t e courts$ T e 5secret5 common "aw trust uti"ized 0y t e ?uper Ric is un/nown to many$ 9isca" secrecy# pri.acy# is t e a""mar/ o! t e common "aw 0usiness trust# and !ar !rom 0eing i""ega"= it acts as a means to ena0"e t e !ree0orn to e(ercise is "aw!u" rig t to pri.acy$ % i"e a 5'ec"aration o! Trust5 and certain 5credentia"s5 may 0e made a matter open to pu0"ic scrutiny# t e actua" contents o! t e trust contract and re"ated documents need not 0e disc"osed$ T e pri.acy permitted t e a!!airs o! t e trust is per aps its greatest !eature$ 9ai"ure to e(ercise oneCs rig t to pri.acy is per aps oneCs greatest mista/e$ Lawyers) study and practice "aw# w ic # !or t e most part# in.o".es statutory "aw$ ?ince t e common "aw unincorporated 0usiness trust organization (UBTO) e(ists and operates apart !rom t e Durisdiction o! statutory "aw# it escapes t e primary attention o! t e "ega" pro!essiona"s$ 'o not e(pect t e "ega" pro!ession to promote UBTOCs$ Lawyers are not as monetari"y ad.antaged as t ey are wit wi""s and trusts$ %i""s and statutory trusts are sometimes re!erred to as an attorneyCs 5retirement p"an#5 w ere0y an attorney as imse"! named as t e administrator and/or e(ecutor o! t e estate$ >t is said t at attorneys may se"" or ot erwise dispose o! t eir wi""s and trusts to ot er attorneys 0y t e "inear !oot$ 7o attempt is made to suggest or imp"y t at attorneys a.e no /now"edge o! common "aw or# in particu"ar# o! t e common "aw unincorporated 0usiness trust organization$ 7eit er is it suggested t at one cou"d not consider t e o! a competent attorney !or assistance in t e preparation and/or e.a"uation o! a UBTO$ >t is not t at wi""s and statutory trusts a.e no .a"ue$ A wi"" is 0etter t an not ing$ A statutory trust# a"so /nown as an 5inter .i.os trust#5 5" trust5 or 5" trust#5 as as its primary 0ene!it t e a.oidance o! pro0ate and in eritance ta(es# and i! no 0usiness interests are desired or contemp"ated# a statutory trust is per aps t e pre!erred instrument$ A common "aw trust organization as a"" t e ad.antages o! a wi"" and a
trust p"us additiona" 0ene!its and !eatures not possi0"e ot erwise$ ?e.era" 0asic comparisons o! t e di!!erences 0etween a statutory 5"i.ing5 trust and a common "aw 5pure trust5 organization !o""owsI A ?tatutory Trust= *) 6ere"y o"ds property unti" deat 2) >s usua""y re.oca0"e @) &as a statutory termination date -) Protects# property 3) Arises !rom statutory pro.isions J) ?p"its "ega" and eFuity tit"e ,) 7o consideration in.o".ed 8) ;(ercise o! a pri.i"ege Common Law Trust= *) Owns property in 5!ee simp"e5 2) >s a"ways irre.oca0"e @) Cannot 0e terminated 0y statute -) Business moti.ation 3) Arises !rom t e "aw o! contract J) Lega" and eFuity tit"e not sp"it ,) Consideration in.o".ed 8) ;(ercise o! a rig t T e 5secret5 trust o! t e ?uper %ea"t y is common"y /nown 0y se.era" namesI 6assac usetts Trust# Pure Trust# True Trust# Unit Trust# B"ind Trust# Common Law Trust (CLT)# Contract Trust# Business Trust# Unincorporated Business Organization (UBO)# to name a !ew$ >t is important# t at certain !eatures and nomenc"ature 0e used in order to pre.ent t is entity !rom 0ecoming su0Dect to statutory Durisdiction$ Trusts t at purport to 0e CLTCs# 0ut w ic identi!y t e trustor as 5grantor#5 e.en i! irre.oca0"e# may 0e disa""owed as a 0usiness trust 0ecause a uni"atera" granting or gi!ting o! assets into t e trust occurs to create t e trust rat er t an t e e(ecution o! a contract$ A CLT t at does not contain# in t e contract/indenture creating t e CLT# a pro.ision pro i0iting t e Certi!icate &o"ders !rom managing# contro""ing# or ot erwise directing t e a!!airs o! t e trust and its assets# 0ecomes an 5associated5 CLT and is considered t e same as a corporation or partners ip !or ta( purposes$ T ere!ore# it is essentia" t at t e CLT remain 5pure5 and 5non-associated5 0y e(press"y not a""owing t e Certi!icate &o"ders to a.e any power or rig t to manage or contro" t e assets owned 0y t e trust$ T e Certi!icate &o"ders are not .ested wit t e rig t or power to direct t e a!!airs o! t e