This document outlines the definition of a "security" and the instruments subject to securities regulation. It discusses the Howey test for determining what constitutes an "investment contract" and examines when stocks and notes should be considered securities. Key topics covered include:
- The definition of "security" includes specific instruments named in the Act like stocks and notes, as well as the catch-all of "investment contracts."
- The Howey test establishes criteria for determining what is an investment contract, including investment of money in a common enterprise with an expectation of profits from the efforts of others.
- The economic reality test and family resemblance test are used to analyze whether stocks, notes, and other instruments should be regulated like securities
This document outlines the definition of a "security" and the instruments subject to securities regulation. It discusses the Howey test for determining what constitutes an "investment contract" and examines when stocks and notes should be considered securities. Key topics covered include:
- The definition of "security" includes specific instruments named in the Act like stocks and notes, as well as the catch-all of "investment contracts."
- The Howey test establishes criteria for determining what is an investment contract, including investment of money in a common enterprise with an expectation of profits from the efforts of others.
- The economic reality test and family resemblance test are used to analyze whether stocks, notes, and other instruments should be regulated like securities
This document outlines the definition of a "security" and the instruments subject to securities regulation. It discusses the Howey test for determining what constitutes an "investment contract" and examines when stocks and notes should be considered securities. Key topics covered include:
- The definition of "security" includes specific instruments named in the Act like stocks and notes, as well as the catch-all of "investment contracts."
- The Howey test establishes criteria for determining what is an investment contract, including investment of money in a common enterprise with an expectation of profits from the efforts of others.
- The economic reality test and family resemblance test are used to analyze whether stocks, notes, and other instruments should be regulated like securities
This document outlines the definition of a "security" and the instruments subject to securities regulation. It discusses the Howey test for determining what constitutes an "investment contract" and examines when stocks and notes should be considered securities. Key topics covered include:
- The definition of "security" includes specific instruments named in the Act like stocks and notes, as well as the catch-all of "investment contracts."
- The Howey test establishes criteria for determining what is an investment contract, including investment of money in a common enterprise with an expectation of profits from the efforts of others.
- The economic reality test and family resemblance test are used to analyze whether stocks, notes, and other instruments should be regulated like securities
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Prof Carlson
Sec Reg Outline
Fall 2005 PART A: DEFINING SECURITY I.E. WHAT INSTRUMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY REGIME I. WHAT IS A SECURITY? a. A transaction involving a security triggers the following regulations i. Registration of !u"lic offerings of securities ii. #isclosure "y those who !u"licly offer the securities iii. Registration "y co$!anies whose securities are !u"licly tra%e% iv. #isclosure "y those who solicit votes fro$ hol%ers of !u"licly tra%e% securities v. #isclosure "y those who offer to "uy !u"licly tra%e% securities vi. &i$its on tra%ing "y those who have insi%e infor$ation vii. #isclosure "y insi%ers an% those who hol% s!ecifie% a$ounts of !u"licly tra%e% securities viii. Registration "y !ersons in the "usiness of inter$e%iating transactions involving securities i'. A%$inistrative an% (u%icial lia"ility of !ersons who violate securities laws '. Antifrau% !rotection for those who "uy or sell securities b. 2(!("! #$ %&' S'()*+%+', A(% b*'-, ,'()*+%. /#01 +1%# $'0 (%'2#*+',: i. )nterests or )nstru$ents s!ecifically na$e% in the Act *. Stoc+ $ost things which are la"ele% stoc+ are securities. 2. ,otes things which evi%ence in%e"te%ness ten% to "e seen as securities -. Other interests s!ecifically na$e% a. Preorgani.ation su"scri!tions for securities ". Fractional/ un%ivi%e% interests in oil/ gas or other $ineral rights c. Collateral trust certificates %. Certain ty!es of recei!ts for securities e. 01ui!$ent trust certificates ii. )nvest$ent Contracts these "eco$e the catch2all which the courts an% the S0C have use% for every new instru$ent3financial !ro%uct which they see. 4his is the fall "ac+ !rovision which you can try to fit so$ething un%er when it is not otherwise %efine% un%er 526a7 6*7. iii. Catch2All )n a%%ition to the ite$s s!ecifically liste% in 526a76*7 an% the a$"iguous invest$ent contract/ the *8-- Act also inclu%es a catchall !rovision that swee!s into the %efinition of a security/ in general/ any interest or instru$ent +nown as a security. c. A13.,+, $#* ,'()*+%+',: 0&'1 (#1$*#1%'/ 0+%& ,#4'%&+12 1/ 1#% ,)*' +$ +% +, ,'()*+%.5 ),' %&' $#33#0+12 13.,+, i. )f a stoc+ or e1uity 9 !ro"a"ly consi%ere% a security ii. )f a ,ote 9 !ro"a"ly consi%ere% a security * Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 iii. 0ven if it is so$ething which no$inally falls un%er an enu$erate% category/ is itin actual fact not a security: 6see "elow for analysis of situations when stoc+s3notes are not actually securities7 iv. )f ,O4 a note/ stoc+ or e1uity 6or one of the other enu$erate% things79 can it "e viewe% as an invest$ent contract 6an% thus a security7: v. 0ven if it )S a security/ is there so$e reason not to regulate it li+e a security/ such as a co$!eting fe%eral regi$e: 6International Brotherhood of Teamsters v. Daniel) II. IN6ESTMENT CONTRACTS a. 4he ;owey 4est 6fro$ SEC v. WJ Howey Co. 7 7 8*% %',% $#* 0&'%&'* ,#4'%&+12 +, 1 I19',%4'1% C#1%*(%: i. A 8'*,#1 +19',%, 93)' : 6later legal consi%eration suffices2 e'. future service7 ii. I1 (#44#1 '1%'*8*+,' 2 !ooling </ !rocee%s = o!!ortunities *. ;ori.ontal Co$$onality !ool of investors/ get !rofits "ase% off this !ool 2. >ertical Co$$onality "etween investor 6a7 = investee 6"7/ a = " fortunes tie%/ each !rofits %e!en%s on relationshi!? if the !ro$oter $a+es $oney the investors $a+e $oney? they@re %irectly tie%. -. #ifference with hori.ontal co$$onality the !rofits are "ase% on the collective !ool of invest$ents. 4here is nothing anyone a"ove the$ has to %o. H#*+;#1%3 (#44#13+%. 30., ,)$$+(+'1% %# ,%+,$. (#44#1 '1%'*8*+,' 0&'*', +1 ,#4' (,', 9'*%+(3 (#44#13+%. ,)$$+(+'1% b)% +1 ,#4' (,', 1#%. A. On e'a$ argue for "othB iii. W+%& %&' '<8'(%%+#1 #$ 8*#$+%, 2 6or change in econo$ic status7 iv. S#3'3. %&*#)2& %&' 412'*+3 '$$#*%, #$ #%&'*, C 6rela'e% to !re%o$inantly 6!ractically solely77 ". ,O40 C return a$ount %oes not always nee% to "e contingent/ a !ro$ise of a high level fi'e% return can still "e !rofit un%er the ;owey test. i. SEC v. Charles Edwards an invest$ent sche$e !ro$ising a fi'e% rate of return can "e an invest$ent contract an% thus a security su"(ect to the fe%eral securities laws. 4here is no reason to %istinguish "etween !ro$ises of fi'e% return an% !ro$ises of varia"le returns for the !ur!oses of the ;owey 4est. c. Relevant Cases i. SEC v. Koscot Interlanetary Inc 4his was a case involving a !yra$i% sche$e. Security "3c loose for$ of vertical co$$onality in that so$e econo$ic !ro%uction loosely tie% to !ro$oter@s return *. !"TE in this case/ on way to have structure% it to "rea+ the co$$onality woul% have "een that the $anager gets u! front !ay$ents3!ercentage/ an% the investors si$!ly eat 2 Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 what they +ill C this woul% result in a "rea+ in the vertical co$$onality since there woul% no longer "e !rofit sharing. ii. Steinhardt v. Citi#ro$ ,ot )nvest$ent contract "3c veto !ower $eans su"stantial involve$ent which $eans aren@t relying su"stantially on others DFROE 0=0 &i$ite% !artner@s interests are not securities if the &P can an% %oes e'ercise !ervasive control of the !artnershi!F iii. SEC v. %ife &artners ,ot invest$ent contract "3c !re2invest$ent efforts %oesn@t satisfy relying on efforts of others. 4his case stan%s for the i%ea that $anagerial effort to satisfy the ;owey 4est $ust "e !ost2invest$ent. iv. 'reat %a(es Chem Cor v. )onsanto Com &&C not security "3c P ha% control over $g$t 6not sa$e veto !ower as in Steinhardt7 III. WHEN IS STOC= CONSIDERED A SECURITY? a. Overview 526a76*7 of the Securities Act an% 5-6a76*07 %efine stoc+ is a security unless the conte't otherwise re1uires. 4he courts have hel% that ,O4 all instru$ents la"ele% stoc+ are securities. ". 0cono$ic Reality 4est 6fro$ *nited Ho$sin# +o$ndation v. +orman7 the %efinition of a security $ust reflect the econo$ic reality. i. 4o %eter$ine whether stoc+ shoul% "e consi%ere% stoc+/ as+ the following 1uestions *. Are there rights to %ivi%en%s which are contingent on !rofits: 2. ,egotia"ility -. A"ility to "e !le%ge% or hy!othecate% A. Are the voting rights !ro!ortionate to the nu$"er of shares hel%: 5. Coul% the shares a!!reciate in value: ii. ,O40 0cono$ic Reality 4est overrules Sale of Gusiness #octrine. 6%andredth Tim,er Comany Co. v. %andredth7 I6. WHEN IS A NOTE CONSIDERED A SECURITY? a. Overview 526a76*7 of the Securities Act an% 5-6a76*07 %efine a security to inclu%e any note unless the conte't otherwise re1uires. )n !ractice/ $any notes given in consu$er an% co$$ercial financing transactions shoul% not "e/ an% are not/ treate% as securities. ". Fa$ily Rese$"lance 4est 6fro$ -eves v. Ernst . /o$n#7 the test to %eter$ine whether a !articular note is a security. i. Start out with the re"utta"le !resu$!tion that all notes are securities. ii. 0'ce!tion to the re"utta"le !resu$!tion if the note falls into a category of instru$ents 6such as a note which "elong to the lan% of consu$er co$$ercial finance7 or if it "ears a fa$ily rese$"lance to such instru$ents 9 the note is ,O4 a security *. 