Weird North
Weird North
Weird North
Yochai Gal
What This Is
- An RPG is a conversational game where everyone at the table plays in a
shared world of imagination.
- This game centers on questions, creativity, and nuance, all of which form
an emergent story.
- Player characters are empowered, but vulnerable. The world is huge, and
filled with places to explore.
Picaresque Adventure
- You play as and compete with daring scoundrels, out for treasure, power,
and reputation.
- Opportunities abound for high-stakes expedition. Your context is
dangerous, but you have grit.
- Fair fights are bad odds. You need to negotiate, plot, haggle, ally, and
deceive to survive.
- Howard's Cimmeria, where Conan slogged against petty rulers and
snakepeople for profit and renown.
- Vance's Dying Earth, where Cugel crossed through portals to far sanctums
while his own world rotted.
- Lieber's Lankhmar, where Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser fleeced nobles with
bounties on their own heads.
Table of Contents
Character Creation .......................................................8
Playing the Game ........................................................ 18
Example of Play .......................................................... 22
Principles for Players .................................................. 24
Principles for Referees .............................................. 25
NPCs & Enemies ......................................................... 26
Equipment & Currency.............................................. 28
Generators & Tools .......................................................30
Character Creation
Attributes, Hit Protection, and Coin
Roll, in order, 3d6 for each attribute below. You may swap two results.
Your character begins with 1d6 hit protection (HP, the grit of avoiding hits), 1d6 coin, and
zero corruption (how the Weird North has bent and shaped you).
Starting Loadout
Consult the facing table using your HP and coin values to determine your starting loadout.
If your highest attribute is 9 or less, roll d66 (one d6 for the ones place, another d6 for the
tens place) on the table and take an item, trinket, or relationship from the result. If your
highest attribute is 7 or less, take two.
In addition to individual results from the above table, the party of characters begins with
the following expeditionary resources:
Distribute each of these resources across all characters as evenly as possible. Each
resource is bulky (taking two inventory slots). So long as these resources are intact,
assume the party has enough for everyone.
Choose an archetype or roll 1d6 to determine one randomly.
Take the bonus gear listed, the base ability, and one prestige ability. Roll 1d6 to determine
the special quirk related to your archetype.
HP Coins Background Item 1 Item 2 Trinket Relationship
1 1 Beggar Ragged clothing Brass mirror Strange coin Matron
1 2 Acrobat Long cloth sash Throwing ring (d6) Hair ornament Healer
1 3 Apothecary Bottle of perfume Mortar & pestle Leaded vial Town crier
1 4 Bailiff Blackjack (d6) Billowing cloak Heavy key Magistrate
1 5 Blacksmith Iron tongs Hammer (d6) SIlver nail Mercenary
1 6 Bowyer Recurve bow (d8) Bundle of flax Chisel Innkeeper
2 1 Butcher Fine sausage Durable apron Cube of salt Ranger
2 2 Cook Sack of flour Pot of butter Sachet of spices Noble
2 3 Cooper Crowbar Bucket Air bladder Woodcutter
2 4 Cultist Bone necklace Hooded cowl Chalk Astrologer
2 5 Cupbearer Signet ring Pewter chalice Candle Noble
2 6 Escort Palm knife (d6) Exotic robe Gold ring Weaver
3 1 Executioner Tabar (d10, bulky) Black jerkin Iron spike Shaman
3 2 Farmer Jar of honey Bridle Shoehorn Cobbler
3 3 Fisher Fishing pole Bottle of wine Empty flask Tax collector
3 4 Gravedigger Fine dirt Shovel (d8, bulky) Dented lantern Highwayman
3 5 Grifter "Very nice" jewelry Belt of pouches Flute Vintner
3 6 Herbalist Aromatic poultice Poison mushroom Waterskin Potter
4 1 Hunter Deer pelt 100' of twine Animal scent Tanner
4 2 Laborer Hand cart Pot of tar Bag of sawdust Bricklayer
4 3 Mason Measuring line Hand drill Copper pot Trapper
4 4 Merchant Canvas backpack Silk vest Parchment Moneylender
4 5 Miner Pickaxe (d6) Wheelbarrow Mess kit Grocer
4 6 Pathfinder Map of local wilds Divining rod Fruitcake Undertaker
5 1 Priest Censer Holy symbol Cigar Teacher
5 2 Ropemaker 50' hempen rope Wooden pegs Bedroll Rancher
5 3 Scrivener 1oz of ink Set of quills Pot of glue Clerk
5 4 Scullion Rotisserie spit Rolling pin (d6) Whistle Strong man
5 5 Sellsword Leather armor (+1) Morningstar (d8) Garlic Peddler
5 6 Servant Bell Tin tray Sealing wax Midwife
6 1 Shepherd Crook (d8, bulky) Woolen blanket Tankard Barkeep
6 2 Slaver Hefty beltbuckle Whip (d6) Net Gardener
6 3 Smuggler Lockpick Grappling hook Pickled fish Distiller
6 4 Swineherd A pig Washing lye Horseshoe Musician
6 5 Thug Brass knuckles (d6) Bag of caltrops Venison jerky Carpenter
6 6 Torchbearer Six torches 10' pole Old fiddle Brewer
D66 Male Name Female Name
11 Argos Thulsa
12 Magni Kas
13 Kal Reth
14 Belimus Tryphilia
15 Xiuqiang Luzha
16 Leonentius Ganzorzul
21 Rargain Nufsha
22 Laddoc Maevin
23 Bish Chuzhai
24 Temon Panea
25 Sloachar Altaqa
26 Chumghan Tailee
31 Suridos Laman
32 Bearn Chiobah
33 Thespaccus Masui
34 Kochi Rin
35 Naeedil Meshkeru
36 Flaver Sinn
41 Gicht Belva
42 Ewen Nerose
43 Dikunaisi Oyuungo
44 Panus Zathis
45 Fewin Omora
46 Serza Niamh
51 Guizu Bongmei
52 Hetsiu Dedne
53 Tashin Galeria
54 Badil Akine
55 Thohar Zeliope
56 Bramghan Minstatsr
61 Hunzi Mumirye
62 Connannet Thurmua
63 Hainsheng Saqa
64 Conchorran Iluba
65 Behar Hatsherose
66 Theo Sel
Courage, but mostly swagger
Bonus Gear:
- An impressive two-handed weapon (d10, bulky), or a solid
shield (+1 armor) and a simple weapon (d6).
