Relic 1.1
Relic 1.1
Relic 1.1
A Game of Small Gods & Lost Wonders
D100 SPELLS 90
CHARACTER give enemies advantage on their attacks
against you (page 8, page 11).
CREATION Inventory management is crucial.
Select your Ancestry (page 82).
Selecting and tracking problem-solving tools
Choose or roll your PC's traits, such as and equipment is a player skill in adventure
their physique, face, skin, hair, speech, role-playing games.
clothing, virtue, vice, alignment and gender
identity using the tables on pages 4-5. Choose
or randomly generate a name for your PC
(page 88). Carrying more items than you have slots for
means that a PC is encumbered. When
Player Characters (PCs) have six
encumbered, all saves, skill checks, and to-hit
abilities: Strength (STR), Dexterity
rolls have disadvantage. You gain a level of
(DEX), Constitution (CON), Intelligence
fatigue every other Turn. You cannot carry
(INT), Wisdom (WIS), and Charisma (CHA).
more than twice your inventory.
Each ability has a bonus value. For the
quickest character creation, simply distribute Select your first Character Class
the following bonuses however you like: Template (page 18). Templates grant
you a number of special abilities and
+3, +2, +2, +1, +1, +0
skills. At each level 1-4, choose an additional
Optionally, you can randomly generate your template from any class, always starting with
bonuses with the Random Ability Bonus table Template A.
on page 5.
Note your starting Hit Points (HP) and
PCs start with a random assortment of armor class (AC) value.
Gear, possibly some coin. See the
HP is your CON Bonus modified by
tables on page 5 for Gear. Your
your level, as indicated on the Base
Character Class will also give you some
Adventurer table on page 14. HP is explained
starting equipment.
on page 11.
1. Athletic 8. Lanky 15. Statuesque 1. Blunt 8. Flowery 15. Rambling
2. Brawny 9. Ripped 16. Stout 2. Booming 9. Formal 16. Rapid-fire
3. Corpulent 10. Rugged 17. Tiny 3. Breathy 10. Gravelly 17. Slow
4. Delicate 11. Scrawny 18. Towering 4. Cryptic 11. Hoarse 18. Squeaky
5. Flabby 12. Short 19. Willowy 5. Dialect 12. Mumbling 19. Stuttering
6. Gaunt 13. Sinewy 20. Wiry 6. Drawling 13. Precise 20. Whispery
7. Hulking 14. Slender 7. Droning 14. Quaint
1-2 3-4 5-6 1-3 4-17 18-20
What Is None. Hungry. 1 Day 2 Days
Female Male
Roll twice on this table, and once on the
1-5 6-15 16-20 following two.
Lawful Neutral Chaotic 1. Caltrops, 20 8. Lamp oil 15. Rope, 50ft.
2. Candles, 5 9. Lantern 16. Sack
11. Bag of ball
3. Chalk 10. Manacles bearings, 100
4. Crowbar 12. Mirror 17. Spikes, 5
1-3 4-17 18-20
5. Grapp. hook 13. Padlock 18. Tinderbox
None. Broke. 2d6 4d6
6. Hammer 14. Pole, 10ft. 19. Torches, 6
For every +1 that was put in Charisma at 7. Holy Water 15. Pulleys
character creation, roll an additional 1d6. Add
this to the D20 result.
If you roll result 1-3, “None. Broke”, you still
start play with 2 gp for each +1 that you have 1. Air bladder 8. Fishing line 15. Nails
in Charisma. 2. Bear trap 9. Glue 16. Net
3. Bellows 10. Grease 17. Pick
4. Iron pot 11. Hourglass 18. Rope 50ft.
5. Caltrops 12. Lock-picks 19. Shovel
6. Chisel 13. Shield 20. Tongs
7. Drill 14. Metal file
Dagger, hand axe, etc. 1d6 1/2 1 5 Range: 15ft (thrown), concealable
Spear*, Sword, Mace, 1d8 1 1 10 1d10 damage if wielded 2-handed
Battle Axe, Flail, etc.
Halberd**, War Knock an enemy prone on a
Hammer, Zweihander, 1d12 2 2 20 critical hit
Great Axe, etc.
Sling (including 1d6 1/2 1 5 Range: 30ft, concealable
Bow 1d6 1 2 15 Range: 50ft, +STR to damage
Range 50ft, ignores 2 points of
Crossbow 1d10 2 2 60 AC, requires 1 round to reload
Arrows/Bolts (20) n/a 1 n/a 15 3-in-6 chance to recover after
an encounter
Unarmed Attack 1d4 n/a n/a n/a
*Spears have reach: 10’ only when wielded with 2 hands.
**Polearms, meteor hammers (d8), spiked-chains (d6) and whips (d4) have reach: 10’.
***Polearms, meteor hammers, and spiked-chains must be wielded with 2 hands.
+Meteor hammers, spiked-chains and whips add +2 to the combat maneuvers: grapple and trip.
All prices are given in “value” to encourage barter and trade in addition to using gold. Payment for
things like ships, real estate, and so on usually takes the form of trade goods, favors, or oaths of
fealty rather than currency. “Value: 1” is equal to 1 gold coin or 20 silver pieces.
Air Bladder 1 5 Bottle/Vial 1/3 1
Bear Trap 1 20 Bucket 1 5
Bedroll 1 10 Caltrops (bag) 1 10
Bellows 1 10 Cards with an extra Ace 1/3 5
Black Grease 1 1 Chain (10 ft) 1 10
Block & Tackle 1 30 Chalk (10 pieces) 1/3 1
Book (Blank) 1/2 50 Chisel 1 5
Book (Reading) 1/2 300 Cook Pot 1 2
Crowbar 1 10 Candles (10) 1 10
Drill 1 10 Lantern 1 30
Fishing Line & Tackle 1/3 10 Lamp Oil (1 flask) 1/3 10
Glass Marbles (bag) 1/2 5 Tinderbox 1 5
Glue (bottle) 1/2 1 Torches (5) 1 1
Grappling Hook 1 10 Beyond the listed range, light sources illuminate
Lens/ Magnifying Glass 1/3 100 shadows. Vague shapes, movement, and reflective
surfaces are visible. Light sources are visible a mile
Lock-picks 1 100
Manacles 1 10
Metal file 1 5 Candle: 5ft light, +5ft shadow, 6 Turns.
Torch: 30ft light, +10ft shadow, 6 Turns.
Mirror (small, steel) 1/3 20
Lantern: 30ft, +10ft shadow, 9 Turns/flask.
Musical Instrument 1 200
Flint and tinder requires 1 Round to ignite a light
Nails (small bag) 1/3 5
source. PCs are assumed to have basic fire starting
Net 1 10
gear. Magic may ignite a light source immediately.
Oilskin Bag 1 5
Light sourced dropped in combat have a 2-in-6
Oilskin Trousers 1 10
chance of going out.
Padlock & Key 1 20
Pole (10ft) 1 5 Wages are per day, not including food,
supplies, shelter, etc.
Quill & Ink 1/2 1
Laborer 1
Ration 1/2 5
Scribe 2
Rope (50ft) 1 10
Archer 3
Sack 1 1
Mason 4
Saddle & Tack 2* 100
Man-at-arms, on foot 6
Saw 1 10
Armorer or Blacksmith 8
Shovel 1 10
Man-at-arms, mounted 12
Spike, Iron (12) 1 5
Master Builder 15
Sponge 1/3 1
Barber-Surgeon 25
Spyglass 1 1000
Knight 25
Tar (Pot) 1 10
Tent (3 man) 2 100
Bed, per night 1
Tent (personal) 1 50
Private room, per night 2
Water/wineskin 1 2
Meal 2
*Saddle & tack occupy 0 Slots when worn by
Hot bath 2
an appropriate mount
Stabling and fodder 2
PLAYING THE GAME resolution mechanism. Consider if a failed
save will stall the game. If not, let the PC fail
and suffer the consequences. If a failed save
ABILITIES would negatively impact the flow of the
game, try introducing a complication instead.
• Strength (STR): Used for melee attacks and
Think of it as success at a cost.
saves requiring physical power, like lifting
gates, bending bars, or leaping a chasm. A failed save might mean that the Thief
picked the lock, but their tools break. The
• Dexterity (DEX): Used for ranged attacks,
Fighter misremembers a bit of gossip and tips
delicate tasks, moving silently, and saves
off the guards to their deception. The Wizard
requiring poise, speed, and reflexes. Add
scours the archives for a critical bit of lore,
your DEX Bonus to your AC.
but alerts their enemy’s agents.
• Constitution (CON): Used for saves to resist
If a PC makes a save by a margin of +5 or
poison, sickness and cold, feats of
greater, consider granting them a small boon:
endurance, and the consequences of eating
a free action, a bonus to their next roll, etc.
the interesting monsters that you kill.
• Intelligence (INT): Used to recall obscure CRITICAL SUCCESS & FAILURE
knowledge, for saves requiring
concentration and precision; such as Rolling a natural 20 on a save is a critical
wielding magic, deductive reasoning, logic success. The PC may receive a boon, such as
and rationality. advantage on a future related roll.
• Wisdom (WIS): Used for saves requiring Rolling a natural 1 is a critical failure. Expect
perception and intuition, detecting illusions, a complication relevant to the situation at
and reading an opponent. The default hand.
ability to test when attempting to resist
• Charisma (CHA): Used for saves to Not all saves are equally difficult.
persuade, deceive, interrogate, charm,
An old castle wall may offer easy hand- and
provoke. Added to Reaction Rolls (page 9).
footholds to a climber. A glass tower could be
PCs may employ a number of retainers
nearly frictionless. Having proper tools or
equal to 2+ their Charisma bonus.
foreknowledge of a situation can increase the
odds of success.
Likewise, trying to sneak past alert guards in
Saves are the default resolution mechanism of
Relic. The default difficulty for saves is 13. broad daylight will be significantly more
difficult that sneaking past drowsy guards on
Saves occur when a PC attempts something a moonless night.
where the outcome is uncertain and failure
has consequences. Rolls are risks. Good plans When making a save with advantage, roll
mean less risk and fewer rolls. Poor planning 2D20 and use the higher result. Use the low
can mean lots of risky rolls. result if making a save with disadvantage.
Dungeon: 2d6x10ft
Turns are 10 minutes long or can be
abstracted to represent the time it takes to Wilderness: 4d6x10 yards (1d4 if surprised)
change the state of the party in-game.
It takes 1 Turn to search an area for traps and SURPRISE
secret doors, move to a new area of the
A check for surprise is made by the side/s that
dungeon, pick a lock, resolve a combat, listen
are not expecting the encounter. A monster
at a door, etc.
waiting quietly in the dark for an incautious
More complicated actions will take longer. party would not roll for surprise. The PCs
would. Light sources can be seen a mile away.
Make a WIS save for each PC to determine
surprise. Any surprised groups cannot act in
1 Referee rolls encounter die. the first round of the encounter. However, a
group that is not surprised gets one free
Party moves, maps, enters rooms,
2 round of actions.
listens at doors, searches, etc.
Resolve encounters (distance,
3 surprise, reactions, possible combat). REACTIONS
Track light sources & ongoing spells, When the PCs encounter an NPC whose
4 recover arrows/bolt.
reaction to the party is not obvious, roll 2d6
5 Turn ends. and consult the following table. Add the CHA
bonus of the PC interacting with the NPC.
When the party moves into a new area or
spends time on an exploration activity, roll
the encounter die and interpret the results. 2 Hostile. Immediate attack.
If the PCs are moving cautiously, or have a 3-6 Unfriendly. Possible attack.
Hunter in the party, they get the omen before
the encounter and spot signs of traps. The fun 7-9 Neutral.
part isn’t noticing the trap, it’s how the PCs
deal with it. Use common sense and inventory 10-11 Friendly. Monster/NPC leaves or
items. considers offers.
PCs moving quickly or incautiously may get a 12+ Helpful. Enthusiastic friendship.
chance to Save vs Wisdom to notice a trap
(Referee’s discretion). Otherwise, they find
traps via HP and hirelings. You can cover
twice as much ground between encounter FATIGUE
rolls when moving quickly. It’s a gamble
whose risks must be weighed. Sprinting repeatedly, overland travel without
rest, or excessive activity inflict Fatigue. Each
ENCOUNTER 1D6 level of Fatigue takes up 1 Item Slot and
imposes a -2 modifier to all saves. Resting for
Wandering monster appears at a 1 Turn removes a level of Fatigue.
1 distance of 2d6 x 10’ away
At 4 levels of Fatigue a PC collapses. They are
2-3 Clue, spoor, or omen
conscious but in a death spiral. If they do not
4 Rest for 1 Turn or suffer fatigue
consume a ration or healing potion within 1
Turn, they die. Rest alone will not save them.
5-6 Nothing of note occurs
Roll a d20 and add the appropriate ability
THE COMBAT ROUND bonus. STR Bonus for melee, DEX Bonus for
ranged attacks. To hit an enemy roll equal to
A Round of combat lasts 6 seconds. A PC can
or higher than their armor class (AC).
move and perform a single action during a
round. This action may be casting a spell, If an attacker has advantage or disadvantage
making a second move, making an attack, roll 2d20 and use the highest/lowest result.
retrieving an item from inventory, attempting
a combat maneuver, or any other action On a hit, the attacker rolls their weapon's
deemed reasonable by the Referee. damage die to determine how many hit points
(HP) the defender loses. Add the PC's
STR Bonus to melee attack damage.
Bows and other ranged weapons that rely on
At the start of every round roll a d6 for each strength to draw also add the PCs STR Bonus
side of the conflict. The side that rolls highest to damage.
acts first. All other sides act in descending
order. Ties result in simultaneous actions. The Ranged weapons cannot be used in melee
Order of Combat still applies. combat.
Ranged weapons get -2 to-hit for every 10ft
ORDER OF COMBAT they are fired beyond the listed range.
1. Movement* To hit a target that is in melee combat with a
2. Missile Attacks
ranged weapon you must beat their AC by 4+.
If you hit, but roll <4 above the target’s AC,
3. Magic Spells you have hit someone else. Roll to determine
4. Melee Combat who. A miss is still a miss.
Most spells do not require a to-hit roll. If a
spell does require one, it will be noted in the
spell’s description. Touching an unwilling
MOVEMENT & DISTANCE target always requires a to-hit roll.
Outside of combat, movement is generally
abstracted in Relic. In combat it is more HELD ACTIONS
important to know where everyone is in
relation to one another and how far they can A creature may hold their action until a
move or shoot. specified circumstance triggers it. Held actions
not resolved during the round they are
A lightly armored creature can move 40ft per declaired are lost.
combat round. A creature wearing medium or
heavy armor moves 30ft per combat round.
An encumbered creature moves at half their
normal rate. The creature moves backwards at up to half
their movement rate. They may attack or
Some creatures may move faster or slower as fight defensively (see Combat Maneuvers).
noted by their Character Class.
*Movement may be split or broken up. A RETREAT
creature may make a partial move, take an The creature turns and flees from melee,
action, and then finish their move. They moving up to their full movement rate. This
cannot move more than their normal round: the creature may not attack; their
movement rate. opponent gains +2 to all attacks against them
and ignores any AC bonus due to shields.
