DURF Expanded 0 - 7
DURF Expanded 0 - 7
DURF Expanded 0 - 7
Text is an early draft.
Art and layout is purely to make it readable for now
Final version will feature all new art and an nicer layout
by Emiel Boven
badly laid out early draft 0.7 - February 2024
What is DURF? 3
Creating a Character 4
Gameplay Basics 8
Time 10
Travel 12
Exploration 14
Encounters 16
Combat 18
Rest & Recovery 20
Advancement 21
Equipment 22
NPCs 26
Hirelings 27
Magic 28
D66 Blunders 29
Scrolls & Spellbooks 30
Magic Items 31
APPENDIX A: Bestiary 32
APPENDIX B: Treasure 42
APPENDIX C: Alchemy 50
APPENDIX XX: Example Traps 51
APPENDIX D: Archetypes 52
APPENDIX X: Spells 56
What is DURF?
DURF is a role playing game in which
players search for treasure in dangerous
How to play
One player is the Game Master (GM).
They describe the situation the other
players are in. The players ask questions
and use their player characters (PCs) to
interact with the environment. The GM
tells the players what happens or asks
them to roll dice to determine the out-
DURF uses two dice types: a standard
six-sided one and a twenty-sided poly-
hedral die.
-2 Anemic: You suffer a Break on rolls 11 Insomniac: You gain a Buff on saves
to resist poison or disease. resisting charm or sleep effects.
2. Medium Armor
3. Flail
4. Heavy Armor
5. Halberd
d6 DEX Belongings
1. Blowpipe
2. Light Armor
3. A set of lockpicks
6. Invisibility Potion
d6 WIS Belongings
1. Two rings which let the wearer see through each other’s eyes
3. Slug Potion (Drinker becomes slimy and able to stick to any surface for d6+1 Turns)
4. Crystal ball which shows a place it is connected to. (Three Turns to connect to a new
2. Make-up set, also includes fake nails, eyelashes and various mustaches.
4. Glass eye. Does not take up an items slot if you are missing an eye.
7. Stick of the World Tree, breaking it opens a gateway to a random plane of existence.
Use at your own risk.
10. Spyglass
11. Tourist Guide to the Outer Planes, has some common phrases in a variety of lan-
18. Small sealed barrel of super glue. Opening it will cause it all to harden within a Turn.
19. Wheel of ancient cheese, so pungent that a good whiff of it requires a STR save to not
pass out
20. Tonic of Health, drinking it heals 6 Wounds and any physical affliction
Gameplay Buffs & Breaks
Some situations can give a PC Buffs
Basics and/or Breaks on their roll.
Opposed Rolls
A PC has a number of inventory slots
Sometimes a PC’s action is counteracted
equal to 10 + their STR. Most items
or resisted by an NPC. In that case, both
take one slot to carry but some items,
sides make an action roll (NPCs use
like weapons or armor, take up multiple
their Skill score). Instead of the action
slots. A PC cannot carry more items or
succeeding on a result of 16 or higher,
Stress than they have inventory slots.
the side with the highest result wins and
succeeds at what they are trying to at-
tempt. In the case of a tie, the instigator
of the action wins, if there is no clear in-
stigator the situation remains as it was
before the action.
Stress Party Action
Some actions and situations, like push- If there is ever a situation where the
ing the PC (see below), cause a PC to re- combined success of each party member
ceive Stress. Each instance of Stress influences the outcome of the situation,
takes up an inventory slot. PCs can use a Party Action. A common
use for this is attempting to sneak
If a PC involuntarily receives Stress
around as a group. To attempt a Party
without having any empty slots, they
Action one PC must be chosen to lead
will need to drop items to make space. If
the action. Then, each participating PC
a PC would ever take more Stress than
makes an appropriate action roll, with
would fit in their inventory, they fall un-
the highest result among them counting
as the result for the whole group. For
each PC who failed their roll, the ac-
Pushing a Character tion leader takes a Stress as they push
When making an action roll, if their themselves to cover for the failures of
character has at least one empty inven- the party members who don’t succeed.
tory slot, players may choose to push For example, a party of four charac-
their character by taking a Stress to re- ters attempts to sneak past a slumber-
ceive a Buff on the roll. A player may ing dragon without waking it. Swift-
choose to push their character multiple foot, the party’s resident sneaky char-
times on a single roll, as long as they acter, offers to lead the action and all
have sufficient empty inventory slots to four PCs make a DEX roll. As ex-
take the Stress. pected, Swiftfoot succeeded their roll,
as did one of the other PCs. The other
two were less fortunate and both
failed. This resulted in the party suc-
cessfully sneaking past the dragon
without waking it, but Swiftfoot had to
mark down two points of Stress in
their inventory slots to cover for the
two failures.
