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Dragon Warrior VII: FAQ/Walkthrough by Stahlbaum Version 1.

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Head Rune Modifier 0A5EABE1 000000?? Right Hand Rune Modifier 0A5DABE1 000000?? Left Hand Rune Modifier 0A5CABE1 000000?? Skill 1 Modifier 0A50ABE1 000000?? Skill 2 Modifier 0A57ABE1 000000?? Head Modifier 0A56ABE1 000000?? Body Modifier 0A55ABE1 000000?? Arms Modifier 0A54ABE1 000000?? Boots Modifier 0A6BABE1 000000?? Accessory Modifier 0A6AABE1 000000??


Balthier Have Mustadio in Chapter 4. After Bervenia, go to the mining town of Gollund. At the tavern, read the "Rash of Thefts" rumor. Go to the merchant city of Dorter. At the tavern, read the "A Call for Guards" rumor. When you leave the city a battle will start. Win the battle with Balthier's help and he will join you. Beowulf Have Mustadio in Chapter 4. Go to Goug. Read the rumor at Gollund. Go to Lesalia . Invite Beowulf to Gollund. He will join your group after a series of battles.

The Byblos Have Mustadio in Chapter 4. Complete all ten levels of Midlight's Deep. Cloud Have Mustadio in Chapter 4. Go to Goug After Zeltennia. Return Reis to human for m, then go back to Goug. Go to Sal Ghidos and win the battle. Construct 8 Have Mustadio in Chapter 4. After rescuing Reis from Gollund, return to Goug. Co nstruct 8 will join your party after an intermission sequence. Dragon Reis Have Mustadio in Chapter 4. Accompany Beowulf through Gollund. Reis will be resc ued during the final battle in the series. Human Reis Have Mustadio in Chapter 4. Read the rumors at Zeltennia, buy a flower in Sal Gh idos, then go to Goug. Go to Nelveska Temple and win the battle. Reis will turn into human form afterwards . Luso During Chapter 3, go to the Zekalus Desert after the Orbonne Monastary battles. After the intermission sequence, win the battle. Lip-Rouge Keep Lavian and Alicia (Agrias' guards from Chapter 1) in your party in Chapter 4. Land on a City on Cancer I and have at least 500,000 gil. After the intermission sequence featuring Mustadi o giving a birthday gift to Agrias, you will have the Lip-Rouge, which boosts the stats of female characters . Preview Monster before its birth Put an egg on the bottom row of the editing screen. Place the pointer on top and press Right or Left repeatedly to see a brief a glimpse of the face of the monster in the egg. Character jobs Reach the indicated job level to unlock the next job in that class. Archer: Reach level 2 Squire. Arithmetician: Reach level 5 White Mage, level 5 Black Mage, level 4 Mystic and level 4 Time Mage.. Bard: Reach level 5 Summoner and level 5 Orator; only as a male character. Black Mage: Reach level 2 Chemist. Dancer: Reach level 5 Dragoon and level 5 Geomancer; only as a female character . Dark Knight: Completely Master Knight and Black Mage, crystallize 20 units, and

reach level 8 with Dragoon, Ninja, Goemancer and Samurai. Dragoon: Reach level 4 Thief. Geomancer: Reach level 4 Monk. Knight: Reach level 2 Squire. Monk: Reach level 3 Knight. Mystic: Reach level 3 White Mage. Ninja: Reach level 5 Thief, level 4 Archer, and level 2 Geomancer. Onion Knight: Reach level 6 Squire and level 6 Chemist. Orator: Reach level 3 Mystic. Samurai: Reach level 5 Monk, level 4 Knight, and level 2 Dragoon. Summoner: Reach level 3 Time Mage. Thief: Reach level 3 Archer. Time Mage: Reach level 3 Black Mage. White Mage: Reach level 2 Chemist.

Duplicate Weapons Set the Ninja "Two Swords" skill on anyone. Equip a shield in their right hand, and the item you want duplicated in their left. Nnow go to a shop that sells the items you want duplicated, choose "BEST FIT" and buy them. Next, go to the formation screen and remove the items. You should now have two of the item you had in the left hand. For example, to duplicate Excaliber, go to Lionel castle's shop. You'll get a se cond Excalibur for only 10 gold! Easiest Job Mastering Method Note: This only works on classes where you can scroll down and up on their skill s list. Also, you must have enough JP to buy a skill. Doing this cheat on the Summoner class w ill allow you to buy all of the skills, but the game won't classify Summoner as a mastered class. When you go into a classes skill list, select any skill you can buy. When the confirmation window comes up and asks you if you want to buy the skill, hold Square. Press Up or Down while holding Square and you'll see that the skil l list scrolls down/up as well. If you are highlighting a skill that can't be purchased yet and the skill you se lected isn't on screen, then try to buy the skill. One of two things will happen: Either all of the skills can be bought or they ca n't. If none of the skills can be bought, check the JP for that class. If you have 0000 JP, then the cheat worked. This also applies if they are all available to buy. Exit out of the skill sectio

n, back to the Abilities setup screen. Then go back to the skill list you used the cheat on. You will have 9999 JP, more than enough to buy all of the skills. | [Sent by Azu roTieron] Easy Level Gain and Job Points Before you can do this you'll need to learn ACCUMULATE and (if possible) the JPUP skill. You also need at least one monk with the CHAKRA skill for this to work. Walk across any green dot until you are attacked, then kill all but one enemy. N ext, find five squares that form an + and are on the same height level. Have the monk stand in the center with all other characters in the adjacent squa res. Use accumalte over and over and when your attacked just use chakra to gain back your health. Repeat as desired. Equipment Tip When fighting battles against other humans, be sure to check their equipment. Sometimes they have items not available in stores. Use a mediator to invite them into your party and strip them after the battle, o r use a thief to steal their belongings. Gain 5 or more Levels in One Fight You know how you get exp with one hit? What if your character is so strong, it kills with one hit. What if you can hit someone over 20 times without your gu idence and safely return home. What you need is a wizard, and an oracle or mediator. What you do is you turn your enemies into frogs. It is time consuming, but it is worth it. (You can increase chances by using oracle "pray faith." Once that is done. and I know this sounds weird, turn your strong character into a frog. Then with oracle or mediator, put him i nto berserk. This will allow him to fight on auto-battle without running away. Keep your char acter well healed. Move the rest of your characters far away from the fight. Frogs VS Frogs. Put them on auto battle in "Run like a rabbit" mode so they don't interfere. The y shouldn't interfere. Leave it on over night. By morning that character will rise 5-10 levels, and hav e over 2000-5000 jp points. Get Cloud This tip must be done during Chapter Four. Not that you should have about six em pty spaces in your formation screen before attempting this. Go to Zeltennia Castle and listen to the rumor called "Cursed Island" Buy a flower from Aeris at Zarghidas Trade City then go to Goug machine city wit h Mustadio. The screen will fade and go to a scene of Mustadio, Ramza and a steel ball. Go to the bar in Goland Coal City and listen to the rumor of the "Ghost of Colli ery" After this, go to Lesalia Imperia and the screen should shown a scene of a bar. When you leave, invite Beowulf to join your party. Now that you have Beowulf, go to Goland Coal City and you will fight 4 battles h ere and save Reis. After you save Reis you will get a Zodiac Stone that will trigger the steel bal l.

Return to Goug Machine City again and add the Robot to your party. Now that you have the robot, go to Nelveska Temple. You will fight another robot kill him and you will recieve a stone that will bri ng Cloud to your world. Now go back to Goug Machine City and you will trigger the time portal machine and it will suck Cloud from the future bringing him to your world. Now go to Zarghidas Trade City and save Cloud from the thieves that are punking Aeris. Note: if this part didn't work make sure that you killed Dycerag and his Zodiac Soul Adramelk. When Cloud joins your party all he can do is defend and attack. You'll need to find his Materia Blade so that he can use all of his limit attac ks from Final Fantasy VII. The Materia Blade is located in the Bervania Volcano. Set your party's on Move-Find Item Then go to the highest tall rock and go to th e top of it. God Ramza God Ramza is an incredibly powerful Ramza with or without weapons. To get him, first you must master Squire, Monk, Samurai, and Knight. You must also be at the highest job level with these classes. Set up Ramza like this: Monk Class Secondary Skill:Guts Reaction:Blade Grasp Support:Equip Armor Movement:Move +1 Constantly use Scream in battle and equip Ramza with the Bracer as an Accessory and eventually you'll end up with a Ramza that does up to 999 damage on human Units and is almost untouchable. | [Sent by AzuroTieron] How to get the Chaos Blade On level nine of the Deep Dungeon you should fight a team of ninjas. Ready your CATCH ability. If you're lucky, one of the ninjas will throw a Chaos Blade at you. If you catch it you get to keep it! Immortal Female To have a female that cannot turn into a crystal or treasure box, you must have the Chantage perfume (stolen from Meliadoul in Chapter 4) and a ch aracter skilled as a ninja, or have a Vanish Mantle as an accessory. Put the Chantage perfume on any female character, and make sure the Ninja has the reaction skill of Sunken State (or equip him/her with the Vanish Mantle) Go into battle, and hit the Ninja until he uses Sunken State (unless he has a Va nish Mantle) then make your Ninja run away after it is transparent (not acting!) You will notice that your female character, after dying will be revived as soon as her AT reaches 100. This will happen every time she dies! It is better to have someone like Agrias u se this technique! Instantly Kill Undead To instantly kill an undead (ghouls, skeletons, etc), simply throw them a Phoeni x Down. You will never miss and they'll die instantly!

Warning: When you kill undead this way a timer will appear. If you don't finish the game before the timer reaches 0 the undead will rise ag ain. Job Requirements Prerequisites to obtain all the Job Classes in Final Fantasy Tactics ____________________________________________________ Squire - None Chemist - None Knight - Lv. 2 Squire Archer - Lv. 2 Squire Priest - Lv. 2 Chemist Wizard - Lv. 2 Chemist Monk - Lv. 2 Squire, Lv. 2 Knight Thief - Lv. 2 Squire, Lv. 2 Archer Oracle - Lv. 2 Chemist, Lv. 2 Priest Time Mage - Lv. 2 Chemist, Lv. 2 Wizard Mediator - Lv. 2 Chemist, Lv. 2 Priest, Lv. 2 Oracle Summoner - Lv. 2 Chemist, Lv. 2 Wizard, Lv.2 Time Mage Geomancer - Lv. 2 Squire, Lv. 2 Knight, Lv. 3 Monk Lancer - Lv. 2 Squire, Lv. 2 Archer, Lv. 3 Thief Bard (Males Only) - Lv. 2 Chemist, Lv. 2 Priest, Lv. 2 Oracle, Lv.2 Wizard, Lv. 2 Time Mage, Lv. 4 Mediator Dancer (Females Only) - Lv. 2 Squire, Lv. 2 Knight, Lv. 2 Archer, Lv. 3 Thief, Lv. 3 Monk, Lv. 4 Geomancer, Lv. 4 Lancer Samurai - Lv. 2 Squire, Lv. 2 Archer, Lv. 3 Thief, Lv. 3 Knight, Lv. 4 Monk, Lv. 4 Lancer Ninja - Lv. 2 Squire, Lv. 2 Knight, Lv. 3 Archer, Lv. 3 Monk, Lv. 2 Geomancer Calculator - Lv. 2 Chemist, Lv. 4 Priest, Lv. 4 Wizard, Lv. 3 Time Mage, Lv. 3 Oracle Mime - Lv. 8 Squire, Lv. 8 Chemist, Lv. 2 Knight, Lv. 2 Archer, Lv. 2 Priest, Lv. 2 Oracle, Lv. 2 Time Mage, Lv. 2 Wizard, Lv. 3 Monk, Lv. 3 Thief, Lv. 4 Geomancer, Lv. 4 Lancer, Lv. 4 Mediator, Lv. 4 Summoner Special Classes (Can ONLY be obtained by special Characters that have the job already) __________________________________________________

Holy Knight (Agrias) Dark Knight (Gafgarion) Engineer (Mustadio) Heaven Knight (Rafa) Hell Knight (Malak) Divine Knight (Meliadoul) Holy Swordsman (Orlando, AKA T.G. Cid) Temple Knight (Beowulf) Dragoner (Reis) Soldier (Cloud) | [Sent by MattHoward] Mime Job The requirement for the job mime is level 8 item user, level 8 beginner knight, level 5 summoner, level 5 talker, level 5 Fu-sui-shi (Element user) and level 5 dragon knight. Mini-Games - Japanese Sometimes when you go to the bar and accept a mission, you will get a book. You can use that book to play a little mini game. There are four books in all. Note: This tip only works in the Japanese version. More Powerful Ramza For a more powerful Ramza, have him master the squire class then switch him to t he ninja class and have him master that too. Then return him to the squire class and equip him with the two swords ability. Because of his special squire abilit ies he can wear heavy armor and helmets. Because of his natural H.P bonus in the squire class his max H.P should go up almost 100 H.P! This tip works best in la te ch.3 to ch.4. NOTE: When you get T.G Cid at the end of the 3rd. chapter, duplicate his excalib ur and put one in each of Ramza's hands. If he is at a good level and has a high attack power, he can attack for 350+ points of damage each hit! Omega Ramza This is the most powerful setup for Ramza. It only works in Chapter 2 or further . It requires mastery of Ninja, Squire, Time Mage, and Samurai. For the best res ults, get to highest job level for these four classes. After these requirements have been fullfilled, set up Ramza as listed below: Job:Squire Secondary Job Command:Math Skill Reaction:Blade Grasp Support:Two Swords Movement:Teleport Also attach a PA-increasing Accessory to him and raise his permenant Brave to 95 -100. Once you accomplish this, Ramza will be able to do devastating damage, blo ck almost every physical attack, attack a second time just in case he doesn't ki ll the enemy with the first hit, and move up to 13 spaces in one turn. If you us e this setup after getting Orlandu and copying his Excalibur, you can make Ramza be protected from Holy damage and strengthen his Holy spell when using the Math Skill version, thus making him strong enough to take out 5 Black Chocobos on hi s own. | [Sent by AzuroTieron] Raise Bravery Permanently When you reach chapter two, purchase the Square ability CHEER UP for Ramza. Once you've acquired it, go into battle and use it on everyone on your team. It will temporarily raise their BRAVE by 5 points, and provide a permanent 1-point incr ease. You can get your Brave up to 97. This works great if you have the Blade Grasp sk ill because the enemies will only have a three percent chance of hitting you! Shinobi job

The Shinobi job isn't a job that requires you to attain certain job levels. It i s actually a Ninja/Samurai/Lancer/Geomancer combo. Here is how to set up a Unit as a Shinobi: Ninja Job Jump (Lancer) Blade Grasp (Samurai) Attack UP (Geomancer) Ignore Height (Lancer) For best results, use the Easiest Job Mastering Method to obtain the required sk ills for a Shinobi much quicker. | [Sent by AzuroTieron] Solo Ramza Challenge Recommendations This is an optional challenge. The challenge is to complete the game using only Ramza. It is very easy to do, but at times it can be difficult. There is a compl ete strategy guide to the SR Challenge on GameFAQs. Below is a list of the best method of completing this challenge. 1.Try to go through the game without going into random battles. If a random batt le occurs, reset the game. 2.Before removing units, remove all equipment from them. This way, just in case equipment gets stolen, you'll have spare equipment. 3.Master the Calculator job as quickly as possible. It becomes very useful later on in the game. 4.Use the MP Switch/Move-MP Up combo in almost every battle you are in. MP Switc h allows you to take MP damage instead of HP damage if you have any MP left, and Move-MP UP makes sure you have at least some MP left. MP Switch will activate v ery often no matter how little MP you have. 5.The first level really requires that you have 2 Chemists other than yourself i n the battle for healing, so it really doesn't count as a SR Challenge battle. A lso, in the same battle, if Delita doesn't kill the Squire that attacks him firs t on his second turn, reset the game as the Chemist will heal that Squire and al l the opponents will swarm you. 6.If you die, reset the game unless nix Down of the Chemist job and has heal you on the first chance, they of the fight and will let you turn there's a guest Unit close by who knows Phoe Item as the secondary skill. If they fail to won't attempt to revive you through the rest into a crystal.

7.The Yell/Accumulate combo will be required a lot in the beginning. By those tw o skills ASAP. If you follow these procedures and use the strategy guide, then you can beat the game in around 13 hours with only the main character. | [Sent by AzuroTieron] Ultima skill When you go to limberry castle turn Ramza into a squire. Then when you fight wit h Elmdor and his two female assassins make Ramza get hit by a magic attack from the assassin and when it is cast it should be ultima. If Ramza lives through it you will learn the ability. Therefore your squire job will be mastered. | [Sent by JasonBlose] Ultimate Summon After beating the battle in the holy land of Myurond, go to the seaport Wo-jiriu s. Following an short event you can go into Dieve dungeon, and from the tenth fl oor of the basement you will be able to learn the ultimate summon (equivalent to Knights of the Round from FFVII.) Unlimited weapons

When you can access the second and third floor of the Deep Dungeon side quest yo u will notice that you can fight Ninjas. Make sure everyone is equipped with the catch ability and kill all the ninjas but the male one. He will eventually thro w Excaliburs and even a Chaos blade at you to add to your inventory. Just kill h im and do the battle over again to obtain more of these powerful weapons. | [Sen t by NickAddy] Weigraf and Velius: Two Birds with One Stone! When you encounter Weigraf for the last time(just before he becomes Velius) you cankill him easily by following these instructions: Make sure Ramza is a Squire with two sword ability or a Ninja with HP Restore an d the support skill Guts equipped. When you start the battle it's just you (Ramza) and Weigraff. Don't attack him, instead keep away from him and use Yell and Accumilate repeatedly when it's your turn. Eventualy this will raise your speed and level high enough that you don't have t o worry about his Lightning Stab or Earth Slash attack. When you are getting 3 to 4 consecutive turns in a row (Check the AT list) wait until the beginning of the next cycle then attack. Your two-sword ability should kill Weigraff in one turn and Velius will be dispatched before anyone else even gets a turn. This should make what was the hardest battle in the game quite simple. Good luck ! Zodiac Stones Aries, acquired after defeating Wiegraf. Taurus, Found hidden in Goug Machine city. Gemini, acquired after beating Duke Elmdor in Limberry castle. Cancer, acquired after beating the steel giant. Libra, in the possession of thunder god Cid. Scorpio, acquired after vanquishing Draclau. Sagittarius, The high priest gives this stone to Meliadoul. Capricorn, Acquired after defeating Dycedarg. Aquarius, found in the deep coal mine in Goland. Pisces, given to Alma by Izlude while he was dying. Serpentarious, Elidibs has it in the last deep dungeon level. Leo, this stone is acquired by killing Vormav. Virgo, Altima possess the last stone in the Graveyard of Airships.

Dragon Warrior 7 - Warriors of Eden

Version 1.00 Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011 by Cory Stahlbaum http://www.woodus.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8453 ******************************************************************************* TABLE OF CONTENTS ******************************************************************************* Introduction.............................................................INTR Version History..........................................................VERS Legal....................................................................LGAL Characters...............................................................CHRS Hints and Tips...........................................................HTIP Walkthrough..............................................................WK00 Disk One - Introduction...........................................................WK01 - Fishbel................................................................WK02 - Estard.................................................................WK03 - Ancient Ruins..........................................................WK04 - Rexwood................................................................WK05 - Colorstone Mine........................................................WK06 - Eastern Tower..........................................................WK07 - The Return.............................................................WK08 - Rexwood?...............................................................WK09 - Colorstone Mine?.......................................................WK10 - Engow..................................................................WK11 - Mt. Flame..............................................................WK12 - Engow Present..........................................................WK13 - Mt. Flame Present......................................................WK14 - Dialac.................................................................WK15 - Orph...................................................................WK16 - Mt. Ceide..............................................................WK17 - Orph Present...........................................................WK18 - Mt. Ceide Present......................................................WK19 - Falrish................................................................WK20 - Falrod Castle..........................................................WK21 - MechSoldier Base.......................................................WK22 - Falrish Present........................................................WK23 - Falrod Castle Present..................................................WK24 - MechSoldier Base Present...............................................WK25 - Verdham................................................................WK26 - Marsh Cave.............................................................WK27 - The Mentare Herb Garden................................................WK28 - Deja Tribe.............................................................WK29 - Inn and Casino.........................................................WK30 - Penal Town.............................................................WK31 - West Cave..............................................................WK32 - Arena..................................................................WK33 - Dharma Temple..........................................................WK34 - Mezar..................................................................WK35 - Dune...................................................................WK36 - Evil Statue............................................................WK37 - Dune Present...........................................................WK38 - Dune Palace............................................................WK39 - Krage..................................................................WK40 - Sacred Tree............................................................WK41 - Krage Present..........................................................WK42 - Litorud................................................................WK43

- Time Pocket Cave.......................................................WK44 - Verdham Revisited......................................................WK45 - Mentare................................................................WK46 - Litorud Present........................................................WK47 - Baloch's Tower.........................................................WK48 - Avon...................................................................WK49 - Huzu...................................................................WK49 - Hamelia................................................................WK49 - Mountain Tower.........................................................WK50 - Underwater City........................................................WK51 - Flying Carpet and Odds and Ends........................................WK52 - Worlds Tallest Tower...................................................WK53 - Hamelia Present........................................................WK54 - Mountain Tower Present.................................................WK55 - Underwater City Present................................................WK56 - Probina................................................................WK57 - Probina Present........................................................WK58 - Loomin.................................................................WK59 - DarkDraco's Tower......................................................WK60 - Loomin Cave............................................................WK61 - Loomin Present.........................................................WK62 - Mardra Region..........................................................WK63 - Great Fane.............................................................WK64 - Basin Cave.............................................................WK65 - Interlude..............................................................WK66 - Mardra Present.........................................................WK67 - Gorges.................................................................WK68 - Dark Cloud Maze........................................................WK69 - Wind Fane..............................................................WK70 - Gorges Present.........................................................WK71 - Labres.................................................................WK72 - Mount Tor..............................................................WK73 - Labres Present.........................................................WK74 - Coastal................................................................WK75 - Halfling's Cave........................................................WK76 - Great Lighthouse.......................................................WK77 - Coastal Present........................................................WK78 - Coral Lake.............................................................WK79 - Demon Lord's Lair......................................................WK80 Disk Two - Intermission...........................................................WK81 - Lake Altar Cave........................................................WK82 - Crystal Palace.........................................................WK83 - Flame Spirit...........................................................WK84 - Sharkeye...............................................................WK85 - Wind Spirit............................................................WK86 - Terra Spirit...........................................................WK87 - Aqua Spirit............................................................WK88 - Dark Palace............................................................WK89 - Ending.................................................................WK90 - Bonus Dungeon..........................................................WK91 - Bonus Dungeon 2 (Zion Cave)............................................WK92 Shopping List............................................................SHPL Items....................................................................ITMS Equipment................................................................EQMT - Weapons - Armor - Shields - Helmets - Accessories

Spells...................................................................SPLS Skills...................................................................SKLS Human Classes............................................................HCLS Monster Classes..........................................................MCLS Job Level Limits.........................................................JLVL Monsters.................................................................MSTR Monster Locations........................................................MLOC Tiny Medals..............................................................TMDL Immigrant Town...........................................................IMGT Shards...................................................................SHRD Ancient Fane Pedestals...................................................AFPD World Ranking Federation.................................................WRFD Monster Park.............................................................MONP Contact and Acknowledgements.............................................CONT ******************************************************************************* INTRODUCTION (INTR) ******************************************************************************* This walkthrough is for Dragon Warrior 7 for the Sony Playstation. It covers everything from the main game to the bonus dungeon, including monster stats, classes, tiny medals, equipment, side quests and all extras. ******************************************************************************* VERSION HISTORY (VERS) ******************************************************************************* I started writing this guide on April 2, 2008. I reached disk 2 on August 31, 2008 and completed everything on October 19, 2008 Wednesday June 17, 2009: Reformatted the guide to include tags (control F) to make navigation easier. Thursday March 25, 2010: UPdated Underwater city section to include a hidden Agility Seed in a jar. (Thanks to Nut Panchakunathorn) Tuesday February 22, 2011: Fixed error in West Cave section (Thanks to Cody Arnold) ******************************************************************************* LEGAL (LGAL) ******************************************************************************* This document is Copyright 2008 by Cory Stahlbaum. This guide is designed for personal use only and may not be sold or used for any commercial purpose. This document cannot be altered in any way without the authors permission. The only websites that this document may be posted on is www.gamefaqs.com, www.Neoseeker.com and www.honestgamers.com Please email me if you would like to host my guide on your site.

******************************************************************************* CHARACTERS (CHRS) ******************************************************************************* The Hero: The Hero is the son of Mollie, and Borkano, a fisherman from Fishbel. The Hero learns a few spells naturally: Level Level Level Level Level 1............Heal 6............Upper 8............Return 12...........Healmore 28...........Outside

=============================================================================== Kiefer: Kiefer is the Prince of Estard and son of King Burns and brother of princess Leesa. Kiefer learns the following skills naturally: Level Level Level Level Level 5............FireSlash 9............ParryPass 12...........PsycheUp 15...........ZombieCut 20...........Vacuum

=============================================================================== Maribel: Maribel is the daughter of Amitt and the Hero's best friend. She learns the following spells/skills naturally: Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 3............Blaze 4............Sap 5............Retaliate 7............Sleep 9............Outside 10...........Heal 11...........Surround

=============================================================================== Gabo: Gabo is a white wolf that has a human form. He is able to communicate with animals. Gabo learns the following skills naturally: Level Level Level Level Level 2............Bark 4............Bite 6............Tackle 8............Rip 13...........Howl

=============================================================================== Melvin: Melvin is the Great Hero who once fought along side God in the first battle against the Demon Lord. Melvin learns the following spells/skills naturally:

Level 19...........Bang, BoxerDanc, Expel, Guardian, Healmore, Infermore, Outside, Return Level 20...........Vivify =============================================================================== Aira: Aira is a dancer from the Deja Tribe who is oddly familiar to Kiefer. Aira learns the following spells/skills naturally: Level 21...........Firebal, FireSlash, K.O. Dance, PaniDance, ParryPass, PyscheUp, RobDance Level 23...........LifeSong ******************************************************************************* HINTS AND TIPS (HTIP) ******************************************************************************* Here are a few basic tips that will help you along your long journey. - Make use of the World Banks. Every time your party gets wiped out, you will lose half of your gold. Gold stored in banks is exempt from this so if you don't plan on spending it real soon, save it for when you need it. - Don't sell your old equipment right away after upgrading. This is a tip that will actually save you money over the long hall. What is the point of selling an old piece of equipment if you aren't going to buy something new? Say you do that and then get wiped out, half of that equipments resale value is now gone. Your bag can carry an unlimited amount of items, so it's best to store all old equipment there until you can unload them to afford new more expensive items. - Understand the Class system and map out your characters jobs ahead of time. Read the skills that each class learns and make your decisions ahead of time so you don't waste any time switching back and forth between classes. Doing so causes you to waste battles "making up" in the class that you just left. - Take advantage of the Sacred Tree in Krage. You can always grab a WorldLeaf there if you don't have any. The game will always allow you to have one at all times, so if you run out, get a new one. - Keep your party alive. Revive spells won't come until later in the game and it can be costly having to always pay the priests to revive your fallen allies. Don't be afraid to backtrack out of a dungeon or cave just so you can return to town to heal. Doing this is actually beneficial as you will gain more job levels, and more experience making return trips a little more easier. - Don't over level. If you over level then you won't be able to gain job levels in certain areas. Each area has a level cap so make sure not to overpower yourself too early. - Expel enemies to gain job levels faster. The spells/skills Expel, KnockDown, and Disperse have the ability to remove monsters from battle which won't count towards being killed, thus you won't gain experience from this. Doing this can cause you to gain job levels without worrying about going over the level cap for certain areas. - Gain experience and easy job levels in Krage during the second disk. All

battles on disk two count towards gaining job levels, even easy monsters like slimes, babbles and so on. Krage in disk two will have all kinds of weak monsters for easy job leveling, and will also have Metaly's, Metabbles, and KingSlimes which are worth a lot of experience. - Use the EvilSlash skill to easily kill metal monsters. All metal monsters have a high dodge rate and great agility and they tend to run from a lot of battles. EvilSlash misses often, but when it hits, it always hits the target with a critical hit, causing an instant death to all metal monsters it hits. If you are strong enough, using QuadHits and SwordDanc can take out up to four Metaly's at a time if you are strong enough to instantly kill them with one blow. - Speak to the Fortune teller just outside of the MechSoldiers Base in the present if you want a clue to where a shard is that you may be missing. - Pay attention to more than just the statistical stat increase from buying new weapons and armor. Some equipment may not give you more of a statistical gain, but may prevent or lessen other forms of damage and offer resistances towards elements. - Make use of the Smell skill if you learn it. If you are treasure hunting, Smell will inform you how many items are remaining in a particular area. Very useful for finding hidden items, as well as preventing wasted time from searching areas unnecessarily ******************************************************************************* WALKTHROUGH (WK00) ******************************************************************************* =============================================================================== DISK ONE: INTRODUCTION Items: None After naming your character, the game will begin with various beautiful visions of a small isolated island containing a castle, small fishing village and ruin. The scene will zoom into the ruins at which point someone underneath a stone tablet wishes to call it a day and states that their father can't find out what they've been up to. =============================================================================== FISHBEL (WK02) Items: 3 Gold 10 Gold x 2 Herb x 4 5 Gold Leather Hat 110 Gold Fish Sub 2 Gold x 2 1 Gold DEFseed HairBand AmitDonut (WK01)

AmitSnack x 2 4 Gold Antidote FishPaste The scene will be night time with your character standing on the shore of a beach in Fishbel. Your friend, Maribel, will ask if you are going to tell her where you keep sneaking off to. This prompts a yes/no window. Select either answer and she will head back to her house so she can go to bed before her father finds out she is missing. She then mentions that tomorrow is the Amitt Harvest and that you should also go home to bed before your parents realize that you are missing. She then says she wants to hear about your adventures later before saying goodbye and heading home to sleep. Once she walks away you will have control of your character. The "X" button brings up the menu in which you can check your status, see which items you currently hold, change equipment, cast spells and so on. "O" or the circle button will cancel/backtrack out of menus. Press "[]" or the square button to have the map zoom out to get a better look at your surroundings. Pressing the triangle button will enable you to speak to people, search beneath your feet for hidden items as well as pick up and throw objects such as vases and jars. You can also use the "L" and "R" trigger keys to rotate the camera angle and can press "start" when you want it returned to the default setting. From where you are on the beach, head west, past a house, south a bit and then north and you should eventually come upon a small cave. You won't be able to currently enter as it's too dark, but note it for later. There are some barrels behind the house you passed that you can pick up and throw by pressing the triangle button. Smash all three to obtain 3 Gold. Head into the big building with the bell (the church) and speak with the priest. He will ask you if you'd like to hear about tales beyond the sea. Answer yes and he will mention that he wondered if there were countries, or villages beyond the sea when he was your age. He ended up exploring on a ship and found nothing but water. Apparently, the island that you are currently on is the only island in the world. Exit the church and take the stairs that head north to go behind it. Past two jars on the east side will be a ladder that leads to the top of the church. Climb it and head just west of the bell and search (press triangle) to find 10 Gold. Now head east past the church and smash two barrels to find an Herb. Head up to the harbor to find a large boat and a large house. Behind the house is two barrels, they can be smashed to find 5 Gold. Now head all the way back west and enter your home. It's the small building just west of the church. Search the hanging sacks upon entering to find an Herb. Both of your parents will be in bed sleeping. Speak to your mother, Mollie, and she will tell you to get some sleep. Your father on the other hand, Borkano, will be sound asleep. Pillage their dresser to find 10 Gold, after all, who wouldn't steal from their own parents..? Head upstairs and search your dresser for a Leather Hat. Don't forget to equip it. Open your chest for 110 Gold. Now it's time to finally get some sleep. Head to your bed and when prompted, say yes to get some shut eye. Your mother will wake you up and remind you that today is the Amitt Harvest, and tell you that your father has already left. You have to get up and hurry to the harbor. After you head downstairs your mother will speak with you again. As you try to leave the house, Mollie will stop you and give you a Fish Sub to take to your father. Exit your home and instead of heading east to the harbor, head west to the small cave. Once inside, smash all the barrels and vases to receive an Herb,

2 Gold and 1 Gold. Note the heavy stone lid that you will be unable to move by yourself before leaving the cave. Now head into the building north of your house (rear entrance). Speak to the older folks if you'd like but the main reason you entered their place is the basement. A DEFseed lies in the chest. Exit the house and head east and enter the house just before the harbor. Inside of this house lies a locked chest. Take note of this. There will be quite a few people on the harbor. Enter the large house near by as this is Maribels house. Speak to her mother to find that she has run off somewhere. 2 Gold lies in the eastern dresser and an Herb lies in the barrel in the kitchen. Head upstairs and claim the HairBand from the dresser in Maribels room. Exit the house and speak with the people on the harbor. The man in green will give you a free AmitDonut and AmitSnack. The people are apparently very fond of your father and he is a great fisherman. Board the boat and speak with Amitt or your father and he will complain about how long it took you to bring him his sandwich. Your father will then shoo you off after eating his sub. (You don't actually have to speak with him, thus you can keep the sub). Enter the boat and smash the barrels near by for 4 Gold. The chests however, will be empty. Search the dressers for an Antidote and Herb. You can speak to the one man who likes to discuss his feelings if you'd like before taking the stairs. Once downstairs you should see Maribel hiding behind some barrels. Naturally you should smash then to blow her cover and speak with her. The head cook will then come out and give her hell for trying to hide on board the ship. Maribel complains and tries to flatter the cook which doesn't end up working. Maribel is told to leave while you are told to go help the cook by peeling potatoes. Such fun. Maribel gets mad at you and threatens to tell everyone about your "secret base". Speak to the man near by to learn that your uncle isn't looked upon too fondly by others. Talk to the cook to find that you don't actually have to peel any potatoes. Smash the vases that are near by for an AmitSnack. Exit the boat and your father will give you the sad news that you can't come with him this year, but if you keep training hard that one day you will become a master fisherman. He tells you to take care of Mollie while he's gone and then sets sail. As you try to leave the harbor, a soldier will come up to you and tell you that the King has requested an audience with you and you are to go to the castle right away. Estard Castle lies north west of Fishbel. After he leaves, Maribel will come out of her house as she has overheard the soldier and wants to accompany you. Say yes to avoid the endless loop and she will officially join your party. Give her the HeadBand from your inventory and have her equip it. As you walk on, Maribel will show her arrogance and spoiled nature. Go to the General Store if you'd like to purchase anything. I suggest buying the Sticks and Pot Lids. Speak to the lady inside the store to learn that you were born four months prematurely and almost died during a previous Amitt Harvest. If you speak with your mother at home, she will ask if you spoke with the soldier. She warns you to mind your manners around the King and Prince Kiefer. She then gives you a small package to give to the prince (FishPaste). Head to the church to save your progress before setting off and you will find out from the priest that your character is sixteen years old. Exit the town to the north west and you will appear on the world map. =============================================================================== ESTARD (WK03) Items: 3 Gold x 2 Cloth

Herb x 2 Stick 1 Gold 6 Gold 2 Gold x 2 Dung INTseed 5 Gold AmitDonut Antidote Spectacle Head west of Fishbel and you should come upon a small house on the world map. Enter this area and smash the barrels by the house to find 3 Gold. A Cloth will lie inside a dresser in the house. Downstairs you can find 3 more Gold in a vase, an Herb in a barrel and find another locked chest. If you head to the fire pit in the back yard a strange man will be speaking with a bunch of animals. As you approach they will run off and he will ask if you have come from Estard. He will warn you of a man named Hondara and request that you come back to visit from time to time. Leave this place now and travel north to reach Estard. Upon entering town Maribel will ditch you. You will now be alone to explore the castle town. Speak to the townsfolk to learn that prince Kiefer is quite mischievous, and that a fellow named Orka has been spotted with a pretty girl. Enter the inn to learn that you are Hondara's nephew and he apparently hasn't paid off his bar tab. You can find a Stick in the upstairs dresser. Behind the inn, near the well, more people will speak ill of your uncle. You can smash the vases behind the church for 1 Gold. 6 Gold will lie in a vase behind the house to the north west of town. Enter the front entrance to the item shop and you will find Maribel upstairs. She will be talking to Orka who she assures you is only a friend before complaining about being too popular. Orka will be rude with you if you speak with him. Enter this shop from the rear now and you will find the two treasure chests by the merchant to be locked. You can speak with Orka's mother to find out that she isn't too fond of Maribel. Head upstairs for 2 Gold in a barrel. Enter the house to the north west of the item shop and speak with Hondara's landlord. He owes about half a years rent. The house due east of here is Hondara's. The barrel outside will net you a Dung if you smash it. How fitting. Inside, the place will be a mess and Hondara will be passed out in bed. You should note the stairwell near his place and if you take it, you will be in an underground passage that has the southern part sealed off due to a locked door. Head north and follow the winding path to exit to an isolated area with a lone house. Smash the barrels for an INTseed. Enter the house and break the jar for 2 Gold. Hey, they all add up. Upstairs, if you speak with him, the old man will yell at you for gawking at "the crazy old man on the cliff". Return to the main part of town and head northbound towards the actual castle. Once inside you can shop at the item shop to your left if you'd like. To the east lies a bank which can store your money in increments of a thousand. These banks are very valuable because if you die in a battle, you lose half of the gold your party currently holds. Any gold stored in banks is exempt from this. There is a well hidden stairwell just opposite the guarded stairs that lead to the room above. Downstairs note the treasure chests that you can't access due to the door being locked. Head upstairs when you are ready and King Burns will be wondering where Kiefer is. The Minister will try to calm down the alarmed king before king Burns notices you standing there. He will then lead you upstairs and request that you have a seat. He then asks if you would look into his eyes. Answer no for

some funny dialogue. Anyways, the gist of it is that Kiefer has stolen an important ring from the Queen and King Burns is concerned with his behavior even since his mother passed away. Since Kiefer is neglecting his responsibilities as the next to the throne, the king wants you to speak with him. Speak to the guards to learn that the ring Kiefer took has a jewel called a SunStone embedded on it. Explore the castle again and you will learn that Kiefer is turning 18 this year from a maid in his room. Search his dressers to steal 5 Gold. Take the north west stairs on this floor and head west to take another set of stairs. Enter the kings chambers and you can meet Princess Leesa. She will mention that Kiefer doubts that this is the only island that exists which may be the motivation for why he is acting out. Backtrack and head to the eastern part of the castle to find a fortune teller. If you speak with a man on the western part of the castle, you will learn that the eastern part of this island was once a forbidden zone and some ruins remain. The ruins are an ancient burial ground of the royal family and you are to stay away from this sacred area. Answer no to the yes/no prompt to learn that there is a rumor that the prince might be at these ruins. Head back to the first floor and enter the kitchen to speak with the cooks. You will give one of the cooks the FishPaste that your mother gave you. Smash the vases for an AmitDonut. Head north and go down the stairs to find a bunch of breakables. Claim the Antidote, Spectacle and Herb from the wreckage and then speak to the old man wandering by. You will give him back the glasses that he misplaced and he will give you details of an ancient myth. Long ago God and the Demon Lord fought a fierce battle and it took God hundreds of years before he destroyed the Demon Lord. There is peace today because of this battle. Anyways, exit the castle and enter the inn if you'd like to see your uncle trying to woo a bunny girl with a "HotStone". Head back to Fishbel for now and you will learn that Prince Kiefer came by looking for you earlier. Speak with the man at the harbor and you will learn that Kiefer is waiting for you at "the usual place". Now it's time to explore those forbidden ruins you were warned about. =============================================================================== ANCIENT RUINS (WK04) Items: Ancient Scroll HotStone Pearl Orb Saint's Helmet 10 Gold Ancient Key LifeAcorn Saint's Sword Saint's Shield Saint's Armor LandShard x 3 World Map Head west upon entering the ruins and you will find Prince Kiefer, who oddly enough looks like Jay Leno standing by a statue. Speak with him and he will give you an Ancient Scroll. Use the scroll as an item and an image of a staff held by a wizard will be depicted while radiating with light. Other images will show ancient tablets in ancient languages. Speak again to Kiefer and he will state that the near by statue looks just like the image from the scroll. He suggests that the statue is a link to something and that the sun is the key. He then shows the Sunstone ring that he stole and suggests putting it on the

statue. He does so and excitedly exclaims how his destiny is about to change, but nothing happens. The ring did start to shine but to no avail. Keifer lets you keep the scroll before disappointingly heading back to the castle to find more clues. Head back to Fishbel and pay a visit to Maribel in her bedroom. She will notice the scroll and ask if you've come to show it to her. Answer yes, and she will recommend showing it to the old man at the item shop. Speak with the merchant and he will suggest you bring it to the old man that lives on the cliff in Estard to see if he can help. Make the long trek to the old man and speak with him. He will think you are trying to sell the scroll and offers to purchase it. After he realizes it's not for sale he asks where you found it. The old man will figure that Kiefer stole it from the castle treasury. He will then offer to study the scroll for the time being and requests that you come back later. Head to Hondara's house if you have previously encountered him flirting with the bunny girl at the inn and speak with him while he's sleeping. An item will fall out of his pocket so search it to claim the HotStone. Exit the house and speak with the woman by the well and she will see a sparkle of some sort inside the well. Enter the well and search the shining spot at the bottom to find a Pearl Orb. If you speak with the maid in Kiefers room she will explain that he left with a package to test something. Head back to the ruins and try to put the HotStone or Pearl Orb on the staff of the statue like Kiefer did with the Sunstone and nothing will happen. You will notice a note, however, from Kiefer saying he's tried everything but nothing seems to be working. He wonders if you have found anything and to meet him back at the castle. Meet him back at the castle and he will ask you where the Ancient Scroll is. After explaining to him about the old man on the cliff, he will request that you pay a visit to the old man. Do so and he will just have finished deciphering the old text. The shining light in the picture has nothing to do with the sun, but symbolizes the glowing passion in the heart of the Chosen One. Kiefer will then assume he is the Chosen One before the old man explains that the Chosen One must "stand before the Philosopher at the door, and pray with all your heart. When he sees your purity, the path that you must tread shall be revealed." Kiefer then asks that all it will take is for him to wish the door to open. As you head back to town, Kiefer will be taken home by two soldiers despite his protesting. He then tells you to wait at home and calls you his lackey before being escorted away. The scene will suddenly change to night time and Kiefer will wake you up from your sleep in your bed. The king was so upset with him that he was locked in his bedroom. Exit your house and return to the ruins. Head to the statue and Kiefer will ask if you are ready. Say yes and Kiefer will ask if you are in it for the long haul like he is. Say yes and both of you will start praying in front of the statue. The statue will suddenly start to glow before rotating and shooting a large beam of light that opens the door to the north. Excitedly Kiefer explains that he had tried to open that exact door over a thousand times before running off towards it. Catch up to him and enter the door. Kiefer will notice some strange carvings in the floor which seem to be some form of ancient script. If you search the carvings you will be able to read the language much to Kiefers surprise. Here is what the four tablets say: North Tablet - Do not plunge into darkness, for the path will remain undiscovered.

East Tablet - The true way can only be forged through your own efforts. South Tablet - Once the ruins are opened, the legend will be told once again. West Tablet - The Saints stand in formation, guarding the ruins and pointing the way to rebirth. Head down the stairs now and follow the linear paths until you reach a stone tablet after crossing a bridge. Read the statue to learn "I am the guardian of the flame. When it sputters out, I am here to rekindle it. I am the protector of the helmet." Head north and you will eventually reach a room with a bunch of statues holding flame cauldrons. There will be a flame in the center of the room. If you inspect with flame you will be asked if you wish to put it out. Doing so will cause the statue opposite of you to leave it's position to reignite the flame. Extinguish the flame from the west side and step on the tile that lies under the eastern statue to open the door to the north. Enter this door and open the treasure chest to claim the Saint's Helmet. Now go north from the fire room and you will be in an open room with a beautiful waterfall, four numbered Saint statues, a magically sealed door and a set of stairs. Go down the stairs and follow the path and take the next set of stairs. You will now be in a room with many switches on the ground, as well as little boxes you can push to cover the switches. Head down the stairs and cover the first switch with the box. Enter the chamber above that opens and enter the door to the north to find another chest containing 10 Gold. Exit and push the box on the switch and then this time, push that very first box all the way west to cover a different switch than the first time. Now head back to the beginning part of the room and step on the scale. You will be brought down a level but notice the other side that rises which is covering a door. Quickly make your way through this door before the scale resets. From here, the door to the north will be locked so go west and take the stairs. From here go north, take the stairs and head north to find a statue of a lion's head. A note will be on the wall near by that explains one with a pure heart will be handed a path to his future while one will an evil heart shall lose his hand. Inspect the head of the lion and offer your hand. Apparently you are pure as a rusted Ancient Key will now be yours. Now you can backtrack and enter that locked door. Do so and you will be in a room with a mural of four trees on a wall. Read the tablet to learn that all trees must sprout their leaves towards the sun. If you have lost your way, follow the golden sun. Now carefully look at the mural of the trees on the wall and note the directions that the leaves are facing. From left to right they are facing (west, east, west, west) Now head north and use the directions based on the mural when you come upon the forks in the road with the choices to go east or west. Go west, east, west and west again to complete the puzzle and make it to the next room with two levels. Make your way to the chest to grab the LifeAcorn before taking the northern door. Climb the long ladder to reach a new area and make your way to the tablet to the north east. It says that dragons that serve God live and die by the holy light of the crystal. Grab the blue crystal orb and carry it across to the other side and place it on the empty pedestal. The dragon on the west will lower now that the crystal is gone and causes the water to flood the western area while drying up the east. Now return to the room that had the LifeAcorn in the chest and note the changes due to the water. Step on the raft and head south past the lone island with the stairs to find a room with a chest. Open it to find the Saint's Sword. Take the stairs near by and follow a series of raft based paths to come upon a chest that you would have seen at the beginning of this ruin that hides the

Saint's Shield. Now go back and take the stairs on the lone island to reach a room with another stone tablet. Read it to learn that the great pillars reveal both forbidden legends as well as forsaken paths. You are to place the images in their proper places and the way will be revealed. With that clue, take the stairs to the north and you will be in a room with four switches. Step on the north switch and two pillars will rise out of the ground. Look in the hole of the blue pillar to see images of monsters attacking people. Step on the east switch and look through the hole of the red pillar. People will be fending off monsters will arrows. The south switch will bring up the yellow pillar. Look through that to see images of monsters ready for combat. Now step on the western switch and access the green pillar to see a bunch of monsters with tombstones near by. Head back now and enter the north eastern door of the flooded room. Now this room can be tricky but relates to the information you just gathered. To the west are three movable tablets and two color coated tiles, yellow and green. You must match the images you saw previously from the pillars to the applicable color of tile. Push the middle tablet on the yellow tile and the bottom tablet on the green tile. You will hear a sound when a tablet is pushed onto the correct colored tile. On the eastern side push the bottom tablet on the red tile and the top tablet onto the blue tile. The door will now open and you can retrieve the Saint's Armor from the treasure chest. Now go back and take the rafts back to where you found the Saint's Shield and take the stairs to the west. In the switch room take the western most set of stairs and you will eventually make your way to a large tablet that offers you information about the four Saints. Read to learn: First Saint - reigns over the earth. Symbolized by Armor Second Saint - reigns over wind. Symbolizes a Shield Third Saint - reigns over fire. Symbolized by a Helmet Fourth Saint - reigns over water. Symbolizes a Sword. Now return to the Saints and place the Armor on the first, the Shield on the second, the Helmet on the third and the sword on the fourth. The door to the north will open. Enter it and note the adventure journal on top of an altar. Save your game and continue north. The next room will be your final puzzle. There will be nine braziers in a three by three grid. A door will be sealed and there will be two large jeweled statues. The left one holds a red jewel while the one to the right holds a blue jewel. At the entrance will be a red and blue torch. Take the red torch and climb the ladder to light the brazier of the red jeweled statue. Notice the squares on the three by three grid that light up? This matches the format that the braziers in this room are in. +===+===+===+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | +===+===+===+ | 4 | 5 | 6 | +===+===+===+ | 7 | 8 | 9 | +===+===+===+ Light 1, 3 and 8 with the red torch. Put the torch back and grab the blue one.

Light the blue jeweled statue's brazier to learn that you must light 5,7 and 9. Do so and the path will be opened. Return the torch and carry on. Approach the stone tablet and read it to learn that the world was divided into four sources. If artifacts are returned to their rightful place, the world will reveal it's true character. Notice the weird looking object on the floor? Search it to discover a LandShard. Kiefer remembers seeing a drawing of a shard like that in an ancient tome. Head east and you will be in a room with four pedestals. Examine one of them and you will learn that you must put the correct shard into place. Head north and claim another LandShard on the floor. Head west and you will enter a very large room with four small buildings that you cannot access, as well as a locked door to the north. Search the funny looking piece of paper on the ground to find a World Map. Also note that where you found this map on the ground is an image of a lone island, the island you are currently on! Go west and south to discover two more rooms with pedestals. Notice how each room has a different color and there are four of them? The world was divided into four...... Head back to where you found the second LandShard piece and inspect the north western pedestal. Notice how you can select a shard and rotate it into place with the "L" and "R" buttons? Place the two shards onto the pedestal and Kiefer will note that it looks like you are one shard short. Kiefer suggests that you can either investigate more or head back home, it's your call. Backtrack all the way out of this ancient fane and Kiefer will notice that you spent the whole night in there as it's now morning. Kiefer says he is going back to the castle to do some research about the shards and requests that if you find anything, to bring it to him. Return to Fishbel and the Amitt Harvest will have concluded. Head home and your father and Hondara will be there. Hondara ate your dinner. Speak to Borkano to find out that the fishing trip was a huge success. Borkano will reflect back to the harvest in which you were born prematurely at 5 months of age. Anyways, your father mentions that he caught something unusual and hands over a LandShard! As you try to leave, Hondara will take back his SunStone. Now head to Estard and see the prince at once. Show Kiefer the LandShard and he will join up with you again. Head back to the ancient fane and as you approach the entrance, Maribel will make an appearance. She has followed you and you must take her with you or she is telling. Accept her offer to join and make your way deep into the fane and place the newly acquired LandShard on to the pedestal. Suddenly a light will come from the shards and the three of you will be whisked away to a new land... =============================================================================== REXWOOD (WK05) Items: Cloth Shirt 12 Gold You will suddenly appear in a small wooded area. Everyone will be alright and no one will recognize the area or know where they are. Maribel will note how dark it is before taking off to go home. Head north a bit and you will hear Maribel scream. Kiefer will chase after her and when you catch up, they will be surrounded by three slimes. Finally, it's time for your first battle of the game! Go into "Plan" in the battle menu and select all characters to "Manual". This will grant you control over their battle actions. Simply pound away on the slimes and you will be victorious. After the battle Maribel will complain about everything, including how it's Kiefers fault that she was "forced" to accompany the both of you. Kiefer is just thrilled with the fact that he just killed monsters and Maribel will request to be taken home.

Head north and you will eventually come across a female warrior near some grave stones. Startled, she will ask who you are before Kiefer makes introductions. Upon hearing that Kiefer is from Estard, the mysterious warrior will say "it can't be". After a little banter between Maribel and Kiefer, she will introduce herself as Matilda. Maribel will ask why she is out so late at night cutting weeds and Matilda will explain that they are offerings for the graves near by. Maribel will then give Matilda some flower seeds that she can plant instead and Matilda notes that they will help calm the dead spirits. Matilda then asks where you are headed and explains that you won't be able to make it home any time soon, but that there is a place you can rest in a village to the east. She offers to accompany you there and will join your party although you can't control her in battle. Exit to the north and you will be on the world map. You should notice the village a few steps to the east as well as a tower further east and a cave to the south. The island will be very small and you can get in random battles on the world map. Matilda will be extremely powerful in battle if you'd like to take advantage of her and level up a bit. Enter the village when you are ready which is called Rexwood. As soon as you enter town Matilda will have disappeared. Speak to people and you will see that people are willingly destroying their homes and property out of fear that their kidnapped love ones will be hurt if they don't. Cross the bridge to the middle part of town and speak to someone to learn the legend of Rex, the hero of the village. Say yes to learn that twenty years ago when the monsters first came, the villagers put aside their differences and worked together to defeat the beasts. One courageous fellow was sent off alone to the monsters lair. The others were to follow but not one person had enough courage. The young warrior battled on while waiting for backup that never came. After defeating the enemies, he fell to his knees and died just outside of the enemies lair. Enter the inn and search the dresser for a Cloth Shirt. Head east and enter the small cabin to speak to the man in green. He will blurt out accidentally that this house really belongs to a fellow named Hank but they traded places as Hank is hiding from monsters. He gets upset with himself for letting that information slip before offering you weapons and armor. Smash the vase in the cabin for 12 Gold. Head to the lone shack at the north end of town and enter it. You will be greeted by a small young boy named Patrick, who then closes the door behind you. He will then ask you if you have come upon a woman named Matilda. Answer truthfully and he will explain that she protects the village from monsters but hasn't been seen recently. He also comments that his father Hank is injured. Hank will then begin to groan from his bed. Speak with Patrick again to learn that the mine south of town houses items called colorstones and that if a green colorstone is found, his father may be saved as he is far to injured for normal medicines to recover him. Even a fragment, called a Green Orb, may be enough to save his life. The mine is dangerous due to the monsters and all the villagers are scared and weak. He was going to ask Matilda to help but can't find her. Make some preparations if necessary and leave town for the mine. =============================================================================== COLORSTONE MINE (WK06) Items: Herb 40 Gold STRseed Green Orb Wood Doll Before heading into the mine, smash the barrels outside the cabin for an Herb.

Inside the cabin a wounded warrior will warn you of the dangers of the mine. Enter the mine now and head west at the fork and you will eventually bump into Matilda. Fancy meeting her here. Kiefer will tell her Patrick s story and Matilda will confirm that a green colorstone will be needed to get a Green Orb. She will then suddenly excuse herself and says that she cannot concern herself with Patrick before leaving. Guess it's all up to you now. Read the sign that Matilda was standing beside to learn that colorstones break easily. Go north and at the fork head west to smash some barrels for 40 Gold and a STRseed. Now go east and take the stairs. From here head west a bit and then south. When you reach the fork, head east and notice the two red stones and the set of stairs. Push the two stones so that they touch one another and they will both shatter. Take the stairs and you will be in a room blocked off by a few colorstones. Push the two yellow ones together and then the blue ones to reach the stairs. From here head north and you should pass a few colorstones before taking the stairs. You will now be in a small room with many colorstones but the puzzle isn't as tricky as it may look at first. First start by pushing the two blue stones together. Now go back and from the east, start pushing the red stone west all the way until the it shatters with red stone which is right beside a yellow stone. Now push the two yellow stones together and then finally push the red ones together and take the stairs. You will now be in a larger room with even more colorstones that before. First push the blue stones together, then push the red stone all the way west to break the other red stone. Now push the two other red stones to the right one space and go around to push one of the yellow stones to the center of the room. Go back around and push the yellow stone all the way west to make the path to the stairs open. Now you will be in an even larger room than before which will have colorstones all bunched together in bunches. There will be a lone green colorstone in the middle of the room. Make your way to the stone and Matilda will approach. She decided to return as she was worried about you and apologizes for her earlier actions before touching the green colorstone. Suddenly it will light up and a small piece will fall off. She then presents you with this piece, a Green Orb, to give to Patrick. She also gives you her good luck charm, a Wood Doll. She then leaves. Backtrack all the way out of the mind and return to Hanks shack in Rexwood. Speak to Patrick and he will ask if you ran into Matilda. Patrick will then use the Green Orb that you handed over on his father before thanking you for all your help. He then gives you a little bit of information on the mysterious Matilda. Apparently Hank tried to go through the monsters tower alone to bring back the kidnapped women and children. Patrick followed him and eventually found him laying in a pool of his own blood with Matilda standing over him. Apparently she had come to his aid and fought the monsters off by herself, thus saving his life. She then carried him back to the village. Patrick then explains that the town inn has been prepaid and that you should rest for the night. The scene will then change to the bedroom at the inn with Maribel telling everyone how nice it was of Patrick to pay for the inn. Kiefer will be sound asleep so Maribel will ask if you think you'll ever return to Fishbel and if you will get lonely if you don't. A flashback scene will play of a young Matilda warning too dangerous to go by himself and that he should wait will be Rex, the man in the town legend who died while no one came to his aid. Rex reassures Matilda that he giving her the Wood Doll. her brother that it's for others. Her brother defending the town while will be fine before

Day will break and after returning to Hanks cabin, you will find that Hank's injuries have been completely healed. Speak with Patrick and he will describe in morbid detail how his father has made a remarkable recovery. Talk with Hank who apparently was unaware that Matilda rescued him and he will ask why you have come to the village. Maribel will explain the odd situation and Hank decides that if the evil is driven away from the area, that you may find a solution on how to return home. Hank will suggest that you defeat the monsters in the eastern tower and will request to accompany you along the way. Say yes and he will join your party as a non playable character. Upgrade your weapons and armor if you'd like before departing for the tower. =============================================================================== EASTERN TOWER (WK07) Items: 20 Gold Herb WindShard Bronze Knife FireShard Leather Shield 5 Gold 80 Gold DEFseed Enter the tower and follow the western path to find 20 Gold The eastern path will bring you to an Herb in a vase. Exit take either diagonal stairway to the next floor. Climb the the Golem blocking the door. The Golem will recognize Hank Boss Battle - Golem Have Maribel cast SAP on the Golem to lower his defense. Blaze also seems to do decent damage as well. Keep your health up as the Golem is fairly strong. Hank tends to heal when your HP runs low so keep pounding away on the Golem until it is killed. After the battle the Golem will have dropped a treasure chest. Inside will lie a WindShard. I'd return to Rexwood and spend a night right now at the inn. Because Hank is in your party, inn visits will be free. Head through the door and go north to take the stairs. Go south and take the next set of stairs and head north to reach two chests. The left one contains a Bronze Knife for Maribel while the one on the right contains a FireShard. You now have the choice of taking the stairs to the east or the west. Take the eastern stairs and you will make your way to a room with a chest and a vase. A Leather Shield will be inside the chest while 5 Gold can be claimed by smashing the vase. Return and this time take the western stairs and travel through a few more sets of stairs to reach the top. When you make it be careful not to fall off or you will have to start all over again. Head east to reach the stairs and after taking them head north to the next set of stairs. Head west to find the next set of stairs while going north to find the next set of stairs. From here grab 80 Gold and a DEFseed from the chests before taking the next set of stairs. Head north while being careful not to fall off the ledge and speak with the small monster. The monster will explain that his leader isn't there, but that he will crush you anyways. You are then attacked. Boss Battle - Clawser Clawser will cast Blaze and has high defense. SAP him a bit and use FireSlash and Blaze on him. Keep your HP up and sometimes Hank will chip in with a in a vase upstairs. the tower now and stairs and approach before attacking.

heal spell or SAP. Keep attacking him and you will eventually win. He may drop a chest containing a DEFseed after the fight. Clawser curses you out and states that the only reason you won was because their leader isn't there. The leader will finally show up and it will be Matilda! Clawser will urge her to finish you off but Matilda kills Clawser instead before declaring that she is the root of all evil and ordered the monsters to not let the women return to Rexwood. She then reveals her true form and explains that even though she looks like a monster, she still has human emotions. She really meant it when she offered weeds as a gift to the dead and Patrick had awoken her human side. Hank declares he will kill Matilda and she explains how Patrick reminded her of herself when her brother got murdered so many years ago. Hank realizes that Matilda is the sister of Rex. When she chased after her brother she became possessed by a beast which caused her to hate the cowardly towns people who left her brother to die. Her hate transformed her into the monster she now is. Hank will wish that the women are returned to Rexwood and that everything can be back to normal or he will cut her down. Matilda will explain that the fact that she exists is preventing the women from returning and that as long as she lives, they will never return. Hank will then attack her. Boss Battle - Matilda This isn't really a battle as Matilda will just defend. If you want her to live, simply run away, otherwise cut her down to free the women. After the battle you can try to stop Hank from delivering the final blow. Either way she will disappear but not before telling you to return to the forest area that you first met her at to find a way home. The darkness will have lifted so return to Rexwood village. All the women will have returned but will have no recollection of what happened. Return to the cabin and Patrick will be waiting outside. Patrick will be very happy and wishes to tell Matilda what happened. Hank will explain that Matilda already knows before handing over the bowels of a CatMage to Patrick as a war trophy. Patrick will then wander off by himself. Hank will invite you inside and feel remorse for Matilda's fate. He then reminds you of Matilda's last words and says his farewell. Now head to the forest. Patrick will be at the gravestones and the flowers that Matilda planted will have bloomed. Give Patrick the Wood Doll and return to the area you came from at the beginning of this ordeal and there will be a blue swirl. Touch the swirl and you will be magically warped back to the fane! =============================================================================== THE RETURN (WK08) Items: HolyWater Kiefer will realize that fitting all the shards in the pedestal formed a map and then you were warped to that location. He wonders where that place was and if it was all a dream. Maribel will have another moody bit before admitting that she did have fun. She mentions that she needs to get going home and Kiefer will suddenly worry that his dad will be upset with him and takes off. Maribel requests that you escort her home. Note that you have both a Wind and FireShard in your inventory. Before leaving, go and find where they belong. Head west and as you make your way across the room where you found the World Map, you should notice a small island

just north of Estard on the floor map. Interesting... Enter the western door and you will be in the red room, or the "FireShard" room. Inspect the north west pedestal and put the shard in place. Head south now to reach the "WindShard" room. Also place the shard on the north west pedestal. Now backtrack through the ancient fane once again and return to Fishbel. Maribel will be sleepy and returns to her home. Speak with the near by lady to learn that everyone is excited about a new island that has appeared. Go home and speak to your mother. After scolding you she will mention that your father and Amitt have gone to Estard Castle regarding the rumor of the new island. Leave Fishbel now and head to Estard. A big meeting is being held in the castle but the castle gates are closed so you cannot enter. A guard near by mentions that Kiefer left the castle and went to visit his grandfather... You will find Kiefer just outside of the crazy old man on the cliffs place. On the way speak with your uncle at his place and he will give you HolyWater if you confirm that the castle meeting with Borkano and Amitt is true. Speak to Kiefer and he will mention how an expedition team has been formed to investigate the new island. Kiefer is upset that he isn't a part of the team and says that it's time to use the secret weapon. He asks you to meet him in the cave on the shoreline in Fishbel. Enter the Fishbel cave and Kiefer and Maribel will be waiting. Smash the vases and inspect the stone lid to remove it with the help of the others. A staircase is hidden so take them down and follow the linear path to eventually come upon a small boat. Kiefer will surprise you and mention that the boat is fixed up and ready to go. Speak to Maribel to learn that this boat used to belong to her father but he decommissioned it because it was a safety hazard. So naturally, board the ship and speak with Kiefer. He will confirm if you are ready to set sail and Maribel will hop on before the boat departs. You will appear on the world map just south of Fishbel. Now try using the World Map that you got as an item (or press the square key) Notice the small island just north of Estard? Sail there. The island will look exactly how the Rexwood area looked minus the tower or the forest. Head into town. =============================================================================== REXWOOD? (WK09) Items: WindShard Herb AGLseed Antidote Leather Hat 25 Gold The town will be quite different from what you remember of it so go do some exploring. The people seem to be normal and think it's quite odd that you believe that the island just appeared from out of nowhere. The lady in the house to the south west of town will mention that monsters can attack you at sea. The older lady will have no idea why the town is called Rexwood. Search the table to find a shard. The old lady will offer it to you officially and you will possess the WindShard. There is a condition however. You must tell her husband, who found the shard in the colorstone mine and should be at the pond across the bridge. Speak to the old man and he will mention that more stones like that shard exist in the colorstone mine to the south. West of the inn a man will sell you weapons and armor. Make some upgrades if you can and head to the temple to smash the vases to claim an Herb. Nothing like stealing

from God :) An AGLseed can be found in a barrel outside of the inn. Cross the bridge and enter a very large building. Smash the vases on the way to the top to grab an Antidote. The man on the roof of the building will explain how the village has been twice taken by monsters in the past, but the second time they stole the towns women and the blue from the sky. Then a brave man defeated the monster and the village was saved. Apparently the events you witnessed previously had occurred in the past... Enter the building near by to learn that the big building is called "Hanks Tower". Rummage through the dresser to steal a Leather Hat. Head towards where Hanks cabin used to be to find another cabin. Smash the vases near by for 25 Gold. Leave town when you are ready and head south to the colorstone mine. Notice there is no tower though. =============================================================================== COLORSTONE MINE? (WK10) Items: Antidote 13 Gold MysticNut FireShard x 2 AGLseed Smash the barrel to find an Antidote right away. The barrels by the cabin hide 13 Gold. Speak to the man guarding the mine entrance and he will let you inside provided you stoke the earlier shard from the old lady. The layout will be exactly as you had explored this area in the past. Smash the barrels at the north end to find a MysticNut. Notice that you won't be attacked by monsters here. Progress deeper into the mine and when you make it to the room with the colorstones, push the blue ones at the bottom together, then the yellow ones, then the red and finally the blue to solve this simple puzzle. Take the stairs and push the red stone up five spaces before pushing it all the way east to break the other red stone. Now push the blue stone once east, then once south and then all the way east to get through. Take the stairs and in this room push the blue stone west once, then push the second yellow stone west to break the other stone before finally pushing the other yellow stone west to reach the stairs. Now it can get tricky. Go north and push the red stone down until it breaks with the other red stone. Now go all the way east and come from behind the red stone at the south west area and push it up and then east to free the blue stone. Push the blue stone from the east all the way west and take the stairs. This room will have random battles so be careful. Make your way to the stairs and you will be in a room that didn't exist in the past. You will have the option to push a blue color stone in all four directions to create a path. East, south, and west lead to dead ends, so go north to find a FireShard. After claiming the FireShard, Kiefer suggests you head back to Estard Castle. Do so and speak to the western guard for the drawbridge to lower. Once inside the castle you should note that a few areas have been blocked off due to the important meeting that is still on going. Head to the fortune tellers room and he will have visions of a huge fire. Take the stairs down in this room and you will eventually make it to the old man on the cliff who is arguing with the guard to open up the gate. The old man will ask Kiefer to use his pull so that he can visit his friend past the gate. Speak to the guard and you will be granted access. Follow the old man and he will be greeting his friend, an

aging captain. The old man will mention to the captain that he needs that "important" piece. Speak to the old man and Kiefer will wonder what the old people are talking about. The old man will bluntly ask you if you know about the new land that has appeared and Kiefer will confess your adventures so far regarding the ancient fane and the mysterious new world. The old man then asks the captain if her understands which he will admit to before the old man states that something you request lies behind the castle walls. He feels that you may find it by using the near by raft. He mentions that he will explain more if you can bring "it" back. Hop on the raft and sail behind the castle. You should notice a door just under princess Leesa's balcony. Continue on and dock the raft at the stairs. Now you can walk the perimeter of the castle. Head east from where you got off and enter the small door. A guard will be standing behind a large table with a map spread upon it. Speak to him and he will mention that someone with a vivid imagination drew the map but it might possibly depict new lands. Head downstairs and speak with the prisoner if you'd like. Now make your way back and enter the large door underneath the princesses balcony to continue on into a basement. Smash the vase for an AGLseed. Head towards the bookshelf and inspect it. It can be moved! Push it when prompted and enter the next room to find a treasure chest. Inside will be a FireShard. Return back to the old man and speak to him. He mentions that he found that shard when he was a kid, but prince Kiefers grandfather confiscated it. He mentions that you should use that shard to make a new land appear. Backtrack out of the castle and note that if you ever get lost on your journey, the fortune teller will give clues detailing what you should do or where you should go next. Speak to Hondara if you haven't already to make sure you have the HolyWater. Head to the ancient fane and enter the large room with the four small buildings when you found the World Map. Notice how the blue building to the south east has it's torch lit? You can enter the small building and inside will be a mysterious swirling whirlpool of magic. Walk into it and you will be transported to a room with a solid steel door to the south. Go through the door and Kiefer will mention how you are in the cave that you've always explored. The door was previously magically sealed if you had tried to enter from the other side. If you head east you will be on a shoreline and it looks like some mysterious boat is under the water. Head west and you will make your way to the ruins that the characters were exploring at the very beginning of the game. This is a shortcut to the tablets so you don't have to go through the whole fane each time you find a shard. Head to the FireShard room now and place the final pieces into the pedestal. You will once again be warped to a new land in the past. =============================================================================== ENGOW (WK11) Items: Antidote x 2 10 Gold 6 Gold Cloth Shirt LifeAcorn Horned Hat You will witness a cut scene of someone tossing a torch into a volcano and it erupting before finding yourself on the world map, just below a blue swirling thing. You can step on this swirling thing to return to the present time if you ever needed to.

From here head all the way east and then south, past a volcano, and enter the town. This is the town of Engow where they worship Fire and the God of Flame. Speak to the people to learn of a festival in which they honor the God of Flame called the procession of Fire. The God of Flame also lives in that volcano you previously passed. Smash the vase for an Antidote by the man on the west side of town. The vase on the south east part of town has 10 Gold while 6 Gold will be inside a vase in the building to the north. Speak to the man in the house north of this one to learn that his mother is very ill. After he leaves to go get some medicine, speak to his mother and she will mention that "Pamela" told her that if her son ever leaves the village that he will never come back alive. Pamela appears to be some kind of fortune teller. The ill mother actually is quite fine, she is just faking her illness so her son won't leave town. Steal the Cloth Shirt from the dresser. Speak to the little boy hidden behind the church and he will put over Pamela's skills. A LifeAcorn will be in the vase by the man on the north west part of town. Enter the town elders house and smash the barrel for an Antidote. The old lady on the first floor will describe the Procession of Fire up Mt. Flame. Head upstairs and life the Horned Hat from the dresser. Speak to the Elder and he will welcome you just before a tremor shakes the room. You will mention to him the vision you had of Mt. Flame erupting and he will say it's just nonsense due to the fact that they worship the volcano. The mayor invites you to stay at the inn so you can witness the festival and find out for yourself that your vision was false. Now enter the small building to the west of town There is a general store here as well as Pamela. Apparently you won't be able to really chat with her as she is in a foul mood for some reason. When you are ready, rest at the inn. The next morning you will awake to noise outside the inn. Apparently Pamela has been acting very strange. People are gathered north near the town well so go see what's up. Apparently Pamela will have had the same vision that you apparently saw regarding the erupting volcano. Speak to her to learn that her vision showcased Mt. Flame spewing forth flames that will cover the town. When the Fire Procession ends, that is when the volcano will erupt. She states that the festival must be canceled this year. The ground will then shake and Pamela will go on that the tremor is only the beginning before people say she is just angering the God of Flame. Pamela will get frustrated that no one is listening. The elder will come out and is explained the situation. He tells everyone to calm down before turning his attention to your party. He mentions that you look nervous before taking Pamela inside his to talk. He also invites you to join them. A screen will pop up saying the villagers returned to their normal lives and quickly forgot Pamela s prophecy. You will be in the elders house and when you go upstairs, the elder will be asking Pamela why she mentioned her vision in front of everyone. Pamela states that she felt a message from God, and that it's her duty to inform everyone. The elder states that she is a Medicine woman and not a Seer. Pamela will once again urge the cancellation of the festival. The elder declines her request and proclaims that the festival will be held tonight and that the God of Flame will forgive them for today s actions. The elder will then go outside and declare to everyone that tonight is the festival and to make preparations. As Pamela leaves in disgust, she notices you and declares that you may be the people to save the village. Visit her and she will request your names. Pamela will then ask if you believe her prediction will come true. Regardless of your choice, she will state that her predictions are very wrong. She mentions that a Seer can tell the future, but that the future can be changed. She will then request your help. Grant it and she will confide that she believes something

has taken control of Mt. Flame. No one is allowed to enter the volcano except during the festival. You'll have to wait until it begins before you can do anything now. She tells you to rest at the inn until the festival begins. Take her advice and when you wake up, the festival will already in full swing. Speak to the excited villagers if you'd like and note that the man west of the inn is a merchant who has some new items. Speak to Pamela when you are ready and she will mention that the road to Mt. Flame will be open soon and that she will need your help so be ready for her. Exit Pamela's place and notice that most of the villagers are now carrying torches. Speak to the elder at the north west part of town and he will give you torches. He notes that since everyone who is participating in the festival has a torch, it's time for the Procession of Fire to begin. He will then ask if you are ready to go. Say yes and the announcement will be officially made. A prayer will be made before everyone is blessed to leave town for Mt. Flame. Everyone then leaves and heads for the volcano. =============================================================================== MT. FLAME (WK12) Items: STRseed DEFseed Herb Knife 110 Gold Antidote AquaShard x 2 Bottle You will now be on the world map holding your torches. Head slightly to the north west to reach the volcano. You can be attacked by monsters along the way. Speak to the people lined up and make sure you speak to the person who is first in line. The elder will appear and the man who is first in line will be all giddy in anticipation of being the first person to start the ceremony. The elder explains how the ritual is very important and that they receive a new PilotFire from the God of Flame. Unfortunately for the man first in line, the elder will let you jump ahead of him since you are guests much to the mans chagrin. The elder will lead you through a long path to the crater of Mt. Flame. The elder will then ask you to take your torch and throw it into the fiery lava which is how the village returns the Gods protective flame back to him. Toss your torches into the flames and the elder will tell you to return to town. That was it... Instead of heading back to the village though, head south and you will see a villager on the other side. Her name is Elma and if you speak to her she will wonder why Pamela is making her stand guard. Rotate your camera and you should see Pamela standing by another passageway. Speak to her and you will be scolded for being late. She tells you that you must hurry into the depths of the volcano to find the source of the tremors. She mentions that she can heal your wounds and save your game if you need her to. The man that was first in line will then toss his torch into the lava. Pamela will tell you that you have little time and to hurry. Speak to her once more and she tells you to hurry before everyone has thrown their torches into the crater. If everyone ends up throwing their torches into the crater before you finish this quest, the volcano will erupt and Pamela's prophecy will come true. Luckily for you, you will awake in town just before the start of the festival as if it was all a dream and have to start all over. Now head through the passage she was blocking. Take the stairs and you can go either east or west from here. Go east and follow a series of stairs to reach a chest containing a STRseed. Notice that every now and then a villager will toss their torch into the crater. Backtrack

now and take the western path an take the stairs. From here go north to take the next set of stairs. Follow the path to reach the next set of stairs. Take them and head north west to find a chest containing a DEFseed. Return to the stairs and head north east to find another chest containing an Herb and further along another set of stairs. Take them and follow the path and you will reach another set of stairs. Go south through the opening and you will be outside of the mountain on a small cliff. You will see how long the lineup is as well as a treasure chest. Inside lies a Knife. Return and take the stairs to the north. From here continue on the small linear paths while taking two sets of stairs. From here go around and you should find a small crater. Drop down into it to reach the floor below. Drop down once more and then head south to reach two treasure chests. Inside them will be 110 Gold and an Antidote. Now head north east of where you dropped down to find a healing spring. Now with full health and magic, drop down twice more to reach the boss. Approach the strange looking red thing and he will be laughing at the upcoming destruction he plans on causing. He laughs at humans for worshipping a God of Flame that doesn't exist. He states that the humans will make him unleash the Flame of Darkness which will cause the volcano to erupt, causing the people to fall into despair thinking it was the wrath of the God of Flame. You will then be attacked. Boss Battle - FireGiant The FireGiant is quite strong and it's useless to use fire based attacks like Blaze or FireSlash. Instead, cast SAP twice which will lower his defense and heal when needed. FireGiant can charge your party which can cause around 10HP per member as well as unleash a breath of flames which does the same kind of damage to your whole party. Every now and then he may gather strength which will cause his next attack to be twice as strong. Recast SAP when his defense returns to normal and everything should work out. The FireGiant will drop an AquaShard after you defeat it. He will claim that the Flame of Darkness can never be extinguished before dying. Head north now and walk into that black circular tile and you will fall down to the floor below. You will be in the room where you claimed the STRseed from the chest earlier. Return back to the room where you tossed your flame into the crater and a weird black flame will be flowing high. The villagers will be frightened and wonder if Pamela's prophecy was correct. Speak with Pamela and tell her everything that happened. She will wonder how to put out the flame. The elder will ask her to use her clairvoyance and she will see a shabby little room and a man with a slovenly face. He has a bottle with some liquid in it and she sees the hero with him. That's all she can see but the contents of the bottle might put out the flames. If you haven't figures it out by now, she is seeing Hondara and the HolyWater. Head back to Estard if you previously didn't acquire the HolyWater from Hondara. Pamela will ask you if you have any idea who the man in her vision is. Say yes and she will mention that you need that bottle. Speak to the elder and he will ask you to throw the contents of the bottle into the black flame. Stand in between the elder and Pamela and use the HolyWater as an item from your inventory. The black flame will disappear and Pamela will thank you. She will state that her visions of impending doom are slowly fading away and that she believes her prophecy of the volcano erupting won't come true anymore. The elder will excitedly declare that the ceremony is over and wants everyone to return to the village to get pissed drunk! He wants to thank you properly for saving the village and everyone will then return to Engow. A screen will pop up mentioning how everyone returned to the village singing

and dancing into the night. The party celebrated with all the food and drink they could ask for and after the festival ended, when morning came....... The party will wake up and the inn. Speak with Pamela and she will give you an AquaShard for all your troubles. She's had the shard for ages but thought it might come in handy for you. She then asks you to visit her from time to time. Speak to the elder if you'd like before returning north of town and taking the blue swirling travel gate back home. Upon returning to the fane, Kiefer will mention that since the volcano didn't erupt, the village was saved. He wonders if a new land has appeared. He then suggests heading back to the castle to investigate. Head south to the WindShard room and you can put a shard in the north west pedestal. Go to the AquaShard room and you will be able to put a shard in the north east pedestal. Check your inventory if you haven't noticed as you still have the Bottle that held the HolyWater. The Bottle will be empty though. Return to the center room and notice where the new island appears on the world map on the floor. Take the shortcut you previously discovered by going through the southwest portal and return to Estard castle. Head to the throne room and King Burns will welcome everyone back. The old man who lives on the cliff will be there and will have explained everything to the king while you were gone. King Burns mentions how there was once several continents in the world and that you are on a mission to restore the world. King Burns has sent another expedition party to find if another land has been restored. All of a sudden one of the members of the expedition party will storm into the throne room and tell King Burns that a new island has been spotted north of Rexwood containing volcanoes. After the messenger leaves, King Burns guesses that everything the old man said must be true and apologizes to him, but not before wondering why Estard was spared from disappearing like the other countries. After his apology to the old man, he will then forbid Kiefer to continue on his journey. The old man will be upset as apparently the king broke a promise to him about restoring the lands. King Burns mentions how Kiefer must focus on Estard and leave the task of restoring the world to others with more expendable bloodlines. Amitt will then tell Maribel that he agrees with the king and forbids her to travel as well. Borkano tells you that he doesn't want you to bite off more than you can chew before taking you home. Once home Borkano mentions that he figured you to be such a cautious young man and states that while he doesn't directly approve of your adventuring, you have his blessing. Head upstairs to your bed and call it a night. Next morning Maribel will be waiting for you as you exit your house. She will explain how she stayed up all night trying to convince her father to let her continue traveling before he gave in. She then asks if you were planning on continuing alone. She will then join your party again. She reminds you that the new island is to the north so head to the cave to get into the boat. As you walk she will state that Kiefer has his duties as a prince so it'll be just the two of you from now on. Try to life the stone lid inside the cave but you will be unable to as Maribel is too weak. She tells you to hurry and think of something. Exit the cave and low and behold, prince Kiefer will be there as he managed to sneak out again. Some things never change. He then joins your party after explaining how his father won't hold him back. Lift the lid and climb aboard the boat. Check your World Map if you'd like to see exactly where the new island lies and sail north so you can enter Engow in the present. ===============================================================================

ENGOW PRESENT Items: Antidote x 2 Potion Boxer Shorts 7 Gold Cloth Button TinyMedal


The lady that greets you by the inn will mention there is hot springs below the town well. Smash the vase to the east for an Antidote. Speak to the people to learn that monsters live in Mt. Flame and that treasure hunters visit the volcano often. Smash the vase at the north west part of town to find a Potion. Speak to the small child at the north east part of town and he will be looking for his button. He mentions that he might have to get Aunt Pamela to find out where it is but that will cost money. Rummage through the south eastern home to find an Antidote in a vase. Head into the hot spring by going into the well and you will find that the spring is mixed bathing. Search the dressers for Boxer Shorts. Enter the elder... er chiefs house and smash the barrel for 7 Gold. The upstairs dresser will have a Cloth. Speak to the chief and he will ask you if you like the village. You will notice that the chief wants Engow to be a tourist attraction. Enter the fortune telling shop which is also a weapons and armor shop and speak to the fortune teller who is oddly named Pamela. Answer yes when she asks you if you think her name is strange. She will explain how her name is special as it was given to clairvoyant family members that can predict the future. A long time ago the land was threatened by disaster which the original Pamela had a part in averting with the help from some people. Well, we already knew that. She will then read your fortune and sense that that you are searching for something. She tells you to check the sign in front of the tavern to find what you seek. She will then charge 5 Gold for the reading fee. Read the sign at the inn and you will discover the small boys missing Button. Return the Button to him and he will reward you with a TinyMedal, the first in the game. Now lets head to the volcano north of town. =============================================================================== MT. FLAME PRESENT (WK14) Items: WindShard 80 Gold Herb 350 Gold Antidote 60 Gold Head into the volcano and when you get to the area where you threw your torch in the past you should find a swirling warp gate. Ignore it for now and continue south to go through the cavern. Take the stairs and head east through a series of floors to find a WindShard in the chest. Backtrack and take the western path and take the stairs. Go north and down the next set of stairs. From here head south to take the stairs. Head north west to grab 80 Gold from a treasure chest before heading north east to grab an Herb from another chest. Head west and take the stairs. From here head south and take the stairs. Head south to grab the 350 Gold from the chest before taking the stairs to the north. Take two more flights of stairs and drop into the crater to reach the floor below.