A PC wielding a shield may choose to absorb Stunning, shoving, disarming, tripping, and so
up to 15 points of damage by sacrificing their on. Maneuvers can be attempted in melee
shield. PC takes any additional damage. combat by a PC to grant themselves, or an
ally, an advantage. Just remember that
CRITICAL SUCCESS & monsters can do the same.
FAILURES IN COMBAT Disarm. Attack and exchange your damage to
When you achieve a critical success in combat disarm your enemy. Their weapon lands
your attack deals double damage (roll twice 2d6x10 feet in a random direction. Ranged
the number of dice and add any bonuses attackers may attempt this maneuver.
twice) and you have advantage on your next
attack. The same applies to monsters. Feint. Attack and exchange your damage to
When you suffer a critical failure the attack make 2 attacks next round with advantage.
automatically misses. Your enemy has
advantage on their next attack. Fight Defensively. Attacks against you have
disadvantage for one round. You cannot
Further penalties may apply to a critical attack or take other aggressive actions, but
failure if the situation is risky. A critical you may move normally.
failure in a one-on-one fight in a clear
meadow might just be a miss. A critical failure Grapple. Attack and exchange your damage
in a tight corridor, with allies and enemies to hold your opponent. Make a STR save each
jostling together, might result in an ally being round thereafter to maintain the grapple.
hit, a weapon being dropped, or the attacker Allies have advantage to attack and deal +2
falling prone. damage to your target. If the target breaks
free, that counts as their action for the round.
HIT POINTS They may move normally.
The danger a character can resist before Guard. When an ally within 5ft is attacked
taking injury and suffering a Scar (page 13) is make a STR Save to take the hit instead.
quantified by Hit Points (HP). They are better When wielding a shield the blow does ½
thought of as “Don’t Get Hit” Points. damage to you. Counts as your action.
PCs Hit Points are determined by their CON
Bonus, modified by The Base Adventurer Reckless Attack. You receive advantage to
table (page 14). attack and +4 damage for a single attack. All
attacks against you have advantage until the
Enemies have variable HP based on their Hit end of your next turn.
Dice (HD). A hit dice is a d8. Roll the number
of HD listed for the enemy and add the Shield Bash. Must be wielding a shield. Attack
numbers together. For ease of play Referees and exchange your damage to shove an
can assume an average monster has 4 or 5 Hit enemy 5’ backwards. You and your allies have
Points per HD. advantage on attacks made against that
enemy until the end of your next turn.
MORALE Melodramatic last words. Decapitate the Big
Boss. Holding back the goblin swarm while
Monsters and NPCs all have a morale rating, their friends escape.
usually between 5 and 9. When they face
more danger than they were expecting, the Referees: use your judgement. If it’s early in
Referee will make a morale roll by rolling 2d6 an encounter with a dragon and a PC gets
and comparing the result to the NPC's morale roasted by its fire breath ,rather than
rating. If the roll is higher than the rating, the allowing them to kill the dragon have the
NPC will attempt to flee, retreat, or parley. mortally wounded PC discover a weak point
with their final attack, driving the dragon off.
Morale rolls can be triggered by drawing first
blood, defeating half of an enemy group, It’s a compelling death and you introduces an
defeating a group's leader, or reducing a solo interesting plot twist/party nemesis.
enemy to half HP. Other effects may trigger a
morale roll at the Referee's discretion.
Retainers also make morale rolls when they
aren't paid, their employer dies, or they face Assuming that you have not died . . .
extraordinary danger. Morale may be
1. Lunch. Heals a character for 25% of their
improved by paying retainers more and
max HP (round up). Lunch takes 1 hour,
treating them well.
requires a safe place, and consumes 1 ration.
Test for Random Encounters twice.
2. A Good Night’s Rest. Restores all HP.
A PC can recover lost HP through resting, Requires 8 hours of rest, a safe place, a fire or
eating rations, and consuming magic potions. heat source, and consumes 1 ration. Test for
When a PC drops to 0HP or lower in combat Random Encounters twice.
they are Out of Action (OoA). They are unable
to do anything more than crawl away and 3. Magical Healing. Usually in the form of
moan a lot. A PC who is OoA cannot be tended potions, heals a character for 50-75% of their
to during combat and must wait until they max HP (round up). Ruinously expensive;
are dragged clear of the scrum and the danger 10gp per 10% of HP restored. Otherwise works
has passed. If things go badly and one or as Lunch and requires 1 hour to take effect.
more PCs are left at the mercy of their
Unless found in a dungeon (scrolls/potions)
enemies there is a good chance that they will
magical healing can be obtained from a
be killed and eaten, though possibly patched
temple or large shrine. Useful for curses,
up enough to be held for ransom. If they are
plague, amputated limbs, death, etc. Large
not dead, roll on the Scars Table (p14).
donations to the temple are required in
When a character gains a Scar, the next exchange.
Lunch, Good Night’s Rest, or Magical Healing
heals them to 1HP and not over 1HP.
A PC reduced to negative (5+CON) HP is dead.
Cut in half, smashed to jelly, or their head is
lopped off. There aren’t enough sandwiches or
healing potions in the kingdom to fix them.
1. Battle Scar A part of you is violently marked. Roll 1d6: 1: Eye 2: Cheek 3: Neck 4:
Chest 5: Stomach 6: Hands. Increase Strength bonus permanently by +1.
2. Shaken Nerves You stammer and shake. After you take something to calm your nerves,
increase your Dexterity bonus permanently by +1, adjust your AC
3. Hobbled Reduced to a limp. Until fixed, movement is halved. Will require a barber
surgeon or cleric. Reduce Dexterity bonus permanently by -1, adjust your
AC accordingly.
4. Smashed Face You spit teeth and blood. You look a mess until you see a dentist.
Disadvantage to NPC Reaction Rolls and social interactions until fixed.
Reduce Charisma bonus permanently by -1.
5. Bloody Mess You need stitches. You are unable to gain the healing benefits from lunch.
Potions and a Good Night’s Rest are only 50% effective until treated by a
barber surgeon or cleric. Once healed, increase Constitution bonus
permanently by +1, adjust Inventory Slots and HP accordingly.
6. Punctured Organ A vital organ is in a critical state. You die if you take more than 5 points
of damage from a single blow after Healing or are reduced to 0HP again
before seeing a barber surgeon or cleric. Reduce your Constitution bonus
permanently by -1, adjust Inventory Slots and HP accordingly.
7. Enlightening You are delirious for 1d4 Turns and in your fevered dreams you discover
Concussion some insight into the nature of the universe. Increase Intelligence bonus
permanently by +1.
8. Torn Limb A random limb is torn off or in need of amputation. Must be done by a
barber surgeon or a cleric or you die. 1: Hand, 2: Arm, 3: Foot, 4: Leg.
Reduce Strength bonus permanently by -1.
9. Splintered Mind You are unable to gain the healing benefits from Lunch. Potions and a
Good Night’s Rest are only 50% effective until you spend a whole
evening emotionally unloading. Reduce Wisdom bonus permanently by
10. Shattered Ego You are dealt a humiliating blow. If you achieve revenge increase your
Charisma bonus permanently by +1.
11. Fractured Skull You feel like a slightly different person. Reduce your Intelligence bonus
permanently by -1.
12. Doomed to Die You shouldn't have survived that. You have nightmares of your own
death. You die if you take more than 5 points of damage from a single
blow after Healing or are reduced to 0HP again before you can make an
appropriate offering to whatever gods you believe in. Requires visiting a
temple, shrine, or other appropriate holy place. Increase Wisdom bonus
permanently by +1.
Class Ability
PCs receive 1 XP per coin recovered from a
1 0 CON +10 1 -
dungeon, earned from nefarious jobs, or
stolen from some git who deserved it. They do 2 250 CON +14 2 +1
not get XP for coins found or earned through
3 750 CON +16 3 +1
honest work. This also applies to non-
monetary treasure that has value. Treasure 4 1,500 CON +18 4 +1
must be sold, donated, or used for barter
before any XP can be gained from it. 5 2,500 CON +20 - +1
Referees should reward XP for clever plans, 6 3,750 CON +21 - +1
and overcoming significant challenges.
7 5,250 CON +22 - +1
It is not advised to give XP for “good role-
playing” as this disadvantages those who are 8 7,000 CON +23 - +1
less comfortable speaking in-character at the
table. This is a social game. Not an audition. 9 9,000 CON +24 - +1
When a PC gains a level, consult the Base 10 10,250 CON +25 - +1
Adventurer table and adjust HP, Skills, etc.
11+ +5,000 - - +1
Each level, increase a single Ability Bonus by
+1. No Ability Bonus may be higher than a
PC’s Level +2. The maximum Ability Bonus for
any stat is +5. CAROUSING
At levels 1-4 select a new Class Template. PCs can “double-dip” and gain XP for
Every time a template is selected from a new spending coin and treasure carousing, doing
class, begin with Template A. Multi-classing is philanthropic work, investing in local business
easy and encouraged. ventures, and researching new spells.
At level 5, and every level thereafter, a PC can For guidance and advice to make this a fun
retire to safety. The Referee cannot torment game-within-the-game, consult 10’ Polemic’s
them anymore. If they can afford it, they can Cost of Living & Downtime tables:
buy some land, open a shop, teach at a
wizard college, or beg in the gutter.
At level 10 and beyond, a PC who dies can And/or On Downtime & Demesnes from:
fight death. If they succeed, they can return to Hack & Slash Publishing
life. All future saves to avoid death will be at
a penalty, but they gain a second chance.
ALTERNATE XP METRICS An excellent source of adventure hooks, and
potential income/XP, are rumors. PCs may
Gold for XP doesn’t work in every game. But attempt to learn rumors from NPCs that they
an XP mechanism that drives PC interaction meet in a steading or on the road (or
with the game-world always works. anywhere else for that matter). To discover a
rumor make a CHA Save.
Allies gathered at Court, Magic Oliphants
wrangled, Relics recovered from a Lost Ruin, Good role-playing, plying the NPC with food
Clues discovered, or Goblin Noses. and drink, flattery, etc. may allow them to
roll with a bonus or advantage.
XP should be goal-oriented and player-driven.
Adventuring can be profitable sometimes, but Minor noble with a disturbing secret.
They need you to perform a task that
it is always expensive. they cannot be seen doing
1 themselves. It would look bad for
The ongoing costs of maintaining gear and them. It will mean certain death for
armor, municipal fees and taxes, burning commoners like yourselves if caught.
candles to study magic tomes in dark cells,
local nobles taking huge cuts from the Local merchant’s guild. If you’re lucky
treasure you “recovered” on their land, and its just some boring caravan guard
the vast quantities of alcohol and 2 work. More likely, you’ll be
psychotropic substances needed to cope with persuading some recalcitrant guild
member to pay their dues.
the things one sees down in those dungeons
really add up. Local criminals. There’s a little
something at the Merchant Guild
This can be abstracted as Level x10 gp per 3 Bank they’d like you to acquire for
week. them.
As PCs gain levels and their powers grow, so An unscrupulous wizard needs you to
too do their appetites. Any time the party retrieve the Blue Jewel, which he lent
returns to town from adventuring roll 1d6 to 4 to another wizard some time ago for
determine how many weeks pass before their research purposes, but who never
gave it back.
next adventure. If it is winter, roll 1d4 to
determine how many months since the party
last ventured out of town. Village farming collective. They have
5 a minor wereboar problem they
If the party can’t pay their bills then they are would like you to look into.
in debt. Some debt-holders will accept Local temple. That pesky Cult of The
repayment in coin (with interest) but most Lurking Eye is causing trouble again,
will want repayment in the form of a task to and there’s something with too many
be performed. The table opposite is intended legs down in the catacombs. Also,
time is a flat circle, whatever that
to inspire your own ideas. means.
Upkeep is an abstraction. As PCs gain levels
and acquire treasure their ability to exert
influence on the game world increases. They
may wish to open a tavern, build a keep
(usually requires a grant of land) or a
wizard’s tower. They may be granted a fief by
a local noble.
These things all have associated costs and
responsibilities that can replace Upkeep at the
Referee’s discretion.
Specific rules for these things are beyond the
scope of this zine, but the Internet doth
provide. One good source of guidance in this is
Skerples’ blog post, Death, Taxes, & Death
Taxes at
Simple rules for harvesting monsters and Many creatures have valuable parts such as
magical creatures for consumption and profit. poison glands, spore sacks, venom projectors,
Untrained PCs have a 1-in-6 chance of PCs can attempt a DEX Save with a -2
successfully finding and preparing food modifier to attempt to harvest these organs.
scavenged in a dungeon or wilderness. A Amazons, Dungeon Gourmands, and Hunters
failed roll means they ruin all ingredients may attempt the save without any penalty.
being used. Dungeon Gourmands of Level 3 or above
It will take 1d4+1 hours to prepare such a automatically succeed.
The following add +1 to their chance of
success up to a maximum of 4-in-6 chance of
A. Fire
B. Water (1 gallon min.)
C. Pots & pans
D. Proper utensils
E. Spices
Any flora or fauna gathered in the wild or
deep within a dungeon will yield a number of
rations equal to twice their hit-dice (HD) and
remain edible for 2 days.
Characters must consume 2 rations a day or
they begin to accumulate levels of fatigue -
one level for each missed meal.
Magical creatures count as exotic ingredients
and eating them is not without risk. But the
rewards often make it worthwhile.
Consult the Monster Menu All PDF available
free at for
specific details on many monster types.
Blinded Attacks against you have advantage and do +2 damage. You can only
attack something that you are in physical contact with. DEX Saves are
made with disadvantage.
Charmed Cannot attack the creature that charmed you. Charmer has advantage to
reactions and social interactions with anyone they have charmed. Save vs
Wisdom to end, unless a spell or magic item provides other rules.
Fatigue Each level of Fatigue takes up 1 Inventory Slot and imposes a cumulative -2
modifier to all saves. If this exceeds your total number of Item Slots you
become Incapacitated until you drop some equipment. Resting for 1 Turn will
usually remove a level of Fatigue. At 4 levels of Fatigue a PC collapses. They
are conscious but in a death spiral. If they do not consume a ration or
healing potion within 1 Turn, they die. Resting alone will not save them.
Frightened WIS Save to resist and end effects. Disadvantage on saves, attacks, etc.
while you can see the source of your fear. Cannot willingly move closer to
the source of your fear.
Grappled Cannot move. Attacks against you have advantage. Your attacks and DEX
Saves to avoid harm have disadvantage. Spend an action to make a STR
Save to escape (negative modifiers may apply). You can move normally
after breaking free.
Incapacitated Cannot move or speak. Cannot take actions or reactions. Auto-fail DEX
Invisible Can still be heard, smelled, etc. Advantage to Move Silently & Unseen.
Attacks against you have disadvantage. Your attacks are made with
Paralyzed See Incapacitated. Auto-fail STR and DEX Saves. Attacks against you have
advantage and do x2 damage.
Petrified See Incapacitated. You and all non-magical gear transform into a solid
inanimate substance. Weight increases by factor of 10. Attacks against you
have advantage. Auto-fail STR and DEX Saves.
Prone Movement reduced by 75%. 50% the round you stand up. Melee attacks
against you have Advantage. Ranged attacks are -2 to-hit.