Besides the conventional days and weeks,
DURF uses three measurements to track
in-game time. Think of these as turns in a
board-game. They each are used at differ-
ent phases of the game and are a way of
zooming in while there is a lot going on
and zooming back out when the granular
tracking of time becomes less important.
Light Dice
Light is a precious commodity while ex-
ploring dark dungeons. Light sources,
like torches and lanterns, all come with
a number of Light Dice (LD). These dice
determine both the brightness and burn
duration of the light source. Each Turn,
PCs carrying a lit light source roll a
number of d6s equal to the light
source’s Light Dice. Each die with a re-
sult of 1 is removed, reducing the total
Breaking Down Doors Traps
Locked or stuck doors can be broken PCs will automatically spot traps as long
down using axes, crowbars or hammers. as they are in bright light, and not run-
This does not require a roll, but it takes ning or otherwise distracted. In dim
time and makes a lot of noise (the GM light, PCs will only spot traps before
rolls two d6 for the encounter roll and they trigger if they are actively search-
takes the lowest). It also makes it im- ing for them.
possible to surprise creatures on the
Triggering a trap usually allows the PCs
other side.
to make a DEX roll to avoid some por-
Wooden doors - 1 Turn to break. tion or all of its effects.
Stone and metal doors - 3 Turns to Disarming a trap takes a Turn. To disarm
break. a trap, a PC may make a DEX roll. The
GM is free to add Buffs or Breaks to this
roll if the method described by the
Picking Locks player is particularly clever or risky. A
Picking a lock requires the PC to have a failure means the trap is triggered.
lock picking toolkit. To pick a lock the
PC must make a successful DEX roll. A For examples of traps, see Appendix
success means the lock is opened. Fail- XX: Example Traps
ure means it is still locked. The PC can
try again next Turn if they have enough
lock picks left.
4-5 Unfriendly
6-8 Indifferent
The PC at the front of the party makes
an opposed WIL roll against the clos- 9-10 Friendly
est encountered NPC. If one side has a
11-12 Helpful
result that is at least 5 higher than the
other, they have surprised the other.
Other Hazards
Morale Poison: Either deals direct damage, or
NPCs have a Morale score. The GM drains an attribute or HD. Allows for a
should make a Morale roll when some- STR save to resist.
thing manages to shock the NPCs (they
meet more resistance than expected, Fire: A creature on fire takes 4 dmg each
their leader is killed etc.). Round they are on fire.
To make a morale roll, roll 2d6. If the Drowning: A PC can hold their breath
result is higher than the Morale of the for a number of Rounds equal to their
NPCs, they will flee or attempt to parley. STR. After that, they take 4 direct dmg
per Round until they can breath again.
Rewarding XP Funerals
At the end of each session the GM re-
If a PC dies and their body is brought
wards the party XP based on the gold
back to a safe haven, the other PCs may
value of the non-magical treasure they
choose to throw a funeral for the de-
brought back to a safe haven, 1 GP = 1 XP.
parted. For each GP the party spends on
They also gain 25 XP per NPC Hit Die the funeral they gain 1 XP, up to a total
of each monster they defeated or number of XP equal to the dead PC’s
outsmarted. HD × 1000.
The total XP is divided evenly between For example, Orvin is killed during a
party members. goblin ambush. His three companions
have carried his body all the way back
to town and decide to throw their late
friend a funeral. Orvin was a 3 HD
character, so the three other charac-
ters decide to collectively spend 3000
GP on a burial statue to commemorate
Orvin, netting each of them 1000 XP.
Equipment Supply
Supply is an abstract item representing
Most items take one inventory slot to basic gear a PC brought with them and
carry, but some, like unwieldy weapons costs 5 GP. At any time during a session
or armor, may take up additional slots. a PC may trade a Supply they carry for
any simple, commonly available item,
which they then note in their inventory.
Gold Examples are given below, but ulti-
The standard coin used in DURF is the mately it is up to the GM which items
gold pound (GP). 100 coins fill up a can be acquired using Supply and which
single inventory slot. To save space, should be bought separately.
players may choose to store some of the
Supply can also be used to repair
gold while they are in a safe haven. The
Armor and worn weapons during an
stored gold is removed from their inven-
expedition. See Rest & Recovery for
tory and can only be accessed while in
more details.
the safe haven. To retrieve stored gold
the PC must pay a fee of 10% of the re- Examples of Supply items
trieved amount. • 10' pole
• 3 days of rations
For example, Bobbo is carrying 750
• Bedroll
GP, costing him 8 inventory slots. To
• Bag of caltrops
free up some slots he decides to store
• Some chalk pieces
700 GP while he is back in his home
• Empty alchemy vial
town and keep 50 GP on his person.