- A polished bone from the last animal you slew single-
- A curio from home of great personal value.
Can't Knock Me Down: For any STR save you make, make
two. If either is successful, you pass.
Begin with one. Gain another when you recover a Treasure or
overcome an infamous foe.
Outrider: You know how to ride any animal that can support
your weight.
Ransacker: You can always identify an enemy structure's
Janissary: You know a reliable sellsword in any major
Gladiator: You have +1 armor and STR 18 if you have a large
Jarl: Name two villages--they regard you as a hero while
Justice doesn’t serve itself
Bonus Gear:
- A sturdy hide shortbow (d6) or a balanced staff (d8).
- An animal trap.
- A pair of manacles.
Fact of the Matter: You always know if someone is lying to
Begin with one. Gain another when you recover a Treasure or
restore order to chaos.
Houndmaster: You can speak with canines. Gain a dog
companion (2 HP, Bite [d6], loyal and truthful).
Woadreader: You know how to track your quarry in any
Zealot: Critical damage you deal forces targets to expose
their secrets.
Pacifier: In a difficult social situation, cool heads prevail
unless you say otherwise.
Survivalist: Under duress, you always know where to hole up
and get back on track.
Don’t waste that, it’s still good!
Bonus Gear:
- A silver sickle (d6) or a hempen sling (d6).
- An urn filled with salt (bulky).
- A pet bug.
Taste the Mana: Anything you consume reveals information
about its source and power.
Begin with one. Gain another when you recover a Treasure or
establish a new culinary trend.
Ratmaven: All rats are your friends, and perform simple
tasks for you. Cats and dogs hate you.
Gourmagus: Lose d6 WIL to infuse a meal with energy
capable of healing d6 HP or 2 to any attribute.
Decompositor: Rot your target for d6 STR damage, then save
against corruption.
Xiximant: You can craft potions and objects of minor power
from salvaged monster parts.
Chloromancer: You can photosynthesize and do not require
food. Herbivores pursue you.
The abyss stares back
Bonus Gear:
- A ritual knife (d6).
- A bronze coin whose face you can call when flipped.
- Two solid rods of rowan wood.
Weal and Woe: At the start of a session, ask the referee two
questions. One answer is true, the other false.
Begin with one. Gain another when you recover a Treasure or
fulfill a prophecy.
Mythspeaker: You know the gist of every legend mentioned
in your presence.
Starseeker: Gaze into the cosmos and learn a grave truth,
then save against corruption.
Doomsayer: Pronounce anguish against a foe. If realized,
learn a secret. If not, take full WIL damage.
Outsider: Your arms can morph into 20’ tentacles and each
deal d8 damage. It’s terrifying.
Animist: Spend a few hours communing with nature to
learn what news the Earth and Sky have to share.
Finders, keepers
Bonus Gear:
- A blowgun (d6) or scimitar (d6).
- A convincing written edict from a fabricated ruler.
- Two smokebombs.
Bits & Bobs: You always have a curious trinket on hand,
capable of distracting or enticing others.
Begin with one. Gain another when you recover a Treasure or
master a powerful artifact.
The old made new
Bonus Gear:
- A two-bladed relic katar (d8).
- A jeweler’s magnifier.
- An oversized waterskin (bulky).
Lost and Found: You have an uncanny grasp of the basics
regarding time-lost structures and objects.
Begin with one. Gain another when you recover a Treasure or
activate a machine.
Playing the Game
Saves: A save is a roll to avoid bad outcomes from risky choices and circumstances.
- Roll a d20 against the appropriate attribute given the situation.
- If you roll equal or under to your attribute, you pass. 1 is always a success and 20 is always a failure.
- Keen planning negates the need for saves.
Rounds: The game typically plays without strict time accounting. In a fight or any circumstance where
granular timing is helpful, use rounds to keep track of when something occurs. A round is roughly ten
seconds of in-game time. On a round, characters may take an action and move within reason.
Actions and Timing: On a round, characters declare what they are doing before any dice roll.
- The referee will telegraph the most likely actions taken by non-player characters (NPCs).
- If any character attempts something risky, the referee calls for a save for appropriate players or NPCs.
- All actions, attacks, and movements take place simultaneously. The referee rules with common sense.
- If one side has an opportunity for surprise, they can pass a DEX save to act before their opponents.
Attacks: Roll your weapon die (unarmed: d4), subtract the target’s armor, and deal that total to their HP.
- Damage beyond HP damages their STR attribute. They must pass a STR save to avoid critical damage.
- If attacking with two weapons simultaneously, roll both damage dice and keep the single highest result.
- If multiple attackers target the same foe, roll all damage dice and keep the single highest result.