Restrained See Grappled. Spend an action to make a STR or Dex Save (determined by
the Referee) to escape(negative modifiers may apply). You can move
normally after breaking free.
Stunned Your attacks and saves are made with disadvantage. Attacks against you
have advantage.
Unconscious Drop whatever you are holding. Auto-fail STR and DEX Saves. Attacks
against you have advantage and do x2 damage.
A newly created PC without any class These are some real goof-balls. They are
templates is expected to be reasonably really only suitable for a gonzo setting or a
competent in most areas but not specialized in one-shot game where being a Mimic or Really
any one direction -see the Base Adventurer Good Dog is not going to be an issue in your
table on page 14. Classes are just an extra set ongoing attempts to rent rooms in inns,
of tools to do things. Classes are significantly purchase basic supplies, and get involved
less important than What You Do Around The with local politics.
Table. Swordcaster is definitely an edge case and for
some games would definitely fall into the
Weird section.
Each class has 4 Templates (with a few
exceptions). Templates are gained Definitely talk with your Referee before
sequentially (A, then B, then C, then D). To choosing one of these classes.
multiclass, simply pick the lowest template
from another class. Ex. A level 4 character
could pick Fighter A, Wizard A, Thief A, and
Fighter B.
Multiclassing should make sense in the
fiction. Multiclassing for optimization or
mechanical reasons is strongly discouraged.
The game is not about the mechanics or
having the biggest numbers. Bigger numbers
will not save you.
What follows is a selection of class templates-
some adapted from other GLoGs, some created
specifically for my own game. Credit is noted.
These classes cover a wide range of play
styles, from the classic archetypes (Fighter,
Hunter, Thief), to the slightly bizarre but
utility-oriented (Dungeon Gourmand).
The basic rules for magic are located on page
38. the Base Wizard on page 40 is the
foundation upon which all wizard subtypes
are built.
A Classic Wizard on page 42 is the classic
archetype that any D&D player will be
familiar with.
• WITCH 56
AMAZON OF JORU sense of their movements, so if they are
moving their limbs, you can attack them
Starting Equipment: Razor Boomerang, light without penalty.
armor, spice pouch D: Amazon Cuisine. In their youth, amazons
A: Big Cat, Cat-Fang Boomerang, +1 CD, +1 HP of Joru are not allowed to pick up a weapon
until they have mastered the culinary skills of
B: Feline Reflexes, +1 CD, +1 HP their ancestors.
C: Nine Lives Gauntlet, Sight Beyond Sight, Amazons of Joru are adept at turning slain
+1 CD, +1 HP beasts into tasty meals. Monster rations
D: Amazon Cuisine, Boomerang Mastery, prepared by an Amazon restore an additional
+1 CD, +1 HP 1d4HP at Lunch.
You gain +1 HP and +1 CD (Cat Dice) for each D: Boomerang Mastery. When you throw a
Amazon of Joru template you possess. boomerang, it can hit any number of unique
targets before returning to your hand. All
targets must be within 50ft of you and have
clear lines between them. Make an attack roll
A: Big Cat. You begin play with a huge against each target in order. If the attack
fucking cat. Its exact species is hard to misses, all subsequent attacks also miss and
identify. Add a few visual quirks of your own the boomerang returns to your hand.
(ex. Strange color and/or markings, weird
ears, extra set of limbs). If it dies or leaves, it
is possible to befriend a new one. The process BIG CAT
requires petting a large number of very The exact nature of what a Big Cat is remains
dangerous animals. unknown. Scholars that ask too many
A: Cat-Fang Boomerang. This boomerang has questions have been known to lose their
a range of 50ft and does 1d6+STR damage heads to razor boomerangs.
before returning to your hand. People without Big Cats have the same HP, attack bonus, and
this ability can still throw boomerangs, but AC as their Amazon. For purposes of Saves,
the boomerang does not return and does not assume that their physical Abilities are 2
benefit from the STR bonus. higher than their Amazon’s, and their mental
The Cat-Fang can be wielded in melee combat Abilities are 2 lower.
like a dagger or hand axe. For every Amazon of Joru template you
B: Feline Reflexes. You have advantage on possess you gain +1 Cat Die (CD, also known
DEX saves vs attacks, as long as you can see as Meowgic Dice). They function in the same
the attack coming. If a success would ½ the way as Magic Dice. See Magic on page 48.
damage, you instead take no damage. Big Cat is a companion and ally, but definitely
Treat fall distance as half for determining has a mind of its own. It takes your action to
damage. give Big Cat an order. Thereafter it will act
autonomously until you give it a new order.
C: Nine Lives Gauntlet. Big Cat can morph
into a bracer/gauntlet. This bracer protects as Roll your Cat Dice to give it orders, with Big
a +1 magic shield. Requires a free hand (as a Cat gaining +[dice] bonus to the task and
mundane shield). It takes up no item slot. It doing [sum] damage or affecting [sum]
can morph back into a Big Cat only after you targets depending on the nature of the
get a Good Night’s Rest. command.
When wearing your claw shield and a For each Amazon of Joru template that you
physical ranged attack would hit you, make a possess there is a 1-in-6 chance Big Cat will do
DEX save. On a success you block the attack. something that benefits you between received
If the die result (before Ability Bonus is orders. (4-in-6 maximum.)
applied) is 18 or higher you deflect the shot Big Cat is neither stupid nor suicidal. If you
back on your attacker. No attack roll is ask it to do something because you clearly
required. You can do this once per encounter. want to avoid the risk yourself, you
C: Sight Beyond Sight. You can sense (but not automatically suffer a Big Cat Doom.
see) invisible creatures within 15ft. This lets CD that roll 1-3 return to your casting pool
you pinpoint their location. You also get a and can be used again that day. Dice that roll
4-6 are removed from your casting pool for stasis pods grown from the Pale Tree. Some
the day. You can use your abilities any very small populations survived in isolated
number of times per day provided you have areas via gene control, parthenogenesis, and
CD to invest. Your CD return if you get a good by shunning magic, which got pretty fucking
night's sleep. If you didn't sleep well, make a weird during the Time of Fire and Madness.
Wisdom save for each CD to have them return The descendants of those parthenogenic
to your pool anyway. micro-societies exist today as Amazons.
Big Cat grows from lynx to liger sized with The Amazons of Joru are sometimes called
each template that you possess. Once you Blue Amazons because of the color of their
obtain Template D, Big Cat is large enough to skin. It is smooth in one direction while rough
be ridden as a mount. Assuming they want in the other, like a shark’s.
you to ride them. Sometimes they definitely
won’t be in the mood. They hail from the lands around the Crater
Lakes, a system of lakes whose contours are
Rolling doubles on your CD creates a Big Cat perfectly hemispherical and are all connected
Mishap. by perfectly straight canals.
Rolling triples on your CD summons a Big Cat They reproduce by sleeping in the Womb of
Doom. Brana, a sort of primeval cave of fertility (as
they see it). It performs the exact same
If Big Cat drops below 0HP it dies. You suffer function as sex (genetic exchange, zygote
the Stunned condition for 1d6 rounds. implantation). The bizarre dreams caused by
the Womb of Brana are culturally significant.
BIG CAT MISHAPS Away from home Amazons drink black wine
1. CD return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24hrs and eat raw eggs. They sleep in trees,
2. Big Cat swats you for 1d6 damage. slumped in the branches with their giant cats.
3. Hack up a hair ball each round. You are
capable of no other actions. CON Save to end. The elders live in geodesic dome houses,
4. Big Cat Judged you. Lose 1 CD for 24 hours. tending the burgundy eggs that the younger
5. Suffer the Fatigue condition for 1d6 rounds. Amazons lay and raising the young.
6. Big Cat ignores you for 1d6 rounds. The origins of the relationship between
Amazons and Big Cats is shrouded in mystery.
DOOM OF THE BIG CAT Whether Big Cats are manufactured by the
same poorly understood arcana-tech that
1. Big Cat vanishes on Cat Business for 1 day. operates the Womb of Brana is unknown. The
2. Big Cat vanishes on Cat Business for 3 days. bond between Amazon and Big Cat seems to
3. Big Cat is called away permanently by the have a supernatural element. Then again,
King of Cats. maybe the Amazons are just really good cat
You cannot bond with a new feline until Big
Cat dies or you both ritually end your
relationship. This doom can be undone by NOTES ON THE AMAZON
entering the Feywild and petitioning the King
of Cats to release Big Cat from service. This is A classic ranger-with-beast-companion given
extremely dangerous as the King of Cats is a science-fantasy spin. Big Cat is a powerful
both fickle and cruel. You will likely be ally but there are lots of situations in RPGs
quested to aid Big Cat in whatever impossible where a giant menacing predator lurking
task they have been commanded to about is not ideal.
I tried to make the Nine Lives Gauntlet
interesting and useful enough that “stowing”
AMAZONS OF JORU the cat would create an interesting and
appealing tool for the PC. Thundercats, HO!
This fluff is 60% a mash-up of several posts
about amazons on & Traditionally Amazons in mythology are all
40% my own nonsense. women, but your game is your own and the
Amazon class can be whatever you would like
Very few people survived the Time of Fire and it to be for everyone to feel welcome at the
Madness. The Lava Dwarves endured by table.
barricading themselves deep within the
Improbability Forge. The elves by entering
BARBARIAN You cannot do this while raging, but you can
immediately enter a rage after eating the
Adapted from herbs. If reduced to 0 HP and an ally waves
the herbs under you nose, you can make a
Starting Equipment: heavy weapon, light CON Save to wake up with 1HP and do not
armor, beast mount. gain a Scar. You may play a theme tune (or a
leitmotif, if you're classy).
A: Rage, +2 HP
B: Danger Sense, Weird Herbs, +2 HP C: Feat of Strength. Once per combat as a free
action, you have advantage on STR saves for
C: Feat of Strength, Die Hard, +2 HP 1 round. Can also be used in combat
(advantage to-hit, +4 damage).
D: Tough, Extra Attack, +2 HP
You gain +2 HP for each Barbarian template C: Die Hard. Once per day when you are
you possess. You cannot wear heavy armor. reduced to 0 HP or below, you stay on your
feet with 1 HP. After [level] rounds you drop
to 0 HP until you can get a Good Night’s Rest.
Roll on the Scars Table.
A: Rage. You can choose to enter a rage at the
start of your turn, or in response to taking D: Tough. Reduce all incoming damage by 2
damage. While in a rage, you have +1 to point. You gain a +2 to Save vs mind-altering
attack, all your melee attacks inflict +2 spells and fear effects.
damage, and you are immune to pain and
fear. You might froth, or stare in battle-focus,
or merely let a facade drop and give in to NOTES ON THE BARBARIAN
your ancient urges, brutal warrior training, or
religious fanaticism. Fighters are all about damage output.
While raging, you cannot do anything Barbarians soak damage instead. They have
defensive, curative, or tactical with your high HP and the unique ability to heal in
allies. All you can do is attempt to kill things. combat.
Spellcasting is not impossible, but all your Barbarians don’t need to be half-naked fur
spells must be damaging spells, which deal +2 wearing brutes. If your game is set in a world
damage (if single target) or +1 damage (if modeled on 13th Century China, they might be
multiple targets). Mishaps and Dooms may be a Christian knight from France. Barbarians are
more severe. just outsiders. People from Foreign Parts; and
While raging, you cannot stop fighting until folks Around Here are laughably ignorant of
you kill, subdue, or drive off all enemies. If their culture.
one of your allies has injured you this fight,
they count as an enemy.
You can make a WIS save at the start of your
turn as a free action to end the Rage.
B: Danger Sense. If you are surprised, you
have a 3-in-6 chance to act on the surprise
round anyway. If you encounter a creature no
one in the group has seen before, you can
make an INT save to remember a weakness or
detail about them, provided the creature is
not unique.
B: Weird Herbs. You can consume a special
ration to regain 25% of your total HP. This
takes 1 round. One use costs 5gp and can be
purchased in any trading city. 3 "doses" fit in
a single inventory slot. You don’t share, and
your companions are in no hurry to sample
your weird herbs.
1 You searched the mountains for rare beasts. Start with fur robes worth 100 gp that you
wouldn't sell even if threatened with a horrible death. You killed the animal yourself. Feel
free to name and describe it.
2 Your appearance is so outlandish even educated and well-traveled people will stop to
stare at you. The difference might be minor to modern eyes. You gain a +2 bonus to
Charisma in situations where your novel appearance or dress might provoke interest
(court, seduction) and a -2 penalty to Charisma when it would cause fear or discomfort
(peasant gatherings, church services).
3 Your culture rewards death in battle against impossible odds. You must save vs Wisdom
to retreat from a fight. You may reroll a failed save vs fear if your immediate response is
to Rage and charge.
4 You know how to frighten the weak-willed and inexperienced. Start with a pot of war
paint. It takes you an entire round to enter a Rage and you must spend that round
chanting, dancing, or displaying your weapons. You can maintain this pre-battle rage-
chant for as many rounds as you need to without attacking. This may force your enemies
to make a morale check or save vs fear.
5 You are an expert night-raider and took many captives by the light of the overcast moon.
You can see as well in dim light above-ground as most people can see in daylight.
6 Your tribe's battle-rage is terrifying to behold. If you kill an enemy, you can spend the
subsequent round defiling the corpse, shouting, or holding your bloody weapon over your
head to force a Save vs fear or a morale check among your enemies (and potentially your
7 You came from a tribe of brawlers. You can throw any solid object to deal 1d6+Strength
bonus damage. Range 10ft. -1 penalty to attack for every additional 10ft.
8 You have fists of steel and callouses like iron plates. Your unarmed attacks deal
1d6+Strength bonus damage. You can also crush walnuts and skulls with your bare
9 You know a secret ritual to call the souls of your victims back into the living world. Once
per week, you can cast speak with dead, targeting a creature you personally killed. The
creature's head must be intact. If the creature really hates you and has sufficient
willpower, it can Save to return fully, becoming a ghost, an embodied undead, or
possessing someone nearby. You don't know this can happen.
10 You have hardened your soul. If a spell requires you to save, unless it is a save to dodge,
you gain a +2 bonus to your save. If you are aware the spell is being cast and do nothing
but prepare yourself, you gain a +4 bonus instead.
11 You are a natural leader, although you are not a noble in any way. Hirelings can reroll
failed saves vs fear or morale checks if they can see you.
12 Look at all these chickens you stole. Gain 1d6 chickens. If you roll a 6, gain 6x1d6x1d6
chickens instead. You do not gain any way to store, feed, or corral these chickens.
DRUID any knowledge they share will be from an
alien perspective that is hard for humanoids
Starting Equipment: obsidian spear or to make sense of.
dagger, pelts (as light armor), wooden mask D: Forest Walker. You gain the ability to leave
to conceal your human nature. You will not mystical messages on trees, rocks, ponds, or
wear metal armor.
any other natural unworked object. Only
A: Iron Guts, Animism others with the Forest Walker ability can read
these messages and you must communicate
B: The Blood with mental images rather than written
C: Old Tongue words or runes.