Drop again and then head south west to grab an Antidote and 60 Gold from the chests. Keep dropping down and make your way back to the room with the blue portal. Step into it and you will be warped somewhere. Head south east through the door and you will be in the ancient fane. Now the north west building will be lit up as it leads to Mt. Flame. Now head west and south and place the WindShard on the pedestal. Now go all the way east into the AquaShard room and place the shard on the north west pedestal. Here we go again... =============================================================================== DIALAC (WK15) Items: Leather Hat 7 Gold 10 Gold Cloth Shirt AngelTear Herb 5 Gold LandShard WindShard You will appear on a small island with a town right beside you. Enter it and read the sign that says "welcome to Dialac". All the townsfolk will be turned to stone. Inspect a few of the stone citizens and Kiefer and Maribel will wonder if the statues are real people. Search the dresser in the house north of the church for a Leather Hat. Smash the barrel in the house north west of the inn for 7 Gold. Smash the vases outside the house north of the inn for 10 Gold. You should notice an old man who isn't turned to stone at the north part of town. You may have also read the mysterious marks on the wall of the western part of town which reads "Landmark. Heh. Heh. Heh." The house at the north part of town will have a ClothShirt in the dresser. Speak to the old man by the well and he will remark that not many travelers visit this place. He senses that you are important people and wonders what you are doing in such a town. The hero will explain everything to the old man regarding your adventures and restoring the places of the past but the old man will tell everyone to forget about Dialac as it's too late. The people have all been turned to stone and there is no way to lift the curse. The old man wishes to watch the demise of the town and suggests you take your travels elsewhere. As you try to walk away he will stop you and gives you a small shiny bottle. It's called AngelTear and is a legendary potion that can heal people who have been turned to stone. The old man acquired the potion to late though to save the people of the town due to them being damaged by the elements. He says that the townspeople probably hate him but at night..... and then he trails off asking you to forget he said anything. He then mentions that even though the village is dark, it gets even darker at night. Well I'd hope so. He finally mentions that if you stay at the inn, do not go outside in the middle of the night. Time to check in at the inn and not follow his advice. Rest at the inn and you will be woken up by the sound of a sad cry. Kiefer and Maribel will be sleeping so it's off to investigate on your own. Inspect the stone statue of the lady to the south of the inn and the statue will give off a faint light. You will suddenly see a vision from the past play out with a lady greeting a

swordsman named Clayman and asking if he is off to get supplies. The woman will mention that they often pray for rain yet it never rains, not even once. Clayman states that God won't forsake them this year and the town will receive rain. Inspect the man north of the town sign and his scene from the past will play. It will be right before the rain prayer and the farmer mentions that his future doesn't look to good if it doesn't rain. A small boy named Joseph will accidentally run into him and knock him over before running off. Speak to the small girl to the east and in the scene, Joseph will be near a tree slipping a note inside a book. The small girl, Rena, will scold Joseph for marking up the wall. Joseph will tell her to hush and note that it's a guide marker. He mentions that he "discovered another one that's even more incredible than the last one". Rena wonders if he means his secret base which he does. He asks her to come over during the rain prayer to learn more. Head south and view the priests past event. A woman named Millie will wander into the church and says she is going to pray for the safety of a certain important person on his journey. She will be praying for Claymans protection. A man will then walk in and pray to be the one to marry Millie and that Clayman not returning in time would be the best thing to ever happen to him. Head north to the large stone in the middle of town and view the old woman s scene. She will be praying to the Boulder God to give the town rain as there is no water. The young priest will come up to her and ask why she is praying to the boulder instead of the Water God. She mentions that the Water God was created by man but the boulder was here long before any man. The priest understands but asks why they would need the boulder, to which she replies that the boulder isn't here for them, they are here for the boulder. The priest mentions that maybe he is seeing things from the wrong perspective. Head west and inspect the woman. She will be looking for Joseph and explains to Rena that he was told to stay home and prepare for the prayer but he's gone missing. Rena lets it slip out that she knows where he is before covering up and saying that she doesn't know. Inspect the young man slightly to the north west and he will be standing in front of the Water God when his vision starts. He notes that the God is smiling and concludes that this years prayer for rain will be answered. He mentions how Clayman left town to purchase supplies and if it rains he'll use it to get closer to Millie. Speak to the beautiful woman now north of the church and you will see a scene from Millies past. She will wonder what is taking Clayman so long before he enters the house apologizing for being late. He will mention to Millie that he has decided to be the one to get supplies for the village. Millie will be upset as there are monsters around and the town would not survive without him. Clayman reassures her that he must go and says that when he returns they will tell the whole town about their marriage. They kiss to end the scene. Climb the stairs on the south west part of town and inspect the middle aged man. Josephs dad, Keene, will be at the bar having some drinks and Joseph will ask about what the town used to be like. Keene mentions that he's never really heard about the towns history before the bartender states that the town was once a battlefield and the original town was destroyed. Their ancestors came together and built a new village and found old things buried in the ground every now and then. Keene says that his son reminds him of a certain someone before Joseph says he is going to play outside. Keene reminds him that the prayer is soon and to not sneak around.

Head north and inspect the man at the entrance of the house. The vision starts with the bartender asking Keene if he wants another drink. Keene will leave the bar after declining rather rudely and all of a sudden it will start to rain. Keene notes that the rain is awfully muddy and wonders if he is having a nightmare as people appear to be turning to stone right before his eyes! Keene then tries to go inside his house but it's too late as he also turns to stone. After the vision Keene will crumble to the floor. Enter the house and inspect the bookshelves to find a note written in childish handwriting. Read it to learn that after finding the secret base, Joseph found another great discovery and can't believe the town has that kind of place. The entrance is under the pointed tree near the marking on the cliff. The second base is under the bar where his father likes to go. So, to summarize all the visions of the past. The town was going to suffer without rainfall and some of the men were jealous that Clayman was dating Millie. Clayman was leaving the village to get provisions for the town while we got to get snippets of mysterious Joseph, a young boy who finds a few of the towns secrets. The town was apparently a battlefield in the past and the town does end up getting rain, but the rain turns everyone to stone. Also note the very obvious religious undertones which are starting to get more apparent as the game continues on. Speak to the old man by the fire at the north east part of town and he will assume that you've seen the glowing forms of the statues. He personally believes that their glow is their hatred for him. He will then give you a history lesson regarding this town. The area was always in drought. Once a year all the townsfolk would gather and pray for rain. When their prayers were answered fifty years ago the old man had left town to purchase supplies. The old man is Clayman! On his way back to the village he saw a dark purple cloud settle over the village. Soon it rained a cursed gray rain. He hurried home but it was too late. He cried and wished how he would have joined them. Speak to Clayman again and he says that most people have no knowledge of this gray cursed rain or its effects. Now that you have digested all of that tragic information, lets make use of the hints from Josephs note. It mentions some sort of entrance near a pointed tree by his marking on the cliff. Head to the marking on the west part of town and note the tree near by. Search around this tree and you will discover that the ground sounds hollow and that it's too dark to see. It is night time after all. Return to the inn and head to bed. When you wake up speak to Clayman and he will tell you it's best to use the AngelTear from a great height. Search the area near the tree to find a set of stairs. Follow the path and take the next two sets of stairs then head east down another set of stairs to find a room with a bunch of jars and a note on the wall. Smash the jars to find an Herb and 5 Gold. Read the note and it will say "Secret Base No. 2". Go back up the stairs and then go south and follow the path and up the rope. You will now be on top of the large boulder in town or the "Boulder God". Take the old mans advice and use the AngelTear from such a high place. All of a sudden you will see a bunch of sparkles and the darkness will disappear as light returns to the town. Suddenly Joseph will appear from his underground secret base and wonder what happened. Make your way to him by backtracking out of secret base number two and he will wonder where everyone is. He mentions that everyone was making a fuss about the rain prayer just recently. He will then ask if you know what happened. Say yes and he will be told how everyone was turned to stone fifty years ago. Joseph won't really believe you but will join your party to search for the others. You can inspect the statues to read Josephs comments if you want. Speak to the old man and

Joseph will wonder who he is. Clayman will recognize Joseph and ask where he has been all this time. Joseph explains that he was in his underground secret base. Since Joseph was underground, he wasn't as harshly effected by the elements as the others were so that explains why the AngelTear worked on him. The old man will then thank you. A screen will then pop up with a spelling error. It will explain how a new sense of life and hope has returned to Clayman and Joseph realizes the gravity of the situation. Clayman will decide to take care of the small boy as they are both fond of each other. The next day will begin with Clayman once again thanking you for all that was done. He explains how Joseph and he will embark on a journey to warn people of the terrible gray rain as well as search for a cure for the townspeople. Now enter Josephs Secret Base No. 1 and smash the barrel to find a LandShard. Now you are free to return to the present. Once back at the fane, head north to the LandShard room and place your shard on the middle pedestal. Head to the middle room and note the new island just southeast of Fishbel. Sail your boat to the new island and enter the new place. The place will be deserted except for a shard on the ground and an old man at the large boulder. Take the WindShard and speak to the old man. He had heard of the town that was once there and when he arrived it was gone. Since he has no home his goal is to build a brand new town. Since he is the only one though, he has a request. Simply tell anyone who is looking for a new place to live to come there. If people can come then the town will be reborn. He then introduces himself as Sim. Now return to the fan with your newly acquired WindShard. Head to the WindShard room and place the shard in the north western pedestal. You will be warped to a new place. =============================================================================== ORPH (WK16) Items: DEFseed Herb HairBand LifeAcorn 5 Gold x 2 TinyMedal Dung Bone Knife Copper Sword Antidote Mystic Nut You will appear on the World Map on the southern tip of a new continent. Head directly north to enter the strange town of Orph. The first thing you should notice upon entering town is the large number of animals wandering around. Enter the house to the west from the eastern side and you can buy items from a chicken. Very strange. Enter from the north side and grab the DEFseed from the hanging sacks. Smash the vases for an Herb. Go upstairs and you will finally see a human. She can't speak to you though for some strange reason. Search the dresser for a HairBand and the chest for a LifeAcorn. Exit this house and enter the eastern house. More animals will be inside, along with 5

Gold in a dresser. Outside in the fenced area will be another person that you can't communicate with. Enter the inn west of the church and a cow will let you rest if you wish. Grab the TinyMedal from the drawer before smashing some of the barrels outside of the inn for some Dung. Enter the house to the north and smash the vase for a Bone Knife which oddly, none of your characters can equip. Speak to the cat and it will appear that it's trying to communicate with you. Enter the weapon and armor shop and a rooster will be willing to do business with you. Enter the shop from the opposite side and open the chest for a Copper Sword. Enter the large house to the north west and smash the vases for an Antidote and 5 Gold. There will be more animals as well as another person you can't communicate with. Enter the cabin near by and a young boy will be chained to the wall. Kiefer will be disgusted that somebody could do such a thing. Speak to the cow and Kiefer will mention that the cow probably knows what happened. Kiefer will remind you that you previously met someone who said that they could understand the speech of animals. Speak to the chained boy and you will be unable to detach his lock. There's nothing left to do in this town except find that person who can speak with the animals. He is the man who lives west of Fishbel in present time. Return to this strange mans hut and speak to the squirrel by the fire to receive a MysticNut. Enter the house and the man will be speaking to a cat. When you speak to the man you will inform him of the situation and he won't believe you until his cat convinces him otherwise. He then joins your part as a non playable character. Return to Orph now and the woodsman will see if the animals will shed some light on what has happened. He will try to communicate with a dog but will have no idea what it was trying to say. He then asks to talk to some of the other animals. As you continue to speak to the animals it will be quite apparent that he won't make any progress. Speak to any of the humans in town and they won't actually be humans! They are animals trapped inside human bodies! Any of the humans will explain that long ago a monster upset the tranquility of the town. The protectors of the land, the legendary White Wolves challenged the great beast. One by one the White Wolves were killed. The White Wolves finally lured the monster into the cave on Mt. Ceide and after a lot of spilled blood, successfully sealed the creature inside. One pregnant lone wolf were the only survivors. The monsters confinement is due to the sacrifice of the White Wolves. A new beast has come to town though and used sorcery to switch the appearance of animals and humans. The humans are actually animals and vice versa. The beast came from the mountain of God, Mt. Ceide, to the west where the monster was confined many years ago. Speak to the poor man chained in the cabin and the woodsman will cut away the locks that bind him. All of a sudden the boy will run outside. When you exit the cabin he will be nowhere to be found. There's nothing left to do accept investigate Mt. Ceide. =============================================================================== MT. CEIDE (WK17) Items: 120 Gold STRseed AquaShard x 2 Mt. Ceide will lie west and a bit north of Orph. Upon entering the mountain, you will see a lone wolf that will run away as you approach it. Follow the wolf into the deep cavern of the mountain. Head north east to grab the 120

Gold from the chest. Take the western path and follow it all the way around until you reach the stairs. After taking them, head all the way south to open a chest containing a STRseed. From here go north a bit and then west through the opening. Grab the AquaShard from the chest to the north before taking the exit to the south. Now head north and take the stairs. From here, follow the path and when it splits into two, head south west to take the stairs. Follow the path in the next area and take the exit to the south below the stairs. Follow the winding path around the mountain and you will stop at an entrance that was previously opened. Ignore this for now though and continue on around the mountain and enter another opening to find a chest containing another AquaShard. Return to the previous entrance and use all your healing spells to replenish everyone s health as you won't be able to use magic when you go inside at it will be sealed by some force. Also make sure each party member has a few Herbs in their inventory. Once inside, head north while avoiding the poison marsh to take the stairs. In the next room the woodsman will point out that the wolf you saw earlier is here. The wolf will be lying on its side and a huge coffin with an open lid will lie in the center of the room. All of a sudden the boy who was chained up in town will enter the room and approach the wolf. The woodsman warns you that he has a strange feeling monsters are near. Approach the coffin and a monster will appear and associate you with the wolf. The monster then curses at the White Wolves for sealing him up in this mountain. He swears that you will pay for sealing him and mentions that he has already ruined the near by town that the White Wolves were to protect. He states that he must kill all the White Wolves and the cub is the last one alive. The woodsman will tell the hero that the cub had fought with the monster the other day but was severely injured. All of a sudden, the boy will attack the monster and the party will come to his aid. Boss Battle - Deathpal This battle will be really hard if you haven't upgraded your equipment. You cannot use magic which is why you were advised to stock up on Herbs. The woodsman will join you in battle though you cannot control him. His attacks do almost nothing but he will aid in healing by using the odd Herb on an injured member. Deathpal can attack twice per round so keep a close eye on your HP. He also has a wind attack which hits a single character pretty hard. Every now and then he uses a dazzling light which can be brutal if it hits your party members as it will cause their chances to land a hit go down. If Maribel uses the retaliate skill you may be lucky and reflect it back to cause his chances of landing a successful blow decrease. Kiefer should continually use FireSlash and with time, Deathpal will go down. Afterwards he will attempt to turn everyone into animals just like he did to the people of Orph but the boy will bite him and he loses control of his body. Deathpal states that only a White Wolf can do what just happened to him and that the child must be a wolf that was turned to a human when he cursed the town. Apparently that boy is the lone remaining White Wolf in existence and not the other cub. He declares that the wolf will spend the rest of it's life as a human before hitting it with a curse. Deathpal will then fall into the coffin and the woodsman will tell you to reseal it by closing the coffin with the stone lid. Help the woodsman seal the monster and the curse in Orph will be lifted as animals will turn back into humans and vice versa. All except for the poor boy who bit Deathpal. The woodsman will explain that the boys mother was the single White Wolf that survived the battle with the monsters and died shortly after from her wounds, but not before giving birth. The near by cub ended up raising the new born as her own son. His name is Gabo, and the party will wonder how the Deathpal broke free from the seal and decides to return to town.

You will automatically return to town and are free to speak with the people. Gabo will end up taking off first. Speak to everyone and you will see that some of them have kept their animal instincts. Go into the cabin that you first saw Gabo chained in to realize that Gabo had the chain so tightly wrapped around his neck as a human because it was originally put around his neck as a wolf. When you exit the cabin Gabo will be there with is wolf. Gabo will try to express his gratitude for releasing him. The woodsman will then state how he wants to adopt the child and have him live with him so he can learn to live as a human. He will also invite the other wolf and Gabo will accept. They then will leave. Speak to the mayor in the large house beside the cabin and he will mention that the stone slab blocking the sealed coffin couldn't have been opened from inside so someone must have opened it from the outside. Head back to the fane now and the woodsman will say goodbye. Gabo ends up not moving and attempts to communicate that he wants to travel with your party. His motive is that he wants to find out who opened the door to let Deathpal out as whomever did it must be very powerful. The woodsman will say goodbye and takes the other wolf with him. Kiefer and Maribel then welcome your new friend to the party as he officially joins. Equip that Bone Knife you found earlier as Gabo can wield it. Head east now to the AquaShard room and place a few of your shards. You can put both on the north east pedestal before returning to the center room. A large island west of Estard will appear on the floor map. Lets explore it. Sail west of Fishbel and don't forget to change Gabo's battle tactics to manual if you wish to control his actions. Circle the large island if you want to build Gabo up a few levels before entering Orph. =============================================================================== ORPH PRESENT (WK18) Items: Herb Cloth Shirt 15 Gold x 2 5 Gold WindShard 30 Gold DEFseed Monster Book The first thing you should notice is all the animals that look like they are playing musical chairs. Enter the building to the west from the northern door and search the hanging sack for an Herb ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person walking by the stairs. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Upstairs has a Cloth Shirt in the dresser and nothing in the chest. Smash the barrels by the inn for 15 Gold. Enter the inn if you need to rest. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the inn bedroom. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. 5 Gold lies in a vase in the house north of the inn. Enter the weapon and armor shop from the rear and take the WindShard from the chest. Enter the shack you found Gabo in and smash the barrels for 30 Gold. Now enter the

elders house to the west to find out a festival is upcoming when you speak to him. He explains that the townsfolk are all wearing animal costumes for the Animal Appreciation Festival. He then explains the past events in which you were apart of regarding the White Wolves protecting and saving the town. He then asks you to join in the festivities and Mimi, the maid, will move so that you can take costumes out of the dresser. Put them on and then smash the vases in the other room for a DEFseed. Head to the town square now where you saw the people in animal costumes gathered earlier. Speak to the man and he will ask you to play a game with nothing to lose, but a valuable prize to win. Accept his challenge and he will explain the rules. Three out of the six animals are men, which means the other three are women. You have to pick which three of the six are beautiful women. You are then told to speak with the ones you think are female. If you fail at this game, just keep trying while remembering which animals were men. Once you pick a correct animal, they will then shuffle. Pick one of the cows first as there are two of them and one is always a female. When you successfully select the three females, the village elder will present you with a prize. Speak with him to receive the Monster Book. Now you can leave town. Once you exit the village your party will automatically remove the costumes. Use the Monster Book as an item on the World Map and it will list all of the creatures that you have defeated in battle, as well as any items they have dropped, experience earned and Gold collected. Press the X button to see a monsters animation. You can see more animations for every twenty of the same monster you defeat. If you complete the Monster Book, you will receive a Gospel Ring which prevents random encounters. If you reenter Orph, the festival will be over and the item and weapon and armor shops will be open for business. Head west to Mt. Ceide and right near Orph you should see some buildings across the lake and it doesn't look like you can reach that area at the moment. Enter the cabin on the World Map and you will be on the harbor from which boats travel to and from the mansion on the other side. A rich guy apparently owns the mansion on the other side and the man inside the house won't tell you the name of the rich fellow. Grab 15 Gold from the barrel inside the house before leaving for Mt. Ceide. =============================================================================== MT. CEIDE PRESENT (WK19) Items: Stone Claw 120 Gold TinyMedal Bunny Tiara AquaShard Mt. Ceide is in the exact same place as in the past and monsters will attack you here. Enter the cave and take the eastern path to grab the Stone Claw from the chest. Take the western path to reach the stairs. Head all the way south to grab 120 Gold from the treasure chest before heading north a bit and then west through the opening. A TinyMedal lies in the chest to the north. Head south and follow the path to take the stairs. Follow the path around and take the western branch to take the stairs. Exit out of the cave to the south east and wrap yourself around the mountain like last time. This time the door will

be sealed by a stone slab. Just like in the past, ignore this for now and continue around the mountain and enter the next opening to grab the Bunny Tiara from the treasure chest. Now return to the stone slab and it will move out of the way as you approach it. Watch out for the poisonous marsh and take the stairs to the north. Approach the coffin now and you will hear a voice inside. It will ask if you dare awake it from it's slumber. Say yes and it will ask if you are positive. Say yes once more and you will have the option of removing the coffin lid. Do so and a man will be inside! He praises you for having guts and starts to threaten you before he realizes that he has met you before. He is Deathpal in human form. He has been asleep all these years since he used up all of his magical powers during your battle. When he woke up, he looked like a human. He figures it must be his punishment so he just hides and frightens people away. He will then recognize Gabo and apologizes for what he did. He tries to turn him back into a wolf but his spell will fail, well not totally. Now Gabo will have the ability to speak! Not a total loss I guess. Deathpal will be upset for not having the ability to turn him back but Gabo will actually like his new skill. Deathpal then gives you an AquaShard that he had hidden in his casket back when you defeated him in the past. Now you can backtrack out of here and return to the Ancient Ruins. You have two new shards that need to be placed. Head to the WindShard room and place the newly acquired shard on the southwest pedestal. Now go east and place the AquaShard on the north east pedestal. Here we go again. You will appear on the World Map and it will be light out for some reason. Head east a bit and then south to enter a town by a poisonous marsh. =============================================================================== FALRISH (WK20) Items: Herb STRseed 15 Gold FireShard TinyMedal 10 Gold Leather Armor 3 Gold Speak to the soldier at the town entrance to learn that MechSoldiers are everywhere and that you should leave this area immediately. Enter the inn and you will see a small machine in one of the rooms. The man in the bed with also warn you of these MechSoldiers and explains how they destroyed a bridge to the north east preventing anyone from leaving the country. Directly west of the inn is a door in the other building. Rotate your camera to see it. Enter it and smash the vases for an Herb and STRseed. Smash the barrel for 15 Gold and open the treasure chest for a FireShard. Enter the building east of the inn and more people will talk about battling the dangerous MechSoldiers. Speak to the man in the turban if you wish to purchase any items. Smash the barrels for a TinyMedal. Speak to the man upstairs and he will tell you Falrod Castle lies to the south west. The weapon and armor shop to the north sells some new and expensive equipment. Enter the door in the building directly north of the weapon and armor shop and a small boy will be standing by a machine. Apparently that machine killed this poor boys father. Smash the vases to find 10 Gold. Open the chest to grab a Leather Armor. Climb the staircase now and head to the north western part of this wall. Enter the door and you will be in the church. Head downstairs and a strategy session with the soldiers will be wrapping up. The Captain will then take his leave

for Falrod Castle but on his way out he will mistake you for mercenaries and tells you not to waste your lives on these monsters. Speak to one of the soldiers to learn that the enemies base is to the east and is filled with dozens and dozens of MechSoldiers. Exit through the south eastern door and smash the barrel for 3 Gold. You have pretty much done all that there is to do here so you might as well take the peoples advise and head south west to Falrod Castle. =============================================================================== FALROD CASTLE (WK21) Items: Leather Shield Scale Armor STRseed 5 Gold DEFseed TinyMedal 2 Gold Bronze Knife SeaShell Hat Bone Knife Wooden Hat Enter the building to the north west and speak to the two soldiers. Apparently the captain hasn't returned yet and someone named Hanes is looking for him. You won't be able to enter the castle just yet. You can speak to the man urinating on a wall outside of the castle if you'd like. Enter the building to the east and speak to the soldier who will ask if you are applying for mercenary work. Say yes and you will be asked to demonstrate your fighting abilities. Say yes and you will follow the soldier outside. You will then do battle with a Falrodier. Battle - Falrodier The Falrodier has a violent slash and can heal himself. Simply stick to physical attacks while casting SAP and Blaze and you should be okay. After the battle Maribel will claim it was a piece of cake. You have now been accepted as worthy mercenaries to fight together to protect the kingdom. You are then led back into the room and told that you should greet the king inside the castle. Open the dresser for a Leather Shield before entering the castle. Head upstairs but don't speak to the king just yet. Enter his chambers to the east to grab the Scale Armor from his dresser. A machine that vacuums created by someone named Zebbot will be to the south. Exit through the south and explore more of the castle. Head south east and enter the door. Smash the vases for a STRseed while being careful not to fall through the hole. Exit and take the stairs to the north east. Pull the lever and enter the emergency area to loot. Smash the vase for 5 Gold and open the chest for a DEFseed. Return, and head west to smash the vases by the old lady who talks about the princess for a TinyMedal. Take the stairs near by and now make your way to the throne room to speak with the king. He explains how a mysterious army of MechSoldiers are invading the country. He'll ask for your names and after introductions, will ask if you'll lend your strength to help protect the country. Say yes and the king will explain that Captain Trad will brief you on your duties. After being dismissed, Captain Trad will report to the king. He explains how the MechSoldiers are winning the battle against Falrish. Trad will be advised by the king of his new recruits and you will be told to report to the guardhouse to conduct a strategy session.

Enter the guardhouse which is the door north west of entering the castle from the world map and soldiers will be gathered. Speak to Captain Trad and he will explain that Falrish is now overrun with MechSoldiers. Falrish will fall soon and this castle will surely be next. Since the man power is lacking to battle the MechSoldiers head on, Trad will ask for suggestions. No one pipes up so he gives everyone time to think. Speak to the soldiers now and one will mention that someone by the name of Zebbot may be their last hope. After speaking with everyone, speak with the captain again and he will ask for your opinions. Maribel thinks that fighting too many enemies at once isn't the best option. Kiefer wonders if something can be exploited in the fact that these things aren't human. Gabo won't really understand and the one soldier will suggest asking Zebbot, the mechanical engineer, for help. Trad feels that Zebbot is too narrow minded to be useful and Hanes will argue that he may be their only hope. Captain Trad will adjourn the meeting before leaving in disgust. Speak to Hanes and he will suggest that seeing Zebbot be your first mission as mercenaries. He tells you that Zebbots laboratory is west of the castle. You are told to head there and ask Zebbot if he will provide any assistance. Now exit the castle and head west on the world map. Enter Zebbots cabin to the north and smash the two barrels to the north for 2 Gold. Enter the small cabin and open the chest for a Bronze Knife. Inside Zebbots home you can grab the SeaShell Hat from the dresser in the western room. Smash the vase in the eastern room for a Bone Knife. Search the southern bookshelf to read a note that will be addressed to Zebbot from someone named Eri. It mentions that Captain Trad is his brother. Speak with Zebbot and he will be tinkering with one of his creations. Gabo will rudely point out that Zebbot doesn't even notice anyone there and Zebbot will retort that he has nothing to say to you. Maribel will state that you've come all this way to ask a favor and Zebbot will guess that you want him to do something about the MechSoldiers. Answer yes and he will coldly tell you to get lost as he doesn't care what happens to the castle or the town. He apparently sympathizes more with the MechSoldiers! He realizes that you won't possibly understand where he is coming from and tells you to tell Trad to never send anyone to see him ever again. That was harsh! If you inspect the MechSoldier next to him, he will tell you to keep your hands off "Eri". I wonder if that's the same Eri who wrote him that letter? Return to Falrod Castle and speak to Hanes at the guardhouse. He will ask if Zebbot has agreed to help. Say no and it will be as expected. Trad will walk in and state that there is no way that Zebbot will be able to cooperate. Hanes tries to argue and Trad will assign you to guard duty. You are to report to the guard tower upstairs and relieve the soldiers on duty. Say yes and he will tell you to forget about Zebbot. Head all the way to the top of the western post and the guard on duty will see something in the distance. A soldier will walk towards the castle and then collapse. Follow the guard down and drop into the guardhouse. Apparently Falrish has now fallen to the MechSoldiers and the soldier who collapsed will explain how they can't hold out any longer. Captain Trad will then order all soldiers and mercenaries to be ready for battle. After everyone leaves the room, Trad says that he wants the party to come with him to visit Zebbot. Trad will then join the party as a non playable character. Head west towards Zebbots and as you approach, Trad will state that he once swore that he would never return here. Enter Zebbots room and Trad will call out for him. He explains that he wishes to talk to him one on one. Trad will plead will Zebbot to listen to him once more. He explains that the guards in Falrish have collapsed and Falrod may be next. He asks one more time for Zebbot to help them overcome the MechSoldiers. Zebbot tells him that he's not interested in helping and Trad pleads with him as the land is on the brink of

destruction. Zebbot then very coldly states big deal, and that everyone eventually dies. Trad will then call him a selfish bastard before returning to the party and saying how it was a waste of breath asking him for help. Trad will then tell you to return to the castle. As you exit Zebbots house, a Mechsoldier will approach and then break down. Zebbot comes out to see what all the commotion is and takes a sudden interest in the broken down robot. He mentions that with a little time, he may be able to learn how they work. Zebbot will then ask Trad to help him carry it back to his room. Trad will wonder if the broken down MechSoldier will have the ability to turn the tide of battle before telling the party to return to the castle. As you enter Falrod Castle you shouldn't be all that surprised that it is under attack by the robots. Approach the MechSoldiers not currently attacking anyone to do battle with a Clockmech. Defeat them and speak to Hanes in the guardhouse to let him know that Captain Trad is with Zebbot before heading into the castle. Speak to the guards there and exit the castle to see some MechSoldiers approaching. They will defeat the two guards and then attack you. Quickly defeat the two Clockmechs and as three more approach you, they will suddenly break down. Head south to find Captain Trad and Zebbot with the broken MechSoldier. Apparently Zebbot programmed it to cause other MechSoldiers to stop attacking. The MechSoldiers are apparently controlled by a remotely broadcast frequency and Zebbot has jammed it. Captain Trad mentions that due to the MechSoldiers being incapacitated, they can now raid their hideout. Then he asks to start a strategy session. Agree and the session will begin in the morning so everyone can rest. A screen will pop up saying the injured soldiers received medical treatment and the Hero and the party slept on the floor. When the next day begins, you will be in the throne room. Enter the building east of the guardhouse to find Trad and Zebbot. Trad will thank you for your part in saving the castle and he will ask if you saw the MechSoldier that Zebbot rebuilt. He explains that it will allow us to sneak into the enemy base. You are then told to enter the guardhouse and tell Hanes to prepare a strategy session. Search the dresser for a Wooden Hat. Speak to Zebbot and he will state that whomever built the MechSoldiers is very evil. Enter the guardhouse and speak with Hanes. Preparations have been made and he asks you to retrieve the captain. Do so and return to the guardhouse and speak with Captain Trad to start the session. Trad explains that thanks to everyone s efforts, they were able to fend off the MechSoldiers attack yesterday. He advises everyone that he is sure they will ready another assault. Trad will explain that they will attack the MechSoldiers home base as Zebbots creation has the ability to confuse the other MechSoldiers. The ultimate goal is to destroy whomever it is that is controlling the MechSoldiers so that the country can be saved. Trad will then invite the party to come to the enemy base with him. The other soldiers wonder why they weren't invited and Trad explains that he wants them to defend the castle in case some of the robots attack while they are gone. He explains that the party will be doing a sneak attack so the fewer people the better. Say yes when he asks if you are ready and he explains that the MechSoldier base is east of Falrish. Trad will leave to speak with Zebbot and when you speak with him he will be wondering why Zebbot cannot accept the fact that Eri has passed away. Zebbot named his MechSoldier Eri as a way of clinging to the past. Trad will state that this will be the final battle and Zebbot will come along as well. Speak to everyone gathered around the castle entrance before speaking with Captain Trad to depart. He asks you to meet with him in Falrish.

Head east to Falrish and you will see that it has been destroyed. Take the stairs from the church in the north west part of town and Trad will be finishing up giving instructions to a soldier. Speak to him and it will be time for the assault. Leave town and head east towards the MechSoldiers base. =============================================================================== MECHSOLDIERS BASE (WK22) Items: 250 Gold STRseed 100 Gold FireShard Bug Knife 1200 Gold Upon entering the base you should notice many of the MechSoldiers down below. Head towards the north part of the screen so that you can head down the path below. As you approach, a soldier will stop you. Apparently there is too many enemies to make a move. Suddenly, Trad, Zebbot and Eri will arrive. Captain Trad explains to the soldier that Eri is on their side and because of Zebbots help, they will win the war. Trad will explain to you that it's time to swarm the enemies base. Say yes to inform Trad that you are ready and he says that first they have to confuse the enemy MechSoldiers. Once they are taken out, their base can be infiltrated and their leader destroyed. Trad, Zebbot and Eri will descend down the path and Eri will jam the MechSoldiers frequency. On the way down speak to Zebbot and he will mention that the signal frequency being jammed might not effect all the MechSoldiers deep within the base. Enter the base and attack the wandering MechSoldier. Head east and step on the platform to reach the floor below. From here head south and dispose of the MechSoldier before heading north and west to ride the platform up. Open the chests to find 250 Gold and a dangerous Cannibox. Defeat the Cannibox and return downstairs. Head south but don't ride the platform just yet, keep going south and speak with the MechSoldier who will activate the near by lift. Take it down and open the chests for a STRseed and Iron Shield. Speak to the MechSoldier to reactivate the lift. Take it back up and now return to the lift that you previously skipped and take it. From here head north and defeat the two MechSoldiers blocking the path. Head north and upon entering the room, you will see the boss. Don't approach it just yet. Instead, head east to grab 100 Gold from the vase. The treasure chest will contain a FireShard. Now head towards the boss and as you approach, he will wonder how you made it so far. He will then summon the two MechSoldiers near by to attack you. Defeat the Clockmechs and the boss will wonder why the Mechs aren't doing as they are told. You are then attacked. Boss Battle - Machinoid The Machinoid has the ability to call Clockmechs into battle. It can also cast SAP. Don't worry about any of the Mechs it brings into battle into after you defeat it. Cast SAP on it twice to greatly lower it's defense. After pounding on it for a while it will go down and then you can focus on the Clockmechs. You can also have Gabo use bark on the Clockmechs while pounding away on the Machinoid as it can disable them from attacking. Right before you are to deal the finishing blow to the last Clockmech, try to heal up your party as much as you can. After the battle, the Machinoid will explain that it was the strongest Machinoid in all of the Dark World. The Demon Lord had entrusted the Machinoid

with the MechSoldiers to plunge the world into chaos. He will then call out to his most powerful soldier and a tremor will be felt throughout the Mech base as a strange MechSoldier will appear. You are attacked once more. Boss Battle - EvilMech This thing can be really hard if you don't have healing items, magic or the latest equipment. EvilMech can shoot a dazzling light which can decrease the chances of landing a successful hit on anyone it affects. He also breaths flames which hits the whole party for damage. Everyone now and then he will take a run at a party member which will hit that person for a lot of damage. When he does this though 25% of the damage that he hits you for will be reflected back to him. Cast SAP on him twice with Maribel while having the Hero cast Upper on everyone. If you are at level 12, have Kiefer use PsycheUp and then attack his next turn for some good damage. Keep healing and using Herbs when your HP are low and you should survive. After the battle Zebbot and Captain Trad will barge into the room. Trad will congratulate you before letting you know he's going back to the castle to spread the good news. You can speak to Zebbot if you'd like before returning to the castle. At the castle you will be told to see the king. Enter the throne room and the king will thank the whole party as well as Trad and Zebbot. The king will offer a reward but Trad will decline since he was just doing his duty as Captain of the Falrod army. Zebbot states that he too wishes to have no reward and then leaves out the south exit with Eri. The king will then give you a Bug Knife, a treasure passed down in the royal family for ages. It has the ability to paralyze a foe. Speak to the king again and you will be released from your duties as a mercenary. If you head towards the door inside the castle where the princess was previously, you will listen to a conversation between her and Zebbot. She will notice how he names his MechSoldier after Eri and Zebbot tells her to laugh all she wants. She asks if he still can't forgive Eri and that she had an accident. Eri wouldn't have left him voluntarily. Zebbot states that he still can't forgive her for leaving without him and the princess wonders if creating a mechanical doll will ease his pain. Zebbot replies back that the mechanical doll won't die. Well, that should sum up most of the back story regarding this mysterious Eri. Head to the guardhouse now and speak with Hanes who will pay you 1200 Gold for your work as a mercenary. Now head back to present time through the blue portal. Once in the Ancient Fane, head to the FireShard room and place the two shards on the south eastern pedestal. Head east and note where the Falrod area is on the World Map east of Fishbel. Sail slightly south east of Fishbel and travel all around the new island. You should notice that the bridge which was destroyed by the MechSoldiers in the past has been fixed. Enter Falrish when you are ready. =============================================================================== FALRISH PRESENT (WK23) Items: Tights 3 Gold 21 Gold TinyMedal x 2 FireShard HairBand

Enter the inn if you'd like to rest. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the eastern room. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Search the dresser for some Tights. Enter the building to the east to find 3 Gold in a barrel. The weapon and armor shop will have some items that your reward money can help you purchase. Enter the door in the building north of the weapon shop and there will be a locked chest. Enter the door on the building east of the inn and smash the vases for 21 Gold. One of them will be an Evil Pot that will attack you. After defeating it, claim the TinyMedal from the treasure chest. Head up the stairs now and enter the church at the north west part of town. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the church. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Head downstairs and speak to the woman in the kitchen and she will mention that a fortune teller lives in the eastern ruins. Exit Falrish now and head all the way west, past Falrod Castle and enter Zebbots old home. Smash the barrels by the rusted old cleaner for a TinyMedal. Enter the tiny shack to the west to grab the FireShard from the treasure chest. Enter Zebbots place and as you enter the western room, Eri will be talking to the decaying bones of Zebbot, who must have died in his sleep ages ago. Eri will be trying to feed Zebbot soup. Speak to Eri and she will think that feeding Zebbot soup will make him feel better. Search the dresser for a HairBand before leaving this place for Falrod Castle. =============================================================================== FALROD CASTLE PRESENT (WK24) Items: Scale Armor Noble Robe 2 Gold 8 Gold Herb 5 Gold WindShard TinyMedal MechParts FireShard Speak to the soldiers in the castle to learn that scientists are working on something for the king. Speak to the captain to learn that Zebbots place is considered a forbidden zone since ancient times. Enter the building east of the guardhouse and two people will be standing next to a machine. As you approach, the older man will ask the other guy to turn the switch of the machine on. Suddenly the machine will start walking and then break down in a pile of smoke. Speak to the two men to the north and they will explain that they know how to build simple cleaners due to having a successful model to work with. They seem to be failing at creating larger machines since they have no model to work from. Well, they would if they knew about Eri in the forbidden zone. Search the dressers for a Scale Armor. Enter the castle and note the scholars gathered in the throne room. Approach and the Minister will be frustrated with them. The king will explain that

perhaps it's his fault for rushing everyone. The Minister will then suck up. Grab the Noble Robe from the dresser in the kings chambers. Don't bother the king just yet though. Exit to the south and go south west to smash the barrel in the western tower for 2 Gold. Smash the vases in the south eastern tower for 8 Gold. The old man there will tell you of his past experience with Eri when he was a child. Exit here and go down the stairs to the north east. Pull the lever and enter the castle dungeon. Smash the barrels for an Herb, the vases for 5 Gold and the treasure chest for a WindShard. Return and smash the barrel in the kitchen for a TinyMedal. Return to the throne room and speak with the king. He will explain that they are working on advanced research. He will then dismiss the scientists and a tired soldier will enter with a message. Apparently the "Legendary" MechSoldier has finally been discovered to the far west. Uh oh, Eri... The king will then order the soldiers to gather the troops so they can travel to the forbidden zone right away. The king will then exit downstairs after leaving the Minister in charge. Head downstairs and the king will be with three soldiers. Right as they are about to depart, a man by the name of Armand will walk in (You should have met him in Falrish with his granddaughter earlier). Armand will beg the king to not enter the forbidden zone but the king will hear none of it and then take their leave. Speak to Armand and he will explain that the western area has been a forbidden zone since ancient times. No one should enter that area for any reason. He begs you to try to stop the king. Alrighty, exit the castle and head west to Zebbots place. Apparently you beat the king here because as you exit his house, he will arrive and wonder what you are doing. The king will suspect that Armand has put you up to stopping him and are told that you are free to do what you please, but if you get in the way, you will be arrested. The king and his soldiers will then enter Zebbots and approach Eri. Eri will want to make Zebbot more soup and the soldiers explain that she can make soup in the castle. Eri is then taken away. The king will approach Zebbots remains and concludes that he must be the genius behind the invention. The king then tells the party that with the ancient knowledge they now have access to, it will be the beginning of a new era. Return to the throne room in Falrod Castle and the scientists will start taking Eri apart. Armand will plead with the king to return Eri to her home. The king will wonder how Armand knows the robot and suggests that he is hiding information from him. The king will then get the minister to summon the guards so they can escort Armand to the dungeon in the basement. He also tells the guards not to lock the door as he just wants Armand to cool off a little. Speak to Eri and she will look at you sadly. Enter the dungeon to speak with Armand. He will apologize for bothering you earlier but will then ask for one more favor. Say yes and he explains that when he first found Eri, she was serving Zebbot, who had died a long time ago. He knew in his heart that she had to be left alone. He wants to somehow return Eri to her cabin. Now though, Eri can't walk anymore due to the scientists removing her parts. He then asks you to go to Falrish to retrieve some of Eris parts. His granddaughter will know where they are. Return to Falrish and speak with Armands granddaughter in the eastern building. She explains that the parts must be in his secret hiding spot. You are told to dig up the ground under the barrel close to the pond. With that rather vague clue, enter the church and take the stairs down. Take the south east exit and smash the barrel. Search around where it once stood to find the MechParts. Return to the Falrod dungeon and the Captain, Armands son, will ask him why he tried to stop the king. Armand explains that he just wanted to leave things as

they were. The captain tells his father not to do anything rash and thanks you for helping his dad. He apparently has mixed feelings regarding Eri, but has faith in the king. After he leaves, speak with Armand and you will give him the MechParts. Now he can repair Eri. Eri is in the lab in front of the castle right now. He rushes off and surprisingly the soldier stops him, and gives him his own clothing. Armand is obviously held in very high regard. Speak to Armand in his new clothes and he will join the party as a non playable character. Enter the building east of the guardhouse and the scientist will think you are here to relieve him of his duties and makes his exit. Armand will fix Eri and as she stands back up, she will mistake Armand for Zebbot. Eri will try to take Armand home so that she can feed him soup and the king will walk in with soldiers. The soldiers will think that Eri has gone mad but the king will warn them to hold their blades. Eri will then crumple to the ground. The king will then ask Armand if he is okay but Armand will be more concerned with Eri. The king will finally understand that Eri should be left alone as she has become more than a machine due to her devotion to her master. He then asks Armand if Eri can be fixed which he says is possible. The king will then order Eri to be brought back to her cabin. At the cabin, Armand will finish fixing Eri who will be back to normal. The king will apologize for everything and explains that while Eri may not be the answer, he will continue his dream of studying robots. Armand also thanks you and tells you to come see him when you have time. Speak to Eri and she will also thank you. Return to Falrish and speak with Armand in the eastern building. He will summarize the events. Speak with his granddaughter and she will give you a FireShard! Now that everything seems under control here, head east to explore that MechSoldier base. =============================================================================== MECHSOLDIER BASE PRESENT (WK25) Items: STRseed TinyMedal Iron Claw Head towards the opening of the base and you should see the fortune teller you were told about earlier. Speak to her and she will ask if you are searching for something. Say yes and she should give you a clue about grass and a cave. Basically, she gives you hints and clues regarding any shards that you may have missed, or will be looking for next. Visit her if you ever think you overlooked something. Enter the cave and take the north east lift down. Head to the north west and take the lift up. Open the two treasure chests for a STRseed and a battle with a Cannibox. Return now and go all the way south to take the lift. Open the chest here for a TinyMedal. The other treasure chest will be empty. Return and go north to take the lift. Head north and smash the vase to battle an EvilPot if you'd like. Open the treasure chest for an Iron Claw. Now you can exit this place and head east, past the restored bridge. You will find yourself approaching a small temple. Enter it and a mysterious power will be holding the door shut. Upstairs lies a soldier who says the world won't last forever and God's legacy must be found. Apparently something called the BlissRock will tell you when the time comes. Approach and inspect the stone monument and it will read that although God may have died in his physical form,

his power will endure the test of time. As his legacy to the world, God left behind miracles to create his eventual rebirth. The Soldiers of God are the eternal guardians of one of those miracles. By way of the BlissRock, they shall lead the way to rebirth. Now with that information, head back to the Ancient Fane as there are some shards that need to be placed. Enter the WindShard room and place your shard on the south west pedestal. Now approach the south eastern pedestal in the FireShard room and place your shards to be warped to a new land. You will appear on the world map just south of a poisonous marsh. Head north east a bit and enter the town. =============================================================================== VERDHAM (WK26) Items: Traveler Clothes TinyMedal Bunny Tiara 3 Gold Wooden Hat 25 Gold Glam Robe Mila Drug Read the town sign which says "Welcome to Verdham". Doesn't look like there are too many people to welcome you though. Enter the inn and everyone inside will be turned to stone! Inspect the stone statue of the lady and Kiefer will mention that this is very much like Dialac. An adventure journal will be on the table if you need to save. Head upstairs and grab the Traveler Clothes from the dresser. Exit the inn and enter it from the rear to take the stairs to a pub if you'd like. Enter the shop west of the inn and you can read someone s diary upstairs. Enter this shop from the east to grab the TinyMedal from the chest. Enter the house west of the shop to grab a Bunny Tiara from the dresser upstairs. Smash the pot in the house to the north for 3 Gold. Head into the herb garden on the north east part of town and if you rotate your camera, you should see a monster high atop a near by building. Perhaps he turned everyone to stone? Enter the shack to find a Wooden Hat in the basement dresser. Enter the main entrance of the large house and smash the barrels in the small room for 25 Gold. Go upstairs and search the dresser in the woman s bedroom for a Glam Robe for Gabo while making note of the locked chest. Go upstairs twice more and you'll be on the roof. Approach the monster and he will chat with you a bit before attacking. Boss Battle - Rainmaker Rainmaker can attack turn and spew frigid have Kiefer PsycheUp hit points are low. twice per round, lick your face to cause you to lose a breath which hurts the whole party. Cast SAP twice and and attack. Rainmaker can also cast Healmore when his Keep at him and he will fall.

After the battle the Rainmaker will state that even though he lost the fight, the spell will not be broken. After he dies you should prove him wrong by using the AngelTear from the rooftop. Suddenly the darkness will lift from the town and everything will be back to normal. Go downstairs and a man by the name of Iwan will be very dizzy. He will explain how someone named Pepe has gotten involved with someone named Linda. He looks out the window and thinks that Pepe is attacking her before

rushing downstairs. Speak to Kaya, the maid, who will ask if you were avoiding the rain as well. Apparently the grey rain caused this towns fate just like it did at Dialac. As you enter the family room someone named Borlock will be thankful that the rain has stopped pouring. A discussion will begin regarding rumors of people being turned to stone due to rain from a purple cloud. As you exit the house someone will shout out that someone has turned to stone in the herb garden. Everyone will scatter towards the garden now. Speak to everyone gathered and apparently Pepe, the gardener will have turned to stone. A woman named Linda will be by his side. Since you can't barge through to check on them go explore the buildings you entered previously. When you are ready, head to the rear of the large house to see Iwan by the rear door of the herb garden. He will still be under the impression that Pepe is attacking his fiance, Linda. After he opens the door go follow after him. Speak to Iwan and he will ask Linda what happened. She will start crying as Pepe was just trying to protect her from the grey rain. Borlock will then walk into the herb garden and will seem to be more concerned that his garden is okay than Pepes well being. Borlock will then ask his son, Iwan what he is doing there and he explain that Pepe got hit with the grey rain. He's not stone though, just unconscious. Borlock will then order that Pepe be carried to safety but Iwan will complain that he is too heavy. Borlock will then ask the party if you will help carry Pepe into his house. Agree and Pepe will be carried into the small shack by the garden. The hero will just be finishing up explaining to Borlock how the entire town was turned to stone by the grey rain. Borlock will be in shock as it is just how the old man and the small boy who passed through town (Claymore and Joseph) said. He will then wonder why Pepe hasn't recovered like everyone else has. Linda will start blaming herself while Iwan demands to know what she was doing with Pepe in the herb garden in the first place. Linda claims she didn't do anything and gets angry as Iwan tries to persist. She then leaves with Iwan on her trail. Borlock will be irritated that Iwan acted that way in front of guests and requests that the conversation be continued at the mansion. Speak to Porta, Pepes brother if you'd like as well as his father who says Pepe was a fool for trying to protect Linda. Exit the cabin and one of the people in the garden will mention how it was no secret that Linda and Pepe met together in the herb garden. Speak to a small child near the weapon shop and he will ask if you can keep a secret. Promise and he will tell you that he saw Pepe and Linda arguing in the herb garden before the rain fell. The weapon and item shops will be open for business now if you'd like to make some purchases. Enter the mansion and Iwan will be explaining to his father that Linda has been so depressed because Pepe hasn't recovered. He feels with things the way they are that there's no way he can even think about the wedding preparations. Borlock will basically tell his son to quit complaining and be a man. He explains how Pepe was Linda s childhood friend and that this must be a shock for her. He must help bring back Pepe for Linda s sake. Iwan is then determined to figure out how to awaken Pepe by himself before leaving. Speak to Borlock and he will ask if you can help Linda out as he doesn't have must faith in his own son. Speak to him again and he says that he wants Linda to marry Iwan without any regret. Once the marriage is finalized, he won't have to collect a debt that is owed to him by Linda. Head upstairs and just outside the bedroom door you will hear Kaya speaking with Iwan. Iwan wishes to be left alone but Kaya will make a pass at him. Iwan tells her to stop it and she says that Pepe and Linda would have done the same. Iwan gets angry at that comment and Kaya asks him if he knows why Linda is constantly going to the herb garden with Pepe. Iwan says in a questioning manner that it's because she likes the herbs while Kaya retorts that it's because she likes Pepe. Iwan will then leave the room after stating that Linda

would never betray him. If you speak to Kaya now you will learn that before Linda, she used to be the object of Iwans affection. Good ole jealousy. Enter the item shop now and you will find Iwan. Speak to him and he will explain that Linda kicked him out the minute he brought up what Kaya had suggested. Head upstairs and a man will be giving Linda money that can be used to help pay off her debt. Linda explains that she can't accept any money from him. The mysterious stranger explains that Linda s dad took care of him when he was younger so it's alright if she takes the money as she is still paying off her parents debt to Borlock. Linda explains that she is marrying Iwan so the debt will be called off. The man will congratulate her and says that she must accept the money as a wedding gift before leaving. Speak to Linda and she will be in a very confused state. As you leave the item shop, Linda will run past you. Enter the cabin where Pepe is recovering and Linda will be speaking to his father. He explains that there is nothing that she should feel badly about and that the idiot (his son) is to blame. He goes on to explain that somewhere lies a secret potion that can cure any kind of illness. If this potion is found then Pepe might be saved. Speak to Linda who is at Pepes side and she will ask you if you can find the cure for him. Speak to Pepes father and he will explain that the secret medicine is produced in the east, beyond a steep mountain pass. Exit the cabin and speak with the lady in the herb garden. She will mention that an old lady in Engow makes a potion that can cure any ailment. She's not just a skilled pharmacist, but also a fortune teller. Pamela! Exit Verdham now and return to the Ancient Fane via the warp. Once you are in the FireShard room go north west and take the tablet back to Engow in the past. Pamela will be in the village elders house. Speak with her and tell her about Pepe. She thinks she has something to cure him and goes back to the store to look for it. Follow her and speak to her again and she will give you the Mila Drug. Return to Verdham now and Pepes father will greet you at the town entrance. Say yes when asked if you brought the medicine for Pepe and he will tell Linda and request that you hurry to Pepe. Enter Pepes shack and everyone will be there waiting. Face Pepe and use the Mila Drug as an item and Pepe will be cured! Pepe will be glad that Linda didn't turn to stone but Linda tells him that the rain got to everyone. They explain how he remained in a coma after everyone else recovered. He is then told that the party are the ones responsible for him being saved. Pepe will thank everyone and Iwan will be disgusted that even while in a coma, Pepe still had Linda s affection. Linda is happy now so he figures he should be thankful for that. Iwan suggests throwing a party in celebration of Pepes recovery. Borlock thinks it's a great idea and everyone is told to rest at the mansion until preparations for the feast is complete. The next scene will begin at Borlocks mansion with Kaya telling the party that preparations are complete and to proceed to the herb garden. Kaya cooked the meal and hopes that you will enjoy it. Enter the herb garden and speak to everyone to learn that Pepe has gone missing, and that Borlock has an announcement to make. Pepe will actually be sobering up west of the mansion. Speak to Borlock and then head west to find Kaya and Pepe speaking by a large tree stump. Kaya will try to persuade Pepe to leave town with Linda so that she can be with Iwan. Pepe can't imagine what would happen to his father and brother if he eloped with Linda. Kaya will persist and Pepe says he could never do anything so irresponsible and selfish. Kaya continues by asking Pepe if he's really okay with Linda becoming Iwans wife and Pepe will run off as it obviously does bother him. Speak to Kaya and she will joke about putting poison in the food. Nice girl. Return to Borlock

now and state that you've seen Pepe. Borlock wonders what he could be up to and wonders if he should announce the date of Iwan and Linda s wedding without him. All of a sudden it will begin to rain and everyone will panic, thinking it's the grey rain. Borlock tries to calm them down saying it's only ordinary rain but everyone will run off anyways. Head back to the spot Pepe was talking with Kaya and Pepe will now be speaking with Linda. Pepe will be telling her that he can't marry her regardless of how many times she asks. Linda wants nothing more then to leave the town with Pepe so they can grow their own herb garden together. Pepe still says no as he will betray a lot of people if he elopes. Linda will angrily wonder why he always wonders what everyone thinks and asks him about how he feels towards her. He will say nothing and Linda will call him a coward and that he can stay here as a simple employee. When she becomes Iwans wife she will run him ragged! Pepe tells her to hurry home before she catches a cold. Linda will start calling him names out of frustration before telling him she never wants to see him again. Pepe then takes his leave. Head to the town entrance and you will find him. Speak with him and he says he wanted to thank you for all that you've done and that he had decided that he will leave town alone. As he leaves, Kiefer tries to tell him that he and Linda can work together to pay off her debt, or to try talking to Borlock about it since he seems like a reasonable man. Pepe says that Kiefer is right and that's what he should have done sooner, but now it's too late. He then leaves town. Day will break and Pepes dad will realize just how much his son loved Linda. He's proud that he considered his family instead of eloping. He will then ask the party that if you ever see Pepe again, to tell him that his father is well. Everyone in town will seem to be aware that Pepe skipped town. A man in the mansion mentions something about a merchant looking for a shard in the western cave. Upstairs, Kaya has harsh words for Pepe as now she can never be with Iwan. Iwan will be in the item shop, upset that Linda doesn't want to see him. Upstairs, Linda will feel terrible that Pepe left town and all she ever wanted was his love. Now that this story has wrapped itself up in a rather sad way, exit town and head towards that western cave. =============================================================================== MARSH CAVE (WK27) Items: WindShard x 2 50 Gold TinyMedal The Marsh Cave lies to the north west of Verdham and is surrounded by a poisonous marsh, hence the name. Enter it and when you head north, you will fall to the floor below. If this happens, just take the stairs to the south east. Anyways, take the eastern path and then go east and around to reach the stairs. From here head east and then south to take the next set of stairs. Now go south east and then north to reach the next set of stairs. From here go west and then drop down into the hole near the staircase. You should be on the floor below in a pool of poisonous marsh. Take the stairs to the north and take the next set of stairs to reach a treasure chest. Open it to find a WindShard. Return now and when you reach the poisonous swampy area, take the western stairs. From here head south and then east to take another set of stairs. From here take the western path to find two chests. One will have already been opened while the other is a Cannibox. Defeat it and head north through the cave opening and notice the small opening behind the waterfall? Enter it and you will eventually find some kind of monster. Apparently he is spreading rumors of treasure in this cave to lure travelers so he can kill

them. You are then attacked. Boss Battle - Cavemon and JewelBag x 2 The JewelBags can steal your magic as well as lower the party's defense. Cavemon can cast Firebal which hits the whole party as well as blind your teammates. He also can attack twice per round every so often. Keep your defense up and lower the Cavemons to take him out. The JewelBags can be defeated quickly if you focus your attacks on them. After the battle you can open the chests for 50 Gold, a Cannibox and a TinyMedal. Head southwest so you can grab a WindShard lying on the ground. Now you are free to leave this place and return to the Ancient Fane. Head south into the WindShard room and place both shards on the south western pedestal. In the room with the world map on the floor, you should note that the island Engow is on has gotten larger. Take the red traveler gate to the north west and exit Mt. Flame. From here go south and then wrap yourself north around the mountain. Head west and then south so that you are south west of Mt. Flame. Continue traveling west and you should find a place on the world map that didn't exist in the past. =============================================================================== THE MENTARE HERB GARDEN (WK28) Items: Slime Earrings 250 Gold Garter 5 Gold LandShard TinyMedal x 2 100 Gold Dung Horned Hat DEFseed Fur Hat WindShard This is a large herb garden and if you speak to the people, you will learn that the other town that grew herbs to the west is just wilderness now. Apparently the "boss" of the town is a womanizer. The man with the turban will sell items if you need anything. Enter the large house to the north east through the big doors and open the treasure chests in the adjacent room for a Slime Earrings and 250 Gold. Head upstairs and the tired maid resting in bed will mention that the boss has a shard but can't remember where he put it. The dresser in the next room hides a Garter. Go upstairs and smash the vases for 5 Gold. Open the chests to find a LandShard, the other chest will be empty. Exit through the door and you will see the boss chasing a maid. Head down the stairs and at the north western part of town a sign will read "The Geionne Monastery lies beyond here". Head north and you will now be in a forested area. Head east and you should come upon a lone shack. Enter it. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the cabin. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Smash the vases for a TinyMedal. Exit here and go north west to eventually

make it to the next screen. From here go north, and then west under the bridge to make your way to a chest containing 100 Gold. Return to the screen entrance and take the western hill to cross the bridge and make it to the other side. Once across the bridge, go east and then down the ladder to enter a small cave. Inside will be a very strange herb that s petals are glowing. Smash the vases for some Dung and search the dresser for a Horned Hat. Exit the cave and make your way north to reach the monastery, but not before noticing the locked chest to the east. Inside the building on the second floor you can rest for free. Smash the jar for a DEFseed and open the dressers for a Fur Hat. Outside and to the east will be tombstones. Inspect them and they will be for Pepe and Linda. Perhaps they did reunite after all though it's not made entirely clear. Now that you are finished here, leave the herb garden and head west to where Verdham should be. Enter the blue cabin on the world map and the only thing remaining in Verdham is the herb garden. Grab the WindShard lying on the ground and exit. Now head north and west to where the Marsh Cave was and you will find a small inn in the middle of the poisonous bog. At 240 Gold to rest, it's pretty steep. Go downstairs and smash some barrels for a TinyMedal. Speak to the barkeep and he will suggest that you speak to the old man near by. Oblige and the old man will tell a story. Long ago, Orgodemir, the Demon Lord wanted to take the world for himself so he cut the world into pieces and placed each piece in some sort of turmoil before plunging into darkness. This started a war between God and the Demon Lord that lasted hundreds of years. The spirits of humans joined ranks with God to fight Orgodemir and his monsters. During the battle the Demon Lords minions divided the world. No one knows the outcome of the battle and both God and Orgodemir are believed to have destroyed each other. God and the Demon Lord may both not exist anymore. Return now to Mt. Flame and take the portal back to the Ancient Fane. Once there, head east and place the LandShard on the center pedestal. Now go all the way west into the FireShard room and then south into the WindShard room to place your shard on the south west pedestal. Lets see where your new adventure will take you. When you appear on the world map in the past, head south west and enter the camp that's set up. =============================================================================== DEJA TRIBE (WK29) Items: Leather Hat 13 Gold 20 Gold x 2 TinyMedal x 4 AquaShard x 3 DEFseed x 2 5 Gold x 2 VivaGrape AGLseed x 2 Bug Knife Fur Robe 15 Gold x 2 Herb 3 Gold INTseed Potion MysticNut

Wizard's Ring LandShard Kiefers Letter 17 Gold It will be night time and tribal music will be playing in the background. Approach the man behind the tent and he will tell you that a woman named Layla is a magnificent dancer. If you speak to the fellow in front of the tent the man is hiding behind, he will explain that normally they would welcome outsiders with open arms, but an important ceremony is currently underway so you will have to wait. Enter the tent east of the fireplace and the woman inside will tell you that the ascension ceremony for a new tribal dancer is happening tonight and that Layla, has something called the Terra Spirit in her body. Open the basket for a Leather Hat. Smash the vases beside the tent west of the fireplace for 13 Gold before entering. Open the baskets for 20 Gold and a TinyMedal. Enter the tent south of this one and the man will explain that they are the Deja Tribe, and are on a long journey to search for the temple of their lost God. They are only one step away from the end of their journey. The woman will explain that the Deja Tribe is led by a line of tribal dancers born with the power of the Terra Spirit in their bodies. Head east into the tent opposite this one and the little boy will tell you that someone named Jann is going to marry Layla. Enter the tent south of the fire and a man will explain that it's been sixty years since the last ascension ceremony. Layla is also only seventeen years old. The woman explains that the Terra Spirit is one of the four elements their God released before he was sealed. Layla has a mark on her chest which signifies inheritance of the power of the Terra Spirit. Open the basket now for an AquaShard. Now that you have spoken to everyone, speak with the man guarding the northern tent and he will announce that the ceremony is over and to make room for the chief. The chief will come outside of the tent and tell everyone to gather together as a new tribal dancer is born. Layla will then step forward as she is honored as well as her husband to be, Jann the Tula player. The chiefs wife Baretta, states that it's time to celebrate and for everyone to party. You will then be approached and thanked for your patience and introduced to the chief and his wife inside the tent. The chief will wonder if the party is actually monsters dressed as travelers. When prompted, show the chief that you are willing to prove that you aren't demons but you won't really be able to prove anything. The chief will smell a "TongueRat", get it, get it? Before Baretta assures her husband that you aren't monsters and are probably very tired. After explaining how the chief likes to play practical jokes and was joking before, you are welcomed. Open the baskets on the western side for a DEFseed and 5 Gold. The baskets to the east will be locked. Speak to the chief again as he acts as a priest and will save your progress. Exit the tent and Kiefer will suggest joining in on the celebration and challenges the hero to try talking to a girl for a change. Kiefer then takes off while Maribel points out how he seemed infatuated with Layla. Maribel complains that she isn't pretty enough for you guys and leaves, stating she wants a stiff drink and taking Gabo with her. You are now on your own. Head west to speak with Kiefer and he will think that Layla is stunning, but wonders why she is hiding inside the tent instead of celebrating. Speak with Layla and as you exit her tent, Kiefer will ask you if she is okay. Say yes and Kiefer will then ask you to get some VivaGrape so you can get smashed. Head east of where the horses are tied up and speak to the woman to receive some VivaGrape. Return to Kiefer and he will offer the drink to Layla. Head inside and Kiefer will tell Layla about Estard, and how the prince seems to weasel out of his responsibilities. Layla remarks that she has a lot in common with this man ;) Layla will then explain how she used to wish she wasn't signified to inherit the power of the Terra Spirit and that she's been training for years just for

tonight. If it wasn't for Jann, she wouldn't know what she would do. Kiefer will offer to toast for her ascension and Jann will then enter the tent. Jann will suddenly take offence to Kiefer, thinking he is trying to seduce Layla. Layla tries to calm him down and he will outright ask Kiefer if he is trying to steal his woman. You get to answer for Kiefer and Jann will then challenge him to a fight outside. A screen will pop up stating that the Hero managed to calm Jann down before fisticuffs flew and that Jann apologized for his actions and the four sat and talked most of the night. After a few more drinks the Hero started to fall asleep during the conversation. Later that night... You will awake to battle music playing in the background. Jann will be passed out in bed and the tent empty. Go outside and Kiefer will be protecting Layla from a ManEater. Kiefer will defeat the monster who has apparently hurt Laylas father Datz. Datz will be injured so Layla runs off to get Baretta. Kiefer will notice you and wonder how a monster entered the camp. When Kiefer woke up in the middle of the night and went outside to get some fresh air, he bumped into Layla who also couldn't sleep and they started talking. Kiefer assures you that they were only talking when two monsters appeared out of nowhere. Datz rushed to Kiefers aid and ended up getting hurt. Layla will return from the tent with Baretta, Maribel and Gabo. Baretta will cast a spell on Datz and informs him that he was poisoned and will have to rest for a few days. Layla protests since they are to set off for the temple tomorrow. Baretta states that Datz and Layla have to remain behind. Kiefer will then offer to stay with them and says the rest of the party can travel with the tribe to the temple. Say yes when asked if you are willing to go and the plans will be official. After thanking everyone, Baretta will ask everyone to help move Datz into the tent. Another scene will pop up outlining the decided plans and stating how everyone went back to their tents. A new day will begin. Baretta will be saying goodbye to Layla and Kiefer while Maribel warns Kiefer to treat Layla with respect. Baretta leads the party outside the tent. Once outside, Jann will be begging the tribe chief to stay as he doesn't trust anyone else to protect Layla. The chief tells Jann that his tula playing is required to fend off the monsters. Jann will reluctantly agree and a man will let everyone know that the tribe has just left. The chief tells you that the temple they are traveling to is across the mountains to the west. Everyone then leaves. Exit to the south now and travel west, then north and go east across a bridge. From here head north to reach a small church in the mountains. Speak to the cat to restore your HP and MP and save if you'd like before leaving. Head south west, across the bridge and enter the cave. It will be a tunnel with a linear path, and when you exit out of the other side, you will find the Deja Tribe. Speak to everyone to find out that tomorrow the tribe will depart to a lake which holds the Temple of God. Two relics are needed to break the seal which are in a cave by the lake. Speak to the lady by the bottles to learn that Jann also has a divine mark, so he can't marry Layla. You are told to not tell anyone. Smash the pots for an AGLseed. Enter the tent with Baretta sleeping and if you speak to the lady, she will ask if you want to rest as well. Do so to begin the next day. The tribe will have packed up and are setting out for the lake south mountains. Enter the tribes new area to the south and you will find of God submerged in the lake. Speak to the chief by the lake and he facing a dilemma. Apparently the two items needed to break the seal of the the Temple will be are in the

temple itself, not the cave near by. Speak to everyone to learn that something in the cave should be able to drain the water. Enter the tent near the people and rest again by speaking to the woman. Now when you awake and leave the tent, Jann will approach you and ask to explore the cave. He says something inside should react to the TerraBell and drain the water in the lake. Since the TerraBell is a Dejan artifact, only a Dejan can ring it. Jann will then join your party as a non playable character. Head north and enter the cave. There will be monsters inside the cave. From the entrance, head west and follow the fairly linear path while making sure not to miss the treasure chest. As you open it, Jann will wonder why monsters are in a holy cave. As the chest is empty, he will also wonder if God's treasures have been stolen. Exit to the south. From here you should see three treasure chests that you can't reach yet due to the water. Head west while taking note of the path leading into the water that you can't access just yet. If you go south, the path will be blocked by a heavy stone door that you can't open. Head west and take the stairs. Now you will be in an area that has multiple paths signified by the torches around the opening. Head directly east of the stairs and follow the path to find two treasure chests containing a TinyMedal and Bug Knife. Go back and head through the western opening and go south to reach and take the stairs. Follow the path to find a monument to with ancient writing. Just before the monument and to the west is a path that leads to a chest containing an AGLseed. Jann will translate the monument: "May the brave one be guided by the Flame of God. The Flame of Bravery to the east, Flame of Wisdom to the west." Head east now to find a chest containing a Fur Robe. Backtrack now and head north into the room with two empty chests and pit falls in the floor which will lead to the room you just came from. Stay east and follow the path all the way around to take the stairs. Take the next set of stairs and another monument will be there. Jann will read it: "Asceticism may lead you to the path of God." Suddenly, the hero will glow as he stares at the stone monument and will be able to read it just like the ancient writings in the Ancient Fane! Jann will note how mysterious it is that the hero can understand. Continue on and notice the carvings on the wall as you pass by, before taking the exit to the south. Open the chest to find 5 Gold but don't go south as you will end up in a continuous loop. Go east and then south to reach the next room. Open the two chests on the eastern side for 15 Gold and 20 Gold. Don't go south though as it will take you back to the previous room. Instead, take the western path south. From here, open the three chests to the west for an Herb, 3 Gold, and an INTseed. Head west to open a chest containing a Potion. The western path loops so return east and go south to find yet another treasure chest containing a MysticNut. Keep heading west and you will find a set of stairs with a Healer near by. Speak to the Healer and he will state that he is a good monster and his kind were once friends with the Dejans. He tells you to place the TerraBell on the altar in this cave and the lake will drain. Take the stairs now and read the monument. "You possess both wisdom and bravery. Prove yourself to be a child of God, and let him show you the way." Jann will then ring the TerraBell thinking it will signify him as the child of God and a path will flicker for you to cross. Follow the path and when the path branches west and south, head south to find a chest containing a Wizard's Ring. Return and head west to take the stairs. You will now be in the altar room. Approach the altar to the north and Jann will place the TerraBell if you let him. Do so and the TerraBell will give off

it's power. The room will start to shake and the door to the south will have opened. Exit and climb up the stairs to reach the next room, but not before grabbing the LandShard from the chest. The next room will be the entrance from the stone door you couldn't open a while back. Head east and then south to reach the three treasure chests. Inside will be a DEFseed, TinyMedal and 15 Gold. Continue south to exit at the bottom of the drained lake. Dejans have already make their way down and the man close by will mention that the chief is waiting for you by the temple entrance. Speak to Baretta who will suggest Jann go with the party inside the temple. When Baretta moves, read the writing on the stone plaque and it will read: "When the ancient TerraTula shines like a golden fire, the dawning of a new age is nigh." Suddenly the plaque will disappear and the entrance to the temple will be revealed. Jann will enter first and the party will automatically follow. Approach Jann and he will state that the two items are found. A tula and outfit will be in front of him. He then states that he just has to play the TerraTula while Layla dances with the sacred robes and he will be a free man. He then won't be obligated to take on anymore "stupid" missions from God anymore. He will then take the sacred gown and TerraTula from the altar before suggesting they go back to camp. Kiefer and Layla will enter the temple and Kiefer is out of breath since he had to carry Layla due to her spraining her ankle on the trip. Jann will seem to be more upset with the fact that Layla might not be able to dance now instead of being concerned with her own well being. Layla states that she will be fine for the ceremony and will be able to dance as Kiefer took care of her. Kiefer will then help Layla walk back to camp with Jann trailing after them. Exit the temple and the opening will close. Jann will demand that the ceremony begin, but the chief will want to see the TerraTula first. After looking at it, the chief states that the ceremony can't begin since it's not shining like a golden fire. Jann will be persistent and Baretta will try to calm him down as God shouldn't be resurrected before the appointed time as he could be destroyed by the Demon Lord. Jann still won't listen to reason and grabs the tula. He instructs Layla to put on the gown and dance. Jann will instruct everyone else to pray with all their heart so God can be restored. A cut scene will then show with Jann playing his TerraTula while Layla dances. Nothing will have happened and it will be agreed that it's too early to perform the ceremony. The chief will then tell Jann to see him and explains that he shouldn't be too disappointed as they have to be patient. He suggests that they try again tomorrow. Jann will then reveal his own personal agenda to everyone for wanting to marry Layla. He then shows everyone the mark on his chest to which Baretta states he didn't have when he was born. Apparently the divine mark just appeared on him many years ago. He figured that after God was revived, that he would be free to marry Layla. He is ashamed though as he failed to consider her feelings and he deceived his own tribe. He then says that he is leaving the tribe. He hands the tula back to the chief before running off. Layla tries to stop him but the chief will hold her back stating that since he has the mark, she can't marry him. The chief and Baretta decide it's best to reseal the temple and the party is asked to do it. Datz will accompany you this time and joins as a non playable character. Kiefer will then get closer with Layla before everyone is dismissed. As you enter the cave, a screen will pop up describing the temple being resealed and the two artifacts being returned to the chief. That night, a large feast was held. As the night drew on... Kiefer will try to wake the hero up in the middle of the night and explains that the hero has a strange birthmark on his arm and possibly has a destiny

tied to it just like Layla. Kiefer then wonders if there is something he can do in this world as he feels he isn't cut out to be a prince. Morning will come and when you exit the tent, Kiefer and Datz will be fighting by the fireplace. Datz will be testing Kiefers skill as Kiefer apparently wants to be a Dejan guardian. Speak to Kiefer and he will defeat Datz. He will then be appointed new tribal guardian. Kiefer is now an official member of the Deja Tribe. Everyone will starting singing in celebration. Speak to Kiefer again and he will give you sad news. He wishes to stay here and live with the Dejans instead of finishing the party s mission of trying to restore the world. Let Kiefer know you understand where he is coming from and he will offer to see you off to the portal leading back home. Exit the camp and Kiefer will walk you to the portal. Kiefer will say his goodbyes and requests that you tell his father that his son has finally found a dream to follow, but to not mention his feelings towards Layla. He then pushes you through the portal. When you return to present time, Maribel will notices a bag on the floor. Inside will be all of Kiefers equipment and items he was carrying, along with Kiefers Letter which will be an item in your inventory. Read it if you'd like. Anyways, head east and place your AquaShard on the south west pedestal in the AquaShard room. Go north and place your LandShard on the middle pedestal before taking the western door. Look at the world map on the ground and you should notice that the area around Orph has grown larger. Take the south east blue portal to return home. Enter Estard Castle and speak with King Burns to explain the situation regarding Kiefer. The king will be very upset and mentions that he was going to give something to Kiefer when he returned and presents the party with an AquaShard. King Burns was also going to give Kiefer his blessing and allow him to continue traveling with the party. Exit here and sail towards Orph to explore the new area. You won't find any sign of the Deja Tribe, nor the temple or path leading to it. You should however, find a weird mount in a small desert area. Enter it. As soon as you enter the place, someone will be shilling the mysteries of the past and to see the remains of a prehistoric horned animal for only 5 Gold. This is apparently an archaeological dig site. Speak to the man with the turban and he will let you through for 5 Gold. Pay the man and enter. Notice the large skull with the horn on the ground? Well who cares about that right now, go smash the barrels for 17 Gold. Stupid carnies. Speak to the scholar and he will be studying. Exit west and go down the well to the north to find a TinyMedal and AquaShard in the dressers. You won't be able to access the actual dig site but if you walk the perimeter, you should take note of the treasure chest and vases. Now that you have two AquaShards, I think it's time to pay a visit to the AquaShard room in the Ancient Fane. Place the two shards on the south west pedestal to begin the new adventure. =============================================================================== INN AND CASINO (WK30) Items: 3 Gold AGLseed 130 Gold 50 Gold STRseed

When you appear on the world map, head north east and enter the area. Speak to everyone outside to learn of a place called Dharma, where you can change your class. Enter the building and smash the vase by the item shop for 3 Gold. The treasure chest will be locked. Smash the vases behind the innkeeper for an AGLseed. The chest beside the weapon and armor shop will also be locked. Be careful when searching the bookshelves at the inn as one of them will be an EvilBook which will attack you. Downstairs people will tell you that not too many people are going, or returning from the Dharma Temple lately. Exit here and go down the well near the woman to enter a casino. Here's where the fun begins. At the casino you can play many games which cost tokens that you can buy at 20 Gold a pop. You can win more tokens by playing the games and then case them in for various prizes. First, purchase some tokens from the lady at the token counter to the west. To the east lies the prize counter that you can redeem your tokens at. The prizes are as follows: Scarf................................................................100 Potion...............................................................200 Tights...............................................................400 Magic Robe..........................................................1000 Wizard's Ring.......................................................3000 Dolphin Shield......................................................5000 Here is a brief description of the games that you can play. LUCKY PANEL This game costs 5 tokens to play and the object of the game is to match all of the tiles like in the game concentration. You are first allowed to uncover six panels. Any matching panels will remain turned face up. You then have to match the remaining tiles of the board with only three chances to fail. If you uncover a hand with a finger pointing up, you receive an extra turn. If you uncover just the hand, all of the cards that aren't uncovered will be randomly shuffled. If you uncover all of the tiles, you get to keep all of the items you found in the game. This is neat as you can find items that you normally wouldn't have access to until later in the game. SLOT MACHINES There are three one token slot machines and two five token machines. You can increase your bet to five times the amount by pressing up for a greater risk or reward. Sometimes when two of the same symbol comes up, before the third one is revealed little things like Hondara running and tripping will cause you to win or lose by shaking the machine. A king and his soldiers can also come and help you win. A soldier sometimes comes and slices the last slot to make it change and a Queen will rarely come and kiss the slots to make the first two 7's so you have a better chance at the jackpot. POKER In Poker you can wager 1 to 10 tokens per hand and you will get a payout according to your final hand. Press up to increase your bet and press "X" when you are ready to be dealt. You will be dealt five cards and underneath, the cards will have the word "swap". Click on any cards you wish to keep to change it to "hold". After holding your cards, go to "Deal" and press "X". You will keep any cards that you held and will discard the one's you didn't which will be replaced with new cards that determine your final hand. Winning hands are as follows:

- 2 Pairs: Having two of the same card twice in your hand. Example 4-4-6-7-7 This wins 1 times your wager. - 3 Cards: Having three of the same card in your hand. Example K-K-K-4-8 This wins 1 times your wager. - Straight: Having five cards in sequence in your hand. Example 7-8-9-10-J This wins two times your wager. - Flush: Having all five cards in the same suit. Example all cards being swords, slimes, helmets or shields. This wins four times your wager. - F. House: Having three cards and one pair. Example J-J-J-Q-Q This wins five times your wager. - 4u Cards: Having four of the same cards. Example 2-2-2-2-A This wins 10 times your wager. - S. Flush: Having all five cards of the same suit in sequence. Example 3-4-5-6-7 of swords. This wins 20 times your wager. - 5u cards: Having four of the same card and a Joker. Example 7-7-7-7-Joker This wins 50 times your wager. - R. Flush: Having 10-J-Q-K-A all of the same suit (except Slime). This wins 100 times your wager. - 5 Slime: Having a Royal Flush with the Slime Suit. This wins 500 times your wager. If you win a hand, here is where the real tokens are to be made. You will then be given the option to double up, all or nothing. If you accept you will wager all of your winnings and basically play high card low card. A card will be turned face up and you have to select if the next card will be higher or lower. Do so correctly and you will double up at which point you have the option to do so again. You can win a large amount of tokens this way if you are lucky. When you are finished with the casino, exit the inn and head north west, around the mountain and enter the small shrine. This is apparently the Dharma Shrine where you can change classes and gain new abilities. Speak to everyone except the men in the middle of the room and make sure you go downstairs. Once downstairs, open the chest in the eastern room for 130 Gold while leaving the other one empty due to it being locked. Smash the vases in the western room for 50 Gold. Head to floor level and enter the door on the western side of the room to find a chest with a STRseed. You won't be able to open the door leading south as it will be locked. The eastern room won't have anything noteworthy and you won't be able to head south either, due to a door being locked. Note the four treasure chests that you will probably be able to open later though. Return to the first floor and speak to the priest in the middle of the room. Say yes when asked if you'd like to change the way you live. Pick the character that you'd like to have change class and you will be given a number of options. Pick any option and you will be told that it's customary to purify their bodies and souls in the spring near by. You are told to step into the spring and you will become your new class. Step into the spring and a magical barrier will suck out all of your magical spells and abilities. You are then laughed at by the priest for falling for the deception and told to live a life of pain and eternal suffering, before falling down into the pond of a strange town.