4he following is a list of such notes which are not securities a. ,otes use% in consu$er len%ing - Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 ". ,otes secure% "y a $ortgage on a ho$e c. Short2te$ notes secure% "y an assign$ent of accounts receiva"le %. Consu$er financing e. character loans to "an+ custo$ers f. short2ter$ secure% financing of accounts receiva"le g. co$$ercial "an+ loans for current o!erations h. short2ter$ o!en2account %e"ts incurre% in the or%inary course of "usiness iii. For new ty!es of notes transactions which are not covere% "y this list/ use the following four factors to %eter$ine whether or not the instru$ent is a security ". W&% +, %&' P)*8#,'> M#%+9%+#1 #$ b).'*>,'33'* ?+, %&' 8)*8#,' %# *+,' 4#1'. $#* b),+1',, '1%'*8*+,'>$+11(' +48*#9'4'1%,@A a. )f for invest$ent3"usiness enter!rise 9 $ore li+ely a security ". )f to finance !urchase of an ite$3i$!rove$ents 9 not a security 2. P31 #$ /+,%*+b)%+#1 ?+, %&'*' (#44#1 %*/+12>,8'()3%+#1@ A a. )f wi%ely offere% an% tra%e% 9 $ore li+ely a security ". )f given face2to2face or to a li$ite% grou! 9 $ore li+ely not a security B. R',#1b3' '<8'(%%+#1, #$ +19',%+12 8)b3+( a. ,O40 in -eves Court sai% that !u"lic e'!ectations coul% lea% to %efining so$ething as a security even if it woul% not "e un%er an econo$ic analysis. 7. A*' %&'*' #%&'* $(%#*, %# *'/)(' *+,-? a. )s there another Fe%eral Regulatory Regi$e: 0H 0R)SA/ "an+ing regulations etcI ". 0H certificates of %e!osit shoul% "e securities/ "ut since there are other fe%eral regulatory regi$es to re%uce ris+s/ they are not consi%ere% securities. 0)arine Ban() c. )f the note is not collaterali.e% an% not su"(ect to nosecurties regulations 9 $ost li+ely a security %. )f note is secure% or otherwise regulate% "y another regi$e 9 $ost li+ely not a security 5. ,O40 no one -eves factor is necessary or sufficient for a note to "e a security. c. ,O40 C $ost courts hol% that if a note %oes not !ass the fa$ily rese$"lance test i.e. is not consi%ere% a security/ you cannot then go through an% try to argue that it is an invest$ent contract instea%. %. Cases A Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 i. -eves v. Ernst . /o$n# court foun% this to "e a Jall St. note an% thus a security ii. Daniel v. Teamsters this %ealt with e$!loyee !lacing one %ollar in !ension !lan for every hour e$!loyees wor+. 4he 1uestion was whether the e$!loyees were "uying a security: the court says it was not really a %ecision on the !art of the e$!loyee to !ut u! value/ since they aren@t surren%ering services to $a+e an invest$ent/ "ut rather it is surren%ering services to get a (o" an% get !ai%. PART B: DEFINING THE TRANSACTIONS AND PARTIES SUBJECT TO THE ACT I. WHEN IS THERE AN OFFER OR A SALE? a. 55 a!!lies to offers to sell or actual sales of securities in interstate co$$erce. 526a76-7 says that every contract of sale or /+,8#,+%+#1 #$ ,'()*+%. $#* 93)' constitutes an offer3sale such that 55 a!!lies. i. #is!osition 9 the act of transferring so$ething to another@s care or !ossession. ii. Sale inclu%es offer for sale2 solicitation/ entice$ent/ encourage$ent of sale. 0H Kust saying H is a goo% fir$ w3high earnings $ay "e an offer iii. )nclu%es even legal consi%eration iv. Offer C soliciting interest in a sale v. Sale C a sale or transfer of value/ with consi%eration "eing very "roa%ly construe% 6security or a right or interest in a security !assing for value7 ". >arious )nstru$ents an% whether they constitute offers3sales i. O!tions3Jarrants3Conversion Rights: *. )f ,ot !resently e'ercisa"le 9 ,O4 a sale 2. )f !resently e'ercisa"le 9 "oth the rights an% the un%erlying securities are treate% as "eing sol%/ an% $ust "e registere% when issue%/ even "efore use ii. #erivative: %irector of co$!any thin+s stoc+ goes %own/ "ut %oesn@t want to sell "3c %on@t want to %isclose/ get to sa$e !lace/ is it 526-7 this is not a sale so can get aroun% iii. #erivatives can get result of sale/ without a 526-7 sale iv. 0'. C0O of 4yco2 sai% long ter$ hol%er of stoc+/ at sa$e ti$e "ought a %erivative2 %i%n@t have to %isclose. v. ,O40 #ifficulty of law a%o!ting to innovation is seen through %erivatives c. - 0'a$!les of Jhen So$ething is a Sale i. S!inoffs SEC v. Datronics En#ineers Inc.14er$ Lsale@ inclu%es a L%is!osition of a security@/ the %isse$ination of a new stoc+ a$ong #@s stoc+hol%ers was a sale "3c !u"lic co$!any receive% value in e'change for the stoc+ it gave in the for$ of stoc+ fro$ the !rivate co$!any. 5 Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 *. GM4 ,O40 not all s!inoffs are treate% as sales. 0H if a seasone% co$!any s!ins off a su" "y issuing the su"s@ shares as a %ivi%en% to the co@s !u" S; 9 no sale ii. Once stoc+ interest gets change% it@s a sale iii. Niving u! info is sufficient for consi%eration 0H #otco$ co$!any giving out securities to !eo!le who fill out a 1uestionnaire a"out the$selves. %. - 0'a$!les of 4hings which are ,O4 Sales i. Puts if you thin+ a stoc+ is a"out to fall an% you want to !rotect self against loss/ you can sell your stoc+/ "ut if you %on@t want to sell it now/ you can !ut your stoc+ to so$eone else at a !articular !rice. ii. Short Sale "orrower shares fro$ so$eone else/ sell the shares/ an% then ho!e that the stoc+ %eclines so that when you "uy the stoc+ to return to the other !erson the stoc+ has %ecline% so you have to return less. iii. Collar at 80 you get out of the $ar+et/ an% **0 they ta+e it fro$ you. 4his ensures that you are collare% in the $ar+et an% you have li$ite% your ris+. II. ISSUERS5 DEALERS5 UNDERWRITERS AND CONTROL PERSONS a. )ssuers i. 2(!(7! #$ %&' S'()*+%+', A(% an )ssuer is any !erson who issues or !ro!oses to issue any security. ". #ealers i. 2(!("2! #$ %&' S'()*+%+', A(% A %ealer is any !erson who engages in the "usiness of %ealing or tra%ing in securities. *. 0'e$!tions for #ealers a. 5A6-7 of the Securities Act lifts the regulatory "ur%en create% "y 5A6*7 once the registration !erio% en%s. ". #ealers e'e$!t fro$ "eing consi%ere% un%erwriters "y virtue of their !artici!ation in the un%erwriting !rocess if they !erfor$ only nor$al %ealer functions in e'change for nor$al %ealer co$$issions. c. Mn%erwriters i. 2(!(""! #$ %&' S'()*+%+', A(%: An Mn%erwriter is so$eone who engages in the %istri"ution of the security. *. Categories of un%erwriters un%er 526a76**7 a. Purchase% fro$ issuer Dor control !ersonF w3view to %istri"ute C %eals with resale of restricte% securities ". Agent for issuers 2 offers3 sells for issuer in connection w3%istri"ution of any sec c. #irect3 in%irect !artici!ation in any such un%erta+ing C %eals with resale of control securities 2. #istri"ution any offer or sale to !u"lic investors. O Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 ++. A2'1% $#* I,,)'* *. Co$!ensation fro$ the issuer is not a con%ition to "eing an un%erwriter for an issuer. 2. SEC v. Chinese Consolidated Benevolent 2ssociation court hel% CGA to "e un%erwriter when engage% in such "ehaviors as selling "on%s/ !assing the securities on to the "uyers/ an% collecting $oney. iii. P)*(&,'* $*#4 I,,)'* 0+%& 9+'0 %# D+,%*+b)%': a !erson who !urchases securities in a !rivate !lace$ent an% then resells in a !u"lic tra%ing $+t is an un%erwriter if she !urchase% with a view to resell to !u"lic investors. *. Eust !urchase sec in non!u"lic offering !ursuant to 5A627 for invest$ent = not w3view to %istri" of sec/ otherwise will "e un%erwriter 526a76**7 a. *S v. Sherwood1 )nvestor intent invest$ent not w3view to %istri"ution 6# hel% sec 2 yrs7 ". SEC v. '$ild +ilms "an+ ac1uire% !le%ge% securities e'!ecting "orrower to %efault/ so seen as ac1uiring with a view to %istri"ute. 2. Change of Circu$stance #octrine courts have re(ecte% this. a. 'illian3 Will . Co. v. SEC Ct re(ects change% circu$stances argu$ent? )nvestor trie% to sell !riv !lace$ent after O $nths "3c con%itions woul%@ve le% !ru%ent investor to sell -. ,O40 See "elow for %iscussion of Rule *AA C safe har"or for resale of restricte% securities iv. R',3', #$ C#1%*#3 S'()*+%+',: securities !rofessionals who assist control !ersons in %u$!ing their stoc+ into !u"lic $+ts w3o registration are lia"le as un%erwriters "y virtue of their !artici!ation. *. Jho is a Control Person a. R)3' 7CD !ossession/ %irect3in%irect of !ower/ cause $g$t %irection = !olicies/ whether through ownershi! of voting sec/ "y P/ or otherwise ". Presu$!tion of control own Q*0R of stoc+2 stronger if Q20R c. Power even if une'ercise% $ay constitute a controlling !erson %. R of ownershi! or right to vote not conclusive evi% of control "ut +ey e. Controlling Nrou! generally unless !erson3i%entifia"le grou! clearly in control "y !ossession and use of voting !ower/ all %ir = !olicy2$a+ing off !resu$!tively $e$"ers of S Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 control grou! = only co$!elling evi% contrary shoul% re$ove the$ fro$ the grou! 2. Cases a. SEC v. +ran(lin 2tlas Cor. Pres of fir$ 6not a S;7 was a control !erson ". 'ild +ilms1 !erson len%s $oney to so$eone who is guarantee% "y stoc+. Jhen $oney isn@t !ai% he stoc+ an% resells it. )n this case/ he is consi%ere% a statutory un%erwriter 9 no goo% faith e'ce!tion to these rulesB v. Jays to avoi% "eing consi%ere% a statutory un%erwriter *. if want to resell securities to investing !u"lic loo+ to *AA3*A5 2. if want to resell !rivately loo+ at A6* T7 or *AAA -. resell offshore un%er Regulation S outsi%e of MS PART C: EEEMPTIONS FROM SECURITIES ACT REGISTRATION I. EEEMPT SECURITIES a. An 0'e$!t security is always e'e$!t fro$ registration/ "oth when issue% an% later when tra%e%. ". 5-6a7627 Sec issue%3guarantee% "y any fe%/ state or terr gov entity or "y national3state "an+ c. 5-6a76-7 Short ter$ notes or "ill of e'change fro$ a current transaction 6co$$ercial !a!er7. %. 5-6a76A7 Sec fro$ non!rofit/ religious/ e%ucational/ fraternal or charita"le e. 5-6a7657 Sec of certain S=& = far$ers@ coo!eratives f. 5-6a76O7 )nterests in RR e1ui!