• Crowbar or sledgehammer
This frees up 7 item slots and leaves
• Face paint
him with 50 GP in a single inventory
• Flask of oil
slot, and 700 GP stored in his home
• Lantern or Torch
• Rope
A while later, Bobbo wants to buy a • Waterskin
suit of plate armor for 250 GP. He uses
250 of his 700 stored gold to pay for it,
paying a 25 GP fee to retrieve it. This
reduces his stored gold to 425 GP.
Examples of non-Supply items Light
• Weapons and armor
• Ammo The amount of light available to the PCs
• Tent is represented by Light Dice (LD). See
• Spyglass Exploration for more details.
• Specialized equipment, e.g. an • Torch - provides 2 LD
alchemy kit or a set of lock picks.
• Musical instruments • Lantern - provides 5 LD but re-
• Fancy clothing quires a separate flask of oil.
• Books and maps
• Anything not widely available Other Purchases
and cheap
• Uncommon items - 30 GP
A single ration provides enough food
and water for a single person for one
day. Up to three rations fit in a single
inventory slot.
Weapons & Armor
Greatsword, Halberd,
5 dmg, two-handed, takes up 3 slots 15
Warhammer, etc.
Flask of Oil 4 dmg per Round if target is doused and lit Supply
• Village - d3 Hirelings
• Town - d6 Hirelings
If they fail, the spell does not take ef- NPC Spellcasters
fect. Roll on the Blunders table to de-
Whenever an NPC attempts to cast a
termine an unforeseen effect.
spell, the GM makes a roll just like a PC
would, but uses the NPC’s Skill score in-
Ritual Casting stead of WIL. The X value of NPCs is
If a PC takes a full Exploration Turn to half their Skill rounded up.
cast a spell, they still receive a Stress NPCs don’t receive Stress and do not
but do not have to make a WIL roll and roll on the Blunders table.
automatically casts the spell.
Instead of receiving Stress, NPC spell-
casters are only able to cast each spell
X, The Magic Number once each day, unless otherwise stated.
Some spells contain an “X” in their de-
While most NPCs cast spells from a
scription, swap this out for half the
scroll or spellbook, some magical crea-
caster’s WIL rounded up.
tures, like dragons, are able to cast
spells without the need for such an
D66 Blunders
11: With the sound of a kazoo, the caster ex- 42: For d6 days, while in darkness, the caster's
plodes into giblets and confetti. They are dead. eyes project beams of light. This counts as +1 LD
12: Caster becomes under review by the Council for determining light level but is never rolled.*
of Numbers. A temporal scribe will follow them 43: A small wooden outhouse materializes
for a week, silently taking notes. around the caster.
13: Caster is shrunk to 1/10th their current size 44: A bushy field of poison ivy springs up around
for 2d6 Turns.* the caster.
14: Caster's face moves to their belly for d6 days.* 45: Caster's body becomes overgrown with crys-
15: The spell is still cast, but an unexpected flare tals that rip apart any clothes or armor the caster
of magical energy drains d3 points of a random might be wearing. Remains for d6 Turns.*
attribute of the caster (roll a d3 to determine the 46: Caster falls asleep.
attribute). 51: Caster’s hands turn to slippery fish heads un-
16: Caster grows a long white beard. til they take a Night’s Rest.*
21: Gravity affecting the caster becomes reversed 52: Caster disappears for 1d6 Turns, after
for d3 Rounds. which they return to the exact same place they
22: All footwear in the area around the caster were before.
permanently disappears. 53: All light sources around the caster burn out
23: Caster becomes blinded for d6 Turns, gaining in a violent flash, dealing 4 dmg (DEX save for
a break on all their action rolls.* half) to each creature close to it.
24: Caster’s attributes shift (STR becomes DEX, 54: It starts raining sardines for d6 Turns.
DEX becomes WIL and WIL becomes STR). 55: Caster becomes made of slime for d6
25: The animal closest to the caster becomes hy- Watches. Everything they hold becomes slightly
per intelligent, gains the ability to speak, and is wet and they can squeeze through tight gaps.*
overcome with unbridled ambition. 56: d6 creatures near the caster wither and take
26: Caster and the target(s) of the spell switch dmg equal to the caster's WIL. The caster heals 1
places. Wound for each affected creature.
31: Caster cannot lie, and thinks out loud until 61: Caster's body conjoins with that of a nearby
they take a Night’s Rest. creature. They peel apart after d6 days.*
32: All non-magical weapons around the caster 62: A small gnome ringing a silver bell appears
are turned into flowers. and starts shaming the caster.
33: Caster grows fur and can talk with animals for 63: Caster ages rapidly, giving them the Geriatric
d6 days. Each morning, a woodland critter brings trait, see Creating a Character.
them one ration.* 64: A heavy rainstorm is summoned for d6
34: Caster body swaps with a nearby creature for Watches. It extinguishes unprotected fires and
1d6 Watches.* makes travel more difficult.