trust= t ey are simp"y entit"ed to recei.e dis0ursements o! di.idends !rom t e Trust at t e pure discretion o! t e Board o! Trustees$ 6uc documentation supports t e .iew t at a UBTO# a"t oug t e !orm and name o! a trust 0ecause tit"e o! property is con.eyed to trustees !or t e 0ene!it o! 0ene!iciaries# cannot 0e designated or considered to 0e a trust in t e ordinary "ega" sense o! t e term# 0ut is actua""y more "i/e a 0usiness organization$ ?uc documentation !o""owsI Restatement o! t e Law o! Trusts# 2d# American Law >nstitute# %as ington# '$C$I 5T e Restatement o! t is su0Dect does not dea" wit 0usiness trusts $ $ $ $5 (p$ 2)$ 56atters e(c"uded$ A statement o! t e ru"es o! "aw re"ating to t e emp"oyment o! a trust as a !or carrying on 0usiness is not wit in t e scope o! t e Restatement o! t is su0Dect$ A"t oug many o! t e ru"es app"ica0"e to trusts are app"ied to 0usiness trusts# yet many o! t e ru"es are not app"ied# and t ere are ot er ru"es w ic are app"ica0"e on"y to 0usiness trusts$ T e 0usiness trust is a specia" /ind o! 0usiness association and can 0est 0e dea"t wit in connection wit ot er 0usiness associations$5 (p$ -)$
Tit"e 2J# Code o! 9edera" Regu"ations# ?ection @4*$,,4*--(0)I 5(0) Business Trusts -- T ere are ot er arrangements /nown as trusts 0ecause t e "ega" tit"e to property is con.eyed to trustees !or t e 0ene!it o! 0ene!iciaries# 0ut w ic are not c"assi!ied as trusts !or purposes o! t e >nterna" Re.enue Code# 0ecause t ey are not simp"y arrangements to protect and conser.e t e property !or t e 0ene!iciaries$5 9or t is reason se.era" aut orities re!er to t e 5secret5 trust p"an# used 0y t e ?uper %ea"t y# 0y a name ot er t an 5trust$5 A 5contractua" company5 is one suc designation Ga"t oug 5company5 mig t imp"y# t oug not necessari"y in.o".e# t e e(istence o! 5associates5H$ Anot er uses t e acronym 5Co"ato5 (Common Law Trust Organization)$ 5UBTO5 is c osen ere to distinguis t is entity !rom an ordinary trust$ Bear in mind t at# w i"e de!inite ta( ad.antages are possi0"e# it is neit er proper nor "aw!u" !or a 0usiness trust to a.e as its on"y# e(press purpose t e a.oidance o! ta($ T ere must 0e in.o".ed a !or-pro!it moti.e$ Business acti.ities must 0e engaged in# to 5pass t e sme"" test#5 i$e$# to put su0stance on t e !orm$ 5Common "aw5 re"ates to t ose customs and ru"es o! antiFuity w ic are !ound in (0ut not necessari"y "imited to) precedent setting court cases# and w ic is apart !rom t e "anguage o! "aw$ T e di!!erence 0etween an entity# or person# t at e(ists as a matter o! common "aw rig t and t at w ic arises 0y statutory pri.i"ege is t at# in t e !ormer case# t e entity is !ree to do anyt ing e(cept t at w ic is pro i0ited 0y "aw$ >n t e "atter# t e entity must "oo/ care!u""y to# and remain wit in t e con!ines o!# t e statute in order to e(ist and !unction$ T e essentia" e"ements o! t e "aw o! contract# a0sent in an ordinary trust# are present in t e creation o! a UBTOI *$ Two or more parties at 5armCs "engt 5 (not re"ated 0y 0"ood# marriage# adoption or emp"oyment)= 2$ A transaction in t e nature o! an e(c ange in.o".ing simu"taneous o!!erings and acceptances 0y t e parties= @$ Consideration in t e !orm o! money or moneyCs wort = and -$ A meeting o! t e minds$ T e meeting o! t e minds concerning t e terms o! t e contract is put to t e test w en t e documents are put !orward !or signatures$ >! signed wi""ing"y wit neit er party acting under compu"sion# and t e terms are satis!actory# it is a matter o! !act t at t e parties a.e ad a meeting o! t e minds and a.e agreed upon t e speci!ied conditions$ C;?TU> KU; TRU?T de!inedI &e w o as a rig t to a 0ene!icia" interest in and out o! an estate t e "ega" tit"e to w ic is .ested in anot er$ 2 %as 0$ Rea" Prop$ *J@$ T e person w o possesses t e eFuita0"e rig t to property and t e rents# issues# and pro!its t ereo!# t e "ega" estate o! w ic is .ested in a trustee$ Bernards.i""e 6et odist ;piscopa" C urc .$ ?eney# 83 7$A$;F$ 2,*# +J A$ @88# @8+= 6oore .$ ? i!!"ett# *8, Ly$ ,# 2*J ?$%$ J*-# J*J$ Bene!iciary o! trust# U"mer .