$ent trusts g. 5-6a76S7 Certificates of trustee3%e"tor in !ossession in "an+ru!tcy !rocee%ing/ issue% w3ct a!!roval h. 5-6a76U7 )nsurance !olicies or annuity P issue% su"( to su!ervision %o$estic gov authority i. )nvest$ent Co$! Act 52A6%7 e'e$!tion ina!!lica"le to any sec which an invest$ent fir$ is issuer (. 5-6a7687 )ssuer e'changes w3e4istin# c$stomer for new sec$rity2 e'e$!t 6no cash/ no gen sol7 i. ,ot a new security unless there are chan#in# economic conditions i. !o Cash )nvestor $ay want < to e'change/ $ay let go "an+ru!t "3c want cash ii. !o 'en Sol allowed 4ough for investor to +now "enefits of e'change iii. ,ot su"(ect to integration or aggregation. U Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 ". 5-6a76*07 )f issue in connection w3"an+ru!tcy !rocee%ing 6state a!!rove% !rocess C this a!!lies if the issuance is a!!rove% "y a court or a%$inistrative agency !ursuant to a fairness hearing72 e'e$!t II. O6ER6IEW OF TRANSACTION EEEMPTIONS a. Overview ?SEE CHART PAGE 727@ i. 4ransactions sol% un%er a transaction e'e$!tion %o not the$selves "eco$e e'e$!t. 0ach ti$e they are transacte%/ the seller $ust fin% a transaction e'e$!tion to avoi% registration. ii. Gur%en of !roof 9 on the !arty see+ing the transaction e'e$!tion. ". )$!ortant )ssues to Consi%er w34ransaction 0'e$!tions i. I1%'2*%+#1 D!ri$arily 505350OF *. As+ the following to %eter$ine if $ulti!le offers3sales constitute an integrate% offering: a. Are they !art of a single !lan of financing: ". #i% they involve the sa$e class of security c. #i% they ta+e !lace at a"out the sa$e ti$e %. #i% they involve the sa$e consi%eration: e. Jere they %one for the sa$e general !ur!ose: 2. Safe ;ar"ors Mn%er the S0C safe har"or rules/ sets of sales se!arate% "y si' $onths are consi%ere% se!arate offerings an% are not su"(ect to integration. a. Regulation # transactions 9 Rule 5026a7 ". )ntrastate offerings 9 Rule *AS6"7627 -. 0'ce!tions to )ntegration a. a P)P0 un%er rule *52 C if you %o a A627 PP an% then a registere% !u"lic offering/ you %on@t integrate the two. ". Rule *55 C if you a"an%on a faile% !u"lic offering then you can wait -0 an% try a !rivate !lace$ent/ an% you %o not nee% to integrate the two. c. A3G 0'change 6also un%er Rule *527C if you %o a A627 %e"t offering through A627 followe% "y a registration state$ent 6"ecause you %eci%e you woul% rather have a !u"lic offering7 then it can "e not integrate% un%er A3G e'change. )n effect you are saying that this is a single offering. Vou are not issuing new securities/ you are essentially changing the character of the original securities. 4his is essentially two se!arate transactions which woul% nor$ally "e integrate%. ++. A22*'2%+#1 *. As the following 1uestions to %eter$ine if there was aggregation a. Jere the offerings %one un%er 5-6"7 e'e$!tions 6i.e. Rules 50A35057: )f ,O 9 aggregation cannot a!!ly 8 Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 ". Jere the offerings %one within *2 $os of eachother: c. )f you co$"ine% the offerings/ woul% it e'cee% the allowe% a$t for either offering: +++. I1%'2*%+#1 (#48*'/ 0>A22*'2%+#1 *. )ntegration all offers an% sales that are !art of a Reg # offering $ust $eet all the con%itions of the relevant e'e$!tive rule 2. Aggregation si$!le %ollar calculation for the %ollar li$its of the li$ite% su"set of -6"7 "ase% offerings 6R50A an% 5057 -. 50O or A627 "ase% transactions integration/ "ut no aggregation III. TRANSACTION EECEPTIONS : PRIMARY OFFERINGS BY ISSUERS a. )ntrastate offerings i. S%%)%#*. E<'48%+#1 : B(!(""! )n2state transactions e'e$!t 6"3c fe% laws72 incor! in state '/ !rinci!al !lace of "i. in state '/ all investors in state ' 6if offere% to * !erson out of state/ even if it %oes not result in a sale/ no e'e$!tion7 *. Sco!e of 5-6a76**7 a. All securities offere% as !art of an issue are integrate%. ". 4he instate re1uire$ent says resi%ent an% %oing "usiness within the state c. )n state offerees offerees $ust "e %o$icile% within the state %. Restriction on resales securities $ust co$e to rest !rior to "eing resol%. ii. S$' H*b#* : R)3' "7F %efines resi%ence of noncor!oration as the !lace where organi.e% or !rinci!al !lace of "i.. An )ssuer is %ee$e% to "e %oing "i. in a state if !rinci!al office is in state an% U0R of gross revenues/ U0 !ercent of consoli%ate% assets/ an% U0 !ercent of inten%e% use of offering@s net !rocee%s are in the state. *. Sco!e of Offering a. Set of sales se!arate% "y si' $onths are not integrate% ". 4he re1uire$ent says Princi!al office within state/ an% U0 !ercent of gross revenues/ assets/ an% !rocee%s use are within state c. )n2state offerees Offerees $ust have !rinci!al resi%ence within the state. %. Restriction on resales ,ine2$onth safe har"or hol%ing !erio%. ". Private Place$ents i. S%%)%#*. E<'48%+#1 : 7(2! *0 Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 *. Factors to %eter$ine if a given offer can "e consi%ere% !rivate 6fro$ -alston &$rina7 . O$$'*'' G)3+$+(%+#1, i. )s the investor so!histicate%: ii. #oes the Offeree have the a"ility to ta+e ris+s: iii. #oes the offeree have e'!erience in these ty!es of $atters3invest$ents: iv. #oes the Offeree have a nee% for !rotection: ". A9+3b+3+%. #$ I1$#*4%+#1 C investors $ust have access to infor$ation co$!ara"le to the +in% availa"le via registration state$ent 6either "ecause of !osition/ or "ecause it is issuer !rovi%e%7. c. M11'* #$ %&' O$$'*+12 C %oes it have the hall$ar+s of a !rivate !lace$ent offering as %istinct fro$ a !u"lic offering: Must have no general solicitation. /. B'3+'$ %&% %&',' ,'()*+%+', ,&#)3/ (#4' %# *',% +1 %&' #$$'*''H, &1/, i. ,O40 courts have inter!rete% the 5A627 e'e$!tion not to li$it the %ollar a$ount or nu$"er of investors for a !rivate !lace$ent/ focusing instea% on a sli%ing scale of investor so!histication an% access to infor$ation a"out the issuer. 4he "ur%en of esta"lishing the e'e$!tion rests on the !erson clai$ing it. 2. 5A627 securities "eco$e restricte% securities. -. Further 0'!loration of Neneral Solicitation a. In re Kenman Sec$rities #isclai$er that so$ething is not a solicitation %oesn@t $ean anything. Vou are !er$itte% to solicit !eo!le you have a !ree'isting relationshi! with. ". )PO ,et &etter 4he way to get out of so$ething "eing consi%ere% solicitation is to follow the Kenman ste!s i.e. have "uyers register w3"ro+ers saying that they are intereste% etcI A. Further e'!loration of )nfor$ation re1uire$ents !u"lic co$!anies have lots of %uties re1uiring the$ to give out infor$ation. )n !rivate !lace$ents they cannot (ust "last out the infor$ation everywhere/ "ecause then it coul% "e seen as general solicitation. a. *-56c7 !u"lic co$!anies can give the "asic "are facts regar%ing !rivate !lace$ents 6na$es/ !laces etcI7 without the un%erwriters or contact infor$ation for invest$ent o!!ortunities. ** Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 ". Reg F# co$!any can %ivulge infor$ation to certain !eo!le "ut $ust o"tain confi%entiality agree$ents so that they cannot use the infor$ation. 5. Cases a. SEC v. -alston &$rina accor%ing to the court/ nee% to loo+ at who the !eo!le are who are given offers/ not (ust the sales. )n this case so$e of the offerees were e$!loyees who nee%e% !rotection 6not (ust !resi%ents3C0Os7. DFro$ 0=0 the court hel% that 5A627 e'e$!tion a!!lies when offerees an% investors/ regar%less of their nu$"er/ are a"le to fen% for the$selves. ". Doran v. &etrole$m )#mt. Cor !arty clai$ing 5A627 e'e$!tion $ust show that each !urchaser3offeree $eets the sli%ing scale of so!histication3infor$ation or the e'e$!tion is lost. ++. S$' H*b#* I R)3' DCJ #$ R'2 D *. ,o issuer li$its 2. Mnli$ite% a$ounts -. M! to -5 nonaccre%ite% investors 6$ust receive %isclosure %ocu$ent/ an% $ust "e so!histicate% or have investor re!7 A. #isclosure infor$ation re1uire% 5. ,o general solicitation O. ,o "a% "oy %is1ualification as long as it is %isclose% S. )nvestor So!histication is $ost i$!ortant here U. ,o general $ar+eting c. Certain s$all offerings +. S%%)%#*. E<'48%+#1, *. Rules 25*22OA 6Reg A7 a. Can e'e$!t offerings to !u"lic u! to 5E ". )ssuer $ust co$!ly with filing an% circular %elivery re1uire$ents si$ilar to those in 55. c. Only availa"le to nonre!orting MS an% Cana%ian issuers %. ,o "a% "oys C this $eans !eo!le who are "a% "oys not allowe% e. ,o li$itations on general solicitations f. ,o investor 1ualifications 2. Rule S0* a. 4his can "e use% for s$all "usiness an% co$!ensation !lans ". )f a co$!any wants to offer stoc+3o!tions to e$!loyees !ursuant so$ehow to co$!ensation !lans c. &ess than 5E 9 no reg nee%e% *2 Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 %. Nreater than 5E 9 nee% to !rovi%e "asic financial info e. ,ot su"(ect to integration 6e'ce!t $ay"e with itself7 -. Rules 50A of Regulation # a. A%o!te% "y S0C un%er authority un%er 5-6"7 ". 0'e$!tion for offers3sales W *E 6*2 $os7 c. Mnli$ite% X of !urchasers %. ,o re!orting co$!anies/ invest$ent co$!anies/ or "lan+ chec+ co$!anies e. ,o general $ar+eting f. ,o %isclosure re1uire$ents g. ,ot really use% any $ore A. Rule 505 of Regulation # a. A%o!te% "y S0C un%er authority un%er 5-6"7 ". 0'e$!tion for offers3sales W 5E 6*2 $os7 c. unli$ite% accre%ite% investors/ u! to -5 nonaccre%ite% investors 6$ust receive %isclosure %ocu$ent7 %. #isclosure infor$ation re1uire% 6no !ros!ectus/ "ut $ust infor$ investor how !rocee%s are going to "e use%7 e. Cannot "e use% "y invest$ent co$!anies f. Cannot "e use% "y "a% "oys 6i.e. !eo!le convicte% of securities frau% or other si$ilar cri$es7 g. ,o general $ar+eting h. &i$its on resales i. So!histication not as "ig an issue as it is w350O 5. Rule 50O of Regulation # a. See a"ove %. 0'changes "y the issuer +. S%%)%#*. E<'48%+#1, *. B(!(K!: Jhen an issuer a%(usts its ca!ital structure "y e'changing its securities with e'isting hol%ers it is e'e$!t fro$ registration. a. Re1uire$ent i. 4here $ust "e no co$$ission or other re$uneration !ai% for soliciting the e'change. i.e. no consi%eration ii. ,o solicitation iii. Can only "e use% with e'isting sharehol%ers iv. Eust "e the sa$e issuer v. ,o integration3aggregation vi. Eust "e offere% only to issuer@s security hol%ers vii. Eust "e in goo% faith as %eter$ine% "y the following factors *- Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 *. &ength of ti$e outstan%ing securities hel% 2. X hol%ers of outstan%ing security -. whether the e'change $otivate% "y financial concerns of issuer 2. B(!