=============================================================================== PENAL TOWN (WK31) Items: Bone Knife Dung x 2 Herb x 4 3 Gold Antidote x 2 5 Gold TinyMedal x 2 WorldLeaf LifeAcorn Horned Hat 20 Gold 30 Gold WondeRock As you land in the small pond, a man will yell at you for scaring the fish away. Others will gather and note that you are the second set of newcomers this day. Speak to the fisherman who bitched at you earlier and he will state that only the strong survive in this town, and that they are completely blocked from the rest of the world by oceans and mountains. The tough looking man will you a man named Suifu, who lives in the center of town is in charge. Smash the jars near by for a Bone Knife and Dung. Enter the house to the west and you will be reminded by the man that you cannot use your spells or skills in battle. Smash the vase by the woman for an Herb. The weapon and armor shops will have some nice things for sale. South west of the weapon shop a man will be getting mugged. Come to his rescue and you will have to defeat an EvilArmor which might be a little harder since you can't use magic or skills. After the battle, smash the barrels to find an Herb. Now speak to the man at the item shop and note the Thief Key for sale for 470 Gold. BUY this item as soon as you are able to. The two people west of the item shop will speak of something called a SoulSword which is not allowed to be used as it is the only law of the town. Apparently this weapon rips the soul from the victims body. Smash the barrels west of the item shop for 3 Gold. Take the stairs near by to enter a bathing area. Smash the barrels for an Antidote, and the vases for 5 Gold. Inside the church a man will ask if you met a girl named Neris. Say no and you will be told that her brother, Zaji, is very protective of her. North and around the church are three barrels. Smash them to find a TinyMedal. The man near the well will explain that five souls is all it takes to be freed by the SoulSword. You can store some of your gold in the bank in the small building by the well if you'd like. Pretty funny reaction awaits you if you try to open the chests. Enter the door by the weapon shop and smash the vases for an Antidote Herb. The chest can be opened for a WorldLeaf. This item will revive a fallen character. Go upstairs and smash the barrel for a LifeAcorn. The adjacent room will have one of those robots from Falrish. Speak to the man and he will tell you that a fellow named Flower can hook you up with anything provided you have the gold. A Horned Hat will be inside one of the dressers. At the north east part of town a strange man will warn you to be careful come night time due to soulhunters. Smash the vases for an Herb and 20 Gold. Approach the room to the south now and a fellow named Kasim will be thanking Flower for stealing something for him. Flower implies that it's time for Kasim to return the favor as Flower goes on about how he always wanted to be a guard at Dharma. Kasim states that he needs one more thing before Flower complains how hard it was to get his previous item, some form of medicine. Kasim will then walk away, and if you follow him, three monsters will enter town and encourage everyone to use the SoulSword. Suifu will come out and frighten the monsters away, but not before they once again plant the seeds of freedom by encouraging use of the SoulSword. Suifu is upset at the boldness of the

monsters appearing during daytime. Suifu will then notice the party and states that he has been meaning to pummel you for a while before attacking. Battle - Bully, Suifu, Fighter This is one of those battles that you cannot win. Take your licks with pride. When you come to, Zaji, will be telling Neris that she is too nice for helping the party recover. Leave the room you are in and Neris will greet you. Zaji will be fairly rude towards you before Kasim enters bringing the medicine that Flower had acquired for him. The medicine is WorldDew which should make her feel better. After some small talk, Kasim will leave. Smash the vase for 30 Gold. Speak to Neris and she will go lie down. Speak to Zaji who will be thinking the only reason Kasim is nice to his sister is because he wants her. Speak to Neris again to learn that ever since she was born, she has been sick. Go upstairs and Flower will be asking if Kasim will make him a temple guard. Kasim mentions that without High Priest Fosse, there are no temple guards, and that Flower needs to rescue her from the monsters. Flower has no problem doing that apparently. Speak to Flower when Kasim leaves and he will ask you to battle the monsters in the western cave before handing a stone to the hero which is a WondeRock. This item can be used in battle as many times as you want to heal your wounds. Basically it's a Heal spell in item form. Flower will then join your party. Now head to where you fought Suifu and smash the barrels by the chest for an Herb and the vase for some Dung. The chest will be empty. Downstairs is a bar. Smash the vase behind the counter for a TinyMedal. When you are ready, leave town and head west towards the cave. =============================================================================== WEST CAVE (WK32) Items: TinyMedal x 5 Herb x 2 Antidote x 2 Leather Armor Horned Hat 35 Gold DEFseed x 2 Sickle Dung x 3 STRseed x 2 MysticNut WorldLeaf x 2 50 Gold Dharma Key 15 Gold 100 Gold AGLseed Kitten Shield 350 Gold 200 Gold From the entrance head north and you should see a set of stairs to the west by a poisonous marsh. Ignore these as they lead to a dead end and head all the way north, through the poison to reach another set of stairs. From here go east and then north to take the next set of stairs. Now head north and then west through the marsh to take the stairs. Follow the next few linear paths and as you approach a couple of monsters, Flower will explain that they

shouldn't be rushed and runs off to distract them. Flower ends up going on ahead while the monsters spot the party and attack. Boss Battle - Inopp and Gonz This is another one of those battles that you cannot win. You will awake in Neris's room and she will explain that the priest found you in front of town unconscious and severely injured. Zaji will want to speak with Neris outside. As you leave, Zaji will be telling Neris that he is capable of retrieving the medicine that she needs and for her to stop flirting with Kasim. She explains that he is nice to her and nothing more. They will argue a bit more before Zaji runs off. Head into the bar now and Zaji will be telling Kasim to leave his sister alone. Kasim tries to tell him that he cares for her and that she can make her own choices. He then asks Zaji what he will do for him if he does leave Neris alone. Zaji says he will do nothing before firing off a few more words and then leaving. Speak to Zaji and then Neris before returning to the main part of town. As you approach, you will hear someone scream. Head south and the pink soldier will have used the SoulSword on a man. Suifu will come out of his house and the pink soldier will run north and shatter his second and third soul. As you approach the fire, he will take out his fourth soul. Suifu claims he will have to take him out and tells Kasim he will give him whatever he wants if he helps him. Just as Suifu is about to finish him off, the pink soldier spots Neris and tries to attack her but Zaji will step in front of her and takes the blow. The pink soldier will then request back his powers from the monsters as he has shattered five souls. A monster will then appear and state that the fifth soul hasn't yet been shattered. The monster explains that the SoulSword must go deep into the body to shatter a soul. Apparently Zaji wasn't cut deep enough. The monster decides to restore the soldiers abilities regardless and the five bodies will disappear along with the monster and soldier. The next scene will begin in Neris's place with Kasim trying to calm her down. Kasim suggests everyone goes to the western cave to see if they can save Zaji. Answer yes when prompted and Kasim explains that he and Neris will go on ahead and meet you on the fourth floor. Return to the cave and you will find Neris and Kasim just past the spot where Inopp and Gonz destroyed you. Kasim will give Neris a hair ornament before noticing that the party is there. Kasim will note that Inopp and Gonz aren't there before going on ahead. Exit to the south and you will appear in a tiny village. The man near the entrance will warn you not to cause trouble as the high priest, Fosse, is held captive. Near the graves, someone will mention that people who've had their souls shattered are controlled by monsters that are always watching the Dharma priests, and if they tried to escape, they would be attacked. Search around the north western most grave to find a well hidden TinyMedal. Enter the item shop near the town entrance and smash the vase for an Herb. As you try to explore more of the town, you will hear Flower complaining that he didn't rescue the high priest. Kasim tries to cheer him up by saying that she is still alive. Flower asks again if he can join the temple guards if he can help save the priest. Kasim says he can't do that until Flower does something fantastic. Kasim assures Flower that he must cooperate with him. They will then go inside the house on top of the hill. Enter the small house in the cave near by and the tenants will be speaking about the high priest. Smash the barrels for an Antidote. Exit now and speak to Flower on the stairwell. He will ask if you are here for revenge since he used you earlier. After replying he will head into the house. Follow him. The high priest will be asking Kasim what his job is, to which he replies to

protect the Head Priest Fosse. The high priest exclaims that not only did Kasim fail in defending Fosse, he botched the rescue attempt as well. He then asks him if he is ashamed. Kasim will ask for one more chance with the aid of the party so that he can redeem himself. The high priest will scoff at Kasim but says he can do as he pleases. Kasim will then approach the party and states that you must help him before leaving. Speak to Neris who explains that she can't find Zaji here. Search the dresser for a Leather Armor. Exit and Flower will explain how the high priest upsets him. Kasim explains that being a temple guard will require you to put up with all kinds of people before they both head east. Head east but towards the house and search the well to fight a WellLure if you'd like. Down the well, two people are playing cards, but more importantly, a TinyMedal lies inside one of the dressers. Enter the house which can be used for resting and saving your progress. Search the dresser for a Horned Hat and smash the vases for 35 Gold. When you are ready, head towards Kasim and Flower at the north part of town and Kasim will remark that he never figured a victim of soulshattering would be used and controlled to watch over the priest. Kasim explains that the two guards they knocked out should be left alone while Flower wonders why they aren't killed. Kasim states that they must rescue the priest without killing or waking them. Kasim will then notice the party and explains that the Head Priest is held in a prison deep within the near by cave. Kasim and Flower then join the party as non playable characters. Enter the cave and head north. The path will split east and west. Stay west and take the ladder to reach the next level. Take the stairs and you will be in a mazelike area. Head west and there will be three sets of stairs if you follow the path. Take the first or second set of stairs as both lead to a room with two treasure chests in the middle. Open them to find a DEFseed and Sickle. Return and take the third set of stairs now. Now make your way to the stairs in the middle of the room and descend. From here, go all the way south to take the stairs. Now go west, skipping the set of stairs to reach a treasure chest containing a TinyMedal. Return east to the stairs you came from and once you are in the next room, make your way east, south and then west to take the stairs. Now go east to take the next set of stairs. From here you can go south and enter the prison cells. You can find Dung in a jar in the cell with the skull. A STRseed will lie in the jar in the north east cell. Smash the vase in the south western cell for a MysticNut. Now make your way south to find an Iron Shield in a chest at the dead end. Make your way north now and around to make your way to a large hole in the ground. Drop down to the floor below and go south, and then west to find a WorldLeaf in the treasure chest. Make your way west, while smashing the vase for 50 Gold. Along the path at the north part of the screen, you will find more cells. Open the first and smash the vase for a TinyMedal. Exit to the north and you will find High Priest Fosse protected by a triangular barricade. Kasim tries to break the barrier to no avail. Take the stairs to the north and there will be three tablets that can be moved. The object of the puzzle is to push the tablets onto the blue crystals below which are the source of the barricade for High Priest Fosse. Push the western tablet south seven steps and then west three. Now push it north once and then east once to drop it onto the crystal below. Now push the eastern tablet down seven steps, east three steps, north four steps and then west once t destroy the final crystal. **Note that if you screw up, just simply exit and reenter the screen for the tablets to return to their original position** Return now and High Priest Fosse will thank you for rescuing her. She explains

that a false High Priest is ruling since she was captured. Suddenly Inopp and Gonz will appear. High Priest Fosse will then drain their powers while healing the party to full HP and requests that you defeat them while they are weak. You are then attacked. Boss Battle - Inopp and Gonz Battle plan here is to simply over power your foes since you still can't use magic or skills. Focus all the attacks on one of the foes, preferably Inopp since he is more powerful, while using the WondeRock and Herbs to heal. After the battle, Kasim and Flower will go back to town to give news of High Priest Fosse's rescue, while the party is chosen to escort Fosse back to town. Fosse will then join the party as a non playable character. Now backtrack all the way out of this dungeon and back to the mountain village. As you exit the cave to town, people will greet you at the entrance. Fosse requests that everyone works together to take back Dharma. Enter the western home and Kasim will be speaking. Apparently Zaji has recovered and Neris will thank you. Kasim asks Neris about the ornament he gave her back in the cave but she apparently lost it. He then asks her if she is all better and gets defensive with all the questions being asked. You are now free to explore the town again. The head priest has disappeared and if you speak with Zaji, he will mutter that his sister isn't here. Strange... Speak to Fosse and she will ask that you defeat the imposter High Priest. She then gives you the Dharma Key and tells you to go through the underground passage. Apparently all the powers drained from people are stored in a strange room. Finding that room may help in restoring everyone s powers back. More conversation will commence with Neris acting very strange. After Kasim tells you exactly where to go, everyone will leave the house. Heal up and save if you'd like. When you are ready, enter the cave to the north but this time head to the eastern part. When you enter the room with the purple door Neris will ask for the Dharma Key. Say no and Kasim will ask why she needs the key. He then asks her to show who she really is as Neris laughs and admits that she's no good at pretending to be a human. She reveals her true form and Kasim asks her where the head priest and the real Neris are. Neris is still alive but the monster ate the head priest! The monster then gives Zaji the SoulSword and instructs him to use it. You are then attacked by a Maneater. Battle - Maneater This battle shouldn't give you too much trouble. She can lower the parties defense and cast Bang so just keep the HP high and you will be victorious. After the battle, Zaji and Kasim will be fighting. Kasim doesn't want to kill Zaji even though the SoulSword is draining all his power. Kasim then gets hit and his sword goes flying. As Zaji goes in to deliver the finishing blow, Kasim steps out of the way and steals the SoulSword. He strikes Zaji with it which upsets Gabo. Kasim says that since the sword contains Zaji's soul, that his soul should return to his body. Zaji will then wake up feeling fine with his soul restored. He says that the monster was controlling him. When asked by Kasim why he attacked him, Zaji says the power of the SoulSword made him want to strike down everyone. Now enter the door and head east, taking the winding stairs to the top before exiting to the north. Take the stairs and head west to smash some vases for an Herb, EvilPot and Antidote. Head east to smash some barrels for 15 Gold. Head

north now and when the path branches west, north and east, go east to find two treasure chests. Open them to find a DEFseed and TinyMedal. Return and go north and then west to take the stairs. Follow the path and climb the stone stairwell to receive your powers back. This was the room that Fosse was talking about. You can now use your skills and spells again. Take the passage to the left as Fosse has advised and take the stairs. You will now be in a large room with many doors. Take the western door and note that it will close behind you and you cannot go open it. Take the door to the west, north to reach the room with all the jars. Smash them all to find a STRseed, Dung, 100 Gold, EvilPot, and more Dung. Head east now and take the series of doors to return you back to the beginning. Now take the western door south and walk along the western perimeter of the room. Open the chest to the north for a WorldLeaf before heading east to take the stairs. Now go around and climb the ladder to reach two chests. Open them for an AGLseed, and Kitten Shield. Now head west through the opening, then north and then west to exit to the next area. Follow the fairly straight forward path, grabbing the 350 and 200 Gold from the chests before taking the stairs. =============================================================================== ARENA (WK33) Items: Herb x 2 Antidote 50 Gold 7 Gold Scale Armor MysticNut x 2 TinyMedal LandShard x 2 LifeAcorn x 2 Wizard's Ring Leather Hat STRseed Bunny Tail Iron Shield 500 Gold 210 Gold Potion Iron Mask 3 Gold You will now be in a place called the Arena. A weapons and armor dealer will be towards your immediate left. Head north and rest at the inn while smashing the jar for an Herb. The only way out of here is to win five straight battles at the arena. Enter the arena now from the door north of the weapons dealer and you will find a nun who can save your game to the left. Smash the jars around her to find an Antidote and 50 Gold. Head north, past Kasim, and explore this area a little more. Speak to the pink soldier from before to learn that Neris is trying to get revenge by defeating him in the arena. Head upstairs to learn that the SoulSword makes the user suffer from dementia over time. Return to the floor below while exiting to the south west and smash the barrel for 7 Gold. Take the stairs to the north to find Flower in a room with a strange door that cannot be opened. Return now, and enter the door by the stairs. Speak to everyone to learn that the SoulSword has made Neris very strong. Smash the vases for an Herb and open the dresser for a Scale Armor. Enter the eastern room now and Zaji will be speaking with Neris. He will ask why she has the SoulSword and she will retort angrily how she was always a weak

little girl. Zaji asks for the SoulSword and Neris tells him to leave or she will take his soul! Zaji tries to take the sword by force but is restrained by a present monster. Exit the room now and head east to find Kasim. He is shocked that Neris has entered the tournament. Zaji states that he too must enter the tournament in order to stop Neris. Kasim suggests acquiring the SoulSword and using it to force Neris's soul back into her body. Zaji turns down Kasims offer to help, stating that he can do it by himself. Apparently not as when you speak to Zaji to the south, he will request your help to fight with him in the tournament. Say yes and he will join your party. Speak to the monsters to the north to have the tournament rules explained. Two parties of four, fight to the death. Once one side is victorious, the next battle begins. If you win five matches in a row, you become the champion, and if you can beat the old champion, you are free to go. Speak to the monster to enter the tournament now and go through the door when he moves out of the way. You will start your first battle. TOURNAMENT BATTLE ONE: Nepro and DrakSlime x 3 Focus on the Nepro as he has lots of HP and can cast spells. After the battle, the next challengers will appear. TOURNAMENT BATTLE TWO: Garcia and BoltRat x 3 The BoltRats can blind the party and Garcia can do an attack which hits everyone for about 20 HP. Keep the HP high and heal when needed. After the battle, the third challengers will appear. TOURNAMENT BATTLE THREE: Thompson and Goopi x 3 The Goopi's can regenerate to take them out quickly. Thompson can cast Sleep and hit fairly hard. Same strategy as the last two fights. After the battle, the fourth challengers will appear. TOURNAMENT BATTLE FOUR: Naputo and Smoocher x 3 Take out the easy Smoochers and then focus on Naputo. Naputo can attack twice per round. After this battle, the fifth challengers will appear. TOURNAMENT BATTLE FIVE: DonJose and BeakRat x 3 DonJose can put you to sleep by simply landing an attack. The BeakRats can regenerate like the Goopis so take them out first. DonJose can also blind you. After the battle, you are told the next win will set you free. TOURNAMENT BATTLE FINAL: Neris and SlimeNite x 3 The SlimeNites can heal so take them out immediately. Gabos Rip works well on them. Neris is very strong due to the SoulSword and can attack twice per round. She will often use IceSlash which hits a person for about 25HP of damage. SAP her while keeping your HP high to be victorious. After the battle, the hero will hit Neris, knocking the SoulSword away. Zaji will strike his sister with the blade as the party is granted freedom. Monsters will drop down and request that you follow them. Zaji asks them to wait as Neris is still unconscious but they decline and lead everyone out of the arena. As everyone is being led away, Kasim is asked by Zaji to save Neris. The party is led to the room Flower was in and through the mysterious door. Zaji will thank everyone for helping him but states he needs to be by his sisters side before attacking a monster and heading back to the arena. The

furious monsters will then leave to go after him. Now you can go on up the stairs to try to reclaim Dharma, or you can go back to the arena to heal and save. If you do go back to the arena, you can fight some monsters as Kasim and Zaji have started a riot. The pink soldier will have died saving another man from a monster. Before taking the stairs, Fosse will appear and ask to fight alongside you as you do battle with her imposter. She then joins your party. After taking the stairs, you will be in the basement of Dharma Temple. If you purchased the Thief Key, you will be able to get the treasure chests that you couldn't before. Just be careful of the magical barrier on the floor as it takes away 1HP per step. The chests to the west contain a MysticNut and TinyMedal. The eastern chests contain a LandShard and LifeAcorn. Don't forget to open the chest in the room above for a Wizard's Ring. Head upstairs now and approach the center of the room. The imposter will argue with a civilian before killing him. Heal up now and approach the imposter who will state that they are stealing power from people to give to the Demon Lord. You are then attacked. Boss Battle - Antoria Cast SAP twice and heal from any fire based attacks. He attacks twice per round and can put up a Magic Wall preventing any magical attacks. After the battle, a screen will pop up stating that the monsters plan to strengthen the Demon Lord by stealing other peoples powers and abilities has been thwarted. All remaining monsters were defeated and Dharma Shrine restored to its previous state. A few days later... The party will awake in a bedroom. Search the dressers for a Leather Hat. Exit the inn to the south and Kasim will be there to greet you with Flower. Flower decides after all that he isn't cut out to be a temple guard. An item shop and bank will lie to the east if you need them. Speak to Zaji, who has become a Warrior now to the west if you'd like. A weapon and armor shop will be there for upgrades. Head downstairs now and head north to find Zaji and Neris. Zaji is trying to impress Neris will his new Warrior class but Neris feels it's too dangerous. Zaji goes on, explaining that he would be better than Kasim at taking care of her. Neris explains that she doesn't want anyone going too far or making sacrifices to take care of her. Neris feels that she is a burden on Zaji and says that she can take care of herself. Zaji leaves upset, and if you follow him, Kasim will be speaking with him by the temple entrance. Zaji says that he is going to leave Neris as per her request even though she thinks he is just leaving to purchase a sword. Kasim asks if he would be okay with him staying with Neris and Zaji says that is between them, and has nothing to do with him before leaving. Now it's time to change classes. See the Class section for more detailed information, but to summarize, changing to different classes grants you spells and abilities. You learn these abilities by winning battles. After winning enough battles, you can master a class, which may give you a boost in certain attributes. You are then free to learn another class and gain its abilities. After mastering a few of the basic classes, you may be able to change to an intermediate class that combines previous classes that you have mastered. Anyways, speak to the people in green west of Fosse to learn about a lot of the classes that are available. When you are ready, approach High Priest Fosse and select the classes you want your characters to learn. After selecting your classes, speak to the witch

looking woman to the north east and she will tell you how many more battles you have to win before advancing in your classes. Each class can be advanced eight times. After advancing the eighth time, the class will be mastered. You can see how far along in mastering a class you are in the info menu based on how many stars are filled in. When you are ready, exit here. Head south to Penal Town for a minute as there are a few items to be grabbed. Enter the building just west of the well and the two treasure chests will now be unguarded. Open them for a STRseed and LandShard. Make sure you purchase the Thief Key if you haven't already. If you haven't, after buying it, don't forget to return to Dharma to grab the LandShard in the chest. Exit here and go back to the Inn and Casino. Open the chests by the item and weapon shops for a Bunny Tail and Iron Shield with your Thief Key. Return now to the portal and when you return to the Ancient Fane, head north to deposit your two new LandShards into the south west and south east pedestals. Now that you have the Thief Key, you can open a few chests that you had to pass up previously. Head back to Verdham in the past and in Borlocks mansion on the second floor in the woman s bedroom is a locked chest containing 500 Gold. Return now to the present. Enter the woodman s hut west of Fishbel and open the locked chest in the basement for a MysticNut. Enter Falrish now and enter the building north of the weapon and armor shop. The locked chest inside will contain 210 Gold. Make your way to Mentare and just before the Geionne Monastery, open the locked chest for a LifeAcorn. Alrighty, now that you have finished up with that, take a look at your World Map and you should see the island that Dharma is on far south and slightly west of Fishbel. Also note another tiny island on the south eastern part of the map. For now, head south of Fishbel to reach the new island. The place where the inn and casino was will still be there. Open the chest by the item shop with the Thief Key to receive a Potion. The vase behind the innkeeper will have a DEFseed if smashed. Speak to the man in the center of the room and he will warn you about bandits being close to Dharma Temple. Open the chest to the north with the Thief Key for an Iron Mask. Head downstairs and more people will speak of these bandits. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person near a table. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. The old man will mention a town named Mezar on a small island to the east. That must be that new tiny island that was restored along with Dharma. You are told that a boy will give you a magic carpet that can fly for free in Mezar. Smash the barrels for a whopping 3 Gold before leaving. Feel free to gamble at the "Grand Lara Casino" in the well. It's the same layout and games as in the past. The only difference is Lucky Panel costs 20 Tokens instead of 5. I suggest you play Lucky Panel for a bit as you can wins some rare items like the Hacksaw which you can't purchase anywhere yet. When you are ready, head west

to reach Dharma. =============================================================================== DHARMA TEMPLE (WK34) Items: 5 Gold LandShard x 2 TinyMedal x 2 Silk Robe Cloth Shirt Dung Bandits Key Iron Shield Iron Spear The lady in pink will tell you a legend that when a jewel is presented to the sun at the point where the earth and sky meet, the mighty hero will be resurrected. The witch lady to the west will let you know how many more battles are needed to reach the next job level just like in the past. If you speak to the priest, he will warn you about the bandits, and how they have been causing trouble near the temple lately. You can change classes here as well and you will be visiting this place very often. Once you master a class in your travels, it's a good idea to drop what you are doing and return to the temple to switch to another class. Reason being that any battles you fight in a mastered class don't count for anything, so you are basically wasting battles when you could be leveling up another job. Head downstairs now and a priest on the eastern side will give you the option to change anyone s name in your party, including your bag. Smash the vases in the room beside him for 5 Gold, and open the treasure chest for a LandShard. Head west now and smash the vases in the upper level for a TinyMedal. Go back and head to the top floor now. ***Permanent Immigrant Spot*** You will see Nurar the trader at the southern part of the room. This person is one of a few permanent immigrants. Basically, he will always be here to recruit. If you speak with him, you can tell him about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. I'd actually advise against recruiting him unless you want your final town version to be a bazaar. Remember that he will always be here so you can decide to pick him up at a later time as well. To the north, the weapon and armor shops will have new items for sale. It might also be a good idea to sell all of the extra items and equipment in your bag and store most of the gold in the bank. Open the dresser at the inn for a Silk Robe. Search the dressers in the library if you want to find a book by Suifu. Now when you are ready, exit the Dharma Temple and head south to see what all this bandit talk is about. As you enter the ruins of Penal Town, you will see a priest laying on the ground. Approach and inspect him and he will get up. He complains about your apparent disregard for him before asking if you can live with yourself. Answer yes and it will be apparent that this was a set up to ambush you. You are then attacked. Battle - Brigand, ShrubMage, Bandit, Epong Try to use attacks that hit everyone for maximum success. Prepare to heal

often and focus on taking out one enemy at a time. SAP works well in this battle to lower their defense. After the battle, the monsters concede that they've met their match before running off towards their hideout. Exit to the south and you should see a bandit fleeing for the cave. Chase after him and when you enter the area, the bandit will be answering "Go to Hell" when asked by his peers how to get to Dharma. If you weren't quick enough to view this scene, simply return to the Penal Town ruins and speak to the bandit laying on the ground to try again. "Go to Hell" seems to be the code word to enter the hideout. Speak to the man with the orange hat and give the password. You can now enter the bandits base. Speak to people to learn that the bandits boss has a shard and that Epong is a not well liked. Open the dresser by the bandit laying down for a Cloth Shirt. You can get some Dung by smashing the barrels just outside of the bosses room to the north. Enter the bosses room and open his dresser to find the Bandits Key. Now return to the steel doors where the treasure chests were and you will be able to access the small room. Smash the vases for a TinyMedal and use the Thief Key to open the chests for an Iron Shield and Iron Spear. Now return to the bosses room and speak with the little guy. Answer yes when asked if you are looking for the leader and he will state that he is in charge before attacking. Boss Battle - BanditWig This little guy can pack quite the punch with strong physical blows and the ability to attack twice per round. He can occasionally dish out a violent slash which hits twice as well as cast Boom which hits the whole party. As the battle carries on, BanditWig will run out of MP and won't be much of a pain anymore. After the battle, he will you a LandShard. He says than him, and that due to person. He then explains destroyed. ask you to hear him out. Say yes and he will give that he has been waiting for someone more powerful tradition, the shard must be passed onto the stronger how he feels that the Demon Lord isn't completely

Leave this place now and sail to the small island on the south eastern part of the map. This island will have a town, and a temple that you can't reach due to a small body of water. Enter the town. =============================================================================== MEZAR (WK35) Items: Pirate Clothes 6 Gold 7 Gold LandShard Traveler Clothes Repellent TinyMedal Herb Healer Heart Carpet Mezar is the home of the Soldiers of God, who fought alongside God in the battle against the Demon Lord. Enter the bar to the east and someone will be speaking to someone named Nicola, wondering why he needs a hero of some sort since no war is being waged. Nicola goes on about a "Great Hero" who will bring true peace. The person Nicola is arguing with argues that it's peaceful

enough, and it's no wonder he can't find anyone to search for his hero. Nicola then exits the bar. Speak to the female barkeep and she will wonder why Nicola doesn't look for the Hero himself, and that his father has been dead for years. Exit the bar and if you speak to the near by nun, she will mention the "BlissRock" you first heard about in that small shrine east of Falrish. Protecting this BlissRock was the duty of this towns ancestors, the Soldiers of God. To escape the Demon Lord, the BlissRock was embedded within a fane, making it airborne. Apparently the Demon Lord knocked it out of the sky. ***Permanent Immigrant Spot*** You will see Elena the dancer beside the church. This person is one of a few permanent immigrants. Basically, she will always be here to recruit. If you speak with her, you can tell her about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. I'd actually advise against recruiting her unless you want your final town version to be a slum. Remember that she will always be here so you can decide to pick her up at a later time as well. Enter the inn. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the inn. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Open the dresser for the Pirate Clothes. Exit the inn and go upstairs to learn more about the Demon Lord. Head to the General Store if you'd like to purchase something before going south towards the well. The man by the well explains that God sealed the hero away from the Demon Lord before he was defeated. Head north into the opening and smash the barrel for 6 Gold. Go upstairs to smash the vase for 7 Gold. Exit here and go to the well. When you inspect it, you will be attacked by an EvilWell. Defeat it and go down the well, though the water to find a LandShard on the ground. Exit here and head north west towards the house. If you speak to the woman on the way, she will mention Nicola giving away flying carpets to travelers. Enter the house now and the maid will mention that Nicola has been depressed lately. Enter the bedroom to find the Traveler Clothes in the dresser. Check the bookshelf to learn about a city that sank into the sea, as well as an item called the Merm Moon. Speak to Nicola now and he will ask if you are adventurers. Say yes and he will have a favor to ask of you. He will exit the home after asking you to follow him. Follow him to the south west part of town and go down the hidden staircase. Nicola will open a steel door and carry on until you arrive in his storehouse behind the church. Go upstairs and the room will be filled with many treasure chests and breakables. Smash the vase to the east for the Repellent. Open the chests for a TinyMedal and LifeRock. The other chest will be empty. Smash the opposite side barrels for an Herb. Open the chests for a Healer Heart, which can let the character that possesses it in their inventory change to the monster class: Healer, at the Dharma Temple. Speak to Nicola and he will explain how the great hero was Gods strongest soldier that he sealed away. The hero is waiting to be awoken. Nicola will request that you find him before offering a carpet that can let you fly anywhere in the world. Say yes when offered and you will receive the Carpet. Suddenly the maid will rush in and scold Nicola for giving away a family heirloom. They argue a bit more before you officially receive the Carpet. Nicola and the maid will then leave. Exit to the south and fall off the ledge to return to town. Exit town and try to use the Carpet on the world map. It won't have the power to fly, well that kinda sucks. Enter town again and Maribel will be upset and suggests selling the Carpet. Head north west to Nicolas house and speak with him. He will take his Carpet back after you tell him that it doesn't work. He seems to think the problem is that no one knows how to use it properly. Speak to the maid and she will be apparently hiding

something. As you try to leave, the maid will come outside and explain that Nicola is in the treasury. She will ask you to go check on him. Do so and he will be wondering why everyone calls the carpet a fake. He states that since his father is gone, that he should go find the hero himself. He promised his father though that he would never leave the village and doesn't want to break that promise. Speak to Nicola again and he will say that he didn't mean to deceive you, but that the Carpet just didn't choose you. Go back now and speak with the maid and she will tell you the truth. She has hidden the real flying carpet at Nicola's fathers request. She feels really bad for not telling Nicola. She then offers you the real carpet if you can bring her the MermMoon. It apparently lies in a sunken city near by. You have done all you can do here now so return to the Ancient Fane. In the LandShard room place one of the shards in the south east pedestal. The other two can be placed in the middle pedestal to begin your next adventure. =============================================================================== DUNE (WK36) Items: SilkRobe DEFseed TinyMedal 7 Gold Antidote DuneCharm Herb Fossil TyranBone You will appear on the world map just south of a large desert. To the east lies a village you won't be allowed to enter right now. To the west and a bit north is an empty area with a large body of water preventing you from reaching the other side, while a palace lies to the north. Enter the palace which will be deserted and flowing with monsters. Enter the eastern door and go down the stairs in the center of the room. Notice all the bloodstains on the floor? Go west and then north to open a dresser containing a SilkRobe. Read the bookshelves in the eastern room to learn more about the Terra Spirit and that the great hero that Nicola is looking for is named Melvin before taking the stairs. Go south and read the stone monument to learn that those who are strong, live long, and use their knowledge wisely will follow the correct path. Follow the linear path to the north, and as you enter the room with the skulls, a man will appear and wonder what you are doing. He will ask if you understand him. Say yes to learn that this palace is just a graveyard for those abandoned by the Queen. He tells you about the village to the east and to let them know that "Hadeed" sent you. As he leaves, Hadeed will wonder why the Queen ran away. Exit this place now and travel south east to reach the village. As you enter, an injured man will be trying to leave while vowing his life for the Queen. The man at the entrance will be told that Hadeed sent you and tells you to see the village chief. Smash the vases by the hut to the west for a DEFseed. Enter the hut to the east and smash the vases for a TinyMedal. The old man in the center of town will be a priest. Speak to the wandering old man near by to learn that monsters have done something to the Queen and destroyed the palace. Enter the hut to the west and smash jars for 7 Gold. The eastern hut will be guarded by an elderly man who says that only those with the Kings permission are allowed in. Enter the large house at the north end of town and speak with the chief. He will mention monsters being in the palace before offering you to stay the night. You are allowed to use his sons room on the second floor. Smash the jars for an Antidote and speak to the woman blocking the stairs. Before moving out of the way, she mentions that the future chief

hasn't returned. Go upstairs and ignore the bed for now and exit the room. In the next room you can awaken the older lady who mentions Hadeeds name and how she is dreaming about her son. In case you haven't figured it out, Hadeed is the village chiefs son. Go back to Hadeeds room and rest in the bed. You will be greeted by the lady who was by the chief in the morning. The chief will want to speak with you and is waiting below. Head downstairs and the chief will explain how the desert is under attack by monsters. They have overtaken a Sphinx that they have been building and are forcing them to rebuild it as a statue of the Demon Lord. If they refuse, the monsters will slaughter everyone. The monsters have also demanded they sacrifice one young girl every year in honor of the Demon Lord statue. The Queen has gone in place of a sacrifice and hasn't returned. Right after she left, the desert fell into darkness. Monsters are now looting corpses in the palace and there is no one strong enough to stand up to the monsters. You are warned to stay clear of the palace. Return to the palace, naturally, and when you get to the place where you met Hadeed, a monster will catch your scent. Make your way to this monster and just before you are attacked, Hadeed will arrive calling the monster a grave robber. Enraged, Hadeed will ridicule the monster before noticing the party. He wonders why you are here as you were warned to stay away. The monster doesn't seem to mind as to him, it's just one more victim to eat. You are then attacked. Battle - BoneRider BoneRider can lower the party's defense. Hadeed sometimes unleashes a FalconCut which hits the BoneRider twice. Simply SAP and attack to win the battle. Afterwards, the BoneRider will show everyone a necklace that the Queen gave him as he was her "favorite." Hadeed will then kill the monster and take back the necklace. Hadeed then heals the party with some of his herbs before calling everyone an idiot. He offers to escort everyone back to the village. Follow Hadeed to the palace exit and he will note that the sandstorms are strong enough to kill everyone right now. The only option is to wait them out. Hadeed then orders everyone back underground. You will appear where the BoneRider was killed. Speak to Hadeed and he will ask you to help with burying his fellow villagers. A scene will play out with the party helping Hadeed move the remains of the fallen. Afterwards, Hadeed will then request everyone s name. The Hero will explain the party's travels so far and Hadeed will be surprised that monsters have been tormenting other lands. Hadeed fears the Queen gave the BoneRider the necklace to save her own life, and has abandoned her people. Hadeed then suggests that it's time to rest. A narrative screen will pop up saying all the bodies were laid to rest and Hadeed spoke to the party about his kingdom. After the rest, you should notice the bones have been replaced by gravestones. Speak to Hadeed to learn that this palace was once the greatest building in their entire kingdom. The Queen had tried to rid the land of monsters by erecting a giant statue of the Terra Spirit. Once the monsters found out, they destroyed the palace. Hadeed is angered as he blames the Queen for what happened. Since the storm is over, Hadeed once again offers to escort the party back to the village.

Hadeed will be just outside the village. Speak to him and when you enter the village, everyone will be thankful that Hadeed is still alive. Speak to people to learn that Hadeed is looking for something called a Tyrannos. Speak to Hadeed outside of his house as he announces his return to the village chief and father, Zarathustra! Inside, his father will give him a status update on the latest going ons and wonders if he found Tyrannos, as without the ancient dragons power, they don't stand a chance against the monsters. Hadeed admits he has yet to find Tyrannos, but explains that the monsters shouldn't attack the palace anymore. Hadeed shows his father the item that the monster possessed and states his theory that the Queen used it to spare herself. Speak to Hadeed to learn the significance of the necklace. Speak to the chief afterwards. Hadeeds mother will enter the room. She's upset that her son would doubt the Queen and states that true strength comes from kindness. Speak to Hadeed again and the chief will notice something stuck under the necklace, a note! The note reads "To my beloved people... don't worry for I am fine. I am sad to report, though, that the Evil Statue has been completed. The statue is the cause of the disasters you've been enduring. I heard the number of monsters has increased. My prayers are with you, my people. All the men sent to work here are still alive, for the time being. I fear that their safety is temporary at best. If we are to have any chance, I must determine where the statue is vulnerable. If the Nila calmed once more, escape would not seem like such a distant hope. I hid this letter inside the necklace and gave it to a monster. I pray it will reach you safely. Please, remain ever strong.... To my beloved people of Dune. Queen Fedel." After reading the letter, Hadeed states that he must once again leave the village. He vows to find the ancient dragon, Tyrannos, and see the Queen face to face. Speak to the chief and he will give you a DuneCharm as a token of his gratitude. You are advised to show the charm to the villagers and they may help you out. When you speak to the villagers, you will have the option to show them the DuneCharm. Show it to the chief and he will explain that the Sphinx lies past the waters of the Nila river. The river has become too dangerous to navigate which is why they are looking for the legendary Tyrannos. Speak to the old man outside to learn that Tyrannos has a golden horn if you show him the charm. Show the charm to the old man blocking the hut and he will let you go inside. Go downstairs and open the bags to find out that is where the village women are hiding. Smash the vases to find an Herb. You won't be able to open the door with the two treasure chests and barrel right now though. When you are ready, exit town and head north and then west to find Hadeed by the Nila river. Enter the area and go north. Hadeed will be in the water and notes that not even fish can be found in the river, let alone the Tyrannos. Hadeed will get out of the water and asks if you have ever heard of the Tyrannos or know anyone who has. The Tyrannos is known for it's golden horn. Hadeed will then leave. Now this part of the game can be very tricky as it can be confusing as what you have to do next. Since your only clue is a golden horn and that this Tyrannos seems to be a prehistoric creature, head back through the portal to current time and pay the excavation site a visit. Speak to the turbaned man at the entrance and you will be let in for free. As you enter, you should see the skull with the golden horn. The scholar will be wondering about the skull and it's origin. Speak to the scholar to learn a bit about the Tyrannos before answering yes when the option arises to tell him about Dune. The scholar will be apprehensive at first, and asks if you have

any proof about being able to travel through time and your experience in Dune. Speak to him again and show him the DuneCharm. He will be perplexed and the hero will explain everything to him. Finally, the scholar will request that if you take him through time to Dune, the skull will be yours. You will now obtain the Fossil and the scholar will join as an NPC. Speak to the turbaned man for a funny exchange before you leave. Apparently the scholar didn't know people were paying gold to access the site. As you exit the excavation site, a screen will pop up saying the party and scholar set off for the ancient fane where the scholar examined everything before setting off for Dune. When you appear in the Dune region, the scholar will demand that you take him to the ruined palace. Enter it and the scholar will be in awe. He wishes to be left alone for now so that he can study so leave him and return to the village. The chief will have fallen ill while you were gone and Hadeed will be nowhere to be found. Head upstairs and make your way to the chief. He will be in a coma. As you try to leave the house, Hadeed will return. Follow him to his fathers side, and as you speak to him, his father will wake up. The chief will admit that he is dying and wishes for his son to take over as village chief. Hadeed states that it's not his time to die and that he can't search for the Tyrannos if he is to become village chief. The chief will then notice the Fossil the party is carrying. After showing it to him, he will ask Hadeed if he remembers a story he told him when he was a child. "In the Nila lives a great dragon with a golden horn on it's head." This Fossil matches the description perfectly. Hadeed is appointed the next chief while Hadeed tries to argue, knowing that his father is dying. The chief then requests a favor from the party. He requests that his body and the Fossil be returned to the Nila river as is custom when a village chief dies. Hadeed will then request the party leaves so that he can be with his family in privacy. As you exit the room and make your way through the house, Hadeed will appear and explain that his father has passed and that he must inform the villagers. Speak to Hadeed downstairs and he explains the passing of his father to everyone, as well as explains the details of the funeral ceremony taking place the next day at the Nila river. A narrative screen will pop up telling how everyone had a sleepless night at the chiefs house and how people could be heard sobbing and wailing throughout the night. Morning will begin with everyone near the town entrance with the coffin. Hadeed says that it's time to go to the Nila and everyone will be on the shore when you regain control of the party. Speak to Hadeed to officially being the funeral. Hadeed will say a few words about his father before pushing the casket into the river so that he may go to heaven. Hadeed then announces himself as the new village chief. He will then ask the party if you remember his fathers dying wish. You are to throw the Fossil, which is now the TyranBone in your inventory into the Nila river. Go north and select the TyranBone as an item to toss it into the water. The bone will slowly sink to the bottom of the river. Hadeed will then request everyone return to the village before everyone notices something happening in the river. A cut scene will then play of the mighty Tyrannos being resurrected. It will stand before the villagers while they witness this miracle. Hadeed will thank everyone before telling the villagers that he can't become village chief just yet, he must ride the Tyrannos and rescue the Queen. Hadeed will speak to the dragon before asking the party to help him save the Queen. Speak to Hadeed when you are ready to go and the Tyrannos will carry the party across the Nila. When you make it to the other side, the Tyrannos will depart. There is no turning back now, exit here and head north towards the Evil Statue.

=============================================================================== EVIL STATUE (WK37) Items: STRseed DEFseed BlackKey Speed Ring 350 Gold TinyMedal x 2 Silver Breastplate Leather Whip LandShard x 2 Package GraceHerb SilkRobe Hadeed will be beside someone laying on the ground asking if they are okay. The person states that the Queen is going to be killed. He explains how he is being forced to pray to the Demon Lord so that the Demon Lord will become stronger. Those that disobey are murdered. The Queen had refused and she was taken away. Hadeed leaves to enter the statue while the person notices the necklace from the Queen. Two monsters then appear and you can attack them by speaking to them Battle - Pigmon x 2 These guys can breathe fire which hits everyone for small damage. Stick to physical attacks while keeping everyone s HP up with spells and the WondeRock and this should be a breeze. After the battle, the person will recover all your HP and MP. Whenever you need to recover, just return here for a full recovery. Enter the statue and head north to read the monument. "If you desire to meet with the great Spirit of the Earth, you must first prove your worthiness before him. Show yourself to be a friend to his people, and follow the same righteous path that they follow. Place the statues on their respective pedestals, and you may pass. Give the correct answer, and the path will open wide." There will be a small indentation on top of the stone monument. This puzzle can be tricky as the four statues near by are a Phoenix, Lion, Turtle and Snake. Since your first clue states that to prove your worthiness you must show yourself to be a friend of his people. This relates to the DuneCharm. Use the DuneCharm on the monument and it will fit into the indentation. A door will then open somewhere. If you explore the room, you will find that the south west door has opened and you are able to put one of the four statues on the pedestal. Before doing that though, go down the stairs by the entrance to enter a prison area. Can you speak to some people and fight an EvilPot if you'd like. Back to the puzzle now. You'll want to put the Lion on the south west pedestal as it is a symbol of strength. After doing this, the north east pedestal will be available. Place the Turtle on it as it is the symbol for long life. The south east pedestal will now be available for you to place the symbol of death, the Phoenix. The final statue, the snake, represents rebirth and can be placed on the north west pedestal that is now open. The path upstairs will now be available. Smash the vases for a STRseed and DEFseed before taking the stairs at the north part of the room.

From here you will see some Pigmon's stating that the power of the spirit is theirs. They also mention a monster by the name of Lord Seto before they leave. Go south and you should notice some spikes on the ground which will damage you if you walk on them. Head north and take the stairs. Go south now and take the stairs. Step on the switch in this room which will deactivate the spikes. Exit north though the door and make your way south to take the stairs. From here go south and then west to find Hadeed talking to Queen Fedel in a cell. Hadeed is explaining to her that lots of people have died and that the palace has been destroyed. There is no point for her to stay here anymore. The Queen feels bad for having trusted the monsters and notes that she cannot even commit suicide at the Terra Spirit forbids it. Hadeed will want to carry on to destroy the rest of the monsters but the Queen will notice that he is hurt. Hadeed will run off anyways. Speak to the Queen to learn that Lord Seto's power flows from two mystical rubies on the face of the Evil Statue. If the rubies are removed, then the light should return. She then gives you the Black Key and recovers your HP. Continue on and read the little monument by the damage tiles. It says "A true ruler always braves the most difficult path." This is a clue that is telling you to walk on the damage tiles. If you don't and you try to walk on the normal tiles, you will fall through to the floor below and have to start all over again. Watch your health and follow the path to the treasure chest containing a Cannibox and stairs. Make your way to the room with all the treasure chests and open them for a Speed Ring, 350 Gold, TinyMedal and Cannibox. Make your way now to the north west part of the room to take the stairs. Once you enter the next room, Pigmons will be forcing two women to pray to the Demon Lord. Smash the pot to the east to fight an EvilPot if you'd like. Open the treasure chest for a Silver Breastplate. Now go south and exit through the door. Head west and enter the door to approach the Pigmon by the two women. Attack it, destroy it, and take the stairs. Follow the linear path now to take the next set of stairs. Exit to the south and Lord Seto will be standing over Hadeed. Seto will be toying with him and making fun of him for trying to fight while injured. Approach Seto to initiate battle. Boss Battle - Seto Double cast SAP on Seto. furiously and gather his using Howl worked almost his super strong attacks He can attack twice per round, cast power for a stronger attack the next every time against him. Keep the HP won't kill Maribel so she can be the SAP, swing round. I found up and hopefully main healer.

After the battle, Seto will be in shock before dying. Hadeed will then tell you to get the rubies from the statues eyes. The Queen and some survivors will also appear. Help the Queen remove the rubies and the statue will start to crumble to the ground. Hadeed, the Queen and the rest of the party will be thrown from the statue into the Nila river where they will sail down the waters back to the Dune region before washing up on shore. When you come to, speak with Hadeed who has yet to regain consciousness. Queen Fedel will pray to the Terra Spirit to bring Hadeed back to life. All of a sudden, Hadeed will start to shine before waking up. He will then thank the Queen for saving him. A screen will then pop up detailing how the party celebrated with the villagers for the return of the Queen and the new village chief. Hadeed and the party were honored as the saviors of Dune. The next morning you will be awaken by a maid in Hadeeds house. Exit to the south and the Queen will mention repaying you for your kindness, later. Go downstairs and speak to Hadeed now. He says that you can have the treasures

from the village storehouse and thanks you for all that you've done. Enter the storehouse by the old man at the east part of town and the cell with the treasures will be open. Open the two chests for a Leather Whip and LandShard. Exit the village now and return to the ruined palace to speak with the scholar. He will decide to stay here so he can study. He asks you to give a Package to the man at the dig site when you return. Return to the Ancient Fane and put the newly acquired LandShard on the south west pedestal. Go west and notice where the Dune location is on the floor map in the center room. Exit the fane and head back to the excavation site. Upon entry, you should notice that the price has been jacked up from 5 Gold to 10, as well as a fake skull is now on display. Speak to the man by the dig site and give him the package. He will move out of the way so you can explore the area. Smash the vase for a TinyMedal and open the chest for a LandShard. Now exit this place and notice the Dune area is just across the sea to the east of the dig site. Sail all around the continent in a clockwise direction. You can get off at the north western part and enter a small cabin. This is Rose's place and she used to be a beautiful young woman apparently. Smash the barrel for a GraceHerb and then go upstairs and loot her dressers for a SilkRobe. Nothing like stealing from the elderly. If you enter her bedroom, you can inspect a small statue that reads "1st Place Style Rankings." Exit her now and continue to sail around the continent. When you get to the south eastern part, you should find a small cave. Inside and up the vine through the cave you should see a large boat frozen in ice. There is nothing that can be done about this right now so go back a bit and enter the continent from the eastern side. Enter Dune and it will be a bit windy. =============================================================================== DUNE PRESENT (WK38) Items: TinyMedal Herb Dancer Clothes Dung LandShard LifeAcorn 15 Gold AmitSnack MysticNut Smash the barrels behind the item shop to the east for a TinyMedal. Smash the barrels in the house to the west for an Herb. Upstairs you can open the dressers for Dancer Clothes. Dung can be claimed by smashing the barrels outside of the church. Enter the inn if you need to rest. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the inn. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Enter the pot by the priest in the middle of town and grab the LandShard by the strange fellow who is sand fishing. Enter the house to the east and smash the vases in the room with the sleeping man for a LifeAcorn. Smash the vases outside of the chiefs home for 15 Gold. Once inside, enter the room to the east to learn about the present chiefs sons, and how they fight all the time. Smash the vase for an AmitSnack. Claim a MysticNut by smashing the vases all along the western wall before speaking with the chief. Head upstairs and speak

with the maid to learn that besides the chiefs triplet sons, he has another son who lives in the house behind this one. Exit to the east if you want to listen to the triplets argue over whom is better looking. Enter the house behind the chiefs mansion to meet the other son. He won't be very friendly though. Exit the village now and go west a few steps to enter a small area. Take the warp which will warp you to the map room at the Ancient Fane. Return back to the Dune area though as we aren't quite finished here. Go north west a bit to enter the palace. =============================================================================== DUNE PALACE (WK39) Items: Silver Tiara Noble Robe Silk Bustier Dark Ruby Golden Ring TinyMedal FireShard 210 Gold Upon entry to the palace, you will be greeted by a small turbaned fellow. He will start freaking out though as your appearance is the same appearance of the heroes that saved Dune as passed down from old legends. He asks you to stay put so that he can inform the Queen. A lady will come towards you and calls everyone the saviors of the desert, before leading you towards the throne. She then asks you to wait while she retrieves the Queen. Everyone will gather around the throne area as the Queens assistants welcome you back to the desert. Apparently the Queen only communicates through her assistants. Everyone seems to know of your past exploits of saving Queen Fedel and Dune. Hadeed decided that he would honor your deeds by passing down your story through the generations. Queen Nepthys will then formally thank everyone and holds a feast in your honor. A screen will pop up describing the feast and detailing how it lasted all night while everyone had a good time dancing and singing. The next morning will begin inside the Queens chambers inside the palace. The Queens assistants advise you to not let the item Queen Fedel gave you to fall into the hands of the monsters. Odd, Fedel never gave the party an item. This means that we must return to past Dune after these events to get the item they are speaking of. Anyways, you are now free to explore the palace. Enter the western room to loot the dressers for a Silver Tiara, Noble Robe and Silk Bustier. Speak with everyone else on this floor to learn about the Dark Ruby that the party removed from the Evil Statue to save Dune. Visit the item and weapon shop if you wish before going downstairs. This room is a large graveyard which the party started the creation with Hadeed many years ago. Queen Fedel's grave is here if you wish to pay your respects. Go south and down the stairs to enter the fane. The rooms to the north east and north west will have treasure chests that you are unable to access right now. You also won't be able to access the Sphinx right now as there is currently no way to cross the Nila river. Return to the warp just west of Dune village to return to the Ancient Fane. Enter the LandShard room, but before placing any of the newly acquired shards, return to Dune in the past as Queen Fedel still owes us her repayment. Enter the Nila area and speak to Hadeed on the raft. He will be reconstructing the palace by using bricks from the crumbled Evil Statue. Say yes when he asks

if you want to see the ruins of the Sphinx and you'll sail down the Nila. Once on the other side, Hadeed will run off to the Sphinx. Enter the ruins and when you speak to him he will run off again. You'll find him to the north west fighting with the scholar. Apparently the scholar has the Queens necklace and Hadeed wants it back. Speak to both of them and eventually you will explain the situation to the scholar who will reluctantly give back the necklace to Hadeed. Speak to Hadeed again and a screen will pop up explaining how everyone returned to the palace. Hadeed will give Queen Fedel back her necklace and once again thank the party for all their help before leaving. The Queen will then turn her attention towards the party and asks that you take one of the Dark Rubies that was taken from the Evil Statue. You will then receive the Dark Ruby. Enter the palace now and go downstairs. Enter the room north of the Queens chambers and push the black statue to reveal a staircase to the east. Go downstairs and make your way to a treasury. Open the four chests to receive a Golden Ring, TinyMedal, FireShard and 210 Gold. Return to the Ancient Fane now and place your large LandShard in the south east pedestal. Go all the way west to the FireShard room and place the shard on the north east pedestal. Return to the LandShard room and place your final shard on the south west pedestal. =============================================================================== KRAGE (WK40) Items: 3 Gold Cloth Shirt TinyMedal Leather Hat Elven Jar HolyDew Head south west a few steps from the warp to enter a small cabin. The sign says "If you're on your way to Krage, stop at this inn!" Speak to the man outside who will warn you about visiting Krage. Enter the inn and rest up if you'd like. Speak to the lady in the room behind the innkeeper to learn that a curse of the Sacred Tree is responsible for whatever happened to Krage, once famous for it's water that is currently undrinkable. Go south and if you speak directly to the innkeeper, he will say that if you bury a dead body near the Sacred Tree, it will turn into a zombie. You can save your progress at the traveling priest in the middle room. The old man will warn you that you will be cursed if you hard the Sacred Tree. Exit here and travel west. You should eventually see both Krage, and the Sacred Tree on the world map. Enter Krage. If you speak to the small child by the dog, she will claim to be the Demon Lord. Very odd. Enter the house directly north of the town entrance and a knight will explain how everyone in town is claming to be the Demon Lord. Smash the southern barrel for 3 Gold. Head towards the well in the center of town and people will be quenching their "Demon Lord" thirst. Try to look into the well but a purple cloud of smoke will block your view. Enter the church to the west and both the priest, and the nun, will turn away God. You can save by examining the adventure journal if you'd like. Head into the house to the east and a man laying in bed will explain how his body has been poisoned and when he wakes up, he will be just like the other villagers in town. Take the Cloth Shirt from his dresser before leaving. Enter the house to the north west and speak to the towns mayor. He advises you to leave the village quickly as the villagers have all gone mad due to the poison which has spread through town. Smash the vases near by for a TinyMedal. Open his dresser to take the

Leather Hat before leaving. As you try to leave though, the mayor will ask you to wait. He has a favor to ask if you decide to stay. He says that an unusual girl lives at the base of the Sacred Tree and that you should tell her what has happened and warn her not to come here. Say yes and then leave. Just east you should notice some villagers gathered around a dark hooded fellow. He will be manipulating the villagers to prove which one is the true Demon Lord. He asks them to cut down the Sacred Tree, which they agree to do. Exit Krage now and go north to enter the Sacred Tree area. Enter the small hut and the girl the mayor was speaking of will be sleeping. Approach her and Gabo notes that she won't wake up. Maribel suggests going back to town to see the mayor. Do so and as you enter town, the villagers that were speaking to the dark hooded fellow will shove you out of the way so that they can cut down the Sacred Tree. Speak to the mayor who looks like he is about to lose his mind. He once again tells you to look after the girl. Return to the tree and the dark hooded fellow will egg on the villagers to chop it down. The girl will then come out of her house and beg the crazed villagers to spare the tree before one of them strikes her down into unconsciousness. Approach the man who hit the girl and say yes when he asks if you plan on standing in his way. He tries to cast Firevolt on the party but the spell won't work. The other villagers mock him and call him a fake Demon Lord before having their spells fail as well. The hooded fellow tells the villagers to continue cutting down the tree as we will take care of the party. You are then attacked. Battle - WeirdGuy WeirdGuy can attack twice per round and hits pretty hard. Keep the HP high and speed up the victory by casting SAP. After the battle, the WeirdGuy will warn you that he will get even one day before running off. The other villagers will also retreat. Speak to the unconscious girl and carry her into the hut. She will wonder who you are before asking if the Sacred Tree is okay. Say yes and answer yes when she asks if you saved her. She explains that the water vein that flows beneath the forest has been tainted, weakening the trees and herself. If it wasn't for the Sacred Tree, herself and the forest would have died long ago. The Sacred Tree has the power to purify water. She speculates that the villagers have drank the tainted water. You will then spend the night at the girls hut. Next morning, the girl will ask you to take her jug and collect some HolyDew from the Sacred Tree. Inspect the jug to receive the Elven Jar. Exit the hut and you should notice the HolyDew dripping from the tree. Enter the spot the HolyDew is dripping and use the Elven Jar as an item to obtain the HolyDew. Return to the girl and use the HolyDew on her. After drinking it, she will feel much better. She thinks that the villagers can be saved with the HolyDew. The only problem is getting them to drink it. She asks you to save them since she can't leave the Sacred Tree. Exit here and return to Krage. If you try to offer the HolyDew to people, you will be rejected. Head to the well and speak to the WeirdGuy. He says he can't fight, but offers you some water from the well. Enter the mayors house and use the HolyDew on him to save him. All excited, he requests that you pour the HolyDew into the town well to save the villagers. Try to pour HolyDew into the well and the WeirdGuy will stop you. He tells the villagers that you were trying to poison the well. They all decide to surround the well so that you can't try to pour more HolyDew again. Return to the mayor who says the town well is connected to a water vein. Head back to the Sacred

Tree since the girl there first mentioned something about a water vein. She will mention a tunnel at the foot of the Sacred Tree that connects to the water vein. She offers to show the way. After leading you behind the Sacred Tree and opening up the way, she warns you that monsters are inside. Now enter the Sacred Tree. =============================================================================== SACRED TREE (WK41) Items: FireShard Bless Staff Head south and as you walk on one of the roots, you should notice the spikes to the west that you cannot travel across. Continue south, ignoring the eastern path that leads to a dead end. When the path gives you the option to go east or south, go south and take the ladder. From here, continue north and then west. When the path branches south west and north, go north. Take the ladder and follow the path to reach the next ladder. From here, go east to take the next ladder. Go south and then east. Continue on until the path branches due south. Continue south and then east to take the next ladder. From here, go north to take the next ladder. Now go south and it will seem like you hit a dead end. Go to the white spot on the root and fall off to the east. Continue east to take the stairs. Continue taking the ladders until you see a bunch of monsters around a well, contaminating the water. Climb up the ladder, heal up, and when you are ready, jump down to the floor below from the north. The monster will then attack you after noticing the HolyDew. Boss Battle - EvilWell EvilWell can shout a WarCry which causes party members to miss a turn in battle as well as cast IceBolt and gather power. He can also attack twice per round but not always for every turn. SAP him and cast Upper on your allies if possible. After the battle, EvilWell will die. Use the HolyDew in the well to get rid of the poisonous purple mist and purify the water. All the villagers will have regained their senses. Climb the rope to enter the town from the well and the WeirdGuy will be upset that you have once again, foiled his plans. The WeirdGuy attacks a couple of villagers before threatening to burn down the village. He reveals his true form and you are once again attacked. Boss Battle - WolfDevil WolfDevil can cast TwinHits which increases his physical strength, and QuadHits which strikes four times randomly. SAP and increase defense if possible while keeping HP high. His TwinHits and QuadHits combo can be quite devastating. After the battle, everything will be back to normal. Speak to people if you'd like before heading to the mayors house. The mayor will thank you for all you have done and requests that you spend the night. It's the least he can do. In the morning, the mayor will tell you that the girl by the Sacred Tree wishes to see you. Before leaving though, speak to the farmer in his field and he will give you a FireShard that he dismisses as a stupid rock. Head to the Sacred Tree now and speak with the girl. She says she wants to tell you a bit about the tree as well as herself. The Sacred Tree is just a sapling of something called the World Tree, and incredible tree with healing powers. It will take hundreds of years for the World Tree to grow though. It's her job to

watch and protect the tree as it grows. She is the one who created the rumor that damaging the tree will cause divine punishment out of fear of humans. She will then give you a staff made from a branch of the Sacred Tree, the Bless Staff. Return to the Ancient Fane now. Head west and note where Krage is on the floor map east of Dune before entering the FireShard room. Place the newly acquired shard on the middle pedestal before heading to Krage in the present. =============================================================================== KRAGE PRESENT (WK42) Items: RainbwDew Traveler Clothes TinyMedal x 2 13 Gold Fur Hat AmitDonut INTSpecs INTseed FireShard x 2 50 Gold 5 Gold Silk Hat WorldLeaf Exit the fane via the blue door and before taking the usual path south, go east to enter the beach area. Examine the glittering water and you will have an option to fill your bottle with water from the Rainbow Cove. Do so to obtain RainbwDew before exiting the area. Sail to Krage now and notice that the inn isn't there. Enter Krage and speak to the woman who will note the World Tree lies north of town. Enter the inn and a lady will tell you that a shop in town sells very rare WorldDew. The man near by will complain about having to clean a storehouse in a mansion and wishes that someone would go in his stead. Grab the Traveler Clothes from the dresser by the priest. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the room beside the priest room. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Go upstairs and search the dresser for a TinyMedal. Exit here and go east, passing the General Store to find the shop that sells WorldDew. Enter the store and a bunny girl will greet you. She explains that they don't sell to groups, so only one person can get in line. The others will have to sit down. Agree to these conditions and get in one of the lines. Be patient though and when your turn comes, you can purchase some WorldDew for 1000 Gold. There is a small chance that the store may be sold out. If that happens, just try again later. You can also only carry one WorldDew at a time. Exit here and go north to enter the house above the well. 13 Gold lies inside a barrel if you smash it. Head west and enter the well just south of the church. Open the dressers to find a TinyMedal. Enter the mayors house to the north west of town and speak to him to learn some history that you were a part of. Search the bookshelves to fight an EvilBook if you are up to the challenge. Take the Fur Hat from the dresser before leaving. The mansion to the north of town belongs to a fellow named Brugeo. If you try to enter the mansion through the main door, it will be locked from the inside. Circle around back and enter the house through the rear. Smash the barrel near the

cook for an AmitDonut. Head downstairs and speak to the maid. She will mistake the party for that guy in the inn who was complaining about having to clean a storehouse. She requests that you tidy up the room. Enter the room she was blocking and open up the two treasure chests with the Thief Key to receive INTSpecks and an INTseed. Grab the FireShard from the chest in the opposite room before going back upstairs. Head to the main hallway and speak to the maid who will pay you 50 Gold for stealing Brugeo's treasures. Examine the bookshelves in the eastern room to learn more about the Flying Carpet. Go upstairs and search the dresser in the north western room for 5 Gold. The dresser in the north east room contains a Silk Hat. Exit the mansion through the front door and exit Krage. Head north to the World Tree and learn that a small bird protects the World Tree. Grab the FireShard on the ground as well as the WorldLeaf that will be on the ground provided you don't have any in your inventory. If you ever run out of WorldLeaf, return here and the bird will give you one for free. If you have one in your inventory though, the bird won't help you out. Return to the Ancient Fane now with your two new FireShards to open up access to a new area. Enter the FireShard room and place both shards on the middle pedestal. After being warped, head north and enter the town. =============================================================================== LITORUD (WK43) Items: Herb x 3 15 Gold Horned Hat Traveler Clothes TinyMedal Turban Repellent LifeRock 10 Gold Silk Hat MysticNut 6 Gold Leather Hat SeaShell Hat INTseed Clock Key Speak to the lady at the town entrance to learn that you are in Litorud, home of Baloch, and his famed clock tower. The little boy near by mentions the northern bridge being open tomorrow. Smash the jars just north of the church for an Herb. Enter the inn to find that the innkeeper is at Dr. Creyneys house due to one of her staff falling down the stairs. Go north into the bar and speak with everyone to learn more about Baloch and the bridge ceremony. Smash the barrels for 15 Gold. Exit here and before going upstairs, go downstairs using the stairs to the south west part of the inn to grab a Horned Hat from the dresser. Upstairs you can grab the Traveler Clothes from the dresser with the annoyed lady. Exit here and enter the weapon and armor shop through the rear door. Upgrade some equipment and then go upstairs. Smash the barrels for a TinyMedal. Exit the shop to the south and enter the house near by. As you enter, Aimy, the maid who fell down the stairs will be here with the innkeeper and Dr. Creyney. The doctor advises that she sprained her ankle really badly and should remain here to rest. You are free to explore after the innkeeper leaves. Speak to Creyney and he will suggest that you spend the night at the inn so that you can see the bridge opening ceremony tomorrow. Grab the Turban from the dresser and smash the vases for some Repellent. Downstairs, a woman

will explain that this room belongs to Dr. Creyneys friend, Baloch. She also mention that the clock tower picture on the wall kind of creeps her out. Smash the vases for two Herbs and open the treasure chest for a LifeRock. The bookshelves have an EvilBook and if you inspect the clock tower painting, you will sense something strange about it. Exit here and if you head north, a small child will by crying because she lost her money. Rotate your camera and search the sparkling area by the house to obtain 10 Gold. Speak to the little girl again to give her back the money she lost. Head north onto the checkered tile and the old man will point out the mayors mansion to the north. Speak to the mayor if you want, and go upstairs. Open the dresser in the eastern room for a Silk Hat. If you enter the clock tower, you won't get far since you don't have the proper key to open the door. Head to the north east part of town and as you approach a rather odd looking statue, a villager will accidentally break one of it's arms and run away. Go south and enter the bar from the rear entrance to smash a barrel for a MysticNut. Now all that's left to do here is stay at the inn like Dr. Creyney suggested. Do that later though. Exit town now and go north west to check out this bridge. Speak to the people if you'd like. Smash the jars by the turbaned fellow for 6 Gold. If you explore the well, you will have to defeat a WellLure. At the bottom, a woman will ask if you've ever heard of Time Sand, an item that can take you back in time a few moments. Search the dresser for a Leather Hat. Enter the shack and grab the SeaShell Hat from the dresser. If you speak to the guy guarding the bridge, he will ask that you come back tomorrow for the opening ceremony. Might as well follow his advice and return to Litorud and stay at the inn. The next morning you will hear Aimy as she falls down the stairs. The hero will catch her though so she isn't hurt. Shouldn't she still be at Creyney's though? After being scolded by the innkeeper, Aimy will thank you for saving her. Maribel will wonder how she recovered from a sprained ankle so fast. Exit the inn and if you head west and speak to the child who lost her money yesterday, she will have lost her money again! You can find it in the same exact spot as before. Go to Dr. Creyney's place and he will wonder what you are talking about when you inquire about Aimy. He hasn't heard anything of her being hurt and also doesn't remember meeting you the day before. If you go to the fountain, the girl will be waiting for her boyfriend again, just like yesterday if you spoke with her. East of the fountain the man will once again break the statue and run off. Very odd indeed. Exit town though and head to the bridge for the opening ceremony. Speak to the guy near the entrance and he will make fun of you for thinking the ceremony is today as it's scheduled for tomorrow. Very odd. Speak to the guard and he will say the same thing as the other guy, that the ceremony is tomorrow. He tells you to rest at the Litorud inn and come back the next day. Strange. Take the guards advice and do so anyways. The next morning will be an exact copy of the prior morning. Complete with Aimy falling down the stairs and the hero saving her from injury. All the other town events will also repeat. Exit town and once again return to the bridge. The guard will once again state that the ceremony is tomorrow. He will ask if you think that you are stuck in the same day. Say yes and he will mention that you sound just like Baloch, who is always talking about the flow of time. If you wish to see him, his studio lies to the east. Head east and sure enough, you will find Baloch's studio. Enter it and smash the vase upstairs for an INTseed. Speak to Baloch and he will snap at you for bothering him. Say yes when he asks if you asked him something about time. Say yes when asked if you think the same day is repeating over and over again. Baloch concludes the same thing you do and requests that you examine the clock

tower as it might be altering time. Accept his request and you will receive the Clock Key. Return to Litorud now and enter the clock tower. At the top of the tower, make sure to pull the lever to stop the clock. Notice that the music will stop as well. Exit the clock tower and you should notice that everyone will be frozen in time. Enter Dr. Creyney's house and go downstairs. The odd paining of the clock tower will be glowing. Speak to Creyney to read the letter in his hand. "To Creyney. By the time you read this, I will be gone forever. I am prepared to die now. My only regret is my poor daughter. I could never bring myself to tell her the truth about her father. My dear friend, you are the only one I can turn to now. Please, I want you to take over as my daughters guardian. Your friend forever, Emily." Emily is Aimy's mother who passed away. When you are ready, Walk towards to glowing picture and inspect it. =============================================================================== TIME POCKET CAVE (WK44) Items: Speed Ring TinyMedal AGLseed 350 Gold Potion LandShard TimeSand You will be warped to a Time Pocket Cave. From the entrance, head west to break two jars for a Speed Ring and EvilPot. Return east and then go south. Open the chest on the way to do battle with a Cannibox if you feel up to it before continuing on down the path. Soon you will reach a small circular glowing ring on the ground. Step on it and you will be warped to another area. Follow the linear path and grab the TinyMedal from the treasure chest before walking into the next glowing ring. From here, head west and then south. Eventually, you will make your way to the first glowing ring you found on the ground. Just before this area though, you should see a treasure chest on the floor below. Line yourself up with this chest and drop off to the area below. Open the chest for an AGLseed. Go south and take the warp, being careful not to fall off the side ledges which will take you back to the Time Pocket Cave entrance. Do use this if you need to return to save. From here, take the western warp, then the one to the north to reach a healing circle. Heal up and take the eastern warp. From here, take the first path south and take the warp to find a treasure chest containing 350 Gold. Return and this time take the eastern warp and then the warp to the west to reach the next area. Take the warp to the south and the warp to the north to reach an area with a stone monument in front of you. Read it and it will say "When time runs backwards, a new path will appear." Head north to reach a "XII" square. Since this signifies the north part of the clock, walk counter clockwise according to the clue, around the perimeter of the room. Grab the Potion from the first chest and fight the Cannibox from the second chest along the way. As soon as you return to the "XII", a warp will appear. Take it, heal up and head north to find monsters in front of an hourglass. These monsters are responsible for time repeating over and over. Confront the creatures and answer yes when asked if you think that you can defeat him. You will then be attacked after being threatened. Boss Battle - TimeSage and Makimaki x 2

TimeSage can cast Blazemore which can be really devastating as well as Boom which hits the whole party. Focus on the two Makimaki creatures as they can sprinkle TimeSand to restart the battle. They also tend to cast IceBolt a lot. Try to SAP the TimeMage if you can though he does have the ability to block spells by casting MagicWall. TimeMage can also lower the party's hit rate success by casting a blinding light. The battle will be very tough, but much easier once the two Makimaki are killed. After the battle, the TimeSage will drop a LandShard. Before dying though, he mentions that problems will still exist as long as the hourglass remains. After the monsters perish, inspect the hourglass to destroy it. You will then obtain the TimeSand which will allow you to restart any random encounter. You will then be warped back to Creyney's basement. Rest at the inn now and the next morning Aimy will come flying down the steps, but catches herself before she falls. She mentions that she is going to do dishes before going to the ceremony. Return to the front of the line by speaking to people and the mayor will start the ceremony which is already behind schedule. When it's time for Baloch to say a few things, he will have disappeared. Go north east to find Baloch speaking to Dr. Creyney. Creyney is trying to persuade Baloch to tell Aimy that he is her real father. Baloch deserted her years ago so why would he tell her now? Baloch is also afraid, which is why he doesn't live in Litorud. Creyney continues trying to persuade him more by telling him that Aimy admires his work as an architect. Speak to Baloch once the exchange between him and Creyney is finished so that he can make his speech. A screen will pop up claiming the ceremony continued without any problems and a huge celebration was held that evening. The party mingled with the guests even though Creyney and Baloch left early. The party will wake up the next morning in the shack. Cross the bridge now and speak to the traveling villagers if you'd like. The man on the other side of the bridge mentions a herb garden is near by. That couldn't be Verdham could it? Head north into familiar territory and enter the town. =============================================================================== VERDHAM REVISITED (WK45) Items: 50 Gold Cloth Shirt 3 Gold TinyMedal x 2 DEFseed 500 Gold SilkRobe Tights Purple Jar Speak to the little girl who mentions someone named Mr. Kasadol who owns the herb garden, as well as Porta who does the gardening. This is many years after the last time we were here. The weapon and armor shop will have new items for sale. Enter the inn via the rear entrance and speak to the innkeeper to learn that Linda left her family, and that Iwan lost the mansion and hasn't been able to hold down a job since then. Downstairs you will learn that after Iwan and Linda got married, Iwan didn't treat her very well. Enter the item shop from the east to open a treasure chest containing 50 Gold. Enter the building west of the item shop and get the Cloth Shirt from the upstairs bedroom. The building north of this one has a pot hiding 3 Gold. Enter the well by the weapon and armor shop to grab a TinyMedal from the dresser. Enter the herb

garden and Porta will sort of recognize you. You can meet Iwan and Linda's child, Eppe, as well as Iwan. A lady named Cherri will be playing with a dog named Kopan. Enter the shack behind the mansion and it will seem that people are aware that Pepe runs the large herb garden east of town. Downstairs you can read a letter as well as claim the DEFseed from the dresser. Try to enter the mansion now and Eppe will be telling his father to continue to work as Iwan had tried to run off. Iwan has become very lazy and Eppe coldly tells him that is why Linda left him. Iwan still runs off though. Enter the mansion through the main entrance and as you enter the room with the maid and Cherri, the maid will object to something in the food. Cherri explains that they can't just throw out all the food. She then makes a suggestion of feeding it to the dog. The maid agrees and Cherri decides to take the food over to Kopan. Enter the small room and smash the barrels for a TinyMedal. Go upstairs and open the treasure chest with the Thief Key to receive 500 Gold. Open the dresser for a SilkRobe, and Tights in the adjacent rooms dresser. Kadasol will be laying down on the bed in the room with the chest. He's very ill and the only thing keeping him going are the meals that his wife, Kaya cooks for him. Return to the herb garden and speak with Cherri. She will be feeding Kopan. Enter Iwans house now west of the mansion and Kaya will be there talking to him. Iwan is telling Kaya to leave him alone. He knows that it's his fault that he is such a loser. They exchange a few sentiments before Kaya leaves as it appears she wants to be with him and not Kadasol. Return to the herb garden and something will be wrong with Kopan as he collapses. Speak with Porta and agree to transport the dog to his house. Once inside, the dog will receive an antidote. Cherri is upset that the dog was poisoned and wonders who would do such a thing. Speak to Porta ad Cherri and they will suspect that Kaya had poisoned the food, which explains why her husband is constantly ill. Once the realization kicks it, she decides to go back to the mansion to investigate. Enter the mansion and Kaya and Cherri will be standing face to face. Cherri will be upset that Kaya was trying to poison her own husband. Kaya gets very upset and threatens to throw Cherri out of the mansion if she disobeys her ever again since her instructions to discard the food weren't followed. Cherri reluctantly backs off. Head upstairs and Cherri will be determined to find proof that Kaya is poisoning her husbands meals. Exit the mansion and when you try to reenter, Kaya will bump into you. She will make her way towards Iwans place, but not before dropping something on the ground. Examine it to claim the Purple Jar. Return to Cherri and use the Purple Jar as an item. Agree to lend her the bottle and she will run off to check it's contents. Downstairs, Mr. Kadasol will have gotten out of bed so he can grab a bite to eat. Follow them downstairs and Kaya will be in the kitchen wondering where her bottle is. Exit the mansion and go to Porta's cabin. Cherri will be there and you can speak to them. Porta will conclude an addictive poison is inside the Purple Jar. Cherri thanks him and then runs off. You will find her inside the mansion where Kaya is preparing a meal for her husband. Speak to Cherri who decides that she is going to fight with Kaya. Speak to Kadasol and say yes when he asks you to join him for dinner. Kaya will object but Kadasol says he doesn't mind. The party will gather around the table and Cherri will interrupt to warn Kadasol about the food. Cherri explains how Kaya has been poisoning him and presents the Purple Jar. Kadasol explains that the Purple Jar is his medicine which Kaya always carries around before he suddenly gets suspicious. He asks Kaya if she has been poisoning him all this time. Kaya denies it and then Kadasol asks her to drink the contents of the bottle to prove her innocence. Iwan will suddenly enter and tells Kaya to drop the scheme. Iwan confesses to making Kadasol sick under Kayas orders. Kaya tries to deny this but her husband then kicks both her and Iwan out of town as he never wants to see any of them ever again. Iwan and Kaya then take their leave together.