35: The spell is still cast, but the caster takes d6 65: Doves keep flying out of the caster’s pockets,
additional Stress. at random intervals (roll a d6 each Turn, on a 4+
new doves appear), for 2d6 Turns.
36: Caster is turned into a chicken for d6 Turns.*
66: Roll twice and combine.
41: Caster's brain escapes from their skull and
runs away on little legs. Caster has 0 WIL until it
is caught and put back in. * roll a d6, on a 1 this effect is permanent.
Scrolls & Random Spellbook
Spellbooks Roll a d3 to determine the number of
spells the spellbook contains. Then roll
a d20 for each spell to determine its
Scrolls level.
A scroll is a single spell infused in a
1-2 Level 0 spell (cantrip)
piece of parchment. It allows a creature
to cast the infused spell without having 3-7 Level 1
to make a WIL roll or take any Stress.
8-12 Level 2
Casting the spell destroys the scroll.
13-16 Level 3
Bestiary •
become paralyzed for d6+1 Rounds.
Echo Gecko
Skill 2, HD 0, ML 6
• Stunning Call: Target must make Attacks: Pistol (5 dmg) or Dueling Cane
a STR save or become paralyzed for (3 dmg)
1 Turn. No effect on creatures un-
• Pistol: Takes an action to reload.
able to hear it.
• Slippery: PCs attempting to restrain
• Cling: Can walk on walls.
eelfolk gain a Break on their roll.
• Echolocation: Navigates using
ELEMENTAL Water Elemental
Air Elemental Skill 9, HD 8, ML 10
Gelatinous Cube
Giant Spider
Skill 4, HD 4, ML -
Skill 4, HD 3 , ML 7
Attacks: Touch (6 dmg + paralysis)
Attacks: Bite (4 dmg + poison)
• Translucent: A gelatinous cube • Poison: Victim must make a suc-
gains +3 Skill when determining cesful STR save with a Buff or have
surprise. their HD drained by d6.
• Paralysis: Creatures hit by the • Cling: Can walk on walls and ceil-
gelatinous cube become paralyzed ings.
for d6 Turns.
• Immunity: Immune to cold and Growlyhoot
Skill 7, HD 5, ML 9
Skill 8, HD d6+4[6], ML 9
• Ambush: If the slime manages to • Swallow: If the worm wins the at-
surprise their victim, it drops on tack roll by 5 or more (or scores a
them from the ceiling, automati- critical hit), their victim is swal-
cally hitting their attack roll. lowed whole. Swallowed creatures
• Acid: If this damages an armored take 3 dmg from the worm’s stom-
creature, their armor is perma- ach acid each Round and cannot
nently destroyed, even if the dam- breathe (see Combat, Other Haz-
age would normally not be enough. ards), but automatically succeed at
Magical armor is not affected. After attacking the worm using melee
a successful attack, it will stick to weapons.
its victim, dealing 6 dmg each • Poison: If any of the damage dealt
round until it is burned way with by the tail stinger is dealt as
fire (this deals half damage to the Wounds, the victim must make a
victim and half to the slime). STR save or have their STR reduced
• Immunity: Can only be harmed by by d6.
fire or cold.
• Rock Eater: The worm’s stomach
• Cling: Can move across ceiling and contains d3 gems. Roll on the gems
walls. table in Appendix XX: Treasure.
• Ooze: Can squeeze through small
holes and cracks. Rat Swarm
Skill 2, HD 1, ML 8
Black Pudding
Attacks: Bite (2 dmg) or Engulf
Skill 6, HD 8, ML -
Attacks: Pseudopod (10 dmg) • Engulf: Target must make a STR
save or is pushed to the ground.
• Division: If it takes damage from a
source that isn’t fire and it has • Swarm: A swarm only takes 1
more than 1 HD, it ignores the damage from weapon attacks.
damage and splits in two, creating • Afraid of fire: Will flee if attacked
two new slimes with half the HD. with fire.
• Cling: Can move across ceiling and
• Ooze: Can squeeze through small
holes and cracks.
Rust Monster Skeleton
Skill 4, HD 4 [6], ML 8 Skill 3, HD 1, ML -
Small wooly llama-people living in the • Can smell precious metals and
mountains. Skilled artisans and crafters of gems, and is attracted by the scent.
magical items.