("C!: 0'e$!ts securities issue% in e'change for "ona fi%e legal clai$s/ securities/ or !ro!erty interests if after an a%versary !rocee%ing a court a!!roves the tr'n@s fairness. ii. 0H Jhat ha!!ens if you restructure3a$en% notes/ e'ten%ing the !erio% fro$ one year to *0 years: 4he law woul% say that since the econo$ic ter$s are change% there is a new security out there/ an% you nee% to fin% a new transaction e'e$!tion. 5-6a7687 woul%n@t wor+. GM4 if you %o so$ething li+e %efanging the "on%s 6having the security hol%ers give u! their rights3re$e%ies it %oes not change the econo$ic ter$s an% is thus not a new security. #efanging ta+es only a $a(ority/ while changing econo$ic ter$s re1uires all hol%ers. 4he other way to change econo$ic ter$s is via "an+ru!tcy. e. Regulation # i. Reg # occu!ies Rules 50*250U an% creates three %ifferent transaction e'e$!tions for !ri$ary offerings "y issuers 6via Rules 50A250O/ see a"ove7 ii. Eay only "e use% "y issuers/ control !ersons $ay ,O4 use Reg #. *. Accre%ite% )nvestors "oth rule 505 an% 50O allow only -5 nonaccre%ite% investors. a. 550* sets out what counts as accre%ite% investors i. )nstitutional investors ii. Gig Organi.ations iii. Pey )nsi%ers iv. Eillionaires 6in%ivs w3net worth w3s!ouse Y *E7 v. )n%ivs w3200P in annual inco$e for two years 6or -00P w3s!ouse7 who e'!ect it to continue vi. >enture ca!ital fir$s vii. So!histicate% 4rusts viii. Accre%ite%2owne% entities ". ,O40 an investor is accre%ite% if i. ;e fits into one of the categories a"ove OR ii. 4he )ssuer reasona"ly "elieves the investor is accre%ite%. iii. Rule 502 *. )$!ortant to see that whether there are $ulti!le offers going on or whether they are really "eing snea+y an% (ust %oing one "ig offer that really shoul% "e integrate%. GM4 ,O40 C as it says a"ove/ Rule 502 !rovi%es a safe har"or *A Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 for integration as long as the offerings have ta+en !lace $ore than si' $onths a!art. 655026a77 2. 4he ty!e of infor$ation which shoul% "e given to nonaccre%ite% investors is the ty!e which woul% "e foun% in a registration state$ent. Accre%ite% investors %o not nee% to "e given the sa$e ty!e of infor$ation. -. 4he offerings generally cannot use general solicitation. A. 4he offerings generally result in restricte% securities/ which result in shares whose resale rights are li$ite%. iv. Rule 50U *. if there is a $inor !ro"le$ in the filing/ as long as it isn@t $aterial/ it %oesn@t "low u! the whole offering/ an% a for$ nee%s to "e file% w3the S0C. )f the $ista+e is $aterial then the offering fails an% litigation will !ro"a"ly ensue. I6. SECONDARY AND OTHER POSTOFFERING DISTRIBUTIONS a. Overview i. A nu$"er of transactions have infor$ational %angers si$ilar to a !u"lic offerings "y issuers/ an% so fall within the Security Act@s regulatory "oun%aries an% are su"(ect to registration. *. #istri"utions "y !ersons acting as agents for the issuer 2. Restricte% Securities securities which were !reviously !urchase% fro$ issuer in !rivate transaction -. Control Securities securities %istri"ute% to the !u"lic "y !ersons in a control !osition with the issuer. ii. ;ow can the following !arties sell their shares: *. ;ol%ers of restricte% securities a. Jait until the securities have co$e to rest ". Co$!ly with Rule *AA c. Avoi% a %istri"ution an% sell in a non!u"lic transaction. 2. ;ol%ers of control securities a. Clai$ that isolate% an% s!ora%ic sales into !u"lic tra%ing $ar+ets are not a %istri"ution C unli+ely to wor+ ". Co$!ly with Rule *AA c. Avoi% using an un%erwriter "y selling in a non!u"lic transaction/ or selling on own without assistance ". 7("!: 4ransactions "y !ersons other than issuers/ un%erwriters or %ealers i. Pey issue here is that in so$e cases or%inary investors will "e consi%ere% un%erwriters %e!en%ing on how they con%uct the$selves/ 1''/ %# 3##- % %&' %',%, b#9'. ii. Consi%erations for if you %o not want to "e an un%erwriter an% want to "e a"le to use 5A6*7 *5 Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 *. )f you want to resell to the investing !u"lic 9 *AA an% *A5/ follow an% sell in accor%ance with the$ an% will not "e statutory un%erwriter. 2. Resell !rivately 9 *AAA this will tell you how to resell !rivately an% not "e a statutory un%erwriter. -. Resell offshore/ not in the MS 9 Regulation S 680A an% 8057 this is outsi%e of our (uris%ictions. c. R)3' "77 clarifies when a control !erson3hol%er of restricte% securities $ay sell into !u"lic tra%ing $ar+ets i. Eany "elieve that this is the only way for control !ersons to sell to !u"lic w3o registration ii. 4his is a !rivate !lace$ent of invest$ent securities/ so nee% to have hel% securities for a while "efore reselling. iii. Jhen trying to show that securities are not control securities 9 essentially a facts an% circu$stances test. iv. *AA is none'clusive/ so can argue for other a$"iguities. v. 0ffect of co$!lying w3Rule *AA if co$!lie% with/ sales "y control !ersons of restricte%3non restricte% securities an% sales "y noncontrol !ersons of restricte% securities Z %istri"ution 9 no nee% to register in or%er to sell to !u"lic vi. Re1uire$ents *. Sales "y ,oncontrol !ersons of restricte% securities a. ;ol%ing * yr ". 4ric+le 2*'%'* #$ 56 of o$tstandin# sec$rities or av# w(ly tradin# in any - $os !erio% i. ,O40 this is "ecause of the volu$e restrictions un%er *AA6e7. )f in any - $onth !erio% sell less than *R 6%ee$e% a s$all a$ount7. 4hen you are not an un%erwriter. c. Sale Eetho% "ro+er@s transactions 6soon after filing For$ *AA7 %. )nfor$ation !u"licly availa"le infor$ation a"out issuer. )ssuer $ust "e su"(ect to an% current w3!erio%ic filing un%er 0'change Act or there $ust otherwise "e !u"licly availa"le info which is co$!ara"le. e. Filing %isclosure on For$ *AA 6if sell $ore than 500 shares or $ore than <*0P7 f. P0V ,O40 all con%itions lifte% if hel% for at least two yearsB 6Rule *AA+7 2. Sales "y Control !ersons of restricte% securities a. ;ol%ing * yr ". 4ric+le greater of *R of outstan%ing securities or avg w+ly tra%ing in any - $os !erio% c. Sale Eetho% "ro+er@s transactions 6soon after filing For$ *AA7 *O Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 %. )nfor$ation !u"licly availa"le infor$ation a"out issuer. )ssuer $ust "e su"(ect to an% current w3!erio%ic filing un%er 0'change Act or there $ust otherwise "e !u"licly availa"le info which is co$!ara"le. e. Filing %isclosure on For$ *AA 6if sell $ore than 500 shares or $ore than <*0P7 -. Sales "y Control !ersons of unrestricte% securities a. ;ol%ing ,one 6this is the one %ifference7 ". 4ric+le greater of *R of outstan%ing securities or avg w+ly tra%ing in any - $os !erio% c. Sale Eetho% "ro+er@s transactions 6soon after filing For$ *AA7 %. )nfor$ation !u"licly availa"le infor$ation a"out issuer. )ssuer $ust "e su"(ect to an% current w3!erio%ic filing un%er 0'change Act or there $ust otherwise "e !u"licly availa"le info which is co$!ara"le. e. Filing %isclosure on For$ *AA 6if sell $ore than 500 shares or $ore than <*0P7 %. 0'e$!tions for Secon%ary Private Place$ents i. 7(" L !: the resale of securities originally !urchase% in a !rivate tr'n 6e'e$!t un%er 5A627 or a s$all issue e'e$!tion7 an% then resol% in another !rivate transaction is not a %istri"ution an% %oes not trigger un%erwriter status. 4his is a shorthan% e'!ression for the 5A6*7 e'e$!tion when offers3sales are to non!u"lic investors. *. Re1uire$ents a. Purchasers@ so!histication = access to infor$ation 6ty!e in re1 st$t2 -alston7&$rina7 ". So!histication Reg # accre%ite% investor: Mnclear c. ,o %ecision re1 affir$ative %uty on hol%er to !rove reg ty!e info to "uyer %. ,o hol%ing !erio% is re1uire% e. ,o general solicitation "3c that@s not what a !rivate !lace$ent is all a"out i. Eost no action letters content that general solicitation isn@t allowe% f. X !urchasers alone isn8t disositive g. ,o restrictions on resales "y a !urchaser ii. R)3' "77A: e'e$!tion for resale sec issue% in e'e$!t transactions/ generally Reg # or Reg S 6choice of foreign !rivate issuers = MS issuers of %e"t sec72 !rovi%es clarity *. 0ffect of co$!lying w3 Rule *AAA si$ilar to *AA/ results in !ersons "eing consi%ere% not to "e involve% in a %istri"ution/ an% therefore not to "e %ealers3un%erwriters. *S Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 2. #efines an institutional resale an% what can "e a A6* T7 resale. Kust as Reg # "reathe% life into A627 so %oes *AAA "reathe life into A6* T7. 4his is a !rivate resale e'e$!tion for tra%ing "y large institutional co$!anies. 4he securities $aintain status as restricte%. -. Re1uire$ents a. Guyer Eust "e 1ualifie% institutional "uyer 6[)GS72 really "ig institution "3c they can fen% for the$selves ". Seller Eust ta+e reasona"le ste!s to ensure "uyer aware that seller $ay rely on e'e$!tion fro$ Sec Act un%er R*AA6a7 c. 4here $ust "e "asic infor$ation %isclose% "y issuer 2 yr of co$!anies financials = 2 !aragra!h %escri!tion of fir$ %. ,o "ar on general solicitation/ though so$e have sai% that this is not really allowe% either. e. Sec restricte%2 otherwise $ust "e sol% !ursuant to R*AA after * yr hol%ing or "y non2affiliates !ursuant to R*AA6+7 after a 2 year hol%ing !erio% f. Can@t "e fungi"le sec2 $eans can@t "e of sec that is availa"le on !u"lic $r+t i.e. a securities e'change of ,AS#A[ A. )ssues a. )n !ractice/ generally use% for notes not e1uity ". &i1ui%ity )f "uyer can resell to [M)G/ won@t re1 a !re$iu$ "3c less ris+/ R*AAA clarity has create% a $r+t for these sec. e. R)3' "7D: Clarification of Rules concerning fun%a$ental Cor!orate 4ransactions i. Pro!osals for "usiness reorgs re1uiring target S; a!!roval are offers/ an% consu$$ation of such !ro!osals are sales. 