$ 9u"ton# *2+ O io ?t$ @2@# *+3 7$;$ 33,# 3J-# +, A$L$R$ **,4$ B"ac/Cs Law 'ictionary 9ourt ;dition (page 28+) CO66O7-LA% TRA';6ARL de!inedI One appropriated under common-"aw ru"es# regard"ess o! statutes$ ?tratton M Terstegge Co$ .$ ?tig"itz 9urnace Co$# 238 Ly$ J,8# 8* ?$%$2d *# @$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page 2,,) CO66O7-LA% TRU?T de!inedI A 0usiness trust w ic as certain c aracteristics in common wit corporations and in w ic trustees o"d t e property and manage t e 0usiness and t e s are o"ders are t e trust 0ene!iciaries or cestui Fue trust= sometimes /nown as a 6assac usetts trust$ ?ee 6assac usetts trust$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page 2,,) 6A??AC&U?;TT? TRU?T de!inedI A 0usiness organization w erein property is con.eyed to trustees and managed !or 0ene!it o! o"ders o! certi!icates "i/e corporate stoc/ certi!icates$ ;noc s M 9"owers .$ Roe""# *,4 6iss$ --# *3- ?o$ 2++$
BU?>7;?? TRU?T de!inedI As distinguis ed !rom a Doint-stoc/ company# a pure 50usiness trust5 is one in w ic t e managers are principa"s# and t e s are o"ders are cestuis Fue trust$ T e essentia" attri0ute is t at property is p"aced in t e ands o! trustees w o manage and dea" wit it !or use and 0ene!it o! 0ene!iciaries$ 6orriss .$ 9in/e"stein# 6o$App$# *2, ?$%$2d -J# -+$ A 56assac usetts trust5 or 5common "aw trust$5 ?ee 6assac usetts trust= Rea" estate in.estment trust (R;>T)$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page *++) 9;; ?>6PL; de!inedI Typica""y# words 5!ee simp"e5 standing a"one create an a0so"ute estate in de.isee and suc words !o""owed 0y a condition or specia" "imitation create a de!easi0"e !ee$ Ba00 .$ Rand# 6e$# @-3 A$2d -+J# -+8$ A0so"ute$ A !ee simp"e a0so"ute is an estate "imited a0so"ute"y to a person and is or er eirs and assigns ! wit out "imitation or condition$ An a0so"ute or !ee-simp"e estate is one in w ic t e owner is entit"ed to t e entire property# wit unconditiona" power o! disposition during oneCs "i!e# and descending to oneCs eirs and "ega" upon oneCs deat intestate$ ?uc estate is un"imited as to duration# disposition# and descendi0i"ity$ ?"ayden .$ &ardin# 23, Ly$ J83# ,+ ?$%$2d **# *2$ T e estate w ic a man as w ere "ands are gi.en to im and to is eirs a0so"ute"y wit out any end or "imit put to is estate$ 2 B"$Comm$ *4J$ T e word 5!ee#5 used a"one# is a su!!icient designation o! t is species o! estate# and ence 5simp"e5 is not a necessary part o! t e tit"e# 0ut it is added as a means o! c"ear"y distinguis ing t is estate !rom a !ee-tai" or !rom any .ariety o! conditiona" estates$ 9ee-simp"e signi!ies a pure !ee= an a0so"ute estate o! in eritance c"ear o! any condition or restriction to particu"ar eirs# 0eing descendi0"e to t e eirs genera"# w et er ma"e or !ema"e# "inea" or co""atera"$ >t is t e "argest estate and most e(tensi.e interest t at can 0e enDoyed in "and$ Conditiona"$ Type o! trans!er in w ic grantor con.eys !ee simp"y on condition t at somet ing 0e done or not done$ A de!easi0"e !ee w ic " grantor wit rig t o! entry !or condition 0ro/en# w ic rig t may 0e e(ercised 0y some action on part o! grantor w en condition is 0reac ed$ At common "aw an estate in !ee simp"e conditiona" was a !ee "imited or restrained to some particu"ar eirs# e(c"usi.e o! ot ers$ But t e statute 5'e donis5 con.erted a"" suc estates into estates tai"$ 2 B"$Comm$ **4$ 'e!easi0"e$ Type o! !ee grant w ic may 0e de!eated on t e appening o! an e.ent$ An estate w ic may "ast ! 0ut w ic may end upon t e occurrence or nonoccurrence o! a speci!ied e.ent# is a 5!ee simp"e de!easi0"e5$ 7ew0ern .$ Barnes# @ 7$C$App$ 32*# *J3 ?$;$2d 32J# 3@4$ 'etermina0"e$ A 5!ee simp"e determina0"e5 is created 0y con.eyance w ic contains words e!!ecti.e to create a !ee simp"e and# in addition# a pro.ision !or automatic e(piration o! estate on occurrence o! stated e.ent$ ?e"ectmen o! Town o! 7a ant .$ U$ ?$# '$C$6ass$# 2+@ 9$?upp$ *4,J# *+,8$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page J*3# J*J) ACT de!inedI n$ 'enotes a!!irmati.e= e(pression o! wi""# purpose= carries idea o! per!ormance= primari"y t at w ic is done or doing= e(ercise o! power# or e!!ect o! w ic power e(erted is cause= a per!ormance= a deed$ Brown .