D: Forest Walker You also gain the ability to step inside a tree
to avoid starvation/thirst/extreme weather or
restore your health. It takes 1 day to regain 1
HP in this way as you draw water and
A: Iron Guts. You can eat almost anything and
suffer no ill effects. Rotten fruit, bugs, nutrients from the soil.
stinking meat, tree bark, grass and lichens. As When you enter a tree you may exit from
long as it’s not outright poisonous it will another tree as long as you have line of sight
function as a ration for you. to it from the ground.
A: Animism. You are attuned to the living Dryads have either the best or worst possible
spirits all around you in stoic rock, burbling response to you [50/50 odds] when making a
stream, and wolf’s red ripping mouth. They reaction roll.
whisper in your ear, a never quiet babble,
always vying for your attention.
You are sly and wily. When you acquire
template A you can make a WIS save to leave The druid is less like a magical Park Ranger
a false trail that pursuers will follow. You can and more like San from Princess Mononoke.
see 30ft in the dark as long as there is You don’t do “subtle”. You care as little as the
starlight (or equivalent). average opossum does about maintaining
With template B you can mimic any sound, some notional balance between Civilization
and recall any face. and the Wild. You act impulsively, and with
little thought for future consequences.
With Template C you can do the spooky head
thing like an owl. You effectively have 360 This is not a free pass to be a jerk at the table.
degree vision. You move in complete silence as We have real relationships to maintain with
long as you’re not touching the ground. the other people playing this game. Even our
friends have limited tolerance for our bullshit.
With template D you can slip free from any
bonds or confinement you are placed in 1/day. This class is an invitation for some over-the-
Does not work in containers without an exit top role-playing and generally goofy fun. Be
(sealed coffin, pocket dimension, etc.). open to the idea of the other PCs talking you
out of crazy stunts and holding you back at
B: The Blood. You have advantage on WIS the last second from doing impulsive things.
saves to track a wounded creature.
You have a toolkit of strange abilities that are
You can identify any creature that you have highly situational. You are a child of the
seen before by tasting it’s blood and estimate untamed wilderness and possessed by the
how old the blood is. cold spirit of Nature.
C: Old Tongue. You speak the secret language “Druids love natural spaces. It's even fair to
of rocks, trees, and animals. You have say that druids feed on them. They feed on the
advantage on reaction rolls when speaking to snow that falls on ancient pines. They feed on
an animal, copse of trees, mushroom colony, the weevils gnawing on roots. They feed on the
or mountain for the first time. These things hunger in a wolf's belly.
can answer questions you may ask assuming
they know what you are talking about, but Because these things are Natural they are
Good, for at least one definition of "Good".
1 Literally raised by wolves.
2 Stolen by forest goblins as a baby, a mischievous changeling left in your place.
3 Parents sold you to a swamp hag in exchange for ten years of good crops. When she died you
ritualistically consumed her heart. Then you burned your parent’s farm to the ground.
4 You were marked at birth by the caul which covered your head. Local druids raised you in
5 Born on the precipice between two worlds. You lived in as much fear of the townsfolk as the
monster they thought you would become.
6 Spiders taught you the secret history of the land, writing cryptic messages in their dew
dappled webs.
7 Wolves often watched you from a distance. One morning a wolf was found strangled at the
door of your cottage. Bloody footprints lead from your home to the edge of the forest. You
were never seen in the village again.
8 You disappeared into a fairy circle as a child and were raised in the Wilde by sprites.
9 Snatched up by a giant roc as a toddler. The bird raised you as it’s own rather than devour
10 Your mother was a witch who was married to a bear. This seems perfectly normal to you.
11 A dying ent took you on as an apprentice and taught you all it could in it’s final moments
(15yrs to you).
12 You drowned under the ice of a frozen river one year but somehow came back. Different.
13 You really should not have eaten the elk with seven glowing horns.
14 You are a beast, born into the flesh of men.
15 You are a polymorphic monster, masquerading as a druid to survive.
16 You accidentally inhaled some strange spores. Your thoughts are brighter than ever before.
Your priorities shift. New abilities appear, as strange and instinctive to use as a new finger,
grown overnight.
17 A tree was struck by lightning and slowly died. You fell off it fully formed.
18 A nature spirit is trapped, or in danger. It has been teaching you in your dreams, hoping you
will rescue it when you're strong enough.
19 You walked into the forest to gather firewood. What walked out was not you.
20 You are the first born of a family offered to spirits as a vessel. You are half-human and half-
spirit, only partially in tune with each world. Sometimes seen as a mediator between the two,
sometimes seen as a threat to both.
DUNGEON GOURMAND without a roll. All others must make a DEX
Save or destroy the valuable component.
Stewpot Familiar & Exotic Ingredients table
adapted from Chromatic Soup #1 C: Make Delicious.
R: Touch, T: creature, D: 1 Turn
Starting Equipment: chef’s tools (knives,
ladle, sieve, etc., 1 slot bundle), spices (0 slots, Target creature becomes delicious and
5 uses), pots & pans (2 slots). irresistible to those around them. The smell
radiates 20' in calm air, but can spread via
A: Foraging, Monster Chef wind or leave a trail. Pass a WIS Save or be
B: Seasoned Wok, Spices compelled to attack the target.
C: Magical Harvest, Make Delicious Intelligent creatures make the save with
advantage. Unintelligent creatures make the
D: Feast, Stewpot Familiar save with disadvantage.
You gain +1 save vs poison for every dungeon
gourmand template that you possess.
D: Feast. By combining exotic ingredients you
A: Foraging. It’s not all owlbear stew and can create a meal that has magical effects.
giant centipede tar-tar. Spend 1 Turn to find Requires a Lunch or Good Night’s Sleep to
enough edible plants, mushrooms, lichens, prepare. Feeds up to 8 people.
fruit, and roots to feed 1d4+4 people a single
meal. Save vs Wisdom if attempting to locate It takes an entire day of searching to locate an
a specific ingredient. exotic ingredient. You have a 2-in-6 chance of
locating a specific ingredient and a 5-in-6
A: Monster Chef. You’ve learned to prepare chance of finding a random exotic ingredient.
and preserve the flora and fauna of the Magical creatures count as exotic ingredients.
dungeon. Create an addition 1d6 rations from
any monsters that you butcher. Rations last You may combine a number of exotic
an additional day. ingredients equal to your level in a single
feast. Leftovers spoil after 24hrs.
Make an INT Save to determine the medicinal
and culinary qualities of unfamiliar D: Stewpot Familiar. Enough magical
ingredients, potions, and similar concoctions. material has been rendered, reduced, and
simmered in your favorite pot that it is alive
The INT Save also allows you to tell tell if a now. It’s only about as smart as the average
ingredient will be outright poisonous to eat. spell, but it will grow sly and cunning as it
Keeping a recipe book of these discoveries ages. If it has hands (3-in-6 chance) it will
negates the need for an INT Save in the hold a torch or lantern for you.
future, but only if the player keeps notes. The pot had an outrageous face worked into
its surface and it ambulates on stubby iron
legs. If it squats over flammable material
B: Seasoned Wok. Your assortment of pots, they bursts into flame, bringing the pot and
pans, and platters, function as armor its contents to cooking temperature in one
(leather). Increase this bonus by +1 for every minute. The pot will keep contents warm
additional Dungeon Gourmand template that indefinitely.
you possess. Does not stack with actual
armor. Though normally small enough to be carried
on your belt, the stewpot familiar can expand
B: Spices: You know which spices pair best to cook creatures of HD equal to your level. It
with which ingredients. Any rations or meals returns to its portable size when its greater
that you prepare with spices provide an capacity is no longer needed.
additional 1d6 HP.
In battle a pot familiar can spill its contents
on your enemies, inflicting 1d8 damage in a 5’
wide, 15’ long scalding yet delicious wave.
C: Magical Harvest. If a creature possesses DEX Save to dodge out of the way. If full, it
valuable parts (poison glands, spore sacks, can do this a number of times equal to your
etc.) you may harvest them for use or sale level.
It can also ram a target, inflicting 1d6 DUNGEON GOURMAND NOTES
damage. Apply your INT bonus to attack rolls.
Medium sized or small creatures must save vs Inspired chef, practical dungeoneer, or
Strength or be tipped into the pot. If empty deranged survivalist doom-prepper lunatic?
this I merely inconvenient. If full, the victim Who can say! Whatever the reasons, you are
takes 1d8 damage until dead or it can make a obsessed and inspired by the bounty of the
successful STR Save. Victims so boiled are untamed wilds and sunken otherworldly
rendered down into a delicious broth. dungeons.
It takes your action to give such a command You delve into dungeons to challenge yourself
and you roll to-hit using your INT bonus. and discover new and amazing flavor
experiences. You fight with clever and knife,
Stewpot familiars have armor as plate (AC16) billhook and orchard pole, the herb cutting
and twice as many HP as their Dungeon sickle. You have mastered the strangle chord
Gourmand. If a stewpot familiar is reduced to and for hunting small game, the sling.
0HP it explodes for 3d6 damage in a 10’
radius, DEX Save for half. If the gourmand Exploration and discover are a key motivation
survives, they must retire in shame for for this class but it is also a force-multiplier
allowing such harm to befall a priceless on any long journey into uncivilized parts.
cooking aid. They take the worst job in a Keeping the party fed and healed is what
tavern scullery where they are barked at monster gourmands do best.
constantly by a loud but talentless sous-chef
for the rest of their lives. You don’t have much in the way of combat
prowess, though your stewpot familiar does.
Just be careful not to imperil her too much.
EXOTIC INGREDIENTS TABLE Also be careful what you turn into broth
inside her. Eating intelligent humanoids,
Roll a D12 five times on the chart below to regardless of ancestry, is still cannibalism. 1-
create a random exotic ingredient. Making a in-6 chance of becoming a Ghoul (party
note of it in your recipe book means that you members) or Elder Ghoul (you).
have a 3-in-6 chance of finding when you
wish to add it to a feast.
Example roll: 3, 7, 2, 5, 12= Blue Skinned Bitter
Leaf that grants Visions.
1 Ashy Charred Angel’s Cap Antidote: free save vs poison
2 Black Feathered Bitter Ear Balm: rations work like healing potions,
restoring 50% HP
3 Blue Fringed Blight Funnel Cheer: raise CHA & CON by 1d6, lasts 1d6 Turns
4 Greater Mottled Choke Knuckle Cure: free save vs disease
5 Green Ridged Devil’s Leaf Enhances other effect*
6 Lesser Rippled Rot Moss Extends other effect**
7 Red Skinned Spice Root Focus: gain 3-in-6 chance to immediately
recover a spell when you cast it
8 Rough Slimed Stench Seed Poison: CON save for victim, 1d6 rounds
9 Slippery Spotted Toad Stem Resilience: gain +1d6 to all physical Saves (STR,
DEX, CON), 1d6 Turns
10 Sweet Striped Weeper’s Tooth Sensory Boost: lowlight vision, +4 Perception,
1d6 Turns
11 Yellow Tipped Witch Tongue Vigor: advantage on STR saves, +4 damage, 1d6
12 White Topped Wolf Wart Visions: see invisible, detect magic, identify
magic item 3-in-6
EIDOLON OF KOS With 3 Eidolon templates, you can cast
shatter. Your command ability can target all
Adapted from things, even inanimate objects. You could
command a tree to give you fruit or a grave
Starting Equipment: medium armor, sword. to give up a corpse.
You get +1 Alter Die (AD) per Eidolon When you use command or shatter, you
template. speak with the Authority’s voice. The words
A: +1 AD, No Voice, Edit Reality speak directly to the nature of matter. It
works on the deaf or in total vacuum.
B: +1 AD
C: +1 AD
D: The Shout. You channel the reality editing
D: +1 AD, The Shout
power of Kos. Your lips crack and bleed from
You gain +2 to Save against mind-altering the shockwave. You will be partially deaf for
effects (charm, sleep, fear, mind control) for 2 days afterwards. Each round, you deal 2d6
each Eidolon template you possess. sonic damage in a cone 20ft wide and 50ft
long. You take 1d6 damage. If you wish to end
If you know a creature’s true name, it has the Shout, make a WIS save at the start of
disadvantage on all saves. your turn. While shouting, you cannot move
or be moved. You can still fall. .
If you have gone at least a full day without
using an ability, your target gets -2 to their
save. A full week, a full month, a full year, a
full three years, and a full decade each give
the target a cumulative -2 to their save.
Eidolon Abilities
1. Command
If you have gone three or more days without
R: 50ft, T: person, D: [dice] hours
using an ability, you get a free +1 AD to spend
on an ability. You project a single-word command to your
target that erupts from your forehead as a
screech of archaic computer code. Target
A: No Voice. No Eidolon in service to Kos is creatures must make a WIS save or obey.
able to speak. Your voice is gone.
If the command lasts longer than 1 round, the
A: Edit Reality. You have spell-like abilities, target gets a new save at the start of each of
but they are not the same as a wizard’s spells. its turns. You can spend additional AD to
To use an ability, select the number of Alter increase the effects:
Dice (AD) you wish to invest, roll them, and
+1 AD: Affect +2 targets.
add the numbers together.
+2 AD: Increase the length of the command by
Most abilities depend on the number of [dice]
two words.
invested and the [sum] they show.
+3 AD: Increase the duration between checks
Dice that roll 1-3 return to your casting pool
by +2 rounds.
and can be used again that day. Dice that roll
4-6 are removed from your casting pool for
the day. You can use your abilities any
number of times per day provided you have 2. Ventriloquism
AD to invest. Your AD return if you get a good R: 50ft, T: creature or object that makes
night's sleep. If you didn't sleep well, make a noise, D: [sum] rounds
WIS save for each AD
Target creature or object speaks for you. You
to have them return to your pool anyway. could target a squeaky door hinge, but not a
stone wall or an iron ingot. The voice is
With 1 Eidolon template, you can cast clearly unnatural or strained. It’s the object
command. speaking, not you (your voice is gone).
With 2 Eidolon templates, you can cast
3. Shatter Eidolon are blessedly rare, thankfully aloof,
R: 50ft, T: creature or object, D: instant and extremely humble. Official Chin Doc
temple doctrine neither exalts nor condemns
Target takes [sum] force damage. If the target Eidolon (see Player’s Guide). It cannot work
is made of an inflexible material, such as out how Eidolon figure into the fabric of the
stone or glass, the target takes [sum]x2 Universe and thus prefers to ignore them.
damage. CON save for half damage. This
represents any command that deals direct Eidolon live outside of society. They pass
damage to the target (e.g. DIE, TEAR through the world like a stagehand
YOURSELF APART, etc.) wandering onto the set of a play.
+1 AD: Affect +2 targets. The damage is split They have no use for money, save as a tool to
as evenly as possible between both targets. help those in need. Give it away (for XP!),
throw it in the sea, or spend it to help the
poor and the oppressed. Eidolon are
programmed to seek Justice, love Kindness,
ON BEING AN EIDOLON and walk Humbly.
One does not choose to become a eidolon. There's no set point where a Eidolon will lose
They are given a second life by the artificial their powers for acting against Kos’ directives.
intelligence known as the Kos. Kos is a If they're in doubt, that's probably a warning
dispersed and ancient mind, an arcane sign. They cannot lose their faith in the Kos- it
algorithm that manages the autonomic would be like a mechanic losing faith in
nervous system of the Island -an aspect of gasoline.
and compeer to the Caretaker.