Go to Iwans house and speak to Eppe to witness a flashback of when Eppe was a child and wanted to run away with his mother, Linda. Read the letter Iwan left for his son on the table if you'd like. There is nothing left to do here in Verdham so exit town. The swamp cave won't have anything new, so head east to reach Mentare. =============================================================================== MENTARE HERB GARDEN AND GEIONNE MONASTERY (WK46) Items: AGLseed TinyMedal x 2 Silver Tiara 2 Gold DEFseed STRseed 15 Gold STR Ring SilkRobe 5 Gold As you enter town, someone will be warning "Linda" that horrible monsters are outside of town. This Linda will be a small child though who approaches the party while her pet slime, Bicki, collides with the Hero. A man will appear and asks Linda to apologize to the party. After she reluctantly apologizes, the man will ask the party if his face seems familiar. He seems to recognize everyone as thirty years ago, you did him a favor. He then welcomes you to the herb garden before walking off. Linda will then chase after him as he is her father. Could it be Pepe? If you enter the house to the west and read a book downstairs from the bookshelf, it will describe a sister who always stares at the boss, but would shy away when offered to meet him. Don't forget to smash the vase on the first floor for an AGLseed. Speak to everyone outside to learn that the boss is indeed Pepe. He has remained a bachelor his whole life and adopted Linda when her real parents passed away. A man by the tree stump will mention that a shy sister that you read about in the note from the bookcase used to come around, but hasn't for over six months. Enter the large house through the double doors and the lady inside will let you rest for free. Open the two treasure chests for a TinyMedal and Silver Tiara and smash the jars for 2 Gold. Head upstairs to reach a room containing two more chests. Open them for a DEFseed and STRseed. Exit through the door and speak to the man at the table if you want to purchase any items. Head north now and exit to the path that leads to the Geionne Monastery. Pass the shack and continue on until you reach the next screen. From here, go north and then west, under the bridge to reach a treasure chest containing a TinyMedal. Cross the bridge now and go east to find a ladder that leads to a small cave. Speak to the lady inside who mentions that a sister named Bessia cultivated the glowing herb near by her entire life in the Monastery. Open the dresser and you will be given the option to read a diary. Do so because you are naturally nosey to learn that they left their husband and child for a love that couldn't be due to shame. Sounds like Linda to me. Smash the jar for 15 Gold. Exit here and before going north to enter the next screen, open the chest to the east with the Thief Key to find a STR Ring. Head north to reach the Geionne Monastery. Enter the small temple to confirm that sister Bessia was in fact Linda. Sadly, she passed away six months ago due to an illness. Head upstairs and rest if you'd like. Open the dresser for a SilkRobe. Smash the pot in the south east corner for 5 Gold. Exit here and head north east to the grave stone. The sisters will mention how it was Linda's dying wish that her grave be located in the present area. After the sister leaves to get some water, read Linda's grave inscription. "I rest here protecting your garden forever." Very touching and

Maribel will make the connection. Return to the herb garden now and speak with Pepe. Answer yes when he asks if you have something on your mind. The hero will then explain the situation regarding Linda to Pepe. Afterwards, Pepe requests that you take him to her grave and joins as a non playable character. On the way to the Monastery, Pepe will request that you stop by the small cabin so that he can gather his thoughts. Inside, speak to Pepe and he will explain the events that happened after he left Verdham over thirty years ago. Business picked up after he planted the new herb garden and many people were showing up when all Pepe really wanted was a quiet life. Continue on and when you reach the Monastery, a sister will hear Pepe mention Linda's name. After explaining to the sister that he and Linda were childhood friends, the sister asks him if his name is Pepe. After confirming his name the sister gets cold with him and tells him that he should leave as no person named Linda is here. Pepe insists that he just wants to visit the grave but the sister continues to give him attitude. Pepe tells her that he will just find the grave herself before the sister tries to stop him with no success. Head to Linda's grave and speak to Pepe. He seems to be in denial at first, thinking that Linda is still back in Verdham with Iwan before the sister comes forward and confirms that his Linda is the one who is buried here. She explains to Pepe how Linda was living here until she passed away. Pepe wonders why no one ever told him and the sister explains how she was very ashamed for having left her family. Pepe is devastated as he originally left Verdham to prevent breaking her heart, but her heart ended up being broken anyways. Filled with regret, the church bells begin to chime. Afterwards, Pepe will thank the party for giving him closure and then returns to his herb garden. That was a tale that didn't exactly end up in happiness. Return to the Ancient Fane now as all loose ends are tied up here. Head east to the LandShard room and place your shard on the south east pedestal. Now head to Litorud which is just north of the excavation site. =============================================================================== LITORUD PRESENT (WK47) Items: Scarf GraceHerb x 3 WarpWing 5 Gold Horned Hat Herb x 2 Repellent WindShard Emily's Letter INTseed Glam Dress TinyMedal x 2 INTSpecs Rose Letter GlaseShoe As soon as you enter town, you should probably notice the large building behind the church. Enter it and speak to the man at the counter to learn that you are at the headquarters for the World Ranking Federation (WRF). Ask him to explain and he will tell you how the federation determines the world rankings in Style, Power, and Intelligence. If you register for one of the three, the World

Ranking Federation will take your stat for the applicable category at the time of registration. So if you increase in a statistic you have signed up for, re-register to receive a new ranking. Rankings can be found posted on the message board located next to the fountain in the middle of town. Once you achieve top ranking in a category, the federation headquarters will give you a prize. It's a good idea to sign up your party for all three categories to see where you stand. Once you are finished signing up, go through the door and speak to a lady named Madina sitting down in a chair. She will comment how the Style rankings rarely change and the top spot hasn't changed in decades. She then wonders what Rose, the style champion is up to these days. Remember visiting Rose's place west of Dune village? Read the bookshelf to learn that matching equipment can give style increases and gives an example using the Platinum equipment. Here is a list of various equipment combinations you can use to get style bonuses: Demon Hammer + Demon Armor.................................................10 Slime Armor + Slime Earrings...............................................10 Aquagon Sword + Dolphin Shield.............................................10 Dragon Sword + Dragon Armor + Dragon Shield................................15 Seduce Sword + Water Robe..................................................15 War Hammer + Iron Mask.....................................................15 Flame Sword + Flame Armor + Flame Shield...................................20 Flame Boomerang + Flame Armor..............................................20 Evade Clothes + Speed Ring.................................................20 Shell Suit + Horned Hat....................................................20 Viking Armor + Viking Helm.................................................20 SilkTux + Bow Tie..........................................................25 Rosevine Whip + Tights.....................................................25 Silver Breastplate + Silver Barrette.......................................25 King's Sword + King's Armor................................................25 Boxer Shorts + Pot Lid.....................................................30 Steel Whip + Tights........................................................30 Bunny Tiara + Bunny Dress + Tights.........................................30 Platinum Sword + Platinum Armor + Platinum Shield + Platinum Helm..........30 Skirt + Tights.............................................................30 Zombie Sword + Spirit Armor................................................30 Monster Claw + Fur Mantle + Fur Hat........................................30 Dancer's Clothes + Lune Fan................................................35 Thunder Sword + Expel Shield...............................................35 Light Dress + Glass Shoe + Silver Barrette.................................40 Miracle Sword + Sacred Armor...............................................40 Mirror Armor + Silver Shield...............................................40 Bolero + Magic Hat.........................................................40 Spangle Dress + Sun Fan....................................................45 Bunny Tiara + Bunny Dress + Tights + Tray..................................50 MetlKing Sword+ MetlKing Armor + MetlKing Shield + MetlKing Helm...........50 Princess Robe + Tiara......................................................50 Venture into the inn now and open the downstairs dresser to grab a Scarf. Upstairs you can search the dressers for a GraceHerb. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in a room in the inn. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Enter the bar and speak with the patrons to learn that a large tower lies to the east called Baloch's Tower, which was hid final creation and houses many traps. The bridge to the north of town contains an herbal tea shop.

Head to the town fountain in the middle of town and you can check the message boards to see if you are listed on any of the rankings for Power, Style, and Intelligence. Head behind the inn and a man will tell you that Baloch did reunite with his daughter Aimy. Enter the bar and smash the barrel for a GraceHerb. The weapon and armor shops will have some new wares. Head upstairs to find a WarpWing if you smash the barrel. Exit to the south and smash the barrels behind what was Dr. Creyneys house in the past for 5 Gold. Enter Creyney's old place to learn that a scholar is studying and researching Aimy. He wishes he had some clue to find out who her mother was. Grab the Horned Hat from the dresser before going downstairs. Smash all the barrels around the treasure chest for 2 Herbs and a Repellent. Open the chest for a WindShard. Search the bookshelves and you can take the letter that Creyney was holding when he was frozen in time. Take Emily's Letter upstairs and show it to the scholar. He will give you an INTseed in return. Head towards the mansion at the north west part of town to learn that this is yet another vacation home for Brugeo. Go upstairs to grab a Glam Dress from a dresser. Save your progress at the church if you'd like before leaving town and heading north west towards the bridge. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person hanging around in the church. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Once at the bridge, smash the barrels beside the herbal tea shop to find a TinyMedal. Another TinyMedal can be found at the bottom of the well inside a dresser, along with some INTSpecs. Smash a vase in the herbal tea store for a GraceHerb. To the west lies a store that will only sell goods to your party if one of the members is currently on the top style list of the WRF. Leave here and return to Rose's place which lies west of Dune. She will be surprised that she is still number one in the style rankings and insists something must be wrong with the ranking system. She decides to write a letter to the WRF requesting her removal from the rankings since she is just a frail old woman now. Say yes when prompted to receive Rose Letter. Return to Litorud and speak to the man at the counter of the WRF. You will automatically give him the letter and Rose will be removed from the style rankings. If you didn't do this, the highest ranking you would ever achieve for style would be second place. After delivering the letter, return to Rose's place and speak with her. She will give you the stylish GlassShoe for all of your trouble. When you are ready, head east of Litorud to enter Baloch's Tower. =============================================================================== BALOCH'S TOWER (WK48) Items: Bow Tie DEFseed DragonEye SilkTux TinyMedal LandShard INTseed WindShard You are told by the guard that treasures lie inside this tower, but are also

warned that monsters are everywhere. Enter and speak to the armored man who tells you that a staircase lies further in the tower, but it's not accessible, and that when he stepped on the floor tile, he still couldn't reach the stairs. He is referring to the blue tile suspended in air in the room to the north. The man to the west mentions something being fishy regarding a giant turtle. If you step on the purple tiles, the near by doors will open, as soon as you step off of them, the doors will close so you have to travel straight. Travel across the damage tiles to open a treasure chest containing a Bow Tie. Head east and then north, through the door to find a statue. Push this statue west until it covers the near by purple strip in the ground. Go west and push the statue there east, until it covers the purple strip in the ground to open the door leading north. Go north and take the stairs to reach the second floor. From here, go east and then south against the moving floor to reach two jars. Smash them for a DEFseed. Return, and go west and then south down the moving floor to reach the other side. Be sure to stick to the second tile to the east or you may fall down to the floor below and have to start all over. If you go north, the stone columns will fall on you and you will have to defeat ColumnMan in battle. ColumnMan tends to steal your MP quite often. After yet another ColumnMan battle, exit to the south and then go north through the middle entrance to drop down to the floor below. Step on the blue switch and you will be lifted up to the third floor. Go south and make note of the dragon head with the red eye. Examine the monolith to the south to learn that breath of dragons is extinguished by the gift of sight. This is a clue as to how to put out the flames that some of the dragon faces are breathing which block your path. Inspect the dragons red eye to receive the DragonEye. After receiving the DragonEye, the dragon head will breath flames, preventing you from returning unless you put the eye back or you travel through the flames taking large amounts of damage. Head east and approach the dragon the dragon face which is blocking the eastern path. Insert the DragonEye by selecting it as an item when lined up properly with the dragon statues eye to open the path. Open the treasure chest to claim the SilkTux. Push the stone all the way south, grab the DragonEye and push the stone west and then north until it settles on a purple tile to open the door. Continue north and place the DragonEye while following the path to reach the western exit. Enter the next room and it will be the other side and take the exit. you will have to start over. Make drain the water. Walk in the area floor below. automatically rotating. Make your way to Be careful not to fall off the ledge or else your way to the top and pull the lever to where the water once was to drop down to the

From the water you landed in, note the three statues to the side. Head west, through the opening to step on a switch. This will cause the western most statue to disappear. Return, and the monolith to the north west tells you to step on the four signs to reach the sanctuary. Step on the blue switch behind the monolith to make the eastern statue disappear. Head east and cross the damage tiles to step on the blue switch by the pots. This will eliminate the middle statue. Go where the middle statue was and step on the yellow switch that is was standing on to make some stairs appear. Examine the monolith now and it will be a note from Baloch. He tells you to keep his treasures but to not disturb the two paintings he left behind. Open the chests for a TinyMedal, LandShard, INTseed and WindShard. Inspect the paintings if you'd like before exiting to the south east and dropping off the ledges to exit the tower. Return to the Ancient Fane now and place your two WindShards in the north western pedestal in the WindShard room. Head to the LandShard room now and place the LandShard in the south east pedestal. After arriving in the new

area, head south to find a town by a cave. =============================================================================== AVON, HUZU AND HAMELIA (WK49) Items: Herb 20 Gold TinyMedal x 3 MoonHerb Antidote Leather Hat LifeAcorn 30 Gold Iron Spear STRseed Speak to the man at the town entrance who will give the town name of Avon, as well as mentions that this is the second straight day a traveler has passed by. Smash the pot by the well to the south for an Herb. The building to the south will have an item shop inside, as well as a man who mentions that a traveling musician passed through town yesterday, and is headed to Huzu to the south. Speak to the rest of the villagers to learn more about the musician, as well as learn that an old tower will no paths leading towards it stands to the east. You will also learn from the man at the graves that the stairs in town lead to a passage which will take you to Huzu to the south. A place called Hamelia lies to the north east. Smash the barrels by the north western house for 20 Gold. Enter the Chieftans house to the north east and open the dresser upstairs for a TinyMedal. Speak to the Chieftan and answer her questions until she requests that you spend the night at her house since the town has no inn. If you still wish to explore the town then say no, otherwise say yes for a free rest. As you sleep, you will hear a song in the background. You will wake up in the second floor bed due to Maribel's prodding. She seems to think that something is going on in the village so go take a look. As you exit the Chieftans house, you should notice that the town is deserted, not even an animal remains. Very strange. Since everyone is missing in town, no one is there to block the stairs to the south east part of town. Take the stairs and note the two treasure chests that you cannot get due to the large steel door that cannot currently be opened. Take the stairs and follow the path until it branches south. Smash the two near by jars to get a MoonHerb and open the treasure chest for a TinyMedal. Head south now and take the stairs to exit the tunnel. Enter the near by shrine if you'd like to save your progress. A knight will confirm that the village of Huzu is south, while Hamelia is east. Head south and enter the town of Huzu. Enter the cabin near the town entrance to learn that the old traveling musician was here previously. The weapon and armor shops will have some items of interest. More people in town will speak of the mysterious musician and his instrument. Enter the inn and the innkeeper will mention that the musician set off to the north east towards Hamelia. Turn down the offer to spend the night as there is still some exploring to do. Head downstairs to the bar and speak to the patrons to learn that the fish have disappeared lately and some fear a disaster has occurred. Smash the barrels for a TinyMedal. Exit the inn and smash the barrels beside the building to the south for an Antidote. Enter the building to find a Leather Hat in a dresser. Smash the barrels in the building south of the lighthouse for a LifeAcorn. When you are ready, rest at the inn. Must like your rest in Avon, you will hear music during the night. Maribel

will wake you up and the town will be empty. Something certainly is fishy regarding that traveling musician. Head north east of town to reach Hamelia. Just north of Hamelia, across the river is the tower that the person from Avon spoke of. An item shop lies west of the town entrance if you need any supplies. North of the item shop is the weapon and armor shop. Smash the vase outside the building for 30 Gold. Approach the center of town and you will see the old musician finishing a song in front of some villagers. The Bard remarks that everyone in town has heard his tune so he decides to leave, must to the disappointment of the town folks. The innkeeper remarks that he is so happy, he will provide a discount at the inn tonight. The Bard will then exit the town. Enter the weapon and armor shop from the rear and open the treasure chest with the Thief Key for an Iron Spear. Enter the large building to the north west of town and smash the barrels in the basement for a STRseed. Go upstairs and speak to the man who mentions Gracos, the sea demon, who destroyed a city which now lies under the sea a long time ago. Behind this building lies an unattended raft. Hop on this raft and head west and then south to reach the town's treasure storeroom. The treasure will be guarded though. If you read the bookcase in the house just north of the town well, you will get some information of what appears to be the MermMoon that the lady in Mezar requested. The moon apparently fell from the sky into the sea and shone in sadness surrounded by Mermaids. Enter the inn now and you will be able to stay for half price. Do so and as you hear the mysterious music during the night, you will wake up. Exit the inn and you will see the villagers, zombie like, walking into some warp that appeared in the middle of town as the Bard plays on. After the last villager proceeds through the vortex, the Bard will follow, satisfied that he got everyone. Enter the vortex now and you will be warped to the first floor of the Mountain Tower. =============================================================================== MOUNTAIN TOWER (WK50) Items: MysticNut SpiderWeb 5 Gold Dung WindShard If you try to take the stairs to the north, a large metal door will block you in on the second floor. Head south and if you go east, you can exit the tower. No need to do that though so head west and then north through the opening. Continue going north, walking the outside perimeter of the tower, making sure not to accidentally exit the tower. Eventually, you will make your way to a treasure chest containing a MysticNut. Return, and make your way to the north west part of the floor to reach the stairs. Take them and head east. Go south at the first opportunity and follow the path until you reach the lever. Pull it and the steel door will now be open so that you can take the stairs to the floor below if you need to reach the vortex. Head west and take the stairs to reach the third floor. Upon entering this floor, you will see many people held as prisoners in a large holding cell. Press the lever to open the door. Speak to everyone who seems to realize they have been kidnapped, but have no idea where they are. There is a man selling items to the south. You can purchase a Pixy Sword off of him. Smash the barrels to the north west to find a SpiderWeb and 5 Gold. You can rest for free to the north of the cell. Smash the vases near there for some

Dung. Speak to everyone if you'd like before finally speaking with the small boy at the north east part of the room. He will open the way so that you can continue climbing the tower. Do so and from the next room, directly south of the stairs will be a closed steel door. Head west and then south. Go east and then north, past the two pots and open the door by pulling the lever if you'd like. Go west and then south to take the stairs. Now you will be on the top floor and the Bard will mention that "it" should start any time now. Make your way to the Bard and speak to him. He will confirm having kidnapped everyone on the continent and once again says that "it" should begin soon. Suddenly a large tremor will rock the tower, much to the delight of the Bard. The tower will slowly start sinking into the ocean! The Bard explains how the continent will submerge beneath the sea. He goes on about how he plays the Tula, as well as is pretty decent at fortune telling. He fears that monsters may be behind this disaster so he decided to use his powers so that everyone could take shelter in this tower. Suddenly some villagers will appear and panic once realization sinks in that they are sinking. A villager concludes that this must be the Sea Demon, Gracos's doing. After the sinking finishes, the Bard comments on how it's worse than he imagined. He states that the tower might not stand for very much longer and that the root of the evil should be dealt with. One person mentions that some people that were held in captivity decided to go to the bottom of the tower to make it home. The Bard gets angry as the door should have remained locked. Oops. As you try to leave, the Bard will stop you. He explains how he was a legendary Tula player for the Dejan tribe. His selfishness caused him to break his pact with the tribe and he was forced to leave them. Could this old man be Jann? Ever since the day he left the Dejans, he swore that he would use his abilities to help those who are under attack from monsters. Since he is weaker than he once was, he requests that the party defeat Gracos. If you happen to say no, he will mention that you look like the unselfish people who saved the Deja tribe years ago. Say yes and he will note that an emergency raft is at the base of the tower stairs. You are then given a WindShard. Speak to the scholar near by and he will mention that Gracos turned the sunken city into his lair, and it should be somewhere in the ocean near this continent. The fishermen of Huzu might have more information though. Return to the villagers and heal and save if need be. Backtrack to the bottom of the tower and you should see a Slime strolling around. He will mention that the first floor is filled with water. Head east and you should make your way to the raft that old Jann was talking about. Exit the tower and you will be on the world map with water surrounding you. If you head south east, you can enter Hamelia. The whole town will be flooded, except for the top of the north western building. Speak to some of the survivors if you'd like before heading to Huzu. It seems the survivors there don't know where exactly the sunken city lies, nor how one would enter it. Exit Huzu and said west a bit and then south to find a bright blue swirl in the ocean. Enter it and suddenly the hero's birthmark on his left arm will get hot and start to glow. A symbol will appear in the water just to the south and Maribel will note the strange interaction between the new whirlpool and the hero's birthmark. You will then automatically sail south and enter the whirlpool. =============================================================================== UNDERWATER CITY (WK51)

Items: TinyMedal x 3 Agility Seed Hork Heart MoonHerb Bounce Sword WorldLeaf Life Acorn Wizard's Ring WindShard MermMoon Berserkr Heart Pirate Clothes From the entrance there will be five stone monuments to the north. Head west and enter the room. Inside will be what appears to be ghosts. Speak to them and they will warn you to leave as there is no chance to defeat Gracos. Inspect the hanging sack to fight a JewelBag. Enter the room east of the entrance and speak to the ghost who will give you his treasure chest. Open it to find a TinyMedal. Rotate the camera very carefully to find a jar that holds a well hidden Agility Seed. Head north now and enter the room if you'd like. Behind the room is a well hidden small path that leads to a treasure chest. Inside lies another TinyMedal. Backtrack now and go through the western most door. From here, go east, into the water to take the stairs. Now follow along the path and if you enter the room at the bottom of the steps, a chest will be hiding a Mimic. Head north and enter the room and speak to the ghost. He will mention the give stone monuments at the towns entrance and says that something interesting lies in the center monument. Return now to the center monument and when you inspect it, you will have the option to move it. Do so to find a hidden staircase. Take the stairs and enter the room filled with poisonous marsh to grab the Hork Heart from the jar. Carry on and take the stairs. From here, head north to reach six pots. Smash them to fight two MadPots and find a TinyMedal. Now go east and then north to enter a small room. Speak to the guy and throw his pot. See how far it travels? Smash the pots for a MoonHerb. Exit here, go east and then north and go through the door. Head west through the marsh and then south to exit through the door. From here, go east to enter the next room. From this large room, if you follow the red carpet, you will find a monster of a very tough looking monster, presumably Gracos. Notice how water covers some areas that seem like they would be accessible? Head west and right above the large pot is a switch. Push it and a bridge to the north will be available. Go north and pull the lever to drain the water. Return to Gracos's statue and go down the ladder into the area that was previously flooded. Head east and go up the ladder to take the stairs. This room will have four large pots below and a switch on the opposite side of the bridge. Grab a pot and hurl it so that it strikes the yellow switch and causes the bridge to appear. Cross the bridge and use a pot to hit the switch to the north west. Go south and hit the next two switches to reach a platform with a lever. Ignore the lever for now and hit all the switches to the east to make your way to a set of stairs. Take them and exit to the south to find a treasure chest containing a Bounce Sword. Return, while hitting all of the switches to lower the bridges and make your way back to the lever you ignored. Pull the lever and return to the very first switch you hit in this room. Notice the ladder to the south? Push the switch to lower the bridge and then go down the ladder. Follow the path and make your way south west to climb a ladder and take the stairs. From here, follow the path and lower the water with the lever. Head west and go down the ladder. Ascend the ladder to the south and push the switch to the

east. Cross the bridge and open the treasure chest for a WorldLeaf. Hit the north switch and cross the bridge and head east to the lever. Pull it to raise the water and the bridge will rise to allow access to another treasure chest if you return and push the switch. Inside will be a LifeAcorn. Return to the lever and lower the water. Descend the ladder and this time make your way east to climb the ladder. You will have to lower the bridge to the east first. Push the switch now to make the bridge to the east rise up. Now make your way to the lever and pull it to raise the water once more. Return to the switch and head south to take the stairs. You will now be near Gracos. Approach him to the north and he will mention that he was aware you were coming. He mentions that all the ghosts you saw along the way are nothing but useless toys. He then summons eight spirits and says he will provide them with one more chance to do something. He then turns them all into monsters. You are then attacked. Battle - SeaGrudge x 3 These little things have the ability to put you to sleep and cast Infernos. If you stick with attacks that hit everyone, or a whole monster group, you will be fine. Gabo's Rip skill works very well here. After the battle, Gracos will taunt you before Maribel interjects. Suddenly Jann will come running towards the party and says he is joining the battle. He then plays his tula so the abused spirits can return to heaven. Gracos is shocked that his spell over the spirits was broken. Jann plays his tula once more which fully heals the party's HP and MP. You are then attacked. Boss Battle - Gracos Gracos is quite challenging and has many destructive attacks. His normal strikes can hit for more than 50HP worth of damage. He spews a poisonous mist that when hit, the party member loses 10-20HP of damage after each turn. He can spew cold air which strikes the whole party for 40-60HP worth of damage. His Tsunami attack can do 30-40HP of damage to the party as well as his beat down attack which does similar damage. Gracos sometimes strikes twice per round which can be devastating if both attacks hit the whole party. The Bard can revive fallen members with AngelSong, casts Healmore and Bang along with a normal attack. After the long hard battle, Gracos mentions that he will never be defeated by the likes of you and says you will accompany him to the grave. He then destroys the bridge, cutting off your path to return before saying there is no escape before disappearing. Speak to Jann and he will joke how everyone is done for before playing a song on his tula to create a warp like he did at all the villages. Take the warp and it will lead back to the top of the Mountain Tower. The sea will slowly lower back into the ocean. Jann says thanks to the party, the people of the continent are saved. He mentions that he is getting to old for trying to save everyone and that it's time he quits his journey. If only he could settle down and train a successor. He tells you to leave now and mentions that he has already spoken with the others and informed them of everything. As you make your way out of the tower, a soldier will stop you and explain that everyone has gone back to their villages. As you try to enter the warp to return back to Hamelia, Jann will stop you and mentions that he must close the travel portal quickly. As you step into the portal, Jann says that he must take his leave now and he wishes to find a successor. He then tosses you a Wizard's Ring as you warp to Hamelia. Once in Hamelia, note that the town will still be very wet with puddles of water everywhere. Head into the towns treasure storeroom by sailing the raft

at the north of town west, and then south and you will be allowed to keep the treasures for saving everyone. Open the two chests to receive a WindShard and MermMoon. The MermMoon is the item the lady in Mezar wants in exchange for the flying Carpet. If you return to Huzu, there will be nothing of note besides villagers fixing up the small down. On the way back to Avon, through the passage you should notice that the treasure chests are available now. Open them for a Berserkr Heart and Pirates Clothes. The Chieftan has unlocked the door for you in gratitude for defeating Gracos. Return to the portal north of Avon when you are ready. Even though you have two WindShards, don't put them in the WindShard pedestal just yet. The Avon, Huzu, and Hamelia area will be south of Krage. Only Hamelia still exists though. Below Hamelia are a few islands, some with areas that you cannot quite reach though due to mountains. Before heading into Hamelia though, return to Mezar since you have that MermMoon you can exchange for a flying Carpet. =============================================================================== FLYING CARPET AND ODDS AND ENDS (WK52) Items: Carpet LifeAcorn WindShard Bow Tie TinyMedal Magic Key Silk Hat 30 Gold Shell Armor LandShard Return to Nicola's place and speak with the maid. Show her the MermMoon and she will say that you've proven your bravery so she will fulfill her end of the bargain. The Carpet is well hidden in a place that only Nicola's father and herself know about. She will then request that you meet her behind the temple. Follow her and speak with her behind the church. She seems to be having trouble finding the correct spot so she requests that you help her search behind the church as the real carpet is stored in a basement storeroom. Examine the area behind the church (walk around while pressing Triangle) and you will find the hidden stairs. The maid will then request that you follow her downstairs. Do so and the Carpet will be inside the treasure chest. Open it to receive the magic Carpet. Afterwards, Nicola will enter the room and wonder what's going on. He will be wondering why the party has the Carpet since he took it back from them. The maid finally tells Nicola the truth about the real and fake carpets. She explains how his father ordered her to hide the real Carpet to prevent Nicola from killing himself in search of the Great Hero. Nicola will actually be touched by his fathers decision to hide the real Carpet. Nicola will also be reassured that the party is right for the Carpet since you found the MermMoon. With your new magic Carpet in hand, exit town and use it to enter the shrine across the water. Speak to the ghost soldier inside and he will mention that you possess the spirit of a Soldier of God. The soldier explains how long ago he sealed the Great Hero, Melvin into a stone. When he is needed again, the stone will radiate a great heat and begin to shake. At that time, the chosen ones will climb the staircase into the sky, bearing the stone before them. The soldier will then disintegrate into bones. Inspect the bones if you wish to hear what he said again. Smash the pots near by for a LifeAcorn and open the

treasure chest for a WindShard. Now a stone that radiates a great heat? Sounds like Hondara's HotStone. Return to Estard and speak with Hondara at the inn. Apparently he sold the stone to Brugeo, the man with mansions all over the world. Now that you have the Carpet, there are many new places to go and things to do. First, return to Orph. Remember the mansion across the lake that you couldn't reach a while back? Well, now you can. Sail across the lake on your Carpet to enter another vacation home of Brugeo. The lady by the well mentions Brugeo's other mansions are in Litorud and Krage, if you didn't already know. An EvilWell will fight you if you inspect the well. Enter the mansion to learn that Brugeo isn't home. He's on some journey to find rare artifacts. Go upstairs and raid the dressers for a Bow Tie. Open the treasure chests with the Thief Key for a TinyMedal and Magic Key. Upstairs has a Silk Hat in the dresser. Head into the mansions basement now via the kitchen and smash the barrels for 30 Gold. Open the two chests to receive a Shell Armor and LandShard. Since Brugeo isn't here, lets try his mansion in Krage. It appears Brugeo was in Krage recently and even showed one of his servants the HotStone. One of his servants mentions that he returned home. Return to the mansion north of Orph and Brugeo will be in his room upstairs. Speak with him regarding the HotStone and he will claim that he knows more about the Great Hero than the party does. According to legends, if you offer the Hero Stone to the heavens from the tallest tower in the world, the hero will awaken and return to this world. Suddenly Brugeo will realize that the HotStone is the legendary Hero Stone. He decides that he won't give the stone to just anyone though. Exit the mansion and Brugeo will stop you. He decides that he won't give you the HotStone, but instead will travel with you. If the story is true and the HotStone needs to be used, he'll use it. Fair enough? Say yes and Brugeo will join as a non playable character. Return to Krage now and sail south. Travel along the river and head west to find a castle. This is the famous Medal King who collects all those TinyMedals that you've been finding all over the place. Speak to him and he will give you prizes based on how many TinyMedals you find. Prizes are as follows: Poison Dagger..............................................................45 Wind Staff.................................................................50 Sacrifice Ring.............................................................58 Miracle Sword..............................................................65 BluePrint..................................................................75 Sage Rock..................................................................83 MetlKing Shield............................................................90 Bolero.....................................................................95 ?Shard.....................................................................100 Ultimate Whip..............................................................105 PlatKing Heart.............................................................110 If you go downstairs and read the bookcases, you will learn that the Great Hero, Melvin, is sealed in a tall tower just west of this castle across the river. Exit here and head west towards the lake. Step on the small non forested area and use your Carpet to sail west across the lake. Sure enough, a tower will be present. Enter it. =============================================================================== WORLDS TALLEST TOWER (WK53) Items: AGL Scarf

370 Gold TinyMedal HotStone FireShard As soon as you approach the tower, the HotStone will get really hot and releases a blinding light. The door to the tower will now be opened. It would not have been accessible had you come without Brugeo and his HotStone. Enter the tower and head north to take the stairs. Follow the path and open the treasure chest for an AGL Scarf before returning to the tower entrance. Now head east and follow the path to take the stairs. Follow the linear path to reach the next set of stairs. From here, be careful not to fall off the tower and head east to take the next set of stairs. Head east to open the chest for 370 Gold and climb the stairwell to reach the stairs to the next floor. This next room will be very maze like but it's not nearly as complicated as it might seem. Walk along the perimeter of the room east, then south and as you head west, take the northern branch to reach the stairs. Take them and climb the stairwell to take the next set of stairs. This will be another maze like room. Head south and then east, north, east, south, east and follow the path to reach a chest containing a TinyMedal. From the treasure chest, go north, west, south, west and then north all the way to reach the stairs. In this room there will be four ladders that you can climb. The third ladder will lead you to a chest that is oddly empty, while the second ladder will take you to the stairs. Another maze like area here. Head east, south, west and south all the way to the bottom. Follow the path west and go south, west, north all the way and west to make it to the stairs. Once you appear on the next floor, Brugeo will mention that this room is the highest floor. You are then asked if you wish to use the HotStone. Say yes to receive the HotStone. Head to the middle of the room onto the smallest platform and use the HotStone as an item. Melvin, as well as a Shard will come from the HotStone and Melvin will be all groggy. Speak to Melvin and say yes when asked if you brought him into this world. He will introduce himself and ask if the Demon Lord was slain. The Hero will tell Melvin about God being defeated and Melvin will request to join your party so that he may learn the truth. Say yes to get your fourth party member. Don't forget to pick up the FireShard before dropping off the tower to exit. As you exit the tower area, Brugeo will head back to his mansion. Equip Melvin with any good equipment you may have and take him to Dharma to change his class. Return to Mezar and if you enter Nicola's place, he will thank you for reviving the Great Hero before introducing you to an imposter named Ragley. Ragley will almost blow his cover and requests to speak with the party alone. He requests that you don't blow his cover as that he is just having some fun. Say yes to avoid the endless loop and leave this freeloader. Warp now to Dune. Head west and use the magic Carpet to reach the Sphinx. Looks like it has taken quite a change since it was once the Evil Statue. Now it is a holy sanctuary where everyone can pray to God and the Terra Spirit. Speak to people if you'd like and notice that the rear door is guarded so it cannot be accessed right now. Head upstairs until you reach the room with the scholar and a shard laying on the ground. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person hanging around here. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Exit to the south and head west to enter the door to reach the scholar. He will want to introduce you to the world of Fossils. He turns the party's attention to a great fossil to the north that he just discovered. Keep speaking to him and he will eventually trail off. Anyways, the fossil looks like the Tyrannos. Grab the AquaShard near by and get out of there.

Before heading to Hamelia, if you enter the shrine just to the west (the shrine just south of Avon in the past) you can find a permanent immigrant. ***Permanent Immigrant Spot*** Sara the sister will be hanging out in this shrine. This person is one of a few permanent immigrants. Basically, she will always be here to recruit. If you speak with her, you can tell her about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. I'd actually advise against recruiting her unless you want your final town version to be a Cathedral. Remember that she will always be here so you can decide to pick her up at a later time as well. When you are ready, enter Hamelia. =============================================================================== HAMELIA PRESENT (WK54) Items: INTseed TinyMedal The girl at the town entrance mentions Hamelia is known for the Great Flood and Bard. The weapon and armor shops will have some new wares. The treasure chest will be empty though. Speak to the townsfolk to hear more about the Great Flood and Bard, as well as learn about a Dr. Azmov and his assistant Beck who are researching the towns past history. Dr. Azmov is the name of the person atop the intelligence rankings at the WRF. Enter the pub and a man will tell you of the sunken city that lies to the south west. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the pub. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Enter what appears to be Dr. Azmov's house just north west of the church and break the vase for an INTseed. Inspect the bookshelves to read about the people of Dune and the Dejans, who you've met, and the Halflings who live underground and the winged people of the Lefa Tribe who haven't been met yet. Enter the inn and a man will warn you that vicious monsters live in the northern tower. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person near the inn entrance to the north. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Head west of the inn and Dr. Azmov and his assistant Beck will pull out a shard while fishing in the town stream. Speak to Azmov and say yes when he asks if you want the shard he just found. He will request that you stop by his place later as he has a favor to ask in exchange for the shard. After Dr. Azmov and his assistant leave, enter the building to the north west. Downstairs a man explains that while Dr. Azmov is smart, he wears something called a Lore Hat which increases his intelligence. Take the raft behind this building and if you head west, you will find Dr. Azmov's lab equipment heavily guarded. Head east on the raft and you will find a stranded cat on a ledge surrounded by water. Search around this cat to find a very well hidden TinyMedal. Enter Azmov's house now and speak to him. After formal introductions are made, he will request that you get rid of a monster in the tower near town so that him and Beck can conduct research there to verify if the Great Flood actually happened. Say yes and exit town to start on Azmov's request.

=============================================================================== MOUNTAIN TOWER PRESENT (WK55) Items: BluePrint 50 Gold Dung TinyMedal Slime Heart LifeAcorn FireShard x 3 Lore Hat The Mountain Tower is just north of Hamelia across the bridge. From the entrance, head west a few steps to reach the stairs leading down. Head north and you will find a KingSlime. Approach it and it will attack. Battle - KingSlime This KingSlime will be super powered and offer nothing but strong physical attacks and he sometimes hits twice per round. Raise the party's defense and stick to physical attacks to defeat him. After the battle you will receive a BluePrint. The KingSlime will then turn into four little slimes and they will wonder what you are doing in the tower. After realizing that you are there to defeat the monster in the tower they will support you as the monster apparently makes life difficult for the slimes. Slachi, one of the slimes will then offer to join your party and lead the way. Say yes to get the new companion as a non playable character. If you smash the pots, you will have to fight a MadPot. Return to the tower entrance and head north and then go east to walk the perimeter of the tower north to find a treasure chest. Inside will be a FireShard. Return now and make your way to the north west part of the tower to reach the stairs. Head east and go south at the first option. Head west and pull the lever to open the steel door, go west to take the stairs. From here, pull the lever to open the steel door. Smash the northern barrels for 50 Gold and Dung. East of the barrels you will find a TinyMedal in the pots. Head to the steel door blocking the stairs and Slachi will open it. Take the stairs and make your way to the next set of stairs, being careful not to walk on any unstable ground that Slachi will warn you about. Don't forget to smash the pots for a MadPot and Slime Heart. From here, go south and when you reach the platform that Jann was on in the past, Slachi will note that the monster isn't there. Slachi will then try to call the monster out. Once the monster appears, approach it and start the battle. Boss Battle - GigaMute GigaMute has very strong physical attacks and can spew cold air which hits the whole party for more than 50HP of damage. Sometimes he attacks twice per round. Keep the HP high, cast SAP as well as Upper to protect your team. After the battle, the GigaMute will drop a FireShard. Slachi will excitedly return to his slime friends. Head back to Hamelia now and speak to Dr. Azmov at his house. Say yes when he asks if you defeated the monsters for him. Azmov and Beck will then take off towards the tower. Azmov didn't give you the shard that he promised so follow him. Once you enter the tower, Azmov will be upset that the slimes are inside the tower and thinks you didn't defeat the monster. Slachi will appear and ask if the doctor and Beck are friends of yours. Say yes and Slachi will apologize for bothering them. Slachi thought they had come to destroy the tower. After

Azmov tells Slachi that they are there to conduct research, everything will be fine. Chase after Azmov to the third floor to learn that he left the shard in the basement storage in Hamelia. Return to Hamelia and sail west on the raft to enter the storage room. Open the two treasure chests for a LifeAcorn and FireShard. Now you can do a little optional side quest that won't take too long. Go to Litorud and have someone register at the WRF for Intelligence. Return to Hamelia and enter Azmov's house. Beck and Azmov will be worried about something. Apparently Dr. Azmov's Lore Hat, which grants him extra intelligence has been stolen. Azmov has no suspects or clues. Speak to Beck and the doctor to learn that the research in the mountain tower was a success. Exit the house and Beck mentions that after the hat was stolen, Azmov had his WRF ranking lowered. This is the clue you need. Return to Litorud and read who has the top ranking on the Intelligence Board to find out it's Epong. Remember him? He was the bumbling idiot in the bandits hideout. Return there which is just south west of the Dharma temple if you forgot. People inside the hideout will be praising Epong for how much smarter he is. You will find Epong in the bosses room. Speak to him and the boss will note that Epong has been acting differently since he got that new hat. Epong will admit he stole the hat but says he did it because everyone was making fun of him. You will then receive the Lore Hat. The boss will scold Epong for stealing for personal gain. Return to Hamelia and as you enter Azmov's house, Beck will notice that you have the Lore Hat. Say yes when asked if you found who stole it. Azmov will appear and offer you the Lore Hat to keep for yourself. Beck tries to get the doctor to reconsider, but the doctor wants to continue on naturally, as a true scholar. Now there's one thing left to do before heading to the Ancient Fane to deposit all those new shards you've found. The Underwater City is in the same spot as it was in the past. You can only enter it via boat though, not the Carpet. In case you forget, it lies south west of Hamelia near the reefs. =============================================================================== UNDERWATER CITY PRESENT (WK56) Items: FireShard TinyMedal x 2 GuardRuby AmitDonut MysticNut ?Shard From the entrance, enter the small building to the east to find a FireShard in the chest. Open the chest behind the building to the north for a TinyMedal. Enter the building from the north west door and head east to take the stairs. Head west and follow the path down the stairwell. Enter the room to get a GuardRuby from the treasure chest. Exit and return to the city entrance and push the middle monolith to take the stairs. You can find an AmitDonut in a pot in a cell before heading north and taking the stairs. Smash the northern jars for two MadPots and a MysticNut before entering the eastern door. Follow the linear path until you reach the room with the red carpet. One of the monsters here says he gave Gracos a mysterious rock. Isn't Gracos dead? The other monster will mention that Gracos V is on the floor below. That makes more sense. The south western exit leads to a chest containing a TinyMedal. Go downstairs now and head north to find Gracos the fifth. He hates humans since humans defeated his great ancestor a long time ago, you are then attacked.

Boss Battle - Gracos V Gracos hits for large damage and spews cold air which hits everyone for over 50HP worth of damage. He also spews a poisonous mist, casts SnowStorm and can beat the party down badly which hits everyone for large damage. He will be by far the toughest opponent yet, and you might not even be good enough to beat him at this point in time. If that's the case, try him after the next quest. Beating Gracos nets you a mysterious ?Shard. Return to the Ancient Fane now to get rid of many of these piled up Shards. If you have been following along, you should have five FireShards, one LandShard, three WindShards and 1 AquaShard. Head to the LandShard room and place your lone shard on the north west pedestal. Head south to the AquaShard room to place your lone AquaShard on the south east pedestal. Head west and place the large WindShard on the south east pedestal. Now the two remaining WindShards can be placed on the north eastern pedestal but lets go north to unload some FireShards. Now here's where things get interesting. If you unload all of your FireShards, you will be able to complete both remaining pedestals. This makes a total of three places you have the option of visiting in any order that you wish. The next part of the game now becomes very non linear. Place all but one remaining shard in both FireShard pedestals and go south to insert your two remaining WindShards into the north east pedestal to be warped away. *Feel free to do any of the next three areas in any order that you choose. =============================================================================== PROBINA (WK57) Items: Steel Sword Potion Herb TinyMedal 6 Gold Leather Armor 37 Gold Florajay Heart 530 Gold Repellent Platinum Sword MoonHerb LifeAcorn GoddesPic Priest Key Legs Torso Head east to enter a bridge area. A man will be hiding on the other side. He explains that the town he is from is in trouble. Read the sign post and it will say "Probina - Straight Ahead." Continue east, onto the world map and then north to enter Probina. As you enter town, two villagers will stop you and ask if you are with someone named Raguraz. Answer no and they will believe you for Melvin confirms that you are travelers. The villagers warn you to stay far away from the Kingdom of Raguraz, which lies on an island across the sea to the south. It is a barbaric culture and the military has been visiting Probina lately. Maribel will then ask why such a big kingdom would come after a puny little town like Probina, and concludes that the town must have some kind of treasure. The men will then

tell you to keep out of Probina affairs or get your asses kicked before being welcomed into town. Enter the General Store to the north and open the two treasure chests with the Thief's Key for a Steel Sword and Potion. A Herb can be found in the near by hanging sack. Speak to the villagers to learn that Probina is well protected and that the town priest has left town, but wasn't very detailed with why. It might have something to do with people from Raguraz visiting the town elder, Ordeux and delivering a message from their King. Enter the house to the south east of town and smash the barrel at the entrance for a TinyMedal. The old lady in this house mentions that the elder assembled the towns advisors for an important meeting earlier in the day. The man walking with the cow outside will mention that a Goddess Statue brought by the priest has seemed to fend off monsters lately. Smash the barrel by this man for 6 Gold. Upstairs in the armor shop, you can find Leather Armor in a dresser. Head north a bit and speak to the lady by the north eastern house. She will ask to confide in your as she read the letter from the King of Raguraz. Say yes and she will tell you that the letter stated that the Goddess Statue could not be looked after by one tiny town, and that only a great prosperous state would be a proper caretaker. If the statue isn't handed over quickly, the whole town will be burnt to the ground and the statue taken by force! Melvin pipes up that King Raguraz is a selfish fool. Enter the elders house to learn that Ordeux and his son, Razuel, went to the temple to see the priest. You can get to the temple by going through a cave to the north. Smash the jar for 37 Gold. Head north of the elders house and enter the cave to the north. Go east and walk all the way around the room to the west to find a treasure chest. Inside you will find a Florajay Heart. Exit the cave now and head south until you see what looks like grey spots on the ground leading west. Take this path to find another cave entrance. Take the linear path to reach the stairs. From here, go north and when the path branches east, stay north. When the path branches both east and west, go west to take the stairs. From here go north all the way and then west to reach a treasure chest. Inside lies 530 Gold. Return to the stairs and this time you can head north east to open a treasure chest containing a Cannibox. Head south and then east from the stairs to reach the next set of stairs. Continue west to take the next set of stairs and exit to the south to exit this cave. Speak to the person near by and he will tell you more about the priest. He came to town three years ago when he mysteriously washed up on the eastern shore of town. His robes were bloody and he couldn't remember anything except that he was a priest. His hands were tightly clenched against the Goddess Statue, a treasure which causes fierce monsters to turn into crying babies. Enter the church now and Ordeux will ask if he can try to reason with the King of Raguraz. Ordeux's son will try to explain that the king will never listen and the Goddess Statue is what brought them the kingdoms attention. A man will then run in saying that a military force from Raguraz has gathered at the bridge. Razuel then grabs the Goddess Statue, much to the surprise of his father and the priest. Razuel says he will put an end to the war and tells everyone to follow him before he dashes off with the statue. Speak to Ordeux and the priest before going to the level below and entering the room. A Repellent lies in a smashable jar. Save your progress and rest for free in the bed if you'd like. The treasure chest in the room belongs to the priest and cannot be opened. Return through the cave back to town. As you near the town entrance, a dog will head to the General Store. Follow it and speak to the shop keeper. Say yes when he assumes that you will fight to defend the town and he will give you a Platinum Sword. Exit town now and head to the bridge. The Raguraz army is gathered on the bridge. Approach everyone and Razuel will have the Goddess Statue, but states that he won't hand it over. He puts down their barbaric culture, calling it evil and says that as long as the statue

exists, the threat of war will always be present. The army thinks that Razuel is being foolish and Razuel states that he would rather die at the hands of a monster then take the life of another human. Razuel then destroys the Goddess Statue. He tells the Raguraz army to tell their king to forget about the statue because it no longer exists. The captain of the army will call Razuel stupid as their goal was to destroy the statue anyways. The soldiers will then transform into their true forms, monsters. The captain, who is now a DragonMan summons his allies to burn the village to the ground. Razuel then realizes that he has endangered the townspeople's lives as the monsters fly off towards the village. Return to Probina and the town will be burning. Villagers will be attempting to fend off monsters. The merchant who gave you the Platinum Sword in the General Store will slay a monster and then pass out. As you approach the middle of the town, Razuel will kill two monsters. Speak to him and he will mention that he can't move his legs. He tells you to head for the temple and tell the priest to hide somewhere safe. Head east and the monster will kill a cow by setting it on fire. The farmer then warns the monster that he will collide with him indefinitely as his limbs flail wildly about. I could have translated that line better but am not sure if that was left in for humorous purposes. Just north of Razuel, the DragonMan will come and shatter the soul of one of the villagers. He then summons his monsters to find and kill the priest. Head through the cave towards the temple and you will find Ordeux by some water. He will wish he could wash him hands of all of Probina's problems before noticing the party. Maribel explains what's happening with the monster attack and Ordeux says he's going to town and asks you to protect the temple. Continue on towards the temple and speak with the priest. After explaining the situation the priest will run off. Exit the temple and the priest will notice smoke coming from the town. He mentions that the smell is kind of familiar. Suddenly, his head will start to ache and the priest will regain his memory. long ago, his village was attacked by monsters and it seems that he cannot escape his past. Razuel will make an appearance and call to the priest. He admits that it's his fault for everything that has happened and begs the priest to run as the monsters will appear at any moment. The priest mentions that he has something inside the temple that he needs to retrieve from the temple cellar and asks Razuel to help. They then both head towards the rear of the temple. Follow them and the priest will request that Razuel bring him a small case from the cellar. After Razuel enters, speak to the priest and he mentions that there is something heavy inside that Razuel won't be able to move alone and requests that you assist him. Enter the cellar and Maribel will wonder why the priest can't get his own things. Melvin says that she shouldn't complain and that he doesn't notice anything that's too large to move. Razuel then locates the case. Smash the barrels for a MoonHerb, and open the chest for a LifeAcorn before speaking with him to find out it's an empty sack. At that point, the priest will come down and lock everyone in the room! Razuel requests that he opens the door before the priest explains that he can't escape from the monsters. He doesn't want Probina to meet the same fate as his previous village. He tells everyone not to make a sound and that everyone has their whole lives ahead of them. Well, maybe everyone but Melvin. The priest then says goodbye and leaves. You will hear the battle outside and the temple will be destroyed by the time you exit the holding cell. You can enter a spring to the north which will heal everyone's HP if they take a dip. Head south towards the cave exit and a soul shattered nun will be holding an adventure journal if you want to save. Return through the cave back to town and you will find Razuel. Filled with guilt, he will walk away and drop a small chest. Inspect it to receive a GoddesPic and Priest Key. Speak to him at the town entrance and show him the GoddesPic. He will mention that the picture appears to be a wounded Goddess healing herself with the water of a spring. He then has a flashback of the

priest in the spring north of the temple bathing the statue. The gist of it is that you can restore the Goddess Statue by bathing it in the spring. Exit town and return to the bridge to look for the pieces of the statue. You will find the Legs and Torso. Return to Probina and speak to Razuel. He will now understand what the GoddesPic means. Return through the cave to the spring and as you approach it, DragonMan will appear. After telling the party that he respects the priests efforts, and the fact that he ate the poor man, you will be attacked. Boss Battle - DragonMan This battle is one of those you can't win, but you must hang on long enough to survive. He can cast Infermost which hits everyone for 40HP damage. Quadhits does four random attacks of over 30HP of damage and his normal strike hits for around 60HP of damage. If you survive long enough, Razuel will enter the room and toss the Goddess Statue parts into the spring. The DragonMan's power will be greatly reduced. DragonMan is a pushover now. Lower his defense and physically attack him and you will win. After the battle, the DragonMan will destroy the Goddess Statue once and for all before dying. Speak to Razuel and he will say that nothing remains from Probina and thanks to the priest's message, they were saved. He still feels that he is the cause of everyone in town, including his father dying. Melvin will call him a wuss and kick him in the balls, okay, I made that last part up. He does hear something, however, and Razuel will go outside to investigate the sound. Follow him and you will see the villagers spirits floating around. Razuel will hear shouts of joy from the village as the souls of the villagers return to their bodies. The town will be saved and restored. Return to the village now and speak to Razuel and Ordeux who will thank you for saving them. Speak to everyone else if you'd like, especially the cow and human who had their souls get mixed up and returned to the wrong bodies. Return to the bridge now and Razuel will stop you along the way. Speak to him and he will ask if you are leaving. Say yes and he will once again thank you for all that you've done and concludes that the priest and party were sent to the town as mysterious blessings from God. Return to the Ancient Fane now and head north west of Dharma or south west of Orph to find Probina in the present. =============================================================================== PROBINA PRESENT (WK58) Items: Iron Mask 340 Gold TinyMedal x 2 Cloth Shirt Herb LifeAcorn Dung Boxer Shorts Lipsy Heart LandShard WindShard Head north to the weapon shop to find new wares. Open the two treasure chests with the Thief Key for an Iron Mask and 340 Gold. Enter the well and search

the floor for a well hidden TinyMedal. Enter the inn from the rear entrance to find a Cloth Shirt in the dresser. Speak to the small child at the inn entrance and tell her that you'd like to stay at the inn if you need to rest. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the inn. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Smash the barrels outside of the house just south of the inn for an Herb. Smash the jar in the house at the south east part of town for a LifeAcorn. Outside of this house, two children will be molesting a cow. Enter the armor shop if you wish to shop. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the armor shop. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. You can find some Dung in a pot in the home for the elderly at the north part of town, as well as some Boxer Shorts in the dresser. Head towards the temple and learn from the old lady that it was rebuilt and an old man was recently trying to climb to the temple. Enter the cave to the north and circle around to find a Lipsy Heart in the treasure chest. Return, and take the western entrance and take the stairs. Make your way north and then west to reach the next set of stairs. The two chests in this room will contain a LandShard and Cannibox. After taking the stairs, go south and speak to the man. He will ask for some assistance to reach the top of the mountain. Say yes and lead him through the rest of the cave. Once near the temple, the man will remark that he can see a small island in the distance. Enter the temple to find out that the old man is actually the temple priest. Enter the room and you will find the old treasure chest from ages ago still in the corner. The Priest Key will open the chest for a WindShard. Enter the area behind the temple where the priest locked you in and open the treasure chest for a TinyMedal. Return to the Ancient Fane now and place your LandShard on the north east pedestal in the LandShard room, and your WindShard on the south east pedestal of the WindShard room. Head to the FireShard room now and place the final FireShard on the north eastern pedestal to warp to Loomin. =============================================================================== LOOMIN (WK59) Items: LandShard Herb Horned Hat Iron Mask Iron Axe HairBand Repellent DEFseed TinyMedal Tower Key Head west from the warp and enter the little green area. A LandShard will be found on the ground near a rotted plant. Exit here and head west to enter Loomin. As you walk into town, you will be halted at the entrance by two monsters. They will demand to know who you are and where you came from, before stating that the town is sealed and that nobody can enter. You are told not to move

and that you will be reported to Borunga by one monster while the other decides to attack you. Battle - Babygoyle x 2 Strictly physical fighters who can cast Sleep. Simply pound them to win the battle. After the battle, they will disappear and you are free to explore the town. Speak to villagers to learn that the town is controlled by monsters. All the pot holes in town were caused by a previous HellVine attack. Smash the jars in the south eastern house for an Herb. Enter the inn and search the dresser for a Horned Hat. Enter the weapon shop north of the inn from the rear and speak to the PinkOrc to fight it. After killing it, open the two treasure chests with the Thief Key for an Iron Mask and Iron Axe. Head upstairs and a monster will offer to sell you some crappy items. A HairBand will lie in the dresser in the house to the east. A BombCrag will be guarding the northern mansion where the boss resides. Go behind this mansion and head west to find an old woman by a well. Take her advice and enter the well. Speak to the sister to learn that well DarkDraco flapped his wings, the town was covered in darkness. He landed on a tower built by monsters to the west. This darkness the DarkDraco caused, coincidentally saved the village from a HellVine attack as the plants withered and died without the sunlight. Search the dressers for a Repellent and DEFseed. You can save by speaking to the priest here if you'd like. Exit the well and when you return to the town, the BombCrag won't be blocking the mansion entrance. Speak to the old man inside and he will transform into a monster. He tells you that his boss, Borunga, lives in the room above. You are then attacked. Just a little battle with a PinkOrc. After defeating it, smash the jar for a TinyMedal. Head upstairs where Borunga will be taking a bath. Speak to him to fight. Boss Battle - Borunga Borunga hits with physical attacks and every now and then hits with a brutal attack which can instantly kill a comrade if their HP is low. He also gathers power and does a stomp attack which hits for large damage. SAP him and hit him with physical attacks while raising your defense and keeping your HP high. After the battle, Borunga tells you that you must slay the DarkDraco that lives in the tower, or else the darkness will always cover the area. The rest of the monsters will retreat to the Tower. Search the north west dresser to receive the Tower Key. As you try to exit the mansion, someone will run inside and mention how they saw a bunch of monsters flying away. Answer yes when asked if you fended them off. As you exit the mansion, you will hear a strong roar in the distance, probably from DarkDraco. Speak to the villagers to find out they are terrified that DarkDraco will come and destroy the town. The Mini-Mini shop is now an armor shop if you want to check things out. Head west of town now and enter the tower. =============================================================================== DARKDRACO'S TOWER (WK60) Items: TinyMedal x 2 120 Gold

Tempt Sword Potion BeefJerky Slime Clothes Upon entry, you will be called stupid and attacked by a PinkOrc. Defeat it and head north to take the stairs. Exit to the south and step on the switch to the west which will make the stairs to the north accessible. Take them and open the chest for a TinyMedal. Go east now and take the stairs. Hit the switch to the north and go west to find stairs. Don't take them just yet, exit to the north to find 120 Gold in a treasure chest. Return now and take the stairs. Take either the east or west stairs and head north, along the damage tiles to find the next set of stairs. Cross the western bridge and then go north, under the bridge to take the stairs. Open the chest to receive a Tempt Sword before returning and taking the eastern stairs. There will be many damage tiles in this next room. Head to the north west corner to find a treasure chest containing a Potion. Take the stairs at the north east part of this room and hit the switches in the next room. Take the stairs up and you will be on the top floor. Two monsters are wondering why the DarkDraco is going crazy. Apparently he's been out of control since Borunga was destroyed. Approach the monsters and you will have to fight two Babygoyles. After the battle, you will be immediately thrust into battle with the DarkDraco. Boss Battle - DarkDraco DarkDraco can breath a scorching breath which can devastate the whole party for large damage. He also breathes cold air which also hits everyone pretty hard. He brings strong physical attacks and his WindBlast attacks is probably the weakest in his arsenal as it hits a single target. If you have something that can protect against cold attacks like WoolGuard then things will be a lot easier. SAP him twice, cast Upper on those with lower HP totals and wail away on him to win. Afterwards, the darkness will vanish from the skies. Head south to drop off the tower and return to Loomin. Speak to the villagers who will thank you for saving them. If you enter the town well, you will find an EvilClown who will try to kill you if you speak to it. Yet another adventure, yet another town saved. place your LandShard in the north east pedestal had entered the area where you found this shard time, a large hole will appear where the rotted strange. Return to the Ancient Fane and in the LandShard room. If you before returning to present plant once stood. Very

Return to Loomin in the present which is the northern most area on the world map. If you enter the place where you found the LandShard in the past, it will remain the same with a large hole in the ground. There is a place above the city that you can enter. Inside is a small cabin. Speak with the men inside and you will be asked if you are a group of traveling fighters. Say yes and he will ask if you've fought with monsters. Say yes and he will state that he's finally found the people he's been waiting for. He then tells his assistant to give the party an item. You will receive BeefJerky which allows you to tame monsters that you may run into. You are advised to use it after battles. He then tells you about his dream to create a monster park and to send any tamed monsters to him. This is the whole monster park side quest in the game and is not necessary to finish the game. See the Monster Park section for more details. Open the dresser for Slime Clothes.