Impaired/Enhanced: Attacks are impaired if fighting from a position of weakness, such as through cover
or with bound hands, and roll d4 damage regardless of weapon. Attacks are enhanced if fighting from a
position of advantage, such as against a helpless foe or through a daring maneuver, and roll d12 damage.
Critical Damage: A character that suffers critical damage cannot do anything but crawl weakly, grasping
for life. If given aid and rest, they will stabilize. Otherwise, they die within the hour if left untended.
Blast Damage: Attacks with the blast quality affect all targets in the noted area, rolling separately for each
affected character. Blast refers to anything from explosions to huge cleaving onslaughts to the impact of a
meteorite. If unsure how many targets can be affected, roll the related damage die for a result.
Attribute Loss: If a character’s STR is reduced to 0, they die. If their DEX is reduced to 0, they are
paralyzed. If their WIL is reduced to 0, they are delirious. Full DEX and WIL loss renders the character
unable to act until they are restored through intensive rest or extraordinary means.
Healing: Resting for a few moments and having a snack restores lost HP, but leaves the party exposed.
Attribute loss can be restored with a week’s rest facilitated by a shaman, healer, or another appropriate
source of expertise. Some of these services may be free, while expedient means may come with cost.
Death: When a character dies, the player is free to create a new character or take control of a lackey. They
immediately join the party in order to reduce downtime.
Deprivation and Fatigue: Anyone deprived of crucial need(s) is unable to benefit from any healing.
- If deprived for more than a day, the character also gains one point of fatigue.
- Fatigue fills up an inventory slot without benefit until the character recuperates in safety.
- A character can have multiple points of fatigue.
Artifacts: Characters will acquire curious devices, armaments, and other sundries as they explore the
Weird North. These artifacts do not need a roll to use, but are typically very narrow in their use, have a
limited number of uses, or come with a cost or disadvantage when used.
Corruption and Fell Sorcery: Magic is volatile and warps its practitioners. Corruption is everywhere.
- When directed, make a WIL save to avoid indulging chaos, adding your current corruption to the result.
- Failure requires a d20 roll on the fell sorcery table, again adding your current corruption to the result.
- Regardless of success or failure, your corruption then increases by 1.
Retreat: Running away from a dire situation requires a successful DEX save and a safe destination.
Assumed Attributes: Unless stated otherwise, assume NPC attributes are 10.
Warbands: Large groups of similar combatants fighting together are treated as individuals.
- When a warband takes critical damage, it is routed. When it reaches 0 STR, it is destroyed.
- Attacks against warbands by individuals are impaired unless they deal blast damage.
- Attacks against individuals by warbands are enhanced and always deal blast damage.
Lackeys: Player characters can hire lackeys to aid their expeditions in various ways.
- To create a lackey, roll 2d6 for each attribute, then give them 1 HP and a simple d6 weapon.
- Lackeys have six inventory slots and can only hold a single bulky item.
- Hiring a lackey costs 5d10 coin and an additional 2d10 coin for each return to a safe settlement.
Advancement: Advance when you recover a Treasure or meet the trigger specific to your archetype.
- A Treasure allows one character to advance, and cannot advance another character.
- When advancing, a character gains an ability from their archetype and picks one attribute to improve.
- Make a save against the attribute. If successful, improve the attribute by 1.
Reaction: All NPCs operate with their own wants, needs, and desire for safety. When a social reaction with
an NPC is uncertain, roll 2d6 and consult the results below:
Morale: Groups must pass a WIL save to avoid fleeing when they take their first casualty and again when
they lose half of their number. Groups with a leader may use the leader’s WIL in place of their own. Lone
foes must pass this save when they’re reduced to 0 HP. Morale affects NPCs, not players.
Impact: When a character is reduced to exactly 0 HP, they are uniquely impacted. Look up the result on
the table below based on total damage taken:
1 Lasting Scar: Roll 1d6 | 1: Neck, 2: Hands, 3: Eye, 4: Chest, 5: Legs, 6: Ear.
Roll 1d6 against your maximum HP. If higher, take the new result.
Rattling Blow: You’re disoriented and shaken. Describe how you refocus.
2 Roll 1d6 against your maximum HP. If higher, take the new result.
3 Walloped: You’re sent flying and land flat on your face, winded.
Broken Limb: Roll 1d6 | 1-2: Leg, 3-4: Arm, 5: Rib, 6: Skull.
4 Once mended, roll 2d6 against your maximum HP. If higher, take the new result.
Diseased: You’re afflicted with a gross, uncomfortable infection.
5 When you get over it, roll 2d6 against your maximum HP. If higher, take the new result.
Reorienting Head Wound: Roll 1d6 | 1-2: STR, 3-4: DEX, 5-6: WIL.
6 Roll 3d6 against the consequent attribute. If higher, take the new result.
7 Hamstrung: You can barely move until you get serious help and rest.
8 Deafened: You cannot hear anything until you find extraordinary aid,
Warped Strike: Some hidden part of your psyche is knocked loose. Save against corruption.
9 You feel stronger now. Roll 3d6 against your maximum HP. If higher, take the new result.
10 Sundered: Roll 1d6 | 1: Leg, 2: Arm, 3-4: Hand, 5-6: Foot. The appendage is torn off.
11 Mortal Wound: You are deprived and out of action. You die in one hour unless healed.
Looming Outsider: Death’s door seems to open for you, but someone intervenes.
12+ Roll 1d6 | 1-3: Gain a Demon Aspect, 4-6: Gain a Stranger Aspect.