From time to time, Kos needs to make edits to NOTES ON THE EIDOLON
the Island. Over the centuries as the Island You might be an undead abomination. But
has deteriorated and the Caretaker’s death- you were created by the Right Hand of the
sleep deepens, this need has developed into a Island’s living corpse-god. So that can’t be a
moral directive. bad thing, right? Can it?
For large-scale brute force maintenance the You have no background table to roll on
dwarves of the Improbability Forge suffice. because you have no memory of your past
But what a dwarf brings in terms of self. This does not mean that people you meet
doggedness and technical skill they lack in will not remember you, assuming they knew
creativity or any talent for improvisation. you in your old life.
An eidolon is a consciousness that has been
reprogrammed, encoded into a freshly printed This class has a huge restriction. You can't
body, and deployed into the Ring. Kos is speak. This might not seem like a major
vaguely aware of all life on the Island and limitation, but in an RPG, especially one
when an individual dies a particularly violent based on exploration, communication, and
death they briefly stand out like a spark of planning, it can be a problem.
light in the darkness. If Kos is in need of an This class is also based on the clever use of
Eidolon it will harvest that soul before it can one spell - command. The Eidolon class is very
continue on its cycle of reincarnation. powerful. It can outright solve many OSR
Kos is not particularly creative. Whatever problems.
body an eidolon had in life it will receive a Command glass to melt. Command poison to
superficially identical one in their not-life flee. Command water to support your weight
serving Kos. Thus an eidolon might look like a or to drag a boat to the bottom of a lake. You
warrior in their prime, but is just as likely to are also a semi-decent fighter because you
look like a small child or old crone. start with a sword and chainmail armor.
There are only ever 13 Eidolon on the Island at A word of caution; a poorly phrased
a given time. No more. No less. command can have unexpected effects.
Eidolon are agents of Kos, but they rarely Commanding a dying man to LIVE, in the
have direct guidance. The plodding AI steers voice of the Kos, might cause more problems
their lives with subtle practice. than it solves.
FIGHTER C: Riposte. Once per round when you are
struck by an enemy, make an immediate
Starting Equipment: light armor, bow, 20 attack in return.
arrows, and a melee weapon of choice.
C: Savage Strike. Reroll damage of 3 or less
A: Campaigner, Notches, Extra Attack, +3 HP (not including your Ability Bonus, if any).
Use the better roll.
B: Parry, Savvy Fighter, +1 HP
C: Riposte, Savage Strike, +1 HP
D: Cleave, Girded Loins, +1 HP D: Cleave. When you reduce a creature to 0HP
with an attack, make another attack with the
You gain +3 HP with template A and +1 HP same weapon against a target within range of
with each additional fighter template. you. You can cleave a number of targets equal
to your level in a single round.
A: Campaigner. Armor occupies 2 fewer item
slots in your inventory. Example: medium D: Girded Loins. Once per combat, reduce the
armor occupies 2 slots instead of 4. damage from an attack made against you by
A: Notches. Each time you attain a total of
10, 20, 30, and 50 kills with a weapon type You have advantage to save vs fear. Hirelings
(such as 10 kills with a dagger), you unlock a get a +2 to morale and may reroll a failed
new ability for that weapon, chosen from the save vs fear.
list below. Keep track of your kills and special
abilities on the back of your character sheet.
The GM decides what counts as a kill.
• +1 Damage
Fighters are the base from which most other
• Expanded critical range (+1) Fantasy Adventure Game classes are built out
• Special ability (negotiated with GM, one per from or measured against. Violence is the
weapon). only real tool in your inventory, but you
wield it masterfully.
Examples: ability to draw the weapon from
any slot, wield a two-handed weapon in one Your Extra Attack, Savvy Fighter, Riposte,
hand, gain a bonus to use the weapon as a Savage Strike, Notches, and Cleave provide a
tool, etc. suit of abilities for dealing out massive
damage every round in combat.
For example, a Fighter with 50 flail kills (4
notches) could have +1 damage, a critical Campaigner lets you load up on heavy armor,
range of (18-20), and the ability to stun an while Parry, Girded Loins, and Shields Will Be
opponent for one round on a critical hit. Broken (page 10) make it difficult to land a
blow on you in the first place.
“Every adventurer can hold their own in a
B: Parry. Once per combat, force an opponent fight. Those who can’t are already dead. But
to reroll their attack against you. you have mastered the gruesome art of
combat. You are a professional and war is your
B: Savvy Fighter. You gain +2 on all Combat craft. You are always eager to learn new tricks
Maneuver rolls (page 11). and techniques.
On a critical success you may also make a Fighters are one of the most stable and
free attack against the target of your combat survivable classes. At Level 1, you have 2
maneuver or another enemy within range of attacks, +1 HP, and the ability to reduce
your weapon. incoming damage. That's pretty ridiculous.
You cannot move to use this free attack This is a trap. All the Fighter abilities are
against a nearby enemy, but if you have a designed to trick you into fighting. People who
dagger or hand-axe in a quick-draw item slot fight, die. Eventually your fighter is going to
you can use it to make a ranged attack pick their last fight.” -
against anyone in range.
1 You served in a mercenary company that was disbanded and scattered. Start with an
extra language and roll on the D100 Camp Followers table:
2 You served in a defeated warband. Replace your bow with a crossbow. Gain an
Interesting Scar.
Gain a +2 bonus to Charisma in situations where your scar might provoke interest
(barbarians, barber-surgeons) and a -2 penalty to Charisma when it would cause fear or
discomfort (peasant gatherings, church services). Start with an additional +1 HP.
3 You were forcibly conscripted by an unscrupulous lord. Your farm was seized in your
absence. You might idly dream of revenge.
4 You are the [d10+2]th son of a poor farmer. You needed to leave or risk starvation. If all
your older siblings die you can inherit the farm.
5 Your farm and village were burned during a war. Rather than rebuild, you moved to a
new area, but the only profession you can find, other than begging, is warfare. You start
with 1d6 rumors about the local area.
6 Your lord was good to you, and on his deathbed, elevated you to his household troops.
Unfortunately, he died and the new heir has no place for you. Start with +10 coin.
7 Years of practice with your bow have made you a deadly shot. Start with 10 extra
arrows, 2 spare bowstrings, and one entertaining trick shot (shooting a coin out of the
air, an apple off a tree, etc.)
8 You abandoned your family and land to seek wealth, glory, or a better position. Start
with 2 extra rations and a lingering sense of guilt.
9 You came from a distant settlement on the far side of The Ring. Make up 1d6 ludicrous
lies. People from Around Here distrust you.
10 You served well and fought bravely, but your service was not rewarded. You have gone
to seek your fortune elsewhere. You start with no money, but your amazing tales will
earn you friends.
11 Your skill with your weapon of choice brought you to the notice of your lord. Gain 1 coin
and an insufferable swagger.
12 You were free with your money and accumulated 1d4+1 camp followers. Roll on the D100
Camp Followers table at:
13 You are a professional outlaw, a brigand who raids villages and cuts down merchants on
the road. You care nothing for laws, wars, or causes, and roam where your will takes
you. You start with 10 extra arrows, 2 rations, and many enemies.
14 You lived on the edge of civilization. Six miles north was uncharted territory. You carried
a sword to go feed the chickens. Gain a +1 save vs fear and 1 extra ration.
15 You served in a victorious warband. Replace your bow with a crossbow. Gain 1 coin and 3
bottles of wine.
16 Your parents were new arrivals to a recently reclaimed area of the wilderness. They
wanted you to be able to defend yourself against the things skulking at the edge of their
farm. You start with 1d6 rumors about the local area.
17 You were a street rat or a wilderness child. Your life has been hard and brutal. Instead of
a bow, you start with a sling and 20 bullets.
18 You are the illegitimate child of a noble. Your noble parent has 1d4-1 older legitimate
children, 1d4-1 younger legitimate children, and 1d6-1 other bastards. Halve these
numbers if your father is young, dead, or there is a major disaster. There is a 20% chance
your parent has already acknowledged you. Otherwise, it will take a significant event
for him to admit your existence.
19 Your grandparents were barbarian mercenaries granted land in exchange for service. The
old traditions are still conducted in secret. You [1d4]: 1. Can fire arrows from horseback
accurately, 2. Gain the "Religion" skill, 3. Wield an unusual (but functionally identical)
sword, 4. Start with 1 camp follower.
20 You served in the militia of your Village. Your ambitions and desire for freedom lead you
into the wider world.
HUNTER Make an INT Save to tell if a new monster
will be outright poisonous to eat. You can also
Inspired by and make an educated guess about the extra effects of consuming magical creatures.
Starting Equipment: bow, 40 arrows, dagger, C: Monster Slayer. Once per day, you can
light armor. You cannot wear heavy armor. cause one of your physical attacks to deal +X
damage, where X is equal to the HD of the
A: Rangefinder, Wilderness Sense, +1 HP
highest level monster your party has ever
B: Crippling Shot, Quick Shot, +1 HP slain (you must keep track of this). If you
miss, this ability is not expended.
C: Traps, Monster Chef, Monster Slayer, +1 HP
D: Impossible Shot. Once per combat, you can
D: Impossible Shot, Vanish, +1 HP
make an impossible shot with a ranged
You gain +1 HP for each Hunter template that weapon. The attack automatically hits,
you possess. provided the target is within 2x the weapon’s
listed range. The attack can bounce around
corners, cut a coin in half, or part a single hair
A: Rangefinder. If you miss with a ranged on a target’s head.
attack, your next shot is made with D: Vanish. If you are in dense forest, hills,
advantage. caves, or other terrain with abundant line-of-
A: Wilderness Sense. Advantage on WIS sight blocking features, you can choose to
saves to forage, stalk, and navigate in vanish. While vanished you cannot affect the
wilderness areas. world or be affected by it. This ability is
limited by plausibility. You can reappear at
After the Referee gives you the omen (page 9) any time by climbing down a tree, walking
for an encounter, you can choose to follow the over a hill, emerging from a shrub, etc.
trail/clues. You have a 50% chance of
encountering the monster or its lair. There is a
50% chance the lair is empty. Lairs usually
contain treasure. NOTES ON THE HUNTER
B: Crippling Shot. If you hit an enemy with a Rangers are weird. Are they monster hunters?
ranged weapon, you can choose to deal 1 Survivalists with fierce animal companions?
damage instead of rolling. Their movement is Arcane warriors, or just another flavor of the
reduced by ½ until the end of your next turn Fighter? Fantasy Adventure games have never
and their next attack deals ½ damage. quite pinned this down and it shows in most
implementations of the class.
B: Quick Shot. If you do not move on your
turn you may make an additional attack with The Amazons of Joru give us a ranger with a
a ranged weapon. Your first attack must have magical animal companion. The Hunter is the
been made with the same weapon. wilderness expert/monster slayer.
If using a crossbow or other weapon requiring Wilderness Sense, Monster Hunter, and Vanish
1 or more rounds to reload, take only one provide a great amount of utility when in
shot, but ignore the reload time. wild lands -of which 90% of most fantasy
worlds consist.
C: Traps. You can craft and set traps. It takes
one Turn to craft a trap. Traps can be set You are fairly tough but you thrive on the
immediately or carried with you, (taking up 1 periphery of a fight where your many ranged
Inventory Slot). Enemies that walk into your abilities can be brought into play.
trap must make a DEX save with
disadvantage or suffer its effects. Crippling Shot has great utility as a means to
control the battlefield but, possibly more
C: Monster Chef. You’ve learned to prepare importantly, it is almost a free “We run away
and preserve monsters that you’ve hunted from the big scary monster!” skill.
before (you must keep track of this). Rations
created this way provide an additional 1d4 HP.
1 A hideous monster slaughtered your family. You lost its trail, but revenge still burns in
your heart. Gain a sword.
2 You served in a defeated warband. Replace your bow with a crossbow. Gain an
Interesting Scar.
You gain a +2 bonus to Charisma in situations where your scar might provoke interest
(barbarians, barber-surgeons) and a -2 penalty to Charisma when it would cause fear or
discomfort (peasant gatherings, church services). Start with +1 HP.
3 You hunt the most dangerous game... man. Or your own race. Gain +1 critical range for
attacks that target your own race. (19-20)
4 You hunt the most dangerous game... owlbears. Gain an owlbear talon dagger worth 5
5 You play the most dangerous game... chess. Gain a chessboard with wood pieces worth
6 During a raid, you shot a noble in the eye. Partially blinded, they have vowed revenge.
Gain 5 gp and a powerful enemy.
7 You hunt ghosts. Gain 20 salt-tipped arrows, 1 flask of holy water, advantage on INT
saves dealing with religious practices and history, and pure white hair.
8 You hunt unnatural creatures of the night. Gain 10 silver-tipped arrows, advantage on
INT saves dealing with cult organizations and occult knowledge, and a tragic backstory.
9 You trained your body to resist snakebites. You are immune to most venom, though it
still hurts.
10 You have a charm made from a wizard’s skull. Gain a random cantrip from a random
wizard school and advantage on INT saves regarding knowledge of the local
11 You robbed from the rich and gave to the poor, sometimes on purpose. You have a
reputation in a nearby city or town.
12 Look at all these chickens you stole. Gain 1d6 chickens. If 6, gain 6x1d6x1d6 chickens
instead. Do not gain any way to store, feed, or corral these chickens.
13 You cut a dashing figure. Gain a cap, cloak, and boots of a color of your choice.
14 Your farm was constantly under threat from beasts from the woods. Gain a wolf pelt
cloak worth 10 gp.
15 You served in a victorious warband. Replace your bow with a crossbow. Gain 5gp and 3
bottles of wine.
16 You tracked another PC. Make up 1d6 rumors about them. Players vote if the rumor is
true or false. Gain +2 to saves involving spy-craft or espionage.
17 You prefer finishing off your quarry up close. Gain a heavy weapon.
18 You kept herds of goats in the hills. You really, really hate goats. Gain 50’ of rope.
19 You know the medicinal value of herbs, lichens, and fungi. Gain the “herbology” skill
(recover +1d4 HP from Lunch w/proper herbs. Does not stack with Monster Chef). Gain 1
bag of questionable mushrooms.
20 You poached with the aid of well-trained dogs. Only one managed to escape with you.
Gain a small but vicious dog.
SKIRMISHER from something that is restraining you and
that can plausibly be escaped from.
Starting Equipment: bow, 20 arrows, spear, This includes grapples, lynchings, and
shield, 50’ of rope. You cannot wear heavy awkward situations, but not sealed coffins.
D: Reflect. Once per encounter you can reduce
A: Move Like Water, Tricky, Extra Attack, the damage of a physical ranged attack by
+1 HP
1d6, +1 for each Skirmisher template that you
B: Evasion, Opportunist, +1 HP possess. No roll is necessary.
C: Acrobatics, Lucky, +1 HP If this reduces the damage to 0, a target of
your choosing is hit by the attack instead.
D: Great Escape, Reflect, +1 HP
Gain +1HP and +1 to Move Silently & Unseen NOTES ON THE SKIRMISHER
for each Skirmisher template that you
possess. Where a Fighter is a straightforward
professional, the Skirmisher is a flashy
showboater. Speed is your best armor and
A: Move Like Water. While unarmored, add Evasion, Lucky, and Reflect represent this.
both your CHA and your DEX bonus to AC. Tricky and Opportunist encourage creative use
of combat maneuvers and setting up combo
A: Tricky. You gain +2 on all Combat attacks with party members.