Attacks: Weapon (4 dmg)
Skill 3, HD 2, ML -
• Immunity: The woglin’s wool coats
make them immune to spells. Attacks: Slam (4 dmg)
d20 Treasure
4-7 Goods
15-16 Consumable
1 Chunk of coral (20 GP) 1 Set of pure gold dentures (30 GP)
9 Sack of pungent, kiln-fired rock salt (275 GP) Silk toga embroidered with reeds and water
birds (400 GP)
10 Wax-sealed barrel of black vinegar (300 GP) Glass and gold philatory containing the knuckle
bone of a long-forgotten saint (450 GP)
12 Bundle of seal furs (325 GP) Illuminated manuscript with a jeweled cover
(600 PG)
Small sealed amphora filled with perfumed oil
13 Carved ebony chair inlaid with small ivory faces
(400 GP)
(1,000 GP, 3 slots)
14 Roll of warm-colored cashmere (450 GP) Exquisitely crafted violin made of burgundy-
lacquered wood and catgut string (800 GP)
Slender mahogany box of silkworm eggs (1,000 Solid gold death mask inlaid with eyes of tour-
20 20
GP) maline (1,200 GP)
d20 Gems and Jewels d20 Consumable
1 Scroll containing a level 0 spell
1 Twisted bronze anklet (40 GP)
2 Scroll containing a level 1 spell
3 Scroll containing a level 2 spell
2 Electrum nose-ring (75 GP)
4 Scroll containing a level 3 spell
Brass Belt buckle in the shape of a slumbering 5 Scroll containing a level 4 spell
3 Tonic of Healing (Drinker heals 6 Wounds and is
dragon (130 GP)
6 healed of all diseases or poisons affecting
4 Pearl bracelet (200 GP)
Potion of Water-Breathing (Drinker can breathe
underwater for d6+1 Turns)
Silver brooch set with small polished pieces of Potion of Flight (Drinker becomes able to fly for
5 8
bloodstone (300 GP) d6+1 Turns)
Potion of Invisibility (Become invisible for d6+1
Platinum earrings in the shape of a serpent coil- Turns or until attacking or casting spells)
ing around a black pearl (360 GP) Potion of Ether (Drinker is able to pass through
10 solid objects for d6+1 Turns, but cannot physi-
cally interact with anything.)
Silver locket with an ivory carving of a hand-
7 Potion of Strength (Drinker has 8 STR for d6+1
some young man inside (400 GP) 11
Salve of Fire Resistance (3 doses, halves fire
Necklace of golden beads in the shape of eyes, 12
damage for a Watch)
8 each with a differently colored gemstone as the
Jar of Ooze (Thick glass jar containing a green
iris (425 GP) 13
slime (see Bestiary))
Smitestone (A crystal of condensed prayers,
Golden crown decorated with jagged shards of 14 throwing it on the ground will call down a light-
9 ning that deals 8 dmg)
unworked ammolite (600 GP)
Violet Incense (Spellcasters inhaling its smoke
gain a Buff when casting a spells, but roll twice
10 Amber (350 GP) 15
on the Blunder table if they fail. Burns for one
11 Moonstone (400 GP) Slug Potion (Drinker becomes slimy and able to
stick to any surface for d6+1 Turns)
12 Nephrite (420 GP) 17 Poison (If ingested: STR save or drain d6 HD)
2 Whispercloak
9 Shadow Staff
A spider silk cloak that grants the wearer
a Buff on attempts to sneak or hide.
10 Ring of Protection
14 Winged Boots
Playing this flute deals 2 direct Wounds
15 Hat of Brilliance to each sleeping creature that can hear
it and wakes them.
16 Crowbar
Eye of Edna
17 Mirror of Time
A mummified eye that, when put into
the empty eye socket of a dead hu-
18 Plate of Waves
manoid, animates the remains and
makes it a semi-sentient servant to the
19 Jar of Infinite Pickles
creature who put the eye in.
20 Vorpal Blade
Butterfly Cloak Gravelight Candle
A cloak embroidered with colorful but- A pale white candle that burns with a
terflies. The wearer of this cloak can cold black flame. While this candle is
turn into a cloud of butterflies for up to burning, a creature holding it is invisi-
3 Turns by taking a Stress. ble to undead monsters with 3 or less
HD. It burns for 3 Turns.
A bag with three doses of shimmering Cloak of Starlight
purple powder. A creature who inhales it A dark blue cloak with stars of a faintly
must make a WIL roll or laugh hysteri- glowing silver thread sown onto the in-
cally for 2d6 Turns. ner lining. Once per day its wearer can
cause the stars to create a bright flash of
Rutglut’s Magical Beartrap light, blinding nearby creatures for d6
Turns unless they make a STR save.
An enchanted bear trap on a chain. Can
be thrown at nearby target as a ranged
attack, dealing 4 dmg (counts as magi- Winged Boots
cal) and biting into the target, allowing Red leather boots with a pair wings of
the user to pull the target towards them silver feathers sprouting from the sides.
(opposed STR roll). Roars when thrown. The wearer may take a Stress to be able
to fly for 1 Turn.
Shadow Staff
A magical +1 staff. The wielder is able to Hat of Brilliance
see in total darkness. If it ever becomes A tall cone-shaped hat that increases its
worn or is broken on purpose it releases wearer’s WIL to 6. If the wearer’s WIL is
the shadow bound within (see Shadow already 6 or higher it has no effect.
in Appendix A: Bestiary).