Try to enter Looming now and it will be completely destroyed. The party will be bewildered and Maribel will suggest returning to Loomin in the past to see what happened. Enter the well and search the dresser for a TinyMedal. Notice what appears to be a blocked off cave in the well? Maybe that and the large hole where the rotted plant once stood has something to do with this. DarkDraco's Tower still remains to the west, but lets return to Loomin in the past first. Upon entering the town, you will notice that the HellVines have returned and they are everywhere! Remember the person who told you that DarkDraco's appearance caused darkness, which killed the HellVines? Well, I guess since the light has returned, so has the HellVines. Approach the vines to do battle with a VineRoot. These things should only take a round or two to finish off. Go and destroy all of the VineRoots, including the ones inside the houses. Some of the villagers will be snatched by the roots and taken under the ground. You can always enter the inn and take a nap in the north western room if you need to replenish your HP and MP for free. Upstairs in the mansion, the BombCrag will sacrifice it's life to save the owner. Enter the town well and four vines will appear. Defeat them and enter the new tunnel entrance. =============================================================================== LOOMIN CAVE (WK61) Items: Steel Sword 630 Gold Devil Armor WindShard Head north and if you pass the first opening to the north, you will see a vine moving into another opening. Follow it and you will see it near a Steel Sword. Take the sword after battling one of the roots and continue on. Follow it once again and enter the next room. Go down to the next level and you will see it to the north. Head north and east a bit to find a chest with 630 Gold inside. Follow the vine into the next room and you will see it to the north. Open the treasure chest for a cursed Devil Armor before facing another VineRoot and climbing to the next floor. From here go south, and through the skulls on the ground to enter the next room. This will be the boss room as there are VineRoots everywhere. Destroy as many as you wish and then approach the boss. Boss Battle - HellVine and VineRoot x 2 HellVine can cast StopSpell and spew poisonous mist. It can also cast SleepAir, radiate a dazzling light that can lower the party's hit rate and its normal attacks can hit for around 50HP of damage. Take out the two VineRoots first and try to SAP the HellVine before he blocks your spells. Bang away at it with normal attacks and you should be victorious. You will receive a WindShard for your troubles after the battle. Inspect the HellVine and it will start to decay. Exit here and return to town. Enter the mansion and the owner will be playing with a larva that was found on one of the dead VineRoots. He named the larva Chibi. Well, all seems well here so return to the Ancient Fane and Loomin in the present once more. As you enter town, you will see that it is still destroyed. Follow your comrades advice and return once again to Loomin in the past. When you arrive in town, nothing will seem to be out of the ordinary. If you

speak to the old man near the town entrance, he will request that you get rid of some monster. Speak to the villagers to learn that the mansions owner, Sieble, has a pet insect that is growing at an alarming rate. Enter the mansion and speak to Sieble. He will give the impression that Chibi is harmless. As you try to exit the mansion, a group of villagers will enter. They try to tell Sieble to do something about his pet bug. They don't want him to kill it since it's his pet, but they explain how it is making everyone uneasy. The townspeople have requested that Chibi be taken to the mountains and left there. Sieble states that he has no intentions of letting Chibi go and that he is not a monster. He explains that Chibi resides in his house and that the town residents have no right to complain about what he does in his own home. The villagers will then get upset at Siebles unwillingness to cooperate and one of the villagers will strike him. Chibi will then approach the group in a threatening manner in defense of his master. They will then run off thinking that Chibi was going to hurt them. Sieble will then come to Chibi's side and thanks him for protecting him. Sieble will think that Chibi may have gone a bit far though and that the villagers will use this for ammunition. Exit the mansion now and a group of villagers will be gathered in the middle of town. Speak to them and they will be discussing how to kill Chibi. One of the villagers will ask if you will do the honors. Now whatever answer you choose will have an outcome on what happens to Loomin. If you say yes, notice that you will be prompted twice more to confirm your answer. This is kind of a clue that you should say no but the choice is yours. Scroll down a bit if you said no. *****If you say yes: The townspeople will rejoice and decide to kill the monster at night when Sieble is sleeping. A message will pop up stating that the party rested at the inn for the night and struggled with the thought of murdering an innocent worm. Once night time hits, the villagers will request that you kill it before Sieble wakes up and sees what has happened. Enter Siebles house and approach Chibi. Battle - Chibi Chibi can physically attack pretty well and spews a thread which can tangle a character and cause them to miss a turn in battle. He can also cast SleepAir and sometimes attacks twice per round. SAP him and stick to physical attacks while raising the party's defense to win the battle. Afterwards Chibi will slowly crawl away before dying. Sieble will rush downstairs and see his fallen pet. He then yells at the Hero, wondering why you would do such a thing before concluding that the townspeople put you up to it. Sieble feels very guilty for not deciding to let Chibi go. The town folks will rush in and conclude that the plan went off without any problems. They apologize to Sieble and he retorts that Chibi didn't do anything wrong. Suddenly a scream will be heard outside. Follow the villagers outside and you will be attacked by a HellWorm. After beating it you will find that the town is now under attack by HellWorms! Defeat the HellWorms that are attacking the citizens and return to Sieble's mansion. Defeat the HellWorm that is attacking him and the thought that Chibi summoned those monsters crosses the party's mind. As you try to leave, four more will pop up out of the ground. Exit the mansion and a whole bunch will be waiting for you outside. Sieble suggests making a dash for the town well. Once inside the well, Sieble mentions that if the townspeople escaped town, they are sure to be safe. Speak to Sieble and answer whether or not you thought Chibi was responsible for the attack and a screen will pop up saying that the party spent the night in the well. When you

wake up, the town will be in ruins. All the villagers have died and Sieble is the only resident survivor. Loomin is the first place you were unable to save on your journey. Sieble will decide to dedicate his life to maintaining the memory of Chibi and the people of Loomin. *****If you say no: The townspeople will decide to take care of Chibi themselves. Return to the mansion and speak to Sieble to tell him of the villagers plan. After thinking it over, Sieble decides that he must take Chibi to the mountains and abandon him with hopes that the villagers will let the idea of killing him disappear. Sieble will then ask you to help him. Agree and Sieble will begin preparations. A screen will pop up explaining how the party helped prepare to set Chibi free. It will now be nightfall and Sieble will decide to start on the trek to release Chibi to the wild. He suggests Chibi be taken to a large hill. Sieble leaves and you are to follow him. If you enter the inn, you can overhear all the villagers deciding that they are too weak and that the Hero and the party are the only people strong enough to murder the little HellWorm. Exit Loomin and head east to enter the area where you found the shard. Speak to Sieble and after a touching moment, he will say goodbye to his pet. As you try to leave, Chibi will try to follow. Sieble and the party will then return to the mansion. Sieble will explain how Chibi owes his life to the party and that he will visit him from time to time. You will then hear a scream from outside. Go outside to investigate and you will be attacked by a HellWorm. After you beat it, you will find that the town is under attack by HellWorms! Kill all of the Hellworms that are attacking the villagers. They will seem to think that Chibi has sent them. Return to the mansion and confront the HellWorm near Sieble. Defeat it and speak to Sieble who will even wonder if Chibi sent the monsters to attack the village. Suddenly, four HellWorms will emerge from under the ground. Sieble tells the party to leave the town. Exit the mansion and you will be blocked by many HellWorms. Suddenly Chibi will come from behind the mansion and start fighting with the other HellWorms. Chibi will kill three of them which will scare the rest away. Chibi will then collapse from exhaustion and die. A screen will pop up saying that Loomin was saved by the heroic HellWorm, Chibi and that the townspeople have reflected on the wrongdoings. The next morning, Sieble will be speaking about how his past pets had saved him, and wondered if it had anything to do with how he treated them. Sieble will then begin to cry. He asks you to stop by Chibi's grave before you leave. Do so as it is outside of the mansion and return to the Ancient Fane. **If you have completed the Probina, Loomin and Mardra sections, skip to the end of the Mardra Basin Cave section** Place your new WindShard on the south east pedestal of the WindShard room and return to Loomin in the present. =============================================================================== LOOMIN PRESENT (WK62) Items: Traveler Clothes

550 Gold Copper Sword Leather Armor SilkTux Repellent TinyMedal Lipsy Heart 280 Gold ?Shard Speak to the villagers to learn that the "heroes" grave lies next to the mansion. Speak to the nun by the temple to learn that the town history isn't as accurate as it should be. They think that Chibi saved the town from the insects, HellVine and DarkDraco. Head to the inn now. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the inn. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Search the dressers for the Traveler Clothes. Enter the weapon shop from the rear and raid the two treasure chests for 550 Gold and a Copper Sword. Both chests require the Thief Key to open. The house to the east of the weapon shop has a Leather Armor in the dresser. Upstairs in the mansion lies a MadBook on the bookcase as well as a SilkTux in a dresser. Enter the town well now and search the dressers for some Repellent. Exit town and head west to DarkDracos Tower now to explore. There will be random encounters and the layout will be exactly the same as before. The treasure chest on the first floor will have a TinyMedal. A Lipsy Heart will lie in the chest to the rear of the tower before the second floor stairwell. The treasure chest on the third floor contains 280 Gold while the treasure chest in the damage tiled room contains a Mimic. At the very top of the tower you will find a ?Shard. You have done everything in this area now so return to the Ancient Fane at your leisure. Return to the FireShard room and place your final FireShard on the south west pedestal to complete all the pedestals in this room. =============================================================================== MARDRA REGION (WK63) Items: 5 Gold Magic Shield Horned Hat MysticNut x 2 Bow Tie Potion STRseed 250 Gold Evade Clothes 310 Gold LightAqua 13 Gold Empress Letter Walk east from the teleport spot and there will be many options on where to go. To the north lies a castle, straight ahead lies a town as well as a castle and to the south you will find a checkpoint, shrine and a cave. Enter the castle to the north to enter Raguraz Castle. This is the castle from the Probina past that was supposedly barbaric. This will appear to be after those events though

as the castle is under construction from losing a war a year ago to Mardra. Enter the castle where there will be an inn and a church on the first floor. Speak to the people in the castle. Downstairs you will learn that Mardra only killed the captain of the Raguraz army, but let the king live. Head to the throne room and speak with the king. You will learn that Mardra lost a battle ten years ago when they were a small force, but in that time have become quite a presence due to their young king. Upstairs on the rooftop you will find an item and armor shop. Exit here and head south to enter the castle town of Mardra. Smash the two jars by the inn for 5 Gold. Speak to the villagers to learn that even after defeating Raguraz, the king of Mardra is still focused on increasing military power. Dino, one of the kings childhood friends in the church had a disagreement with him and believes he's doing something forbidden. Enter the weapon and armor shop and open the treasure chest with the Magic Key for a Magic Shield. Downstairs a woman will mention that she heard of something called Ultimate Magic. You won't be allowed to enter the guarded Royal Magic Institute west of the inn without being authorized. Enter the house by the well to find a Horned Hat in the upstairs dresser. Apparently the king likes to have powerful magicians for his army. Enter the well to find a MysticNut and Bow Tie in the dressers. Smash the barrels by the north western most house with the purple roof for a Potion. Inside the purple house, a MadBook will be waiting for a battle on a bookcase. Exit town to the north now and cross the bridge to reach Mardra Castle. Speak to the guard on the left and he will ask if you are the messenger from Medille. You have to answer yes to be let inside. The guard decides to check with the king though as you look around the castle. Enter and head west, through the door to speak with the castle staff maker. Say yes when asked if you are interested in a new staff and he will tell you to come back later before wondering where his apprentice went. Open the near by treasure chests for a STRseed and 250 Gold. Head all the way east now through the next door and open the chests with the Magic Key for Evade Clothes and 310 Gold. Head upstairs now and you will see a treasure chest. If you try to open it, you will find that it's locked. Speak to the man in the room to learn a clue to open it. "Through the statue and cross the T". To solve this puzzle, all you have to do is enter the small treasure chest area from the west right above the statue. Pass the chest and through the east exit where the man is. Now head north of the chest and go all the way south by passing the chest again. If you do this successfully you will hear a click. Open the chest to receive a LightAqua. Here is a crappy small diagram: +<<<<<<<<+ +==== V ====+ ^ | V | ^ | V | ^ +>>>+ ^ START>>>>>>>>>+ CHEST V ^ >>>>>>>>>>>>>+ STATUE| V | | +<<<+ | +==== V ====+ As soon as you claim the item, the man will rush towards you. He says that his master needs the LightAqua to create a magical staff. Give him the LightAqua and he will tell you to stop by the Fire Tower later. If you take the stairs north in this room, you will find a monolith surrounded by water. Inspect it to read "Always set your sights on the summit." Head

back downstairs and exit to the west, following the path to the kitchen. Smash the jars for 13 Gold. Head upstairs here to find four magician in a group. Return to the kitchen and head north to reach the next room. Take the stairs to the top floor to meet the kings parents. King Zeppels mother will ask you if you happen to be travelers. Say yes and she will tell you that a Great Fane lies to the south which they have held very close ties to for years. One day their son set up a road block and cutoff all relations though. She requests that you deliver a letter to the High Priest. Say yes to receive the Empress Letter. She explains how the letter tells the High Priest not to worry about the castle and that the guards at the road block should let you through if you show them the letter. Head to the bottom floor of this tower and speak to the man in orange to learn all of the towers names in the castle. The south east is the Water Spire, north east is the Earth Spire, south west is the Fire Spire and current one, north west is the Wind Spire. Open the treasure chest with the Magic Key for a MysticNut. Return upstairs and exit east towards the Earth Spire and you will see the guard entering what appears to be the kings chambers from the courtyard. Upstairs will be a small empty pond. Downstairs though will have the prison area. Speak to the prisoner if you'd like before returning to the castle entrance. Speak to the guard by the door and the original guard will return, stating that the king assured him that the messenger would not be a young boy. You are then asked if you are an imposter. Say yes or no and you will be kicked out of the castle and warned not to return. Now it's time to deliver that letter. Exit Mardra town and walk west to find the checkpoint. Speak to one of the soldiers to learn that the checkpoint was created because the king and High Priest had some sort of incident. Speak to the guards and show them the Empress Letter to pass. One the world map, the Great Fane will lie to the south while a cave lies to the west. Enter the fane. =============================================================================== GREAT FANE (WK64) Items: Potion MysticNut TinyMedal 6 Gold The man in green will actually be a merchant if you speak with him. Speak to the rest of the people outside to learn that the High Priest should be on the second floor. If you rotate the camera while standing near the small platform, you should notice a well hidden staircase that you can't enter due to a door being locked. Enter the fane and you will find a small stairwell on a tiny island surrounded by water. The lady near by wonders how you can reach it. You should notice a statue by the western door. This is the exact same puzzle as the one in Mardra Castle. Enter from the western door and follow the path to the eastern door. Enter it and head north and then take the northern path all the way south to make a platform appear. Take the stairs and open the two treasure chests for a Potion and MysticNut. Exit south through the door to find a graveyard area. Smash the jars for a TinyMedal. Exit to the south and smash the near by jars for 6 Gold. Take the stairs and exit through the door to be on the front lawn of the Great Fane. Now you can enter that door that was locked freely now. Head to the second floor of the Great Fane and you can rest for free in the eastern room by speaking with the woman outside of the door. You can save your game to the south and speak to the High Priest in the western room. The High Priest will be frustrated with his current lack of success in creating a new spell. Give him the Empress Letter and that will confirm that the new king was behind the checkpoint. He will then ask you to

do him a favor. He is currently working on a new important spell that is missing one ingredient. Say yes when he asks if you know what he wishes to ask of you. Maribel will pipe up before the High Priest asks you to travel to the western cave to retrieve the StarShard. =============================================================================== BASIN CAVE (WK65) Items: Herb StarShard Priest Letter TinyMedal Bolt Staff Enter the cave and head west to cross the bridge and make it to the next room. Head north, taking either path to reach the next room. In this room, take the stairs to the north. Now go east and then south and follow the western path all the way out to reach the next set of stairs, while ignoring the first set of stairs. Now head west and north through the opening to reach the next area. Make your way east and you will find that the waterfall is too strong to walk past. Enter the near by cave to find two people living inside. Smash the jar for an Herb. Speak to the lady who will mention that her husband has information regarding the StarShard. Speak to him and after learning that the High Priest sent you here in search of the StarShard, he will be more friendly. He tells you that it lies on the top of the mountain, but that the waterfall is blocking your path. If you wait until dawn though, the waterfall stops for a moment. You are then invited to spend the night. Speak to the wife to learn that the StarShard is a miracle crystal created from the reflection of the stars on the water. It's only visible when stars are present. Say yes when she invites you to stay the night and her husband will wake you at dawn. He will wake you up a bit before dawn. You are told to hurry before the waterfall resumes. Exit here and head west, past where the waterfall flowed. Once you make it past, but before you enter the cave, the waterfall will resume it's flow and you cannot return back that way. Head north to take the stairs. Take the stairs directly north and take the next set of stairs to reach the top. Follow the path and examine the sparkling crystal to receive the StarShard. Return to the third floor and exit to the south east to drop down to just outside where the couple in the cave live. If you speak with the man, he will actually charge you 40 Gold for how many nights you ended up staying. You do have the option to not pay though. Return to the Great Fane now and speak to the High Priest. Give him the StarShard and he will tell you what's going on. There is a rumor that the King of Mardra is trying to bring back the Ultimate Magic. This spell has the power to wipe out whole continents. The High Priest had requested a meeting with the king to find out the truth, but the meeting was denied and he was thrown out of the castle. The checkpoint was then created to separate the fane from the castle. The High Priest has been researching a magic that will contain the Ultimate Magic. He then gives you the Priest Letter which you are assured will surely get you an audience with the king. He asks that you return to the castle and delay completion of the kings Ultimate Magic spell so that he can finish his spell. Return to the checkpoint to learn that a man with an attitude, and a permit from the king past through recently. Speak to the eastern guard and show your Priest Letter to pass by. Enter Mardra now and speak to the man guarding the Magic Research Institute.

Show him the letter from the priest and you will be allowed inside. Speak to the people inside and head east to find stairs by a room with a locked door. Take the stairs and note the staircase to your immediate west. Ignore that and go south all the way to speak to the director of the Magic Research Institute outside. He explains how ten years ago Mardra was a weak country and constantly under siege with houses being burned to the ground. The king's desire to strengthen the country's army stems from Mardra's past. The director understands the kings motives and supports him. Head north towards the bridge now and the small child, Mikwa, will lose control of her casting abilities and throw fire everywhere. She will strike a man in a dark hood who will then approach her, unphased, as she regains control. The hooded fellow asks her if she wishes to become a magician and says he is going to teach her a spell. He readies his Blazemost spell and aims it at the poor child. Dino, the man from the temple will tell him to stop while running towards the child, protecting her from the spell and collapsing to the ground. The hooded fellow retorts that it's not often that someone survives after being hit with that spell. He taunts Dino a bit more before taking off. Speak to Dino and he will need a little assistance walking back to the temple. Once inside the temple, the sister will heal his wounds. Dino is concerned that the hooded person has a connection with King Zeppel. Dino will explain what happened during a flashback scene when himself and Zeppel were children. They were childhood friends and often played with a girl named Lucia. When they were eight years old, Mardra was under attack by the Raguraz army. A Mardra soldier warned the little prince Zeppel to take his friends and hide in the castle before being surrounded by Ragurazian soldiers. The soldier ends up getting killed while defending the children by getting knocked off a large cliff by the captain of the Ragurazian army. Lucia accidentally gets knocked off the cliff as well and struggles to hold on to the edge before slipping and falling to her death. This creates a rage inside Zeppel as he threatens to kill everyone as the Ragurazians capture him and Dino. This scene shows Zeppels hatred for the Captain of the Raguraz army and is why only the captain was killed and not the king of Raguraz when they lost the war to Mardra. The captain told Zeppel that Mardra relies too much on magic for protection which plants the seeds for Zeppels lust for the Ultimate Magic. Ten years after Mardra fell, Zeppel seized the throne and liberated Mardra from Raguraz control. The Ultimate Magic had wiped out an ancient continent before being sealed by a wizard. Return to Mardra castle now and show the guard the Priest Letter to get inside. Head north to reach the kings chambers. Gain entry by showing the next guard the Priest Letter. The king will infact, be speaking to the hooded fellow. The mysterious man will give the king some item before noticing the party and exiting the room. Speak with the king and after telling him of the High Priests request to abandon his quest for the Ultimate Magic, you will be told to tell the priest to leave him alone. Head downstairs to Zeppels chambers and search his dresser for a TinyMedal. Return to town and you will be stopped by a messenger from the High Priest. He is ready to test the new magic. Return to the Great Fane and speak with the High Priest. He will then botch his spell as he forgot to include some key ingredients. You are told to return to Mardra and keep an eye on the king. Return to the castle town now and upon entry the hooded fellow will confront you. He introduces himself as the messenger of Medille and tells you that the kings quest for Ultimate Magic is almost complete. When he creates the spell, he will transform into the God of Destruction and destroy everything, including himself. You are then attacked.

Battle - ZoeMage ZoeMage can cast Bounce which will reflect spells, Infermost which can hit the whole party for around 60HP of damage, Blazemore, and Stopspell which can be dangerous. He also has the ability to put the party to sleep. After the battle, head into the Magic Research Institute and learn that the king is inside. Dino will be arguing with a guard to let him pass before knocking him out and entering the room that was previously locked. Follow him and take the stairs to find Dino. King Zeppel will be there with a large pot that looks like it's brewing the Ultimate Magic spell. Zeppel and the chief will be putting the final ingredient to finish the formula inside the large pot. Dino tells them to stop but it's too late as the God of Destruction flows into Zeppels body. Dino tries to cast a spell but is knocked down. Zeppel will claim that nothing can block the spell before arguing with Dino about whose point of view is the correct one. Zeppel will then run past the party and even the chief will ask you to stop him. Head towards the bridge and you will find the young king. He will call out to Lucia, feeling invincible and finally able to protect her before transforming into the God of Destruction. You are then attacked. Boss Battle - Zeppel Zeppel can kill your party in one round and hits twice per round. He casts Explodet which can hit everyone for over 100HP of damage. His physical attacks hit for over 100HP of damage and he can sometimes land a critical attack which will be strong enough to instantly kill a party member. His Freezing Blizzard attack will hit the whole party for over 120HP of damage. This is all really bad news. The good news? This is a battle that you are meant to lose. After being utterly destroyed and humiliated, Zeppel will head towards the castle, muttering that he must destroy the world. The High Priest will then come and revive the fallen party and heal everyone s wounds. He then asks you to follow him into the castle. A guard will come screaming for help out of the castle before explaining that a monster is in the royal chamber. The chamber will then be destroyed and the High Priest will once again request that you follow him. Enter the castle and go east to take the stairs in the next room. From here, exit through the western door and speak to the High Priest on the parapet. He will explain that his spell, Majustis, will erase the effects of any other spell. He will then cast it on Zeppel, causing him to fall to the courtyard. The High Priest apologizes for his spell not doing the complete job but Zeppel has been significantly weakened. Head to the courtyard and after a brief exchange, you will be attacked. Boss Battle - Zeppel He is significantly weaker as his physical attacks only do around 50HP of damage. He does have the ability to attack twice per round and his Blazemost spell is probably his most dangerous as it his someone for 100HP of damage. His Firevolt spell hits the party for around 50HP of damage while everyone gets tagged for around 40HP of damage when he spews cold air. Lower his defense with SAP and use Gabo's Stampede skill for excellent results when it hits. After the battle, Dino will enter the scene. Zeppel will still be breathing much to his delight. He will thank you for saving everyone before asking the guards to tend to their king and the High Priest who collapsed after casting his spell. A screen will then pop up saying that the Ultimate Magic once again returned to slumber without unleashing it's full power. The castle was filled with regret

and trepidation that night. The next morning will begin with the party speaking to the Empress. She is grateful for all your assistance and lets you know that Zeppel is awake now and that you should pay him a visit. The High Priest mentions that he must return to the Great Fane and that there's something he wishes to speak to the party about there before leaving. Speak to Zeppel in the room and he will thank you as he has seen the error of his ways. He promises to devote all his effort towards peace. Return to the south west tower, the Fire Spire, and speak with the man beside the staff maker and he will give you a Bolt Staff. Return to the church in town and Dino will be saying goodbye to a sister. He will notice the party and explain that he is returning to the castle. Return to the Great Fane and speak with He had hoped to have taught you the new hasn't been perfected yet. He wants to teach it to you when it's complete. He the High Priest who has been waiting. spell he had developed but the spell work on the spell a bit longer and tells you to come back later.

***Before you return to the present via the Ancient Fane portal and you have completed the Probina, Loomin and Mardra section, take everything of value out of Maribels inventory and put it in your bag or on another character. Make sure you definitely don't leave the Bless Staff on her. =============================================================================== INTERLUDE (WK66) Items: LifeAcorn x 2 TinyMedal Rib 60 Gold TerraTula WindShard Upon returning to the Ancient Fane, Maribel will mention that she is exhausted. Gabo mentions that he wants to take a nap while Melvin mentions that he wishes to return home. You will automatically warp out of the fane and a Fishbel. He requests that Maribel return home as very ill. She tells the party that she will meet following the man and returning to her home. And man will approach you from her father, Amitt, has fallen up with them later before then there was three.

Return to Fishbel and upstairs you will find Maribel, her mother and a priest beside her bedridden father. The priest will tell Maribel that they are working on keeping her father alive, and that he is very sick. He advises her to stay and comfort him. Maribel won't be able to travel with the party until her father makes a full recovery. Return home now and speak with your father. He mentions that he saw some people living in tents on the continent to the north west. They appear to be a tribe of nomads. Say yes when he asks if you have met anyone like that in your adventures (Dejans). Borkano will tell you that no one was supposed to be there according to a recent expedition party that was sent there. Sail to the north west and just below the excavation site you will find a tent on the world map similar to the Dejans in the past. Enter it and you should feel a sense of deja vu. You won't be able to enter the guarded tent until you speak with everyone in the tribe. Smash the pots near by for a LifeAcorn. The Dejans are still looking for the Alter of God but can't seem to find it. They are also looking for a tula player. Speak to the tribe members near the south

to learn that Aira is the tenth generation of tribal dancers while Layla was from the second generation. Apparently Aira isn't too keen on being a dancer though. Smash the near by jar for a TinyMedal. Smash the jar in the large tent to claim a Rib. After speaking with everyone, speak to the man guarding the tent and Aira will come outside. She will run off while someone asks the chief what is wrong. Speak to the chief inside the tent and he will wonder why Aira refuses her destiny as a dancer. Open the baskets for 60 Gold and another LifeAcorn. The two other baskets will be locked. Exit the tribe area from the opposite side you entered and head west. Enter the green mark on the world map and you will find Aira at a lone grave. Approach her and she will be relieved you aren't someone from the tribe chasing after her. She introduces herself and asks if you need something from her. She will mention that she has no desire to be a dancer and then leaves. Read the gravestone and it will read "Here lies the Holy Dancer and the Holy Guardian of Deja." Return to the tribe and enter the chiefs hut. Aira will be resigning as tribe dancer and mentions that she must continue her search for a tula player. The chiefs wife mentions that all the legendary tula players could have died off years ago but Aira remains determined. Aira then notices the party and decides to travel with you much to the chiefs surprise. She then asks you if you want to help her find the master tula player. Say yes and she will assure the chief that she will be safe. Speak to Aira a few more times and the chief will give her the TerraTula so she can have any tula players she finds on her journey play. Aira then leads the party back to the lone grave and asks you to wait a moment. The grave is for her ancestors and is where her parents are buried. She then shows the party a Holy Blade that the chief never approved of her having so she hid it by the grave. She then suggests the party camp for the night. The party then lays beside Aira and gazes at the stars high above. A screen will pop up explaining how the party fell asleep to the sound of the waves and how the Hero remembered the carefree days in his village. The next morning Aira will officially join the party. She will also give you a WindShard that she's been carrying. Aira comes with the Dancer class already mastered and three stars of the Warrior class mastered which she is currently in. Return to the Deja camp and people will suggest that you find one of Jann's descendants. Look at your world map and you will find the Mardra region to the north west most spot on the map. Sail there and you will see that Raguraz castle, the Basin cave and the check point are no more. Enter Mardra now. =============================================================================== MARDRA PRESENT (WK67) Items: SilkRobe TinyMedal x 3 SeaShell Hat DEFseed Party Dress WindShard MysticNut Majustis Spell Gigastis Spell Mardra is now the city of music and culture. Enter the inn and open the dressers for a Silk Robe. ***Immigrant Spot***

You may see a person in the inn. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Enter the church and speak to the man to learn that the kingdoms finest musicians name is Johann but he isn't quite as mature as he should be. He also played a festival song during a funeral which upset some people. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the church. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Enter the house north of the inn and you can be a member of the Michaela fan club. If they find any top secret information on the princess, they will tell you all about it. Enter the well to the north, but not before killing an EvilWell, to grab a TinyMedal from the dresser at the bottom. Enter the house near by to grab a SeaShell Hat from a dresser on the second floor. You can also speak to Johann who fells sad at the moment. Enter what once was the Magic Research Institute and you will find a whole bunch of shops. Smash the barrels outside of the north western most house to find another TinyMedal. Inside this house is Johann's angry tula teacher. Cross the bridge to the north and enter the castle. Head west and take the stairs. Then make your way north to the Wind Spire. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the Wind Spire. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Go downstairs and open the chest for a DEFseed. Head east through the Earth Spire and then south to reach the Water Spire. Open the treasure chest the same way you did in the past to claim the Party Dress from the chest. One treasure chest will be empty downstairs while the other one contains a Mimic. Enter Princess Michaela's chambers and speak to her regarding a legendary tula player. She thinks she can help by having a contest in Mardra to decide the best tula player in the world for a large prize. The TerraTula will be the tula used for the contest so the legendary tula player can be found. Say yes when she asks if you like her idea and she will send out official notices. Since it will take some time for the contest to begin, she tells you to come back later. Head south to the Great Fane and preparations are being made already for the tula contest. Enter the fane now and make the platform leading to the stairs in the middle of the room appear just like before. Open the two treasure chests for a TinyMedal and WindShard before exiting out of the door. Smash the barrels for a MysticNut and inspect the lone tombstone. The Hero will learn the Majustis spell just like the High Priest from the past promised. Return now to the Great Fane in the past and speak to the High Priest. Say yes when he asks if you can help him with something and he will assume that you are waiting for him to complete the Majustis spell. He will be shocked that you already mastered the spell. He tries to test you by having you dispel TwinHits when he casts it. Do so and you will prove that you know the spell. Return to the Great Fane now in the present and return to the tombstone. Inspect it and there will be a slightly different inscription. You will now learn the spell Gigastis. Note that you need Aira in your party to learn the Gigastis spell. If you do this section before getting Aira, the incident with the High Priest in the past won't play out.

Return to the Ancient Fane now and enter the WindShard room. Place your final two shards on the south east pedestal. After warping, head north to reach the town of Gorges. =============================================================================== GORGES (WK68) Items: BluePrint TinyMedal 210 Gold Pot Lid 20 Gold Boomerang 3 Gold Rib DEFseed Read the sign and take the stairs to enter this oddly constructed village. Exit the next room and speak to the villager to learn that Gorges is home to the winged Lefa tribe. She will even fly for you if you'd like to see a demonstration. Head west of the church and smash the barrels beside the house to the north for a BluePrint. Enter this house and you will appear as two people are having a conversation. One person will be saying that a rock is completely useless and wonders why the other person is willing to risk peoples lives to get it back. Pendragon, the town chief will state that the BlissRock has granted the Lefa tribe the gift of never ending wind which allows everyone in the tribe to fly. The other person tries to convince Pendragon that they don't need the wind to fly. They will argue back and forth a bit more but Pendragon will be set in his ways. He then mentions that he wishes he could find someone strong enough to get the BlissRock back. Remember talk of the BlissRock right after the Falrish area quest? The lady arguing with Pendragon will then exit the house. Speak to Pendragon and he will explain his story. There is a fane north of the valley which they've guarded for generations that was invaded by monsters that came from a dark cloud. The fane was evacuated but they accidentally left the BlissRock behind. Without the BlissRock, the air will grow calm. Say yes when he asks you to retrieve the BlissRock and he promises that you will be rewarded when you return with the stone. The child in this house will mention someone named Firia who doesn't have the ability to fly. Check the bookshelves and a diary entry will note that Joseph from Dialac visited the city warning people about the grey rain. Open the dressers to find a TinyMedal. Enter the inn now and open the treasure chest with the Magic Key for 210 Gold. Cross the bridge now and when you reach the other side, you will find two boys picking on Firia, who is Pendragons daughter. She isn't a Lefan, but an orphan that Pendragon took in. Speak to the bullies and they will fly off. Firia will thank you before mentioning that she has to leave. After she runs off, enter the entrance above the water. Speak to the people here and then take the stairs. People in this large room are worried that the wind might stop blowing. Enter the armor shop and open the three chests with the Magic Key. One will be empty while the other two contain a Pot Lid and 20 Gold. Enter the weapon shop and open the chest for a Boomerang. Smash the pots by the stairs to the next floor for 3 Gold, while opening the treasure chest for a Rib. Take the next three sets of stairs and you will be at the top level of the town. Exit town now and head north to find another small village. This is the Guardian Village and the man at the entrance will warn you to head back since the fane is wrapped in an evil black cloud. Inspect the well to do battle with an EvilWell. You will find a DEFseed in the dresser at the bottom of the well. As you approach the northern house, a woman will land and enter it. Go inside and a person will be asking about the fane. It is still covered

in darkness. Speak to the man and the Hero will explain that the party is here to return the BlissRock. Say no when asked if you are Lefan and he mentions that might pose a problem since there is a door in the fane that only a person with Lefan blood can open. The lady mentions that the alter that the BlissRock rests on is before this door so everything should be fine. Exit here and head north to enter a cave that leads to the fane. =============================================================================== DARK CLOUD MAZE (WK69) Items: Potion TinyMedal x 2 Bolt Staff WorldLeaf LifeAcorn 350 Gold Wyvern Heart DEFseed BlissRock AGL Scarf This cave will be very dark. Climb the ladder to the north to find a chest containing a Potion. Follow the path to the west and grab the TinyMedal from the chest before exiting through the hole to the north. From here, head all the way west and take the stairs down to find two treasure chests. Inside will be a Mimic and Bolt Staff. Return and take the north eastern path and fall through the holes in the ground to reach the floor below. Make your way south and open the chest for a WorldLeaf before taking the stairs. Head north now through the opening. Here you will find a statue of an evil beast to your north. This floor can be confusing and one wrong move will cause you to fall to the floor below as there are holes everywhere and it's too dark to see them. Inspect the statue and it will face west. Go east now and inspect the next statue and it will face south. Go north to reach and inspect the next statue which will face south east. Go north west and inspect the next statue which will face north. Go south and inspect the next statue which will face east. Head west and inspect the next statue which will face south. Go north and inspect the next statue which will face south west. Go north east and inspect the next statue that will face west. Go east and inspect the final statue which will face south. Go north now and enter the opening to reach the next room. Climb the stairs and speak with the mysterious monster. You will be attacked by a HellGenie. Boss Battle - HellGenie This guy is resistant to wind based attacks so don't bother using any. His normal attack does around 50HP of damage while his infermost spell can do anywhere from 20-60HP per ally. His WindBeast attack does around 45HP of damage and he can charge the party for 30HP of damage per person. He also has a jump attack which can hit for 60HP of damage and can attack twice per round. Often though he will smile oddly which ends up wasting one of his turns. Use this to your advantage and stick to non wind based skills and physical attacks while keeping your HP high. After the battle, the HellGenie will taunt you before dying. The locked door to the north will now be open. Enter the door and you will be on the world map. Enter the Wind Fane. Head east and you will find an empty treasure chest. Enter the fane and circle around to the north to find a door and two sets of stairs leading up to the floor above. Enter the door and smash all the barrels for a LifeAcorn and TinyMedal. The room to the south of these barrels

will have three treasure chests surrounded by jars. Open these chests for 350 Gold, a Mimic and Wyvern Heart. Exit this room and take the eastern staircase to reach the next floor. From here, go north and around to reach the next set of stairs. From here, go south and make note of some of the switches on the ground in the other rooms. Follow the path and enter through the western door and examine the switch on the ground. Press it and the walls will rotate, allowing you to continue on. Head all the way west and then south to find a treasure chest. Open it to find a DEFseed. Go north now and you will see two sets of stairs. Take the first set and enter the door to the east and exit to the south. Head east, passing a statue on a higher level with writing on a relief which says "May the spirit of the wind fly across this land for all eternity." Enter the door to the east and wind will be blowing at your face. Follow the path north through the door and you will find a blue wind circling a large rock. Examine this rock to claim the BlissRock. Behind it is the door that only a Lefan can open. After taking the BlissRock, the wind will stop blowing in the fane. Return back through the Dark Cloud Maze to Gorges. Enter the Pendragons house and make your way to the kitchen. Pendragons mother, and Firia's grandmother will be telling Firia that the lefans would be finished without wind, but that she would be okay. She wants Firia to promise that she will still live here if the wind dies. Firia says there is no way the wind would just stop blowing and that her father told her that if they have the BlissRock, the wind in the valley will keep blowing. Grandma goes on about how the stone doesn't protect the Lefans, and actually causes fear every time the wind dies down. Speak to Grandma and it will upset her that Firia loves her father so much as she has a rather low opinion of her son. Pendragon will enter the house now and you will have the option to give him the BlissRock. Do so and he will feel that the valley is saved. He mentions that there will be a great feast tonight in the party's honor. A screen will pop up explaining the great feast the Lefans provided for the party. The dark cloud still lays over the fane though which bothers some of the people. The next morning will begin with the party at the inn. The innkeeper suggests you visit Pendragon's place before leaving. Do so and you will find him arguing with his mother again. Pendragon will be asking what she did with the BlissRock. She says that she gave it to Firia to throw in the river but knows full well that she won't do it and will probably return it to her father when she isn't looking. Speak to Pendragon and he will give you your reward for obtaining the BlissRock, an AGL Scarf. Cross the bridge now and as you try to enter the door, the sound of the wind will start to fade. Suddenly all of the wind in the valley will stop and darkness will cover the town. All the Lefans will be paralyzed. Head to the top and Firia will be hanging off the ledge. As you drop down to give her a hand on the ledge beside her, she will fall down but then float to the bottom. Speak with her and she will thank you for trying to save her. She mentions that while she was falling, the BlissRock got very warm. She wonders if the BlissRock had saved her before running home concerned for her family. Follow her home and speak to Firia's grandmother as she will have a favor to ask. She says the real reason the wind has stopped is because the dark cloud has engulfed the Spirit Statue. The statue has protected the wind of the valley since olden times. She requests that you go back to the fane and destroy the cloud. Say yes and she will mention that the statue is protected by the door which can only be opened by a Lefan. She wants Firia to go and open the door for the party. Firia pipes up that she isn't Lefan before Pendragon gets upset that his cover is about to be blown. She goes on to explain that Firia isn't an orphan, but a full blooded Lefan and a member of their family. Firia will wonder how that can be since she doesn't have any wings, and her grandma will explain that since she was born without them, her father tried to hide the truth from her. Pendragon apologizes to her and she

decides that she wants to save the people. Firia will then join the party and gives you back the BlissRock. Speak to Pendragon and he will justify his lying to his daughter in order to keep his position as town chief. Exit town and return to the Wind Fane. =============================================================================== WIND FANE (WK70) Items: Wizard Ring Return to the BlissRock pedestal and place the stone back on. Have Firia open the door and then take the stairs. Follow the path and take the first set of stairs. Enter the next area to the north and read the monolith. "Free the statue with a wind straight and true." Return and take the next set of stairs to the east. Enter the door to the west and hit the switch to the north. You can now enter the BlissRock room and note the wind blowing from it. If you exit to the south, you will find the Spirit Statue covered in think dark cloud blocks. The puzzle in the room will be to create a straight path from the BlissRock room to the statue so that the wind can blow away the dark cloud surrounding the statue. Press the switch just west of the wall to the west of the BlissRock room door and press the switch beside that one twice. Press the switch just south of the last one once, and the switch just south of that one twice. Now press the switch to the east twice and a tunnel will be formed that will cause the wind to extinguish the clouds. A monster will then float down upon the statue. Firia will run off to get the BlissRock and she advises you to check on the Spirit Statue. Step on the switch you are currently standing on once more and heal your wounds before exiting to the south. The monster will attack you. Boss Battle - Hell Cloud This battle will be very strong. The Hell Cloud has an assortment of attacks including WindBeast which hits a character for around 80HP. His normal attack hits for around 60HP of damage and he has a Vacuum attack that hits everyone for around 80HP of damage. The annoying thing with this battle is that he can summon up to four BabyClouds that will really annoy the hell out of you and since he has two turns per battle, can even summon two in one round. The BabyClouds can cast Infermore for around 25HP of damage to everyone and physical attacks will hit for around 20HP. They can also cast Sleep. The best strategy is to focus on the HellCloud, if a bunch of BabyClouds appear, take them out quickly. Using spells that hit everyone or skills like SwordDanc work very well here. Stampede can work well on the BabyClouds but doesn't do any damage to the HellCloud. After this tough battle, the HellCloud will wonder who you are before dying. The darkness will then lift from the region. Examine the Spirit Statue and you will find a Wizard Ring. Exit this place now and you should notice that the Dark Cloud Maze has disappeared. Return to Gorges and enter the Pendragons house. You will be thanked for saving the village and Firia will be apologized to in regards to the lies about her not being a true Lefan. Once talk of the BlissRock makes its way into the conversation, the Hero will tell Firia's grandmother how the rock saved her from falling off the cliff in the village. She mentions that she has an idea and exits the house with Firia following. Follow them outside and Firia will attempt to fly while holding the BlissRock. She will be successful and grandma will be convinced that the BlissRock does have use. She tells Firia to keep it with her at all times but Firia states that she doesn't want the stone. She knows that she is Lefan and that's all that matters to her. She wants to live naturally the way God intended her to live. She will then give the BlissRock back to the party and invites you to

visit whenever you like. You are now free to return to the present. Gorges will lie west of the Dharma Temple. On the very bottom tip of the continent will be a Wind Tower that you can't enter just yet. =============================================================================== GORGES PRESENT (WK71) Items: 540 Gold Glam Robe Tray 320 Gold 10 Gold LifeAcorn x 2 TinyMedal x 2 Rib AquaShard WorldDew LandShard BluePrint ?Shard Innocent Dress Enter Gorges and it will appear that the day of people flying are long over. No one is allowed in the Pendragons house and it appears that she may be ill. Enter the inn and open the chest with the Magic Key for 540 Gold. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the aisle way of the inn. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Cross the bridge and you will find a couple of children throwing a Boomerang across the river. Enter the room to the north and the merchant in green will sell items. Go upstairs and open the three treasure chests at the armor shop with the Magic Key to receive a Glam Robe, Tray and 320 Gold. The treasure chest in the weapon shop will have 10 Gold, while the chest by the stairs houses a LifeAcorn. Make your way to the top and exit Gorges. Head north to enter the Lefa Fane. Firia will be the name of the Spirit Statue in the fane. Open the chest to the east for a TinyMedal. Enter the fane and enter the door at the north end of the room. Speak to the people in this room to learn more about the BlissRock. It's apparently a fragment of a floating castle that was damaged during the battle between God and the Demon Lord. Before the castle was damaged, it was composed of four small fanes, one of them lies to the east and is the place near Falrish we visited a while back. Inspect the bookshelves in the south western room to fight two MadBooks. You can rest for free in the room to the north. Smash all the barrels in the north eastern room to find a Rib. Open the three chests in the room to the south for an AquaShard, LifeAcorn and TinyMedal. Exit this room and take either stairwells to reach the second floor. Take the stairs in this room and follow the path all the way to the room with the button. Press it and make your way to the chest to the south. Inside will be some WorldDew. Head north to take the first set of stairs. Exit to the east and follow the path all the way east and enter the door. Follow the linear path and when you reach the pedestal where the BlissRock stood, you will find a LandShard. Speak to the lady by the door and she will open it for you. Take the stairs and take the first set of stairs to the east to reach the top of the fane. Enter the room surrounded by pillars and you

will see some sort of warp gate. Take it and you will be transported back to the Ancient Fane. Now all four gates should be opened. Return via the warp to the Lefa Fane and take the stairs you just came from. Now take the stairs to the east and make your way to the Spirit Statue. The lady near by tells you why Firia is the name of the statue. Exit here now and return to the small shrine east of Falrish. This is Coral Lake and the place you originally learned about the BlissRock. Speak to the man on the second floor and say yes when he asks if you've come to show him the time. You will then show him the BlissRock. He tells you that when you offer the BlissRock to heaven in the land of the Crest of God, the path to revival will be made clear. Head downstairs now and enter the door to the north. Walk on the lily pads and make your way to the flower. It will take you under the water but don't worry, you will be able to breathe. Head east and then north to follow the path. You will be attacked by monsters here. When the path branches, head south to find a chest containing a BluePrint. Head north to take the stairs. From here, take the next set of stairs and you will be on land. Exit here and you will appear on the world map south of Hamelia in the area surrounded by mountains that you couldn't reach before. Head north to enter the next area and take the stairs. From here, go north to take the next set of stairs. Follow the path south and speak to the monster at the south east dead end. He will explain that he isn't actually a monster, but has become reborn in that state. He will ask you if you know where the Undersea King lives. Say no and he will tell you to bugger off. Say yes and he will ask you to get him to change his appearance for a reward. Take the stairs south of this creature to find a chest containing a ?Shard. Return and head west to take the next set of stairs. Go south past the pillars and take the next set of stairs. Take the near by stairs and go south to take the next set of stairs. You will now be in a place called the Lost Ruins. Head south and step on the symbol on the ground and use your BlissRock as an item. A platform will then appear to the north west. Step on it and you will be warped up in the sky to something called the Sky Fane. Speak to the guard blocking the door and after his initial excitement passes, he feels that you may have come too late. Enter the door after he moves aside and speak to the people. The Sky Fane is the fane of the Soldiers of God. In the past, their ancestors took refuge in the skyfanes. The BlissRocks that held up the fanes had weakened and two of the Sky Fanes fell to the land below. You are told to proceed to the next fane and complete the Pedestal of Resurrection. Head downstairs and step on the green spaces if you wish to recover your HP and MP. You can also see the BlissRocks which are holding up the fane. Head upstairs and you are told to ride the platform that took you here to reach the other fane. Speak to the lady and she will give you the Innocent Dress which is the same item the Dejans used in their attempt to revive God. She tells you that the dress was woven using thread dyed in Rainbow Dew and that only dancers can wear it. Return to the platform and it will take you to the fane that houses the pedestal of resurrection. Step on the middle crest and it will act like stairs, taking you below to the pedestal. Inspect it and you will be able to place one of your three ?Shards upon it. You will now be able to use the Return spell to get to the Sky Fane. Return now to the Ancient Fane and place your AquaShard on the south east pedestal in the AquaShard room before placing the final LandShard on the north east pedestal in the LandShard room to complete all the LandShard pedestals. You will be warped back in time once more. =============================================================================== LABRES (WK72)

Items: TinyMedal MysticNut Head north to enter the town of Labres. Speak to the man near the town entrance and he will ask if you've crossed through the fog to reach the town. Say no and he will mention that his brother left the village and hasn't returned. He asks you to find his brother before a monster kills him and mentions that he ran off to the south. Exit town and head south past the portal and enter the area there. This place will be covered in a thick fog and a man near by will mention that because of the fog, you will end up looping and not getting anywhere if you try to travel south. After approaching him, three monsters will then appear. Approach them to do battle with two super powered TreeGuards. Afterwards, the man will thank you and mentions that you should be able to defeat the priest... He then suggests that you discuss this with the town Prefect before running back to town. Return to town as the fog won't let you proceed south. Speak to the man at the town entrance and he will let you know that his brother is at the Prefects house. Enter the house west of the inn and you will learn that a fellow named Lucas blames the fog on the monsters at Mt. Tor. Approach and speak to three villagers by the small pond. They will explain that a monster has taken over their temple and a temporary church has been established in the Prefects home. Enter the General Store if you need some supplies and then head to the north west part of town. If you enter the wooden shack, you will find the Goddess Statue from the Probina adventure so this must take place before then since the statue was destroyed. A boy will be praying by a tombstone at the north part of town, and if you enter the temple, you will see the monster the town folks are worried about locked in a room. Head to the east part of town and the ladies by the well will mention that the monster isn't actually causing any trouble. Enter the Prefects house to the north and the man you saved will be telling the Prefect about how you saved him, and that you should be strong enough to defeat the monster in the church. The Prefect will call the man a scatterbrain for not bring the party back with him until noticing you at the door. The Prefect will ask you to describe what happened so speak to him to do so. He will request that you get rid of the monster as he thinks the monster controls the fog as well as the monsters roaming around the village. You will now have the option to answer yes or no. It's a strange dilemma since the monster doesn't seem to be causing any harm, and someone from the village thinks the near by mountain has something to do with the attacks. Pick whatever answer you feel is correct and the Prefect will ask you to speak to the villagers and meet later. Speak to the man you saved and he will explain that the town lumberjack, his wife and the priest all went to Mt. Tor and never returned. The monster that took over the temple is wearing the same clothes the priest wore. Smash the barrels in the north eastern room for a TinyMedal. Head upstairs and speak to the people there and save your game if you wish. Head towards the temple and you will find Lucas at his parents grave. The monster will then exit the temple and approach Lucas. Lucas will stand up to him before running off. Follow the monster inside the rear entrance of the temple and if you speak to him, he will look at you sadly. Smash the vases for a MysticNut. Exit here and return to the cabin with the Goddess Statue. Lucas will be wondering if the creature in the temple is really a monster as he hasn't actually done anything bad. Speak to Lucas and he will mention that the Goddess Statue has passed down through his family for generations. As you try to exit the cabin, Lucas will mention that the statue reminds him of his mother. He still has doubts if the monster is actually evil though. Return to the Prefects house now and the meeting will begin. Speak to him and

he will ask you to wait a bit longer before scolding a man for bringing women to the meeting. Three men will enter the house and report to the Prefect. They are spying on the monster and so far it isn't doing anything new. Lucas will enter and apologize for being late. The Prefect will explain to everyone the party's strength and how you will be the saviors since everyone in the village who has tried to help has been killed. Speak to Lucas and he will wish to speak with the party in private in another room. He wonders if it's right to kill the monster since he feels it isn't evil. The chance that the monster may be innocent, even slightly, upsets him. Speak to the Prefect and a plan will be devised where everyone will surround the temple and yell "fire" to lure the creature out. At that point they will bludgeon it to death. You can rest for free upstairs if you'd like and when you are ready, speak to the Prefect. If you continue to refuse to help the villagers when asked, you will be seized and locked in the shed until a girl lets you out if you promise to behave. Lucas will request your help in saving the monster and will join the party. You will see the villagers lynching the defenseless monster. When you speak to the Prefect, he will wonder why Lucas would defend the monster that killed his parents. The party will be captured and taken to Mt. Tor to rot. If you had agreed to help, while the monster was being bludgeoned, you would speak to Lucas who would voice his concern for the monster and everyone would still be taken to Mt. Tor for being in cahoots with the monster. =============================================================================== MOUNT TOR (WK73) Items: STRseed BluePrint TinyMedal Rib 650 Gold You will awake with Lucas still in the party. He wants everyone to hurry back to the village. Head south and the door will be tightly locked. Lucas suggests that you look for a way out at the edge of the forest. Head north and climb the ladder to open a chest containing a Mimic. Enter the cave and head north to grab the STRseed from the chest. Continue north and then east and exit to the south. From here, follow the path until you reach the cave with the ladder beside it. Enter the cave and follow the path to grab a BluePrint from a treasure chest. Take the ladder now and follow the path to enter the cave. Head north east to open a chest containing a TinyMedal, before heading west and exiting to the south. Take the ladder down and enter the next cave. Travel all the way to the east, and then north and follow the path. Grab the Rib from the chest before exiting to the south. Head north into the next cave and continue north to find a treasure chest. Inside will be 650 Gold. Head east and take the stairs. Exit to the south and follow the path until you reach a long ladder. Heal your comrades and climb the ladder to find the town priest by the monsters. They are the ones causing the fog. The priest will mention that the villagers will do what they want soon enough once they kill the monster in the temple before noticing the party. Speak to this priest and he will warn you that you will become corpses, like the others who have tried to stop them. Lucas wonders why the priest would do such a thing and he explains that he isn't really the priest. The real priest ended up striking a deal with the monsters in order to spare the village. The deal was the priest had to switch forms with the monster and that the village wouldn't be attacked for as long as he lives. He then introduces himself as Botok, servant of the Demon Lord. He will get very excited at the thought of the villagers murdering the real priest as this was his original plan. Botok will then strike Lucas.

Speak to Botok again to initiate battle. Boss Battle - Botok Botok can attack twice per round and his physical attacks hit for around 50HP. Sap him and stick with physical attacks. Stampede and SwordDanc work really well on him. He can cast Healmore, StopSpell, as well as spew poisonous mist. After the battle, Botok will mention that the priest was supposed to die before passing away. The monsters creating the mist will then scram. Speak to Lucas and as you head towards the ladder, you will automatically warp outside of Mt. Tor. Return to Labres now and the villagers will be about to crucify the real priest. Lucas will then run off towards the Prefect. He will attempt to explain that the monster isn't really a monster and suddenly, the priest will revert back to his old form. The Prefect will be confused and suddenly realize the terrible things they have done. Speak to Lucas and he will explain what the priest did to save the town. The party will then help Lucas carry the priest to the temple before he thanks you. The priest has horrible wounds all over his body from the lynching which are causing him terrible pain. Lucas will go retrieve his Goddess Statue and is sure that the statue will save the priest. Exit here and return to the Prefects house. The villagers will conclude that they made a horrible mistake. The Prefect will apologize for how he treated you and requests that you tell him everything that has happened. Speak to him to confirm that the monsters on Mt. Tor were the cause of the fog. He will mention that tomorrow the whole town will apologize to the priest and understands that they might not be forgiven. The Prefect mentions that he is too ashamed to see Lucas face to face and requests that you check on him. Approach the temple now and the priest will approach you. He will ask if you were the ones to defeated the monsters. He wishes to leave the village before any of the villagers awaken but doesn't have the strength to do so on his own. He wishes for you to take him to the village gate. He remarks that you must think he is strange for leaving and notes that the villagers hearts will be forever scarred. If he stays, the villagers will be distraught every time they look at him. The priest notes that everything that happened was because of the monsters and the villagers will be the ones to suffer if he stays. At the town entrance, Lucas will appear and try to talk the priest out of leaving in his condition. The priest mentions that since the village has the protection of the Goddess Statue, that it will be fine. The priest tells Lucas not to blame the villagers. Before leaving, Lucas will give the priest the Goddess Statue to protect him. The priest will then exit Labres with the Goddess Statue. This was the same priest you met previously in Probina. The Prefect will appear and wonder if the priest really left town. Lucas assures the Prefect that the priest wasn't mad, and blessed everyone before leaving. You will then be invited to spend the night. A screen will pop up explaining how the party slept soundly while digesting all the recent events that occurred. The next day the Prefect will mention that a monument is going to be erected in appreciation of the party and the priest. Return to the present now and head to Labres which is north of the Dune Temple. ===============================================================================

LABRES PRESENT Items: MysticNut Rib AquaShard TinyMedal x 5 DEFseed BunnyTiara Monolith


As you enter the town, some children will be picking on a child named Leif, calling him a liar. After they leave, you can explore the town. Enter the house to the west and exit the house to the back yard and smash the barrel for a MysticNut. Enter the inn if you need to rest. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the inn. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Speak to the villagers in town to learn about the past history. Speak to the priest and ask about the miracle that saved the village. He will explain that the town was once covered in thick fog, and monster ran rampant. The town priest at the time struck a deal with the monsters and took the form of a monster to protect the village. Apparently a traveler then appeared and tried to kill the priest! The villagers repelled his attack and drove him off. When the traveler left, the thick fog covering the village disappeared since the traveler was in league with the monsters. The priest was restored to his human form and then left the village to help others in need. Apparently the history books have been modified by the townspeople throughout the years to hide their shame. Inspect the stone monument near by and it will strangely be a different color than the pedestal. It also describes the fake town history that the priest told. Enter the small house south west of the monument and smash the jar for a Rib. Inside the tent you will find a man selling items. You will also find an AquaShard inside the treasure chest. Head north to Leifs house below the temple. Speak to him and he will recount the correct history of the town. Answer yes when he asks you to speak to him again sometime. Head north to the small graveyard and inspect the western most grave. It will be the grave of Colin the Adventurer. You may have read about him from the various bookcases throughout the lands. Inspect his grave once more to find five TinyMedals. Enter the temple and break the jar for a DEFseed. Head to the north east part of town now and enter the Prefects house. Speak to him and he will recount the towns fake past history. He will think you are joking when you tell him that the villages tale is incorrect and that the monument is false. Enter the small room to the north west and open the nightstand for a Bunny Tiara. Exit this place and speak to the child blocking the door. Say yes when he asks if you wish to come inside. He says that you have to accept Sazanu as your boss to come in. Say yes and you will be allowed inside. You will be led to a hole in the ground as they have apparently been doing some digging. You will be introduced to your new boss, Sazanu, and he will ask for your help in lifting up something from out of the hole. Agree and inspect the hole to dig up a Monolith. You will read the inscription on it to Sazamu and it will be the original monument that was being made in the past. Someone has buried it to hide the proof of what really happened. Sazamu realizes that Leif has been telling the truth in spite of what the grown ups are saying. You will show the Prefect the original monument and he decides

that for the sake of the village, he can't allow the truth to spread. He will then destroy the Monolith and tell the party to leave. Head back and speak to Sazamu and he will be confused about the whole situation as none of the grown ups believed them. Leif will then enter the room as Sazamu had called for him. Sazamu will apologize for how they have treated him and will be determined to spread the truth. Exit town now and head east where Mt. Tor once stood in the past. Enter the house and a trader will mention that four spirits forged extremely powerful weapons, but doesn't have any clues as to where they would be. This place will also sell weapons and armor. Return now to the Ancient Fane and place your last remaining AquaShard on the south east AquaShard pedestal in the AquaShard room. Now all of the pedestals in all four rooms will be completed. The new land will be covered in darkness. Head north and enter Coastal Castle. =============================================================================== COASTAL (WK75) Items: Pirate Clothes TinyMedal Captain Hat ?Shard Head through the castle doors and speak to the guard to learn that everyone is hiding from all the monsters outside of town. You won't be able to enter the room to the east, so head west and go up the stairs. Speak to the people here to learn about a pirate named Sharkeye. A small child will explain that he has a two day old sister but that she is kept locked in a room. His parents told him to hide inside the temple. Head past the priest and enter the door to enter the town region on a dock. Speak to the strange hooded follow and he will want to see you writhe in pain before disappearing. Strange. Note the treasure chest that you can't get to at the moment and return to the castle guard and head north, through the doors. Enter the inn and head to the basement. Speak to the soldier and he will ask if you know about the Marle de Dragonne. Say no to learn that they are a band of pirates led by Sharkeye. The King of Coastal had asked Sharkeye to lead Coastals navy so they could sail without fear of monsters. Because of this, it caused the monsters leader to target Coastal. The other guy will tell you to go to the temple if you wish to rest at the inn. Speak to the bunny girl and she will tell you that Sharkeye and his crew were sealed in ice and left to float in the sea. Remember that boat trapped in ice that you saw in the cave south of Dune? Head upstairs and search the dresser on the top floor for Pirate Clothes. Head east of the inn and south of the locked house with the chest next to it. Smash the barrels for a TinyMedal. Enter the house and you will learn that some people are scared by the full moon that is approaching. Exit here and enter the door north of the weapon shop to get back inside the castle. A man will be guarding the castle lighthouse that was closed down when they couldn't get the PilotFire from the northern lighthouse. Take the stairs near by and speak to the lady by the cat to learn more about Sharkeye. He was the kings best friend and had used his ship to divert the Demon Lords monsters to save the town. Coastal most likely would have been destroyed if it wasn't for him. Return and head east to find someone speaking to the king. Speak to the minister and he will ask you to come back later as he and the king are having a serious discussion. Head east and you can follow the path all the way to the castle entrance. Head upstairs to the priest room and speak to one of the older women. You will find the innkeeper and she will suggest it's best if you didn't stay. If you had the

kings permission though, she's let you. Return to the kings chambers and speak with the minister. He will ask if you wish to stay at the end. Say yes and he will mention that he doesn't want you to stay here and suffer disaster since this area is cursed by monsters. The king will then interject and note that the party must be more than simple travelers if they managed to get here. You should be welcomed with open arms. The minister will note the full moon and says that if the party catches sight of "those things", that it would destroy the name of Coastal. The king will want to hear of the party's travels but suggests that you rest at the inn since it's late. Return to the inn and speak with the innkeeper to rest, free of charge on the beds on the second floor. You are then warned not to go outside tonight as it is too dangerous. Head upstairs and inspect one of the beds to take a rest. You will be woken up in the middle of the night by an eerie scream. Head downstairs and exit the inn to see a green monster causing a commotion. A woman will be calling the monster her baby and the monster will then strike her. Every full moon, a newborn baby transforms into a monster. This is a curse that has been placed on Coastal for over five years. After the monster runs away, you are free to explore. Enter the castle to the north and you can enter the castle lighthouse as it isn't guarded. The PilotFire in the Great Lighthouse was borrowed from the volcano in Engow, but no one can return to Engow in the current situation. Speak to the person south of the minister on the bottom floor and he will mention that a Dark Flame surrounds the Great Lighthouse and they can't borrow the PilotFire from there. Monsters are also beginning to occupy the tower. Head upstairs to the kings chambers and the lady there says the king promised Sharkeye that they would look after his wife, Anise. She's sick and resting in bed. Grab the Captain Hat from the dressers and if you try to go upstairs, Anise will stir. She will mistake the Hero for her husband before going back to sleep. Upstairs, the guard will mention that the king lost his wife to the monsters and doesn't want the same thing to happen to Sharkeye's wife. Head downstairs and exit to the south to find a bard on the balcony. Speak to him and he will mention how he is reminded of the happy days when he gazes off the balcony. He recalls that his fondest memories are voyaging with the Marle de Dragonne. A flashback scene will begin on Sharkeye's ship. Caddell, a ship hand will tell Sharkeye that a passenger has boarded the ship. It will be the minister from Coastal. After pleasantries are exchanged, Sharkeye will joke that the minister will be their slave for assisting the country, before deciding to set sail for Coastal. The scene will continue with the bard playing outside on the ships deck. Anise will tell the bard that she likes his tune and that it will help her get back to sleep. It will take only a few more days before they arrive in Coastal and will probably receive a grand reception. The bard will then ask Anise, since she used to be a princess in her old country, why she would throw all that away for a life on the sea. Sharkeye will then appear, worried that something happened to his wife before returning to his quarters. Anise tells the bard that she loves her husband so much because he is a very selfless and honorable man. The next scene will start two years later with a soldier telling the king that the Marle de Dragonne have served them well, but no matter how many monsters the kill, more end up coming back. The king isn't surprised since they are rebelling against the forces of darkness. Tomorrow, Sharkeye plans to attract the monsters attention and lead them far out to sea to do battle. The soldier thinks that is too dangerous and they should think about Anise, and her unborn child. The king mentions that it was Sharkeye's decision and he isn't easily

persuaded. Sharkeye will appear and mentions that they are ready to set sail. The king will then suggest that Sharkeye not set sail as it is too dangerous, but Sharkeye will stay firm. Sharkeye mentions that a festival will be held aboard his ship tonight and that the king should come. During the festival, the king will mention that he hasn't been able to cast his worries aside since his wife was alive. He then tells Sharkeye that he wants Anise to stay behind. Sharkeye mentions that she is carrying their first child and agrees to the kings request. Anise will be standing on the ship in the rain. She will tell Sharkeye that after the baby is born, she will join him. Sharkeye mentions that the child was a gift from the sea, and that he sees no better way to raise their child then on the waters. The flashback sequence will then end Return to the inn and the innkeeper will wonder where you've been before telling you to finish resting. The next morning will begin with a soldier telling you that the king wishes to see you. Exit the inn and speak to the two lady's below Sierra's house. One will mention that Anise lost her baby, but suggests that it's probably better than seeing your child turn into a monster. The weapon shop will be open if you wish to purchase anything. You can enter the house east of the inn now. Smash the pots and inspect the bookshelf to move it. Enter the door and open the treasure chest for a ?Shard. Speak to the king now inside the castle and he will say that the minister informed him that you saw what happened last night. That is the Coastal curse and the scholar has failed to come up with a solution. The minister will then get the scholar, and the king says that he has concluded that there must be a secret in the Great Lighthouse to the north. Apparently, that's were all the children that turn into monsters go after being transformed. A Dark Flame has engulfed the tower so it is pitch black inside. The scholar will tell you that a colony of Halflings live inside a cave to the east. They live by the light of the Glim Moss growing inside. He's wondered if one of the children got some of the moss on their feet, they might be able to be tracked through the lighthouse. Once the children turn into monsters, they only return to town a few times, after that, their monster side takes over and they never return, so you have to act fast. The scholar will then leave and the king says the Glim Moss needs to be found. They would normally send someone to ask the Grand Halfling, but they don't see eye to eye and he doesn't respond to Coastal requests. The king will ask that you ask the Halflings and tells you to travel north, around the mountains and then south to reach the cave. Speak to the minister to learn that the king s dead wife is the daughter of the Grand Halfling, and that is why both don't get along, since the king failed to protect her. Exit Coastal now and follow the king's directions to reach the Halfling Cave. If you try to enter the Great Lighthouse along the way, you will automatically exit because it is too dark. =============================================================================== HALFLING'S CAVE (WK76) Items: TinyMedal WorldDew BluePrint Viking Helm STRseed Glim Moss From the entrance, ignore the path leading west and travel east all the way and

take the ladder down to the floor below. Go south and then east to reach a chest containing a TinyMedal. Return and travel south to make your way to the next ladder. Take it and travel south. Go east at the fork and take the stairs near by. Head south and you will find a monster near some treasure chests. It will ask if you have a problem with it. Either answer will make it vanish. Smash the jars for some WorldDew and open the two treasure chests with the Magic Key for a BluePrint and Viking Helm. Return upstairs and travel south and then west, past the water to take the next set of stairs. You will now be in the area the Halflings reside in. Upon seeing humans though, they will all scatter to their houses. Try to enter the first room and the Halfling will tell you that since the Queens death, they have cut off all ties to humans. Enter the house just north of the large fire and you will be allowed to enter. Speak with the Grand Halfling to the west and he will ask you to state your business. Do so and he will say that he doesn't hate Coastals king, and believes his daughters fate was unavoidable. He still blames him though for not protecting her. The Hero will explain Coastals situation to the Grand Halfling and he will mention that he knew Sharkeye had been killed, but was unaware of everything else. He says that the Glim Moss lies deep within this cave and is hard to come by these days. A lot of it grows on a wall by the waters edge, but the monsters leader likes to eat it and will probably be near. You won't be able to open any of the chests in this room as they will be guarded. Speak to the Halfling at the north part of the dwelling and he will move out of the way so that you can travel deeper into the cave. Descend the ladder and head west to find a chest containing a STRseed. Head south of the chest to reach the ladder. Take it and head south to reach the Glim Moss which is guarded by four monsters. Approach and Gamadius will be eating the Glim Moss. Apparently there isn't much left to eat and he is still very hungry. The monsters will then notice the party and start battle. Boss Battle - Gamadius and Seahorser and SeaDragon This battle can be very hard or very easy depending on which classes and skills you have earned so far. Gamadius has physical attacks which hit for around 50HP of damage. His cold air will hit the party for 50HP and he can cast PoisonFog and Revive the Seahorser and SeaDragon if they go down. The Seahorser and SeaDragon will be powered up versions of the normal monsters. Seahorser can cast Heal as well as blow Frigid Air while the more dangerous SeaDragon can cast Healmore, PalsyAir and the devastating Scorching which can hit everyone for around 65HP of damage. Both of their physical attacks roughly do around 20HP of damage. The key to winning this fight is using attacks that hit everyone. SwordDanc and Stampede work wonders though Stampede doesn't work on Gamadius, especially if the person using SwordDanc has increased strength. Sap the Gamadius twice and have one person always focus on healing everyone. After the battle, inspect the Glim Moss to obtain it. Return to the Halfling dwelling and they will thank you. Speak to the Grand Halfling to learn that the Glim Moss is filled with Shukrina's spirit (His daughter and former Queen of Coastal). Return to Coastal and Sierra's baby will be back. Use the Glim Moss as an item on the monster and it will run off while leaving glowing footprints that can be followed. The king tells an eager soldier to let the party take care of going after the monster. Once it enters the Great Lighthouse, it's footprints should lead you through it. You are then told to rest. You will be asked if you rested well in the kings bedroom. You will then be told that the Dark Flame burns atop the lighthouse's altar. The flame needs to be extinguished with a purifying water called RainbwDew. This can be found at

the Rainbow Cove of the Ancient Fane this guide, you already have it. If eastern warp portal in the world map east. Once there, inspect the water

in present time. If you have followed not, return to the fane and take the south room to reach the Rainbow Cove to the to receive the RainbwDew.

You can speak to Anise upstairs where you met the bard and she will hope that if the curse that plagues Coastal is ever lifted, that the ice covering her husbands ship will melt. Make some preparations as the armor shop will now be open before you leave. When you are ready, exit Coastal and head north to reach the Great Lighthouse. =============================================================================== GREAT LIGHTHOUSE (WK77) Items: Potion TinyMedal Devil Armor Scarf LifeAcorn ?Shard x 2 Coastal Letter PilotFire Aquagon Sword Rib EvlTurtl Heart Sea Roar Staff Upon entering the lighthouse, you will be able to see footprints on the ground. Follow them and take a detour and throw around some barrels for a Potion in the north eastern most corner. Beware the MadPot though. You can also open the dressers in the room with the corpse for a TinyMedal. Return to the footsteps and make your way to the second floor. From here, follow the footprints to reach the next set of stairs. Take them and follow the footprints until you reach moving platforms. Once you reach the third platform, as it travels to the west you can get off the edge to open a chest containing a cursed Devil Armor. Hop back on the platform and let it carry you east to take the stairs. Follow the footprints in this room and take a detour at the south west part of the room to find a chest containing a Mimic if you'd like. Continue on to take the stairs. Be very careful in this room as there are holes in the ground and one to your immediate west. Follow the path while making sure to open the two chests for a Scarf and Mimic before reaching the stairs. Take the stairs in the next room and the following room will have moving platforms as well as chests on the eastern and western ledges. The eastern chest will be empty while the western one will contain a LifeAcorn. Take the stairs and you will now be on the top of the lighthouse. Approach the Dark Flame and use the RainbwDew as an item. The Dark Flame will be extinguished and a portal will appear. The party will then be warped to a mysterious world covered in darkness. The footprints will still be visible so use them as a guide and try not to wonder off as you could get lost. Enter the door and continue north to find a monster and two monster babies from Coastal. You will be attacked. Boss Battle - BeliMawr I found this guy to be very easy compared to past battles. His Violent Stomp can hit everyone for around 50HP of damage while his normal physical attacks hit for around the same. Lower his defense and simply pound away on him to win.

After the battle, BeliMawr will drop a ?Shard. He then says that even if Coastal is restored, Sharkeye's ship will still be frozen before dying. The two other monsters will turn back into babies and then disappear. You will then be warped out of the mysterious world back onto the top of the lighthouse. The lighthouse won't be covered in darkness anymore so make your way back to Coastal. The darkness will have already vanished from the land as well as you make your trek back. Sierra's baby will have returned as well as the couple living on the floor above the priest. Speak to the king and he will mention that he'd love to hold a feast, but something concerns him. Anise has gone missing and she left a note that told them not to worry. He fears she may have been kidnapped from monsters and requests that you get the PilotFire from Engow as soon as possible to finally break the monsters seal. He will then give you a Coastal Letter that details your mission to be given to the Chief of Engow. Oddly, you can return to Engow in the past, or present to get the PilotFire. Show the village chief the Coastal Letter and head downstairs to get the PilotFire from the merchant. Return to Coastal in the past and head back to the Great Lighthouse. Make it all the way to the top and use the PilotFire as an item on the altar. The flame will shine brightly and soldiers from Coastal will appear and congratulate you. All traces of monsters have disappeared! The soldiers will then lead you out of the lighthouse to Coastals entrance. The guard will then give you the Holy Flame which was taken from the fire at the lighthouse. You will then automatically approach the king while various residents sing your praise. The king will thank you on behalf of the entire kingdom and gives you a sword that has passed down within the Marle de Dragonne family. Sharkeye had given it to the king before he set off for his final battle. You will take the Aquagon Sword and be asked to relight the holy flame at the castles lighthouse. Anise's maid will then appear and says that a nasty old man is in Anise's room again. The man will then appear and introduce himself as the Undersea King, servant of the Aqua Spirit. He says that Anise is at the bottom of the sea and is praying for God to find a way to let her see Sharkeye again since it would take hundreds of years for the ship to thaw, even if the Demon Lord was defeated. Anise made a wish to live until Sharkeye has awoken. She forfeited her humanity and lives beneath the sea, waiting eternally for her husbands return. Since the monster in the lighthouse was defeated, he was able to grant Anise's wish. The Undersea king continues by saying that since his powers are limited, Anise cannot be changed back from her mermaid form. He says that she is thankful for the people of Coastal for everything they have done, and to not worry about her future. As the Undersea king starts to float away, the Minister asks about the unborn child she was carrying. He says that the Marle de Dragonne carry the blood of the Aqua Spirits in their veins and that each generation, the son with the mark of the spirit became the leader. It's possible that the child was taken to a safer time and placed under the protection of the Aqua Spirit. He will then bless everyone before leaving. Remember how the Hero bears a special mark? This is very vague storytelling regarding who the Hero really is. The party will now light the castles lighthouse and a grand feast will be held. The morning after, the king will tell you to visit as he has many Sharkeye stories to tell. When you mention that you heard some from the bard, the king will mention that they used to have a bard, but he got sick a few years ago and left... He tells you to visit the Halflings as well before leaving. Return to the Halfling's Cave and speak with the Grand Halfling. He will offer

you the treasure in his storeroom below. Destroy the pots for a Rib and open the three treasure chests for a ?Shard, EvlTurtl Heart and Sea Roar Staff. Return now to the present time and head to Coastal. It's location is just south of the immigrant town. =============================================================================== COASTAL PRESENT (WK78) Items: TinyMedal x 3 AmitSnack Herb x 2 Antidote WorldDew LifeAcorn Potion MysticNut x 2 ?Shard 30 Gold Rib 120 Gold AmitDonut 16 Gold Dung 50 Gold PinkPearl STRseed ID Card Trendy Suit Enter Coastal and it's layout will be the same. Head upstairs and speak to the soldier who will say that the Marle de Dragonne are bobbing in the ocean, still frozen somewhere. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in this room. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Enter the main part of town to learn there is a large casino here. The weapon and armor shop will be open. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the basement of the armor shop. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Head into the inn if you need to rest. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person on the second floor of the inn. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Enter the house east of the inn and move the bookcase like in the past to reach a chest containing a TinyMedal. Smash the barrels south of this house to find an AmitSnack. Enter the northern part of Coastal now and you will be inside the casino. The green man at the counter to the east will be running a World Bank if you need

to store money, while the girl in red will be running the token counter. One token costs 20 Gold. The Poker table and Lucky Panel booths lay side by side while the 10 token Slot Machines lie to the south of the stairs as well as at the casino entrance. The exchange booth to the east will contain the following that you can exchange your tokens for: WorldLeaf...............................................................1000 ?Shard..................................................................2000 BluePrint...............................................................5000 Falcon Sword...........................................................10000 Sacred Armor...........................................................20000 MetlKing Helm..........................................................50000 Try to get the ?Shard and BluePrint from here. One of the bunny girls will mention that one of the casino regulars walked away with one of the top prizes a minute ago. Upstairs will have six 50 token Slot Machines. You can also learn that you can become a member of the casino by being recommended by the king himself. Until then, you can't speak to the woman on the balcony. Head upstairs to find a more expensive Lucky Panel (100 tokens). One of the patrons will mention that the man who lives behind the inn won a shard of some sort. There are also two 100 token Slot machines here. Head back to the main floor of the casino and take the stairs down to the east. Speak to the man that made a killing at the casino and say yes when he asks if you want something from him. He won the shard but ended up selling it to the armorer. If you speak to the armorers wife at the store, she will mention that he has been gone for over a month and should be at the northern lighthouse. Exit Coastal and head towards the lighthouse. You will see people on the second floor as you enter the lighthouse. Monsters will still lurk here. Smash the northern barrels for an Herb and Antidote. On the third floor, if you exit to the south you can find the statue of the Aqua Spirit. The third floor treasure chest contains a WorldDew while the chest on the fourth floor contains a LifeAcorn. The two chests on the fifth floor will contain a TinyMedal and Herb. The chests on the seventh floor with the moving platforms will contain a Potion and MysticNut. On the top of the lighthouse, speak with the exhausted man lying on the ground and ask him if he owns the armor shop in Coastal. He will explain that he gave the shard to a priest. Return to the first floor of the casino in Coastal and take the western most stairs down and speak to the priest. After asking about the shard he will take off. Head back to the church where you can save your progress and head upstairs to the top floor. Speak to the nun in the room and she will mention that she saw the priest rummaging around under his desk. Go downstairs and inspect the desk that the nun is at to find a ?Shard. Head to the Halfling's cave now and open the treasure chest on the first basement floor for 30 Gold. Smash the pots in the third basement for a Rib, while opening the chests for 120 Gold and a TinyMedal. Inside the Halfling village you will see Halflings and humans living together in harmony. Enter the near by home and smash the jars for an AmitDonut. Enter the Grand Halfling's dwelling and smash the vases for 16 Gold and some Dung. Open the three treasure chests for 50 Gold, a PinkPearl, and a STRseed. Enter the northern most room which contains a weapon and armor shop and speak with the scholar. He explains how the past king of Coastal hired the Marle de Dragonne, and how the Demon Lord froze their ship. The scholar wonders that if the Demon Lord was defeated, why the ship is still frozen. The room where the king resides is kind of hidden. Enter the eastern wall between the two torches and speak to the king. He will give you an ID Card to use at the casino. Open the dresser in the room below to find a Trendy Suit. Head downstairs to the

Glim Moss area and open the chest for a MysticNut. Return to the second floor of the Coastal casino now and speak to the girl on the balcony. Since you have the ID Card, you can let her PuffPuff you and let your imagination wander. Apparently this can increase your odds of winning at the casino. When you are finished with everything here, return to the Sky Fane. Go to the Revival pedestal and you will be able to insert the remaining ?Shards. You will now be warped to the Coral Lake region east of Falrod in the past. =============================================================================== CORAL LAKE PAST (WK79) Items: TinyMedal x 2 ?Shard Head north from the warp vortex to reach the shrine. Inside, Soldiers of God will be inside and comment on how they fell to the ground due to the BlissRock losing power. Upstairs, if you speak to the old man, he will notice the BlissRock as well as the Great Hero Melvin. He tells you to follow the lotus flowers to reach a pedestal bearing the Crest of God. If you hold the BlissRock up to the sky there, all of the fallen fanes BlissRocks may interact and regain enough power to return to the sky. Return downstairs and exit out the door to the north and step on the flower. Much like in the present, it will take you under the sea. Follow the path to reach the stairs as the chest to the south will be empty. Take the next set of stairs to reach the Seaside Meadow. Exit here and travel north to reach the next meadow. Before taking the stairs, note the wrecked fane to the north east. Take the stairs and you will be under the sea again. Head north to take the next set of stairs. From here, follow the path and take the stairs to the west as the southern stairs lead to an open treasure chest. Now as you travel south between the pillars, you should see the spirits of two children running around the second pillar. This can be very easy to miss if you aren't paying attention. They will ask you to return peace to the world. Continue on to take the stairs. Take two more sets of stairs to reach the Altar. Climb up it and use the BlissRock as an item while standing on the symbol. A short scene will play out of the two fallen Sky Fanes rising back to the sky. Backtrack all the way out of here now and return to the Sky Fane in the present via the portal. Step on the platform when you exit the Revival pedestal room and go west. This will take you to one of the two new Sky Fanes you recovered. This fane has an item shop as well as a weapon and armor store which both sell great equipment. Once you've finished shopping, step on the platform and travel south to reach the next fane. Enter it and go upstairs to find a small group of people. Speak to the man near the monument and he will tell you to listen to the Sky Stone. You will then sea the Sky Stone drift to the platform you ride on. Exit here and you can step on the Sky Stone from the platform. You will now be on the world map, thousands of feet in the air. The Sky Stone is like a small air ship and you can now travel anywhere in the world. To operate the Sky Stone, just press the directional pad to move and the Circle button to descend. Just step on it and press X to fly it. Return to Fishbel and inside your house a soldier will be waiting. Apparently King Burns wishes to see you. If you haven't come home in a while, you might have a scene with your father speaking about paying off Hondara's debts.