Referee: You sprint up the rickety Referee: You know Krul’s goons
stairs and onto the roof high above the weren’t far behind him, but you spot a
town sprawl. Footsteps pound behind rope strung across the corner of this
you, and you hear an exasperated snarl. level to another rooftop about ten feet
Jil, you’re the last out of the stairwell, away.
and you feel a hand swipe just past
your leg. Turning, you see Krul Twin
Suns glaring as he lurches towards the Bendu: Let’s go, then, no time to waste.
Referee: You hear a voice behind you.
Bendu: Jil, get out of the way! “Hey, time’s up, chumps. We got you.”
You see that the four bruisers from the
market below caught up already. They
Referee: Krul makes it out of the stairs, brandish their weapons. You knew they
one hand pushing up on his thigh to were coming, so there’s no surprise
pounce while his other holds a wicked here. It’s obvious they’re going to
scimitar brandished towards Jil, “You beeline for Bendu since he has the gem.
little rats are going to give that jewel
back to me, now!”
Bendu: Fine, come and get it, you �ilthy
idiots! I’m going to run around to their
Jil: Bendu, let’s hand it over, come on. left side and then rush forward with my
We’re in over our heads. knives.
Bendu: No way! We spent way too Jil: I would have preferred avoiding
much time tracking this thing down. this, but here we go. I’ll try to nail the
closest goon with my tabar.
Referee: Krul huffs, furious and
impatient. He growls and barrels Referee: Bendu, go ahead and roll the
forward towards Bendu, clearly trying damage for your knives. You have two,
to force him to the ground. Bendu, so roll 2d6 and take the higher of the
make a DEX save to avoid getting two results. Jil, your axe is huge but
pinned. you’re ready to go. Roll d10 for the
Bendu rolls an 8 against his DEX of 14.
Bendu rolls 2 and 5 with his knives, so he
Referee: Juking to the right, Bendu deals 5 damage. Jil rolls a whopping 10
dodges Krul and the man’s eyes widen with her tabar. The bruisers have 3 HP,
in shock. He keeps going, his hulking so both of these attacks injure their
frame affording too much momentum target. Losing their HP, they have to
to stop. You both watch as he yelps and make STR saves to avoid critical
�lips forward over the edge of the roof. damage. Bendu’s target rolls 8 and
A few seconds later you hear a heavy passes. Jil’s target, however, rolls 18 and
thump on the streets of the bazaar fails.
One of the bruisers goes for Jil, rolling 4
Jil: That was way too close. We have to with their sword. Jil has 6 HP, so she’s
get out of here. Any other way off the still in the �ight. The other three drive
roof besides the stairs? towards Bendu, rolling 3d6. Their results
are 1, 1, and 3. He has 3 HP left, so he’s
safe, but the attack clearly impacted
him. Given the impact table, Bendu is
knocked over one of the crates on the
rooftop and the wind is knocked out of
Principles for Players
Agency: Attributes and related saves do not define your character. They are tools. Don’t ask
only what your character would do, ask what you would do, too. Be creative with your
intuition, items, and connections.
Teamwork: Seek consensus from the other players before barreling forward. Stay on the same
page about goals and limits, respecting each other and accomplishing more as a group than
Exploration: Asking questions and listening to detail is more useful than any numbers, items,
or skills you have. Take the referee’s description without suspicion, but don’t shy away from
seeking more information. There is no single correct way forward.
Talking: Treat NPCs as if they were real people, and rely on your curiosity to safely gain
information and solve problems. You'll find that most people are interesting, and will want to
talk things through before getting violent.
Planning: Think of ways to avoid your obstacles through reconnaissance, subtlety, and fact-
finding. Do some research and ask around about your objectives.
Ambition: Set goals and use your meager means to take steps forward. Expect nothing. Earn
your reputation. Keep things moving forward and play to see what happens. Pull the lever.
Caution: Fighting is a choice, and rarely a wise one; consider whether violence is the best way to
achieve your goals. Try to stack the odds in your favor, and retreat when things seem
Principles for Referees
Information: Afford players with real information as they explore the world.
- Players do not need to roll dice to learn about their circumstances.
- Be helpful and direct with your answers to their questions.
- Respond honestly, describe consistently, and always let them know they can keep asking
Difficulty: Default to context and realism rather than numbers and mechanics.
- If something the players want to do is sincerely impossible, no roll will allow them to do it.
- Is what the player describes and how they leverage the situation sensible? Let it happen.
- Saves cover a great deal of uncertain situations, and are often all that is necessary for risky
Danger: The game world produces real risk of pain and death for the player characters.
- Telegraph serious danger to players when it is present. The more dangerous, the more obvious.
- Put traps in plain sight and let the players take time to figure out a solution.
- Give players opportunities to solve problems and interact with the world.
Choice: Give players a solid choice to force outcomes when the situation lulls.
- Use binary “so, A or B?” responses when their intentions are vague.
- Work together with this conversational progress to keep the game moving.
- Ensure that their actions leave their mark on the game world.
Preparation: The game world is organic, malleable, and random. It intuits and pivots.
- Leverage random tables and generators to develop situations rather than stories or plots.
- NPCs remember what players say and do to them and the world around them.
- No one wants to die for no reason. Infuse survivability and self-interest into every personality.
Diegesis: Emergent experience of play is what matters, not math, abilities, or meta elements.
- Give the players weapon trainers and personal quests to facilitate their improvement and
- Pay attention to the needs and wants of the players, then put realistic opportunities in their path.
- A dagger to your throat will kill you, regardless of your expensive armor and impressive
Corruption: Players dabbling with magic and cheap power slide down a slippery slope.