4his $eans that such transactions nee% to either "e registere% or covere% un%er a !articular e'e$!tion. ii. S!ecific 4ransactions Covere% *. reclassifications 2. $ergers3consoli%ations -. transfers of assets A. asset ac1uisitions iii. S!ecific 4ransactions ,O4 Covere% *. stoc+ for stoc+ ten%ers 6. EEEMPTIONS RELATING TO FOREIGN TRADING>FOREIGN ISSUERS a. R'2)3%+#1 S: 0'e$!tions for Resales of Securities to Foreign )nvestors i. Overview *U Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 *. 526S7 %efines interstate co$$erce for the !ur!ose of 55 %uties to inclu%e securities activities "etween any foreign country an% any State. 2. 4he Securities Act regulates the following with res!ect to foreign countries a. Pu"lic offerings "y MS issuers to foreign investors outsi%e of the MS ". Secon%ary %istri"utions to MS investors who resell to foreign investors an% c. Pu"lic offerings "y foreign issuers outsi%e of MS if any of the securities are !urchase% "y MS investors ii. S!ecifics of Regulation S *. Registration is only re1uire% for securities transactions within the Mnite% States. Rule 80* 2. Safe ;ar"ors a. 4wo safe har"ors i.e. ty!es of tr'ns %ee$e% ,O4 to "e within the MS i. )ssuer Offerings Rule 80- ii. Resales Rule 80A C this is the transaction e'e$!tion for selling securities offshore. )t says that if the tr'n is offshore an% %oes not involve any %irecte% selling efforts in the MS 6either $a+ing or soliciting7 then it is an offshore transaction an% shoul% not "e regulate% un%er MS rules. *. ,O40 C there woul% ,O4 "e aggregation if you sell un%er 505350O an% also use Reg S 2. ,O40 C the *AA %ri""le out rules only a!!ly to a$ounts "eing sol% in the MS/ so this ty!e of offering woul%n@t affect a *AA offering going on in MS. ". 805 fi'es a loo!2hole one of the real $isses which was originally in !lace when Reg S first create% was that if an issuer !rivately !laces to so$eone in MS 6restricte%7 an% in &on%on 6nonrestricte%7 an% then the "uyer in &on%on i$$e%iately coul% sell to MS an% have the$ not "e restricte%. KCD ,., %&% +$ 'M)+%. ,'()*+%+', *' ,#3/ )1/'* R'2 S #$$,&#*' %&'. *' 1#% *',%*+(%'/ b)% b'(#4' *',%*+(%'/ +$ %&'. *' ,#3/ b(- +1%# %&' US. c. Re1uire$ents for satisfying the Safe ;ar"ors i. 4he tr'ns $ust "e $a%e offshore ii. 4he tr'ns $ay not involve %irect selling efforts in the MS *8 Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 iii. Eust satisfy a%%itional flow"ac+ safeguar%s iii. Further 0'!loration of so$e +ey conce!ts w3r to Reg S *. 4o "e an offshore tr'n $ust satisfy the following a. N''/, %# b' 1 #$$,&#*' %*1,(%+#1. !o offer is $a%e to a !erson in the Mnite% States Rule 8026h76i7 i. 4his $eans that "uyer $ust "e offshore/ 6though it coul% "e a MS su"si%iary/ such as Citi"an+ in Argentina7 an% the e'ecution $ust "e offshore A,# ii. 4he sale is acco$!lishe% in one of the following ways Rule 8026h76ii7 *. Guyer is outsi%e of MS or seller3agents reasona"ly "elieve this to "e the case 2. Sale 6in issuer e'change7 is e'ecute% on any esta"lishe% foreign securities e'change -. 4he sale 6in an investor resale7 is e'ecute% on a %esignate% offshore securities $+t 6%efine% to inclu%e the lea%ing foreign stoc+ e'changes7/ an% the tr'n is not !rearrange% with "uyer in MS iii. ,O40 Reg S rela'es these re1uire$ents if all offers3sales are $a%e for the accounts of non2MS !ersons/ even if tr'ns occur in MS. Rule 8026h76-7 2. N# D+*'(%'/ US S'33+12 E$$#*%, a. #irecte% Selling 0fforts refers to activities that $ight con%ition the MS $ar+et for any of the offere% securities. Rule 8026c7 ". 4hings which are allowe% i.e. e'clu%e% fro$ %ef of %irecte% selling efforts i. &egal notices re1uire% "y MS or foreign authorities ii. 4o$"stone a%s or i%entifying state$ents 6Rule *-57. Mn%er *-56c7 can give "are facts a"out an offering an% this isn@t consi%ere% an offer which constitutes %irecte% selling efforts. iii. Stoc+ 1uotations "y foreign securities fir$s !ri$arily in foreign countries 6Rule 8026c7 6-77 iv. Foreign issuers can !er$it (ournalists to atten% their !ress conferences hel% outsi%e 20 Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 of the MS 6Rules 8026c76-76vii7/ *-56e77. 4hese $ust "e "ona fi%e offshore conferences accor%ing to local law/ cannot have hy!ing/ an% $ust have a %isclai$er that there is not an offer/ an% then it is not consi%ere% an offer which constitutes %irecte% selling efforts. v. )f there is infor$ation !lace% on a we"site offshore that hy!es the offering/ the S0C lenient an% says that as long as there is a !asswor% or so$ething that restricts access/ it isn@t consi%ere% a %irecte% selling effort in the MS. iv. ,o )ntegration of conte$!oraneous MS an% offshore offerings Reg S allows for offshore tr'ns to occur conte$!oraneously with %o$estic offerings. )f the offshore tr'n co$!lies w3Reg S/ there is no integration with any %o$estic offering 6whether registere% or e'e$!t fro$ registration7 ". Rule *AAA Private Place$ents i. See a"ove for %iscussion of *AAA PART D: REGISTRATION OF SECURITIES OFFERINGS I. REGISTRATION OF PUBLIC OFFERINGS a. Overview i. Jhen Register: 4o fin% enough investors nee% general solicitation to cast wi%e enough net or institutional investor = %on@t want to wait to slowly "lee% securities or want to hy!e. )f you can@t fin% a transaction e'e$!tion you have to co$!ly with 55 an% 5*0. 0ach transaction $ust fin% its own e'e$!tion. Securities $ay "e sol% once registration state$ent effective. ii. 526a76U72 Registration St$t inclu%es st$t cou!le% w3a$en%$ents to that st$t 6!re!are% = file% w3S0C/ "ig %oc w3!ros!ectus/ e'hi"its etc.7 iii. S0C res!on%s/ refile w3a$en%$ent/ S0C res!on%s/ refile/ etc 6A or 5 ti$es7 iv. 5O2 Any sec $ay "e registere% w3Co$$ission "y filing a registration st$t 6a7 signe% "y issuer/ C0O/ CFO an% %irectors 6)$!ortant for %eter$ining lia"ility7/ 6%7 fee is *3- of *R v. 5S2 )nfo Reg in Registration St$t )nfo !ursuant to Sche%ule A *. ,a$e of issuer/ state of issuer/ na$es3a%%ress of %irectors = un%erwriters/ a$nt of sec of issuer/ st$t of sec/ a$nt of ca!ital stoc+ of each class issue%/ esti$ate% net !rocee%s to "e %erive% fro$ sec 2. &ots of %isclosure so$eti$es co$!anies face a tra%eoff "etween their nee% to $aintain secrets an% a nee% to raise 2* Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 ca!ital. 4he S0C generally says too "a% you nee% to %isclose. -. 0'!erts Accountants $ust sen% consent that e'!ert 6"3c of lia"ility issue7 vi. 5U2 4a+ing 0ffect of Registration St$t *. 20 %ays after filing 2. GM4 Rule AS- #elaying A$en%$ent essentially continues so a$en%$ents "eco$e continues/ e'ten%s 20 %ays in%efinitely/ )ssuers sti!ulate to this 6at re1uest of S0C7 to give S0C $ore ti$e to review. -. )f inco$!lete3$islea%ing/ S0C notifies within *0 %ays of its intention to issue a refusal or%er which +ee!s reg st$t fro$ "eing effective. A$en%$ent can "e $a%e within the ne't *0 %ays 6"efore 20 %ays7 A. )f A$en%$ent is $a%e after 20 %ays = is not inco$!lete or inaccurate/ it "eco$es effective 5. Gefore or after effectiveness/ S0C can "egin a non!u"lic investigation. 5U6e7. After the registration st$t "eco$es effective/ S0C can issue a sto! or%er if it notices a %efect in %isclosure. 5U%. O. Rule AO0 as a con%ition to acceleration of the effective %ate/ the agency tries to get issuers to ta+e reasona"le ste!s to ensure that the !reli$inary !ros!ectuses have "een $a%e availa"le to all !artici!ating un%erwriters3%ealers. S. Once )n 0ffect can sell securities vii. 52-2 Mnlawful to $a+e 6or cause to $a+e7 to any !ros!ective !urchaser any re!resentation contrary to the foregoing !rovision of this section viii. Gut the S0C %oes not en%orse any offering that it a!!roves. )t is u! to the investor to $a+e its own (u%g$ents. i'. ,ee% to consi%er that there are $ulti!le %efinitions of !ros!ectus ". 4he Registration Process i. 4he registration !rocess un%er 55 has three $a(or ti$e !erio%s *. Prefiling Perio% the offering an% sale of any security is !rohi"ite% 2. Jaiting Perio% this ta+es !lace after a registration state$ent is file% w3S0C "ut "efore it "eco$es effective C sales !rohi"ite%/ written offers strictly !rohi"ite% -. Posteffective Perio% written offers continue to "e regulate%/ all !urchasers $ust receive !ros!ectus whose contents co$!ly w3S0C s!ecifications c. Pre2Filing Perio% this is after the co$!any is in registration "ut "efore the registration state$ent is file%. +. P*#&+b+%'/ A(%+9+%+', *. ,o sales or %eliveries 22 Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 a. Sale un%er 526a76-7 inclu%es every contract of sale or %is!osition of a security for value. 2. ,o offers to sell or offers to "uy a. Offers un%er 526a76-7 inclu%es every atte$!t or offer to %is!ose of or solicitation of an offer to "uy/ a security or interest in a security for value. ". Offer un%er S0C inter!retive rules any !u"licity that $ay contri"ute to conditionin# the $,lic mind or aro$sin# $,lic interest in the offering can "e seen as !art of a selling effort an% thus constitute a !rohi"ite% offer. ++. P'*4+%%'/ A(%+9+%+', *. Preli$inary ,egotiations a. 526a76-7 e'e$!ts !reli$ negotiations or agree$ents "tw issuer an% un%erwriters3a$ong un%erwriters which will "e in !rivity w3issuer. 2. Securities fir$ reco$$en%ations the S0C safe har"or rules give gui%ance when an issuer is conte$!lating3has file% reg st$t a. Rule *-S ,on!artici!ant reco$$en%ations. A securities fir$ not !artici!ating in the %istri"ution $ay reco$$en% securities of an issuer in registration if i. 4he reco$$en%ation is in the regular course of the fir$@s "usiness ii. 4he issuer is a re!orting co$!any un%er 0'change Act iii. 4he securities fir$ receives no s!ecial co$! fro$ %istri"ution ". Rule *-U any securities fir$ 6inclu%ing one involve% in the offering7 can reco$$en% securities of the issuer which are on the other si%e 6i.e. %e"t o!!ose% to e1uity "eing offere%7. 