$ ?tandard Cas/et 6!g$NCo$# 2@- A"a$ 3*2# *,3 ?o$ @38# @J-$ >n its most genera" sense# t is noun signi!ies somet ing done .o"untari"y 0y a person= t e e(ercise o! an indi.idua"Cs power = an e!!ect produced in t e e(terna" wor"d 0y an e(ercise o! t e power o! a person o0Decti.e"y# prompted 0y intention# and pro(imate"y caused 0y a motion o! t e wi""$ &erman .$ Pan American Li!e >ns$ Co$# *8@ La$ *4-3# *J3 ?o$ *+3# 244$ >n a more tec nica" sense# it means some- t ing done .o"untari"y 0y a person# aria o! suc a nature t at certain "ega" conseFuences attac to it$ Ae!!erson ?tandard Li!e >ns$ Co$ .$ 6yers# Te($ Com$ App$# 28- ?$%$ 2*J# 2*8$ T us a grantor ac/now"edges t e con.eyance to 0e is 5act and deed#5 t e terms 0eing synonymous$ >t 6ay denote somet ing done 0y an indi.idua"# as a pri.ate citizen# or as an o!!icer= or 0y a 0ody o! men# as a "egis"ature# a counci"# or a court o! Dustice= inc"uding not mere"y p ysica" acts# 0ut a"so decrees# edicts# "aws# Dudgments# reso".es# awards# and determinations$ ?ome genera" "aws made 0y t e Congress o! t e United ?tates are sty"ed Doint reso"utions# and t ese a.e t e same !orce and e!!ect as t ose sty"ed acts$ But see 'ec er .$ Baug an# 24+ 6ic $ 3J3# *,, 7$%$ @88# @+2$ Carries idea o! per!ormance$ ;dmonds .$ ? ir"ey# 22 A"a$App$ @+8# **J ?o$ @4@$ An instrument in writing to .eri!y !acts$ %e0ster# 'ict$ >t is used in t is sense o! t e pu0"is ed acts o! assem0"y# congress# etc$ >n a sense approac ing t is# it as 0een e"d in tria"s !or treason t at "etters and ot er written documents were acts= * 9ost$Cr$Cas$ *+8= 2 ?tar/$ **J$ Act indicates t e intention$ 8 Co$ *-J0= Broom# 6a($ @4*$ Ci.i" Law An act is a writing# w ic states in a "ega" !orm t at a t ing as 0een said# done# or agreed$ 6er"$ Repert$
Acts under pri.ate signature are t ose w ic a.e 0een Cmade 0y pri.ate indi.idua"s under t eir ands$ Pri.ate acts are t ose made 0y pri.ate persons as registers in re"ation to t eir receipts and e(penditures# sc edu"es# acFuittances# and t e "i/e$ Pu0"ic acts are t ose w ic a.e a pu0"ic aut ority# and w ic a.e 0een made 0e!ore pu0"ic o!!icers# are aut orized 0y a pu0"ic sea"# a.e 0een made pu0"ic 0y t e aut ority o! a magistrate# or w ic a.e 0een e(tracted and 0een proper"y aut enticated !rom pu0"ic records$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary 9ourt ;dition (page -2) ACT O9 ?TAT; de!inedI An act done 0y t e so.ereign power o! a country# or 0y its de"egate# wit in t e "imits o! t e power .ested in im$ An act o! state cannot 0e Fuestioned or made t e su0Dect o! "ega" proceedings in a court o! "aw. B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary 9ourt ;dition (page --) TRU?T de!inedI A "ega" entity created 0y a grantor !or t e 0ene!it o! designated 0ene!iciaries under t e "aws o! t e state and t e .a"id trust instrument$ T e trustee o"ds a !iduciary responsi0i"ity to manage t e trustCs corpus assets and income !or t e economic 0ene!it o! a"" o! t e 0ene!iciaries$ A con!idence reposed in one person# w o is termed trustee# !or t e 0ene!it o! anot er# w o is ca""ed t e cestui Fue trust# respecting property w ic is e"d 0y t e trustee !or t e 0ene!it o! t e cestui Fue trust$ ?tate e( re>$ %irt .$ ?uperior Court !or ?po/ane County# *4 %as $2d @J2# **J P$2d ,32# ,33$ Any arrangement w ere0y property is trans!erred wit intention t at it 0e administered 0y trustee !or anot erCs 0ene!it$ A !iduciary re"ations ip in w ic one person is t e o"der o! t e tit"e to property su0Dect to an eFuita0"e o0"igation to /eep or use t e property !or t e 0ene!it o! anot er$ ?cottiCs 'ri.e >n Restaurants# >nc$ .$ 6i"e &ig -'art >n Corp$# %yo$# 32J P$2d **+@# **+3$ A trust can 0e created !or any purpose w ic is not i""ega"# and w ic is not against pu0"ic po"icy$ Co""ins .$ Lyon# >nc$# *8* Ba$ 2@4# 2- ?