- The Weird North is an ancient, tumultuous place filled with all manner of strange, corrupting
- Add saves against corruption to critical damage effects, artifacts, machines, and
environmental detail.
- Frame corruption as a temptation. Some players may want to avoid it, while others seek it
NPCs & enemies
There are all manner of NPCs roaming the Weird North, be they abominable creatures, wild
animals, or townsfolk. Keep in mind that unless otherwise specified, all NPC attributes are
considered 10.
- The “3 HP, weapon (d6)” stat line is all you need to quickly create average NPCs. That’s it.
- Are you describing a generic bad guy with a sword/animal with claws? Use that simple stat line.
- Are they just a commoner on the street? Use the stat line and drop the weapon to unarmed (d4).
General Principles:
- Attributes: 3 is deficient, 6 is weak, 10 is average, 14 is noteworthy, 18 is legendary. Adjust as
- Give typical creatures 3 HP, hardy ones 6 HP, and serious threats 10+ HP. Too much HP
becomes a slog.
- Not every NPC needs unique attributes, weapons, or abilities. Use flavor and style to stand out.
- Use critical damage to lean into the threat or strangeness of any aggressive NPC.
- Remember that HP is hit protection, not hit points. It’s a measure of resilience and gumption,
not health.
See the facing page for example NPCs of various threat levels and environments.
Drifter | 6 HP, 14 DEX, 14 WIL, Teeth and Krul Twin Suns | 10 HP, 14 STR, 12 DEX,
Claws (d6+d8) Scimitars (d6+d6)
- Handsome and unassuming, but wants to - Refuses to wear a shirt and boasts about
eat you. his musculature.
- Generally solitary, wearing fine clothes, - Always passes WIL saves for morale since
ambushes. his men revere him.
- Will surrender on failed morale and act as
a duplicitous guide. Giant Snake | 8 HP, 12 STR, 12 DEX, Fangs
(d6+d6) or Coil (d12, blast)
Mimic Bear | 12 HP, 12 STR, 6 DEX, 16 WIL, - Massive, silent, and terrified of fire.
Claw (d8) - Can wrap itself around multiple people at
- Reddish fur and a bear-like appearance once and crush them.
with rows of long teeth and large, sharp - Critical damage: swallows you whole.
- Critical damage: absorbs the voice of its Ashwing | 13 HP, 1 Armor, 14 STR,
victim. It mimics their speech to lure loved Beak (d10)
ones to their doom. - Huge, intelligent, six-limbed human-
pterodactyl hybrid with secretive society
Scarabesc | 3 HP, 2 Armor, 16 DEX, and fell rites.
Fanged Beak (d6) - Rumored to be the offspring of heinous
- Muscular, beetle-like build of slender shell godlings from the Cold Dark.
and limbs with bird-like toothy beak. - Critical damage: save against corruption.
- Prefers to fly high above prey before diving
swiftly and striking with surprise. Cruel Dinomancer | 6 HP, 8 STR, 14 WIL,
- Can roughly communicate, often with Bone Wand (d8)
chattering menace. - Saurian humanoid with potent sorcery
and an inferiority complex.
Deinotherium | 12 HP, 2 Armor, 15 STR, 12 - Amber Shaping: Roots you in place with
DEX, 8 WIL, Acid Bite (d8) quickly hardening sap.
- Carnivorous quadruped. Difficult but not - Critical damage: lose d12 WIL. Your blood
impossible to tame. hardens to amber at 0 WIL and you become
- Critical Damage: acidic saliva destroys their thrall.
armor and melts flesh.
Stick-Man | 1 HP, 16 DEX, 2 STR, 13 WIL,
The Unavoidable | 14 HP, 2 Armor, 15 STR, Poison Dart (d6)
13 WIL, Razor Hands (d10+d10) - Tiny and green astride a grasshopper or
- Large, bald humanoid with a cloak made other flying insect.
of eyeballs that can envelop his quarry. - Always appears in groups. Roll 2d6+2 if
- Will pursue you anywhere without unsure how many.
restriction, space and time - Critical Damage: poison causes additional
notwithstanding. 1d6 DEX damage and paralysis.
- Critical damage: rips out your eyes and
adds them to his cloak. Kaleidosaur | 14 HP, 2 Armor, 16 STR, 12
WIL, Prismatic Pulse (d10, blast)
Pebble Snail | 1 HP, 3 Armor, Bite (d4) - Huge, scintillating gold and pink
- Small and slow with rock-like shells, often quadruped with a large purple crystal on its
found in small groups. back.
- Critical damage: lose d6 DEX. Turn to - Critical damage: a random body part
stone at 0 DEX. becomes crystalline.
Coin and Currency Common or Cheap items
The Weird North is just one snapshot of (1d10 coin)
many old, collapsed, and rebuilt eras in Simple melee weapons (d6), rough
time. Currency has risen, fallen, ranged weapons (d6), chalk, torch,
changed, been forgotten, and then shovel (d6, bulky), simple clothing, �lint
salvaged by newcomers. The process & steel, parchment, 10’ pole (bulky),
repeats. As such, the working currency bridle, copper pot, chisel, pitons, 50’ of
in this game is simply “coin,” both hempen rope, garlic, candles, mess kit,
singular and plural. The referee can metal tray, backpack, mead, crowbar,
decide if coin ought to be more �lavorless trail rations, grappling hook,
granular at their table, but for our pot of tar, �lute, wax, deer pelt, arrows
purposes here, it is the universal or sling stones, grease, bedroll, herbs,
economic unit. bone knife, bag of �lour (bulky), fruitcake,
horseshoe, old venison jerky.