Maneuver rolls (page 11).
It still has all the eventually fatal drawbacks
On a critical hit you may also make a free of the core class.
attack against the target of your combat
maneuver or another enemy within range of The Skirmisher is akin to a Mad Martigan,
your weapon. Xena: Warrior Princess, Brad Pitt’s Achilles, or
Oberyn Martell.
If you did not move this round, or split
movement, you may make a full move to
engage a second target. Reducing them to
0HP activates this ability again.
You may engage 1 foe with this ability for
each Skirmisher templates that you possess.
1 You served in a mercenary company that was disbanded and scattered. Start with an
extra language and roll on the D100 Camp Followers table:
2 You served in a defeated warband. Replace your bow with a crossbow. Gain an
Interesting Scar.
Gain a +2 bonus to Charisma in situations where your scar might provoke interest
(barbarians, barber-surgeons) and a -2 penalty to Charisma when it would cause fear or
discomfort (peasant gatherings, church services). Start with an additional +1 HP.
3 You were forcibly conscripted by an unscrupulous lord. Your farm was seized in your
absence. You might idly dream of revenge.
4 You are the [d10+2]th son of a poor farmer. You needed to leave or risk starvation. If all
your older siblings die you can inherit the farm.
5 Your farm and village were burned during a war. Rather than rebuild, you moved to a
new area, but the only profession you can find, other than begging, is warfare. You start
with 1d6 rumors about the local area.
6 Your lord was good to you, and on his deathbed, elevated you to his household troops.
Unfortunately, he died and the new heir has no place for you. Start with +10 coin.
7 Years of practice with your bow have made you a deadly shot. Start with 10 extra
arrows, 2 spare bowstrings, and one entertaining trick shot (shooting a coin out of the
air, an apple off a tree, etc.)
8 You abandoned your family and land to seek wealth, glory, or a better position. Start
with 2 extra rations and a lingering sense of guilt.
9 You came from a distant settlement on the far side of The Ring. Make up 1d6 ludicrous
lies. People from Around Here distrust you.
10 You served well and fought bravely, but your service was not rewarded. You have gone
to seek your fortune elsewhere. You start with no money, but your amazing tales will
earn you friends.
11 Your skill with your weapon of choice brought you to the notice of your lord. Gain 1 coin
and an insufferable swagger.
12 You were free with your money and accumulated 1d4+1 camp followers. Roll on the D100
Camp Followers table at:
13 You are a professional outlaw, a brigand who raids villages and cuts down merchants on
the road. You care nothing for laws, wars, or causes, and roam where your will takes
you. You start with 10 extra arrows, 2 rations, and many enemies.
14 You lived on the edge of civilization. Six miles north was uncharted territory. You carried
a sword to go feed the chickens. Gain a +1 save vs fear and 1 extra ration.
15 You served in a victorious warband. Replace your bow with a crossbow. Gain 1 coin and 3
bottles of wine.
16 Your parents were new arrivals to a recently reclaimed area of the wilderness. They
wanted you to be able to defend yourself against the things skulking at the edge of their
farm. You start with 1d6 rumors about the local area.
17 You were a street rat or a wilderness child. Your life has been hard and brutal. Instead of
a bow, you start with a sling and 20 bullets.
18 You are the illegitimate child of a noble. Your noble parent has 1d4-1 older legitimate
children, 1d4-1 younger legitimate children, and 1d6-1 other bastards. Halve these
numbers if your father is young, dead, or there is a major disaster. There is a 20% chance
your parent has already acknowledged you. Otherwise, it will take a significant event
for him to admit your existence.
19 Your grandparents were barbarian mercenaries granted land in exchange for service. The
old traditions are still conducted in secret. You [1d4]: 1. Can fire arrows from horseback
accurately, 2. Gain the "Religion" skill, 3. Wield an unusual (but functionally identical)
sword, 4. Start with 1 camp follower.
20 You served in the militia of your Village. Your ambitions and desire for freedom lead you
into the wider world.
THIEF 1 You can move an extra 15’
per round (45’ total). You
Adapted from can jump 20’ instead of 10’. Acrobat Treat your falls as 20’
shorter. You can easily
Starting Equipment: light armor, files, lock- maintain your balance on a
picks, dagger. You cannot wear heavy armor. taut rope.
A: Always Prepared, Rumors, Wall Crawler 2 Even when you have been
Always disarmed, you still have a
B: Pick 1 Thief Ability, Roll 1 Thief Ability Armed dagger hidden on you.
C: Pick 1 Thief Ability, Roll 1 Thief Ability
3 Whenever you have a
D: Pick 1 Thief Ability Roll 1 Thief Ability situational bonus to an
Backstab Attack roll (surprise,
You have advantage on DEX saves made to elevation, etc.) attacks
move silently and unseen, but only when you that hit deal an additional
are alone or working with other Thieves. +1d6 damage.
A: Always Prepared. In town, you may spend 4 With a small amount of
Cat’s Eyes light (moonlight, candle)
20 gold pieces (or items of equivalent value) you can see 30’ in
to buy an Unlabelled Package. When the darkness.
package is unwrapped in play, you declare
5 Camouflage Cover grants you an extra
what it contains, as long as the contents +1 AC.
comprise the appropriate number of Item
Slots and are available in town. Small items 6 You start with a dog. Dogs
that can be bundled together (ex. 3 oil flasks) you train can DEX save for
stealth with advantage,
will be of a quantity sufficient to fill the Item communicate to you if an
Slot. You can have up to two Unlabelled Dog
Whisperer area is obviously
Packages at a time. dangerous, and track a
week-old trail by scent
A: Rumors. When entering a steading for the without fail (barring
first time, or returning from an adventure, magical concealment).
you may learn one rumor automatically 7 Gain +4 on DEX saves to
without making a Save vs Charisma. Delicate
Tasks disable traps and pick
A: Wall Crawler. Wall Crawler is a permission
slip to get almost anywhere you like. You 8 1/day, you can
climb just as well without climbing gear as automatically escape from
with it. If a climb is possible using gear, you something that is
restraining you and that
don’t need to roll, even if you’re free- Great you could plausibly escape
climbing. If a climb would be impossible you Escape from. This includes
can make a skill check to attempt it anyway. grapples, lynchings, pit
traps, and awkward social
NOTES ON THE THIEF situations, but not sealed
Thieves are the ultimate “Adventurer” class. 9 Lucky 1/day reroll a D20.
They are all about options in the form of 10 Gain an additional 3 Item
tools, equipment, and skills. I think they are Pack Rat
one of the best classes for new players.
Thieves should be as simple as possible;
encourage shenanigans; and have room for
variation in case multiple new players pick
this class.
The Thief abilities are invented or collected
from various other thieves and thief-like
classes. Every thief gets a unique combination
of them, depending on what they pick and
what they roll.
11 Quick Gain an additional 3 Quick 1 You were part of a wild band of
Draw Draw Slots. mercenaries, dispersed by the actions of a
12 You have advantage on DEX noble lord and his army. Start with a bow
saves to pickpocket people. and 20 arrows.
Quick You can steal things directly 2 You were a sapper and a tunnel rat, but
Fingers out of someone’s hands with gave up that dangerous profession for life
a regular (no advantage) outside the law. Start with a shovel and
DEX save. absolutely no fear of enclosed spaces.
13 You start with a crow. It can 3 Your lord forced you into a life of unjust
make and play auditory service, either on his estate or in a War.
Recorder recordings. It responds to You were eventually able to escape. You
Crow Record, Stop Recording, Play, start with 3 extra rations and a hatred for
Pause, Rewind, and Fast the nobility.
Forward. Max storage: 1
hour. It’s very smart. 4 You lived in the high wilderness, robbing
anyone who passed into your territory.
14 When you trigger a trap you Start with a bow, 20 arrows, and a deep-
hear a “click”. Save vs INT. seated fear of druids.
Second Success means you did not
Chance trigger the trap and you 5 You sold false relics, fake indulgences,
know exactly what would counterfeit herbs, broken magic items, or
have happened if you did. other trinkets of dubious value. Start
with 3 trinkets worth 1gp each (to the
15 Square Lunch heals you to full HP credulous) or nothing (to the wary and
Meal provided you pair it with skeptical).
6 You were born and raised in a soldier's
16 When disarming traps, camp and have never known another life.
Salvage picking locks, or other simple You fear neither the law nor the gods.
mechanism you can recover Start with 3 full wineskins and absolutely
the parts for later use. shocking language.
17 A street rat demands to 7 You specialized in ambushing merchants
learn. They’re a very sneaky and their caravans. Start with a red silk
hireling that doesn’t ask for cloak, a fur hat, and +5gp.
pay. If you lose your urchin,
you can recruit another 8 You were a street rat or a wilderness
Urchin child. Your life has been hard and brutal.
wherever urchins are
plentiful, but it will be You start with a sling and 20 bullets.
difficult if you have a 9 You are the [d10+4]th child of a poor
reputation for getting them farmer. You needed to leave or risk
killed. starvation. Expect terrible letters from
18 Requires Lucky. You may use home. If all your older siblings die you
your Lucky ability twice per can inherit the farm.
day. An adjacent ally can 10 Your band focused on the highest-value
Very use one of your rerolls, knights and their treasure. Start with
Lucky provided you could have +1gp and intimate knowledge of how to
plausibly assisted them. get a dagger through plate armor. If you
are ever caught by a certain lord and his
vassals, you will die a truly horrific
19 Gain +4 on rolls to Find death.
Watchful Hidden Things. You can’t be
snuck past. 11 You believe you are cursed. One year,
your crops withered, your friends turned
20 Wizardly By tasting an object you can against you, your cattle melted, and your
Initiate determine if it is magical or house burned down. You were expelled
not. from your village. Start with the ability
to sense magic (as a wizard).
12 Look at all these chickens you stole. Gain
Duplicate rolls: select the next highest result. 1d6 chickens. If 6, gain 6x1d6x1d6
Take the next lowest if you already have that chickens instead. Do not gain any way to
skill as well. If you have both -work it out with store, feed, or corral these chickens.
your Referee.
MAGIC and infuses Creation with an extra boost of
raw magic. Your MD return if you get a good
Spells are creatures. Angels, demons, spells, night's sleep. If you didn't sleep well, you can
enchantments, spirits, ghosts, and souls are Save vs INT for each MD to have them return
all more or less the same. Spells range in to your pool anyway.
intelligence from pond scum to ferrets, but It takes 1hr to move any number of spells
they grow and mature just like any living between your brain and your spellbook, a
thing. An ancient mage's spells are often as scroll, or a wand.
crafty and subtle as their caster, though a
spell's mind and goals are still alien.
Spells are unique. They have personalities. If
you wish to be able to cast magic missile Spellbooks, scrolls, wands and staves are
more than once per encounter you must find, similar to a PCs Item Slot in that they
capture, and train two spells capable of represent the totality of a wizard’s
becoming magic missile. accumulated magical inventory.
A wizard's spellbook is like a gilded prison or Spell Slots are the wizard equivalent of
a menagerie. Spells are locked inside, ready to quick-draw slots. They are the spells a wizard
be taken out and loaded into the wizard's has on deck in their mind, ready to go at a
brain. A well-trained brain is a mind-gun, moment’s notice.
loaded each morning with spell-bullets. Minor Spells cast from a wizard’s mind can be
spells, called cantrips, infest the wizard's soul recovered at the end of an encounter and cast
and bind to it. You can imagine them as extra, again that day as long as the wizard still has
mutated limbs, except stuck to the soul and MD. It takes 1 hour of crooning and yodeling
not the body. Spells can be bred and trained. to coax the spells back into the wizard’s head.
Wizards train in self-delusion, meditation, This can be done in conjuncture with Lunch.
and other esoteric techniques to modify their Spells cast from a spellbook or scroll can be
own minds to make them more cast only once per day until the spell returns
accommodating to spells, and to tap into the at dawn as described in Spellcasting.
raw magic that suffuses the world. A wizard's
mind is a dangerous place. SPELLBOOKS
A Wizard’s Sanctum (page 41) is critical for A spellbook contains 10 spell slots and
creating magic items. occupies 1 Item Slot.
A solid volume, with thick vellum pages and a
SPELLCASTING sturdy cover. Runes and symbols trap spells
To cast a spell, select the number of Magic inside cages of crystallized thought. Some
Dice (MD) you wish to invest, roll them, and spells must be stored across several pages for
add the numbers together. MD are d6s. As a safety, so the books contain more than 10
wizard, you get 1 MD per Wizard template. pages, and have plenty of room for notes,
Most spells depend on the number of [dice] ledgers, and sketches. Spellbooks start in a
invested and the [sum] they show. If you roll waterproof, acid- and fire-resistant bag.
doubles you suffer a Mishap. If you roll Outside the bag, they are not waterproof.
triples you suffer a Doom. They are flammable. And they are also
valuable -even an empty book is worth 1000
Dice that roll 1-3 return to your casting pool gp, +500-1,000 gp per spell it may contain.
and can be used again that day. Dice that roll
4-6 are removed from your casting pool for
the day. SCROLLS
Your spells return at sunrise to the last A scroll is effectively a page from a spellbook
location they were imprisoned, when the with some extra magic built in. It contain a
octarine light of the sun touches the world single spell. Three scrolls fit in one Item Slot.
If you cast a spell from a scroll it burns and MD stored in the wand.
you add +1 MD to your roll. Roll different
colored dice to keep them sorted. This MD is What makes wands unique is their spell(s)
automatically consumed and does not return remains anchored to them until all MD is used
to your pool. You can generate Mishaps and -instead of being lost until the next dawn-
Dooms while using a scroll. providing multiple uses of the spell(s).
When used, scrolls are consumed by magical You burn a wand’s MD when you cast a spell
fire and the spell returns to the spellbook from it, regardless of what you roll. It is lost
from which it originated. forever. A caster must go through the process
of transferring MD to the wand all over again.
Using a wand can generate Mishaps & Dooms.
MD stored in a wand can be combined with a
The Big Hats and fancy robes are not just wizard’s innate MD. Roll different colored dice
fashion statements. Magic Robes provide +1 to keep them sorted. Be wary of rolling too
MD to a wizard’s casting pool. Once used, the many MD at once! Quadruples, quintuples,
MD returns to the robes the next day at sextuples, etc. count as stacking Mishaps in
sunrise. addition to any Doom a PC might roll.
Anyone can wear magic robes in leu of armor, At least 1 MD used to cast a wand’s spell must
even the +0 INT Fighter, though they still can’t come from the wand itself.
cast a spell since they have none memorized
(that requires spell slots). They could cast
from a scroll, wand, or stave though. IDENTIFYING MAGIC
Obtaining the materials necessary for Wizards can sense magic in the air. By tasting,
creating magic garments almost always smelling, rubbing, or closely inspecting an
involves a quest to a mist shrouded forest or a item, you can tell if it is magical. You may
dismal swamp where you will undoubtedly need to test the item in game to determine
do battle with a giant sentient spider or make what type of magic it holds. An INT save may
promises you cannot keep to an ancient hag. reveal additional information after such.