Ring of Protection A magical black metal crowbar (can be
This magical ring adds 1 Armor to the used during combat as a +1 club) that
wearer’s total Armor. This point is re- allows the wearer to talk with birds, and
stored when taking a Short Rest. turn into a crow for a Turn once a day.
Ring of Spellturning
Spells cast on this ring’s wearer are re-
flected back onto the caster. It can be
used four times, after which it must be
recharged by shattering a silver mirror
reflecting a full moon.
Mirror of Time Jar of Infinite Pickles
A silver hand mirror in which objects A large ceramic jar filled with a ration
can be reflected as they were at a time of worth of pickles. Magically refills itself
the holder’s choosing. Choosing the at sunset each day.
time requires the holder to take Stress
equal to the number of days they want Vorpal Blade
to look back in time.
A magical +1 sword forged to slay the
Jabberwock. When the wielder of this
Plate of Waves sword rolls a natural 20 using this
A suit of +1 heavy armor made of a weapon, the victim's head is lopped off.
blueish metal decorated with wave pat- On a natural 1, the wielder must make a
terns and marine life. The wearer can DEX save or accidentally chop off their
breath underwater and does not suffer own head.
the usual penalties for swimming in
heavy armor.
Magic Weapons and Armor Generator
To generate a random magic weapon or armor, first roll a d20 on the Weapon and Ar-
mor table to determine what kind of item it will be. Then, roll a d20 on the Item Bonus
tables to determine the size of its magical bonus (see Magic Items), and finally, roll on
the corresponding Material table to see what kind of additional effect the item has.
1 Club 1-15 +1
2 Dagger 16-19 +2
3 Staff 20 +3
4 Sickle
d6 Ranged Weapon Material
5 Sword
Astral Crystal - This weapon does not
1 use Ammo, instead shooting magical
6 Axe
bolts of astral energy.
7 Spear
Sparkwood - Creatures hit by an ar-
cane strike of this weapon releases a
8 Mace 2 shock of electric energy, dealing dam-
age equal to this weapon’s bonus to
9 Greatsword creatures around it.
11 Warhammer
Adamantine - Cannot become worn or
be destroyed
12 Bow
Lithewood - This weapon takes up 1
13 Crossbow item slot less than its mundane version
• In addition to the random trait rolled during character creation, also note down
the trait of your chosen archetype.
• Instead of rolling on the belongings table for the PC’s highest stat, roll on the
belongings table of your chosen archetype and add any other items the
archetype says the PC starts with.
Fighter Thief
When a fighter hits a creature with an As long as a thief is not wearing heavy
attack they initiated, they may take a armor:
Stress to immediately initiate another
• They gain a Buff when trying to do
attack. They may keep doing this as long
thieflike things (pickpocketing,
as they keep hitting and have empty in-
picking locks, sneaking, etc.)
ventory slots to take the Stress.
• After hitting a creature that is un-
Belongings aware of them, they may take a
Stress to double the attack’s damage.
A fighter starts with a weapon of their
choice, Ammo if they choose a ranged
weapon, and: Belongings
Starts with a set of lockpicks, and:
d6 Fighter Belongings
d6 Thief Belongings
1 Medium Armor
1 Blowpipe
2 Heavy Armor
2 Light Armor
5 Jar of grease
2. Bee - A single bee is summoned near the caster. It disappears after a Turn.
3. Footfall - The noise of footsteps sound from a nearby location that is deter-
mined by the caster.
5. Liquid Liar - A liquid targeted by the caster gains, for a Turn, the appearance of
another type of liquid.
6. Night Eye - Grants one of the caster’s eyes night vision. Cast twice to see with
depth perception.
Level 1 Spells
1. Animal Friendship - Targeted wild animal must make a WIL save or else become
friendly towards the caster.
2. Animate Armor - Animates a set of armor for X Turns. It becomes a loyal NPC (0
HD, Skill 0) with an Armor score equal to that of the animated set.
3. Bark Skin - Target’s skin grows a layer of bark for a Turn, providing a buffer of X
additional Armor points that regenerates every Round.
4. Bolt - Throw X bolts of magical lightning; each bolt deals 3 dmg.
5. Choking Cloud - A cloud of thick foul-smelling smoke fills a nearby area desig-
nated by the caster for X Rounds. Creatures inside it must make a STR save each
Round or spend it violently coughing and retching.
6. Color Spray - Summons forth a prismatic spray of bright colors that blinds and
confuses a target for X Rounds. If the target has 3 or more HD they may make a
WIL save to resist this effect.
10. Magelight - Summons a floating orb of light that follows the caster, providing X
Light Dice. The light also reveals subjects of invisibility magic.
11. Mend - Restores a worn weapon, 1 point of Armor, or a small crack or tear in an
object touched by the caster.