Rarity and Value Rare or Valuable items
Villages, strongholds, and ports of call (2d10 x 10 coin)
barter and trade based on the local Elegant melee weapons (d8), precise
rarity and value of any item or ranged weapons (d8), common shields
commodity. The referee rolls to (+1 armor), leather armor (+1 armor),
determine the actual cost of any cigar, silk vest, �iddle, pewter chalice,
sought-after item based on the general bag of caltrops, lantern, signet ring, 50’
guidelines below. If an item of interest of silk rope, collapsible 10’ pole, brass
is not listed here, determine it’s rarity map case, tent (bulky), thieves’ toolkit,
or value accordingly. holy symbol, wine, padlock and key, 10’
metal chain, pair of skis, beast of
burden (1 HP, DEX 6, Bump [d6]), bell,
divining rod, wheelbarrow, horse cart,
glass mirror, �ine clothing, decent trail
Generators & TOOLS
Running Weird North requires little more than an active imagination and a spirit of pulp
adventure. That said, the following tables provide the quick ability to infuse randomness and
curiosity into wherever the party of characters explores.
NPC Personas
Roll 2d20 and Combine WARLORD TITLES
1 Young Ascendence d66 Name Descriptor
2 Dramatic Pleasure 11 Kang Nine Eyes
3 Twisted Power 12 Artag the Impetuous
4 Audacious Safety
5 Smooth Violence 13 Kas of the Steel Hand
6 Stuttering Charity 14 Deniris the Jackal
7 Old Artifacts 15 Krul Enigma
8 Amputee Influence 16 Sheera of the Cold Dark
9 Crude Approval 21 Ekventh the Merciless
10 Occult Education 22 Sessulus the Benevolent
11 Secretive Justice
12 Shy Commerce 23 Bilkis the Unavoidable
13 Bubbly Treasure 24 Jervan Doom
14 Suspicious Blood 25 Datheridon of the White Skies
15 Rambling Connections 26 Fafric Three Blades
16 Cynical Sorcery 31 Zalto the Timeless
17 Maimed Progress 32 Crennic the Sapper
18 Insincere Filth
19 High-brow Secrets 33 Estra Tall Grass
20 Lusty Food 34 Thazz the Unstable
35 Nilkimas of the Sheer Cliffs
36 Azula the Observer
NPC Dilemmas 41 Thoul Deep Blood
Roll 2d20 and Combine 42 Andreya the Skulker
1 Merchant Broke
2 Soldier Robbed 43 Zuko Twin Suns
3 Beggar Beaten 44 Thulsa Serpentis
4 Knave Lost 45 Chun Dark Star
5 Sailor Longing 46 Allidan the Reaver
6 Breeder Scared 51 Sinya Thousand Nights
7 Rancher Hunted
8 Noble Hungry 52 Naga Old Finder
9 Weaver Furious 53 Stalag the Savage
10 Shaman Betrayed 54 Sharaj the Justicar
11 Midwife Spurned 55 Vargo Unrelenting
12 Matron Ransomed 56 Terokh of the Mountain
13 Healer Defamed 61 Laogai Ten Hammers
14 Distiller Running
15 Grocer Sad 62 Ursula the Trickster
16 Tanner Lonely 63 Shuul of the Great Sands
17 Priest Haunted 64 Gothmog the Builder
18 Thief Abandoned 65 Bij the Dark Sultan
19 Drunk Tricked 66 Sadow Obsidian
20 Magistrate Fleeced
Points of Interest
Roll 2d20 and Combine
1 Tree of Doom
2 Stone of Light
3 Wheel of Terror
4 Gorge of Pain
5 Gate of Woe
6 Crater of Gold
7 Wall of Blight
8 Coast of Ink Common Locales
9 Tower of Beasts Roll 2d20 and Combine
10 Valley of Stars 1 Court Sensual
11 Cave of the Moon
12 Tower of the Night 2 Mine Weird
13 Cliff of the Blade 3 Swamp Crumbling
14 Lake of the Rim 4 Forest Empty
15 Spire of the Sun 5 Lake Volatile
16 Bridge of the Flame
17 Pillar of the End 6 Desert Searing
18 Idol of the Sky 7 Graveyard Foggy
19 Stair of the Eye 8 Market Brackish
20 Pit of the Storm 9 Dungeon Obscure
10 Temple Oppressive
Pocket Realms 11 Citadel Barren
Roll 2d20 and Combine 12 Sewers Vibrant
1 Alabaster Doors 13 Villa Fetid
2 Soil Bridges 14 Brothel Sprawling
3 Stone Walls 15 Battlefield Fathomless
4 Wood Alcoves
5 Foliage Halls 16 Crypt Eerie
6 Marble Obelisks 17 Alley Enclosed
7 Water Turrets 18 Mountain Ominous
8 Ash Balconies 19 Island Frozen
9 Glass Towers
10 Flame Roads 20 Jungle Chaotic
11 Vacuum Wells
12 Lightning Paths
13 Mist Spires
14 Darkness Windows
15 Ice Shelves
16 Sand Stairs
17 Iron Terraces
18 Rain Statues
19 Obsidian Gates
20 Steel Columns
d4 Mode of Living d10 Pivotal Resources
1 Established borders 1 Weapons
2 Nomadic roving 2 Drugs
3 Subversive politics 3 Spices
4 Professed creed 4 Livestock
5 Food
d6 Primary Goal 6 Technology
1 Conquest 7 Magic
2 Revolution 8 Faith
3 Extortion 9 Children
4 Social control 10 Mounts