BASE WIZARD sides have acted. If you take any damage
during the round Save vs Constitution. If you
fail the save you fumble the spell and it is lost
The Base Wizard is applied to all wizard sub- for the day.
classes (classic, necromancer, etc.).
B: Flame Proof. You can cast from scrolls in a
Starting Equipment: spellbook, ink, quill. way that does not burn the scroll. You do not
Some sub-classes may give additional items. gain the bonus MD that burning a scroll
You can wear light armor but would probably generates. The spell returns to the scroll the
prefer magic robes? next day. If you do burn the scroll for the
A: +1 MD, +1 Spell Slot, +2 Spells (1d6), extra +1MD it returns the next day to the
Spellcasting spellbook from which it was copied.
B: +1 MD, +1 Spell Slot, +1 Spell (1d8), Book
Casting, Flame Proof C: Friendly Spell. Apply a random effect from
C: +1 MD, +1 Spell Slot, +1 Spell (1d10), the Friendly Spell Mutation to a spell you
Friendly Spell frequently cast.
D: +1 MD, +1 Spell Slot, Master of Magic, Mutating other spells you already know is
Spell Creation possible with 4 templates from your wizard
sub-class and access to a wizard’s sanctum.
You gain +1 Magic Die (MD) and +1 Spell Slot Use spell research on the Magic Crafting
for each Wizard template you possess, to a table to determine the time and cost of
maximum of 4 each (templates & MD). additional mutations.
When you first gain a Wizard template, you The time and cost of spell research doubles,
cannot multiclass into other wizard classes, triples, etc. for each additional mutation
though you may gain templates from beyond the first that a wizard attempts to
Adventurer classes. apply to a spell.
When you select Template A, roll 1d6 twice
and gain the spells listed. Template B, roll
1d8. Template C, roll 1d10. Template D, choose D: Master of Magic. Learn any 5 spells from
6 spells from the list. If a duplicate spell is your spell list.
rolled, select the spell above or below it on With the proper materials, time, and a
the list. wizard’s sanctum you can now create magic
As you level, you will gain spells from your items.
class’s spell list. You still can learn and cast D: Spell Creation. Invent a new spell, or
spells from outside your school, but until you adapt one from the D100 Spells table (page
cast them 5 times in-play, MD spent on them 90). Consider this spell an ongoing project
only return on a 1, rather than a 1-3. between you and the Referee. You may tweak
and fine-tune it’s effects through play.
A: Spellcasting. You gain the ability to stalk, The process takes 1 month of uninterrupted
capture, and train living spells. See page 38 work. When completed, make a Save vs
for details on how spellcasting works. Intelligence with a -5 modifier or suffer 1d3
simultaneous Mishaps.
Minor spells unique to your sub-class, called
cantrips, infest your soul and bind to it. Gain a +1 bonus to your save for:
a) every 150 gp spent on reagents, inks,
All of your MD return if you get a Good magical artifacts, incense, etc.
Night's Rest (page 12). If you didn't sleep well,
make a WIS save for each MD to have them b) each ritual preparation described to the
Referee (max bonus of +2).
return to your pool anyway.
c) each 100 sq. ft. of Wizard’s Sanctum you
have to work with.*
B: Book Casting. You can cast directly from *Make your save with disadvantage if
your spellbook without loading the spell into attempting to create a new spell without
your brain first. You must declare you are access to a proper sanctum.
casting a spell from a book before initiatives
are rolled for the round.
You automatically go last in a fight, after all
Item Time Cost
A Wizard’s Sanctum is part laboratory, part
library, and vital in the conduct of wizardly Arcanum 1d6 days 50gp/day +
business -creating magic scrolls, weaving 25gp per MD
magic robes, conducting arcane research,
studying the heavens, and scrying on their Robes 1d6 Days 100gp/day
Scroll (blank) 1 day 100gp
The sanctums of wizard-artificers, where they
create small arcanum, are more pragmatic,
resembling a hybrid watchmaker/blacksmith’s Scroll 1d6 Days 50gp/day
Spellbook 2d6 Days 1,000gp
In order to create the most modest magic item (create blank)
(ex: a scroll with 1 spell and 1MD) a sanctum
of 100 sq. ft. worth 750 gp is required. To Spellbook (copy 1d6 Weeks/ 150gp/spell
create a new spellbook (10 spell slots) existing) spell
requires 1,000 sq. ft. worth 7,500 gp.
A scribe must be hired full-time to maintain Spell Research 1d6 Weeks 150gp/week
the sanctum. Without a scribe the sanctum
loses 1d6 x100 gp per month in value due to
lost or destroyed resources. FRIENDLY SPELL MUTATION
A scribe costs 50 gp per month and requires
1D10 Mutation Description
an additional 100 sq. ft. of living space. 1 Area of Increase AoE or number of
Effect creatures affected by 50%
To conduct research or create a magic item the Duration Increase duration by 50%
wizard makes an INT Save. If successful the 2
sanctum loses 1d6x100 gp due to supplies
used. If failed, wasted supplies and accidents 3 Effect The spell does +1d6
reduce the value of the sanctum by 2d6 x100 damage or is harder to
gp. resist, -2 to saves.
With a critical success the sanctum loses no 4 Elongate If successful, a weaker
resources. On a critical failure a terrible copy of the spell bounces
mishap consumes 4d6 x100 gp of the to a new target. Apply a
sanctum’s value, the project being worked on cumulative -1d6 dam./+2
is destroyed, and the wizard suffers 1d3 to target’s save, per
simultaneous Mishaps from their sub-class. bounce. Continued to
bounce with diminishing
These costs are in addition to those listed on effect until resisted or the
the Magic Crafting Table. spell fizzles.
Attempting any of the above without a 5 Facile You can cast the spell as a
proper sanctum is not impossible, but a free action.
wizard triples their costs, the time required,
and make all INT Saves with disadvantage. 6 Graceful You have more control
over your spell. Ex.; you
The time and cost reflect the fickle nature of can create gaps in your
working with sentient spells, and the special fireball.
materials needed to create the binding wards 7 Hard Targets get -4 to their
necessary to contain them. A wizard can save.
reduce the time (and thus cost) by one day/ New Flavor The spell changes
week for every +2 Bonus in Intelligence they 8
elements or orientations.
possess. Crafting takes a minimum of 1 day or Fireball becomes
week to complete. lightning-ball, charm
person becomes provoke,
Sanctums discovered in dungeon ruins etc.
or taken by force, and somehow transported, 9 Range Increase range by 50%
add 1d100% of their value to that of the
looter’s sanctum due to duplication, difference 10 Recyclable 50% chance of spell
in methods between wizards, etc. immediately returning to
your brain for reuse.
R: 50ft, T: [dice] objects, D: 0
Starting Equipment: red sash, large brimmed Object is opened. Doors are flung wide, locks
straw or felt hat. are broken, shackles are bent open, belts
When a monk-candidate of the Cosmic Lotus come undone. Treat this as a Strength check
Unfolding Eternally Shrine lacks the serenity made with Str 10 + [dice]x4. If target is an
to contemplate Eternity, but shows an armored creature, Save or armor falls off. If
aptitude for manipulating the building blocks target is an unarmored creature, Save or
of Creation they are packed off to the Temple vomit for 1d4 rounds.
of Virtuous Chaos.
When they aren't drinking, knife-fighting, 3. Grease.
fornicating, and skipping class, they learned a R: 50ft, T: object, surface, D: [dice]x2 rounds
small fraction of the Secret History of
Creation. Can be cast directly on a creature or a 10' x 10'
x [dice] surface. All creatures affected must
Wizard training does not come without a cost. Save vs Dex or drop held objects, or, if
When they obtain the right to wear the red moving, drop prone.
sash and are sent out into the world they are
expected to give back to the Temple.
Generously. 4. Force Field.
R: 10ft, T: plane or sphere, D: concentration
A Red Wizard (because of the sash, obv) up to [dice] Turns
spends as much time dodging their financial
obligations and building a sanctum in secret Creates a shimmering force field, 10‘x10',
as they do adventuring. centered up to 10' away. Alternatively, create
a sphere centered on the caster 5' in diameter
(large enough for the caster and +1 person).
CANTRIPS The force field has [sum] HP. All attacks
against it hit.
1. Change the color or texture of an object
smaller than a horse for 10 minutes.
2. Create a tiny light as bright as a match on 5. Levitate.
a fingertip. R: 50ft, T: creature object, D: concentration
3. Move a light object with a wave of your You will an object to raise, lower, or hover.
finger. You could cause a coin to roll along the You cannot move the object horizontally, and
ground or turn the pages of a book. you cannot move it more than 10' per turn.
Maximum weight is [dice]x500 lbs. Lasts as
long as you concentrate, but you take 1d6
psychic damage per round after [dice]x3
Typical Spell Format:
Name. R: (range), T: (# of targets), D: (duration) 6. Magic Missile.
R: 200ft, T: up to [dice]creatures, D: 0
1. Lock. Target takes [sum] + [dice] damage, no Save.
R: 50ft, T: [dice] creatures or objects, D: 1 Turn As an Orthodox Wizard, your spell is unique
Non-living object closes and becomes locked. to you and can be any shape, color, and
If the object is a door, chest, or similar object, pattern your describe.
it will slam shut, dealing [sum] damage to
any creature passing through it and then 7. Feather Fall.
trapping them. R: 10ft, T: [dice] creatures or objects, D: 0
This spell works on things that aren't If you would take fall damage, you can cast
technically portals (lock a sword in its this spell as a reaction to negate it. You float
scabbard, etc.). Requires Str 10+[dice]x4 to gently to the ground (possibly alarmingly
open. Alternatively, this spell can be cast on a late).
creature's orifice. The creature gets a Save to
resist, and another Save at the end of each of
its turns.
R: 50ft, T: [sum] HD of creatures D: 1 Turn /
11. Prismatic Ray.
Target falls into a magical slumber, and can't R: 200ft, T: [dice] creatures or objects, D: 0
be awoken by anything less vigorous than a Target suffers a different effect depending on
slap. Save negates. Non-alert, unaware which color strikes the target. Roll 1d10:
targets do not get a Save. If [sum] is at least 4
times the creature's HD, the duration becomes 1. Red. Target takes [sum] fire damage, Save
permanent (until slapped) and creature no for half.
longer needs to eat or drink while sleeping. 2. Orange. Target takes [sum] bludgeoning
If you also invested 3 [dice] or more into this damage and is knocked prone. Save negates.
spell, the duration becomes permanent, and 3. Yellow. Target takes [sum] lightning
you can set the only condition that will cause damage, Save for half.
the creature to awake (the sunrise before the 4. Green. Target takes [sum] acid damage,
apocalypse, true love's kiss, etc.) Save for half.
5. Blue. Target takes [sum] ice damage, Save
9. Light. for half.
R: touch, T: object or creature, D: [dice]x2 6. Purple. Target takes [sum] necrotic damage
hours. and is blinded for [sum] rounds. Save negates.
Object illuminates as a torch, with a radius of 7, 8, 9. Struck twice. Roll a d6 twice. Add
20'+[dice]x10'. You can choose the color of the effects; make one save.
light. 10. Struck thrice. Roll a d6 three times.
Alternatively, you can make an Attack roll
against a sighted creature. If you succeed, the
creature is blinded for [sum] rounds. If [sum] 12. Fireball.
is greater than 12, the creature is permanently R: 100’, T: 20’ radius, D:0
Does [sum] + [dice] fire damage to all objects
If you invest 4 [dice] or more this light has all in a 20ft radius.
the qualities of natural sunlight.
Alternatively, if you invest 4 [dice] or more
the light can be purest octarine, although it NOTES ON THE CLASSIC WIZARD
will only last for 1 round. Octarine light is
extremely dangerous. This is the iconic wizard of fantasy gaming
and literature. Gandalf. Merlin. Alan Moore.
This school has access to some very powerful
10. Wizard Vision. problem-solving tools. You can't go very
R: touch, T: sighted creature, D: 1 Turn / wrong with the classic wizard spell set.
If you invest one [die]: Target can see invisible CLASSIC WIZARD MISHAPS
things. Target can see through illusions. Non- 1. MD return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24hrs
magical disguises are not penetrated. 2. Take 1d6 damage
If you invest two or more [dice]: This can only 3. Random mutation (page 86) for 1d6 rounds,
be cast on yourself. As above, except you can then Save vs Constitution or it’s permanent.
also see through magical darkness, and see 4. Lose 1 MD for 24 hours.
the true forms of shapeshifters. 5. Stunned for 1d3 rounds.
6. Cannot cast spells for 1d6 rounds.
There are also some permanent effects: (a)
You can forever see invisible things as a slight
warping or lensing of light. You know “there's CLASSIC WIZARD DOOMS
something over there” and what size it 1. Lose the ability to cast spells for 1 day.
roughly is, but nothing else. (b) You can tell if 2. Lose the ability to cast spells for 3 days.
someone else is a spellcaster by looking them 3. Lose the ability to cast spells permanently.
in the eyes.
The price for this gift is your mind. You suffer This last doom can be undone by eating the
a permanent loss of 1d3 Wisdom (as you heart of a powerful magical creature or by
reject the true nature of Creation and go marrying one. You can also fill your brain
slightly mad) or 1d3 Charisma (as you accept with 4 entirely new spells that have never
the true nature of Creation and alienate been cast by anyone else. Good luck finding
yourself from your peers). or inventing those!
Elementalist Wizards speak to and rely on In RELIC spells are creatures. They're spirits
elemental spirits. They are a wild bunch, that live in a wizard's brain and burst out,
disreputable and windblown. In rural areas, doing their duty and then taking a brief
they are beloved as rain-bringers and flood- vacation. Elementalists are very close to their
calmers, but they are also run out of town or spells. They name them and treat them like
hung following forest fires and earthquakes. pets. After all, if a conceptual acid elemental
This is not always ignorant superstition. lived in your brain you'd take care of it too.
Attracting the attention of powerful spirits is
very dangerous. For spells with [element] listed, you can
choose the element. If you'd generate a
duplicate of a spell with the [element] tag as
you gain Wizard templates, you may either
Perk: +3 to Save or AC vs Elemental damage. reroll the spell, or choose a different element.
No bonus against non-damaging effects. There's no rule that says you have to be
Drawback: Cannot cast fire spells if wet. consistent in your element choices, but it will
Cannot cast water or ice spells if dehydrated. probably happen naturally.
Cannot cast earth or acid spells if you are not
touching the ground. Cannot cast air or Typical Spell Format:
lightning spells if you do not have line of Name. R: (range), T: (# of targets), D: (duration)
sight to the sky.
1. Circle of Frost.
R: self T: [dice]x10’ radius D: 3 rounds
All creatures in area take 1d4 damage, Save
CANTRIPS vs DEX for half. Everything that fails its Save
is frozen to whatever surface they were
1. You can sense the potency and disposition touching. Boots are frozen to the ground, keys
of any nearby elemental spirits. are frozen in their locks. Creatures are usually
2. Summon a flame the size of a candle's by immobilized from the boots down unless they
snapping your fingers. Cannot be used to deal were playing in a fountain or something.
damage. Will light a lantern, torch, etc. Attempting to break loose is a free action that
can be attempted once per round, and
3. Meditate for 1 hour to gain a new Save requires a successful opposed Strength test.
against any poison or damaging effect. The ice has a Strength of 10 + [dice]x2.