0'e$!tion only a!!lies to seasone% re!orting co$!anies which register securities on For$s S22 or S2- 6or F22 or F2 -7 c. Rule *-8 a securities fir$ which !artici!ates in the %istri"ution $ay reco$$en% the issuer@s securities if the reco$$en%ation a!!ears in a regular !u"lication an% either i. 4he issuer is a large seasone% co$!any OR ii. 4he co$!any is a re!orting co$!any/ an% the reco$$en%ation is inclu%e% in a re!ort inclu%ing other securities/ it receives no s!ecial !ro$inence/ an% is no $ore 2- Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 favora"le than the last reco$$en%ation sent out "efore the fir$ "eca$e a !artici!ant -. Co$!any Announce$ents a. Rule *-5 co$!any can $a+e an announce$ent of its intention to $a+e a !u"lic offering "y stating the following i. 4he a$ount3ty!e of securities to "e offere% an% ii. 4he $anner3!ur!ose of the offering ". Re1uire% the announce$ent EMS4 state that i. 4he offering will "e "y !ros!ectus ii. 4he co$!any is una"le to i%entify !ros!ective un%erwriters or the e'!ecte% offering !rice %. Jaiting Perio% after filing/ "ut "efore effectiveness i. Prohi"ite% Activities *. 556a7 ,o sales or %eliveries. 4his $eans that offers cannot "e acce!te%. 4o get aroun% this/ usual !ractice is to collect in%ication so interest/ "ut ,O4 to acce!t chec+s3or%ers. 2. 556"76*7 ,o Pros!ectuses 6%efine% as any selling effort in writing7 ii. Per$itte% Activities *. Oral offers 2. 556"76*7 Preli$inary Pros!ectus C allowe% not re1uire% a. 5*06"7 S0C to !er$it the use %uring the waiting !erio% of an inco$!lete !ros!ectus. i. Rule A-0 !reli$inary or re% herring !ros!ectus which is file% w3registration st$t an% contains legen% cautioning that securities cannot "e sol%. Contains sa$e info as final !ros!ectus e'ce!t for offering !rice3un%erwriting. ii. Rule A-* Su$$ary !ros!ectus 6rarely use%7 -. 526a76*07 a. 4o$"stone A%s C i%entifies security/ !rice an% un%erwriter ". Rule *-A 0'!an%e% Jritten co$$unication i. Can give s!ecifie% written infor$ation a"out issuer an% offering +$ ii. 0'!lain who is selling securities3where to o"tain !reli$inary !ros!ectus/ b)% iii. ,ee% ,O4 give this e'!lanation if *. inclu%e only the infor$ation of the to$"stone a% or 2. sen% an acco$!anying !reli$ !ros!ectus/ #* 2A Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 iv. you can as+ investors to in%icate their interest in the offering "y return car%/ if you also sen% a !reli$ !ros!ectus an% e'!lain there is no co$$it$ent e. Posteffective Perio% this is the !erio% in which the registration state$ent has "eco$e effective/ "ut "efore %elivery of final !ros!ectus3confir$ation. +. P*#&+b+%'/ A(%+9+%+', *. 556"76*7 !rohi"ition of any !ros!ectus unless it co$!lies w35*0. 2. 556"7627 !rohi"ition of %elivery of securities unless acco$!anie% 6or !recee%e%7 "y a 5*06a7 !ros!ectus. ++. P'*4+%%'/ A(%+9+%+', *. Free Jriting while the 556"76*7 !rohi"ition against written offers continues/ 526a76*07 e'ce!ts fro$ the %efinition of !ros!ectus any written sales literature if it is acco$!anie% 6or !rocee%e%7 "y a final !ros!ectus. 2. Pros!ectus %elivery with confir$ations un%er 526a76*076a7 a confir$ation is not a !ros!ectus if it is !rece%e% or acco$!anie% "y a final/ statutory 5*06a7 !ros!ectus. -. Pros!ectus %elivery with securities %elivery 556"7627 !rohi"its %elivery of securities after sale unless acco$!anie% 6or !rece%e%7 "y a !ros!ectus that $eets the re1uire$ents of 5*06a7 6final !ros!ectus7. a. Rule *5- !er$its co$!liance with 556"7627 "y %elivering final !ros!ectuses to the stoc+ e'change where the offere% stoc+ is to "e tra%e%. #oes ,O4 a!!ly to securities to "e tra%e% on ,AS#A[ or O4C. A. coul% sen% a *-A ter$ sheet or announce$ent/ to$"stones/ oral state$ents/ things without the character of an offer 6i.e. nor$al "usiness activities/ !ro$otions etcI7 offshore !ress conferences3we"sites analyst re!orts 6Rules *-S2*-87 !er$itte% free writing !ros!ectuses. iii. Eetho% of Pros!ectus #elivery 2 Rule A-A sen%ing a !reli$inary !ros!ectus an% later a ter$ sheet satisfies the !ros!ectus %elivery re1uire$ent/ if the ter$ sheet co$!letes the re$aining infor$ation not inclu%e in the !reli$inary !ros!ectus. iv. #uration of Pros!ectus #elivery Re1uire$ents Mn%er the 5A/ !ros!ectus %elivery re1uire$ents i$!ose% "y 55 %uring the !osteffective !erio% a!!ly in the following $anner *. )ssuer issuer $ust %eliver !ros!ectuses in%efinitely for any sales it $a+es. 5A6*7 2. Original Allot$ent un%erwriter3%ealer $ust %eliver !ros!ectus in%efinitely for any sales fro$ original allot$ent. 5A6-76C7 25 Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 -. Resales "y securities fir$s resales "y securities fir$s that transact registere% securities ac1uire% in the $ar+et $ust %eliver !ros!ectuses for a s!ecifie% !erio%. 4he statute i$!oses o"ligation on %ealers which inclu%es any !erson in the securities "usiness/ not $erely a fir$ that "uys3sells securities. 55A6-76G7? 26a76*27 a. Perio% for %elivery %e!en%s on a$ount of info availa"le a"out issuer i. )f issuer@s first reg offering 9 80 %ays 65A6-77 ii. )ssuer has $a%e other reg offerings 9 A0 %ays 65A6-76"7 iii. 4he securities sol% on ,AS#A[ or a liste% e'change 9 25 %ays 6Rule *SA6%77 iv. )ssuer was a re!orting co when file% its reg st$t9 0 %ays 6Rule *SA6"77 ". ,O40 no !ros!ectus %elivery o"ligation for sales "y a securities fir$ acting as a "ro+er on custo$er or%er. 5A6A7 v. )ssues with Overalott$ent 6Nreen Shoe O!tion7 this is an o!tion for the un%erwriter. 4hey will reserve for the$selves the o!tion to "uy an a%%itional *0R within -0 %ays of the initial !urchase. Jhat ha!!ens is that the un%erwriter continues to sell shares an% they want to generate over or%ers to $aintain high %e$an% "ecause otherwise they can get stuc+ hol%ing securities they %on@t want. vi. )ssues Concerning )ncorrect #isclosure *. )f !ost2effective events $a+e !ros!ectus $islea%ing a. Change is $aterial though $inor 9 Rule A2A6"7 6-72657 says that registrant can stic+er !ros!ectus w3new info ". Change is fun%a$ental 6not (ust $aterial7 9 issuer $ust a$en% reg st$t an% wait for S0C to %eclare a$en%$ent effective. 2. Stale infor$ation 5*06a76-7 says that if a !ros!ectus is use% $ore than 8 $os after effective %ate/ info in !ros!ectus cannot "e $ore than *O $os ol%. -. Cases a. SEC v. )anor !$rsin# Centers3 Inc. Post2 0ffective/ if so$ething in !ros!ectus changes $aterially = +now facts to "e %ifferent/ %uty to change !ros!ectus? can change through su!!le$ent or a$en%$ent to registration st$t which a$en%s !ros!ectus therein II. REGULATION FD a. Overview 2O Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 i. Regulation F# for"i%s !u"lic co$!anies fro$ selectively %isclosing $aterial non!u"lic infor$ation. ii. Jhat Reg F# %oes !rovi%es %etaile% rules on how co$!anies shoul% res!on% to analyst in1uiries an% engage in investor relations. iii. 4o who$ %oes it a!!ly issuer %isclosures of $aterial non!u"lic infor$ation to s!ecifie% $a+t !rofessionals an% security hol%ers for who$ it is reasona"ly foreseea"le they will tra%e on the "asis of the infor$ation. Rule *006"76*7 ". Reg # re1uire$ents i. #isclosure Re1uire$ents *. )f %isclosure is intentional 9 issuers $ust %isclose insi%e infor$ation to investing !u"lic sim$ltaneo$sly w3any %isclosure to selecte% analysts3investors. Rule *006a76*7 2. )f %isclosure is unintentional 9 issuer $ust %isclose the insi%e infor$ation to the !u"lic !ro$!tly 6i.e. within 2A hrs7. Rule *006a7627 ii. )nfor$ation #isse$ination Eetho%s *. )nfor$ation $ust "e %isse$inate% "y $etho%s reasona"ly %esigne% to achieve "roa% non2e'clusionary %istri"ution to !u"lic. Rule *00 *0*6e7 a. 0'a$!les of $etho%s which woul% 1ualify i. )nternet !ostings ii. Si$ulcasts iii. Furnishing For$ U2P to S0C 2. 4hese restrictions a!!ly to issuer@s senior officials an% those who regularly co$$unicate w3analysts an% investors/ such as investor relations or !u"lic relations officers. Rule *0*6f7 c. 0'clusions un%er Reg # 6Rule *006"77 i. #isclosure occurring in nor$al course of "usiness/ such as to !rofessional a%visers 6attorneys/ invest$ent "an+ers/ accountants/ "usiness !artners in contract negotiations or cre%it2rating orgs. ii. #isclosure to $e%ia or govern$ent officials/ such as "y res!on%ing to news!a!er in1uiries or co$!lying w3regulatory investigations iii. #isclosures $a%e in securities offerings registere% un%er the Securities Act/ such as to analysts an% institutional investors in going !u"lic roa% shows an% iv. #isclosure "y foreign !rivate issuers 6which if they $eet the (uris%ictional re1uire$ents/ rea$in su"(ect to the securities antifrau% !rovisions7 III. MISCELLANEOUS>RE6IEW a. ,ew rules C %eal !ri$arily w3internet an% !ros!ectuses i. #elivery Re1uire$ents *. Ol% rule C %elivery re1uire$ents ha% to "e through $ail or through e$ail as long as it was an internet savvy investor. 2S Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 2. ,ow the new rule says that you can (ust !ost it on the internet as long as it is internet savvy !eo!le. For a seasone% investor who is internet savvy/ it is sufficient to !ost the !reli$inary !ros!ectus %uring the waiting !erio%. )n such a case/ !osting \ %elivery. ;owever/ for )POs/ the rule is still the ol% rule/ which is that you nee% to have actual %elivery or e$ail. ii. ,ew rules w3regar%s to rules *-S2*-8. 4hese !ri$arily %eal with analysts. *. Safe har"or rules to +ee! so$ething fro$ "eing seen as a !ros!ectus a. *-S Vou are now allowe%/ even if you are an analyst wor+ing for the un%erwriter of an issuer/ you are allowe% to write a"out it "ecause you are !art of an un%erwriter fir$/ "ut not the on insi%e in this !articular transaction/ so you are allowe% "ecause on the outsi%e ". *-U %eals with analyst wor+ing for the un%erwriter for that co$!any/ "ut writer wor+ing on other security on the other si%e of the transaction. c. *-8 %eals with wor+ing for un%erwriter an% a"out actual security/ !er$itte% to write it if i. a"out a large !u"licly tra%e% co ii. written in or%inary course of "usiness 2. Rationale for these new rules Je are assu$ing that investors are not $a+ing %ecisions "ase% on this writing. ;owever/ this generally %oes not wor+ for an )PO/ "ecause in that case it woul% "e a co$!any which %oes not have $uch re!utation in the in%ustry/ so !eo!le $ight %eci%e "ase% on such a writing. GM4 coul% also write a"out it if it is a"out a whole in%ustry C then coul% inclu%e co$!anies un%ergoing an )PO. 4he re1uire% activities of analysts are now %ivorce% fro$ the activities of the tra%ers/ in or%er to re$ove i$!ro!riety C very $uch %ivorce% iii. Passwor% !rotection $ore relates to offer3solicitation. ". )ssues Concerning Jhat is a Security i. Gon%s \ %e"t \ security ii. )f the note3stoc+3invest$ent contract is regulate% "y so$ething else/ than even if it woul% "e a security/ it is not. iii. 4hree +in%s of notes *. co$$ercial notes 2. consu$er finance -. "an+ finance A. wall st 9 this woul% "e a security/ this is the only one iv. Fe%erally insure% "an+ note not a note is an e'e$!t security/ "ut a security of a "an+ hol%ing co$!any is not e'e$!t. GM4 coul% try 2U Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 to argue a7 the note fro$ the hol%ing co$!any is not a security/ "ut even "7 if it coul% argue it is e'e$!t un%er the securities e'e$!tions -6a7627. v. 0nergy contracts consi%ere% futures an% thus not securities/ foreign currencies an% %erivatives not securities 9 why not: *. 