$;$2d 3,2# 3,+$ ;ssentia" e"ements o! trust are designated 0ene!iciary and trustee# !und su!!icient"y identi!ied to ena0"e tit"e to pass to trustee# and actua" de"i.ery to trustee wit intention o! passing tit"e$ City Ban/ 9armersC Trust Co$ .$ C arity Organization ?oc$ o! City o! 7ew Oor/# 2@8 App$'i.$ ,24# 2J3 7$O$?$ 2J,$ An association or organization o! persons or corporations t e intention and power# or t e tendency# to create a monopo"y# contro" production# inter!ere wit t e !ree course o! trade or transportation# or to !i( and regu"ate t e supp"y and t e price o! commodities$ >n t e istory o! economic de.e"opment# t e 5trust5 was origina""y a 0y w ic se.era" corporations en gaged in t e same genera" "ine o! 0usiness mig t com 0ine !or t eir mutua" ad.antage# in t e direction o! e"iminating destructi.e competition# contro""ing t e out put o! t eir commodity# and regu"ating and maintaining its price# 0ut at t e same time t eir separate indi.idua" e(istence# and wit out any conso"idation or merger$ T is was t e erection o! a centra" committee or 0oard# composed# per aps# o! t e presidents or genera" managers o! t e di!!erent corporations# and t e trans!er to t em o! a maDority o! t e stoc/ in eac o! t e corporations# to 0e e"d 5in trust5 !or t e se.era" stoc/ o"ders so assigning t eir o"dings$ T ese stoc/ o"ders recei.ed in return 5trust certi!icates5 s owing t at t ey were entit"ed to recei.e t e di.idends on t eir assigned stoc/# t oug t e .oting power o! it ad passed to t e trustees$ T is "ast !eature ena0"ed t e trustees or committee to e"ect a"" t e directors o! a"" t e corporations# and t roug t em t e o!!icers# and t ere0y to e(ercise an a0so"ute"y contro""ing in!"uence t e po"icy and operations o! eac constituent company# to t e ends and wit t e purposes a0o.e mentioned$ T oug t e 5trust#5 in t is sense# is now se"dom i! resorted to as a !orm o! corporate organization# gi.en p"ace to t e 5 o"ding corporation5 and ot er de.ices# t e word 0ecame current in statute "aws as we"" as popu"ar speec # to designate a"most any !orm o! com0ination o! a monopo"istic c aracter or tendency$ 7ort ern ?ecurities Co$ .$ U$ ?$# *+@ U$?$ *+,# 2- ?$Ct$ -@J# -8 L$;d$ J,+= 6a""inc/rodt C emica" %or/s .$ ?tate o! 6issouri# 2@8 U$?$ -*# @3 ?$Ct$ J,*# J,@# 3+ L$;d$ **+2$ >n a "ooser sense t e term is app"ied to any com0ination o! esta0"is ments in t e same "ine o! 0usiness !or securing t e same ends 0y o"ding t e indi.idua" interests o! eac su0ser.ient to a common aut ority !or t e common interests o! a""$ 6a""inc/rodt C emica" %or/s .$ ?tate o! 6issouri# 2@8 U$?$ -*# @3 ?$Ct$ J,*#$J,@# 3+ L$;d$ **+2$ A trust# as t e term is used in t e Restatement# w en not Fua"i!ied 0y t e word 5c arita0"e#5 5resu"ting5 or
5constructi.e#5 is a !iduciary re"ations ip wit respect to property# su0Decting t e person 0y w om t e tit"e to t e property is e"d to eFuita0"e duties to dea" wit t e property !or t e 0ene!it o! anot er person# w ic arises as a resu"t o! a mani!estation o! an intention to create it$ Restatement# ?econd# Trusts P 2$ ?ee a"so Breac o! trust= C arita0"e trust= C"a!"in trust= Common-"aw trust= Comp"e( trust= Constructi.e trust= 'ec"aration ('ec"aration o! trust)# 'eed ('eed o! trust)# ;Fuipment= ;(ecutory trust= :enerations/ipping trust= :o.ernmenta" trusts= :rantor trusts= >""usory trust= >ndestructi0"e trust= >n.estment trust= >n.o"untary trust= Land trust= Li!e insurance trust= Li!e interest= 7omina" trust= 7ominee trust= Ora" trust= Pension trust= Precatory trust= Purc ase money resu"ting trust= Reciproca" trusts= Resu"ting trust= Re.oca0"e trust= ?pendt ri!t trust= Terms o! trust= Unitrust= Boting trust$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page *348# *34+) ;Q;CUT;' TRU?T de!inedI A trust o! w ic t e sc eme as in t e outset 0een comp"ete"y dec"ared$ A trust in w ic t e estates and interest in t e su0Dect-matter o! t e trust are comp"ete"y "imited and de!ined 0y t e instrument creating t e trust# and reFuire no !urt er instruments to comp"ete t em$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page *3**) ;QPR;?? PR>BAT; PA??