Speak to King Burns in the throne room of Estard Castle and he will ask if you know about the excavation site. Say yes to learn a large cavern was recently discovered there. Now monsters have been attacking people there as well as on some of the newly discovered continents. He requests that you go there and kill the monsters. If you speak to the man in green by the fountain of Estard Castle town, he will mention that the old man by the cliff wishes to see you. Visit him and he will ask if you know someone called the Ancient Philosopher. Say no and he will say that this philosopher is waiting somewhere for someone to come see him. He is apparently trying to give something to someone. He cannot be reached by normal means and only chosen ones can see him. Maybe he can be reached by the Sky Stone? Exit here and hop on your Sky Stone. Head north past Hamelia and the Mountain Tower and you should see a small shrine enclosed by mountains that you couldn't reach before. Enter it and head east to see some gravestones. Search the second one on the bottom row for a TinyMedal. Enter the shrine to find a mysterious man in a black cloak. He must be the Ancient Philosopher. He will mention that your actions and fate so far were predetermined, and he was been waiting for you. His quest is to fulfill God's last hope and find a great hero. I guess Melvin doesn't count. He will then give you a ?Shard and mentions the pedestal for that shard is in a man made cavern beneath the ground. This must be the excavation site. When the shards are placed, destiny will lead to an era of God's death. Head to the excavation site now and inside the tent will be a nun who is tending to a wounded man. She can save your progress. Make your way through the excavation pit to find a set of stairs that weren't there before. Take them to enter the Excavated Cave. Take the stairs or drop down through the pit to reach the floor below. You will find some corpses and sinister looking statues south of a large hole in the ground. Drop down and pass a few more corpses while traveling south. Climb down the rope and take the stairs at the bottom. Head east and travel down the wall to reach a treasure chest and a portal. Open the chest for a TinyMedal. The portal will lead you to the first floor should you feel the need to exit here. The western path will lead you to some stairs. Take them and you will be in a pedestal room. Place your ?Shards on the pedestal and you will warp to a time during the battle between God and the Demon Lord. Watch the cut scene unfold from the past to see Melvin fighting the Demon Lord. He wonders why God left without telling him. The scene will show God sealing Melvin while the Demon Lord taunts God before destroying him, and then floating down to his throne in his castle. You will now be in the Demon Lord's Lair. =============================================================================== DEMON LORD'S LAIR (WK80) Items: None Enter the castle and follow the eastern path to reach some stairs leading down. If you down, you will find a dead end. There is a reason for that. South of the stairs are two torches. In between the two torches is an invisible path that lights up periodically. Follow the pathway as it shows itself to reach another set of stairs. If you fall off the invisible path, you will fall to the floor below and have to start over. From the stairs, travel north to reach the next set of stairs. Take them and you will have the option to go north,

south, east or west. Travel south to reach the stairs and be careful as some of the tiles can cause you to fall to the floor below. One the next floor, head west and when the path branches west and north, take either path to reach the stairs. From where you are, follow the path to eventually reach a treasure chest next to some stairs. Open the chest to fight a Mimic. Don't take the stairs and continue south, east, south and east to take the stairs. Take the stairs in the next three linear rooms and head north to take the stairs on the platform. Follow the paths, head up and approach the Demon Lord. He will call you foolish for wasting your lives for the sake of God, and states that he is immortal. He will offer you a chance to walk away, but speak to him again to initiate battle. Boss Battle - Orgodemir Orgodemir has two forms. Halfway through the battle he will show his second, more powerful form. His first form attacks mainly consist of Blazemore which hits for about 80HP of damage, a Magma attack which hits everyone for around 80HP of damage and physical attacks which hit for around 50HP. He also has a freezing pulse which will cancel any magic effects you may have had on your characters as well as casts a WindBeast which hits for around 50-100HP of damage. Once you deplete his HP's to fifty percent, his second for will take over. He still has the freezing pulse and normal attacks, but also uses a Vacuum and Cold air attack which hits the whole party for 50HP of damage. His crushing blow is his Spiky Shoulders attack which can instantly kill a character, as it does over 150HP of damage. After the battle, Orgodemir will state that even if his body is defeated, his soul can never be destroyed. Make your way back to where the stairs were and you will find a portal. Step on it to read these words: "Even though I die, may the next God of this would rain his blessings upon these humans." Suddenly you will see a large land mass rise up from under the ocean. This is the place you visited in the past which is west of the Deja camp, the Temple of God. You have now completed Disk One. Save when prompted and insert Disk Two. =============================================================================== DISK TWO: INTERMISSION Items: ?Shard TerraBell Disk two will begin with the party at the Sky Fane speaking to a priest. He states that they are finally rid of the Demon Lord and the party's actions have brought peace to the world. You will be reminded that only one island existed when you began your journey and now the world has been restored. You are told that there is more work to be done as God must now be revived. He lies in a fane below the waters surface and the passage there is now open. Go downstairs and take the warp. You will now be outside the Ancient Fane. Aira will mention that you should revive God and that you still need to find the legendary tula player. Remember the contest in Mardra? Return home to Fishbel and your parents will tell you to report to King Burns. You will find King Burns in the dining room. Speak to the lady blocking the door to request an audience. Speak to the king, be seated, and he will ask if (WK81)

your travels have come to an end. Say no and you will tell him your plans to revive God and find the legendary tula player. He suggests going to the "north east" which I assume he means north west to Mardra. Now before heading to Mardra, and the tula contest, return to the Sky Fane as there is a shard available and it's probably the easiest one to miss. Return to the Revival pedestal and warp back to the Coral Lake area in the past. Make your way all the way back to where the small children spirits were running around the pillars. Speak to the little girl and she will give you a ?Shard for defeating the Demon Lord before disappearing. Go to Mardra Castle now and along the way you should see Mardra is filled with musicians. As you cross the bridge and approach the castle, Michaela will be there and announces that the tula contest is about to begin at the Great Fane. Hurry south to the Great Fane and speak to Michaela. She will ask if you are ready for the contest to begin. Say yes and it will officially begin. The Hero will then provide the TerraTula for the players and Petra, the first challenger will begin. After being booed off the stage, Decarbo will have his try. He too will be unsuccessful. Johann will be the next player and he will also fail, although he wasn't as bad as the others. The next two tula players will also be unsuccessful as well as the rest of the people who tried throughout the afternoon. A screen will pop up saying that Michaela grew more frustrated at the realization that no one could play the TerraTula. As the last tula player is booed off the stage, Michaela gets rather insulting in her frustration. Michaela orders a soldier to smash the TerraTula, but Johann's master will request that Johann be given another chance in exchange for his life if he should fail again. Michaela will agree to the term and Johann will successfully play the tula, much to everyone's delight. A screen will pop explaining that a great feast was held for Johann who played a variety of tunes on the tula. The next morning will begin in front of Michaela's throne. She will ask if she did a great job with the contest. Say yes and she will ask Johann to help the party in their attempt to revive God. Michaela also wonders what he wants for a reward but he only wants his master to be taken care of while he is away. Johann will then join the party as a non playable character. As you leave, he requests that you visit his master before leaving. Do so and his master will give him his blessing. Johann apologizes about the song he played at the funeral and his master will forgive him and encourages him to learn as many songs as possible so he can share them with people all over the world. Return to the Deja camp again and speak to the chiefs wife. She will tell everyone that the chief has pitched camp to the west by the lake of God. Now you can fly there in the Sky Stone or use the passageway like in the past. If you use the tunnel, you might find an immigrant along the way. ***Immigrant Spot*** You may see a person in the tunnel. If you speak with them you can tell them about Sims town. See the Immigrant Town section for more details. Enter the Deja camp and the man by the entrance will lead you to the chief. Johann will wonder when he gets to play and gets offended when the chief says he wasn't what he imagined. The chief wishes he could start the ceremony right away, but reminds everyone that the alter rests below the water at the bottom of the lake. The chief will request that the Hero drains the water, but not

until after resting in a tent for the night. Speak to the rest of the dejans if you'd like and when you are ready to sleep, enter the tent above the chief and speak to the ladies. The next morning, the chief will warn you that monsters live inside the cave. He will give Aira the TerraBell to put on an altar inside the cave like in the past. When you are ready, enter the Lake Altar Cave. =============================================================================== LAKE ALTAR CAVE (WK82) Items: Herb Just like in the past, the cave will hold monsters, only this time, they are stronger. Follow the linear path and exit to the south. Follow the path and take the stairs to reach the next area. Head west and then north, while avoiding the holes in the ground to follow the path and take the stairs. Take the next set of stairs and follow the path and exit to the south. Take the eastern path to avoid the loop and then go west. Head east and the treasure chest will contain a Cannibox. Take the stairs and cross the invisible bridges to reach the stairs. Take them and approach the altar to the north. Place the TerraBell on the altar and exit through the door to the south. The water will be drained and if you travel all the way to the north, you can find an Herb in one of the chests. Head south from the chest and speak to the man by the exit. Exit the cave and a girl will tell you that the chief is waiting by the altar. Speak to him and he will try to give you the Innocent Robe. He's surprised that you already have one and suggests it came from the Ancient Tribe of God. Aira must dance for the tribe while wearing the dress. The ceremony will begin and a cut scene of Aria dancing and Johann playing the TerraTula will start, just like for Layla in the past. Afterwards, Johann will wonder why nothing is happening when suddenly, the blue crystal on top of the building will explode with energy. God will slowly float down and state that he was awoken. He wishes for everyone to create their own future while eradicating all evil. God will recognize Melvin and says he will send a message to him after he takes care of a few things first. He tells everyone to return home and share the joy of peace with their people before disappearing. Aira mentions that she though the explosion of energy would destroy everyone. Johann thinks the ceremony was a failure and questions if that was really God. The chief tells the Hero to take care of Aira as she has found a new home with the party. The party will then rise up and warp to the outside of the Ancient Fane. Johann will take off and you will be able to control the party again. You will have to walk to Fishbel as for some reason your spells are contained. Once there, enter your house and speak to your parents. Fishbel is having a large celebration later on. Enter the boat at the dock and go downstairs to speak with the Head Cook. Say yes when he asks if you notified your parents of your return and he will request you spread the word of the celebration. Go outside and the party will be starting. Speak to the old man by the town entrance and Johann will appear. He has a message from King Burns to see him immediately. He will then take off towards the alcohol and plays his tula. Head to Estard and a Messenger of God in the village will tell you about a large palace that is being built for God. Inside the castle, everyone will be waiting for you. Approach King Burns and he will mention that since peace is now guaranteed with the Demon Lord defeated and God revived, that you deserve a much needed rest. He will then ask the Hero if you want to follow in the

footsteps of your father and become a fisherman. He will also ask Gabo what he wishes to do, which is to return to the woodsman's place. Melvin decides he wants to return to God's side and King Burns suggests he helps with the construction of the palace for God. Aira is invited to stay in Estard Castle as her new home. A screen will pop up saying that all kinds of towns had a large celebration that night and you will see various places celebrating. A few months will pass, and then one morning... =============================================================================== CRYSTAL PALACE (WK83) Items: FishSub Repellent TinyMedal x 2 LifeAcorn x 2 SilkRobe Berserkr Helm Final Key MysticNut STRseed x 2 King's Sword Platinum Shield You will be summoned from bed by your mother, just like at the beginning of the game. Head downstairs and Mollie will give you a FishSub to bring to your father. Head to the harbor and speak to Amitt by the boat to learn that he has almost fully recovered from his illness. Speak to your father and after he lectures you for being late, you will give him the FishSub. You are then told to go below deck and peel potatoes or something. Johann will be below and he will tell you that he requested Borkano to take him somewhere far away. Speak to the Head Cook and he says that he has no chores for you so you can go back upstairs. Do so and a fisherman will ask Amitt and Borkano if they could come to the shore. Apparently a group calling themselves the Messengers of God just sailed in. Amitt suggests that it's an important matter and delegates it to Borkano. Borkano is a little irritated at the timing and suggests that the Hero goes in his place. Exit the boat and Borkano will sail off. As you head back towards the western part of town, Maribel will stop you and wonders what's going on. She notices a boat and suggests that you check it out. Follow her and speak to Amitt who is chatting with a young lady. Apparently the Messengers of God left for Estard Castle. Speak to Amitt again and say yes when he asks if this interests you. He suggests you head to the castle to see what's up, and to make sure you mind your manners. Speak to the lady by the town entrance and she will wonder why the Messengers of God shoved her just for being in her way. Head to Estard Castle and the villagers will be buzzing with the Messengers of God arriving. Speak with the Minister in the throne room and answer yes when he asks if you need to see him about something. He will tell you that the Messengers of God are meeting with the king at the moment and a guard will arrive with a message from the king. The message is the Minister is to report to the king at once when the Hero arrives. What a coincidence. Head to the banquet hall to see the king. Inside, you can speak with the Messengers of God to learn that the Crystal Palace has been completed and King Burns will be heading there soon. The representatives of each country will be there and given a revelation from God. Speak to the king and then sit next to him. He will introduce you to the Messengers of God and tells you that he wishes to

take you and Aira to the Crystal Palace. They state that while God would favor this request, their boat only has room for two additional people, so one person will have to be left behind. The king will mention that they have alternative transportation and asks you if you wish to come. Say yes and the messengers will leave. King Burns will then suggest going to the Crystal Palace in the Sky Stone. You are then led upstairs and the king will ask if you can depart right away. Say yes and call the Sky Stone. You will then depart towards the Crystal Palace, but not before Gabo hops aboard. You will follow the Messengers of God north west to the Crystal Palace. Nebira, one of the messengers, will be astonished with the Sky Stone. He will then lead you through the palace. Answer when asked your opinion of the palace. Just before the final room, Nebira will mention that no attendants are allowed beyond this point and that only the king may proceed. You are now free to explore the palace. Speak to the guards to learn that rooms for resting are available on the second floor. Go downstairs and you can save at the priest to the north if you'd like. Head south from the priest and exit the palace. Speak to the nun standing near the water to the east to get some Repellent. Return inside the palace and enter the door with the insignia on it to the north east. Take the stairs and exit through the door to the south. You will be. You will be on a ledge outside of the palace. Enter the side room and the triplet brothers from Dune will be here. Smash the jars to the north for a TinyMedal and LifeAcorn. Return to the ledge and continue and continue on to find Pamela. Continue on and enter the side room on the other side of the palace. Inside will be Ike from the World Ranking Federation and Izmov's assistant, Beck. Open the dressers for a SilkRobe. The beds here are available for you to rest on, but there's still a bit more palace to explore. Exit here and continue on to the next room. Go down the stairs and take the next set of stairs to be in a room with multiple jail cells. Approach the guy who is guarding the treasury and go past him to steal from God. Open the chests to receive a Berserkr Helm and Final Key. Now you can open any door, even those jail cells you couldn't before. Open the cell with the monster inside and smash the jar for a MysticNut. The other cell with a monster will hold a STRseed while the final one houses a LifeAcorn. Return back to the room with Beck and Ike and inspect one of the beds to rest. After falling asleep, you will be awoken by a loud commotion. Return to the main floor as apparently God will appear at any time now. Head upstairs and speak to the guards blocking the stairwell. Melvin will appear and request that the guards follow him. They wonder who will stand guard but Melvin states that he has found replacements before ordering the guards outside. Melvin will say hi before leaving as someone is causing some king of disturbance outside. He requests that you stand guard. Now's your chance so head upstairs. Speak to the guards blocking the next set of stairs and you will give them your names. The guards will recognize the names from Melvin and Nebira as well as the story that you defeated the Demon Lord and revived God. With that, they will let you pass. Upstairs, Nebira will mention that God is near. Representatives from all the places you revived will be here and you will have a chance to speak with all of them. After doing so, head towards the stairs and Nebira will say that God is coming. You are told to line up behind King Burns and God will appear. God will say that evil has fallen and peace has come and that everyone must do as he says. He tells everyone to dispose of their weapons and realize that life is precious. You are not to take the life of another human, or a monster. He then says that the party carries an object of great evil. God will then take the Dark Ruby from the Hero. You are to only worship him as he is the absolute true God. A screen will then pop up saying that after the audience with God was finished, all the representatives prepared to return to their countries.

Head downstairs now and exit the palace. On the way you will find King Burns. Outside, you will find out that your uncle, Hondara, was causing the commotion outside. Hondara will be arguing with Melvin about entering the palace. Hondara will notice you and ask you to use your pull to get him inside the palace as he wants to see God. Say no when he asks if he's still there and you will learn that the only reason he wanted to see God was to pass off his wares as "sacred". After he leaves, Melvin will wonder what God's true intentions are. He has to remain at the palace though as his obligations aren't finished yet. Nebira will come outside and tell Melvin that God has called for him before they go back inside the palace to meet with him. As you are exiting the palace to return home, Melvin will suddenly appear on one of the ledges of the palace. Two guards will appear and request that Melvin surrender! Melvin will then jump off the ledge and Nebira will appear and claim that Melvin has committed treason against God. The party will be flying back home on the Sky Stone and everything will turn black. Lightning will strike and the Sky Stone will crash. Everyone will wake up on top of Estard Castle. King Burns will be out cold and some guards will attend to him. The Minister will have so many questions about the Crystal Palace but the king's health comes first. Head to the throne room and the king will still be unconscious. The Minister suggests that you go home right away and check on the villagers and that he will send a messenger when the king recovers. Head to the first floor of Estard Castle and take the stairs behind the main stairwell. Now that you have the Final Key, you can open the cell and loot the treasure chests. Inside will be a TinyMedal, STRseed, King's Sword and Platinum Shield. On your way back to Fishbel, soldiers will state that you cannot leave Estard and that monsters are everywhere, injuring people. Don't take the soldiers advice and exit Estard. Note that everything is now covered in darkness, just like when things went bad in the past places you visited. You can now engage in random battles now on the world map. Once you reach Fishbel, you will find out that something happened to Borkano. Head to the harbor and speak with Mollie. Say no when she asks if you've heard about your father to learn that he's a little late getting back from his trip. Actually, he fell into the sea and hasn't returned, she just didn't want to worry you. Speak to Maribel in her room and she will wonder if this island is sealed like all the places they visited in the past since the Demon Lord was defeated and God Revived. Maribel will then rejoin the party. She will be very weak compared to the rest of your party so see if any spare equipment in your bag can fit her. As you exit the house, Maribel will ask if you've explored the entire island. Say no and she will suggest going to the ruins for some clues as what to do next. When you reach the ruins, Maribel will hear something. It will appear as your name is being called out. Approach and inspect the statue and someone will ask if you're there. Say yes to learn that it's Melvin. He will be speaking via the statue by his MindSpeak power. Chaos occurred after the party left the Crystal Palace as God decided to banish the continents, calling them dens of evil and Estard was one of them. For questioning God, Melvin was branded a traitor. He is currently hiding in Coastal. He was suspicious of God's behavior and learned of powerful beings called Spirits. These Spirits guard the four elements. Earth, Water, Fire and Wind. These Spirits should be able to shed some light on God's true motives. Melvin suggests that the Spirits are located in the lands banished by God. Melvin will then leave and says that he will contact you later.

Head east to enter the Ruins Cave under the stone slab. Make your way to the world map room in the Ancient Fane and you should see only your current island lies on the floor map. You should also note that the other three traveler gates have stopped working. Enter one and Melvin will communicate with you again. He will ask if you are able to travel to other islands. Say no and he will mention that the four traveler gates may lead to the Spirits and that they don't work because they've been extinguished. They are lit by the holy flame from Engow but you can't obtain another one from there. He thinks that he can relight it from the flame in Coastal that was created by the PilotFire. He says that he will obtain it and then transfer it with his powers. Say yes when prompted to leave this task to Melvin and you will now control him at Coastal. Exit Coastal and travel north to the Great Lighthouse. You will be denied access by a guard, but told you can enter with the Kings permission. Make your way through the Halfling's Cave and note that you can be randomly attacked. Enter the throne room and speak with the king. He feels that the world may be in danger soon and that Coastal may meet the same fate as the vanished lands. When asked if you want the PilotFire, answer no that you aren't a servant of God to receive access to it. He will tell you to travel freely in the lighthouse, but warns you that monsters reside inside. Head to the Great Lighthouse and make your way to the top. Examine the PilotFire and the scene will shift back to the Ancient Fane. Melvin will send the PilotFire so go outside of the portal to see if it worked. You will notice that the portal leading the Mt. Flame has been lit. Enter the portal and be warped away to find the Flame Spirit. =============================================================================== FLAME SPIRIT (WK84) Items: Lava Staff TinyMedal STRseed WorldDew Flame Key FlameAqua FlameChrm Head south from the portal and speak to the guard and the man near by to learn that all of the magma has disappeared from within the volcano. Exit here and head towards Engow. Note that monsters will attack you on the world map here. You should notice that the torches around the corners of the town have no flame. Speak to the people by the torches and monsters will appear. Defeat the three sets of monsters and enter the chiefs house. Speak to the old man blocking the way and he will move and tell you to hurry to see the chief. Upstairs, Pamela will be speaking with the chief about the disaster that is threatening Engow. Something is wrong with Mt. Flame. She will then notice the party and ask if something has happened. Say yes and speak to her again to tell her about the monsters attacking the villagers. She will decide to go to Mt. Flame when you tell her about the lava disappearing so say yes when prompted. She will then join the party as a non playable character. As you try to exit town, Pamela will ask you to stop by her place as she has a favor to ask her assistant Ilma. Return to the item shop and speak with Ilma. Pamela will tell her to "seek it out now, for in time, you will need it." With that odd exchange, exit town and head towards Mt. Flame. The man by the entrance will actually be a General Store. Inside the volcano, make your way to the crater and Pamela will see that the magma has vanished. She wonders if the God of Flame has disappeared but can still see him. She will then tell you to go deeper into the volcano. Speak to the guard and he will move out of the

way. Make your way through the volcano and don't forgot to use the free HP/MP circle after dropping down through the craters. Head past the place where you defeated the FireGiant and there will be a new area to explore. Pamela mentions that she can feel a tremendous force coming from the depths of the new area. Follow the path past the man and take the stairs. Head south to take the next set of stairs. From here, head south east to take the stairs. In the next room, flames will shoot out of the ground and injure you if they hit. Make your way to the treasure chest to the south to get the Lava Staff. Continue south to take the stairs. From here, travel north to open a treasure chest containing a TinyMedal. You can head west to reach another HP/MP circle or take the stairs to the south. Head west, and then south to reach a chest containing a STRseed. Return and make your way west, and follow the path to the south. Grab the WorldDew from the chest before continuing on and entering the opening. Head north, and as you try to open the door in the next room, you will find that it doesn't budge. Pamela will sense that the source of power is ahead. She will then use her magic and call for Ilma. While waiting, she will offer to tell the story of the God of Flame. Say yes to learn that the God of Flame used to be part of a greater God. Before God was defeated by the Demon Lord, he gave birth to four beings. These beings became the forces of nature: Terra, Wind, Flame, and Aqua. This volcano is home to the Flame Spirit, aka the God of Flame. Ilma will then arrive with an escort and gives Pamela a bottle with a Flame Key and FlameAqua. Pamela will then give the items to the Hero. After Ilma leaves, you will be able to enter the door. In the next room, approach the middle and Pamela will explain that the fiery lava is the source of power she's been feeling. The God of Flame will then start talking and Pamela will tell you to use the FlameAqua. Use the FlameAqua as an item and the room will suddenly heat up. The Flame Spirit will then be revived! The Flame Spirit clarifies that he is not a God before Pamela requests that they be saved from the darkness. The Flame Spirit will refuse as he doesn't accept orders from lowly humans. He mentions that he only likes strong humans and asks if you'd like to prove your strength by fighting. Accept his challenge to initiate battle. Boss Battle - Flame Spirit He can cast Blazemore which hits for 80-100HP on a character while his Magma attack can hit the whole party for around 50HP of damage. He also does a WarCry and spits a firebal for around 125HP of damage. The key here is to use Ice skills while using Sap to lower his defense. Physical attacks also work very well here. Equipment that protects from fire attacks will help out. Just keep the HP high and you should do fine. After the battle, the Flame Spirit will keep his word. After learning that continents are being banished, he will use his powers. Sadly, they will have no effect and he fears a greater force is at work. He says that he alone cannot help, but the other three Spirits must combine with him into one. Pamela will ask where the other spirits are but they are still sleeping. He mentions that another large fane has been sealed away and mentions that he will wait for the rest of the spirits to awaken. You will then see a flame leave the Ancient Fane and light a path south of Fishbel. You will then obtain a FlameChrm. Return to Engow now and Pamela will tell you she's off to see the Chief. Say yes when she asks if you have places to go and she will wish you farewell. If you speak to Pamela at the chief's place, she will return to her shop where she will offer to read your fortune.

Return to Mt. Flame and take the portal back to the Ancient Fane. Now exit the room and if you head north, you can enter the room blocked by the cell since you have the Final Key. This will lead you to two Mystery Rooms which will both have pedestals. Since they aren't active right now, just remember this place for later. Return to Fishbel now and the lady at the entrance will mention a weird ship has arrived. =============================================================================== SHARKEYE (WK85) Items: Captain Hat Pirate Clothes x 2 TinyMedal x 2 Turban 20 Gold BluePrint STRseed AmitSnack Head to the harbor and speak with your mother. She will wonder if Borkano might have been rescued by the mysterious boat. She will ask you to check out the mysterious boat in the distance with Amitt. Speak with Amitt to learn that the ship came in a beam of light, but now it is frozen in place. He wishes to investigate it. Follow him downstairs and speak with him when you are ready to leave. The ship will set sail and travel through a road of fire and approach the boat. They will then fasten a rope ladder to the boat, and as the party tries to climb up, someone from the ships crew above will think it's a monster attack and sends the party crashing into the waves. Caddell will appear and wonder what all the commotion was. After realizing his crewmate made an error, he will order a boat to be lowered to pick up the party and decides to bring this to Sharkeyes attention! You will then see a series of flashbacks, some you've previously seen in Coastal. The new flashbacks will show Coastal soldiers assisting the Marle de Dragonne in battle, as well as mention of the protection of the Aqua Spirit and it's birthmark on Sharkeye's arm, just like the Hero's birthmark called the Water Crest. Sharkeye will state that his unborn child will save the future. After the flashback, you will be woken up by Maribel inside the large boat. After telling Maribel how you feel, a crew member will enter the room and explains that the captain has called for the Hero. You will then be led through the ship to Sharkeye. After introductions are made, Sharkeye will explain that he's heard about all of your adventures from Amitt. Say yes when asked if you saved the people of Coastal and he will note that you must have the Aquagon Sword, a sword given by the Aqua Spirit. Say yes when asked to show the Aquagon Sword and he will believe the stories to be true. Sharkeye will then wish to speak to the Hero alone. He will note that the ice spell that was cast upon the ship has been broken, but the world remains in turmoil. He will then ask the Hero to hold up the Aquagon Sword. As the Hero does this, Sharkeye will stare at the birthmark on the Hero's arm which seems to be the other part of the Water Crest that Sharkeye has on his arm! Suddenly, the birthmark will engulf the Aquagon Sword and the two other pedestals in the Ancient Fane will be lit. The Aqua Spirit will then speak. The Hero is the last hope that God has left. The Terra and Wind Spirits need to be awaken. Once that has been done, you must bring the Aquagon Sword to Rainbow Cove in the Ancient Fane. You must then pray with the powers of fire, earth and wind. Water gives birth to life, the earth cultivates life, the wind carries life,

fire makes life flourish, and water is where life returns. Once all the elements have joined, you will be unsealed from this world of darkness. After the speech, Sharkeye will notice that his birthmark has disappeared and that the Hero must be meant to carry out the mission as the entire Water Crest is emblazoned upon your arm! Sharkeye will then talk about the paths the Fire Spirit created. One leads to Estard, while the other leads to a famous pro wrestling city called "Parts Unknown." He suggests that clues might exist down that path so he decides to take it. You will awake the next day in your cabin. One of the ships crew, Bolongo, will tell you that they have arrived at the new continent, and if you wish to disembark, to exit from the bow of the ship. You are now free to explore this large vessel. Head south and you can speak to the "Sea Dog." He mentions that he raised Sharkeye and that you look a lot like him when he was younger. Open the dressers for a Captain Hat. You can find Pirate Clothes in the dressers to the very south. Take the stairs and take the door to the north west. You will be in a very large area with all kinds of ships. Upgrade some of your equipment here as there are some very powerful new items. Open the dresser in the north western room for the Pirate Clothes and smash the jars in the north eastern room for a TinyMedal. Exit to the north, behind the item shop and take the stairs to the west. Enter the prison cell and check the dresser for a Turban. Head south to the room with the treasure chest and smash the pots for 20 Gold. Open the chest for a BluePrint. Go south and speak to the cat. Say yes when prompted to receive a TinyMedal. Smash the near by barrels for a STRseed. Head upstairs now and you can speak to the bard from the flashbacks on the deck. If you head near the cannons on the eastern side of the ship and smash the barrels, you will find an AmitSnack. If you enter the large door north of the fountain, you can find a priest that offers everything but the save feature. If you head upstairs, you can make your way to speak with Sharkeye. Anyways, to leave the ship an explore the continent, speak to the man at the south east part of the ship. Head south and you will find the Dharma Shrine. Make sure to change classes, especially if you have characters maxed out on one. Head downstairs to see a scene with the Head Priest warning travelers of the monsters outside. Return to the ship when you are finished and speak to Caddell at the wheel to set sail for Fishbel. Get off the ship and head north towards the Ancient Fane. Make your way to the Fane Dome and you will have two options. You can go north east to awaken the Terra Spirit, or south west to awaken the Wind Spirit. I'll be heading south west but the choice is up to you. =============================================================================== WIND SPIRIT (WK86) Items: Silver Tiara 7 Gold TinyMedal x 3 Miracle Sword Blade Boomerang AGL Scarf 1200 Gold DEFseed AGLseed x 2 Seal Key Halo Orb Light Robe Speed Ring

Wind Robe Wind Hat WindCharm You will be on the fifth floor of the Lefa Fane in the Gorges region. Exit to the south and speak to the people near by. A SnowBat will then appear and attack. Defeat it and the man will mention that he's never seen monsters around the area before. He wonders if the dark sky is a sign of their arrival. Go down the ladder now and take the stairs. Take the stairs to the south east, speak to the woman if you'd like and enter the door to the west. Push the purple switch to the north and make your way south to the statue of Firia. The nun will mention that restoring the great Firia to perfection will awaken the sleeping spirit. She doesn't understand what is missing from her though. Exit, and make your way west by pushing the switch to take the stairs. Head east, press the switch and take the near by stairs. Follow the linear path and when you reach the main floor, enter the door to the north. Head inside the western room and a bunch of researchers will be gathered. Apparently Firia left them some writings. "Guided by the voice from heaven, climb the rock that towers above the southern lands. At the peak of the rock is the holy altar." They imagine she is speaking of the Wind Tower to the south. They decide that they should speak with the Pendragon about their theory. Exit the Lefa Fane and a lady will mention that she heard someone scream a while ago. A man will then appear and explain that monsters are everywhere. Exit here now and head south to Gorges. Make your way to the Pendragons house and most of the villagers will be waiting for her to make an announcement. The Pendragon, Sefana, will appear and she will have wings like the Lefans of old! She will notice the party and explain that their land is slowly being taken over by vile monsters. She tells everyone to stay in the valley until she finds out what is causing all the chaos. She had hidden herself away for the past two months due to her body growing wings. She tried to figure out what caused this during her seclusion and thinks it has to do with the situation they currently face. She then asks anyone with skill in battle to present themselves to her before returning to her home. After the villagers scatter, enter the Pendragons home. Search her dresser for a Silver Tiara and smash the vases for 7 Gold. Speak to Sefana and answer yes when she asks if you've come to help her. She wishes to go to the Wind Tower to the south east as she feels someone is calling her from the tower. After mentioning that the researchers think there is a Wind Altar, she will want to investigate it further. Say yes when she requests that you serve as her guard and then yes when she suggests it's time to go. She will then join your party as a non playable character. Exit the house and head east to speak with the man blocking the exit. Exit Gorges and travel east and then south to reach the Wind Tower. Enter the tower and follow the eastern path to make your way to a treasure chest. Inside lies a TinyMedal. Continue on and take the stairs. Head south and grab the Miracle Sword from the chest. Now there are two sets of stairs you can take, the stairs to the north, or north west. Take the north western stairs and take the stairs to the south east and exit to the south. Smash the jar for a Blade Boomerang before returning to the floor below and taking the stairs to the north. Make your way to the center of the room and climb the large ladder. Now make your way around and take the stairs. Head to the southern part of this room and take the stairs. Smash the pot to the west to fight a MadPot if you'd like and open the chest to the east for an AGL Scarf. Head north west and make your way to the two chests. Open them for 1200 Gold and a Mimic. Now head west and drop down from the large hole in the floor to reach the floor below. Open the two treasure chests to the north for a DEFseed and AGLseed. Take the next two sets of stairs and climb the ladder to the north west. You will now be on a ledge. Drop off to the east, climb the ladder, and drop off to the east again. Now climb the long ladder north,

ignore the stairs and head west to take the stairs. Follow the linear path and pass the statue to take the stairs. Take the next set of stairs to reach the altar. Approach it and Gabo will notice a hole in the middle of the floor and wonders what it's for. Suddenly a vortex of wind will appear and Sefana will suggest riding on the wind. Aira asks the Pendragon if she has ever used her wings before and she mentions that she tried before unsuccessfully before noting that she heard a voice from somewhere. The Hero will listen and hear a voice from the past. Suddenly Firia will appear and she will tell Sefana to fly and recover a Robe that has been lost for all these years, and to awaken their protector. Sefana concludes that the Wind Robe will awaken the Wind Spirit. Firia will now speak with the Hero and explains that she studied the world after the party left Gorges. She understands why she was born without wings as well as everyone s plight. Her wings were to be the last pair given to the Lefa Tribe and as their bearer, she is to assist you on your journey. Firia will disappear and Sefana will enter the wind vortex. She tells the party to hang on before everyone warps to Sky Town. This place is very confusing as when you walk off a ledge, you will appear on the place where you were to fall off. Basically this place is 3D without gravity. Pressing start will also not "center" the map as the center position changes depending on where you go. Wander around this place to get a hang of it and when you find it, enter the inn. Speak to everyone to learn that a monster has stolen the Wind Robe. Smash the barrel for a TinyMedal. Exit the inn now and make your way to a large building with a church bell with a well on the western side. Enter the building and you can save your progress on the first floor. Exit here and make your way to the building on the opposite side. You can do this by taking the well as it leads to another well on the opposite side. Enter the building and smash the pots for an AGLseed. Speak to the man in the messy room and he wishes to clean it. Help him out by throwing the garbage scattered all around the room into the garbage can by the bookcase. When you are finished, speak to him to learn that he is the village Pendragon. After he realizes that you need the Wind Robe, he will confirm that it was stolen. He will then give you a Seal Key so that you can defeat the monsters and take back the robe. The key opens the shrine door that leads to the maze. As you try to leave, the Pendragon will also give you the Halo Orb. This orb allows you to travel between this world, and the world below instantly. Just use it in the Lefan plains to warp back up here. Now make your way behind the Pendragons house to the circular building. Enter it and step on the orange glowing square to be warped to the Wind Maze. This place can be very confusing and will be hard to walk through. Much like the Sky Town, this place is also 3D without gravity. Head south two screens and step on the orange tile to warp to Wind Maze Area 2. From here you can see the tile you need to step on to the east, the only problem is how do you get there? Head east all the way so that the screen rotates. Now you will be in a very narrow section. Head south to rotate the screen and then travel all the way north to rotate the screen. From here, head east to rotate the screen and then travel all the way west to rotate the screen. Head south for a rotation and then head north and then east to rotate. Head north to rotate and then west to rotate. Now go east and you should see two square blocks that you can stand on. Stand on the western block and go east to rotate. Now fall through the hole and head east to reach the warp to Wind Maze Area 3. Head east and open the chest for a TinyMedal. Now head west three rotations and continue all the way west and stop. Now go north to rotate and head all the way north before heading east to rotate. Head north to rotate and then west to open a chest containing a Light Robe. Now head all the way east and then go north to rotate. Now go east, south, west, and south all the way to rotate. Open the chest for a Speed Ring. Notice the hole to the east of the chest? Stand beside it and rotate twice to the north. Now fall through the

hole. Now walk east to rotate and follow the path until you see two rectangles in a fork like position to the west. Stand on the southern rectangle and head north to rotate. Now fall through the hole. From here, follow the linear path all the way until you are facing a wall to the south. Go east to rotate and then south to rotate. Now go west a bit and then north to reach the warp to Wind Maze Area 4. From here, travel all the way south until you reach a treasure chest. Open the chest and it will be empty. Strange... Step off of the stone platform and a monster will appear. Angry that you opened its chest, he will attack. Boss Battle - Nengal This battle can be tough if you have characters in low HP classes. Nengal can do the SwordDanc which can hit randomly four times for 60HP per strike. His normal attack hits for around 70HP while he can charge you for 100HP. Skills like Stampede and Sap don't work so stick to physical hits and stuff like QuadHits and SwordDanc if you have them. After the battle, Nengal will give you the Wind Robe fore disappearing. The statue behind the treasure chest will then turn into a warp tile. Step on it to return to Sky Town. Return to the Pendragons home and speak with him. Answer yes when he asks if you beat the monster for the Wind Robe and he says that he wishes he could give you something but can't since the room is messy. Clean the room again for this lazy bastard by putting the trash in the garbage. Speak to him again to receive the Wind Hat. Exit the Pendragons house and use the Halo Orb to return to the Wind Tower entrance. Return to the Lefa Fane and Sefana will decide to hide her wings. Make your way to the statue of Firia and use the Wind Robe as an item. You will place the robe on the statue which will cause the Wind Spirit to appear. Sefana will ask the Wind Spirit to save the village but she will agree only if she is supplied with five years worth of cute guys. Looks like this is quite the promiscuous statue. The Hero will explain the situation to the Wind Spirit and she will then agree to help. You will then receive a WindCharm. She tells you to use it to summon her and she will head towards Dharma Temple to be with the Flame Spirit. Light will fully return to the land and Aira will call the Wind Spirit a slut. Well it's true. Leave here and eventually Gabo will realize that Sefana isn't following. She will have to stay behind due to her being Pendragon, but she wishes you well. Return now to the Ancient Fane and once in the Fane Dome, head north east and take the warp to revive the Terra Spirit. If you have already done so, skip down to the Aqua Spirit section. =============================================================================== TERRA SPIRIT (WK87) Items: King's Key Mimic Heart Seer'sGem Rouge Gem Nose Gem Heart Gem PierceGem TerraChrm Potion Wizard Ring

You will start from the Oasis. Exit it and head north west to reach the Palace of Dune. As you enter, you will be stopped by people who will check to see if you are monsters. You will be recognized as the Great Saviors and allowed to pass. Speak to the guards to learn that the underground fane was attacked a few days ago. Enter the palace and go down the stairs and enter the Queens chambers. Speak to one of her assistants to learn that the queen wishes to speak with you directly. After everyone withdraws, approach the queen. She explains that her people have been waiting for your return. She says that while good has come from the resurrection of God, some bad has also transpired. She believes that the Dark Ruby which was sealed in the basement has something to do with the recent events. She had prayed to God the other night and God responded to her in a horrible manner. Shortly afterwards, monsters swarmed up from out of the ground and attacked the fane, stealing the Dark Ruby. She will then ask if you gave your piece of the Dark Ruby to God. Say yes and she will suggest one way to save the desert. Awaken the Terra Spirit. What a coincidence. She mentions that the village Shaman knows how to wake the spirit up. As you try to leave, she will suggest you take someone as a guide and suggests one of the village chiefs four sons. Exit here now and travel south east to Dune Village. Enter the chiefs house and the three lazy brothers will be trying to get out of accompanying you on your journey. Speak to the chief and he will mention that his sons are cowards. The chiefs other non lazy son, Saide, will then suggest helping. He'll leave to go pack some things in his room. Exit the chiefs house and enter the small hut behind. Speak to Saide and after introductions are made, he will join as a non playable character. Now you need to find the Shaman. Enter the pot in the center of the village and speak with the strange old man fishing in the sand. After asking him about the Terra Spirit, and that you wish to meet him, he will lead you back to the Oasis. At the Oasis, the Shaman will attempt to awaken the spirit but will fail after drawing in the sand. If only he could remember what the Terra Spirits face looked like. Return to Dune Palace and speak with the queen. After explaining the situation, the queen suggests that a clue might be in the underground fane. She will allow you access and warns you that monsters still lurk there. Head downstairs and you will hear a voice in the distance. Saide's three retarded brothers will be gloating over finding an object. Apparently they bribed the guards to get in. Approach them and monsters will jump out of the water and chase after them. Like true cowards, they beg for help. Defeat the three super powered monsters as Saide will help you in battle. Afterwards, the three brothers will decide to hand over the item they found if Saide decides not to become the next village chief. Saide will say that he never had any intention of becoming chief and they will hand over the King's Key. As you try to leave, Saide suggests showing the key to the queen. Do so to learn that this key has been handed down since the days of King Hadeed. When the time is right, the key is to be used to reopen the Sphinx. Return to Dune Village now and enter the pot in the center of town. Step on the vortex there to be warped to the Sphinx. Enter it and head north past the group of people and speak to the lady just north of the stairs. After she moves, head north through the door that will be opened with the King's Key. As you progress, Saide will note that something is written on the floor tiles. Examine the first tile. "The eyes shine brightly through the deep darkness." Examine the second tile. "The lips are closed tightly. Only time may part them." Examine the third tile. "The ears are born to a broken heart." Examine the fourth tile. "The nose is in the lowest place and in the highest." Saide will memorize the four clues and mentions that he can repeat them if asked. Use the Talk command in the menu to do this. Take the stairs and follow the path to take the next set of stairs. From here, hop on the raft and

travel east to reach a treasure chest. Open it for a Mimic Heart. Continue on all the way and cross the large bridge to enter the pyramid. Head west and follow the linear path through the room to reach the stairs. Take them and head west to reach a room with a bunch of open caskets. Remember the first clue about eyes shining through darkness? Inspect the caskets to find torches inside. Close all six casket doors and watch as the room grows dimmer with each closed casket. Once the room is pitch black, you should notice two blue gems on the ground. Inspect them to receive the Seer'sGem. After obtaining it, the caskets will open and light up the room. Continue on now and take the next two sets of stairs. This next area will be maze like. Head west, north, north, west, north, west, west, south, south, south, and east to take the stairs. Follow the path and you will eventually come to a statue of a monsters head. Remember the second clue about time parting tightly closed lips? Stand in front of the statue for around eight seconds and the mouth will open allowing you access to the Rouge Gem. Head east now and follow the path to reach the stairs. Take them and follow the path west to reach the next set of stairs. Head north through the door and follow the path to take the next set of stairs. Head east now and take the stairs. You will be in a large room with a green pyramid near water. Inspect the green pyramid to receive the Nose Gem. Return upstairs and this time travel south to take the next set of stairs. Head west and inspect the yellow item on the ground to receive the Heart Gem. Remember the third clue about ears being born from a broken heart? Use the Heart Gem as an item and you will have the option to break it. Do so to receive the PierceGem. You are now done here. Return to the Oasis now and speak to the Shaman. You will hand over all of the jewels you just found and the Terra Spirit will then be awoken. The Terra Spirit isn't like the other spirits and is very eager to assist. The Hero will explain the situation to the spirit and he will then cause a tremor which will rid the monsters in the area. He goes on to explain that Dune will be restored once all four spirits have awaken. You are then give the TerraChrm. Saide and the Shaman will then return to Dune Village. Saide suggests you tell the queen the good news. Do so and she will thank you. That's it?! Head into the Dune Palace Fane and you should see two sparkling spots on the ground. One at the north west part of the room and the other at the eastern part of the room. Inspect these spots for a Potion and Wizard Ring. Now return to the Ancient Fane as it's time to awaken the Aqua Spirit. =============================================================================== AQUA SPIRIT (WK88) Items: AquaCharm ?Shard Demon Spear Return to Sharkeye's ship and everyone will be waiting for you. The auras of the Flame, Terra, and Wind Spirits have surrounded the ship. You are then led to Sharkeye. He tells you that the time has come to raise the Aquagon Sword up to receive the spirits powers. As you do so, a path will be revealed that leads to the Aqua Spirit. Caddell will steer the ship to Rainbow Cove. The Aquagon Sword will then dive into the water and awakens the Aqua Spirit. The Aqua Spirit will then restore all the lands that were plunged into darkness. You are then given the AquaCharm. The four spirits will then head to the Crystal Palace to speak with God. God will then decide to send the four spirits back to eternal slumber, but not before they reveal God to be the Demon Lord himself! The Spirits will be drained of power and Orgodemir states that nothing can stop him, not even the

Hero. Crystal Palace will then raise high into the air. The party will be at the bottom and Melvin will appear. After checking if everyone is okay, Melvin wonders how they can enter the Crystal Palace now that it's raised high above the ground. He decides that it's best to return to Estard and try to set out with the Sky Stone. The scene will change and everyone will be in front of King Burns. He will have recovered. Answer yes when he asks if you have caused the unsealing of the lands. King Burns will then request that you defeat the Demon Lord. Maribel will suddenly worry about her parents and decides to return to Fishbel. When you exit the Castle, you will be on the world map. Everything has been restored and random battles will occur everywhere on the world map. Before hopping on the Sky Stone and heading towards the Crystal Palace, there are still some loose ends to clear up. If you wish to have Maribel in your party, return to her place in Fishbel and speak with her. You will have to leave another character behind though and can rotate freely from now on. Hop on Sharkeye's ship and set sail. Sail towards the immigrant town and you should see a small vortex to the north. Enter it to find the Undersea King. Speak to him and he will recognize you. Say yes when he asks if you wish to learn more about Anise. He will mention that the Aqua Spirit is watching over her and that some day, she will be reunited with Sharkeye. Speak to him again and answer yes when he asks if you want to know something else. You will tell him about the creature in Coral Lake who wishes to have his appearance changed. Undersea King tells you to speak with the creature and tell him to see him. Return to Coral Lake by first warping to Falrod and heading east. Speak to the creature and he will give you a ?Shard for helping him. Don't forget to head to the Medal King Castle, Monster Park, World Ranking Federation and Immigrant town to finish up these places. You should have over 100 TinyMedals by now which will net you a ?Shard. Return to the Fane Dome in the Ancient Fane now and head north, through the cell to unload your ?Shards. Put three small shards in the first pedestal, and three larger shards in the second pedestal downstairs. Return to the Sunken City and pay Gracos V a visit. He doesn't want to force his minions to fight and wishes the Demon Lord hadn't returned. He will offer you what's in his treasure chests to assist you with defeating the Demon Lord. If you haven't come here earlier and defeated him, you will receive the ?Shard and Demon Spear. If you have defeated him previously, you can take the Demon Spear from the chest. When you are ready, hop on your Sky Stone and sail north of Estard to reach the Dark Palace. =============================================================================== DARK PALACE (WK89) Items: LarMirror TinyMedal x 4 Life Ring 1250 Gold WorldLeaf Sorrow Shield BluePrint Feugo Helm

Tornado Shield Gaiala Armor ?Shard Oceano Sword You will start on top of the raised Crystal Palace. There will be a small square hole in the ground to your south. Ignore that and drop off to the north to fall to the ledge below. Head east and take the next two sets of stairs to reach the area where you found the Final Key. You can fight 3 MadPots if you like in the cells. There will be a large hole in the ground here that you can drop down into to reach the fourth floor of the Dark Palace. Enter the door and take the stairs to reach the third floor. The chest to the north will contain a LarMirror which can revert monsters who transform into their original forms. Head south and climb down the ladder to reach a room covered in poisonous marsh. Take the stairs to the north and make your way to the door while avoiding the glowing circle in the middle of the room as it will deplete your HP. Enter the door and follow the path west, grabbing the TinyMedal from the chest before taking the stairs. In this room, the door to the south will be locked. You can push the two statues to the north onto the buttons to open the door. Going through this door will exit you from the Dark Palace, but will enable return visits more convenient since you don't have to start from the top of the Crystal Palace anymore, you can simply enter through the front door. Return and take the stairs to reach the first basement. You can take the stairs to the south to reach a treasure chest containing a very strong DorasBox. Head down the hole in the floor and go north east to find a treasure chest. Inside lies a TinyMedal. Now go all the way south to take the stairs. This next area will be really odd looking. Take the stairs and be careful of the yellow things with spikes as they can suck you in and spit you out at another location in the palace. Do however, get sucked in by the one east of the treasure chest on the platform and it will spit you out in another room beside a different chest. Open it for a Life Ring and then travel south to take the stairs. You will now be at the bottom of the room you just got sucked from (don't giggle). Head north, and then west to open a chest containing 1250 Gold. Walk east and get sucked by the creature and you will be spit out on the platform with the chest. Open it for a WorldLeaf and enter the cave to the south. Take the stairs to the north and then to the west to reach another strange room. This room will have these weird creatures that throb and look like huts. You can enter them so enter the one to the east to find a cursed Sorrow Shield on the ground. Many of these huts will have egg like shells that contain random monsters if you inspect them. Enter the northern creature and there will be a hole in the wall blocked by these shells. Make your way through the hole and travel all the way north to reach the next room. This room will have white tiles that are like treadmills and will pull you in one direction. Go north west and enter the small cave. A well hidden TinyMedal lies in the area on the floor north east of the skull. Exit the cave and step west to ride the white tiles to the north. From here go west and there will be three paths that you can step on. Step on the western path and it will lead you to the treasure chest. Open it for a BluePrint. Now make your way back above the cave that you found the TinyMedal and take the north eastern path which will take you all the way to the north west part of the room. From here, take the path to the west down a level and then take the path to the north east. Now take the path leading south and then make your way west to enter the cave. Beware of the two plant like creatures in this room as they will drain the HP

of the character leading the party if touched. The path will appear blocked, but if you use the Talk command, your members should clue you in as what to do next. You are to use the charms given to you by the spirits. Since you have four charms, that means four different paths to take. It's best to take one path, then cast Outside and take the remaining three to claim all treasure while casting Outside after each path. Use one of your charms as an item while standing on the altar. I'll start with the FlameChrm. *Note* If you wish to do the Bonus Dungeon then you must take the AquaCharm path to claim the ?Shard before beating the game. FlameChrm path: The eastern plant will be destroyed and the party will be automatically sent through the passage opening. Head east to reach a treasure chest containing a Feugo Helm. Make your way to the north west part of the room and follow the path east to reach the stairs. Now head west, across the burning bridge to take the next set of stairs. Head north to take the stairs. From here, exit to the south and cross the bridge to find a large purple vortex. Stepping on this will lead you to the Demon Lord. If you want to try the other paths, cast Outside and use a different charm when you make your way back to the altar. WindCharm path: The WindCharm will lead you to an annoying 3D maze area like the Wind Maze. Head south and walk around the square. Now go north to rotate the screen from the bottom of the square. Now travel north all the way until you hit the wall and go left to rotate. Now follow the path to the north east and when you hit the wall, walk west to rotate the screen. Now go north to rotate the screen. Head north for a bit and then head east to rotate the screen twice to reach a treasure chest. Inside will be a Tornado Shield. Return left two screen rotations and then travel all the way south to rotate. Rotate to the west and walk south, then west and note the hole on the platform you are standing on. Head north to rotate and fall through the hole. Rotate to the west an fall through the hole surrounded by pillars to land in a small room. Head north and at the northern wall, you will be transported to the next part of the maze. Head north to rotate the screen and then west to rotate from the western most point. Step south to rotate. Travel all the way west and then go south to rotate. Head to the south western most point and go south to rotate. Now head to the north part of the screen and rotate twice to the north to reach the purple vortex which leads to the Demon Lord. Cast Outside if you wish to do the other paths. TerraChrm path: The small statue on the wall will reveal the path. If you head north and touch certain bright spots on the wall, it will crumble, allowing you to pass. Take either of the stairwells and proceed north, through the walls to reach an area with two treasure chests. Inside you will find a Gaiala Armor and TinyMedal. Return upstairs and stand north of the western staircase and go north through the wall. Make your way through the series of walls to reach the stairs. Now just head north through the wall to reach the purple vortex which leads to the Demon Lord. Cast Outside if you wish to do the other paths. AquaCharm path: The water will be parted when you use the AquaCharm. Head north through the opening to reach the next area. From here, make your way to the northern part of the room and take the first staircase down. Take the stairs to the west and

travel south to reach a chest containing a ?Shard. Backtrack now and take the stairs to the south. Take the next set of stairs and you will be in a large room with a purple vortex. Ignore it though and head north, through the waterfall to find a chest containing an Oceano Sword. After taking one of the four purple vortexes, you will be automatically healed before being warped to a mysterious dark room. Travel north, activating a series of lifts before coming face to face with the Demon Lord. Approach him and he will gloat that God has been defeated before attacking. Orgodemir will have four forms that you will have to defeat. Boss Battle - Orgodemir first form His first form will use attacks like a freezing Blizzard which will hit everyone for over 100HP of damage. WhiteFire does around 120HP of damage to all and his normal attack does around 100-125 HP of damage. He whips his tail that does around 100HP of damage as well. Boss Battle - Orgodemir second form His second form can attack twice and sometimes three times per round. He casts Blazemost and uses Explodet and WindBeast which hits for roughly 150HP of damage, WindBeast hitting only one party member. His Intense Flames attack hits the whole party for over 100 HP of damage and he has the ability to put a party member to sleep instantly. Boss Battle - Orgodemir third form His attacks this time consist of a weak Magma attack, normal attacks and a Terrifying Cry which hits everyone for around 150 HP of damage. He can poison you as well as cast and status enhancements with his Freezing Pulse. Boss Battle - Orgodemir final form He normally attacks twice per round here. WhiteFire hits everyone for over 100HP of damage and he can unleash all of his magic power that does around 150HP of damage to all. He still cancels any status effects with his Freezing Pulse and can coil around a party member like a snake which does around 80HP of damage. He can Meditate to restore HP and Prays to restore MP so he can unleash all of his magic power again. He can also summon monsters Bulbose and Dagorlach, This battle can be very hard or pretty easy depending on which classes you have mastered at this point. Use spells that reduce elemental damage and hit him with skills like SwordDanc and QuadHits. Hustle is a very important skill that a TeenIdol at level 5 will have which is almost necessary to use every round to replenish HP for the party. Having lots of WorldDews helps as well as the TwinHits spell which doubles attack power. Unleash any of the top class skills if you've learned them and you shouldn't have too much trouble with this boss. After the battle, Orgodemir will exclaim that he is the lord of all beings and ruler of the heavens before wondering how the party could have defeated him. He will then wonder if God is near by before disintegrating. =============================================================================== ENDING (WK90) Items: LostShard

Fish Sub x 2 AmitDonut You will now appear at the Sky Fane. Enter the door and if Melvin wasn't in your final party, he will be here to congratulate you. You will then automatically speak to the priest who expresses his gratitude. He will then tell you to go back to those that you love. Go downstairs and speak to the soldier and the platform outside will arrive. Exit here and head west to speak with the soldier by the platform. Say yes when asked if you are ready to set off. Melvin will decide to stay behind though. The Sky Stone will then take you to the Dharma Temple. You can go downstairs and visit with some of the bandits if you'd like. Upstairs you can meet with Brugeo who wants to buy the Crystal Palace. Exit here and your next stop will be Gorges. Head across the bridge and into the cave to reach Sefana. She explains that once the Demon Lord was defeated, her wings disappeared! After she thanks you, you can leave. Next stop is Mezar. Speak to the people in town and they will wonder why Ragley isn't with you. Enter Nicola's house and speak with him. He will thank you for saving the entire world and notes that he was correct in giving you the Carpet. Ragley will then wander inside acting like he just came from the final battle. He will then notice the party and begs you to once again cover his lies. Do so and exit here to head for Dune Palace. Saide will be ready to begin a journey of his own while the three brothers will be bickering over who has a better chance at getting with the Queen. Speak to the Queen who will thank you and explains that your story will never be forgotten. Exit here and your next stop will be Engow. You will be in the chiefs house and he will reflect on the fact that he pushed religion aside in his quest to make the town more popular. He decides to host a Fire Festival. Outside, many of the townsfolk will have torches. Speak to the chief a few times and he will ask if you are ready. Say yes and the scene will shift to the party throwing their flames into the crater of Mt. Flame. Mardra is the next stop. Speak to Michaela and she will invite you down to her bedroom. She will imply that she wants you to be her boyfriend before giving you a few kisses. Exit here and your next stop will be the Halfling's Village near Coastal. Speak to the King and he will want you to bring him unchaste women.... that was worth it. Leave here and you will head to Sharkeye's ship. Bolongo will take you to Sharkeye who will ask if you wish to be his successor one day. He then mentions that he has to go see the Undersea King for some reason. He will finally get to see Anise.... You will then fly to Estard Castle. VERY IMPORTANT!!! If you wish to do any of the Bonus Dungeons then exit the castle to the south. Make your way to the well at the south eastern part of town. Enter the well and you will find a LostShard. Now take the stairs beside Hondara's place that leads to the crazy old man on the cliff's house and go south through the cell doors. You will eventually make your way to a treasure chest. This chest will

be empty but you will have the option to put something inside. Place the LostShard inside the chest and save the game when prompted. Return to the castle and approach King Burns. He will congratulate the party and reflect that this all started before Kiefer stole the Queens ring. He is proud of his son and decides to hold a great feast to celebrate. A screen will pop up along with scenes of the feast that was held. The next day will begin in Fishbel with Mollie waking you up in your room. It's time for this years Amitt Festival. Go downstairs to learn that you are going on the voyage this year. As you try to leave the house, Mollie will give you two Fish Subs. One for Borkano and one for you. Head to the harbor and speak to the green merchant who will give you a free AmitDonut. Speak to Amitt a few times and it will appear that he wants you to wed Maribel in the future. Board the ship and speak to your father if you'd like. Go downstairs and just like at the beginning of the game, Maribel will be hiding behind some barrels. The Head Cook will scold her but Borkano will come down and allow her to sail. Head upstairs to the main deck and you will set sail as the credits begin to roll. Notice that as you pass Sharkeye's ship, he and Anise will be reunited. After reeling in some fish. Borkano will find a flat stone that will be addressed to the Hero: "Dear Hero, I'm still traveling with Layla and the rest of the Dejan tribe. I don't even know how long it has been since you and I went our separate ways. Jann has yet to return. As the Guardian of the tribe, the honor of marrying Layla fell to me. If you find this, I want you to let my father know that his son has finally found his way in this world. And, Hero, I want you to know that we are friends no matter how far we are from each other. Your friend, Kiefer" A screen will pop up saying "The End". =============================================================================== BONUS DUNGEON (WK91) Items: ?Shard STRseed x 2 TinyMedal x 3 Life Ring SageRock Magic Hat Slime Armor To access the Bonus Dungeon, you must load the file that you beat the game with, and you must have saved putting the LostShard in the chest by the crazy old man by the cliff. Note that the game will start with Orgodemir alive and these events as happening before you beat him. Return to Estard and open the chest you put the LostShard in to receive a ?Shard. Now you can warp to the Ancient Fane and the pedestals where you placed the previous ?Shards. Head to the furthest pedestals and place the two large ?Shards on the pedestal before returning upstairs and placing your new ?Shard on the pedestal.

You will be warped to a small island with a cave to the north. Enter the cave to officially start this dungeon. This dungeon will be comprised of many of the past areas you've already explored. The enemies will be much stronger in this cave then in any past area you've encountered. Travel all the way north to reach a chest containing a STRseed, before traveling east to take the stairs. Take the next set of stairs to the south east and follow the linear path to take the next set of stairs. This next room will look like the room in the World's Tallest Tower. Head north, then east and south along the perimeter. When you reach the bottom, head west, then north, west, north and then west all the way to reach the stairs. The next room will look like the room in the crazy old man on the cliff's house. Inspect the bookcases if you wish to fight a MadPot and then smash the pot for a TinyMedal. Exit to the south and then smash the barrels to the east for another STRseed. Enter the cave to the north east and the next room will look like the one from the Halfling's Cave. Follow the linear path to the east all the way and descend the ladder to reach the next room. Follow the linear path to reach the next set of stairs. Now travel south east to reach the next set of stairs. Travel north, and then west to take the next set of stairs which leads you to a Coral Lake like room with weak monsters underwater. Head all the way north to reach the next set of stairs. This next room will be like the Time Pocket Cave. Head west a bit and drop off to the north to reach a treasure chest containing a Life Ring. Head south to take the warp. Now head west and north to find the rooms exit. Don't take it just yet though, instead go south and then west to reach a chest containing a SageRock. Return and take the door to the north to reach the next room. Follow the path to reach the next area. Head north and then west to make your way to the cave entrance. Enter it and you will be in a place that looks like the path to the Geionne Monastery. The chest to the north will be empty, so cross the bridge and then go east to enter the cave. Head east to reach a treasure chest containing a TinyMedal. Exit this cave as the other path leads to a dead end, and head north, opening the chest by the water for a Magic Hat. Exit to the north and follow the path to enter the cave behind the waterfall. You will now be in a place that is similar to the small mountain town you went to before restoring the Dharma Temple. The first two houses will be locked and you cannot enter them. Enter the cave below the second house and you can save your progress here. Inspect the well beside the third house to battle a WellGhost. Enter the house and inspect the dressers to the north for Slime Armor. Smash the barrel to the east for a TinyMedal. The two vases will be MadPots. Exit here and enter the cave opening to the north. Head east to enter the next opening. Here will be your ultimate test. The battle vs. the creator of all beings. God will be waiting for you and explains the battle between himself and Orgodemir years ago. He explains that before he was defeated, he left the future of the world in your hands. He will ask you if you wish to battle him. Accept his challenge to do battle with God. Boss Battle - God God can breath HellFlame which hits everyone for large damage, Summons Lightning from the netherworld, casts WindBeast, Radiates Freezing Cold, tells a QuickJoke, does the BoxerDance and can instantly put someone to sleep. He also attacks normally. Now this battle will be insane and you will have to max out many classes as well as level up big time before you even stand a chance. UltraHit and Stempede work very well, along with HellFlame. You will need to heal every round and Revive is a must.

Here is a strategy that will make God easy to defeat provided by forum user joncminor. You will need to have someone master the PlatKing class so that they take no damage from elemental spells as well as have them learn the Guardian skill from the Paladin or Golem classes. Have someone use UltraHit, Gabo use Stampede and the PlatKing use the Guardian skill. The only thing that will hurt the PlatKing are Gods physical attacks and the Radiating of Freezing Cold which hits the whole party regardless if Guardian is used, and the instant sleep skill. As long as you keep the PlatKing's HP above 100HP, you should be fine to have three members using their strongest attacks to wail away at God. After the battle, God will tell you how many turns it took to defeat him. If you took less than 20 turns, God will offer you your choice of a gift: ?Shard1 ?Shard2 ?Shard3 Fillet Dream Camisole Hero's Heart After your choice, he will then force you out of the Bonus Dungeon to the following place of your choosing: Estard Castle Dharma Temple Medal King Castle Monster Park Demon Lord If you wish to access the second Bonus Dungeon, you must defeat God at least three times in under 20 turns to grab the 3 ?Shards required. =============================================================================== BONUS DUNGEON 2 (Zion Cave) (WK92) Items: Goddess Ring Destruct Shield TinyMedal Rib Echo Hat Head to the Ancient Fane and take the stairs behind the first Bonus Dungeon pedestal to reach the next pedestal. Place the three ?Shards you received from defeating God to spell "Dragon Warrior 7" and be warped away. You will be on a small island with a castle to the north. Enter the castle which oddly looks like Dune Palace. You can head north to take the set of stairs, or enter the side doors to reach a treasure chest containing a DorasBox. Take the stairs when ready and note that this place is called Zion Cave. This is the only place in the game where you can encounter a PlatKing. From the stairs, go south a bit and then west, north, north, west, north, west, west, south, south, south and east to take the stairs. Head south and then east and follow the path west above the small body of water to take the next set of stairs. In this room you must avoid the small fires that burst from the floor as they will drain your HP if you touch. Open the treasure chest for a Goddess Ring and travel south to reach the stairs. This next room will be like a maze. Head east and then south to find the path branches east, west and south. Head east to find two treasure chests. One will be a DorasBox while

the other contains a cursed Destruct Shield. Head south now and you will have the options to go south west, south, south east and east. Head south west to reach a bunch of jars. Smash them for a TinyMedal and a MadPot. Head south east and smash the barrels for a Rib before taking the path leading south to reach the stairs. Head north in the next room to reach a chest containing an Echo Hat which allows the spell you cast to be cast twice for the price of one casting. Very useful. Head west to find a HP/MP replenishing circle before taking the stairs to the south. Follow the linear path and take the next set of stairs. You will now have the option to take two staircases which lie to the north and north west. Ignore the north western stairs as they lead to a dead end and take the stairs to the north. Heal up now and head north to be confronted by the four Elemental Spirits and attacked. Boss Battle - Wind, Terra, Aqua and Flame Spirits These spirits will use skills and spells from their Element. Wind Spirit uses WindBeast and Vacuum while the Terra Spirit throws rocks which hit the whole party. Aqua Spirit uses Tsunami while the Flame Spirit uses Scorching and Magma. They can also attack physically. Now these guys aren't too hard. Pick them off one by one for best results and don't use any of their elemental spells against them obviously as they won't have any effect. You can also use the PlatKing strategy that worked against God and these guys will be a breeze. After the battle, head north though the door and enter the next door to find God in a tiny little room. Speak to him and you will have the option to recruit him for your immigrant town. Do so and God will leave for the town. You can visit your town now and challenge God without having to traverse the first Bonus Dungeon again. Now all that's left is to finish any odds and ends and beat Orgodemir once more to complete the game. ******************************************************************************* SHOPPING LIST (SHPL) ******************************************************************************* Here is a list of all of the item shops, weapon shops and armor shops in each town in Dragon Warrior 7. =============================================================================== FISHBEL General Store: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold Stick..............................................................10 Gold Cloth..............................................................30 Gold Pot Lid............................................................40 Gold =============================================================================== ESTARD General Store: Cloth..............................................................30 Gold Traveler Clothes...................................................70 Gold Leather Hat........................................................65 Gold HairBand...........................................................100 Gold Pot Lid............................................................40 Gold

Herb...............................................................8 Gold Item Shop: Stick..............................................................10 Pole...............................................................50 Traveler Clothes...................................................70 Leather Shield.....................................................70 Antidote...........................................................10 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== REXWOOD (PAST) Weapon and Armor Shop: Pole...............................................................50 Gold Club...............................................................110 Gold Copper Sword.......................................................220 Gold Leather Armor......................................................180 Gold Leather Shield.....................................................70 Gold Horned Hat.........................................................70 Gold Herb...............................................................8 Gold =============================================================================== REXWOOD Weapon and Armor Shop: Copper Sword.......................................................220 Gold Mallet.............................................................410 Gold Leather Armor......................................................180 Gold Leather Shield.....................................................70 Gold Traveler Clothes...................................................70 Gold Horned Hat.........................................................70 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold =============================================================================== ENGOW (PAST) General Store: Copper Sword.......................................................220 Gold Mallet.............................................................410 Gold Rosevine Whip......................................................770 Gold Traveler Clothes...................................................70 Gold Leather Shield.....................................................70 Gold Horned Hat.........................................................70 Gold Herb...............................................................8 Gold Item Shop: Mallet.............................................................410 Gold Rosevine Ship......................................................770 Gold Traveler Clothes...................................................70 Gold Leather Dress......................................................680 Gold Scale Shield.......................................................180 Gold Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold ===============================================================================

ENGOW Weapon and Armor Shop: Mallet.............................................................410 Gold Rosevine Whip......................................................770 Gold Scale Armor........................................................450 Gold Leather Dress......................................................680 Gold Leather Shield.....................................................70 Gold Scale Shield.......................................................180 Gold Wooden Hat.........................................................120 Gold =============================================================================== ORPH (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold Cloth..............................................................25 Gold Weapon and Armor Shop: Bone Knife.........................................................110 Mallet.............................................................410 Rosevine Whip......................................................770 Leather Kilt.......................................................310 Scale Armor........................................................450 Kitten Shield......................................................310 Wooden Hat.........................................................120 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== ORPH Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold Cloth..............................................................25 Gold Weapon and Armor Shop: Stone Claw.........................................................340 Knife..............................................................200 Rosevine Whip......................................................770 Leather Kilt.......................................................310 Kitten Shield......................................................310 Turban.............................................................410 Fur Hat............................................................500 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== FALRISH (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold

Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold Weapon Shop: Stone Claw.........................................................340 Gold Mallet.............................................................410 Gold Boomerang..........................................................650 Gold Rock Axe...........................................................810 Gold Iron Spear.........................................................1000 Gold Armor Shop: Scale Armor........................................................450 Gold Leather Dress......................................................680 Gold Shell Armor........................................................880 Gold Kitten Shield......................................................310 Gold Bronze Shield......................................................470 Gold Silver Tiara.......................................................450 Gold Iron Helmet........................................................1100 Gold =============================================================================== FALRISH Weapon Shop: Copper Sword.......................................................220 Gold Stone Claw.........................................................340 Gold Mallet.............................................................410 Gold Boomerang..........................................................650 Gold Rosevine Whip......................................................770 Gold Rock Axe...........................................................810 Gold Iron Spear.........................................................1000 Gold Armor Shop: Scale Armor........................................................450 Gold Leather Dress......................................................680 Gold Shell Armor........................................................880 Gold Chain Armor........................................................1050 Gold Bronze Shield......................................................470 Gold Iron Shield........................................................920 Gold Iron Helmet........................................................1100 Gold =============================================================================== VERDHAM (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold Weapon and Armor Shop: Boomerang..........................................................650 Gold Iron Spear.........................................................1000 Gold Leather Whip.......................................................1300 Gold

Blade Boomerang....................................................2300 Gold Bronze Armor.......................................................1350 Gold Iron Shield........................................................920 Gold Iron Helmet........................................................1100 Gold =============================================================================== MENTARE HERB GARDEN Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold BunnyTail..........................................................270 Gold Spider Web.........................................................35 Gold Bug Powder.........................................................310 Gold =============================================================================== INN AND CASINO (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold BunnyTail..........................................................270 Gold Slime Earrings.....................................................850 Gold Weapon and Armor Shop: Iron Spear.........................................................1000 Gold Leather Whip.......................................................1300 Gold Blade Boomerang....................................................2300 Gold Sickle.............................................................1700 Gold Fur Robe...........................................................900 Gold Chain Armor........................................................1050 Gold Slime Clothes......................................................1200 Gold =============================================================================== PENAL TOWN (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold Thief Key..........................................................470 Gold Weapon Shop: Iron Claw..........................................................920 Gold Sickle.............................................................1700 Gold Hammer.............................................................2100 Gold Steel Sword........................................................2800 Gold Sleep Rod..........................................................4200 Gold Armor Shop:

Fur Robe...........................................................900 Gold Dancer Clothes.....................................................1500 Gold Iron Plate.........................................................2000 Gold Evade Clothes......................................................3000 Gold Iron Shield........................................................920 Gold Tray Shield........................................................1000 Gold Bunny Tiara........................................................750 Gold =============================================================================== MOUNTAIN TOWN (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold StarOrt............................................................500 Gold =============================================================================== ARENA (PAST) Weapon and Armor Shop: Chain Whip.........................................................2500 Steel Sword........................................................2800 Steel Claw.........................................................4200 Evade Clothes......................................................3000 Iron Armor.........................................................3300 Tray Shield........................................................1000 Captain Hat........................................................2800 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== DHARMA TEMPLE (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Spider Web.........................................................35 Gold Bug Powder.........................................................310 Gold Weapon Shop: Mallet.............................................................410 Gold Iron Spear.........................................................1000 Gold Blade Boomerang....................................................2300 Gold Wizard Staff.......................................................1500 Gold Sickle.............................................................1700 Gold Armor Shop: Chain Armor........................................................1050 Gold Bronze Armor.......................................................1350 Gold Iron Plate.........................................................2000 Gold Iron Shield........................................................920 Gold Iron Helmet........................................................1100 Gold =============================================================================== INN AND CASINO

Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold Slime Earrings.....................................................850 Gold Bunny Suit.........................................................3300 Gold Bunny Tiara........................................................750 Gold =============================================================================== DHARMA TEMPLE Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold Weapon Shop: Blade Boomerang....................................................2300 Steel Sword........................................................2800 Chain Whip.........................................................2500 Steel Claw.........................................................4200 Iron Axe...........................................................4000 Sleep Rod..........................................................4200 Mist Rod...........................................................6800 Armor Shop: Iron Armor.........................................................3300 Steel Armor........................................................5000 Evade Clothes......................................................3000 Magic Robe.........................................................4000 White Shield.......................................................2000 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== MEZAR General Store: Chain Whip.........................................................2500 Dagger.............................................................1500 Iron Armor.........................................................3300 Shell Clothes......................................................3800 White Shield.......................................................2000 Magic Shield.......................................................5000 Iron Mask..........................................................3500 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== DUNE (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold BunnyTail..........................................................270 Gold StarOrt............................................................500 Gold

LifeRock...........................................................800 Gold =============================================================================== DUNE Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold BunnyTail..........................................................270 Gold LifeRock...........................................................800 Gold =============================================================================== DUNE PALACE Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold WarpWing...........................................................25 Gold Weapon Shop: Blade Boomerang....................................................2300 Chain Whip.........................................................2500 Steel Claw.........................................................4200 Shell Clothes......................................................3800 Steel Armor........................................................5000 Magic Shield.......................................................5000 Iron Mask..........................................................3500 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== KRAGE General Store: Blade Boomerang....................................................2300 Dagger.............................................................1500 Steel Sword........................................................2800 Steel Claw.........................................................4200 Glam Dress.........................................................2500 Shell Clothes......................................................3800 Silk Hat...........................................................1200 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== LITORUD (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Weapon Shop: Hammer.............................................................2100 Gold

Steel Sword........................................................2800 Chain Whip.........................................................2500 Steel Claw.........................................................4200 Holy Lance.........................................................3300 Iron Axe...........................................................4000 Armor Shop: Iron Armor.........................................................3300 Magic Armor........................................................4000 Shell Clothes......................................................3800 Steel Armor........................................................5000 White Shield.......................................................2000 Magic Shield.......................................................5000 Iron Mask..........................................................3500

Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== BRIDGE (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Spider Web.........................................................35 Gold Bug Powder.........................................................310 Gold =============================================================================== VERDHAM REVISITED (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold Weapon and Armor Shop: Chain Whip.........................................................2500 Holy Spear.........................................................3300 Destruct Sword.....................................................5400 Power Claw.........................................................7100 Silver Breastplate.................................................6000 Wizard Robe........................................................4200 Iron Mask..........................................................3500 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== MENTARE (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold AGL Scarf..........................................................970 Gold =============================================================================== LITORUD Item Shop:

Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold Weapon Shop: Hammer.............................................................2100 Steel Sword........................................................2800 Chain Whip.........................................................2500 Steel Claw.........................................................4200 Iron Axe...........................................................4000 Destruct Sword.....................................................5400 Power Claw.........................................................7100 Armor Shop: Evade Clothes......................................................3000 Silver Breastplate.................................................6000 Wizard Robe........................................................4200 Magic Shield.......................................................5000 Platinum Shield....................................................3500 Captain Hat........................................................2800 Iron Mask..........................................................3500 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== BRIDGE General Store: Blade Boomerang....................................................2300 Gold Dagger.............................................................1500 Gold Silk Robe..........................................................600 Gold Dancer Clothes.....................................................1500 Gold Tray...............................................................1000 Gold Silver Tiara.......................................................450 Gold Style Ranking General Store: Boxer Shorts.......................................................100 Gold Bunny Dress........................................................3300 Gold Bunny Tiara........................................................750 Gold Golden Ring........................................................2000 Gold =============================================================================== AVON (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold =============================================================================== HUZU (PAST) Weapon Shop:

Mace...............................................................5500 Shears.............................................................6000 Battle Axe.........................................................6500 Power Claw.........................................................7100 Mist Rod...........................................................6800 Armor Shop: Wizard Robe........................................................4200 Viking Armor.......................................................7000 Silk Bustier.......................................................7800 Magic Shield.......................................................5000 Platinum Shield....................................................3500 Captain Hat........................................................2800 Viking Helm........................................................4500

Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== HAMELIA (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold PinkPearl..........................................................1500 Gold Weapon Shop: Destruct Sword.....................................................5400 Mace...............................................................5500 Shears.............................................................6000 Battle Axe.........................................................6500 Flame Claw.........................................................7700 Dragon Whip........................................................7500 Armor Shop: Viking Armor.......................................................7000 Skirt..............................................................8700 Platinum Shield....................................................3500 Captain Hat........................................................2800 Viking Helm........................................................4500 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== MOUNTAIN TOWER (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold PinkPearl..........................................................1500 Gold Pixy Sword.........................................................8500 Gold =============================================================================== HAMELIA Item Shop:

Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold WarpWing...........................................................25 Gold PinkPearl..........................................................1500 Gold Weapon Shop: Mace...............................................................5500 Shears.............................................................6000 Battle Axe.........................................................6500 Flame Claw.........................................................7700 Dragon Whip........................................................7500 Hacksaw............................................................8800 Lune Fan...........................................................7700 Armor Shop: Pirate Clothes.....................................................4200 Viking Armor.......................................................7000 Silver Armor.......................................................9100 Skirt..............................................................8700 Platinum Shield....................................................3500 Captain Hat........................................................2800 Viking Helm........................................................4500 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== PROBINA (PAST) General Store: Mace...............................................................5500 Gold Dragon Whip........................................................7500 Gold Hacksaw............................................................8800 Gold Flame Claw.........................................................7700 Gold Ice Claw...........................................................9000 Gold Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold Armor Shop: Wizard Robe........................................................4200 Silver Armor.......................................................9100 Skirt..............................................................8700 Heavy Armor........................................................9500 Platinum Armor.....................................................3500 Dragon Shield......................................................7100 Iron Mask..........................................................3500 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== PROBINA Weapon Shop: Mace...............................................................5500 Gold Dragon Whip........................................................7500 Gold Hacksaw............................................................8800 Gold Flame Claw.........................................................7700 Gold Ice Claw...........................................................9000 Gold Sage Staff.........................................................15000 Gold

Armor Shop: Wizard Robe........................................................4200 Gold Silver Armor.......................................................9100 Gold Skirt..............................................................8700 Gold Magic Armor........................................................11000 Gold Dragon Shield......................................................7100 Gold Iron Mask..........................................................3500 Gold Viking Helm........................................................4500 Gold =============================================================================== LOOMIN (PAST) Mini-Mini Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold Pot Lid............................................................40 Gold Armor Shop: Wizard Robe........................................................4200 Silver Armor.......................................................9100 Heavy Armor........................................................9500 Dragon Shield......................................................7100 Iron Mask..........................................................3500 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== LOOMIN Weapon Shop: Fire Claw..........................................................7700 Gold Hacksaw............................................................8800 Gold Ice Claw...........................................................9000 Gold War Hammer.........................................................12000 Gold Armor Shop: Wizard Robe........................................................4200 Gold Silver Armor.......................................................9100 Gold Heavy Armor........................................................9500 Gold Dragon Shield......................................................7100 Gold Expel Shield.......................................................11000 Gold Iron Mask..........................................................3500 Gold =============================================================================== RAGURAZ (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Armor Shop: Steel Armor........................................................5000 Gold Silver Breastplate.................................................6000 Gold

Heavy Armor........................................................9500 Gold Iron Shield........................................................920 Gold White Shield.......................................................2000 Gold Iron Helm..........................................................1100 Gold Iron Mask..........................................................3500 Gold =============================================================================== MARDRA (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold SpiderWeb..........................................................35 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold BunnyTail..........................................................270 Gold Weapon and Armor Shop: Pixy Sword.........................................................8500 Gold Lune Fan...........................................................7700 Gold Ice Claw...........................................................9000 Gold Skirt..............................................................8700 Gold Magic Armor........................................................11000 Gold Magic Shield.......................................................5000 Gold Silver Tiara.......................................................450 Gold =============================================================================== GREAT FANE (PAST) Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold SpiderWeb..........................................................35 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold BunnyTail..........................................................270 Gold GuardRuby..........................................................3500 Gold =============================================================================== MARDRA Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold SpiderWeb..........................................................35 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold Weapon Shop: Destruct Sword.....................................................5400 Pixy Sword.........................................................8500 Lune Fan...........................................................7700 Ice Claw...........................................................9000 Tempt Sword........................................................7300 Steel Whip.........................................................9500 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