0nergy contract v. oil interest 2. 0nergy contract C you are not saying that we are going to %ivi%e u! ownershi! an% s!lit !rofits/ so that you can $islea% !eo!le as to what they are getting. Vou are (ust saying/ you are going to get ' at this !rice. 4here is not the sa$e nee% for infor$ation which securities regulation laws are $eant to !rovi%e investors with. 9+. N''/ %# ,- &+4 b#)% $#*'+21 %&+12, I ,'()*+%+',??? vii. O!tion/ warrant/ guarantee are securities viii. Certificate of %e!osit is ,O4 a security C $ay"e this is "ecause it is very safe "ecause it is at "an+ i'. GM4 a guarantee for a C# C if it is not the issuer/ "ut fro$ a thir% !arty/ JOM&# "e a security c. 0'e$!tions : 4hings which are securities an% woul% "e registere% "ut you fin% e'ce!tions i. Private !lace$ent *. A627 this is an issuer transaction C can only "e %one "y an issuer. 4hese %o not involve !u"lic offerings. -alston &$rina C 1''/ %# 3##- % 8)*8#,' #$ '<('8%+#1/ !eo!le "eing offere%. )n that case/ e$!loyees consi%ere% to nee% !rotection so !rivate !lace$ent e'ce!tion %i% not a!!ly. 2. Doran C nee% to loo+ at every offeree. So even if every !urchaser is o+/ can still "e ruine% if an offeree was not o+. -. 4he i$!ortant thing is that anyone offere% "e so!histicate%3+nowle%ga"le. a. 4hree 1ualifications for PP i. Offeree nee%s to "e so!histicate% *. i.e. so!histicate% investor/ not (ust so!histicate% in general 2. nee%s to have a"ility to ta+e on ris+ -. nee%s to have e'!erience w3that +in% of transaction ii. Also loo+ to availa"ility of infor$ation out there C the $ore infor$ation the "etter iii. ,o general solicitation ". Private Place$ents are essentially situations where issuer is offering !rivately to so!histicate% investors ca!a"le of $a+ing %ecisions who %on@t nee% !rotection of securities. )n Ralston/ they were not all so!histicate%/ nee%e% !rotection. 28 Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 c. 4hese securities C there is a conce!t of co$ing to rest C when you sell to the$/ you are not selling to the$ to then have the$ resell. 4here is no real gui%ance on this. /. C1 .#) 8*#9+/' +1$#*4%+#1 %# 8*+9%' 83('4'1% #$$'*'', *%&'* %&1 4-+12 %&'4 *'3. #1 +1$#*4%+#1 #)% %&'*'. e. Rule 50O C a safe har"or !rovision for A627. )n 50O you ;A>0 to give such infor$ation to offerees. A627 %oesn@t s!ecify a nu$"er to which nonaccre%ite% investors is li$ite%. F. ,O40 2 All of the safe2har"ors we are %ealing w3are none'clusive safe2har"or. 4his $eans that the safe har"ors are stricter than the rules the$selves/ "ut as long as the safe har"ors are satisfie%/ the rules the$selves are also satisfie%. A. 4his is the first instance in which we tal+e% a"out integration3aggregation a. )ntegration 9 a!!lies to everything 50A/ 505/ 50O:: ,O4 S0*::: ". Aggregation 9 only a!!lies to 50A/ 505 Other issuer e'e$!tions 4here are three e'ce!tions to integration 2 a P)P0 un%er rule *52 C if you %o a A627 PP an% then a registere% !u"lic offering/ you %on@t integrate the two. 2 Rule *55 C if you a"an%on a faile% !u"lic offering then you can wait -0 %ays to try a new one 2 A3G 0'change C if you %o a A627 %e"t offering through A627 followe% "y a registration state$ent 6"ecause you %eci%e you woul% rather have a !u"lic offering7 then it can "e not integrate% un%er A3G e'change. )n effect you are saying that this is a single offering. Vou are not issuing new securities/ you are essentially changing the character of the original securities. 4his is essentially two se!arate transactions which woul% nor$ally "e integrate%. )ntegration *. nee%s to "e a single !lan of financing 2. sa$e class securities -. within a !articular ti$e !erio% A. sa$e consi%eration 5. sa$e general !ur!ose )ntrastate offerings -6a76**7 e'e$!ts offerings offere%3sol% to only resi%ents of the state. ;ere $ain issue is what %oes %oing "usiness $ean. 4his $eans su"stantial o!erating in a !articular state. 2 also nee% to consi%er issue of co$ing to rest -0 Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 2 also nee% to consi%er integration co$ing to rest C this is generally not %efine% in statutes. 4he !ur!ose is (ust not to have it resol%/ so e'!ect it to "e hel%. ,o real ti$e fra$e. ,one'clusive safe har"ors !rovi%e ti$e. *AS C !rovi%es a safe har"or which says 8 $onths fro$ the last ti$e that an intrastate har"or was co$$ence%. &ists re1uire$ents 2 issuer $ust "e resi%ent/ $ust "e %oing "usiness in state 2 what %oes !rinci!al "usiness $ean: Resi%ent $eans !rinci!al resi%ence. Eeans that U0R of "usiness is in the state. Co$ing to rest is nine $onths after issuing. So if you $eet this you satisfy -6a76**7/ "ut you $ight "e o+ with less. &i$ite% Offerings 4here are two statutory !rovisions to thin+ of -6"7 an% 52U. 5-6"7 is the !ower to S0C fro$ Congress to !rescri"e e'ce!tions to registration re1uire$ents for s$all offerings li$ite% to 5E. 52U C Congress gave S0C !ower to e'e$!t offerings as necessary for !u"lic interest 9 no %ollar a$ount. Reg A C short for$ registration C still have filing re1uire$ents "ut they are rela'e%. Point use% to "e that you were a"le to test the waters to see if there was interest. )ssuer ocul% not "e e'change act co$!any/ no "a% "oys/ 5E li$itation/ largely re!lace% "y S0*. ,O4 SMR0 J;A4 S0C4)O, 4;)S )S M,#0R )S )4 6-76G7: "asically o"solete Re$e$"er S0* only has integration with itself A6O7 C it is not really use% any$ore. )t is an early version of reg %/ it is an issuer version/ allows an e'e$!tion for a sale to accre%ite% investor un%er rule 2*5. has "een su!erce%e% "y reg %. Reg # 50*250U Dthis is another for$ of !rivate !lace$entF 50* C %ef of accre%ite% investor 2 net worth *E 2 inco$e of 200P OR %irector3!artner etcI. 502 C integration C this is the one that says you integrate reg % w3505350O C you allow unaccre%ite% investors to !artici!ate C those investors nee% registration li+e infor$ation no general solicitation u!on the sale of a security/ the securities are restricte% 6this is true for $ost issuer e'e$!tions/ "ut so$e are not7 50- :::::: -6"7 li$ite% offering e'e$!tions 50A3505 safe har"or -6"7 is a li$ite% offering an% !rivate !lace$ent -* Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 A627 is (ust !rivate !lace$ent/ not li$ite% offering 50A 2 un%er -6"7 li$ite% to *E for *2$o 2 0 %isclosure 2 not use% any $ore 2 unli$ite% nu$"er of investors 2 while 502 sai% nonacre%ite% investors nee% registration li+e info/ that %oes not a!!ly here 2 ,o general solicitation 505 2 -5 nonaccre%ite% investors 2 nee% to give nonacre%ite% infor$ation 2 5E ca! 2 "a% "oy !rovision C if convicte% of securities frau% cannot use 2 restricte% securities 2 %on@t have to worry a"out investor so!histication C this is "ecause as long as you are co$!liant w350* an% they are accre%ite%/ %on@t have to "e so!histicate% Ralston Purina C tal+e% a"out so!histication w3A627 Once you get the safe har"or of 505/ %on@t nee% to "e so!histicate%/ (ust nee% to $eet the accre%itation re1uire$ents an% then you count as so!histicate% C so really if accre%ite% %on@t have to "e so!histicate%. 50O C +ey %istinction C un%er 50O all !urchasers3agents EMS4 G0 SOP;)S4)CA40# so can still have -5 nonaccre%ite% investors/ "ut they still nee% to "e so!histicate% 0H Pen$an Securities C if you !ut a %isclai$er on so$ething saying that it is not a solicitation it %oesn@t $ean anything. )t also says that you are allowe% to solicit !eo!le you have a !ree'isting relationshi! w3. lays %own a !rocess it wants you to follow if you want to "e !art of a !rivate !lace$ent C go register w3 a "ro+er. 4hen issuer will solicit w3"ro+er/ an% then the "ro+er will "uy on "ehalf of the in%iv. )PO net letter C this was issue% "y S0C C you are allowe% to !ost on internet/ s!ecifically for )POs/ that they $ay have a %ifficult ti$e raising $oney. Can !ost on we"site that they are loo+ing for new investors. Gasically says C if you !ost on internet an% say contact $e for info that )S a solicitation C coul% "e o+ if you went through Pen$an/ an% this was only accessi"le to clients. )f you !ost so$ething on internet which says contact $e/ it is still an offer3general solicitation. Gut if you go through +en$an ste!s it is ,O4 an offer3general solicitation. 50U C says that non$aterial %efects can "e cure%. Joul% have to %efine $aterial 0H if it ha!!ens afterwar%s that you fin% out after the fact that the guy $a%e only a little less than *E %oesn@t ruin it. R'2 S )f "uyer an% e'ecution is offshore/ then %on@t have to register. Can use in con(unction w3505 an% 50O an% they will not "e aggregate%. 80A is a transaction e'e$!tion for selling securities offshore. -2 Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 )f G an% e'eution offsh:ore an% no %irecte% selling efforts in MS C no nee% to register. ,o aggregation w3505350O : ,o %ollar li$it: ,o investor li$it: ,00# 4O C;0CP O, ),40NRA4)O,3ANNR0NA4)O, J3R0N S ,00# 4O C;0CP )F 4;)S )S A, )SSM0R 0H0EP4)O, OR A R0SA&0 0H0EP4)O,::: !. 