12. Push - Pushes up to X creatures and/or objects with a burst of invisible force.
13. Shadow Blade - Summons a blade made of shadowy smoke. It exists for 1 Turn
and deals 3+X dmg. When attacking with it, the caster may use their WIL instead
of STR. If cast during combat, the caster may immediately make an attack.
14. Slow - Up to X creatures chosen by the caster becomes slowed for a Turn, causing
them to always go last during combat.
15. Snake Storm - Summons a small rain cloud which starts raining down snakes.
The cloud disappears after X Turns.
16. Summon Flock - Summons X sheep (HD 0, Skill 0); the sheep disappear in a
cloud of bubbles after a Watch or when they are killed.
17. Swarm Form - Caster transforms themselves into a swarm of bugs, rats or bats
for up to X Turns.
18. Talk with Spirit - Summons the spirit of a corpse touched by the caster to an-
swer one “yes” or “no” question. The spirit only knows what they knew while they
were alive and answers truthfully according to what they believe to be true.
19. Turn Undead - Undead creatures with a combined amount of HD equal to X+1
flee in terror.
20. Weave Light - A visual illusion manifests nearby or around a nearby object or
creature. It lasts for X Turns.
Level 2 Spells
1. Acid Rain - It starts raining acid for X Turns in a nearby area designated by the
caster. The rain deals 2 dmg each Round to each creature in the area.
2. Bubble - Creates a bubble of breathable air around the caster for X Turns. The
bubble is large enough to fit a number of people equal to the casters WIL.
4. Fireball - Throw a ball of fire that explodes at a location nearby, dealing 6 dmg
to each creature in the area of the explosion, or 3 dmg on a successful DEX save.
7. Light Eater - Summons a little homunculus that eats the light in the surround-
ing area. On command, it explodes and creates a blinding flash that deals no
dmg. Explodes on its own after X Turns.
8. Locate Object - The caster gains a sense of direction towards a specific object
they are picturing, as long as it is no further than a Travel Watch on foot away
from them.
9. Mage Eye - The caster enchants an object by carving an eye symbol in it. For X
Watches, the caster can look through the eye as if it was theirs.
10. Mask - The caster’s face morphs into another face of their choice for X Turns.
11. Ooze Form - The caster’s body turns to slime for up to X Turns. While in this
state, they can squeeze through any hole. It should be noted that their equip-
ment is not affected by this spell.
12. Pippi’s Slumber - Nearby targets with a combined HD total of no more than
X+2, fall asleep. Creatures with 4+ HD are allowed a saving throw to resist the ef-
13. Protection from Heat - Target becomes immune to extreme heat for X Turns.
14. Raise Bones - X skeletons (1 HD, Skill 3) rise from the ground to do the caster’s
15. Rope Trick - A rope held by the caster animates and follows the caster’s com-
mands for up to X Turns.
16. Shock - A creature touched by the caster takes 4 direct damage. Roll a d6, if the
result is equal to or below X the energy arcs to another nearby creature. Repeat
this process for each additional target.
18. Spider Legs - Eight spider-legs sprout from the caster’s back, allowing them to
cling to walls and ceilings.
19. Summon Food - A piece of stale bread and a glass of lukewarm water is sum-
moned in the hands of the caster. It is just enough to sustain a single person for
a day. Trying to cast this spell more than once a day results in the summoning of
a piece of parchment with the handwritten message: “Sorry, the kitchen is closed
for the day. :(”
20. Termite Ghosts - A legion of undead termites is summoned forth from beyond
the grave. They swarm to devour a wooden object pointed at by the caster, leav-
ing only dust in their wake.
Level 3 Spells
1. Alter Size - Grow or shrink target creature for X Turns. Unwilling targets may
make a WIL save to resist the effect.
2. Become Swole - The caster’s muscles swell as their physique becomes that of a
bodybuilder. For X Turns they gain a Buff on all STR checks.
3. Blade Wall - A wall of swirling swords is summoned near the caster. The floating
swords deal 6 dmg to any creatures who attempt to move through the wall. (DEX
save for half). While it makes it harder to aim, the wall does not stop projectiles
being shot through it.
4. Charm - Target must make a WIL save or else become friendly towards the
caster for X Turns.
5. Delayed Blast - An object the caster holds becomes charged with magical en-
ergy. The energy can be released by uttering a passphrase chosen by the caster.
The release shatters the object and deals 5 damage to all creatures near it, DEX
save for half.
6. Forest Walk - The caster and up to X willing creatures can walk through a
nearby tree and instantly come out of another tree anywhere else in the same
7. Freezing Touch - A creature touched by the caster must make a STR save or lose
a HD.
8. Impact Barrier - A shimmering magical sphere forms around the caster for a
Turn. It protects the caster and up to X creatures directly next to them from pro-
jectiles, but does not prevent creatures from entering it or taking swings at the
creatures inside it.