5 Religious conviction
6 Chaos d12 Totemic Affiliation
1 Wolf
d8 Means of Power 2 Badger
1 Numbers 3 Weasel
2 Brutality 4 Lizard
3 Abduction 5 Bear
4 Proselytizing 6 Snake
5 Brainwashing 7 Boar
6 Policy 8 Horse
7 Assassination 9 Rhinoceros
8 Sorcery 10 Dinosaur
After using a d10 or d12 result, 11 Puma
remove it and add your own. 12 Hawk
d4 Habitation d10 Primary Focus
1 Grasslands and plains 1 Stone and masonry
2 Hills and mountains 2 Farming and produce
3 Coastlines and rivers 3 Art and expression
4 Marshes and wastelands 4 Science and innovation
5 Livestock and ranching
d6 Government 6 Armaments and smithing
1 Warband 7 Boating and exploration
2 Socialism 8 Caravans and trade
3 Confederacy 9 Spices and luxury
4 Feudalism 10 Tactics and mercenaries
5 Republic
6 Anarchy d12 Quirk
1 Industrious
d8 Satisfaction 2 Insular
1 Peaceful 3 Obsessive
2 Government unrest 4 Austere
3 Civil unrest 5 Indulgent
4 Brink of civil war 6 Suspicious
5 Is invading 7 Authoritarian
6 Being invaded 8 Libertine
7 Turmoil 9 Sensuous
8 Civil war 10 Pastoral
After using a d10 or d12 result, 11 Feral
remove it and add your own. 12 Breezy
d4 Origin d10 Secondary Effect
1 Outer planes 1 Whispers
2 Alien manufactory 2 Animals
3 Ancient culture 3 Secrets
4 Arcane wellspring 4Wounds
5 Lies
d6 Type of Object 6 Prophecies
1 Rod 7 Monsters
2 Blade 8 Curses
3 Box 9 Boons
4 Orb 10 Resources
5 Organism
6 Garment d12 Drawback
1 Unstable
d8 Primary Effect 2 d4 DEX damage to use
1 d8 Attribute Damage 3 Recoiling
2 d8 Blast damage 4 Bulky
3 Displacement 5 Loud
4 Summoning 6 Save against corruption to use
5 Transportation 7 d4 WIL damage to use
6 Fabrication 8 Gain fatigue to use
7 Manipulation 9 Awkward
8 Communication 10 Misleading
After using a d10 or d12 result, 11 Obvious
remove it and add your own. 12 Sentient
d4 Objective d10 Figurehead
1 Apocalypse 1 Priest
2 Ascendence 2 Warrior
3 Domination 3 Merchant
4 Immortality 4 Aristocrat
5 Demon
d6 Organization 6 Stranger
1 Three-person cells 7 Snakeperson
2 Frenzied mobs 8 Monarch
3 Lone agents 9 Child
4 Wandering bards 10 Monster
5 Public establishment
6 Secretive hermits d12 Weakness
1 Hubris
d8 Method 2 Infighting
1 Prophecy 3 Addiction
2 Politics 4 Suspicion
3 Religion 5 Ulterior motives
4 Sorcery 6 Reckless leadership
5 Technology 7 Rivals
6 Coercion 8 Resource mismanagement
7 Terror 9 Lack of subtlety
8 Trade 10 Outsourcing
After using a d10 or d12 result, 11 Partial success
remove it and add your own. 12 Insanity
d4 Size d10 Rule
1 Barely-there outpost 1 Martial law
2 Isolated village 2 Well-mannered spider cultists
3 Modest town 3 Perfected communal anarchy
4 Established city 4 Insane sorcerer-thane
5 Tribunal of three elders
d6 Attitude 6 Sentient black alien orb
1 Barring entry to outsiders 7 The voice out of the volcano
2 Distrustful of strangers 8 Twin serpent malisons
3 Preoccupied and standoffish 9 Entirely useless bureaucracy
4 Aloof and uninterested 10 Enlightened child master
5 Steady and polite
6 Open and welcoming d12 Peculiarity
1 Athletic contest for the Sun
d8 Architecture 2 Ritual embalming of first born
1 Cyclopean obsidian slabs 3 Sacrifice to the Goortle
2 Masterful brickwork 4 Etching black claw onto doors
3 Wooden walls and thatch 5 High-stakes pumpkin rolling
4 Inlaid into natural geography 6 Huge skybarge construction
5 Longhouses and cairns 7 Study of local machine
6 Winding grottoes and tunnels 8 Obsession with ascent
7 Treetops and hollow trunks 9 Occult prostitution rites
8 Marble colonnades and statuary 10 Voluntary public execution
After using a d10 or d12 result, 11 Seeking to destroy a seal
remove it and add your own. 12 Running a kidnapping ring
d4 Occupants d10 Interest
1 Adventure site 1 Abandoned excavation site
2 Encounter 2 Whispers from unseen voices
3 Wildlife and wanderers 3 Aftermath of a large battle
4 Curiously uninhabited 4 Derelict vehicle or structure
5 Crater lake and estuaries
d6 Biome 6 Lone butte topped with spires
7 Decrepit temple to old god
1-3 Designate a typical terrain, 8 Pair of matching monoliths
such as "plains" for 1-3 results.
9 Olive grove amidst old ruin
10 Winding, long-forgotten road
4-5 As above, but for uncommon
terrain for 4-5 results.