Armor Shop: Silver Armor.......................................................9100 Gold Skirt..............................................................8700 Gold Magic Armor........................................................10000 Gold Spirit Armor.......................................................12000 Gold Magic Shield.......................................................5000 Gold Dragon Shield......................................................7100 Gold Silver Tiara.......................................................450 Gold =============================================================================== GORGES (PAST) Weapon Shop: Dragon Whip........................................................7500 Gold Flame Claw.........................................................7700 Gold Pixy Sword.........................................................8500 Gold War Hammer.........................................................12000 Gold Flame Boomerang....................................................13000 Gold Armor Shop: Skirt..............................................................8700 Gold Magic Armor........................................................11000 Gold Spirit Armor.......................................................12000 Gold Angel Dress........................................................11000 Gold White Shield.......................................................2000 Gold Magic Shield.......................................................5000 Gold Expel Shield.......................................................11000 Gold =============================================================================== GORGES Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold WarpWing...........................................................25 Gold Weapon Shop: Dragon Whip........................................................7500 Gold Flame Claw.........................................................7700 Gold Pixy Sword.........................................................8500 Gold War Hammer.........................................................12000 Gold Flame Boomerang....................................................13000 Gold Armor Shop: Skirt..............................................................8700 Gold Magic Armor........................................................11000 Gold Spirit Armor.......................................................12000 Gold Angel Dress........................................................11000 Gold White Shield.......................................................2000 Gold Magic Shield.......................................................5000 Gold Expel Shield.......................................................11000 Gold

=============================================================================== LABRES (PAST) General Store: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold War Hammer.........................................................12000 Gold Seduce Sword.......................................................9800 Gold Flame Boomerang....................................................13000 Gold White Shield.......................................................2000 Gold =============================================================================== LABRES Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold War Hammer.........................................................12000 Gold Seduce Sword.......................................................9800 Gold Flame Boomerang....................................................13000 Gold Dragon Armor.......................................................15000 Gold Expel Shield.......................................................11000 Gold =============================================================================== MOUNTAIN Weapon Shop: Flame Claw.........................................................7700 Pixy Sword.........................................................8500 Lune Fan...........................................................7700 Ice Claw...........................................................9000 Armor Shop: Magic Armor........................................................11000 Gold Skirt..............................................................8700 Gold Angel Robe.........................................................11000 Gold White Shield.......................................................2000 Gold Magic Shield.......................................................5000 Gold =============================================================================== COASTAL (PAST) General Store: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold Weapon Shop: Bounce Sword.......................................................6200 Gold Lune Fan...........................................................7700 Gold Tempt Sword........................................................7300 Gold Steel Whip.........................................................9500 Gold Monster Claw.......................................................17000 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

Dragon Sword.......................................................20000 Gold Armor Shop: Dragon Armor.......................................................15000 Gold Water Robe.........................................................16800 Gold Ice Shield.........................................................3800 Gold Expel Shield.......................................................11000 Gold Captain Hat........................................................2800 Gold Viking Helm........................................................4500 Gold =============================================================================== COASTAL Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold Weapon Shop: Bounce Sword.......................................................6200 Gold Lune Fan...........................................................7700 Gold Seduce Sword.......................................................9800 Gold Monster Claw.......................................................17000 Gold Flame Boomerang....................................................13000 Gold Dragon Sword.......................................................20000 Gold Armor Shop: Viking Armor.......................................................7000 Gold Dragon Armor.......................................................15000 Gold Water Robe.........................................................16800 Gold Ice Shield.........................................................3800 Gold Expel Shield.......................................................11000 Gold Captain Hat........................................................2800 Gold Viking Helm........................................................4500 Gold =============================================================================== HALFLING CAVE Weapon Shop: Dragon Sword.......................................................20000 Gold Flame Sword........................................................22500 Gold Sea Roar Staff.....................................................14000 Gold Armor Shop: Slime Armor........................................................15000 Gold Flame Shield.......................................................17000 Gold Platinum Helm......................................................6100 Gold =============================================================================== SKY FANE Item Shop:

Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold WarpWing...........................................................25 Gold Weapon Shop: Zombie Sword.......................................................15000 Gold Dragon Claw........................................................21000 Gold Thunder Sword......................................................24000 Gold Armor Shop: Water Robe.........................................................16800 Flame Armor........................................................21000 Princess Dress.....................................................20000 Expel Shield.......................................................11000 Heal Shield........................................................25000 Mythril Helm.......................................................10000 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== MT. FLAME General Store: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold Zombie Sword.......................................................15000 Gold Dragon Claw........................................................21000 Gold Water Robe.........................................................16800 Gold Heal Shield........................................................25000 Gold =============================================================================== SHARKEYE'S SHIP Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold SpiderWeb..........................................................35 Gold Weapon Shop 1: Dagger.............................................................1500 Gold Power Claw.........................................................7100 Gold Needle Sword.......................................................11000 Gold Zombie Sword.......................................................15000 Gold Dragon Claw........................................................21000 Gold Godeus Sword.......................................................23000 Gold Weapon Shop 2: Thunder Sword......................................................24000 Devil Claw.........................................................35000 Bastard Sword......................................................31000 Sea Roar Staff.....................................................14000 Armor Shop 1: Gold Gold Gold Gold

Water Robe.........................................................16800 Flame Armor........................................................21000 Gigant Armor.......................................................35000 Dragon Robe........................................................40000 Heal Shield........................................................25000 Mythril Helm.......................................................10000 Armor Shop 2:

Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

Viking Armor.......................................................7000 Gold Captain Hat........................................................2800 Gold Viking Helm........................................................4500 Gold Silver Shield......................................................33000 Gold Dugon Helm.........................................................26500 Gold =============================================================================== IMMIGRANT TOWN 15-19 PEOPLE General Store: Club...............................................................110 Gold Traveler Clothes...................................................70 Gold Leather Hat........................................................65 Gold Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold =============================================================================== IMMIGRANT TOWN 20-24 PEOPLE Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold Weapon Shop: Stick..............................................................10 Gold Club...............................................................110 Gold Mallet.............................................................410 Gold =============================================================================== IMMIGRANT TOWN 25-29 PEOPLE Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold Weapon Shop: Leather Whip.......................................................1300 Gold Sickle.............................................................1700 Gold Hammer.............................................................2100 Gold Armor Shop: Leather Kilt.......................................................310 Gold Shell Armor........................................................880 Gold

Chain Armor........................................................1050 Gold =============================================================================== IMMIGRANT TOWN 30-34 PEOPLE Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold SpiderWeb..........................................................35 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold Weapon Shop: Steel Sword........................................................2800 Gold Battle Axe.........................................................6500 Gold Sage Staff.........................................................15000 Gold Pixy Sword.........................................................8500 Gold Armor Shop: Iron Armor.........................................................3300 Silver Armor.......................................................9100 Blade Armor........................................................6500 White Shield.......................................................2000 Ice Shield.........................................................3800 Iron Mask..........................................................3500 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

=============================================================================== IMMIGRANT TOWN NORMAL TOWN Item Shop: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold SpiderWeb..........................................................35 Gold WarpWing...........................................................25 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold Weapon Shop: Destruct Sword.....................................................5400 Gold Dragon Whip........................................................7500 Gold Flame Claw.........................................................7700 Gold Lune Fan...........................................................7700 Gold War Hammer.........................................................12000 Gold Hero Staff.........................................................18500 Gold Armor Shop: Steel Armor........................................................5000 Gold Wizard Robe........................................................4200 Gold Magic Armor........................................................11000 Gold Mirror Armor.......................................................38000 Gold Dragon Shield......................................................7100 Gold Platinum Helm......................................................6100 Gold Great Helm.........................................................30000 Gold

=============================================================================== IMMIGRANT TOWN GREAT FARM General Store: Sickle Sword.......................................................1700 Gold Hacksaw............................................................8800 Gold Monster Claw.......................................................17000 Gold Oricon Claw........................................................30000 Gold Boxer Shorts.......................................................100 Gold Leather Kilt.......................................................310 Gold LifeRock...........................................................800 Gold =============================================================================== IMMIGRANT TOWN GREAT TEMPLE General Store 1: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold Repellent..........................................................20 Gold Potion.............................................................200 Gold LifeRock...........................................................800 Gold Wizard Ring........................................................3000 Gold Vivify Staff.......................................................45000 Gold General Store 2: Wind Staff.........................................................1000 Gold Holy Spear.........................................................3300 Gold Sage Staff.........................................................15000 Gold Lune Fan...........................................................7700 Gold Sun Fan............................................................22000 Gold Spirit Armor.......................................................12000 Gold Water Robe.........................................................16800 Gold =============================================================================== IMMIGRANT TOWN PREMIUM BAZAAR Item Shop 1: Herb...............................................................8 Gold Antidote...........................................................10 Gold MoonHerb...........................................................30 Gold SpiderWeb..........................................................35 Gold Star Ort...........................................................500 Gold LifeRock...........................................................800 Gold Speed Ring.........................................................3100 Gold Item Shop 2: Slime Earrings.....................................................850 Gold Slime Clothes......................................................1200 Gold Slime Armor........................................................15000 Gold MetlKing Shield....................................................10000 Gold SeaShell Hat.......................................................250 Gold Weapon Shop: Dragon Whip........................................................7500 Gold

Flame Claw.........................................................7700 Gold Platinum Sword.....................................................3000 Gold Tempt Sword........................................................7300 Gold Bow Gun............................................................37000 Gold MetlKing Sword.....................................................37000 Gold Armor Shop: Party Dress........................................................11800 Gold Silk Tuxedo........................................................3500 Gold Trendy Suit........................................................13200 Gold Turban.............................................................410 Gold Silk Hat...........................................................1200 Gold Tights.............................................................2200 Gold Bow Tie............................................................2400 Gold =============================================================================== IMMIGRANT TOWN GRAND SLUM Weapon Shop: Power Claw.........................................................7100 Gold Shears.............................................................6000 Gold Dragon Whip........................................................7500 Gold Flame Boomerang....................................................13000 Gold Seduce Sword.......................................................9800 Gold Devil Sword........................................................45000 Gold Armor Shop: Viking Armor.......................................................7000 Gold Dance Armor........................................................6300 Gold Silk Armor.........................................................7800 Gold Spangle Dress......................................................11500 Gold Garter.............................................................3300 Gold Tights.............................................................2200 Gold Bunny Tiara........................................................750 Gold ******************************************************************************* ITEMS (ITMS) ******************************************************************************* ?Shard - Mystery shard used on many pedestals AGLseed - Permanently raises a characters agility AmitDonut - Recovers a small amount of HP AmitSnack - Recovers a small amount of HP Ancient Key - Enters locked door in Ancient Fane Ancient Scroll - Given to you by Kiefer Andreal Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the Andreal monster class AngelTear - Cures people who have been turned to stone by the grey rain Antidote - Curses poison APR Award - Award received from the World Ranking Federation for style AquaShard - A shard used to unlock new lands in the Ancient Fane Bandit Key - Opens a locked door in the Bandit's Lair BeefJerky - Used to tame monsters for the monster park Berserkr Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the Berserker monster class Black Key - Opens locked doors in the Evil Statue BlissRock - Used to revive the Sky Fanes

BluePrint - Bring to the monster guru to have more land for your tamed monsters BoltRat Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the BoltRat monster class BombCrag Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the BombCrag monster class Bottle - A bottle used to put RainbwDew inside BugPowder - Causes an enemy to lose a turn in battle Button - Give to the boy in Engow for a TinyMedal Carpet - A flying carpet that lets you fly over everything but mountains Clock Key - Opens the locked door in the Clock Tower Coastal Letter - Used to obtain PilotFire from Engow CosmoBog Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the CosmoBog monster class CursLamp Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the CurseLamp monster class Dark Ruby - Used to power the Evil Statue DEFseed - Permanently raises a characters defense Dharma Key - Opens the locked doors in the Dharma Temple DragonEye - Prevents Dragon statues from breathing fire in Baloch's Tower DrakSlim Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the DrakSlime monster class Dumbira Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the Dumbira monster class DuneCharm - Use to prove you are a friend of the people of Dune Dung - Having a lot in a characters inventory may cause monsters to miss turns Elven Jar - Used to fill with HolyDew Emily's Letter - Give to scholar for an INTseed Empress Letter - Give to the High Priest of the Great Fane EvilWell Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the EvilWell monster class EvlTurtl Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the EvlTurtle monster class Filet - Use to tame monsters for the monster park Final Key - Opens any doors FireShard - A shard used to unlock new lands in the Ancient Fane Fish Sub - Give to your father in Fishbel FishPaste - Kiefer's favorite food Flame Key - Used to reach the Flame Spirit FlameAqua - Used to open the way to the Demon Lord Florajay Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the Florajay monster class Fossil - Found at excavation site. Turns into the TyranBone Gerion Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the Gerion monster class Glim Moss - Use on monster in Coastal to enter the Great Lighthouse GoddesPic - Clue to bathe Goddess Statue parts in the spring at Probina Golem Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the Golem monster class GraceHerb - Use to permanently raise a characters appearance Green Orb - Used to save Patrick s fathers life Halo Orb - Allows you to warp to the Wind Tower and the Sky Town Healer Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the Healer monster class Heart Gem - Use to receive the Pierce Gem HellGiant Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the HellGiant monster class Herb - Recovers a small amount of HP Hero's Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the Hero class HolyDew - Purifies the water at Krage HolyWater - Used to eliminate the Black Flame Hork Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the Hork monster class HotStone - Use to enter the Worlds Tallest Tower ID Card - Allows access to the "puff puff" INT Award - Award received from the World Ranking Federation for intelligence INTseed - Use to permanently raise a characters intelligence JewelBag Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the JewelBag monster class Kiefer's Letter - A letter from Kiefer King's Key - Use to gain access deeper within the Sphinx LandShard - A shard used to unlock new lands in the Ancient Fane LarMirror - Reverts transformed monsters back to their original form Legs - Part of the broken Goddess Statue LifeAcorn - Use to permanently raise a characters HP LifeRock - Saves a character from an instant death attack if in inventory

LightAqua - Give to the staff makers assistant to be rewarded with a Bolt Staff Lipsy Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the Lipsy monster class LizrdMan Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the LizardMan monster class LostShard - Final Shard needed to access the Bonus Dungeon Magic Key - Opens some treasure chests MechParts - Used to fix Eri Memento - A Memento of Chibi you get after completing the Monster Park Mila Drug - Used to save Pepe Mimic Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the Mimic monster class Monolith - A tablet that told the truth of Labres history Monster Book - Stores monster data MoonHerb - Cures a character if they are paralyzed in battle MysticNut - Use to permanently raise a characters MP Nose Gem - Used to awaken the Terra Spirit Package - Give to the man at the excavation site Pearl Orb - Use on the statue in the Estard Ruins PierceGem - Break to HeartGem to receive. Used to awaken the Terra Spirit PilotFire - Sacred fire from Mt. Flame PlatKing Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the PlatKing monster class Potion - Recovers some MP Priest Key - Opens the priests chest in Probina Priest's Letter - Allows access to the Magic Research Institute in Mardra past Purple Jar - Show to Cherri to prove Kaya has been poisoning Kadasol RainbwDew - Use to put out the Dark Flame RainHawk Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the RainHawk monster class Repellent - Prevents random encounters from weak enemies Rib - Use to tame monsters for the monster park Rogue Gem - Used to awaken the Terra Spirit Rose's Letter - A letter to remove Rose from the style contest SageRock - Casts Healus when used in battle Saint's Armor - Put this on the first saint statue in the Ancient Fane Saint's Helm - Put this on the third saint statue in the Ancient Fane Saint's Shield - Put this on the second saint statue in the Ancient Fane Saint's Sword - Put this on the fourth saint statue in the Ancient Fane Seal Key - Use to access the Wind Maze Seer's Gem - Used to awaken the Terra Spirit SkyDevil Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the SkyDevil monster class Slime Heart - Use at Dharma Temple to join the Slime monster class SpiderWeb - Use in battle to confuse an enemy StarShard - An ingredient used to make the Majustis spell STR Award - Award received from the World Ranking Federation for strength STRseed - Use to permanently raise a characters strength TerraBell - Used by the Deja Tribe to revive God TerraTula - A musical instrument that only the legendary tula player can play Thief Key - Opens locked treasure chests Time Sand - Use to restart a battle from the beginning TinyMedal - Collect these and give to the Medal King for prizes Torso - Part of the broken Goddess Statue Tower Key - Opens the door to DarkDraco's Tower TyranBone - Throw into the Nila River to make the legendary Tyrannos appear Viva Grape - Wine from the Deja Tribe WarpWing - Use to return to a previously visited place WindShard - A shard used to unlock new lands in the Ancient Fane WondeRock - Casts Heal when used in battle Wood Doll - Momento from Matilda. Give to Patrick WorldLeaf - Use this to revive a fallen character World Map - Use to see a map of the world WorldDew - Use in battle to fully recover everyone s HP Wyvern Heart - Use in Dharma Temple to join the Wyvern monster class

******************************************************************************* EQUIPMENT (EQMT) ******************************************************************************* Weapons: ATK = Attack Power STL = Applicable style increase/decrease if equipped USER = User who can equip Special = Attribute and action when used as item in battle H = Hero MB = Maribel K = Kiefer G = Gabo MV = Melvin A = Aira | 2Edged Sword.......| Aquagon............| Bastard Sword......| Battle Axe.........| Beast Claw.........| Blade Boomerang....| Bless Staff........| Bolt Staff.........| Bone Knife.........| Boomerang..........| Bounce Sword.......| Bow Gun............| Bronze Knife.......| Bug Knife..........| Chain Whip.........| Club...............| Copper Sword.......| Dagger.............| Deja Sword.........| Demon Axe..........| Demon Hammer.......| Demon Spear........| Destruct Sword.....| Devil Claw.........| Devil Sword........| Dragon Claw........| Dragon Sword.......| Dragon Whip........| Falcon Sword.......| Flame Boomerang....| Flame Claw.........| Flame Sword........| Godeus Sword.......| Hacksaw............| Hammer.............| Hero Staff.........| Holy Spear.........| Ice Claw...........| ATK| 117| 125| 109| 49| 95| 26| 15| 28| 6| 15| 55| 110| 9| 23| 33| 8| 11| 30| 90| 108| 115| 99| 42| 90| 110| 85| 83| 52| 67| 65| 53| 87| 97| 54| 31| 103| 36| 62| STL| USER|Special +13| H,A|Reflects back 1/6 damage to user** +52| H|Cast Tsunami +32| H,A| +15| H,A| +25| G| +19| H,G|Attacks all enemies +16| MB,MV|Cast Healmore +24| MB,MV|Cast Firebane +3| G| +5| H,G|Attacks all enemies +35| H,A|Cast Bounce +25| H,A| +8| MB,G,MV,A| +13| MB,MV|Can paralyze enemy +18| MB,MV,A|Attacks group of enemies +5|H,K,G,MV,A| +9|H,K,G,MV,A| +11| MB|Can instantly kill enemy +45| H,MV,A|Can randomly confuse enemies +20| A|High critical hit rate, low accuracy +33| H,A|High critical hit rate, low accuracy** +19| MB,MV,A|Can instantly kill enemy +23| H,MV,A|Cast Firebal +29| G|Can poison enemy 0| H,A| +35| G| +35| H,A|Attacks 50% stronger vs dragons +33| H,MV,A|Attacks group of enemies +32| G|Cast SnowStorm +25| H,G|Attacks all enemies +21| G|Normal hit + Blazemore towards target +33| H,A|Cast Bang +45| H,A|Cast Defense -2| H,A| +6| A| +60| MV|Cast Barrier +17| H,MB,A| +31| G|Cast SnowStorm

Iron Axe...........| Iron Claw..........| Iron Spear.........| Judge Staff........| King's Sword.......| Knife..............| Lava Staff.........| Leather Whip.......| Lune Fan...........| Lune Staff.........| Mace...............| Mallet.............| Massacre Sword.....| MetlKing Sword.....| Miracle Sword......| Mist Staff.........| Monster Claw.......| Needle Earrings....| Oceano Sword.......| Oricon Claw........| Pixy Sword.........| Platinum Sword.....| Poison Knife.......| Pole...............| Power Claw.........| Rock Axe...........| Rosevine Whip......| Sage Staff.........| Sea Roar Staff.....| Seduce Sword.......| Shears.............| Sickle.............| Sleep Staff........| Snow Sword.........| Steel Claw.........| Steel Sword........| Steel Whip.........| Stick..............| Stone Claw.........| Sun Fan............| Tempt Sword........| Thunder Sword......| Ultimate Whip......| Vivify Staff.......| War Hammer.........| Wind Staff.........| Wizard Staff.......| Wreck Whip.........| Zombie Sword.......| **Cursed Armor:

38| 21| 23| 37| 120| 14| 63| 25| 60| 39| 43| 14| 95| 130| 100| 40| 73| 45| 140| 135| 58| 60| 1| 5| 40| 19| 18| 50| 74| 70| 47| 27| 32| 105| 35| 33| 65| 2| 12| 110| 65| 95| 145| 66| 64| 35| 15| 125| 75|

+6| H,G,A| +15| G| +8|H,K,G,MV,A| +22| MB,MV|Cast Infernos +55| H,A| +7| ALL| +30| MB,MV,A|Cast Magma +11| MB,A|Attacks group of enemies +30| MB,A| +18| MB,MV|Cast Increase +14| MB,MV,A|Attacks group of enemies -5| K,A| +15| A|Attacks all enemies, attacks party** +40| H,MB,MV,A| +38| H,MV,A|25% of damage dealt recovered as HP +18| MB,MV|Cast StopSpell +25| G|Can paralyze enemy +32| MB,A|User attacks twice +60| H,MV,A|Cast TwinHits, normal hit + Zap +37| G| +30| H,MV,A|Cast Upper +45| H,MV,A| +15| MB,MV,G|Can instantly kill enemy +1| ALL| +20| G| +4| K,G,A| +7| MB,A|Attacks group of enemies +12| MB,MV|Cast Healmore +42| H,MB,MV|Cast Tsunami +51| MB,A|Can confuse monsters -1| A| +13| G,MB,A|Attacks group of enemies +15| MB,MV|Cast Sleep +38| H,A|Similar to Icebolt when attacking +8| G| +16|H,K,G,MB,A| +22| MB,A|Attacks group of enemies 0| ALL| +3| G| +49| MB,A|Attacks group of enemies +28| H,MB,A|Can put enemies to sleep +40| H,MB,A|Cast Lightning +57| H,MB,MV,A|Attacks group of enemies +38| MB,MV|Cast Vivify +19| H,A| +20| MB,MV|Cast Infermore +11| MB,MV|Cast Blaze +26| H,G,A|Attacks group of enemies +5| H,MV,A|Attacks 50% stronger vs undead

DEF = Defensive Power STL = Applicable style increase/decrease if equipped USER = User who can equip Special = Attribute gained by equipping

H = Hero MB = Maribel K = Kiefer G = Gabo MV = Melvin A = Aira | Angel Leotard......| Angel Robe.........| Blade Armor........| Bolero.............| Boxer Shorts.......| Bronze Armor.......| Bunny Dress........| Chain Mail.........| Cloth..............| Cloth Shirt........| Dark Clothes.......| Dance Armor........| Dancer's Clothes...| Demon Armor........| Devil Armor........| Dragon Armor.......| Dragon Robe........| Dream Camisole.....| Evade Suit.........| Flame Armor........| Fur Mantle.........| Gaiala Armor.......| Gigant Armor.......| Glam Robe..........| Heavy Armor........| Innocent Dress.....| Iron Armor.........| Iron Breastplate...| King's Armor.......| Leather Armor......| Leather Dress......| Leather Kilt.......| Light Robe.........| Magic Armor........| Magic Robe.........| MetlKing Armor.....| Mirror Armor.......| Noble Robe.........| Party Dress........| Pirate Clothes.....| Platinum Armor.....| Princess Robe......| Pure Bustier.......| Sacred Armor.......| Scale Armor........| Shell Armor........| Shell Suit.........| Silk Bustier.......| Silk Robe..........| Silk Tux...........| Silver Armor.......| DEF| STL| 93| +72| 55| +55| 55| +15| 40| -50| 8|-100| 23| +12| 17| +38| 20| +23| 3| 0| 4| +2| 78| +32| 37| +38| 20| +25| 85| +12| 65| +15| 60| +37| 95| +60| 73| +88| 28| +11| 70| +33| 18| +18| 125| +55| 92| +15| 28| +35| 50| -30| 30| +45| 30| +19| 26| +4| 105| +60| 11| +15| 18| +15| 12| -20| 75| +61| 47| +38| 30| +20| 115| +45| 95| +50| 21| +28| 40| +48| 32| +30| 63| +51| 85| +72| 95| +92| 75| +55| 15| +9| 18| -25| 33| -15| 38| +45| 13| +28| 10| +40| 43| +40| USER|Special MB,A|Immune to instant death attacks MB,MV,A|Immune to instant death attacks H,A|Can reflect back 25% of damage taken ALL|Reduces MP cost to cast spells by 50% H,K,G,MV| H,A| MV,A| H,K,MV,A| MB,G| ALL| MB,G,MV|Can evade attacks MB,A|Can evade attacks MV,A| H,A|Reduces fire damage, Agility=0 H,A|Resists magic, can paralyze user** H,A|Reduces fire damage H,MB,MV|Reduces fire and ice damage MB|Paralyzes monsters for a turn MB,G,MV|Can evade attacks H,A|Reduces fire damage MV,G,A| H,MV|Reduces fire damage H,A|Reduces fire and ice damage H,G,MV| H,G,MV,A|Reduces fire damage A|Reduces spell damage except Zap H,A| H,MV,A| A|Reduces fire damage H,K,MV,A| MV,A| K,G,MV| MB,A|Reflects spells H,A|Reduces spell damage except Zap MB,G,MV|Reduces spell damage except Zap H,MV,A|Reduces fire damage H,A|Can reflect spells back K,MV,A| MB,A| H,MV| H,A|Reduces spell damage except Zap MB,A|Reduces spell damage except Zap MB,A|Recovers 1HP per step taken H,MB,MV,A|Recovers 50HP each round of battle H,K,MV,A| H,K,MV,A| G| MB,A| MB,MV,A| H,MV| H,A|Reduces spell damage except Zap

Silver Breastplate.| Skirt..............| Slime Armor........| Slime Clothes......| Spangle Dress......| Spirit Armor.......| Steel Armor........| Traveler Clothes...| Trendy Suit........| Viking Armor.......| Water Robe.........| Wind Robe..........| Wizard Robe........| **Cursed Shields:

36| 45| 67| 20| 50| 55| 34| 7| 40| 38| 65| 38| 37|

+30| +35| +30| +13| +52| +35| +27| +6| +47| +20| +42| +48| +10|

H,A| MB,A|Reduces spell damage except Zap H,G,MV| H,G| MB,A| H,MV,A|Reduces spell damage except Zap H,A| ALL| H,MV| H,A| MB,G,MV|Reduces fire damage MB,G,MV|Can evade attacks MB,MV|Reduces fire damage

DEF = Defensive Power STL = Applicable style increase/decrease if equipped USER = User who can equip Special = Attribute gained by equipping or Action when used as item in battle H = Hero MB = Maribel K = Kiefer G = Gabo MV = Melvin A = Aira | Bronze Shield......| Destruct Shield....| Dolphin Shield.....| Dragon Shield......| Expel Shield.......| Flame Shield.......| Heal Shield........| Ice Shield.........| Iron Shield........| Kitten Shield......| Leather Shield.....| Magic Shield.......| MetlKing Shield....| Ogre Shield........| Platinum Shield....| Pot Lid............| Scale Shield.......| Silver Shield......| Sorrow Shield......| USER|Special H,K,MV,A| H,A|Increased spell damage (fire/ice) H,A|Reduces tsunami damage H,A|Reduces fire and ice damage H,A|Casts Expel H,A|Reduces ice damage H,MB,G,A|Cast Healmore H,MV,A|Reduces fire damage H,K,A| MB,G| H,K,MV,A| H,MB,MV,A|Reduces fire damage H,G,MV,A|Reduces fire and ice damage G|Reduces fire and ice damage H,A|Resists fire damage H,K,MV,A| H,K,MV,A| ALL|Reduces fire damage H,A|Half damage inflicted on user, other half on random party member** Tornado Shield.....| 60| +30| H,MV,A|Reduces ice damage, casts MagicBack Tray...............| 15| +23| MB,A| White Shield.......| 16| +15| H,MB,MV,A| **Cursed DEF| 11| 57| 28| 26| 32| 36| 40| 24| 13| 9| 4| 18| 70| 45| 25| 2| 7| 50| 42| STL| +7| +5| +28| +25| +18| +22| +33| +17| +12| +8| +2| +21| +40| -10| +40| -20| +4| +38| -5|

Helmets: DEF = Defensive Power STL = Applicable style increase/decrease if equipped USER = User who can equip Special = Attribute gained by equipping or Action when used as item in battle H = Hero MB = Maribel K = Kiefer G = Gabo MV = Melvin A = Aira | Berserkr Helm......| Bunny Tiara........| Captain Hat........| Dugon Helm.........| Echo Hat...........| Fuego Helm.........| Fur Hat............| Great Helm.........| HairBand...........| Horned Hat.........| Intelli Helm.......| Iron Helm..........| Iron Mask..........| Joy Hat............| Leather Hat........| Lore Hat...........| Magic Hat..........| MetlKing Helm......| Mythril Helm.......| Platinum Helm......| SeaShell Hat.......| Silk Hat...........| Silver Barrette....| Tiara..............| DEF| 42| 15| 19| 40| 25| 53| 11| 45| 4| 5| 37| 16| 22| 37| 3| 0| 8| 60| 32| 28| 8| 17| 14| 43| STL| USER|Special +8| G,A|Causes confusion on user** +15| MB,A| +21| H,G,MV| +26| H,G,A|Immune to StopSpell and PanicAll +2| MB,G,MV|Casts spell twice +33| H,A|Immune to Beat, PanicAll and Sleep +13| MB,G,A| +30| H,A| +10| MB,A| -2| H,K,G| +21| H,MV,A|Increases INT by 15 +15| H,G,A| -10| H,A| +17| H,MB,G,MV|Restores MP by walking +2| ALL| +33| ALL|Increases INT by 30 +5| ALL|Reduces cost of casting spells by 50% +38| ALL|Immune to StopSpell, Sleep, PanicAll, Surround +17| H,MB,MV,A| +42| H,A| +3| H,MB,G| +15| H,MV| +25| MB,A| +50| MB,A|Immune to StopSpell, Sleep, PanicAll, Surround +2| H,G,MV,A| +15| H,G,A| +8| H,MB,G,MV|Casts Return -15| H,K,MV,A|

Turban.............| 12| Viking Helm........| 25| Wind Hat...........| 24| Wooden Hat.........| 6| **Cursed Accessories:

STL = applicable style increase/decrease if equipped USER = User who can equip Special/Attribute = applicable stat change/action if equipped H = Hero MB = Maribel K = Kiefer G = Gabo

MV = Melvin A = Aira | AGL Scarf..........| AquaCharm..........| Bow Tie............| Bunny Tail.........| Farewell Bracelet..| FlameCharm.........| Garter.............| GlassShoe..........| Goddess Ring.......| Golden Bracelet....| Gospel Ring........| GuardRuby..........| INTSpecs...........| Life Ring..........| LuckShoes..........| MermMoon...........| PinkPearl..........| Sacrifice Bracelet.| Scarf..............| Slime Earrings.....| Spectacle..........| Speed Ring.........| Star Ort...........| Starry Bracelet....| STR Ring...........| TerraCharm.........| Tights.............| Valiant Bracelet...| WindCharm..........| Wizard's Ring......| STL| +10| +20| +15| +2| +15| +10| +15| +30| +40| +15| +30| +5| 0| +8| +5| +5| +7| +7| +17| +8| 0| +15| +10| +5| +3| +10| +10| +10| +15| +3| USER|Special ALL|Increases AGL by 15 ALL|Increases DEF by 30, Casts WaveSong H,G,MV|Increases DEF by 2 ALL| MB,G,MV,A|Increases DEF by 10, Casts Farewell ALL|Increases ATK by 25, Casts Blazemore MB,A|Increases ATK by 3 MB,A| MB,MV,A|Increases INT by 3, Recovers MP by walking H,MB,MV,A|Increases DEF by 5 ALL|Increases DEF by 50, no random encounters ALL|Increases DEF by 10 ALL|Increases INT by 15 ALL|Increases DEF by 5 ALL|Gain experience by walking ALL|Cures confusion when used during battle MB,A| ALL|Increases DEF by 10, Casts Sacrifice ALL|Increases ATK by 5 ALL|Increases ATK by 1 H,MB,MV,A|Give to man in Estard, no known benefit ALL|Increases AGL by 15 MB,A|Confuses enemies when used during battle ALL|Users AGL doubles ALL|Increases ATK by 7 ALL|Increases DEF by 20, Casts Quake MB,A|Increases DEF by 5 H,G,MV,A|Increases ATK by 15 ALL|Increases AGL by 50, Casts Infermore ALL|Increases DEF by 5, Recovers around 20MP when used (Item can break when used)

******************************************************************************* SPELLS (SPLS) ******************************************************************************* Here are the various spells which can be learned in Dragon Warrior 7. Note that most spells are learned from the applicable classes in the game. Others are learned early in the game automatically once a character reaches a certain level. MP = Magic Points needed to cast the spell TARGET = Who the spell hits CLASS = Which classes or character level learns the spell EFFECT = What the spell does Hero refers to the main character in the game while HeroClass refers to the actual class. If you see two classes together like this: Sage & Fighter, that means that the spell is received as a hybrid skill. See the class section for more details on all the hybrid skills. |MP|TARGET|CLASS |EFFECT

Alldain......|10| enemy| | | | Antidote.....| 2| ally| | | | Bang.........| 5| all| Barrier......| 3| party| | | | | | | Beat.........| 4| enemy| | | | Bedragon.....|18| user| | | | Birdeye......| 0| area| Blaze........| 2| enemy| | | | Blazemore....| 4| enemy| | | | | | | | | | Blazemost....|10| enemy| | | | Blizzard.....|12| all| | | | | | | Boom.........| 8| all| | | | Bounce.......| 4| user| | | | Chance.......|20|random| CoralRain....| 8| all| Defeat.......| 7| group| | | | DefeatMax....|15| all| | | | | | | Defense......| 4| group| | | | Disperse.....| 8| enemy| EagleEye.....| 0| area| Expel........| 1| group| | | | Explodet.....|15| all| | | | | | | Farewell.....|**| party| Firebal......| 4| group| | | | | | | Firebane.....| 6| group| Firebolt.....|10| group| | | | | | | Gigastis.....|20| all| Heal.........| 2| ally| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Healall......| 6| ally|

HeroClass-8|Inflicts around 600HP of lightning damage |Uses MP from all members of party Sheppard-2|Cures poison Pirate-1| Melvin-19|Inflicts around 25HP of damage Sage-2|Reduces damage from fire and ice based Budoo-4|attacks Rosevine-5| JewelBag-8|Can instantly kill an enemy Mimic-6| Tamer-8|Turns caster into a dragon who attacks DrakSlime-8|physically and with breath attacks Mariner-4|Locates nearest town or dungeon Maribel-3|Inflicts small fire damage Wyvern-2| Mage-5|Inflicts medium fire damage Wyvern-6| HellGiant-6| CosmoBog-7| Ranger-8|Inflicts large fire damage WoePriest-7| Sage-3|Inflicts medium ice damage DeadNoble-8| WoePriest-6| Mage-6|Inflicts medium damage HellGiant-1| Ranger-1|Reflects magic back to the caster CosmoBog-5| Budoo-5|Random effect, could be good or bad Pirate-7|Inflicts medium wind damage Sage-1|Can instantly kill an enemy group Mimic-8| Summoner-2|Can instantly kill all enemies DeadNoble-6| WoePriest-4| LizardMan-4|Lowers enemy defense EvilMech-1| Ranger-6|Expels an enemy from battle. No EXP gain Bard-2|Locates nearest town or dungeon Melvin-19|Expels enemy from battle. No EXP gain Cleric-1| Sage-8|Inflicts large damage HellGiant-8| WoePriest-5| Paladin-7|Caster dies to revive fallen allies Aira-21|Inflicts small fire damage Mage-1| BoltRat-5| Mage-7|Inflicts small fire damage Ranger-7|Inflicts medium fire damage WoePriest-3| RainHawk-2| Hero|Dispels all support skills/magic Hero-3|Heals a small amount of HP Maribel-10| Cleric-1| Shepherd-3| Florajay-2| Healer-2| Cleric-7|Heals all HP

| | Healmore.....| 4| | | | | | | | | Healus.......|10| | | | | | | | | Healusall....|20| Icebolt......| 3| Increase.....| 3| | | | | | | Infermore....| 4| | | | | | | Infermost....| 8| | | Infernos.....| 2| | | Ironize......| 2| | | | | | | Location.....| 2| MagicBack....| 4| | | | | MagicWall....| 3| | | | | Majustis.....|15| MapMagic.....| 2| NumbOff......| 2| Outside......| 8| | | | | | | PanicAll.....| 5| | | | | Repel........| 4| Return.......| 1| | | | | Revive.......|15| | | | | | | | | RobMagic.....| 0| | | Sacrifice....| 1| | | Sap..........| 3|

| ally| | | | | party| | | | | party| enemy| party| | | | group| | | | group| | group| | party| | | | area| user| | | party| | | enemy| area| party| party| | | | group| | | party| party| | | ally| | | | | enemy| | all| | enemy|

Healer-6| Hero-12|Heals a medium amount of HP Melvin-19| Cleric-5| Healer-4| Dumbira-4| Sage-5|Heals a medium amount of HP to all allies GodHand-3| Healer-8| HellGiant-3| PlatKing-2| PlatKing-5|Heals all HP to party DeadNoble-1|Inflicts low ice damage Shepherd &|Raises the party's defense Cleric| EvlTurtle-4| Bombcrag-2| Melvin-19|Inflicts small wind damage Cleric-6| Mariner-7| Gerion-4| Paladin-4|Inflicts medium wind damage Gerion-8| Cleric-2|Inflicts small wind damage Gerion-1| TeenIdol-3|Turns party into iron, can't attack or be HeroClass-2|attacked while in this state DrakSlime-4| PlatKing-1| Thief-6|Gives the dungeon name and floor you're on Sage-2|Reflects magic back to the caster Budoo-4| Rosevine-5| Sage-3|Reduces damage inflicted by magic attacks Paladin-5| ProtoMech-2| Hero|Dispels all support skills/magic Pirate-5|Identifies if any treasures are near Mariner-6|Cures paralyzed allies Hero-28|Warps the party outside of dungeons Maribel-9| Melvin-19| Mage-4| Mage &|Inflicts low wind damage Jester| JewelBag-6| Bard-5|Prevents weak monster random encounters Hero-8|Warps the party back to a previously Melvin-19|visited area Mage-3| Sage-6|Fully revives an ally with full HP. Does GodHand-7|have the ability to fail HeroClass-3| WoePriest-2| PlatKing-4| Mage &|Steals around 25MP from a foe if it Thief|succeeds GodHand-5|Caster sacrifices life to destroy an enemy Bombcrag-6| Maribel-4|Lowers an enemies defense

| | | | Sleep........| 3| | | SleepAll.....| 5| | | | | Slumber......| 0| | | | | Smell........| 0| SnowStorm....| 5| | | | | StepGuard....| 2| Stopspell....| 3| | | Surround.....| 5| | | | | TakeMagic....| 2| | | | | Thordain.....|15| | | Tiptoe.......| 0| TwinHits.....| 6| | | | | | | | | Upper........| 2| | | | | Vivify.......| 8| | | | | Whirlpool....|12| Whistle......| 0| X-Ray........| 2| Zap..........| 6| | | | |

| | group| | group| | | user| | | area| group| | | party| group| | group| | | user| | | group| | party| ally| | | | | ally| | | ally| | | group| area| area| all| | |

Mage-4| LizardMan-2| Maribel-7|Can put enemies to sleep if successful Mage-2| Mage &|Stronger version of the sleep spell Shepherd| Rosevine-4| Shepherd-4|User falls asleep to gain 1HP and 1MP for |each step on the world map. If attacked |the caster starts the battle asleep Thief-8|States how many items are on current map Mage-8|Inflicts medium ice damage CurseLamp-5| DeadNoble-3| Pirate-4|Protects party from damage tiles Cleric-4|Prevents enemy spells from working CurseLamp-1| Maribel-11|Lowers enemy hit rate Mage-6| Gerion-2| Mage &|Absorbs the MP worth of a spell that an Dancer|enemy may cast on you Budoo-3| HeroClass-6|Inflicts large lightning damage GigaMute-7| Thief-7|Reduces the random encounter rate Ranger-4|Doubles the attack power of an ally EvlTurtle-6| LizardMan-6| Budoo-2| EvilMech-2| Hero-6|Increases an ally's defense Cleric-3| EvlTurtle-2| Melvin-20|Revives an ally with half HP. Works half Cleric-8|the time SkyDevil-4| Pirate-8|Inflicts medium wind damage Shepherd-5|Instantly starts a random battle Bard-3|Indentifies if a chest has a Mimic HeroClass-4|Inflicts medium lightning damage CosmoBog-8| EvilMech-5|

**Farewell uses up all the casters MP ******************************************************************************* SKILLS (SKLS) ******************************************************************************* Here are the various skills that can be learned in Dragon Warrior 7. Skills are like spells but most of them don't require any MP to use. Most skills are learned from the various classes in the game. MP = Magic Points needed to cast the spell TARGET = Who the spell hits CLASS = Which classes or character level learns the spell EFFECT = What the spell does

If you see two classes together like this: Cleric & Thief, that means that the skill is received as a hybrid skill. See the class section for more details on all the hybrid skills. |MP|TARGET|CLASS |EFFECT 2EdgeHit.....| 0| enemy| Dragoon-4|25% of damage is reflected back to the | | | Dumbira-8|user AngelSong....| 0| ally| Bard-6|Revives fallen ally with half HP BackFlip.....| 0| all| TeenIdol-6|Hits all enemies | | | EvlTurtle-8| | | | CosmoBog-3| | | | SkyDevil-6| | | | EvilMech-4| Bark.........| 0| group| Gabo-2|Can cause monster to miss turn in fear Berserker....| 0| enemy| Paladin-3|Strikes for twice the damage but halfs the | | | |users defense for that round BigBang......|30| all| PlatKing-8|Causes over 300HP of damage BigTrip......| 0| enemy| Fighter &|Trips and damages the target which causes | | | Mariner|them to lose a turn BirdSlash....| 0| enemy| Warrior &|Extra damage to flying monsters | | | Mariner| | | | SkyDevil-2| Bite.........| 0| enemy| Gabo-4|Summons a wolf to damage enemy BlazeAir.....| 0| all| Tamer-6|Fire attack which does around 40HP of | | | Wyvern-8|damage | | | Andreal-3| | | | DrakSlime-6| BoltSlash....| 0| enemy| Ranger-3|Adds Lightning element to users attack | | | Esterk-1| BoxerDanc....| 0| group| Melvin-19|Dances that causes enemies to miss their | | | EvilWell-3|turn | | | Dancer &| | | | Jester| CallArmy.....| 0| all| Budoo-6|Summons monsters to attack (costs 50 Gold | | | |multiplied by users level) Change.......| 0| user| PlatKing-7|Transforms caster into a strong monster ChargeUp.....| 0| user| Thief-5|Doubles attack power for next turn | | | BombCrag-4| | | | Golem-2| ConfuHit.....| 0| group| Warrior &|Can confuse monsters | | | Jester| | | | Slime-5| Crack........| 0| all| Golem-4|Can swallow enemies into the ground CragThrow....| 0| group| Thief-4|Hits monsters with stones for about 15HP | | | EvilWell-1|of damage CurseSong....| 0| group| Mage &|Lowers defense of enemies | | | Bard| | | | Hork-6| DanceShut....| 0| group| Dancer-6|Prevents enemies from using dance skills DeMagic......| 0| all| HeroClass-5|Cancels all support spell effects on | | | Summoner-6|enemies | | | Esturk-6| DrakSlash....| 0| enemy| Warrior-6|Extra damage to dragon monsters EerieFog.....| 0| *all*| Rosevine-6|Cancels magic effects for everyone EerieLite....| 0| group| TeenIdol-4|Causes enemies to be more vulnerable to | | | HellGiant-4|magic attacks | | | RainHawk-1| EvilSlash....| 0| enemy| Warrior-8|Strong attack with a 50% chance of success

| | FairWind.....| 0| | | | | FalconCut....| 0| | | | | FireAir......| 0| | | | | | | | | FireSlash....| 0| | | | | | | | | FireTower....| 0| FishNet......| 0| Flash........| 0| | | | | | | FrigidAir....| 0| | | GagSong......| 0| | | GigaSlash....|15| | | | | Giggle.......| 0| | | | | Guardian.....| 0| | | | | HealSong.....| 0| | | | | HellBlast....|25| | | HellFlame....|20| | | HolyAura.....|10| | | Howl.........| 0| | | Hurricane....| 0| Hustle.......| 0| IceAir.......| 0| | | | | IceSlash.....| 0| | | | | | | | | IceStorm.....| 0| | | | |

| user| | | enemy| | | all| | | | | enemy| | | | | enemy| enemy| all| | | | all| | group| | group| | | user| | | party| | | party| | | all| | all| | party| | all| | group| party| all| | | enemy| | | | | all| | |

ProtoMech-8| Pirate-2|Reflects fire and ice based attacks Budoo-7| RainHawk-3| SkyDevil-8|Attacks enemy twice EvilMech-6| Dragoon-6| Fighter &|Weak attack that hits all for around 10HP Mage|of damage Wyvern-4| Andreal-1| DrakSlime-2| Kiefer-5|Adds fire element to users attack Aira-21| Ranger-2| Berserker-4| Esterk-3| TeenIdol-7|Inflicts around 175HP of damage Mariner-2|Stops enemy from moving TeenIdol-2|Blinds enemies thus lowering their hit JewelBag-4|rate BoltRat-3| CosmoBog-2| Tamer-4|Weak attack that hits all for around 15HP DrakSlime-3|of damage Bard &|Causes enemies to not attack Jester| GodHand-6|Strong attack that hits for around 400HP HeroClass-7|of damage Esterk-8| Thief &|Useless skill Jester| BombCrag-3| Melvin-19|User protects allies from damage by Paladin-6|absorbing all attacks Golem-3| Cleric &|Heals party for around 20HP Bard| Florajay-8| Summoner-7|Hits for around 275HP of damage EvilMech-8| Summoner-5|Hits for around 200HP of damage RainHawk-8| Cleric &|Protects party from damage for a round but Mariner|also prevents them from acting that round Gabo-13|Summons a wolfpack to attack Gerion-6| Pirate-3|Wind attack that hits for 60HP of damage TeenIdol-5|Heals party for around 75HP Andreal-5|Ice attack that hits for around 50HP of Varanus-2|damage DrakSlime-7| Fighter &|Adds ice element to users attack Mage| Wyvern-4| Andreal-1| DrakSlime-2| Varanus-8|Ice attack that hits for around 125HP of GigaMute-5|damage Esterk-5|

JockDance....| 0| group| | | | JumpKick.....| 0| enemy| K.O. Dance...| 0| all| | | | | | | | | | | | | K.O. Punch...| 0| enemy| | | | KnockDown....| 0| enemy| | | | LegSweep.....| 0| enemy| LifeDance....| 0| party| | | | LifeSong.....|10| party| | | | Lightning....| 0| all| | | | | | | LureDance....| 0| enemy| | | | LushLicks....| 0| enemy| | | | Magma........| 0| all| | | | Massacre.....| 0|varies| | | | | | | Meditate.....| 0| user| | | | MegaMagic....|**| all| | | | MetalCut.....| 0| enemy| | | | | | | Mineuchi.....| 0| ally| | | | MistSong.....| 0| group| MultiCut.....|20| group| | | | OddDance.....| 0| enemy| | | | PalsyAir.....| 0| group| | | | | | | PaniDance....| 0| group| | | | | | | ParryPass....| 0| user| | | | | | | | | | PointOut.....| 0| user| PoisonFog....| 0| group| | | | | | | PoisonGas....| 0| group| | | | PsycheUp.....| 0| user|

Fighter &|Boomerang like damage on enemies Dancer| Fighter-3|Low damage Aira-21|Can instantly kill enemies Dancer-8| Cleric &| Dancer| Hork-8| Fighter &|Can instantly kill an enemy Thief| Thief-3|Expels enemy from battle EvilWell-5| Fighter-2|Trips enemy to miss a turn TeenIdol &|Revives and fully heals any fallen allies Sage| Aira-23|Revives and fully heals any fallen allies. TeenIdol-8|Works over the course of two rounds Mage &|Hits for around 50HP of damage Mariner| BoltRat-8| Dancer-2|Causes enemy to dance and miss a turn Jewelbag-2| Jester-6|Causes enemy to miss a turn Lipsy-2| Summoner-3|Hits for around 75HP of damage EvilWell-8| Dragoon-5|Critical attack that can hit anyone from Berserker-8|ally to foe EvilMech-7| Summoner-1|Restores around 500HP to user BombCrag-8| Rosevine-6|Uses all of the party's MP to inflict |damage that equals all MP x 3 GodHand-2|Greater chance of hitting a metal monster ProtoMech-4| Esterk-2| Warrior &|Cures Sleep and Confusion Shepherd| Bard-7|Prevents enemies from using spells Paladin-8|Wind attack that hits for around 200HP of WoePriest-8|damage. More damage to undead monsters Dancer-4|Steals MP from enemy Lipsy-8| Tamer-5|Can paralyze enemies DeadNoble-4| Rosevine-2| Aira-21|Can confuse enemies Dancer-7| CurseLamp-3| Kiefer-9|Reflects any physical attacks to another Aira-21|party member Dancer-3| EvilWell-4| Jester-4|Can counter attack physical attacks Tamer-7|Strong poison that can reduce enemies HP Rosevine-3|by 1/6 per round GigaMute-3| Tamer-1|Can inflict poison Hork-4| Kiefer-12|Doubles attack power for next turn

| | | | PuffPuff.....| | Punch........| QuadHits.....| | Quake........| QuickJoke....| RainSlash....| | | RamAttack....| | RamDance.....| | Ramming......| | | | | RamSong......| | Retaliate....| | | | Rip..........| RobDance.....| | | RockThrow....| | Roundhous....| SandStorm....| | ScapeGoat....| | Scorching....| | | ShipDance....| | SickLick.....| | SideStep.....| | Silliness....| SleepAir.....| | | | SleepSong....| SquallHit....| | | Stampede.....| |

| | | | 0| | 0| 0| | 0| 0| 0| | | 0| | 0| | 0| | | | | 0| | 0| | | | 0| 0| | | 0| | 0| 0| | 0| | 0| | | 0| | 0| | 0| | 0| 0| | | | 0| 0| | | 0| |

| | | | enemy| | enemy| all| | all| group| all| | | enemy| | all| | enemy| | | | | all| | user| | | | group| enemy| | | all| | group| all| | ally| | all| | | enemy| | enemy| | user| | user| group| | | | group| enemy| | | all| |

Aira-21| Warrior-2| Dumbira-5| GigaMute-2| Jester-2|When done by a man it inflicts damage |When done by a woman prevents attacks Fighter-7|Physical attack for 50% extra damage Dragoon-8|Four random strikes to enemies at half ProtoMech-6|power Golem-6|Hits for around 50HP of damage Jester-5|Can cause enemy to miss a turn LizardMan-8|Strong attack with a boomerang effect Berserker-6| EvilMech-3| Fighter &|Reduces user and enemy to 20% of their Shepherd|max HP Dancer &|Useless skill Shepherd| Mariner-3|Reduces user and enemy to 20% of their EvlTurtle-7|max HP CurseLamp-7| Varanus-4| PlatKing-3| Bard &|Can put enemies to sleep Shepherd| Maribel-5|User uses same attack that was put upon Slime-8|them Fighter &| Jester| Gabo-8|Summons wolves to attack monsters Aira-21|Steals MP from enemy Dancer &| Thief| GodHand-4|Hits for around 100HP of damage Golem-8| Fighter-4|Attack with a boomerang effect Thief-2|Lowers enemy hit rate Mimic-4| Paladin-1|User takes all damage to another ally for |one round Andreal-8|Fire damage that hits for around 70HP of Varanus-6|damage RainHawk-5| Dancer &|Causes enemy to miss turn Mariner| Jester-7|Lowers enemies defense Lipsy-4| Dancer-5|Increases users chance of dodging an Slime-3|attack Jester-3|Avoids physical attacks for one round Tamer-3|Causes enemies to fall asleep Florajay-5| Lipsy-6| Mimic-2| Bard-4|Causes enemies to fall asleep Warrior-4|Very first strike of battle round but only Berserker-2|hits at 80% of users power Dumbira-7| Shepherd-8|Sheep attack that hits enemies four times. |Doesn't always work and some enemies are

| | StrongD......| 0| Summon.......|20| | | Summoner.....|20| Suplex.......| 0| SwordDanc....| 0| | | Tackle.......| 0| | | Tamer........| 0| ThiefHit.....| 0| | | Tickle.......| 0| Tremor.......|15| Tsunami......| 0| UltraHit.....|20| VacuSlash....| 0| | | | | Vacuum.......| 0| | | WakeSong.....| 0| WarCry.......| 0| | | | | | | WarSong......| 0| | | WaveSong.....| 0| | | WhiteAir.....| 0| WhiteFire....| 0| | | WindBeast....| 0| | | | | WoolGuard....| 0| | | ZombieCut....| 0| | |

| user| user| | user| enemy| all| | enemy| | group| enemy| | enemy| all| all| enemy| enemy| | | all| | party| all| | | | party| | group| | all| all| | enemy| | | party| | enemy| |

|immune Pirate-6|Reduces damage by 90% for one round Sage-7|Summons one of four creatures to fight CurseLamp-8| Summoner-8|Summons one of four creatures to fight Fighter-5|Expels enemy from battle Warrior &|Randomly attacks four times at 75% power Dancer| Gabo-6|Reduces user and enemy to 20% of their |max HP Tamer-1|Increased chance of monster taming Warrior &|Strikes and attempts to steal an item Thief| Jester-8|Causes enemy to miss turn Summoner-4|Can instantly kill enemy Mariner-8|Hits for around 35HP of damage GodHand-8|Attack that hits for 600HP of damage Kiefer-20|Adds wind element to users attack Dragoon-2| Dumbira-2| Paladin-2|Wind damage to enemies, gets stronger as SkyDevil-7|you increase levels Bard-6|Wakes up sleeping allies Fighter &|Causes enemies to miss a turn Bard| Fighter-6| EvilWell-2| Warrior &|Increases party's defense Bard| Bard &|Causes enemies to fall asleep Mariner| GigaMute-8|Hits for around 225HP of damage Budoo-8|Hits for around 160HP of damage RainHawk-7| Fighter-8|Wind damage that gets stronger as you EvilWell-7|increase levels RainHawk-4| Shepherd-7|Lowers damage received from ice based |attacks Kiefer-15|50% extra damage to undead monsters Dragoon-3|

******************************************************************************* HUMAN CLASSES (HCLS) ******************************************************************************* Much like Dragon Quest VI, Dragon Warrior 7 has a class system that is available after restoring the Dharma Temple. It is very similar to the system in Dragon Quest VI, but expands on it a bit. How is works: Once you assign a character a class from the Dharma Temple, you can improve that class by defeating monsters. You master your class by defeating a set amount of battles. The game does make it so that you can't simply kill slimes all day to gain job levels. You must defeat normal monsters or else battles with weaker enemies don't count towards your job levels. If your level is too high and you are fighting weak monsters, you will be fighting for nothing.

Each class has it's own set of unique skills that you will learn as well a appropriate stat gains/decreases. Once you start to master some classes, hybrid classes will become available so that you can learn even more skills. Each class has 8 levels that are indicated by a yellow star in the menu. Each level will have an appropriate name associated with it in the menu. The purple witch at Dharma Temple can tell you the exact amount of battles you need to defeat before advancing the next level in your class. When reaching level 5 in a class, you will mature in that class. When you mature in a class, it's possible to gain a new skill that is combined with being at least level 5 in another class called a hybrid skill. All you need to do is switch to that class and fight 30 battles to get a message that you are "making up". If you haven't reached level 5 in that other class, then simply getting to level 5 will get you the hybrid skill. Some skills in the game are only available this way. There are a total of 20 human classes: (10 basic, 7 intermediate and 3 advanced) Below will show the character rank, number of battles needed to achieve rank, and skills earned in each class. Human Classes are as follows: Basic Human Classes: Warrior 130 Battles to master Strength +10%, Agility -35%, Intelligence -30%, Max HP +10%, Max MP -60% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Beginner........0.............Nothing 2......................Novice..........10............PsycheUp 3......................Soldier.........20............Nothing 4......................Guardsman.......35............SquallHit 5......................Veteran.........55............Nothing 6......................Warmonger.......75............DrakSlash 7......................Elite...........105...........Nothing 8......................General.........130...........EvilSlash

Hybrid skills: with with with with with with Bard = WarSong Dancer = SwordDanc Jester = ConfuHit Mariner = BirdSlash Shepherd = Mineuchi Thief = ThiefHit

=============================================================================== Fighter 160 Battles to master Agility +15%, Guard -10%, Intelligence -30%, Max MP -50% Increased chance of critical hits Level 1.....................Beginner.........0.............Nothing

Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

2.....................Novice...........16............LegSweep 3.....................Grappler.........32............JumpKick 4.....................BlackBelt........50............Roundhous 5.....................Assassin.........70............Suplex 6.....................Ninja............105...........WarCry 7.....................Sensei...........130...........Punch 8.....................Master...........160...........WindBeast

Hybrid skills: with with with with with with Dancer = JockDance Jester = Retaliate Mage = FireAir Mariner = BigTrip Shepherd = RamAttack Thief = K.O. Punch

=============================================================================== Mage 170 Battles to master Strength -40%, Agility -5%, Guard -40%, Intelligence +20%, Appearance +10% Max HP -40%, Max MP +10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1.....................Beginner.........0.............Firebal 2.....................Novice...........13............Sleep 3.....................Dabbler..........28............Return 4.....................Magician.........43............Sap, Outside 5.....................Sorcerer.........70............Blazemore 6.....................Wizard...........105...........Boom, Surround 7.....................Warlock...........135...........Firebane 8.....................Archmage.........170...........SnowStorm

Hybrid skills: with with with with with with with Bard = CurseSong Dancer = TakeMagic Fighter = FireAir Jester = PanicAll Mariner = Lightning Shepherd = SleepAll Thief = RobMagic

=============================================================================== Cleric 180 Battles to master Strength -20%, Agility -10%, Intelligence +10%, Max HP -20% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1.....................Beginner.........0.............Expel, Heal 2.....................Novice...........19............Infernos 3.....................Acolyte..........37............Upper 4.....................Prelate..........50............StopSpell 5.....................Clergyman........80............HealMore 6.....................Priest...........100...........Infermore 7.....................Bishop...........130...........HealAll 8.....................HiPriest.........180...........Vivify

Hybrid skills: with with with with Bard = HealSong Dancer = K.O Dance Mariner = HolyAura Shepherd = Increase

=============================================================================== Dancer 120 Battles to master Strength -30%, Agility +30%, Guard -40%, Appearance +10%, Max HP -30%, Max MP -20% Increased chance of evading attacks Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1.....................Novice...........0.............Nothing 2.....................Apprentice.......5.............LureDance 3.....................ToeTapper........18............ParryPass 4.....................Dervish..........38............OddDance 5.....................Amateur..........53............SideStep 6.....................Prancer..........82............DanceShut 7.....................Bounder..........97............PaniDance 8.....................TruTalent........120...........K.O. Dance

Hybrid skills: with with with with with with with Fighter = JockDance Jester = BoxerDanc Mage = TakeMagic Mariner = ShipDance Shepherd = RamDance Thief = RobDance Warrior = SwordDanc

=============================================================================== Bard 140 Battles to master Strength -25%, Agility -10%, Guard -15%, Intelligence +20%, Appearance +10%, Max HP -20% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1.....................Beginner.........0.............Nothing 2.....................Novice...........13............EagleEye 3.....................Poet.............27............X-Ray 4.....................Lyricist.........40............SleepSong 5.....................Warbler..........55............Repel 6.....................Crooner..........75............WakeSong 7.....................Songster.........110...........MistSong 8.....................Minstrel.........140...........AngelSong

Hybrid skills: with with with with with with Cleric = HealSong Fighter = WarCry Jester = GagSong Mage = CurseSong Mariner = WaveSong Shepherd = RamSong

with Warrior = WarSong =============================================================================== Jester 130 Battles to master Strength -30%, Agility -30%, Guard -40%, Intelligence -20%, Appearance +5%, Max HP -30%, Max MP -20% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1.....................Beginner.........0.............Nothing 2.....................Novice...........7.............PuffPuff 3.....................Goof Off.........15............Silliness 4.....................Buffoon..........30............PointOut 5.....................Stand Up.........58............QuickJoke 6.....................Comedian.........80............LushLicks 7.....................Joker............100...........SickLick 8.....................Fool.............130...........Tickle

Hybrid skills: with with with with with with Bard = GagSong Dancer = BoxerDanc Fighter = Retaliate Mage = PanicAll Thief = Giggle Warrior = ConfuHit

=============================================================================== Mariner 135 Battles to master Agility +5%, Guard +10%, Intelligence -10%, Max HP +15%, Max MP -20% Reduced damage from water based spells/skills Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1.....................Beginner.........0.............Nothing 2.....................Novice...........14............FishNet 3.....................DeckHand.........25............Ramming 4.....................Seafarer.........43............BirdEye 5.....................Navigator........60............Nothing 6.....................Helmsman.........75............NumbOff 7.....................Captain..........95............Infermore 8.....................Admiral..........135...........Tsunami

Hybrid skills: with with with with with with Bard = WaveSong Cleric = HolyAura Dancer = ShipDance Fighter = BigTrip Mage = Lightning Warrior = BirdSlash

=============================================================================== Thief 140 Battles to master Strength -10%, Agility +20%, Guard - 30%, Intelligence -10%, Appearance -20%, Max HP -10%, Max MP -40%

Chance of stealing items from monsters Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1.....................Beginner.........0.............Nothing 2.....................Novice...........8.............SandStorm 3.....................CutPurse.........17............KnockDown 4.....................Pilferer.........30............CragThrow 5.....................Brigand..........48............ChargeUp 6.....................Rogue............70............Location 7.....................Scoundrel........110...........TipToe 8.....................Big Boss.........140...........Smell

Hybrid skills: with with with with with Dancer = RobDance Fighter = K.O. Punch Jester = Giggle Mage = RobMagic Warrior = ThiefHit

=============================================================================== Shepherd 135 Battles to master Strength -15%, Guard -20%, Max HP -20%, Max MP -30% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1.....................Beginner.........0.............Nothing 2.....................Novice...........8.............Antidote 3.....................FarmHand.........17............Heal 4.....................SlopFeed.........33............Slumber 5.....................Swain............52............Whistle 6.....................Fleecer..........70............Nothing 7.....................Herder...........90............WoolGuard 8.....................SheepLord........135...........Stampede

Hybrid skills: with with with with with with Bard = RamSong Cleric = Increase Dancer = RamDance Fighter = RamAttack Mage = SleepAll Warrior = Mineuchi

=============================================================================== Intermediate Human Classes: In order to use intermediate classes, you first must master two or more basic classes. Dragoon Required - Warrior and Fighter 200 Battles to master (+15 bonus to Strength if mastered) Strength +15%, Agility +10%, Guard +10%, Intelligence -20%, Max HP +20%, Max MP -40%

Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

1.....................Gladiator........0.............Nothing 2.....................Fencer...........15............VacuSlash 3.....................Swordsman........35............ZombieCut 4.....................Ronin............60............2EdgeHit 5.....................Mercenary........90............Massacre 6.....................Duelist..........120...........FalconCut 7.....................Champion.........150...........Nothing 8.....................Avenger..........200...........QuadHits

=============================================================================== Ranger Required - Warrior and Mage 220 Battles to master (+20 bonus to Max MP if mastered) Strength +5%, Agility -10%, Guard -15%, Max HP -10%, Max MP +10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1.....................Bouncer..........0.............Bounce 2.....................Wanderer.........12............FireSlash 3.....................Scout............24............BoltSlash 4.....................Battler..........50............TwinHits 5.....................Enchanter........80............IceSlash 6.....................BladeMage........130...........Disperse 7.....................Conqueror........170...........FireBolt 8.....................Faust............220...........Blazemost

=============================================================================== Paladin Required - Fighter and Cleric 240 Battles to master (+20 bonus to Max HP if mastered) Strength +10%, Agility +15%, Intelligence +15% Can occasionally instantly kill a monster Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1.....................Page.............0.............ScapeGoat 2.....................Squire...........20............Vacuum 3.....................Knight...........40............Berserker 4.....................Zealot...........80............Infermost 5.....................Crusader.........120...........MagicWall 6.....................Templar..........150...........Guardian 7.....................HolyKnight.......180...........Farewell 8.....................Martyr...........240...........MultiCut

=============================================================================== Sage Required - Mage and Cleric 250 Battles to master (+20 bonus to Intelligence if mastered) Strength -30%, Agility +5%, Guard -20%, Intelligence +20%, Max HP -20%, Max MP +20% MP cost of spells decreases as job level increases Level Level Level Level Level Level 1.....................Student..........0.............Defeat 2.....................Counsel..........15............Barrier 3.....................Arbiter..........38............Blizzard 4.....................Seer.............65............MagicWall 5.....................Oracle...........110...........HealUs 6.....................Wise One.........150...........Revive

Level 7.....................Elder............200...........Summon Level 8.....................Prophet..........250...........Explodet Hybrid skills: with TeenIdol = LifeDance =============================================================================== TeenIdol Required - Bard, Dancer and Jester 180 Battles to master (+20 bonus to Appearance if mastered) Strength -20%, Agility -10%, Guard -10%, Appearance +15%, Max HP -20%, Max MP +10 Distracts enemies every now and then Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1.....................Fan..............0.............Nothing 2.....................Groupie..........10............Flash 3.....................Rebel............25............Ironize 4.....................Performer........40............EerieLite 5.....................Star.............65............Hustle 6.....................Artist...........100...........BackFlip 7.....................Sellout..........140...........FireTower 8.....................Icon.............180...........LifeSong

Hybrid skills: with Sage = LifeDance =============================================================================== Pirate Required - Mariner and Thief 200 Battles to master (+15 bonus to Agility if mastered) Strength +10%, Agility +10%, Guard +20%, Intelligence -10%, Max HP +5%, Max MP -10% Chance of stealing items from monsters Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1.....................ShipWreck........0.............Antidote 2.....................Barnacle.........20............FairWind 3.....................Swab.............50............Hurricane 4.....................Cutthroat........80............StepGuard 5.....................Buccaneer........110...........MapMagic 6.....................Smuggler.........140...........StrongD 7.....................Marauder.........170...........CoralRain 8.....................Sea Dog..........200...........WhirlPool

=============================================================================== Tamer Required - Thief and Shepherd 165 Battles to master (+15 bonus to Guard if mastered) Agility +10%, Intelligence +20%, Appearance +5%, Max HP -5%, Max MP -5% Increased chance of monster taming Level 1.....................PetOwner.........0.............Poison Gas, Tamer Level 2.....................Groomer..........18............Nothing

Level Level Level Level Level Level

3.....................RanchHand........33............SleepAir 4.....................Tracker..........58............FrigidAir 5.....................Hunter...........77............PalsyAir 6.....................Handler..........93............BlazeAir 7.....................Trainer..........125...........PoisonFog 8.....................BeastLord........165...........BeDragon

=============================================================================== Advanced Human Classes: In order to use Advanced classes, you must master at least 2 Intermediate classes or in the case of the Hero class, any 3 Intermediate or Advanced classes. Godhand Required - Dragoon and Paladin 240 Battles to master (+25 bonus to strength if mastered) Strength +25%, Agility +10%, Guard +5%, Max HP +10%, Max MP -10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1.....................Saint............0.............Nothing 2.....................Angel............20............MetalCut 3.....................Archangel........40............HealUs 4.....................Throne...........80............RockThrow 5.....................Cherubim.........120...........Sacrifice 6.....................Seraphim.........150...........GigaSlash 7.....................Celestial........180...........Revive 8.....................Demigod..........260...........UltraHit

=============================================================================== Summoner Required - TeenIdol and Sage 250 Battles to master (+30 bonus to Max MP if mastered) Strength -10%, Agility +15%, Guard -10%, Intelligence +20%, Max HP -10%, Max MP +20% MP cost of spells decreases as job level increases Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1.....................Theurgist........0.............Meditate 2.....................Conjuror.........30............DefeatMax 3.....................Geomancer........60............Magma 4.....................Elemental........90............Tremor 5.....................Maelstrom........120...........HellFlame 6.....................Tempest..........150...........DeMagic 7.....................Fury.............200...........HellBlast 8.....................Ragnarok.........250...........Summoner

=============================================================================== Hero Required - Master 3 Intermediate/Advanced classes 200 Battles to master (+31 bonus to Max HP if mastered) Strength +10%, Intelligence +15%, Appearance +10%, Max HP +10%, Max MP +10% Recover HP after every round of battle Level 1.....................Archetype........Nothing

Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

2.....................Defender.........Ironize 3.....................Paragon..........Revive 4.....................Savior...........Zap 5.....................Guardian.........DeMagic 6.....................Avatar...........Thordain 7.....................Legend...........GigaSlash 8.....................Chosen One.......Alldain

******************************************************************************* MONSTER CLASSES (MCLS) ******************************************************************************* Much like with Human Classes, you can also learn skills and abilities of certain monsters in Dragon Warrior 7. In order to learn these classes, you must first find a monster heart from a treasure chest or an item drop from a monster. Put the monster heart in your inventory and speak to the priest at the Dharma Temple and that monster class will be available for you to learn. Note that a monster heart can only be used once so keep that in mind. Intermediate monster classes can be learned by learning a few basic classes while Advanced monster classes can be learned by learning a few Intermediate monster classes. There are also a few Advanced monster class hearts out there to be found. There are 34 monster classes: (14 basic, 8 Semi-Intermediate, 5 Intermediate, 5 Advanced, 1 Super Advanced and 1 Special) Monster classes are as follows: Basic Monster classes: Slime 120 Battles to master Strength -20%, Agility +5%, Guard -20%, Intelligence -30%, Appearance -20%, Max HP -20%, Max MP -20% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Globule.........0.............Nothing 2......................Moist...........7.............Nothing 3......................Wiggly..........15............SideStep 4......................Jiggly..........33............Nothing 5......................Slurry..........50............ConfuHit 6......................SlimeNite.......72............Nothing 7......................SlimeHero.......90............Nothing 8......................KingSlime.......120...........Retaliate

=============================================================================== LizardMan 145 Battles to master Strength +10%, Agility +5%, Intelligence -10%, Appearance -10%, Max HP -10%, Max MP -10% Level 1......................Slitherer.......0.............Nothing

Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

2......................LizardKid.......14............Sap 3......................Reptilian.......39............Nothing 4......................ScalyHero.......50............Defense 5......................Draconian.......68............Nothing 6......................ScalyLord.......93............TwinHits 7......................ScalyKing.......127...........Nothing 8......................ColdBlood.......145...........RainSlash

=============================================================================== Dumbira 155 Battles to master Strength +10%, Agility -10%, Guard -10%, Intelligence -20%, Appearance -25%, Max HP -10%, Max MP +10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Awkward.........0.............Nothing 2......................Clumsy..........14............VacuSlash 3......................Chunky..........32............Nothing 4......................Bumbler.........49............HealMore 5......................Sluggard........77............PsycheUp 6......................Oaf.............103...........Nothing 7......................Hulk............128...........SquallHit 8......................BigDummy........155...........2EdgeHit

=============================================================================== BoltRat 155 Battles to master Strength -10%, Agility +10%, Guard +10%, Intelligence -30%, Appearance -10%, Max HP -10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................CrackRat........0.............Nothing 2......................SparkRat........12............Nothing 3......................VoltRat.........25............Flash 4......................LitRodent.......47............Nothing 5......................ShockRat........67............Firebane 6......................ThundeRat.......92............Nothing 7......................StormRat........128...........Nothing 8......................ThorRat.........155...........Lightning

=============================================================================== Lipsy 132 Battles to master Strength -20%, Guard -10%, Intelligence -20%, Appearance -30%, Max HP -20% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Chapped.........0.............Nothing 2......................Moist...........13............LushLicks 3......................Pouty...........30............Nothing 4......................Wet.............41............SickLick 5......................Sweet...........63............Nothing 6......................Jiggly..........88............SleepAir 7......................Sultry..........115...........Nothing 8......................Sexy............132...........OddDance

=============================================================================== EvlTurtle

125 Battles to master Strength +10%, Guard +20%, Intelligence -30%, Appearance -30%, Max HP -20%, Max MP -10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................SlowPoke........0.............Nothing 2......................SoftShell.......10............Upper 3......................Snapper.........18............Nothing 4......................HardShell.......40............Increase 5......................ShellHead.......60............Nothing 6......................DarkTurtl.......85............TwinHits 7......................ShellShock......100...........Ramming 8......................HellShell.......125...........BackFlip

=============================================================================== Wyvern 150 Battles to master Strength -5%, Agility +5%, Guard -15%, Intelligence +5%, Appearance -5%, Max HP -10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Hatchling.......0.............Nothing 2......................Fledgling.......13............Blaze 3......................Scavenger.......30............Nothing 4......................Ravenous........45............FireAir 5......................DiveBomb........62............Nothing 6......................BeakDuel........90............Blazemore 7......................HiWyvern........125...........Nothing 8......................WyverNite.......150...........BlazeAir

=============================================================================== Florajay 140 Battles to master Strength -10%, Agility +10%, Guard -20%, Intelligence +5%, Max HP -10%, Max MP +10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................SeedWing........0.............Nothing 2......................WingRoot........11............Heal 3......................SproutWing......22............Nothing 4......................WingStem........34............Nothing 5......................PlantWing.......55............SleepAir 6......................FlyTrap.........80............Nothing 7......................BloomWing.......120...........Nothing 8......................WitherWng.......140...........HealSong

=============================================================================== BombCrag 152 Battles to master Strength +5%, Agility -50%, Guard +20%, Intelligence -30%, Appearance -40%, Max HP +10%, Max MP -30% Level 1......................Pebble..........0.............Nothing Level 2......................Shrapnel........16............Increase Level 3......................Boulder.........32............Giggle

Level Level Level Level Level

4......................Bombadier.......48............ChargeUp 5......................ShortFuse.......75............Nothing 6......................GreatRock.......99............Sacrifice 7......................BigBlast........123...........Nothing 8......................Armageddon......152...........Meditate

=============================================================================== Berserker 150 Battles to master Strength +10%, Agility +10%, Guard -30%, Intelligence -40%, Appearance -20% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Crusher.........0.............Nothing 2......................Smasher.........15............SquallHit 3......................Rampager........34............Nothing 4......................Destroyer.......52............FireSlash 5......................Juggernot.......72............Nothing 6......................Gilgamesh.......100...........RainSlash 7......................Titan...........135...........Nothing 8......................Marcolara.......150...........Massacre

=============================================================================== Mimic 179 Battles to master Strength +10%, Guard +20%, Intelligence -20%, Appearance -30%, Max HP -20%, Max MP -10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................TrashCan........0.............Nothing 2......................Hamper..........18............SleepAir 3......................Container.......36............Nothing 4......................ItemBox.........50............SandStorm 5......................Coffer..........80............Nothing 6......................MagicBox........105...........Beat 7......................Dopplegang......137...........Nothing 8......................Pandora.........179...........Defeat

=============================================================================== Hork 130 Battles to master Agility -30%, Guard -10%, Intelligence -50%, Appearance -60%, Max HP +10%, Max MP -10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Rotten..........0.............Nothing 2......................Rancid..........9.............Nothing 3......................Carcass.........16............Nothing 4......................DeadFlesh.......34............PoisonGas 5......................WormFood........52............Nothing 6......................Magotty.........75............CurseSong 7......................Undead..........99............Nothing 8......................EvilDead........130...........K.O. Dance

=============================================================================== Healer 160 Battles to master

Strength -30%, Agility -20%, Guard -10%, Intelligence +20%, Appearance -20%, Max HP -20%, Max MP +20% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................KindHeart.......0.............Nothing 2......................PickMeUp........8.............Heal 3......................Altruist........28............Nothing 4......................Curer...........42............HealMore 5......................HealAll.........70............Nothing 6......................GoldenOne.......92............HealAll 7......................TrueHart........133...........Nothing 8......................Phoenix.........160...........HealUs