10. Mind Read - The caster is able to read the surface thoughts of all nearby crea-
tures for a Turn.
11. Paralyzing Ray - A crackling ray springs forth from the caster’s pointed finger
and paralyzes a creature for X Rounds. If the target has 3 or more HD they may
make a WIL save to resist this effect.
12. Riptide - Summons a massive wave of water. Creatures caught in it must make a
STR save or be swept along with it and take 6 dmg.
13. Shield of Lore - The caster enchants a nearby object containing knowledge,
whether it’s a book, scroll or stone tablet. It starts to float around them for X
Turns and when a creature wishing the caster harm comes near it will explode,
dealing 2 direct damage and freezing them in time for 1 Round.
14. Shroud - A creature or object touched by the caster turns invisible for X Turns,
or until they attack another creature.
15. Speak with Plants - Makes caster able to speak to plants. The plants will obey
simple commands, but are unable to talk back to the caster.
16. Telepathic Bond - Up to X creatures can talk to each other telepathically for X
17. Touch of the Grave - Target touched by the caster takes 5 direct Wounds. If this
kills them, they rise as a 1 HD zombie under the control of the caster.
18. Unravel - Targeted spell or other magical effect unravels and its magical energy
is released back into the world. This cancels the spell, but the caster has to roll
on the Blunder table to see how the released energy affects them. If this spell is
cast as a reaction to another spellcaster, the casting roll is an opposed WIL roll
vs. the other other spellcaster. Permanent enchantments are only unraveled for
X turns.
19. Wall of Ice - A wall of ice springs up at a location near the caster. The wall has 3
HD, with fire dealing double damage. Creatures at the targeted location must
make a DEX save or else become stuck in the wall.
20. Worm Ray - Target must make a WIL save or is turned into an arm-sized worm
(1 HD, 0 Skill) for X Turns.
Level 4 Spells
1. Amnesia Flare - Summons a bright flash above the palm of the caster that
makes all creatures seeing it forget what happened in the last Turn.
2. Banish - Target creature is banished to another plane; the target may make a
WIL save to resist banishment. The creature returns after X Turns. However, if
the creature is from a different plane than where the spell was cast, it will return
to its plane of origin rather than to the plane where the spell was cast.
3. Clone - Summons an identical copy of the caster for X Turns. It has the mental
capacity and loyalty of a golden retriever. Over the course of its last Turn alive it
slowly melts into a pool of purple slime.
4. Command - Target must make a WIL save or else follow a one-word command.
The command cannot cause the target to harm itself directly.
5. Control Weather - The weather shifts to a state chosen by the caster. It can only
nudge the weather a bit, not drastically change it. This means a blizzard can’t be
turned into a heatwave, but a storm can be calmed, or a sunny day can be turned
into a rainy one.
7. Dreamshift - The caster whistles a lullaby, shifting their conscious into the
dream of a sleeping creature the caster can see. The caster is subjected to the
dream world conjured up by the dreamer. However, they do gain a Buff on all
rolls there and can exit the dream at will.
10. Head Lopper - Summons a colossal spectral blade of an ancient warrior hero.
While the sword is summoned, anyone can challenge another creature to a duel.
Refusal means instant death. The duel is fought using three opposed STR rolls,
the participant with the most successes wins. After the duel, the blade swings
down, decapitating the loser, after which it fades away.
12. Petrify - Target creature must make a STR save or else is turned to stone. Crea-
tures with 8 or more HD can only be partially turned to stone using this spell.
13. Polymorph - Target creature is morphed into another form determined by the
caster. The effect lasts for X Turns. Unwilling targets may make a WIL save to re-
sist the effect.
14. Reaper’s Ward - A creature touched by the caster becomes immune to death
magic and do not roll any Hit Dice for when they take Wounds. After this effect
wears off, if they have sustained any Wounds, they roll their Hit Dice once to see
if they succumb to their Wounds.
15. Restore Vitality - A creature touched by the caster regains a point of a drained
attribute or HD.
16. Sanctuary - A bubble the size of a small hut forms at a location determined by
the caster. It remains there for one Watch. Creatures not invited in by the caster
cannot enter it and the interior is warm, pleasantly lit, and smells faintly of cin-
2. Death Spell - Creature touched by the caster must make a STR save or else die.
3. Nullsphere - Creates a large zone in which magic and magical items don’t work.
5. Rewind Time - Rewinds time to a point up to 1 Turn before. Only the caster
knows this has happened.
6. Soul Storage - The caster stores a piece of their soul into an object they pre-
pared for it. This reduces their HD by 1, but when they die, their body reforms
near the object over the course of a week. If the object is destroyed, the HD is
lost and the caster’s body no longer reforms.
Next update: