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DSExtended 0.4

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As many others, I’m charmed by the simplicity and What follows is a couple of examples of tasks (and

intuitiveness of Dungeon Squad, yet I feel it is a little too associated difficulties). Note that these are
lacking in certain aspects; it’s focus is a little too narrow, examples/standards; while picking a pocket is usually
and it has a concrete wealth system within an otherwise difficulty 4, pick-pocketing the king surrounded by guards
elegantly abstracted system. This is my version of the might be an 11.
rules, with quite a few changes made. It still retains the Body: Climb a tree (2), jump a 10ft chasm (3), hit an
foundation of the system though, and I hope to keep it average enemy in combat (4), jump a chasm (5), break a
decently simple. spear with your hands (6), bust manacles (9).
Cunning: Tell a convincing but trivial lie (2), find edible
plants in a forest (3), find a hidden trap while searching
A QUICKIE ON WORDS (4), detect an ambush (5), sneak past an alert guard (6),
If you're new to RPG's, a few terms here might seem bluff an ogre into thinking you’re a polymorphed dragon
confusing. This is just a short list of things you might and very very dangerous (9).
need to refer to. This text however assumes you have a Wisdom: Casting a spell in a calm environment (2),
basic knowledge of what roleplaying games are. knowing the name of the king’s uncle (3), appraising the
Character: Your alter egos in the game. value of an emerald (4), recognizing a sword as being
d4/d6/d8/d10/d12: These are all dice and the number magic (5), casting a spell in combat (6), deciphering a
denotes the number of sides on it. If the system tells you note written in dragon’s tongue (9)
to roll d6, you roll a standard six-sided yatzee dice. A d10
likewise has 10 sides.
Advantage and Disadvantage: Sometimes you just
Game Master: One player who instead of controlling one
have some special circumstances. When current
of the lead characters, controls the world around them.
circumstances are great (having a great book on flora
when trying to find edible plants), you’re advantaged -
CHARACTER ASPECTS you get to roll two of your regular dice and pick the
Each character has three aspects; upon character highest. When current circumstances are very bad (trying
creation, the player gets to apply a d4, d8, and a d12 to to jump a chasm with a sprained leg), you’re
each of these aspects; For example, a crafty ranger disadvantaged - you get to roll two dice and pick the
might have d12 Cunning, d8 Body and d4 Wisdom. lowest. If you would be both advantaged and
Body represents the strength and speed of a great disadvantaged at the same time, neither applies.
Warrior. Roll Body to hit an orc in battle, to climb a
treacherous cliff or to swim in a storm.
Cunning represents the intuition and guile of a great CHARACTER STUFF
Explorer. Roll Cunning to sneak past a guard, track a Stuff are significant things that characters have access to
bear or charm the baron. - a weapon, armor or magic spell for example. Upon
Wisdom represents the willpower and knowledge of a character creation, the player gets to apply a d6 and a
great Mage. Roll Wisdom to cast a spell, to decipher an d10 each to two different stuff. For example, the crafty
ancient scribble or recognize an artifact. ranger might have a d10 Bow and a d6 Armor.
In addition to their aspects, every character has 15 hit While the characters start with d10 and d6 stuff, more
points. stuff can be looted from enemies or found in treasures or
be bought - stuff as low as d4 and as high as d12.
Stuff can generally be divided in equipment and spells.
SUCCEEDING AND FAILING Note that the names of stuff are just examples of what
All characters can try to do whatever they want, but they can be, and can be reflavored; a “sword” can
they’re not guaranteed to succeed. To see if you make it actually be a handaxe or a mace while a “dazzle” spell
or not, you roll the dice of the aspect most relevant to the could also be blindness or magical webs. Equipment and
check. If it meets or exceeds the difficulty you have spell list is further down.
succeeded. Difficulty is reflected by a target number,
typically between 2 and 6. Higher numbers are certainly Bling: In addition to stuff, there is also gear. Gear is the
possible for daring feats. Some things are impossible, like equipment that doesn’t use dice - stuff like rope, lamps,
jumping to the moon. Many tasks can be retried if they clothing et cetera. However, there is also Bling - special
fail, such as striking an enemy. Others cannot, like telling gear that has other effects. Most bling improve
a specific lie. someone’s usage of an aspect in a specific way - a pair
of elven boots might improve Cunning while sneaking Shield: Once per round when someone attacks you you
around, granting advantage when trying that task. Some can roll your shield’s dice. If you match the attackers
bling can do other stuff instead, but that is up to the game attack roll, you’ve blocked the attack.
master to decide.
Preparing stuff: During any adventure, a character can
have up to 4 pieces of stuff prepared. The character can
SPELLS (and how often they can be cast)
carry more, in order to loot the stuff, but cannot make use Dazzle: For every two points on the dazzle roll, you can
of it. A character that begins an adventure with less than affect one target. Monsters larger than man-sized count
four stuff can prepare looted stuff immediately up to the as two targets. The affected targets cannot act the next
maximum of four. In addition, every character can turn. (Once per battle)
prepare two bling. Fireball: Deals damage equal to twice the fireball dice to
the target, and damage equal to the dice to anyone near.
Also, anyone that takes damage must make a Body roll
COMBAT (DC5) or be disadvantaged on the next turn due to the
In combat, each side takes turns. The player characters pain and flash. (Once per adventure)
always act first, unless the monsters have successfully Healing: Restores hit points equal to the healing roll.
made an ambush in which case they act first. Each Targets must be touched to be affected. A single target
character can do one thing during their turn, like move, cannot benefit from the spell more than once per
attack or cast a spell. It’s possible to both move and adventure (At any time).
attack (but not cast a spell), but the attack is Lightning: Does damage equal to the lightning roll,
disadvantaged. divided equally among any number of targets; round
down. (At any time)
Attacking: To attack, roll your Body. The difficulty to hit a Luck: For every three points on the luck roll, you may
standard enemy is 4 - it’s lower for easy enemies and give advantage or disadvantage to one character or
higher for harder enemies. The difficulty for a monster to monster. The effect lasts until their next check. (At any
hit a players is always 4. Damage is either based on your time).
weapon equipment, or if you don’t have one the damage Magic Shield: A single target (can be yourself) is treated
is 1. Damage is also reduced by the targets armor. as having armor of the same grade as the magic shield
Damage and getting knocked out: When you take dice. If the target has armor, only use the higher dice.
damage, subtract those from your hit points. If a This spell ends at end of combat. (At any time).
character or monster’s hit points reach 0, they’re knocked
out of the combat and can easily be captured or slain. CHARACTER ADVANCEMENT
Casting spells: To cast a spell, roll your Wisdom. The
As the characters adventure, they become more
difficulty is normally 6, but jumps to 10 if an enemy is
experienced. After each significant and challenging
within arm’s reach of you. Unless noted otherwise, a spell
encounter or combat, each character should select an
can target anyone you can see that is within 100 meters.
aspect they have used during the adventure, to see if
Ambush: An enemy that lies prepared to strike you is a
they have improved it. Make a roll with that aspect. If it
lot more dangerous. If an enemy has an ambush, you
lands on the maximum result, the experience has paid off
must roll a Cunning check when you approach, difficulty
and the aspect has been increased one step! This roll
is equal to the defense of the monster with the lowest
cannot in any way shape or form benefit from advantage
defense. Failure means the monsters act first.
or any form of extra dice.
Beyond d12: Characters can continue to improve
EQUIPMENT beyond the d12 dice, but when that happens they do not
Swords: A sword does it’s dice in damage. get larger dice. Instead, they get a Badass Rank for each
Spears: A spear does it’s dice in damage and ignores 2 increase beyond d12. During each adventure, a character
points of armor. You cannot prepare both a spear and a making an aspect check can gain advantage or ignore
shield at the same time. disadvantage on one roll for each badass rank they have.
Bows: A bow does it’s dice in damage and can be used Increasing Hit Points: Instead of trying to improve an
to attack anyone within 100 meters but not anyone that is aspect, the character can try to improve hit points. In that
right next to you. You cannot prepare both a bow and a case, roll Body three times and add together the results -
shield at the same time. if it’s higher than your hit points, your hit points have
Javelin: A javelin does it’s dice in damage and can be increased by 1.
used to attack anyone within 50 meters. A javelin can
only be used once per combat. You can prepare more TREASURE & WEALTH
than one javelin. When adventuring, no doubt will the players amass
Armor: An armor reduces the damage you take by its wealth and influence! For many characters, that’s the
dice. Thus, if you are hit for 5 points of damage and roll 3 very point of risking one’s life to begin with… Characters
on your d6 Armor, you only take 2 damage. While
start with d4 wealth, representing a modest wealth. Note
wearing armor, you’re disadvantaged at casting spells.
that the wealth is not just monetary treasure - it also
represents influence with the powers that be. VERMIN Action d4 Reaction 0
Purchasing: To buy something, you roll your wealth Rat: Bite 1 damage, 1 HP.
against the listed difficulty - if it succeeds, you have Spider: Bite 1 damage, 1 HP. Poison (2): Wisdom
bought the item, if it fails you have not. If it succeeds and disadvantage.
your dice size is at least 3 higher than the difficulty (for Vampire bat: Bite 1 damage, 2 HP, can fly.
example buying torches with d4 wealth) the cost was
insignificant - otherwise, reduce your wealth by one.
Purchasing generally takes a full day of non-adventure, TRIVIAL Action d6 Reaction 2
though you can generally buy a lot of stuff during that Dog: Bite d4, 5 HP
time. Giant rat: Bite 2, 6 HP. Poison (2): Nauseated, losing
Hoards & Rewards: A hoard or reward may vary in size, one turn.
and generally offers the increase as a number of wealth Drunken bar brawler: Unarmed 1, 10 HP
rolls. Like with character advancement, you make a
wealth roll and if you roll the highest number on the dice, WEAK Action d6 Reaction 3
it increases by one. A reward for hunting goblins may be Goblin: Axe (Sword) d4, 8 HP
just one wealth roll, while a dragon’s hoard may be ten Wolf: Bite d6, 6 HP
rolls! Of course, a hoard or reward may also contain Kobold: Spear d4, 6 HP. Ambusher.
specific equipment or spell scrolls. Zombie: Unarmed d4, 8 HP.

Beyond Worldly Riches: If your wealth is d12 and you AVERAGE Action d8 Reaction 4
manage to get an increase, you instead find a rare trinket Soldier: Sword d4, Shield d8, 10 HP
you can barter away for something nice; it can be spent Orc: Spear d6, Javelin d4, 10 HP
once to gain an advantage on a purchase roll. Giant Spider: Bite d4, Armor d4, 6 HP. Poison (6): Body
On the Street: If your wealth is d4 and you manage to disadvantage.
lose that, you’re broke. You cannot buy anything until War Horse: Hooves & Bite d4, 12 HP.
your wealth has increased, but you automatically
succeed on the first roll when you get a hoard or reward. TOUGH Action d8 Reaction 5
Wealth Difficulties and items: Hobgoblin: Sword d8, Shield 1d8, Armor d4, 8 HP.
Neglible - Torch, string, wooden pole, trail rations stay at Dark Elf: Javelin d4, Magic Shield d6, Sword d6, 8 HP.
a simple inn. Ambusher. Poison (3): Knocked out. Only Javelin is
2 - Rope, lamps, oil. poisoned.
3 - Boots, barrel of ale, a night at a great inn. Ogre: Club d10, 12 HP.
4 - d4 Equipment, guard dog (stats: trivial monster), tent. Ghoul: Claws d8, 8HP. Ambusher. Poison (4): Paralyzed
5 - d4 Spell, riding horse. for a round.
6 - d6 Equipment, very circumstantial bling (Human to
Koboldish Lexicon) DANGEROUS Action d10 Reaction 6
7 - d6 Spell, war horse (stats: average monster). Giant: Tree d12, 20 HP
8 - d8 Equipment, quite specific bling (Slim Scissor of Troll: Claws d6, Thick Skin (armor) d10, 12 HP. Damage
Pick-pocketing) from fire sources ignore the armor.
9 - d8 Spell, a longship. Wyvern: Claws D6, Bite D8, Tail d4, natural armor 1, 20
10 - d10 Equipment, generally useful bling (Goggles of HP. Poison (6): Body disadvantage. Only Tail is
Ambush Detection) poisoned.
11 - d10 Spell, Mansion with servants. Shadow: Claws 1, Incorporeal (armor) d12, 12 HP.
12 - d12 Equipment, a small army. Poison (5): Decrease Wisdom one step. If affected when
Wisdom is 1d4, knocked out. Magic weapons ignore the
These are some examples of monster, sorted by difficulty.
Some have special abilities noted below. HERE BE DRAGONS Action d12 Reaction 8
Action is the dice used when attacking, casting spells Dragon: Bite d12, Flaming Breath d10, Dragon Fear
etc. (Dazzle) d8, Scales (armor) d8, 40 HP. Flaming Breath
Reaction is the difficulty to hit the target, or detect it's affects everyone in 5 meter area. Immune to fire.
ambush etc. Demon: Claws d10, Flaming Whip (Bow) d8, Magic
Ambusher: Usually lies in ambush, and reaction is 2 Shield d12, Lightning d12, Thick Skin (armor) d8, 30 HP.
higher than usual for the purpose of detecting the Immune to fire and lightning. Ambusher.
Poison (difficulty): Attacks are poisonous. Unless a
body roll is made vs the difficulty, effect is applied. Poison
lasts until the players can take a 10 minute rest.


BODY d ___________________ d BODY d ___________________ d

CUNNING d ___________________ d CUNNING d ___________________ d
WISDOM d ___________________ d WISDOM d ___________________ d
WEALTH d ___________________ d WEALTH d ___________________ d
____________ _______________________ ____________ _______________________
____________ _______________________ ____________ _______________________
____________ _______________________ ____________ _______________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________



BODY d ___________________ d BODY d ___________________ d

CUNNING d ___________________ d CUNNING d ___________________ d
WISDOM d ___________________ d WISDOM d ___________________ d
WEALTH d ___________________ d WEALTH d ___________________ d
____________ _______________________ ____________ _______________________
____________ _______________________ ____________ _______________________
____________ _______________________ ____________ _______________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Version 0.4.
For contact, email me at superlina95@gmail.com

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