>B; TRU?T de!inedI ?uc e(ists w ere "and is con.eyed to or e"d 0y one person in trust !or anot er# wit out any power 0eing e(press"y or imp"ied"y gi.en trustee to ta/e actua" possession o! "and or e(ercise acts o! owners ip it# e(cept 0y 0ene!iciaryCs direction$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page *3**) ;QPR;?? TRU?T de!inedI A direct trust$ A trust created or dec"ared in e(press terms# and usua""y in writing# as distinguis ed !rom one in!erred 0y t e "aw !rom t e conduct or dea"ings o! t e parties$ A trust direct"y created !or speci!ic purposes in contrast to a constructi.e or resu"ting trust w ic arises 0y imp"ication o! "aw or t e demands o! eFuity$ Trusts w ic are created 0y t e direct and positi.e acts o! t e parties# 0y some writing# or deed# or wi""# or 0y words e(press"y or imp"ied"y e.incing an intention to create a trust$ Concannon .$ Concannon# **J R$>$ @2@# @3J A$2d -8,# -+"$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page *3**) >RR;BOCABL; TRU?T de!inedI Trust w ic may not 0e re.o/ed a!ter its creation as in t e case o! a deposit o! money 0y one in t e name o! anot er as trustee !or t e 0ene!it o! a t ird person (0ene!iciary)$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page *3**) TRU?T ';PO?>T de!inedI % ere money or property is deposited to 0e /ept intact and not comming"ed wit ot er !unds or property o! 0an/ and is to 0e returned in /ind to depositor or de.oted to particu"ar purpose or reFuirement o! depositor or payment o! particu"ar de0ts or o0"igations o! depositor$ A"so ca""ed specia" deposit$ ?ee a"so 'eposit B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page *3*@) TRU?T ;?TAT; de!inedI T is term may mean eit er t e estate o! t e trustee#-t at is# t e "ega" tit"e#-or t e estate o! t e 0ene!iciary# or t e corpus o! t e property w ic is t e su0Dect o! t e trust$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page *3*@) TRU?T ;Q 6AL;9>C>O de!inedI % ere actua" !raud is practiced in acFuiring "ega" tit"e# t e arising trust is re!erred to as a 5trust e( ma"e!icio$5 Andres .$ Andres# * Ar/$App$ ,3# J*@ ?I%$2d -4-# -4,$ A 5constructi.e trust#5 ot erwise /nown as 5trust e( ma"e!icio#5 a 5trust e( de"icto#5 a 5trust de son tort#5 an 5in.o"untary trust5 or an 5imp"ied trust5 is a trust 0y operation o! "aw w ic arises against one w o# 0y !raud# actua" or constructi.e# 0y duress or a0use o! con!idence# 0y commission o! a wrong or 0y any !orm o! unconsciona0"e conduct# arti!ice# concea"ment or Fuestiona0"e means and against good conscience# eit er as o0tained or o"ds rig t to property w ic e oug t not in eFuity and good conscience o"d and enDoy$ Briggs .$ Ric ard son# App$# 288 ?$C$ 3@,# @-@ ?$;$2d J3@# J3-$ ?ee a"so Constructi.e trust# a0o.e$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page *3*@) TRU?T;; de!inedI Person o"ding property in trust$ Restatement# ?econd# Trusts# P @(@)$ T e person appointed# or reFuired 0y "aw# to e(ecute a trust$ One in w om an estate# interest# or power is .ested# under an e(press or imp"ied agreement to administer or e(ercise it !or t e 0ene!it or to t e use o! anot er$ One w o o"ds "ega" tit"e to property 5in trust5 !or t e 0ene!it o! anot er person (0ene!iciary) and w o must
carry out speci!ic duties wit regard to t e property$ T e trustee owes a !iduciary duty to t e 0ene!iciary$ Reinec/e .$ ?mit # >""$# 28+ U$?$ *,2# 3@ ?$Ct$ 3,4# ,, L$;d$ **4+$ ?ee a"so Bare trustee$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page *3*-) TRU?T;; '; ?O7 TORT de!inedI Person w o is treated as a trustee 0ecause o! is wrongdoing wit respect to property en trusted to im or w ic e e(ercised aut ority w ic e "ac/ed$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page *3*-) TRU?T;; ;Q 6AL;9>C>O de!inedI A person w o# 0eing gui"ty o! wrong!u" or !raudu"ent conduct# is e"d 0y eFuity to t e duty and "ia0i"ity o! a trustee# in re"ation to t e su0Dect matter# to pre.ent im !rom pro!iting 0y is own wrong$ ?ee Trust (Trust e( ma"e!icio)$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page *3*-) TRU?T;;?&>P de!inedI 9iduciary re"ations ip 0etween trustee and 0ene!iciary w erein trustee o"ds tit"e to property !or t e 0ene!it o! t e 0ene!iciary$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page *3*3) TRU?T ;?TAT;? A? BU?>7;?? CO6PA7>;? de!inedI A practice originating in 6assac usetts o! .esting a 0usiness or certain rea" estate in a group o! trustees# w o manage it !or t e 0ene!it o! t e 0ene!icia" owners= t e owners ip o! t e "atter is e.idenced 0y negotia0"e (or trans!era0"e) s ares$ T e trustees are e"ected 0y t e s are o"ders# or# in case o! a .acancy# 0y t e 0oard o! trustees$ Pro.ision is made in t e agreement and dec"aration o! trust to t e e!!ect t at w en new trustees are e"ected# t e trust estate s a"" .est in t em wit out !urt er con.eyance$ T e dec"aration o! trust speci!ies t e powers o! t e trustees$ T ey a.e a common sea"= t e 0oard is organized wit t e usua" o!!icers o! a 0oard o! trustees= it is go.erned 0y 0y-"aws= t e o!!icers a.e t e usua" powers o! "i/e corporate o!!icers= so !ar as practica0"e# t e trustees in t eir co""ecti.e capacity# are to carry on t e 0usiness under a speci!ied name$ T e trustees may a"so o"d s ares as 0ene!iciaries$ Pro.ision may 0e made !or t e a"teration or amendment o! t e agreement or dec"aration in a speci!ied manner$ >n ;"iot .$ 9reeman# 224 B$?$ *,8# @* ?$Ct$ @J4# 33 L$;d$ -2-# it was e"d t at suc a trust was not wit in t e corporation ta( pro.isions o! t e tari!! act o! Aug$ 3# *+4+$ ?ee a"so Ronne .$ 6inneapo"is ?yndicate# 224 B$?$ *8,# @* ?$Ct$ @J*# 33 L$;d$ -28$ ?ee a"so 6assac usetts trust$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page *3*3) 9>'UC>ARO de!inedI T e term is deri.ed !rom t e Roman "aw# and means (as a noun) a person o"ding t e c aracter o! a trustee# or a c aracter ana"ogous to t at o! a trustee# in respect to t e trust and con!idence in.o".ed in it and t e scrupu"ous good !ait and candor w ic it reFuires$ A person duty# created 0y is underta/ing# to act primari"y !or anot erCs 0ene!it in matters connected wit suc underta/ing$ As an adDecti.e it means o! t e nature o! a trust= t e c aracteristics o! a trust= ana"ogous to a trust= re"ating to or !ounded upon a trust or con!idence$ A term to re!er to a person duties in.o".ing good !ait # trust# specia" con!idence# and candor towards anot er$ A !iduciary 5inc"udes suc re"ations ips as e(ecutor# administrator# trustee# and guardian$5 ABA Code o! Audicia" Conduct# Canon @C(@)(0)$ A "awyer is a"so in a !iduciary re"ations ip wit t e c"ient$ A person or institution w o manages money or property !or anot er and w o must e(ercise a standard o! care in suc management acti.ity imposed 0y "aw or contract= e$g$ e(ecutor o! estate= in 0an/ruptcy= trustee$ A trustee# !or e(amp"e# possesses a !iduciary responsi0i"ity to t e 0ene!iciaries o! t e trust to !o""ow t e terms o! t e trust and t e reFuirements o! app"ica0"e state "aw$ A 0reac o! !iduciary responsi0i"ity wou"d ma/e t e trustee "ia0"e to t e 0ene!iciaries !or any damage caused 0y suc 0reac $ T e status o! 0eing a !iduciary rise to certain "ega" incidents and o0"igations# inc"uding t e pro i0ition against in.esting t e money or property in in.estments w ic are specu"ati.e or ot erwise imprudent$ 6any states a.e adopted t e Uni!orm 9iduciaries Act# and t e Uni!orm 6anagement o! >nstitutiona" 9unds Act$ ?ee a"so 9iduciary capacity= 9iduciary or con!identia" re"ation$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page J23) 9OR;>:7 9>'UC>ARO de!inedI A trustee# e(ecutor# administrator# guardian or conser.ator appointed 0y a Durisdiction ot er t an t e one in w ic e is acting$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page J23) 9>'UC>ARO BO7' de!inedI Type o! surety 0ond reFuired 0y court to 0e !i"ed 0y trustees# administrators# e(ecutors# guardians# and conser.ators to insure proper per!ormance o! t eir duties$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page J23)