6 As above, but for rare terrain. d12 Ecology
1 Herds of grazing animals
d8 Weather 2 Overgrown and difficult
1 Warm and bright 3 Thousands of whippoorwills
2 Cloudy, foggy, and windy 4 Crocodiles lurking in reeds
3 Torrential rain 5 Purple swishing grasses
4 Blowing snow and deep chill 6 Everything scorched and bare
5 Scorching heat and red skies 7 Swirls of floaating spores
8 Two elephants apparently lost
Add +1 to the previous roll.
6-8 Begin at 1 if this is your initial 9 Sweet-smelling herbs
10 Flora & fauna appears sickly
After using a d10 or d12 result, 11 Thrumming berries
remove it and add your own. 12 Crops overrun by locusts
d4 Visibility d10 ...Looking For
1 Obvious and exposed 1 Stairway to the heavens
2 Grown over by vegetation 2 Omens of treasure
3 Buried beneath the surface 3 Portal to another world
4 Obscured by geography 4 Expendable labor
5 Idol fit for worship
d6 Feature 6 Stable trade connections
1 Settlement 7 Mating pair of exotic bird
2 Dungeon entrance 8 Egg of the only dragon
3 Ancient ruin 9 Dozens of gretchlings
4 Half-buried machine 10 Working steam engine
5 Solitary clairvoyant
6 Monster lair d12 Quirk
1 Massive floating island
d8 Occupants… 2 Unexploded metal bomb
1 Snakeperson enclave 3 Fortified mill near creek
2 Mercanitle outpost 4 Sheer cliffs covered in ice
3 Priestly monastics 5 Fig farmers arguing
4 Local warband 6 Upside-down fir trees
5 Reclusive human tribe 7 Skull-shaped crystal altar
6 Underground creatures 8 Cavern filled with water
7 Sentient animals 9 Remains of anexpedition
8 Wandering demon 10 Goatherds using dark arts
After using a d10 or d12 result, 11 Mirage of ancient citadel
remove it and add your own. 12 Time-lost astronauts
Expedition Hook
d4 Source d10 Complication
1 Job posting in a settlement 1 Buried in an uncharted vault
2 Common regional rumor 2 Located on another world
3 Map or secret document 3 Defended by magicks
4 Requested by an NPC 4 Owned by a warlord
5 Held by an abomination
d6 Aim 6 Maintaining local balance
1 Slip in and steal… 7 At the top of an arcane tower
2 Killing… 8 Relocated to a different era
3 Deliver to safety… 9 In the clutch of dinomancers
4 Send a message about… 10 In lawless territory
5 Repair or revive…
6 Fetch part or whole of… d12 Reward
1 Claim a legendary weapon
d8 Object 2 Discern a tremendous secret
1 An infamous NPC 3 Gain a map to great wealth
2 Entrails of an exotic monster 4 Increase reputation ten-fold
3 A horrible secret 5 Win over influential patron
4 Essence of a forgotten godling 6 Gain access to a new realm
5 A sorcerous incantation 7 Earn a place in royal courts
6 A powerful relic 8 Abolish a lingering curse
7 An ancient machine 9 Reverse corrupting power
8 Magnificent treasure 10 Gain the trust of a demon
After using a d10 or d12 result, 11 Extension of lifespan
remove it and add your own. 12 Restore regional peace
d4 Entrance d10 Original Purpose
1 Defended by a guardian 1 Manufactory for machines
2 Appearing and disappearing 2 Tremendous power source
3 Accessible only in dreams 3 Home of an arcane being
4 Sacrifice is required to open 4 Gateway to a far sanctum
5 Temple of pregnant goddess
d6 Architecture 6 Warrior training citadel
1 Marble paths in space 7 High-tech research facility
2 Charred skeleton of a godling 8 Supply distribution center
3 Charnel underworld passages 9 Breeding facility for animals
4 Elaborate seamless stonework 10 Urban waste management
5 Partially collapsed skyscraper
6 Tangled fur of a great sky lion d12 Novelty
1 Doors shut after opening
d8 Designer 2 Offerings needed to proceed
1 Megacorp from eons ago 3 New levels spawn naturally
2 Board of saurian terraformers 4 Every third room rotates
3 Cabal of Cold Dark strangers 5 The floors have needs
4 The Great Eastern Kingdom 6 Wall etchings echo verbally
5 Tar'kishik, an archdemon 7 Inhabitants recently slain
6 Underground fungal hivemind 8 Critical damage gives visions
7 The last of the dwarves 9 Resonant crystals hide a secret
8 Ambitious guild architects 10 Surface entrances change
11 Resident animals are sentient
After using any result, remove it
and add your own. 12 Lose a small item each delve
d4 Form d10 Function
1 Handheld object 1 Discovery
2 Small building 2 Transportation
3 Statue 3 Security
4 Vehicle or flying vessel 4 Destruction
5 Age
d6 Range 6 Climate and weather
1 A few feet 7 Incarceration
2 A few yards 8 Disruption
3 A few hundred feet 9 Agriculture
4 Half a mile 10 Health and wellness
5 Several miles
6 Beyond the atmosphere d12 Power Source
1 Souls
d8 Affects 2 Electricity
1 Animals 3 Flesh
2 Rocks 4 Oil
3 Water 5 Radiation
4 Gravity 6 Darkness
5 People 7 Blood
6 Growth 8 Gold
7 Time 9 Stars
8 Monsters 10 Light
After using a d10 or d12 result, 11 Arcana
remove it and add your own. 12 Fire
Weird North
One world rebuilt across a thousand epochs.
Corruption, might, and magic crackle together
amidst the wreckage of a wasted planet.
A tabletop role-playing game based on Into the Odd.