5UO Rule 80- C safe har"or for %istri"utors/ inclu%ing issuers/ un%erwriters an% selling grou!s. 4his is an issuer e'e$!tion. Rule 80A C this is a safe har"or for resales "y others inclu%ing those who ac1uire securities in a MS !rivate !lace$ent or in a transaction e'e$!t fro$ registration un%er Rule *AAA. 805 C if you engage in a Reg S transaction 6either a 80- or 80A7 in a foreign country an% then you want to resell in the MS/ then as soon as they co$e "ac+ to MS/ they "eco$e restricte% securities/ otherwise this woul% "e a way to su"vert the syste$. 4his was the loo!hole that was close% later to !revent this fro$ su"verting the syste$. !. O0- C ASP ;)E AGOM4 4;0 RM&0 SAV),N 4;A4 80- AE0,#0# SAV),N 4;0S0 S0CMR)4)0S CA,,O4 COE0 GACP 4O MS J)4;), A V0AR::: Rule *-56c7 C you $ay give the "are facts a"out the offering. Co$es u! in various stages. ,o %irecte% selling efforts in MS un%er Reg S. *-56c7 says no %irecte% selling efforts/ "ut you coul% give "are facts a"out offering an% it woul% not "e seen as %irecte% selling. Carlson C "onafi%e offshore news conference o+ so long as there is no hy!ing/ if on we"site want to hy!e/ nee% to $a+e sure it is !asswor% !rotecte%. Also nee% to "e careful w3hy!erlin+s. So these are us issuers selling in another country ,ote/ in ter$s of reselling of restricte% securities/ *AAA is the fastest to use %o$estically/ an% 80A is the fastest to use offshore/ since they have the least %isclosure re1uire$ents/ no hol%ing !erio%s etcI 5-a8 an% -a*0 C other e'e$!tions C -a8 2 you are allowe% to e'change one security for another w3e'isting securities. ,o cash3other consi%/ no solicit/ !assive/ unli$ite% investors/ no 1ualifications. Only for issuers. -a*0 C if changing character of !articular note/ then can get e'e$!tion. 0H if in "an+ru!tcy/ want to e'ten% this to $a+e the$ over 20 years rather than *0 years/ %o you have to register: So woul% inclu%e "an+ru!tcy "ut $ay"e other things as well. 0'e$!t securities )f un%erlying security is e'e$!t/ no nee% to file -a2 C govern$ent an% "an+ issue% securities are e'e$!t "ut not hol%ing co$!anies -aU C insurance -a5 C savings an% loan Resales "y security hol%ers -- Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 2 when using tr'n e'e$!tions/ generally lea%s to restricte% securities/ so how can you resell 2 A6*7 is the "ig e'ce$!tion C can resell if not issuer/ %ealer or un%erwriter 2 the "ig issue is what securities are controlle%3restricte% 2 who is a statutory un%erwriter C if you !urchase for$ an issuer/ an affiliate of issuer of control/ then you have to get an e'e$!tion or register to resell %efinition of control control securities C owne% "y affiliate of issuer. 4his is %efine% as %irect $g$t/ or if you own *0R. J;A4 )S A, AFF)&)A40: An affiliate is an e'a$!le of a control !erson/ "ut a control !erson is not necessarily an affiliate. Pey thing C concern is that you will "e consi%ere% an un%erwriter C nee% then to fin% an e'e$!tion or register *. if you are trying to sell control securities 2. if you "uy restricte% securities -. if acting as agents for an issuer control securities C co$es fro$ so$eone who is an affiliate or *0R or has control or "y contract etcI restricte% securities C ac1uire% %irectly or in%irectly fro$ issuer/ "ut in a transaction not involving )PO. )f you ac1uire the$ fro$ a chain of transactions using A627 then restricte% also if ac1uire% fro$ 505/ 50O or S0* if ac1uire% un%er *AAA C which is in itself a resale transaction fungi"ility C if you have restricte% an% nonrestricte% securities of sa$e class3issuer/ the restricte% ones !oison not restricte% ones. 4his is "ecause securities fungi"le. CGA C no goo% faith co$!onent C nothing to %o w3$oney )RA ;au!t C "ecause "ro+er was "uying fro$ control !erson fro$ issuer an% %istri"uting on large scale C un%erwriter. Rule *AA an% *AAA/ an% even to so$e not literal sense A**32 these are safe har"or !rovisions. Gasically hau!t was "efore these. ;e sai%/ ) a$ a "ro+er not a statutory un%erwriter. Coul% always argue that there was no intent to %istri"ute. S0C sai%/ "ecause he sol% on large scale/ he was an un%erwriter. *AA a!!lies to affiliate who sells restricte% securities or sells on "ehalf of affiliate of issuer. ,00# 4O C;0CP )F 4;)S APP&)0S 4O CO,4RO& P0OP&0 AS J0&&::: 4his is for !u"lic resale. Re1uire$ents * year hol%ing !erio% w3tac+ing !rovision. 4his $eans if A "uys the$ an% hol%s for nine $onths an% sells to G. A uses a *AAA or a A*3*2. then when G sells to C/ after three $onths/ can tac+. GM4 can@t tac+ if one of those hol%ers were an affiliate. #ri""le out rule C can sell the greater of *R of the outstan%ing securities/ or the average of four wee+s tra%ing volu$e. ,00# 4O &OOP ),4O 4;)S. ,00# 4O &OOP ),4O J;04;0R ), 4;0 O,0 V0AR ;O&#),N P0R)O# CA, S0&& A4 A&& OR J;04;0R CA,@4 S0&& A,# #R)GG&0 OM4::: Affiliate C a !erson who controls or is controlle% "y issuer -A Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 *AAA C !urchaser $ust "e a [M)G/ or seller $ust reasona"ly thin+ that it is. )s this the only !lace where reasona"ly thin+ing co$es in: Reselling statutory un%erwriter C if you "uy control3restricte% securities control C fro$ so$eone who is controlling restricte% C fro$ an issuer e'e$!tion 6nee% to chec+ C is this fro$ A&& )SSM0R e'e$!tions:7 when you want to resell these securities/ if you sell the$/ statutory issuer is %efine% as so$eone who resells control3restricte% securities which he "ought with intent to %istri"ute. *AA an% *AAA are safehar"ors for A6*7 *AAA C allows resales to [M)Gs *OU3*O8 *OU2allows cos to $a+e forecasts Review [uestions 0%war%s says that fi'e% return %oes not !revent so$ething fro$ "eing an invest$ent contract. $ay"e &&Cs are generally invest$ent contracts: 4hrough the efforts of others 6the !ro$oter3thir% !arty7 Coul% trac+ the !rofits to the in%ivi%ual far$s/ rather than !ooling Eore $g$t control/ !reinvest$ent involve$ent/ try to structure it with strict vertical co$$onality C so$eti$es it can "e a security/ "ut har%er argu$ent C all acce!t hori.ontal/ "ut only so$e w3!ro$oter Coul% have !ro$oter not share !rofits coul% have flat fee instea% 4o have vertical co$$onality nee% to have non2flat rate Jhen there is a "roa% $ar+eting etcI. li+ely to "e a security Offer C $a+ing solicitation virtual shares !. -2A were securities fi'e% rate of return C in%icates a note if trying to $a+e a !rofit C !ro" a security loan !artici!ation agree$ents \ where they $a+e loans to investors an% then sell the loan to so$eone else !.-U- if so$eone is (ust correcting for cash flow !ro"le$s/ then a loan to fi' this woul% !ro" not "e a security general !artnershi! woul% "e unli+ely to "e an invest$ent contract if you see a !artnershi! C use invest$ent contract analysis "an+ c%s e'e$!t securities warrants are securities if e'ercisa"le within a certain a$ount of ti$e a warrant is a security. -6a7627 %oes not a!!ly to "an+ hol%ing co$!anies. *-56e7 C cannot tell a"out !u"lic offering in the !refiling stage -5 Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 -0 %ay safe har"or for well seasone% issuer C rela'e% rules for what well seasone% issuers can %o safe har"ors in the !refiling C *-5 C say factual realatively "are "ones stuff "usiness as usual *OU an% *O8 C they nee% to "e in the or%inary course of "usiness. well seasone% issuer C "etween three $onths "efore an% -0 %ays "efore/ can %o whatever they want. For well +nown seasone% investor can say whatever they want. Reg F# C if you give infor$ation to a certain grou!s of analysts/ will re1uire that this infor$ation "e given to everyone. Reg F# only co$es u! w3registere% issues. 4here $ay "e an e'e$!tion for %uring roa% shows/ "ut you $ay "e li$ite% %uring this ti$e to what is in the !ros!ectus. 0'clusion for nor$al course of "usiness/ or if you are reson%ing to a news!a!er. #uty C how are triggere% Gro+ers/ %ealers an% !ersons associate% with the$ an% securities analysts an% investors who $ight "uy or sell the securities on the "asis of the infoC co$$unications w3the$ will trigger reg f% if security hol%er woul% "e li+ely to "uy "ase% on co$$unications w3these !eo!le. 0'ce!tions 2 !erson owing a %uty of trust/ attorney/ accountants/ etc.. !eo!le e'!ressly !ro$ise to +ee! it a secret/ ratings agency/ an% in connection w3securities offering generally %ivi%en%s are not securities generally if you %istri"ute so$ething as a %ivi%en% !art of a su"si%iary/ that is not a security C !ure s!in off not security everything which has integration issues has a si' $onth safe har"or aggregation %oes not a!!ly here "ecause it@s not un%er -6"7 reg a is un%er -" !.AA- of "oo+ C rules of reg a integration -0 %ay "efore filing issuer %o what he wants C Rule *O-6a7 in !re2filing stage the %istinction "etween JPS) an% others is that they can use a free2 writing !ros!ectus. Jaiting !erio% refor$ rules a%%e% the free writing !ros!ectus Rule *-A C !ress releases/ announce$ents/ to$"stone a%%s o+/ can also use a free writing !ros!ectus in the waiting !erio%. 4here is a %istinction "etween seasone% issuer an% a well +nown seasone% investor. For so!histication issue C you %on@t necessarily have to "e so!histicate% as long as you have so$eone re!resenting you !. 5*8 C !i!es can only "e use% "y co$!anies which are alrea%y !u"licly re!orting. 4hey have to %o !rivate !lace$ent an% then !u"lic offering. ,ee%s to "e a registere% co$!any. )f want to use !u"lic an% then !rivate offering/ nee% to have a clean "rea+. -O Prof Carlson Sec Reg Outline Fall 2005 *52 C !i!e *55 C a"an%one% offer/ clean "rea+/ an% thirty %ays 50A C so$eti$es lea%s to restricte% securities nee% to loo+ into when restricte% securities occur C un%er which transactions 505/ 50O 9 restricte% are securities if you have a control !erson you can@t use *AAA. *AAA is for !rivate resale. 4ac+ing C relates to a resale. Jhen you are %oing a !u"lic resale un%er *AA. if you "ought securities un%er a A627 !rivate !lace$ent an% then you want to resell the$. Vou %eci%e that rather than waiting an% %oing %ri""le outs you will go an% %o a !rivate e'e$!tion resale in fe"/ (ust a $onth later. 4he !erson who "uys fro$ you is getting restricte% securities. 4hey can then tac+ your one $onth on so they only have to wait ** $onths "efore selling !u"licly un%er *AA. no tac+ing in the case of "uying fro$ an affiliate. -S