9>'UC>ARO CAPAC>TO de!inedI One is said to act in a 5!iduciary capacity5 or to recei.e money or contract a de0t in a 5!iduciary capacity#5 w en t e 0usiness w ic e transacts# or t e money or property w ic e and"es# is not is own or !or is own 0ene!it# 0ut !or t e 0ene!it o! anot er person# as to w om e stands in a re"ation imp"ying and necessitating great con!idence and trust on t e one part and a ig degree o! good !ait on t e ot er part$ T e term is not restricted to tec nica" or e(press trusts# 0ut inc"udes a"so suc o!!ices or re"ations as t ose o! an attorney at "aw# a guardian# e(ecutor# or 0ro/er# a director o! a corporation# and a pu0"ic o!!icer$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page J23) 9>'UC>ARO CO7TRACT de!inedI An agreement 0y w ic a person de"i.ers a t ing to anot er on t e condition t at e wi"" restore it to im$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page J23) 9>'UC>ARO ';BT de!inedI A de0t !ounded on or arising !rom some con!idence or trust as distinguis ed !rom a 5de0t5 !ounded simp"y on contract$ 6ontgomery .$ P i""ips Petro"eum Co$# Te($ Ci.$ App$# -+ ?$%$2d +J,# +,@$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page J23) 9>'UC>ARO 'UTO de!inedI A duty to act !or someone e"seCs 0ene!it# w i"e su0ordinating oneCs persona" interests to t at o! t e ot er person$ >t is t e ig est standard o! duty imp"ied 0y "aw (e$g$# trustee# guardian)$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page J23) 9>';L>TO BO7' de!inedI Contract o! !ide"ity insurance$ Runcie .$ Corn ;(c ange Ban/ Trust Co$# ?up$# J 7$O$?$2d J*J# J24$ A guaranty o! persona" onesty o! o!!icer !urnis ing indemnity against is de!a"cation or neg"igence$ P i""ips .$ Board o! ;ducation o! Pine.i""e# 28@ Ly$ *,@# *-4 ?$%$2d 8*+# 822$ A contract w ere0y# !or a consideration# one agrees to indemni!y anot er against "oss arising !rom t e want o! onesty# integrity# or !ide"ity o! an emp"oyee or ot er person o"ding a position o! trust$ Li0erty 6ut$ >ns$ Co$ .$ T under0ird Ban/# 23 Ariz$ App$ 24*# 3-2 P$2d @+# -*$$ ?ee a"so Bond= 9ide"ity and guaranty insurance= >nsurance$ % ere0y t is act de!ined pursuant to and in accordance wit t e !o""owing U$?$ ?upreme Court Annotated ?tatute= &a"e .$ &en/e"# 24* U$?$ -@ at -, (*+43)I 5T e indi.idua" may stand upon is constitutiona" rig ts as a citizen$ &e is entit"ed to carry on is pri.ate 0usiness in is own way$ &is power to contract is un"imited$ &e owes no suc duty Gto su0mit is 0oo/s and papers !or an e(aminationH to t e ?tate# since e not ing t ere!rom# 0eyond t e protection o! is "i!e and property$ &is rig ts are suc as e(isted 0y t e "aw o! t e "and GCommon LawH "ong antecedent to t e organization o! t e ?tate# and can on"y 0e ta/en !rom im 0y due process o! "aw# and in accordance wit t e Constitution$ Among is rig ts are a re!usa" to incriminate imse"!# and t e immunity o! imse"! and is property !rom arrest or seizure e(cept under a warrant o! t e "aw$ &e owes not ing to t e pu0"ic so "ong as e does not trespass upon t eir rig ts$5 &a"e .$ &en/e"# 24* U$?$ -@ at -, (*+43)$ Pri.ate de!inedI A!!ecting or 0e"onging to pri.ate indi.idua"s# as distinct !rom t e pu0"ic genera""y$ 7ot o!!icia"= not c"ot ed wit o!!ice$ Peop"e .$ Powe""# 284 6ic $ J++# 2,- 7$%$ @,2# @,@$ B"ac/)s Law 'ictionary ?i(t ;dition (page **+3)$ ?o.ereign Peop"e or 9ree0orn are t ose men w o are not 0ound 0y oat to ser.e ot er men$ ?u0Dects are t ose men w o a.e gi.en an oat o! to anot er man# or group o! men$ ;.ery 9ree0orn w o !o""ows :od)s Laws is 0"essed wit t e rig t to sett"e is own disputes i$e$ o"ds is own court at wi""$ 9ree0orn may 0ring suit against ot er !ree0orn# t oug eac as eFua" standing# and is not 0ound 0y any ot er man)s court un"ess 0y oat # or .o"untary de"egation$ A !ree0orn is genera""y empowered to sett"e disputes 0etween is su0Dects$ T is is dependent upon t e oat 0etween t e !ree0orn and t e su0Dect$ A !reeman may 0ring suit against is own su0Dects$ ?u0Dects a.e no standing in court# sa.e t at o! t eir master$ T ey may sue t eir master on"y at is p"easure# un"ess t e oat 0etween t e master and su0Dect speci!ica""y a""ows it# w ic is not common$ 7o su0Dect may direct"y sue anot er !ree0orn# 0ut must appea" to is master to sue !or re"ie! on is 0e a"!$