=============================================================================== JewelBag 160 Battles to master Strength -20%, Agility +20%, Guard +10%, Intelligence +10%, Appearance +5%, Max HP -10% Distracts enemies every now and then Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Rinestone.......0.............Nothing 2......................Onyx............12............LureDance 3......................Jade............20............Nothing 4......................Opal............45............Flash 5......................Emerald.........72............Nothing 6......................Sapphire........100...........PanicAll 7......................Ruby............130...........Nothing 8......................Diamond.........160...........Beat

=============================================================================== Semi-Intermediate Monster Classes: In order to use Semi-Intermediate classes, you first must master two or more basic classes, or obtain the applicable monster heart. DrakSlime Required - Slime and LizardMan 150 Battles to master (+10 bonus to Agility if mastered) Strength -5%, Agility +5%, Guard +10%, Intelligence -10%, Max HP -10%, Max MP -5% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Drakspit........0.............Nothing 2......................Drakling........10............FireAir 3......................MoistDrak.......23............FrigidAir 4......................HornyBlob.......40............Ironize 5......................HornSlime.......70............Nothing 6......................SoarSlime.......100...........BlazeAir 7......................Slagoneer.......130...........IceAir 8......................Drakon..........150...........BeDragon

=============================================================================== Gerion Required - LizardMan and Dumbira 180 Battles to master (+10 bonus to Strength if mastered)

Strength +10%, Agility +5%, Guard +5%, Intelligence -10%, Appearance -5%, Max HP +5%, Max MP -10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Kitten..........0.............Infernos 2......................Stray Cat.......16............Surround 3......................WildCat.........35............Nothing 4......................RabidFang.......60............Infermore 5......................WildBeast.......95............Nothing 6......................SabrTooth.......125...........Howl 7......................DevilCat........150...........Nothing 8......................BigPussy........180...........Infermost

=============================================================================== Varanus Required - Dumbira, Lipsy and EvlTurtle 200 Battles to master (+15 bonus to Strength if mastered) Strength +15%, Guard -10&, Intelligence -20%, Appearance -30%, Max HP +10%, Max MP -20% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Puddler.........Nothing 2......................PondScum........IceAir 3......................PondLord........Nothing 4......................LaGoon..........Ramming 5......................SeaMonster......Nothing 6......................EatPirate.......Scorching 7......................Kraken..........Nothing 8......................Leviathan.......IceStorm

=============================================================================== SkyDevil Required - EvlTurtle, Wyvern and Florajay 190 Battles to master (+20 bonus to Agility if mastered) Strength +5%, Agility +10%, Intelligence -10%, Appearance +10%, Max HP +5% Increased chance of critical hits Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................SkySprite.......0.............Nothing 2......................SkyImp..........18............BirdSlash 3......................Familiar........40............Nothing 4......................SkyFiend........65............Vivify 5......................Cacodemon.......92............Nothing 6......................SkyDemon........130...........BackFlip 7......................Hellborn........160...........Vacuum 8......................Inferno.........190...........FalconCut

=============================================================================== Golem Required - BombCrag and Berserker 160 Battles to master (+15 bonus to Strength if mastered) Strength +20%, Agility -30%, Guard +10%, Intelligence -40%, Appearance +10%, Max HP +10%, Max MP -20% Increased chance of critical hits Level 1......................ClayMan.........0.............Nothing

Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

2......................RockSolid.......11............ChargeUp 3......................BlockHead.......28............Guardian 4......................StoneWall.......58............Crack 5......................Pillar..........88............Nothing 6......................HardHeart.......105...........Quake 7......................Clobberer.......145...........Nothing 8......................GoldGolem.......160...........RockThrow

=============================================================================== EvilWell Required - Berserker and Mimic 175 Battles to master (+10 bonus to Guard if mastered) Strength +10%, Agility +10%, Guard +10%, Intelligence -30%, Appearance -30%, Max HP +10%, Max MP -20% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................WellDreck.......0.............CragThrow 2......................HoleDig.........19............WarCry 3......................WaterHole.......41............BoxerDanc 4......................WellLure........63............ParryPass 5......................WishWell........93............KnockDown 6......................StenchPit.......123...........Nothing 7......................HellWell........150...........WindBeast 8......................WellDone........175...........Magma

=============================================================================== CurseLamp Required - Mimic and Hork 190 Battles to master (+15 bonus to Agility if mastered) Strength -10%, Agility +15%, Guard +5%, Intelligence +5%, Appearance +10%, Max HP -20%, Max MP +20% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................OilPot..........0.............StopSpell 2......................LampRust........15............Nothing 3......................BrassLamp.......35............PaniDance 4......................CopperPot.......60............Nothing 5......................CurLamp.........80............SnowStorm 6......................DamnLamp........120...........Nothing 7......................LampChamp.......145...........Ramming 8......................SoulEater.......190...........Summon

=============================================================================== DeadNoble Required - Hork, Healer and JewelBag 205 Battles to master (+15 bonus to Max MP if mastered) Guard -10%, Intelligence +5%, Appearance -10%, Max MP +10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................DeadMount.......0.............IceBolt 2......................NobleSoul.......12............Nothing 3......................NecroRat........32............SnowStorm 4......................Famine..........64............PalsyAir 5......................Plague..........103...........Nothing 6......................War.............141...........DefeatMax 7......................Conquest........172...........Nothing 8......................Apocalyps.......205...........Blizzard

=============================================================================== Intermediate Monster Classes: In order to use Intermediate classes, you first must master a combination of basic and Semi-Intermediate classes, or obtain the applicable monster heart. Andreal Required - Gerion and BoltRat 180 Battles to master (+10 bonus to Strength if mastered) Strength +10%, Agility -10%, Guard +10%, Max HP +20%, Max MP -20% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Zephyr..........0.............FireAir 2......................SpitFire........14............Nothing 3......................LastGasp........30............BlazeAir 4......................DeathSpew.......55............Nothing 5......................SkyKing.........75............IceAir 6......................Grendel.........110...........Nothing 7......................Majestic........140...........Nothing 8......................Grandreal.......180...........Scorching

=============================================================================== ProtoMech Required - Golem and BoltRat 170 Battles to master (+10 bonus to Guard if mastered) Strength +10%, Agility -5%, Guard +10%, Intelligence -10%, Appearance -20%, Max MP -10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................JunkHeap........0.............Nothing 2......................ScrapIron.......15............MagicWall 3......................SparePart.......36............Nothing 4......................Prototype.......72............MetalCut 5......................Automation......100...........Nothing 6......................Upgrade.........137...........QuadHits 7......................Mecha...........158...........Nothing 8......................Mechinoid.......170...........EvilSlash

=============================================================================== HellGiant Required - SkyDevil and JewelBag 185 Battles to master (+15 bonus to Max MP if mastered) Guard +10%, Appearance +5%, Max HP +10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Lumberer........0.............Boom 2......................HornBeast.......17............Nothing 3......................DarkFiend.......38............HealUs 4......................HellFiend.......72............EerieLight 5......................HellGoat........90............Nothing 6......................Pan.............135...........Blazemore 7......................Satyr...........148...........Nothing 8......................Azazel..........185...........Explodet


CosmoBog Required - EvilWell and Lipsy 200 Battles to master (+10 bonus to Guard if mastered) Strength -5%, Agility +10%, Guard +5%, Intelligence +10%, Appearance -10%, Max HP +5%, Max MP +10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Whimsy..........0.............Nothing 2......................Figment.........22............Flash 3......................Vision..........44............BackFlip 4......................Specter.........80............Nothing 5......................Phantom.........110...........Bounce 6......................Enigma..........140...........Nothing 7......................Twilight........170...........Blazemore 8......................Eternal.........200...........Bounce

=============================================================================== Rosevine Required - EvilWell and Florajay 240 Battles to master (+20 bonus to appearance if mastered) Strength +20%, Agility +10%, Guard -10%, Intelligence +5%, Appearance +5%, Max HP -5% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................EvilSeed........0.............Nothing 2......................VineCreep.......20............PalsyAir 3......................ThornVine.......45............PoisonFog 4......................RosePetal.......68............SleepAll 5......................Entangler.......98............Barrier 6......................Vinelash........140...........EerieFog 7......................InBloom.........180...........Nothing 8......................DoomBloom.......240...........MegaMagic

=============================================================================== Advanced Monster Classes: Advanced Monster Classes are a combination of Semi-Intermediate and Intermediate monster classes. You must master the applicable ones before you can use Advanced Monster Classes. GigaMute Required - Andreal and Varanus 280 Battles to master (+20 bonus to Strength if mastered) Strength +30%, Agility -10%, Guard +5%, Intelligence -10%, Appearance -30%, Max HP +20%, Max MP -10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Outcast.........0.............Nothing 2......................Grotesque.......21............PsycheUp 3......................Repulsive.......42............PoisonFog 4......................Vomitous........65............Nothing 5......................Uncanny.........110...........IceStorm 6......................PugUgly.........153...........Nothing 7......................Caliban.........200...........Thordain 8......................Abominoid.......280...........WhiteFire

=============================================================================== EvilMech Required - ProtoMech and Golem 310 Battles to master (+20 bonus to Guard if mastered) Strength +30%, Agility +10%, Guard +20%, Intelligence -20%, Max HP +10%, Max MP -10% Can occasionally instantly kill a monster Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................War Doll........0.............Defense 2......................Droid...........25............TwinHits 3......................IronClad........50............RainSlash 4......................SteamGear.......80............BackFlip 5......................Warbot..........125...........Zap 6......................Colossus........190...........FalconCut 7......................Mechaiser.......240...........Massacre 8......................Mecha-X.........310...........HellBlast

=============================================================================== Budoo Required - CurseLamp and HellGiant 220 Battles to master (+20 bonus to Strength if mastered) Strength +30%, Agility +10%, Guard -5%, Appearance -10%, Max HP +10% Chance of stealing items from monsters Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................DarkCloud.......0.............Nothing 2......................Genie...........25............TwinHits 3......................Ampharool.......50............TakeMagic 4......................Jann............80............Barrier 5......................Djinn...........135...........Chance 6......................Shaitan.........165...........CallArmy 7......................Efreet..........173...........FairWind 8......................Marid...........220...........WhiteFire

=============================================================================== WoePriest Requirement - CosmoBog and DeadNoble 210 Battles to master (+20 bonus to Intelligence if mastered) Guard +10%, Intelligence +30%, Appearance +10%, Max HP -10%, Max MP +30% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Druid...........0.............MagicBack 2......................DarkCloth.......23............Revive 3......................ChaosLord.......43............FireBolt 4......................CenoBite........70............DefeatMax 5......................BloodMonk.......100...........Explodet 6......................HatePadre.......130...........Blizzard 7......................GodStomp........160...........Blazemost 8......................GodHater........210...........MultiCut

=============================================================================== RainHawk Required - SkyDevil and Rosevine 250 Battles to master (+20 bonus to Appearance if mastered)

Strength +10%, Agility +20%, Intelligence +30%, Appearance +30%, Max MP +20% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Hatchling.......0.............EerieLight 2......................Fedgling........27............FireBolt 3......................HawkChief.......54............FairWind 4......................Hawkeye.........75............WindBeast 5......................BirdKing........115...........Scorching 6......................ReignHawk.......160...........MagicBack 7......................GuardHawk.......200...........WhiteFire 8......................HolyCock........250...........HellFlame

=============================================================================== Super Advanced Monster Class: Only one class that requires an Advanced Monster Class as well as an Intermediate monster class. Esterk Required - Andreal and EvilMech 300 Battles to master (+20 bonus to Guard if mastered) Strength +20%, Agility +10%, Guard +10%, Intelligence +15%, Appearance +10%, Max HP +10%, Max MP +10% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Bustion.........0.............BoltSlash 2......................Behemoth........30............MetalCut 3......................Nisroc..........60............FireSlash 4......................Mulciber........90............IceStorm 5......................Mammon..........130...........IceSlash 6......................Belial..........180...........DeMagic 7......................Molch...........230...........Nothing 8......................Beelzebub.......300...........GigaSlash

=============================================================================== Special Class: This class can only be attained by mastering a whole bunch of monster classes, or by getting 110 Tiny Medals. Platking Required - DrakSlime and Esterk 350 Battles to master (+255 bonus to Guard if mastered) Strength -10%, Agility +20%, Guard +100%, Intelligence -20%, Appearance +10%, Max HP -60% Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1......................Slug............0.............Ironize 2......................Nugget..........28............HealUs 3......................Ingot...........48............Ramming 4......................GoldRush........83............Revive 5......................SlimeMite.......125...........HealUsAll 6......................EvilAlloy.......170...........Nothing 7......................GoldBlob........250...........Change 8......................SlimeIdol.......350...........BigBang

******************************************************************************* JOB LEVEL LIMITS (JLVL) ******************************************************************************* Gaining job levels isn't as easy as simply finding the weakest monsters and killing them. Dragon Warrior 7 has a level limit in certain areas that prevents gamers from abusing the job system and forces them to progress through the game while learning job levels naturally. The following is a list of all the areas in the game, and the highest level that a party member can be at and still gain job levels. Once that party member goes above that level, every battle they win will not count towards them growing in their class. Ocean Present...................................................Level 9 Rexwood Past....................................................Level 9 Colorstone Mine Past............................................Level 9 Eastern Tower Past..............................................Level 11 Colorstone Mine Present.........................................Level 12 Engow Past......................................................Level 13 Mt. Flame Past and Present......................................Level 14 Dialac Past.....................................................Level 15 Orph Past.......................................................Level 15 Mt. Ceide Past..................................................Level 15 Mt. Ceide Present...............................................Level 16 Falrod Past.....................................................Level 17 MechSoldier's Base Past.........................................Level 18 Verdham Past....................................................Level 19 Marsh Cave Past.................................................Level 20 Deja Past.......................................................Level 21 Lake Altar Cave Past............................................Level 22 Dharma Past.....................................................Level 23 West Cave/Under Dharma Past.....................................Level 24 Dune/Dune Palace Past...........................................Level 25 Evil Statue Past................................................Level 26 Krage Past......................................................Level 27 Sacred Tree Past................................................Level 27 Litorud Past....................................................Level 28 Time Pocket Cave Past...........................................Level 29 Baloch's Tower Present..........................................Level 30 Avon Past.......................................................Level 30 Avon Tunnel Past................................................Level 31 Mountain Tower Past.............................................Level 31 Ocean Past......................................................Level 32 Underwater City Past............................................Level 32 Mountain Tower Present..........................................Level 32 World's Tallest Tower Present...................................Level 35 Probina Past....................................................Level 33 Mt. Prob Past...................................................Level 34 Loomin Past.....................................................Level 34 DarkDraco's Tower Past and Present..............................Level 34 Loomin Cave Past................................................Level 35 Mardra Past.....................................................Level 35 Basin Cave Past.................................................Level 35 Gorges Past.....................................................Level 37 Dark Cloud Maze Past............................................Level 99 Wind Fane Past..................................................Level 99 Great Lighthouse Present........................................Level 35 Coastal.........................................................No Limit

All Disk 2 New Areas............................................No Limit ******************************************************************************* MONSTERS (MSTR) ******************************************************************************* Here is a list of all the monsters in Dragon Warrior 7. HP = Hit Points EXP = Experience gained GOLD = Gold earned Book# = Monster Book number Capture = Capture Rate of monster (V.Hard-Hard-Medium-Easy-V.Easy or BOSS) ITEM = Items monster sometimes drops

=============================================================================== A =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM Andreal......................| 358| 190| 119| 178| Medium|Copper Sword AnkHorn......................| 285| 140| 104| 153| Medium|LifeAcorn Antoria......................| 700| 687| 743| N/A| BOSS|Nothing ApeBat.......................| 62| 28| 14| 46| Easy|Dung Aqua Spirit..................| 2300| 2400| 0| 297| BOSS|Nothing Armorgon.....................| 90| 46| 20| 75| Hard|Boomerang Armorpion....................| 49| 24| 9| 36| Hard|DEFseed =============================================================================== B =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM Babble.......................| 24| 7| 4| 6| Medium|Antidote Babbleoon....................| 61| 23| 10| 38| Hard|Cloth BabyCloud....................| 188| 105| 65| 149| Hard|Leather Hat BabyDevil....................| 95| 48| 34| 85| Hard|Pot Lid Babydrak.....................| 85| 62| 32| 222| Hard|Herb Babygoyle....................| 45| 19| 7| 25| Medium|MysticNut Bandit.......................| 180| 187| 8| N/A| BOSS|Nothing BanditWig....................| 500| 731| 367| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Banegaroo....................| 89| 40| 25| 73| Hard|Herb Babarian.....................| 370| 280| 92| 231| Medium|Demon Axe Baskervil....................| 420| 385| 132| 238| V.Hard|Devil Claw BeakRat......................| 52| 22| 9| 42| Hard|Leather Hat Behemoth.....................| 385| 110| 110| 210| Hard|Beast Claw BeliMawr.....................| 1580| 2750| 724| 292| BOSS|?Shard Berserker....................| 140| 72| 32| 106| Hard|Sickle Blaster......................| 530| 418| 87| 245| V.Easy|Blade Armor Bludbeast....................| 560| 350| 82| 227| Hard|Beast Claw Boarenger....................| 200| 58| 39| 101| Hard|Club BoltDevil....................| 259| 180| 95| 171| V.Easy|Bolt Staff BoltRat......................| 73| 31| 20| 54| Hard|Horned Hat BoltWorm.....................| 180| 96| 37| 140| Hard|Shell Armor Bombcrag.....................| 200| 80| 50| 127| Medium|LifeRock BoneFish.....................| 220| 122| 52| 272| Medium|Bone Knife

BoneFish.....................| BoneRider....................| BoneRider....................| Borunga......................| Botok........................| Brigand......................| Broadaxer....................| Budoo........................| BudooLamp....................| Bugbear......................| ButchMan.....................|

1500| 280| 500| 1000| 2500| 200| 76| 630| 530| 80| 150|

350| 155| 100| 280| 2150| 199| 73| 510| 380| 42| 83|

0| 93| 270| 1240| 200| 11| 25| 310| 210| 18| 57|

N/A| BOSS|Nothing 160| Hard|Iron Spear N/A| BOSS|Nothing N/A| BOSS|Nothing N/A| BOSS|Nothing N/A| BOSS|Nothing 82| Hard|Iron Axe 237| V.Hard|Angel Leotard 236| Hard|INTseed 71| Hard|INTseed 117| Hard|Iron Axe

=============================================================================== C =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM CaciBall.....................| 14| 4| 5| 7| Easy|Rosevine Whip CancerMan....................| 27| 14| 6| 15| Medium|Copper Sword Cannibox.....................| 110| 65| 100| 37| Easy|STRseed CatMage......................| 22| 8| 7| 9| Hard|Stick Cavemon......................| 450| 432| 123| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Centbeast....................| 8| 3| 3| 3| Medium|Herb Cerabus......................| 274| 218| 111| 184| V.Hard|Monster Claw Chargon......................| 105| 38| 15| 67| Hard|AGLseed ClawBeast....................| 112| 57| 18| 93| Hard|Iron Claw ClawBeast....................| 1800| 480| 0| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Clawser......................| 140| 81| 45| 115| Medium|Shears Clawser......................| 310| 80| 90| N/A| BOSS|DEFseed ClayNite.....................| 330| 182| 120| 179| Hard|Copper Sword CloudKing....................| 320| 170| 120| 150| V.Hard|Noble Robe ColumnMan....................| 85| 41| 31| 69| Hard|Leather Armor Confupeng....................| 105| 70| 42| 264| Medium|Leather Hat CosmoBog.....................| 310| 147| 107| 157| V.Hard|Glam Coat CragDevil....................| 230| 130| 92| 274| Hard|Wind Hat Crestpent....................| 28| 17| 7| 18| Hard|Leather Hat Curer........................| 68| 40| 23| 81| V.Easy|Herb CureSlime....................| 230| 120| 85| 137| Medium|WorldDew CurseLamp....................| 210| 87| 120| 135| Medium|INTseed =============================================================================== D =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM DarkArmor....................| 200| 130| 92| 152| Hard|Steel Armor DarkDraco....................| 1350| 1330| 950| 290| BOSS|Nothing DarkDwarf....................| 42| 20| 8| 27| Medium|Herb DarkMage.....................| 690| 1300| 230| 255| V.Hard|Echo Hat Darksanta....................| 350| 200| 125| 233| V.Easy|Dark Clothes DarkSnail....................| 190| 125| 83| 276| Medium|Wizard Staff DarkThief....................| 130| 40| 18| 89| V.Hard|Cloth DeadNoble....................| 365| 205| 72| 182| Hard|Noble Robe DeathCrab....................| 90| 73| 56| 260| Medium|Bronze Knife Deathgon.....................| 700| 750| 162| 251| V.Hard|Beast Claw DeathGron....................| 280| 70| 70| 211| Medium|LifeAcorn DeathPal.....................| 520| 200| 250| 284| BOSS|Nothing DemoKing.....................| 720| 1050| 180| 250| V.Hard|Magic Hat DemonToad....................| 220| 160| 90| 168| V.Hard|Slime Earrings Demranger....................| 310| 235| 132| 187| Hard|Lune Staff

Devilash.....................| Devilite.....................| Disguiser....................| DorasBox.....................| Dragon.......................| Dragoner.....................| DragonKid....................| DragonMan....................| DragonMan....................| DragonWoo....................| DrakMetal....................| Drakorpse....................| DrakSlime....................| Druinlord....................| DumbiKing....................| Dumbira......................|

580| 122| 315| 900| 160| 420| 140| 77| 1200| 900| 100| 456| 45| 450| 160| 99|

515| 70| 92| 630| 50| 227| 124| 50| 850| 1500| 2500| 73| 22| 410| 74| 42|

190| 48| 92| 280| 32| 103| 73| 32| 1500| 250| 50| 73| 9| 150| 62| 22|

246| 105| 200| 243| 78| 196| 224| 87| N/A| 256| 239| 201| 29| 228| 109| 66|

V.Easy|Sacred Armor Medium|Turban Hard|Destruct Shield Medium|Light Robe Hard|Iron Shield Hard|Poison Knife Medium|Kitten Shield Medium|Iron Spear BOSS|Nothing Hard|Demon Hammer Hard|Platinum Helm Medium|LifeAcorn Medium|Cloth V.Hard|Bless Staff Medium|Leather Kilt Medium|Copper Sword

=============================================================================== E =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM Earwinger....................| 16| 5| 5| 5| Medium|Herb Eggeron......................| 150| 33| 28| 60| Hard|Repellent Eggplaton....................| 8| 2| 2| 2| Medium|Herb Enchanter....................| 85| 40| 12| 63| Hard|Potion Epong........................| 230| 204| 5| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Esterk.......................| 750| 990| 142| 252| Easy|Berserkr Helm EvilArmor....................| 110| 68| 52| 103| Hard|Iron Armor EvilBeast....................| 323| 122| 122| 198| Hard|Power Claw EvilBook.....................| 64| 58| 40| 76| Hard|LifeAcorn EvilClown....................| 185| 110| 110| 130| V.Hard|Bolt Staff EvilDiver....................| 250| 105| 93| 275| V.Hard|Angel Leotard EvilMech.....................| 380| 300| 200| 285| BOSS|Nothing EvilPot......................| 100| 120| 180| 56| Hard|Pot Lid EvilViper....................| 120| 94| 65| 125| V.Hard|Bug Knife EvilWell.....................| 210| 250| 67| 112| Medium|Noble Armor EvilWell.....................| 580| 370| 40| N/A| BOSS|Nothing EvlAnchor....................| 90| 77| 61| 267| Hard|INTseed EvlMantis....................| 64| 33| 17| 61| Medium|MoonHerb EvlStatue....................| 225| 138| 72| 154| Medium|Dagger EvlTurtle....................| 85| 90| 53| 268| V.Hard|Viking Helm EvlVulgar....................| 325| 248| 124| 205| Hard|Party Dress =============================================================================== F =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM FairyRat.....................| 33| 17| 8| 24| Medium|Herb Falrodier....................| 360| 160| 100| N/A| BOSS|Nothing FireCloud....................| 155| 100| 52| 131| Hard|Kitten Shield FireGiant....................| 310| 120| 150| 283| BOSS|Nothing FlameToad....................| 155| 85| 42| 128| Hard|Turban Flame Spirit.................| 5000| 3700| 800| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Flame Spirit.................| 2900| 2400| 0| 295| BOSS|Nothing Flamzard.....................| 49| 30| 20| 223| Hard|Herb FloatTree....................| 85| 30| 18| 49| V.Hard|LifeAcorn Florajay.....................| 20| 9| 4| 11| Medium|Herb FoFighter....................| 180| 70| 22| 219| V.Easy|STRseed

FoggyPot.....................| FooHero......................| FooMage......................| FooPriest....................| Forester.....................| FrogKing.....................| Fuga.........................|

68| 30| 20| 150| 72| 50| 120| 68| 18| 140| 75| 33| 28| 11| 5| 400| 210| 110| 41| 20| 7|

47| V.Hard|Mystic Nut 217| Hard|WorldDew 218| Hard|Potion 220| Hard|WorldLeaf 12| Hard|Cloth 280| V.Hard|INTSpecs 28| Hard|AGLseed

=============================================================================== G =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM Gamadius.....................| 1300| 920| 500| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Garcia.......................| 350| 250| 50| N/A| BOSS|Nothing General......................| 335| 188| 108| 175| V.Hard|Glam Coat Gerion.......................| 352| 210| 102| 183| Hard|Monster Claw GigaDraco....................| 520| 330| 130| 225| V.Hard|Demon Armor Gigagoner....................| 580| 450| 165| 234| V.Hard|STRseed GigaMute.....................| 400| 240| 125| 189| Hard|Steel Claw GigaMute.....................| 1050| 1230| 125| N/A| BOSS|FireShard GnuDevil.....................| 260| 233| 121| 194| Medium|Ice Claw God..........................|12400| 0| 0| 294| BOSS|Nothing GoldKid......................| 215| 155| 210| 170| Hard|Golden Bracelet Goldman......................| 255| 80| 650| 138| V.Hard|Golden Bracelet GoldSlime....................| 350| 350| 3000| 155| V.Hard|Life Ring Golem........................| 280| 60| 70| N/A| BOSS|WindShard Golemuga.....................| 580| 345| 175| 242| Hard|Valiant Bracelet Gonz.........................| 400| 294| 320| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Goopi........................| 35| 11| 5| 19| V.Hard|Repellent Gracos.......................| 1400| 1320| 720| 287| BOSS|Nothing Gracos V.....................| 1500| 1950| 940| 288| BOSS|Nothing Gragoopi.....................| 185| 141| 50| 169| V.Hard|Farewell Bracelet GreatMerm....................| 450| 240| 150| 281| V.Hard|Life Ring Gron.........................| 140| 71| 25| 110| V.Hard|HairBand GuardDog.....................| 300| 295| 95| 195| Medium|Steel Claw Guartle......................| 180| 133| 72| 269| V.Hard|DEFseed =============================================================================== H =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM HangedApe....................| 78| 28| 20| 50| Hard|Club Healer.......................| 30| 15| 8| 16| Medium|MysticNut HelKaiser....................| 520| 340| 118| 232| Hard|Snow Sword Hellbane.....................| 330| 141| 93| 156| Hard|AGLseed HellCloud....................| 3080| 2160| 604| 291| BOSS|Nothing HellClown....................| 280| 88| 66| 121| V.Hard|Silk Hat HellGenie....................| 2500| 1760| 575| N/A| BOSS|Nothing HellGiant....................| 410| 175| 175| 208| V.Easy|Judge Staff HellGuard....................| 190| 110| 80| 142| V.Hard|Fur Hat HellHawk.....................| 870| 1250| 185| 253| V.Easy|Platinum Helm HellVine.....................| 1300| 1650| 2100| 289| BOSS|WindShard HellWorm.....................| 500| 223| 123| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Hork.........................| 65| 18| 5| 26| Easy|Antidote HornBeast....................| 355| 242| 150| 190| Hard|STR Ring HornRush.....................| 70| 27| 12| 43| Medium|Stone Claw HornSnail....................| 32| 12| 8| 221| Hard|Herb Horseman.....................| 57| 92| 33| 26| Hard|Boxer Shorts

Hulkagon.....................| 390| 220| 150| 185| Medium|Dragon Shield Hunter.......................| 48| 21| 10| 32| Hard|Club =============================================================================== I =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM Imp..........................| 30| 12| 6| 14| Hard|Herb Inopp........................| 440| 278| 310| N/A| BOSS|Nothing IronKid......................| 220| 142| 82| 162| Hard|Tray IronTurt.....................| 85| 36| 15| 65| Medium|DEFseed =============================================================================== J =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM JellyMan.....................| 330| 105| 100| 126| Hard|Tray JewelBag.....................| 200| 90| 350| 120| V.Hard|Pink Pearl JewelBag.....................| 110| 110| 350| N/A| BOSS|Nothing JunkMech.....................| 135| 60| 25| 97| Hard|Iron Axe =============================================================================== K =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM KilStar......................| 110| 51| 47| 88| Hard|SilverBreastplate KingSlime....................| 140| 120| 77| 86| Hard|LifeAcorn KingSlime....................| 670| 120| 77| N/A| BOSS|BluePrint =============================================================================== L =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM LampGenie....................| 350| 200| 117| 176| V.Hard|Noble Robe Lipsy........................| 10| 2| 4| 4| Easy|Herb Lithohead....................| 700| 650| 90| 247| V.Hard|Demon Hammer LizardMan....................| 190| 128| 90| 147| Medium|Steel Sword LizrdBird....................| 90| 47| 23| 84| Hard|Leather Hat =============================================================================== M =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM Machinoid....................| 250| 180| 70| N/A| N/A|Nothing MadBook......................| 262| 163| 43| 163| Medium|INTseed MadFalcon....................| 310| 170| 100| 164| Hard|STRseed MadPlant.....................| 610| 900| 210| 249| Hard|Pure Bustier MadPot.......................| 250| 250| 110| 141| Medium|DEFseed MageArmor....................| 215| 215| 138| 193| Hard|Magic Armor MageImp......................| 210| 120| 60| 144| Hard|Pot Lid MageLipsy....................| 108| 60| 20| 104| Medium|GraceHerb MageStar.....................| 240| 115| 80| 271| Hard|Wizard Ring MagicPost....................| 190| 123| 95| 145| V.Hard|Dance Armor MagJaguar....................| 43| 23| 12| 31| Hard|Potion Magmaron.....................| 250| 125| 82| 143| Hard|DEFseed

MagWyvern....................| Makainite....................| MakiMaki.....................| Maneater.....................| Mantipion....................| Matilda......................| Meranza......................| Metabble.....................| MetaKing.....................| Metaly.......................| MetalyS......................| MetlRider....................| Mimic........................| Moal.........................| Moosedon.....................| MudDoll......................| MuddyMan.....................| MultiEyes....................|

95| 65| 480| 360| 230| 77| 400| 419| 49| 23| 250| 20| 40| 19| 6|10500| 20|31000| 4| 1000| 8| 1050| 104| 230| 250| 210| 350| 230| 280| 92| 50| 22| 130| 35| 140| 81|

51| 123| 25| 294| 11| 30| 8| 20| 100| 65| 120| 40| 130| 140| 70| 4| 17| 45|

99| 240| N/A| N/A| 41| N/A| 22| 123| 188| 55| 230| 92| 132| 186| 124| 30| 62| 266|

Medium|WarpWing Hard|Massacre Sword BOSS|TimeSand BOSS|Nothing Hard|Bronze Knife BOSS|Nothing Medium|Cloth Hard|LuckShoes Hard|LuckShoes V.Hard|DEFseed V.Easy|Herb Medium|Copper Sword Medium|STRseed Hard|LifeRock V.Easy|Fur Hat Medium|Cloth Hard|Dung Hard|Pink Pearl

=============================================================================== N =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM NailMan......................| 69| 31| 15| 48| Hard|Dagger Naputo.......................| 270| 280| 70| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Necrobal.....................| 440| 310| 142| 226| V.Hard|Sorrow Shield Needlon......................| 67| 30| 18| 53| Hard|Poison Knife Nengal.......................| 4680| 3690| 1009| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Nepro........................| 345| 200| 50| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Neris........................| 460| 267| 0| N/A| BOSS|Nothing NiteKing.....................| 800| 1420| 210| 254| Hard|Massacre Sword Niterich.....................| 420| 140| 140| 212| V.Hard|Destruct Shield NumbSlime....................| 150| 160| 58| 181| V.Hard|SeaShell Hat =============================================================================== O =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM Octogon......................| 350| 180| 98| 279| V.Easy|LifeAcorn OgreKing.....................| 360| 200| 200| 209| V.Easy|Ogre Shield Ogreling.....................| 180| 82| 50| 114| Hard|Sickle OrcDevil.....................| 210| 88| 66| 133| V.Hard|Iron Armor Orgodemir 1st form 1st battle| 3000| 0| 0| 293| BOSS|Nothing Orgodemir 2nd form 1st battle| 4200| 0| 0| 293| BOSS|Nothing Orgodemir 1st form 2nd battle| 3500| 0| 0| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Orgodemir 2nd form 2nd battle| 3300| 0| 0| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Orgodemir 3rd form 2nd battle| 3000| 0| 0| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Orgodemir 4th form 2nd battle| 4500| 0| 0| N/A| BOSS|Nothing =============================================================================== P =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM Panickle.....................| 280| 180| 70| 192| Medium|MoonHerb Panther......................| 210| 128| 90| 146| Medium|Steel Sword Parasnail....................| 80| 73| 30| 265| Hard|SeaShell Hat Pigady.......................| 190| 75| 61| 108| Hard|Shell Armor

PigDemon.....................| Pigmon.......................| PinkOrc......................| Piranhan.....................| PlatKing.....................| Plesiodon....................| PodFightr....................| PodHero......................| PodMage......................| PodPriest....................| PomPomBom....................| Poucher......................| ProtoMech....................| Pummeler.....................| PuppetMan....................| PutreBeast...................| PutreFish....................| PutreMan.....................|

66| 24| 13| 40| Medium|Leather Armor 205| 108| 58| 139| Hard|Leather Kilt 85| 45| 31| 74| Medium|Pink Pearl 90| 65| 61| 263| Medium|Bronze Knife 200|65000| 700| 248| V.Hard|Joy Hat 200| 115| 80| 136| Hard|Leather Whip 50| 24| 9| 215| Medium|Antidote 45| 25| 25| 213| Medium|Herb 32| 23| 18| 214| Medium|SpiderWeb 37| 22| 12| 216| Medium|Repellent 390| 285| 135| 241| V.Hard|INTSpecs 130| 79| 35| 116| Hard|SilverBreastplate 190| 95| 58| 129| V.Easy|Battle Axe 55| 25| 16| 39| V.Hard|Bone Knife 130| 65| 32| 111| Hard|Wooden Hat 650| 420| 50| 244| Hard|Rib 85| 60| 52| 261| Hard|Bone Knife 102| 43| 11| 72| V.Easy|Chain Mail

=============================================================================== Q =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM Quixotron....................| 97| 61| 48| 100| Hard|Iron Armor =============================================================================== R =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM RainHawk.....................| 456| 155| 155| 203| Hard|Lune Fan RainMaker....................| 450| 350| 310| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Red Sting....................| 98| 53| 23| 90| Hard|Iron Helm RedGrunt.....................| 345| 175| 95| 173| V.Hard|Lune Staff RedSlime.....................| 24| 10| 4| 21| Easy|Herb Revirock.....................| 411| 107| 107| 202| Medium|SacrificeBracelet RhinoKing....................| 76| 49| 42| 83| Medium|Stone Claw RockGolem....................| 115| 45| 35| 64| V.Easy|LifeRock Rosevine.....................| 380| 160| 101| 159| Medium|Sleep Staff Runger.......................| 380| 160| 160| 206| V.Hard|Dragon Claw RushFish.....................| 18| 8| 5| 257| Easy|Herb =============================================================================== S =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM Satanmail....................| 420| 420| 140| 235| V.Easy|Platinum Mail Savagemon....................| 375| 250| 142| 191| V.Hard|STRseed SeaDragon....................| 260| 173| 105| 273| V.Hard|2Edged Sword Seahorser....................| 78| 72| 70| 262| Easy|Iron Spear SeaLipsy.....................| 30| 10| 1| 259| Hard|Antidote Seto.........................| 900| 650| 250| N/A| BOSS|Nothing ShadeNite....................| 62| 47| 22| 79| Hard|Copper Sword SheepBird....................| 77| 40| 23| 70| Hard|AGLseed SheepDuck....................| 180| 90| 77| 134| Hard|AGLseed Shelgator....................| 170| 145| 77| 277| Medium|AGLseed ShieldOgr....................| 250| 180| 120| 166| Hard|Ice Shield ShrubMage....................| 140| 182| 6| N/A| BOSS|Nothing

SkulBlade....................| SkyDevil.....................| SkyFrog......................| SkyHunter....................| Slemperor....................| Slime........................| SlimeLV8.....................| SlimeNite....................| SlimeWing....................| SmileRock....................| Smoocher.....................| SnowBat......................| Squidgore....................| Stalker......................| StarFish.....................| StarFish.....................| StelDemon....................| Swordaroo....................| Swordbane....................|

180| 320| 72| 40| 310| 7| 120| 70| 150| 100| 52| 120| 200| 80| 20| 1300| 300| 24| 283|

138| 175| 35| 13| 410| 1| 150| 25| 64| 34| 22| 66| 120| 42| 9| 320| 155| 10| 133|

62| 105| 14| 9| 300| 1| 50| 15| 50| 18| 8| 31| 65| 10| 6| 0| 155| 6| 133|

158| 165| 68| 17| 172| 1| 229| 35| 98| 58| 33| 102| 270| 77| 258| N/A| 207| 10| 204|

Hard|STR Ring Medium|STRseed Medium|Traveler Clothes Hard|Stick Hard|Goddess Ring V.Easy|Herb Hard|Herb Easy|Copper Sword V.Hard|Slime Clothes V.Hard|LifeRock Medium|Herb Hard|Leather Dress Hard|MysticNut V.Hard|Iron Axe Hard|SeaShell Hat Hard|Nothing Hard|STRseed Medium|Copper Sword V.Easy|2Edged Sword

=============================================================================== T =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM TailApe......................| 46| 18| 9| 23| Hard|Dung Terra Spirit.................| 3200| 3000| 0| 296| BOSS|Nothing Thompson.....................| 280| 260| 60| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Thornmole....................| 25| 8| 7| 13| Hard|Herb Thunderat....................| 66| 45| 21| 80| Medium|Horned Hat TigerMage....................| 170| 78| 28| 107| Hard|Fur Cape TimeSage.....................| 780| 750| 312| 286| BOSS|LandShard TongueRat....................| 20| 6| 3| 8| Easy|Repellent TreeGuard....................| 109| 55| 32| 94| Hard|Bronze Armor TrickBag.....................| 70| 50| 50| 51| Medium|Cloth Tyranodon....................| 230| 90| 80| 122| Hard|AGLseed =============================================================================== V =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM Varanus......................| 450| 240| 150| 282| V.Easy|STRseed VenomBird....................| 50| 26| 8| 45| Hard|Antidote VenomHork....................| 120| 45| 10| 91| V.Hard|Antidote VenomWorm....................| 35| 17| 6| 20| Hard|Antidote VineRoot.....................| 185| 80| 20| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Vulgarian....................| 110| 59| 35| 95| Medium|Boxer Shorts =============================================================================== W =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM WarBoar......................| 292| 173| 104| 177| Hard|Leather Kilt WarTiger.....................| 84| 32| 26| 52| Hard|Bunny Tail WeirdGuy.....................| 350| 72| 75| N/A| BOSS|Nothing WellGhost....................| 450| 162| 162| 197| Easy|Expel Shield WellLure.....................| 120| 150| 100| 59| Easy|STRseed WhiteFuga....................| 230| 125| 88| 151| Hard|Pirate Clothes

Wind Spirit..................| WingDraco....................| WingTiger....................| WoeBottle....................| WoePriest....................| WolfDevil....................| WolfDevil....................| WonderEgg....................| WoodyEye.....................| Wormspec.....................| WreckMan.....................| Wyvern.......................|

1900| 315| 185| 245| 380| 140| 600| 180| 160| 230| 325| 61|

2400| 0| 298| BOSS|Nothing 158| 98| 161| V.Hard|Dragon Whip 80| 40| 113| Hard|Leather Kilt 135| 103| 148| Hard|INTseed 128| 148| 199| V.Hard|Lava Staff 86| 60| 119| Hard|Dagger 400| 210| N/A| BOSS|LandShard 62| 28| 96| V.Hard|MysticNut 84| 45| 118| V.Hard|MysticNut 156| 68| 278| Hard|Magic Hat 180| 80| 174| Hard|Leather Kilt 29| 18| 44| Medium|WarpWing

=============================================================================== Z =============================================================================== |HP |EXP |GOLD |Book#|Capture|ITEM Zeppel.......................| 2200| 2260| 710| N/A| BOSS|Nothing ZoeMage......................| 1390| 740| 920| N/A| BOSS|Nothing Zombie.......................| 338| 173| 93| 180| Hard|LifeAcorn ZombieEye....................| 45| 20| 6| 34| Medium|GraceHerb Zombier......................| 350| 163| 72| 167| Hard|Battle Axe ******************************************************************************* MONSTER LOCATIONS (MLOC) ******************************************************************************* Here are the locations that the monsters in this game appear in. This section is useful for completing the Monster Book and knowing where certain monsters are if you are looking for item drops and monster hearts. Disk One Areas: Ocean - RushFish - Starfish - SeaLipsy - HornSnail - PutreFish Rexwood - Slime - Eggplaton - Centbeast Colorstone Mine (past) - Slime - Eggplaton - Cenbeast - Lipsy - TongueRat Eastern Tower (past) - Slime - Eggplaton - Centbeast - Lipsy

TongueRat CactiBall CatMage Earwinger

Colorstone Mine (present) - Slime - Centbeast - Lipsy - CactiBall - CatMage - Earwinger Engow - CatMage - Forester - Florajay - Swordaroo - TongueRat Mt. Flame (past) - Swordaroo - Forester - Babble - CatMage - Earwinger - Imp - Thornmole - Florajay Mt. Flame (present) - Swordaroo - Forester - Thornmole - Imp - Florajay - Babble Dialac - Centbeast - Earwinger - CatMage - Forester - Thornmole - CancerMan Orph - Imp - Healer - Forester - CancerMan - Thornmole - TongueRat - Swordaroo - CatMage - Babble Mt. Ceide (past and present) - Crestpent - Venomworm

Babble CancerMan Healer Thornmole Swordaroo Imp Goopi Florajay SkyHunter TailApe FairyRat

Falrod - Clockmech - RedSlime - CancerMan - Healer - TailApe - Crestpent - Goopi - Babygoyle - Meranza - FairyRat MechSoldiers Base (past) - Clockmech - Hork - FairyRat - Babygoyle Verdham - Healer - Hork - FairyRat - Crestpent - Goopi - Babygoyle - Venomworm - Meranza Marsh Cave - Fuga - DarkDwarf - MudDoll - Hork - Babygoyle - DrakSlime Deja - Hunter - Fuga - Babygoyle - DarkDwarf - DrakSlime Tunnel (past) - Hork - Goopi - MudDoll - Babygoyle

- ZombieEye Lake Altar Cave (past - RedSlime - Smoocher - Crestpent - DarkDwarf - Hork - DrakSlime - MudDoll - Hunter - MadJaguar Dharma - SlimeNite - FairyRat - MadJaguar - DrakSlime - PodHero - PodFightr - PodMage - PodPriest West Cave (past) - Armorpion - ZombieEye - PodHero - PodFightr - PodMage - PodPriest - MudDoll - Smoocher - Mantipion - SlimeNite - PigDemon - MadJaguar Cave to Prison (past) - Babbleoon - PigDemon - Pummeler - PodHero - PodFightr - PodMage - PodPriest - Amorpion - Smoocher - Mantipion - ZombieEye - Wyvern Under Dharma (past) - BeakRat - PigDemon - Pummeler - Babbleoon - Mantipion - PodHero - PodPriest - PodMage

Dharma Temple (past) - BeakRat - PigDemon - Pummeler - Wyvern - HornRush - PodHero - PodFightr - PodMage Dune - Wyvern - WenomBird - HornRush - Babbleoon - BeakRat - Hunter - SlimeNite Dune Palace (past) - Wyvern - VenomBird - NailMan - ApeBat - FoggyPot Evil Statue (past) - FoggyPot - TrickBag - NailMan - WarTiger - Wyvern - ApeBat - HornRush - Pummeler Krage - FloatTree - WarTiger - HangedApe - ApeBat Sacred Tree - FloatTree - HangedApe - Horseman - Metaly - BoltRat - WarTiger - EvilPot - ApeBat Litorud - WarTiger - Needlon - Horseman - BoltRat - Metaly

Time Pocket Cave (past) - NailMan - Needlon - SmileRock - HangedApe - WarTiger - BoltRat Baloch's Tower (present) - Eggeron - EvlMantis - SmileRock - BoltRat - Metaly Avon/Huzu/Hamelia - NailMan - BoltRat - FloatTree - Needlon - SmileRock - Horseman - MuddyMan - EvlMantis - WellLure Avon Tunnel (past) - Dumbira - Enchanter - RockGolem - MuddyMan - EvlMantis Mountain Tower (past) - SlimeLv8 - Dumbira - IronTurt - RockGolem - Eggeron - Enchanter Mountain Tower Flooded (past) - Dumbira - Enchanter - RockGolem - MuddyMan - EvlMantis - SlimeLv8 - IronTurt - Eggeron Sea after flood (past) - DeathCrab - PutreFish - Seahorser - Confupeng - Piranhan Underwater City (past) - Seahorser

DeathCrab EvlTurtle EvlAnchor EvilDiver WellLure MultiEyes Parasnail PutreFish Confupeng

Mountain Tower (present) - SlimeLv8 - Dumbira - IronTurt - RockGolem - MuddyMan - Chargon World's Tallest Tower - ColumnMan - SkyFrog - SheepBird - Dumbira - Chargon - BugBear - PutreMan Probina - PutreMan - Banegaroo - PinkOrc - BugBear - SheepBird - Armorgon Mt. Prob (past) - Dragon - EvilBook - Stalker - ShadeNite - Armorgon - NailMan - Banegaroo - Babydrak - SlimeLv8 - SmileRock Loomin - RhinoKing - Broadaxer - Thunderat - Stalker - Healer DarkDraco's Tower (past and present) - Dragon - Armorgon - Curer - LizrdBird - RhinoKing

- Broadaxer - BabyDevil - Babydrak Loomin Cave (past) - BabyDevil - DragonMan - LizrdBird - ShadeNite - FoggyPot - KingSlime Mardra - MetlRider - Red Sting - SnowBat - DragonMan - FoggyPot - BabyDevil Basin Cave (past) - LizrdBird - KilStar - DarkThief - VenomHork - Red Sting - Thunderat - BabyDevil - Armorgon - SheepBird Gorges - TrickBag - Chargon - WonderEgg - SlimeWing - JunkMech - Vulgarian - TreeGuard - Quixotron - SnowBat Dark Cloud Maze (past) - Boarenger - VenomHork - DarkThief - ClawBeast - SlimeWing Wind Fane (past) - TrickBag - MagWyvern - EvilArmor - SnowBat - Red Sting - WonderEgg Labres - Devilite - MagWyvern

PuppetMan ClawBeast Flamzard MageLipsy TigerMage Boarenger Berserker Pigady Gron

Mt. Tor (past) - Berserker - Gron - PuppetMan - Devilite - Pigady - MageLipsy - Flamzard - TigerMage - DumbiKing - WingTiger Coastal - Confupeng - Parasnail - Clawser - EvilArmor - Ogreling - WoodyEye - FooHero - FoFighter - FooMage Halfling's Cave (past) - Orgeling - ButchMan - Poucher - WoodyEye - JewelBag - FoFighter - FooPriest - FooHero - Tyranodon - Metabble Great Lighthouse (past) - Metabble - Ogreling - WingTiger - PuppetMan - Clawser - Poucher - HellClown - EvilArmor - EvilWell - Tyranodon - WolfDevil - Butchman - Cannibox - WoodyEye

Great Lighthouse (present) - Metabble - MagicPost - EvlStatue - CloudKing - BabyCloud - DarkArmor - LizardMan - AnkHorn Coral Lake (past and present) - PutreFish - Piranhan - Seahorser - DeathCrab - EvlTurtle - EvlAnchor - Confupeng - MutliEyes - Parasnail Excavated Cave (present) - EvilViper - EvilClown - ProtoMech - JellyMan - Bombcrag - Tyranodon - Moosedon - Metabble - Cannibox Demon Lord's Lair (past) - EvilViper - EvilClown - ProtoMech - FireCloud - FlameToad - Mimic - OrcDevil - SheepDuck - CureSlime - Metabble - Metaly - CurseLamp =============================================================================== Disk Two Areas: Estard - MageImp - HellGuard - Panther - SheepDuck - WellLure Coastal - LizardMan - BoltWorm

- Tyranodon - BabyCloud Engow - MageImp - WhiteFuga - Hellbane - BoneRider - Rosevine Dharma - MadBook - MadFalcon - ShieldOgr - IronKid - SkyDevil - Rosevine Dune - DemonToad - Zombier - Gragoopi - WoeBottle - MadFalcon - GoldKid - BoltDevil - EvlVulgar Gorges - WarBoar - WreckMan - BoltDevil - General - NumbSlime Dark Palace - GuardDog - EvilBeast - WoePriest - Drakorpse - Disguiser Rexwood - WarBoar - Bombcrag - MageArmor - GigaMute - Moai Orph - Demranger - WreckMan - GigaMute - Hulkagon - Panickle - MageArmor - HornBeast - Gerion - Savagemon - MetalKing

WarBoar NumbSlime General Zombie Andreal

Falrod - GnuDevil - Panickle - Moai - Rosevine - SkulBlade - WreckMan - ClayNite - Slemperor - BoltDevil - Dragoner - JellyMan Mentare - WarBoar - ClayNite - Andreal - HellGuard - Metabble - FooHero - FooMage - FoFighter - FooPriest - Revirock - Drakorpse - EvilBeast - WellGhost Deja - Disguiser - WoePriest - GuardDog - Drakorpse - EvilBeast - Revirock - HornBeast - Hulkagon - Panickle - WreckMan - MageArmor - GigaMute - Demranger - GnuDevil - Swordbane Mezar - Andreal - Gragoopi - Dragoner - NumbSlime Krage - Slime - RedSlime

Healer Babble KingSlime GoldSlime CureSlime Metaly Metabble MetalKing Demranger Hulkagon EvilBeast HornBeast Savagemon Zombier

Litorud - Revirock - WellGhost - Drakorpse - EvilBeast - Moai - Dragoner - FooHero - FoFighter - FooMage - FooPriest Hamelia - EvilBeast - HornBeast - Zombier - Savagemon - Hulkagon - Demranger - MadFalcon - DemonToad - Gerion - AnkHorn Medal King Castle - RedGrunt - HornBeast - Hellbane - Demranger - General - GoldKid - Gerion - PuppetMan Probina - Hulkagon - HornBeast - Gerion - Panickle - Savagemon - GigaMute - HetalKing Mardra - EvilBeast

- Dragoner - GnuDevil - MetalKing Labres - Gragoopi - Zombie - HornBeast - GuardDog - DeadNoble Loomin - WhiteFuga - DragonKid - GoldKid - BoltWorm - Tyranodon - OrcDevil - Panther - Pigmon - FlameToad - Metabble Ocean - Octogon - BoneFish - Guartle - MageStar - FrogKing - Varanus - Wormspec - Squidgore - DarkSnail - Shelgator - GreatMerm - CragDevil - SeaDragon Tunnel - Pigmon - CureSlime - Goldman - BoltWorm - HellGuard - MadPot Lake Altar Cave - Pigmon - CureSlime - Plesiodon - EvilViper - OrcDevil - Goldman - Boarenger - ClawBeast Mt. Flame - Swordaroo - Forester - Imp

Thornmole Florajay Babble Magmaron CosmoBog Hellbane BoneRider SkulBlade TigerMage GoldSlime WingDraco Rosevine

Wind Tower - NumbSlime - ClayNite - LampGenie - Zombie - Gerion - FooHero - FoFighter - FooMage - Zombier - DemonToad - DeadNoble - Hulkagon Wind Maze - Hulkagon - Gerion - GoldKid - Andreal - Cerabus - DeadNoble - EvlVulgar Pyramid - WoeBottle - Slemperor - SkyDevil - GoldKid - BoltDevil - Gragoopi - Zombier - DemonToad - EvlVulgar - RedGrunt Dark Palace - RainHawk - Behemoth - OgreKing - Swordbane - WoePriest - Drakorpse - GigaDraco - Niterich - HellGiant - StelDemon - Disguiser

Necrobal Druinlord DeathGron Bludbeast MetalyS Magmaron HellHawk EvlVulgar DarkSnail Revirock WellGhost Runger GuardDog Octogon Shelgator SeaDragon GreatMerm FrogKing EvilDiver

Bonus Dungeon - HelKaiser - Gigagoner - Satanmail - BudooLamp - Budoo - Makainite - Barbarian - Darksanta - Devilash - PomPomBom - Baskervil - DrakMetal - Golemuga - Disguiser - RushFish - Starfish - SeaLipsy - HornSnail - PutreFish - Necrobal - Runger - Swordbane - GuardDog - Blaster - Lithohead - Putrebeast - Revirock - WellGhost - MetalyS Bonus Dungeon 2 (Zion Cave) - DorasBox - MadPlant - NiteKing - DemoKing - DarkMage - Esterk - HellHawk - PlatKing

Deathgon DragonWoo Magmaron Behemoth GigaDraco HellGiant Octogon Shelgator Varanus GreatMerm FrogKing

Note that some monsters have the ability to call other monsters to assist them in battle. These monsters include: Meranza calls Eggplaton TrickBag calls FloatTree DeathCrag calls IronTurt Armorgon calls IronTurt Dragon calls Healer JewelBag calls Healer CloudKing calls BabyCloud CurseLamp calls LampGenie BoneRider calls Healer WoeBottle calls EvlStatue Gragoopie calls WellGhost Andreal calls Healer BudooLamp calls Budoo Two kinds of monsters in this game can merge to become another monster: SlimeLv8 to KingSlime MetalyS to MetalKing There is one type of monster that turns into one of fourteen random enemies when you fight it: WonderEgg can hatch: - ShadeNite - Thunderat - Curer - RhinoKing - LizrdBird - BabyDevil - Red Sting - ClawBeast - Vulgarian - SlimeWing - MagWyvern - MageLipsy - JewelBag - Metabble ******************************************************************************* TINY MEDALS (TMDL) *******************************************************************************

Here is a list in point form of all of the TinyMedals in this FAQ. Most of them are in the order you get them from this guide with the Immigrant town medals tacked on at the end since these can be retrieved at any point throughout the game after Dialac. So far I have discovered 118 TinyMedals. Here are the prizes you get from giving your medals to the Medal King. Poison Dagger..............................................................45 Wind Staff.................................................................50 Sacrifice Ring.............................................................58 Miracle Sword..............................................................65 Blue Print.................................................................75 Sage Rock..................................................................83 MetlKing Shield............................................................90 Bolero.....................................................................95 ?Shard.....................................................................100 Ultimate Whip..............................................................105 PlatKing Heart.............................................................110 Here are the locations of all the TinyMedals. Present Engow from little boy after giving him the Button Past Orph from inn drawer Present Mt. Ceide treasure chest Past Falrish in barrel Past Falrod Castle in vase Present Falrish in treasure chest Present Zebbot's house in barrel Present Falrod Castle in barrel Present MechSoldier's base in treasure chest Past Verdham in treasure chest Past Marsh cave in treasure chest Present cabin on route to Geionne Monastery in vase Present Inn west of Verdham in barrel Past Deja camp in barrel Past Lake Altar cave in treasure chest Past Lake Altar cave in treasure chest after water is drained Present Excavation site in the dresser at the bottom of a well Past Penal Town barrel Past Penal Town vase behind the bar counter Past Mountain Hut search the tombstones Past Mountain Hut in the dresser at the bottom of a well Past in treasure chest in cave after the Mountain Hut Past in vase in cave after the Mountain Hut Past in treasure chest in cave after the Mountain Hut just before the arena Past Dharma Temple basement in treasure chest Past Dharma Temple in vase Past Bandit's Lair in vase Present Mezar in treasure chest Past Dune Village in vase Past Evil Statue in treasure chest Present Excavation site in vase Present Dune in barrel behind the item shop Past Dune Palace in treasure chest Past Krage in vase Present Krage in dresser at the inn Present Krage in dresser in the well Past Litorud in a barrel Past Time Pocket Cave in treasure chest Past Verdham revisited in the dresser at the bottom of the well

Past Verdham revisited in barrel in Mr. Kasadols mansion Present Mentare Herb Garden in treasure chest Present path on route to Geionne Monastery in treasure chest Present Baloch's Bridge in barrel beside Herbal Tea Shop Present Baloch's Bridge in the dresser at the bottom of the well Present Baloch's Tower in treasure chest Past Avon in dresser in chiefs house Past Avon Tunnel in treasure chest Past Huzu in barrel Past Underwater City in treasure chest Past Underwater City in treasure chest behind building with previous medal Past Underwater City in vase Present Brugeo's mansion north of Orph in treasure chest Present Worlds Tallest Tower in treasure chest Present Hamelia hidden on a ledge beside a cat Present Mountain Tower in pot Present Underwater City in treasure chest Present Underwater City in treasure chest on a ledge Past Probina in barrel Present Probina search the bottom of the well Present Probina in treasure chest in the temple cellar Past Loomin in jar Past DarkDraco's Tower in treasure chest Present Loomin Ruins in the dresser at the bottom of the well Present DarkDraco's Tower in treasure chest Past Great Fane in jar Past Mardra Castle in dresser Present Deja Tribe in jar Present Mardra in the dresser at the bottom of the well Present Mardra in barrel Present Great Fane in treasure chest Past Gorges in dresser Past Dark Cloud Maze in treasure chest Past Lefa Fane in treasure chest Present Lefa Fane in treasure chest east of entrance Present Lefa Fane in treasure chest Past Labres in barrel Past Mt. Tor in treasure chest Present Labres get 5 by searching the grave of Colin the Adventurer Past Coastal in barrel Past Halfling's Cave in treasure chest Past Great Lighthouse in dresser Present Coastal in treasure chest Present Great Lighthouse in treasure chest Present Halfling's Cave in treasure chest Present Shrine north of Hamelia search tombstones Present Excavated Cave in treasure chest Present Crystal Palace in jar Present Estard treasury in treasure chest Present Mt. Flame in treasure chest Present Sharkeye's Ship in jar Present Sharkeye's Ship speak to the cat and answer yes Present Wind Tower in treasure chest Present Sky Town in barrel Present Wind Maze in treasure chest Present Dark Palace in treasure chest Present Dark Palace in treasure chest Present Dark Palace search the ground above the skull Present Dark Palace in treasure chest on Terra Charm path Bonus Dungeon in pot

Bonus Dungeon in treasure chest Bonus Dungeon in barrel Bonus Dungeon 2 (Zion Cave) in barrel Immigrant town after 5 people in vase Sims house after 5 people in the bottom of his well Immigrant town after 15 people in vase Immigrant town after 20 people in treasure chest Immigrant town after 25 people in jar Immigrant town after 30 people in jar Immigrant town after 30 people in jar Immigrant town Normal Town form in barrel Immigrant town Big Farm form in jar Immigrant town Premium Bazaar form in jar Immigrant town Grand Slum form in barrel Immigrant town Grand Slum form in pot

******************************************************************************* IMMIGRANT TOWN (IMGT) ******************************************************************************* After restoring Dialac, you will find an old man named Sim who wishes to build a large town, and requests that you gather people to live in this town. As you find new immigrants all over the world, the town will grow into many different shapes and forms with the possibility of having five final town forms. There are many different kinds of immigrants that you will find along your travels. Here is a list of the different kinds of people you will find: Bull..........Bully..........Bunny..........Cat............Cow Dancer........Farmer.........Feline.........Female.........Grandma Grandpa.......Halfling.......Horse..........Kitty..........Male Man...........Merchant.......Mixer..........Pig............Priest Prisoner......Sailor.........Scholar........Sister.........Soldier Swordman......Trader.........Warrior........Woman Now, in order to build a full town, you will need to recruit at least 35 immigrants to a maximum of 40. Note that you can only build the full town during Disk Two as there is a limit of 27 immigrants that can be recruited in disk one. All you have to do to recruit an immigrant is to first, find them, and then tell them about Sim's town. Simple enough? Finding them may be difficult though if you don't know where to look. The following are locations that immigrants can appear in. Note that if you don't speak with them or exit the room they are in, an immigrant won't spawn in that location until you save or reset the game. The more immigrants you have, the less often they are to appear at their spawn locations which makes them harder to come across. The easiest way to spawn an immigrant is to simply enter and exit the area that they spawn until they appear. It's also a good idea to not pick up any immigrant if you wish to build towards one of the other final town forms. Estard Inn second floor Rexwood Inn Orph Inn Orph Item Shop Falrish Inn Falrish Church Mentare shack on the path to the Geionne Monastery

Verdham Ruins western side Basement of Pub west of Dharma Temple Mezar Inn Dune Village Inn Krage Inn Litorud Church Litorud Inn Hamelia Pub Hamelia Inn Sphinx fifth floor Probina Inn Probina Armor Shop Loomin Inn (not sitting at the table) Loomin Ruins western side (Only if you didn't save Loomin) Mardra Inn Mardra Church Mardra Castle Wind Spire second floor Great Fane Underground (room after the room with large tombstone) Gorges Inn Labres Inn Coastal Inn second floor Coastal Church second floor Coastal Armor Shop basement Eastern entrance of Lake Altar tunnel

Permanent Immigrants: There are five* spots in the game that spawn immigrants that will stay in your town permanently with no way of kicking them out or removing them. I'd advise against picking any of these people up unless you need them to finish a final town form. - Dharma Temple second floor: Nurar the Trader - Mezar between the Inn and the Church Elena the Dancer - Church west of Hamelia Sara the Sister - Loomin Inn at the table Bean the Farmer - Wind Fane Jissa the Priest * There are rumors of the sixth permanent immigrant spot on Mt. Flame having a Warrior at a certain spot in the game, but I have yet to see this proven. Evolution: During the game, the immigrant town will evolve as you increase the population. Here are some details on the various town forms. Note that all items can be missed permanently if they aren't picked up before the town reaches 20 people. =============================================================================== Less than 5 People: Items: None

Sim will comment on the last immigrant if you speak to him. =============================================================================== 5 to 9 people: Items: TinyMedal x 2 3 Gold Slime Earrings 6 Gold You will have a chance to name the town at this point. Sim will move to the house outside of town. Don't miss the TinyMedal that is hiding at the bottom of the well. =============================================================================== 10 to 14 people: Items: Leather Hat Leather Kilt Not much to note other then the town will have a building =============================================================================== 15 to 19 people: Items: TinyMedal 23 Gold Speed Ring 7 Gold LifeAcorn Glam Robe Fur Hat Merchants will now sell items as you will have a General Store and more buildings. =============================================================================== 20 to 24 people: Items: Bow Tie LifeAcorn TinyMedal 6 Gold SeaShell Hat STRseed If you speak to Sim, you will now be able to view all the town residents, kick any of them out and swap residents between memory cards for two different save games. Residents: Will show the list of current immigrants living in your town with their name, location they were recruited from and their status. Eg. Priest, Merchant, etc. Exchange: This allows you to trade immigrants from one save game to another. Make sure the current game is in Memory Card Slot 1 and you can trade immigrants. Note

that you can't just copy your save onto another memory card as the game can detect if you are trying to swap with the same game. It has to be another game file that you are swapping with. Immigrants that you trade cannot be traded back until you save the game or reset. Permanent immigrants cannot be swapped and you can have duplicate immigrants by trading for someone you already have. Note that while this feature sounds really cool, it actually isn't very user friendly. You can't always swap immigrants you want and sometimes the game will force you to select from a small amount of immigrants. This can be frustrating if you are trying to build a final town and the only option is to swap out immigrants that you want to keep. Ask to move: This will allow you to kick out an immigrant from your town. Sim will warn you that doing this will be permanent but he will be lying to you. When you select this option, a group of three immigrants will pop up with the option to boot one of them out. If you don't like the selection, just cancel and try again. You cannot kick out a permanent immigrant nor one you just received from a memory card exchange unless you save the game and reset. You also can't kick out anyone if you have 24 or less immigrants. This feature is very useful if you are trying to build towards a specific final town form and want to unload some useless people. =============================================================================== 25 to 29 people: Items: Tights TinyMedal You will have a town bridge and a church now with the shops still selling weak items. =============================================================================== 30 to 34 people: Items: INTSpecs AmitSnack Antidote Rib TinyMedal x 2 Leather Armor 2570 Gold MysticNut STRseed STR Ring CursLamp Heart The town will now have a World Bank so you can store some extra Gold as well as many buildings and stores. =============================================================================== Final Town Forms: After recruiting 35 or more immigrants, your town will reach one of five possible final town forms. The type of immigrants will effect how your final town turns out. =============================================================================== Premium Bazaar

(21 Merchants/Traders (at least one of each) required) Items: TinyMedal MysticNut Wyvern Heart Life Ring 160 Gold The Premium Bazaar will be a shoppers dream as it sells rare items like the Bow Gun and MetlKing Sword. It also has a special shop which sells Ribs for taming monsters must like the store in Krage that sells WorldDew =============================================================================== Great Farm (13 Farmers and 10 Halflings/Horses/Pigs/Cows (at least one of each) required) Items: Boxer Shorts Leather Kilt Dung LifeAcorn TinyMedal Rib The farm doesn't have much, but it contains a store that sells the Oricon Claw for Gabo as well as a few Inns. =============================================================================== Great Temple (20 Priests/Sisters (at least one of each) required) Items: None This large domed Temple has a few General Stores at the top floor which sells Potions and LifeRocks and the Vivify Staff. =============================================================================== Grand Slum (10 Bunny girls/Dancer/Mixer, 8 Bullies and 6 Sailors/Prisoners (at least one of each) required) Items: STRseed 16 Gold LifeAcorn DEFseed x 2 Dung 7 Gold TinyMedal x 2 Bunny Tiara 160 Gold Arguably the best final form as it houses the largest Casino in the game. It has slot machines for 10,50 and 100 tokens and a poker table. Lucky Panel here costs 500 tokens to play. Casino prizes are as follows: Trendy Dress............................................................2000 Starry Ring............................................................15000 MetlKing Armor.........................................................30000

RainHawk Heart........................................................100000 Wreck Whip............................................................300000 Dream Camisole........................................................500000 =============================================================================== Normal Town (Any other combination of immigrants) Items: Traveler Clothes TinyMedal King's Armor ?Shard This is your basic town with Weapon and Armor shops, an inn, church, bank and a ?Shard that is needed to access the Bonus Dungeon. Beware of the DorasBox that is in a treasure chest by the ?Shard and King's Armor ******************************************************************************* SHARDS (SHRD) ******************************************************************************* The following is a list of all the Shards in the game, their location, and what land they restore. Rexwood - LandShard beside monolith in the Ancient Fane - LandShard beside the Rexwood tablet in the Ancient Fane - LandShard given to you by Borkano Engow - FireShard in treasure chest in Eastern Tower - FireShard on the floor of Present time Colorstone Mine - FireShard in treasure chest in Estard Castle Dialac - AquaShard received from defeating FireGiant - AquaShard received from Pamela Orph - WindShard - WindShard - WindShard - WindShard received from defeating the Golem in the Eastern Tower lying on a table in Present Rexwood house in treasure chest in Present Mt. Flame lying on ground near Sim in Immigrant Town

Falrod - AquaShard in treasure chest in Past Mt. Ceide - AquaShard in treasure chest in Past Mt. Ceide - AquaShard received from Deathpal in Present Mt. Ceide Verdham - FireShard - FireShard - FireShard - FireShard in treasure chest in Past Falrish in treasure chest in Past MechSoldiers Base in treasure chest in chest behind Present Zebbot's house received from Armand's granddaughter in Past Falrish

Deja - WindShard in treasure chest in Present Orph - WindShard in treasure chest in Present Falrod Castle

- WindShard in treasure chest in Past Marsh Cave - WindShard in treasure chest in Past Marsh Cave - WindShard lying on the ground in Present Verdham ruins Dharma - AquaShard in treasure chest in Deja camp - AquaShard given to you by King Burns - AquaShard in dresser of the well at the Excavation Site Dune - LandShard - LandShard - LandShard - LandShard - LandShard in barrel in Dialac in treasure chest in Mentare in treasure chest in Past Lake Cave after water is drained in treasure chest in Present Dharma Temple received from defeating BanditWig

Krage - LandShard in treasure chest in Past Dharma Temple - LandShard in Past Dune Village - LandShard on floor of giant vase in Present Dune Village Litorud - FireShard from farmer in Past Krage - FireShard in treasure chest in Brugeo's mansion in Present Krage - FireShard lying on the ground near the Present Sacred Tree Avon/Huzu/Hamelia - LandShard in treasure chest in Penal Town Bank after defeating Antoria - LandShard on the floor in Mezar well - LandShard in treasure chest at Excavation Site - LandShard received from defeating TimeSage - LandShard in treasure chest at Present Baloch's Tower Probina - WindShard - WindShard - WindShard - WindShard in treasure chest in Present Litorud in treasure chest at Present Baloch's Tower received from Jann in the Past Mountain Tower in treasure chest in Past Hamelia after the flood

Loomin - FireShard in treasure chest in Past Dune Palace after the Palace is rebuilt - FireShard in treasure chest in Present Mountain Tower - FireShard received from defeating GigaMute Mardra - FireShard in treasure chest in Present Hamelia - FireShard in treasure chest in Present Underwater City - FireShard received from awakening Melvin in the World's Tallest Tower Gorges - WindShard - WindShard - WindShard - WindShard - WindShard in treasure chest in Present Soldiers of God Shrine in treasure chest in Present Probina Temple received from defeating HellVine in treasure chest in Present Mardra Fane received from Aira in Present Deja Camp

Labres - LandShard in treasure chest in Present Brugeo's mansion north of Orph - LandShard in treasure chest in Present Mt. Prob

- LandShard on floor in Past East Hill east of Loomin - LandShard on the BlissRock platform in Present Lefa Fane Coastal - AquaShard on floor in Present Sphinx - AquaShard in treasure chest in Present Lefa Fane - AquaShard in treasure chest in Labres Pedestal - ?Shard - ?Shard - ?Shard Pedestal - ?Shard - ?Shard - ?Shard - ?Shard Pedestal - ?Shard - ?Shard - ?Shard - ?Shard Pedestal - ?Shard - ?Shard - ?Shard - ?Shard - ?Shard - ?Shard - ?Shard of on in in Resurrection floor in Present DarkDraco's Tower treasure chest in Past Coastal treasure chest in Past Grand Halfling's Cave

for Demon Lord's Lair received from defeating BeliMawr under Priests altar in Present Coastal in treasure chest in Past Coral Lake received from man in Unknown Shrine for First Bonus Dungeon received from defeating Gracos V in Present Underwater City received from the spirits of the children in Past Coral Lake received from the Medal King after collecting 100 TinyMedals received after beating the game and putting LostShard in the chest for Second Bonus Dungeon (Zion Cave) purchased from Present Coastal Casino for 2000 Tokens received from monster in Coral Cave if you spoke to Undersea King in treasure chest in Dark Palace Aqua Charm route in treasure chest in Immigrant Town Normal Town form received from defeating God in less than 20 turns received from defeating God in less than 20 turns received from defeating God in less than 20 turns

******************************************************************************* ANCIENT FANE PEDESTALS (AFPD) ******************************************************************************* Here is a small diagram of the pedestals in the Ancient Fane and where they lead to: FireShard Room To Bonus Dungeons LandShard Room +----------------------------+--------^--------+----------------------------+ | | | | | Engow Loomin | | Rexwood Labres | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Litorud > < Dune | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Mardra Verdham | | Krage Hamelia | | | | | +----------------------------+ +----------------------------+

WindShard Room +----------------------------+ | | | Orph Probina | | | | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | Deja Gorges | | | +----------------------------+

AquaShard Room +----------------------------+ | | | Dialac Falrod | | | | | | | < | | | | | | | | | | Dharma Coastal | | | +----------------------------+

******************************************************************************* WORLD RANKING FEDERATION (WRFD) ******************************************************************************* The World Ranking Federation is a small bonus game that you can access in Present Litorud. You register party members for either Power, Intelligence or Style. At the time of registration, your applicable statistic in the category you registered in will be taken (Strength, Intelligence and Appearance) and if it's high enough, it will be posted on the board by the town fountain. If you increase any of the statistics you registered for, then you must re-register for the new statistic to be recognized. You can check your ranking any time by checking on the board by the fountains which will showcase the top 30 in each of the three categories. You can register all party members in all three categories if you want as there is no restrictions. Now, once you reach the top of the rankings, you will have a small ceremony and receive a prize. Just head back to the registration booth and you will be recognized as the strongest, smartest or most stylish person in the world. You will be asked to take the stairs to the south west where you will automatically have a ceremony in your honor. The prizes are as follows: Power Prize: STR Award and Valiant Ring Intelligence Prize: INT Award and Tiara Style Prize: APR Award and Spangle Dress Note that you will need to speak with Rose, who lives in the small house west of Dune Temple, and deliver her letter to the World Ranking Federation before you can win the Style contest. If you don't do this, Rose will always have the highest Style ranking. ******************************************************************************* MONSTER PARK (MONP) *******************************************************************************

After the Loomin quest and north of Present Loomin is the Monster Park. You will be given the BeefJerky and will have the ability to tame monsters and send them to this park. Doing so is completely optional and doesn't really serve any purpose other then to collect a bunch of monsters. You will have to find BluePrints all over the world in order to provide the monsters with new habitats. Speak to the Monster Guru every time you find a BluePrint or tame a monster to have the monster officially added. There are 9 BluePrints in the game that need to be collected: Present Mountain Tower basement from defeating KingSlime Past Gorges in pot by Pendragon's house Past Mt. Tor in treasure chest Past Halfling's Cave in treasure chest Present Coastal Casino purchase for 5000 Tokens Received from Medal King after collecting 75 TinyMedals Present Coral Lake in treasure chest Sharkeye's ship in treasure chest Dark Palace in treasure chest.

Now the majority of monsters can be tamed as their capture rate is listed in the Monster section. Note that you can only tame the last monsters you kill in battle. So if you want to tame a specific monster, keep it alive until the end of battle. As your Monster Park grows you will be allowed to have monster houses in which you can place specific monsters you have already captures and build a whole house full of them by recapturing as many as possible. If you end up completing the Monster Park, you will be awarded with the Momento. ******************************************************************************* CONTACT AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (CONT) ******************************************************************************* This is my sixth walkthrough I have written and I hope it has been helpful. If you have any questions about this game that are not answered in this FAQ, feel free to email me at corystahlbaum"@"yahoo.com (remove quotes) and put "Dragon Warrior 7" in the subject line. Please note that I check my email very infrequently so it may be a while before I get back to you if at all. If your question is in this guide it will probably be ignored. Feel free to contact me if you see any errors or wish to make any contributions to this FAQ. Credit will be given of course. I don't view emails that have any attachments and whatnot so send text only. ssd2.hardsextube.com/content/494654bdd5fdba6a2511f3af14e69d83/527476a7/2013/10/2 7/2013 I've played through this game twice now and have accumulated a lot of the factual information. With that being said, credit needs to be given to the following: DShort - I cross referenced many of the skills and spells, as well as used some of the information in regards to number of levels needed to gain monster class levels. http://coffetube.com/mov/best/teen-1.html Csabi_B - His strategy guide was very helpful in providing the Level Cap Limit information as well as the monster location information. http://www.fap8.com/tubes/teen1.php Sanctus Evanidus - I used his Immigrant Town FAQ for the information relating to the Premium Bazaar and Great Farm as I was unable to make these final town forms, nor was I patient enough to try any longer after my second file screwed up, preventing me from being able to swap immigrants any longer.

http://www.penguinvids.com/niches/teens.php Shdwwrym and Ian Kelley - I cross referenced from their guides and found a few items that I had missed xvideos Hellhawk/Mr. Saturn/Kagon and Sinistral from RPGClassics.com - I cross referenced information from their shrine, and found a TinyMedal that I had overlooked (dresser in King Zeppels room) Now I never actually got that TinyMedal as it's missable since Mardra Castle gets destroyed. So if it appears clunky in the walkthrough, that's why. I had to tack it on there for completions sake. Finally, I'd like to thank Enix for making this great game. Dragon Warrior VII: FAQ/Walkthrough by Stahlbaum Version 1.00, Last Updated 2011-02-22 View/Download Original File Hosted by Game FAQs Return to Dragon Warrior VII (PS) FAQs & Guides

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