2. Control [Element]
Elemental Vision: your training allows you to Control Air.
anthropomorphize elemental spirits. The R: 50’ T: a gust of wind D: concentration
ground appears to be made of interlinked
stone bodies. A campfire is a jolly spirit Control a gust of wind within 50'. At one [die],
devouring logs. Clouds appear as fat naked use wind to (a) clear away fog or gas, (b)
people rolling through the sky. You can speak extinguish a fire no larger than a torch, (c)
to the spirits - you always could, anyone can blow all the papers off a desk, (d) with
- but when you are attuned like this, they are concentration, provide enough of a breeze to
more inclined to listen. They won't obey you, power a tiny sailboat. Each [dice] you invest
and they may be hostile, but they may also increases the effects.
offer advice, tell tales, demand offerings, or
simply ignore you. Control Earth. R: 50’ T: a bucket’s worth of
earth D: concentration
Control Fire. R: 50’ T: a torch’s worth of fire D: 4. [Element] Breath.
concentration R: [dice]x20‘ cone T: area D: 0
Control a small fire within 50’ At one [die]: Does [sum] damage to anything in the cone.
(a) cause a fire to double in size, power, and Save vs CON for half damage. Wind or Water
brightness, (b) create a huge amount of breath extinguishes all fires smaller than a
smoke, (c) extinguish a fire no larger than a big bonfire. Fire breath sets very flammable
torch, (d) have a small ember (0 damage) things on fire. Acid breath bleaches the color
jump 1' off the fire, (e) ignite something that from objects and irritates the eyes.
is meant to be burnt, such as a match,
cigarette, or fuse, (f) heat up a cup of tea to a 5. Stoneskin. R: touch T: creature D: [dice]
pleasant temperature. Each [dice] you invest Turns
increases the effects.
Reduce all physical damage the target takes
Control Rain. R: 1000’ T: self D: [dice] hours by 5 per[dice] invested. The target cannot
swim, jump, or run. Dispel at will.
If it's raining, you can make it not rain for
1000' around you. If there's not a cloud in the 6. Anklecrusher.
sky, this spell has no effect. If it's cloudy, you R: 50' T: [dice]x2 objects or creatures D: 0
can make it rain for 1000' around you. Most
days have a 40% chance of being cloudy. Target creature or object is grabbed by the
Cannot be cast indoors. ground itself. Target takes 1d6 damage and is
immobilized. Save vs DEX to negate, prone
Control Water. R: 50’ T: a bucket’s worth of creatures automatically fail. Target is
water D: concentration immobilized. STR Save to break free. The
difficulty of the Save depends on what the
Control a small amount of water within 50’. ground is made of: Dirt 8, Clay 12, Limestone
At one [die]: (a) propel a small boat, (b) carry 16, Basalt 18. This spell has no effect on
a small item through the water, (c) allow things that aren't touching the ground.
someone to swim at 2x speed, (d) force
someone to swim at half speed, (e) splash 7. Protection from [Element] R: touch T:
something no more than 5' away, (f) dry [dice]x[dice] targets D: 10 minutes / 8 hours
something that is wet, (g) freeze a small
amount of water, (h) cool a hot cup of tea. Reduce all damage of the chosen type by 4 for
Each [dice] you invest increases the effects. the next 10 minutes. Alternatively, the spell
protects its targets from the negative effects
Good luck adjudicating these, but you get the of the element (desert heat, arctic chill) for
idea. With 4 [dice] you should be able to sink the next 8 hours.
a ship or turn back a river. Something
equivalent to a full-blast fireball. Water 8. Ignite. R: 50' T: object or creature D: 0
spirits carry means of purifying corruption,
and Elementalists know their secret ways.
Target object or object takes [sum] damage
3. Dissolve. R: 50' T: object or creature D: and catches on fire. WIS Save negates.
Target you stare at takes 1d4 acid damage per 9. Breathe [Element]
round and begins to dissolve. Save vs Con for R: touch T: [dice] creatures D: 2 hr
half damage. Can bore holes in walls, but it
only makes a hole 1' and creates a lot of acidic Target can breath in the chosen element, in
sludge on the floor. [dice]”/10 minutes addition to their normal modes of respiration.
through stone, [dice]”/minute through wood, Clearing your lungs before the spell expires is
cannot affect metal. Heals slimes and oozes mandatory. Does not grant you protection
for 1d4/round. from that element, just from drowning in it.
This is a strange little spell. 1d4 damage per 10. Wind Scythe.
round with a chance to save for half isn't R: 50' T: object or creature D: 0
much, but it's the duration that makes it
really dangerous. It's a little tickle of damage Apply a melee attack from a slashing weapon
but it's continuous, and at low levels, that's in your hand to a target within 50’. If you are
nothing to sneeze at. You can also melt locks, unarmed, counts as a dagger (1d6). Gain +2 to
hinges, tripwires, or illusions with it. Attack and deal +[sum] damage.
11. Wall of [Element] 1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24
(I'm not sure what a "Wall of Acid" or "Wall of hours
Ice" would look like, precisely, but I'm pretty 2. Take 1d6 damage
sure that I could use 3 walls listed below to
figure them out in a hurry.) 3. Random mutation (page 86) for 1d6 rounds,
then Save vs Constitution or it’s permanent.
Wall of Earth. R: 20’ T: wall D: permanent
4. By element:
You rearrange dirt to form a 10’ by 10’ panel
per [dice]. You can mold the wall, similar to • soaked, or dehydrated
cutting holes and notches in a sheet of paper. • flung upwards 1d3x10’, 1d6 fall damage
The wall has AC10 and [dice]x5 HD. If it is per 10’
horizontal, the wall must be anchored on at
least 2 sides. • Buried and immobilized. STR Save to
free yourself
Wall of Fire. R: 20’ T: wall D: 1 minute
• burned. 1d8 damage
You summon fire to form a 10’ by 10’ panel 5. Deafened for 1d6 rounds
per [dice]. You can mold the wall, similar to
cutting holes and notches in a sheet of paper. 6. Wild elemental spirits flee your body for
The wall does not block line of sight. It deals 1d6 rounds. Everyone within line of sight
1d6 fire damage to anything that passes must Save vs WIS each round or be stunned
through it. Any creature passing through the
wall must Save vs DEX or be set on fire (1d8
damage for 1d6 rounds). DOOM OF THE ELEMENTALIST
1. Take sufficient elemental damage to reduce
Wall of Wind.R: 20’ T: wall D: 1 minute you to zero HP. Receive a Scar.
You summon wind to form a 10’ by 10’ panel 2. Each time you cast an Elemental spell, Save
per [dice]. You can mold the wall, similar to vs WIS or the spell flies out of control. If it
cutting holes and notches in a sheet of paper. likes you, the effects might not be too bad.
The wall does not block line of sight. Powerful
winds will knock small projectiles out of the 3. The elements turn against you. Expect
air and prevent vermin (anything smaller 1d4+4 powerful spirits to arrive shortly. In the
than a rat) from crossing. Ranged attacks that meantime, fire chases you, stones seek to
pass through the wall are [dice]x(-3) to-hit. crush you, the earth trembles, and lightning
bolts plunge from the sky.
This doom can be avoided by journeying to a
The walls are... walls. Area control, damage, powerful elemental shrine and pledging
problem solving, river diverting, ship- yourself to the spirit within, or by visiting
tormenting walls. pure vacuum or the deepest shadow.
If you want to avoid the wrath of a powerful
elemental, find a more powerful elemental to
12. Shocking Grasp. R: 0 T: self D: 10 min protect you (and, by extension, your friends).
You enchant your hand so that it discharges Alternatively, visit a place beyond the
[sum]+[dice]x2 damage worth of lightning elements. Shadow and vacuum can cut the
into the next thing you touch. Touching an ties that let elementals identify you.
unwilling opponent requires an Attack roll
against their unarmored armor class
(AC10+DEX). You cannot wear any metal on
the hand you enchant. If you deal more than
12 damage, you and your target must both
Save vs STR or be flung apart, knocked prone,
and deafened for 1d6 rounds.
Adapted from Typical Spell Format:
Name. R: (range), T: (# of targets), D: (duration)
Starting Equipment: rainbow-colored gloves
or ridiculously large rainbow-colored scarf
1. Illusion
Perk: Your illusion spells have a duration of R: 50' T: [dice]x5' diameter D: concentration /
“Concentration + 1 minute”. The duration concentration+1 minute
increase is very, very nice. Other people can
cast illusions, but you are an Illusionist. You create an illusion of whatever object or
creature you want. It can move at your will,
Drawback: You cannot cast spells unless you but cannot make any sound or smell. Illusions
can see all 7 primary colors (via your gloves can only add, not subtract. They can cover up
or scarf if nothing else is available). Your a hole, but not create the illusion of a hole.
magic supplies the 8th: octarine.
This spell is the default "make an illusory
Ah. Right. Pitch darkness is out. Being blind is object" spell. Note the area restriction. At 1
out. A thick fog is going to make things dice you can't create a 6' tall illusory human.
interesting. Losing your gloves or getting The spell is deliberately vague.
blood all over them is going to be a
disaster. Octarine, the Color of Magic, is stolen 2. Disguise
from the Discworld series. R: touch T: object D: [dice] hours /
concentration+1 minute
You cloak the object in illusion, making it
appear as another object of the same type. An
CANTRIPS apple could be disguised as any other type of
1. Create a shower of illusory sparks or a puff fruit; a table could be disguised as any other
of illusory smoke from your hands. type of furniture. A humanoid can be
disguised as any other humanoid of
2. Touch another caster’s illusion and make comparable size. This only extends to the
and Opposed Intelligence check. If you visual properties of the object. The maximum
succeed, you gain control of the illusion. size of the object depends on how many dice
are invested in the spell: 1 [dice]: human-
3. You always know the position of the sun in sized, 2 [dice]: ogre- or wagon-sized, 3 [dice]:
the sky. dragon- or tavern-sized, [dice]: ship- or
If you control an illusion and it is within line
of sight, you can change it's nature or form These disguises are perfect, visually. You can't
once per round. You could use illusion to "see through them", but you can go "Hey, wait
create a goblin and then, when pursued, a minute, that hill is making a lot of smoke."
transform it into a tiger. Illusions will still "Hey, hold on, I'm pretty sure the King had a
work outside of your line of sight, and will limp and didn't speak with an accent."
exhibit reasonably correct behaviors. A guard-
illusion will march if told to march. A fire-
illusion will burn (but not spread). The spells 3. Prismatic Ray
that create illusions are about as intelligent R: 200' T: [dice] creatures or objects D: 0
as a dog.
Target suffers a different effect depending on
which color strikes the target. Roll a d10: 1.
Red. Target takes [sum] fire damage, Save for
half. 2. Orange. Target takes [sum]
bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone.
Save negates. 3. Yellow. Target takes [sum]
lightning damage, Save for half. 4. Green.
Target takes [sum] acid damage, Save for half.
5. Blue. Target takes [sum] ice damage, Save
for half. 6. Purple. Target takes [sum] necrotic
damage and is blinded for [sum] rounds. Save
negates. 7, 8, 9. Struck twice. Roll a d6 twice.
Add effects; make one save. 10. Struck thrice.
Roll a d6 three times.
4. Mirror Image Light sources in the dungeon are very
R: 0 T: self D: 10 minutes / concentration+1 valuable. At one [dice], this spell is a slightly
minute worse emergency torch, but at two [dice] it is
already significantly better. And what does
You create 1d4+[dice] illusory images of pure octarine light do anyway? At a
yourself, which move as you move and minimum, I'd say [sum] damage to all sighted
always stay within 5' of you. They are creatures in the area, plus whatever
constantly stepping through each other, so mutations, mishaps, summonings, and
that it is impossible to tell which is which. explosions the GM cares to inflict.
When an enemy attacks you, roll to see if
they hit you or an image. An image vanishes Mad Illusionists build special mirror-cages
as soon as it suffers a solid impact. Area and wear visors tinted with the bones of
effects such as a dragon's breath will cause extremely dull bureaucrats.
all images to vanish.
Also useful for intimidating the credulous.
Become a multi-wizard. 7. Hypnotic Orb
R: touch T: object D: [sum] minutes /
concentration+1 minute
5. Mirror Object You enchant a mostly-spherical object so that
R: touch T: mirror D: [dice] hours / it's surface is covered with a captivating,
concentration+1 minute shimmering pattern. Any creature who sees
the enchanted object must pass a WIS Save or
You reach into a mirror-like surface and pull be compelled to sit still and observe it for the
out a copy of an object adjacent to the mirror. spell's duration. Flying creatures will land or
The object that you pull out must be within circle it.
reach of the mirror (as if it were a window),
small enough to fit through the mirror (as if it The caster is not immune to this effect. The
were a window) and light enough for you to effect is broken if line of sight is broken, if
pull through with one hand. something startles a target (a loud adjacent
shout), or if the target see signs of obvious
The mirror object looks and feels exactly like danger (such as someone killing their
the object it copied. It doesn't copy any friends). Groups of statistically identical NPCs
magical properties of the object. You cannot should make their save as a group.
duplicate living things in this way.
The mirror object pops like a bubble if it
suffers a solid blow . If you invest at least 4 8. Colour Spray
[dice] into this spell, it can copy the magical R: [dice]x10' cone T: sighted creatures D: 0 /
properties of an item, but those magical varies
properties will only function once. For items
with continuous properties, such as a flying If [sum] is equal or greater to the creature's
carpet, the magic properties will last no HD, it is incapacitated for 1d6 rounds. If [sum]
longer than 10 minutes. is three times the creature's HD or more, it is
stunned for a round, then incapacitated for
1d6 rounds. If [sum] is five times the
creature's HD, it is stunned for 1d6 rounds,
6. Light then incapacitated for 1d6 rounds.
R: touch T: object or creature D: [dice]x2 hours
Object illuminates as a torch, with a radius of
20’+[dice]x10’. You can chose the color of the 9. Wizard Vision
light. R: touch T: sighted creature D: [sum] min x2 /
Alternatively, you can make an attack roll
against a sighted creature. If you succeed, the If you invest one [die]: Target can see invisible
creature is blinded for [sum] rounds. If [sum] things. Target can see through illusions. Non-
is greater than 12, the creature is permanently magical disguises are not penetrated.
If you invest two or more [dice]: This can only
If you invest 4 [dice] or more this light has all be cast on yourself. As above, except you can
the qualities of natural sunlight. also see through magical darkness, and see
Alternatively, if you invest 4 [dice] or the true forms of shapeshifters. There are also
more the light can be purest octarine, some permanent effects: (a) You can forever
although it will only last for 1 round. Octarine see invisible things as a slight warping or
light is extremely dangerous. lensing of light. You know “there's something
over there” and what size it roughly is, but
nothing else. (b) You can tell if someone else the spell expires, they are harmlessly shunted
is a spellcaster by looking them in the eyes. into the nearest open space. The maximum
size of the object depends on how many dice
The price for this gift is your mind. You suffer are invested in the spell: 1 [dice]: human-
a permanent loss of 1d6 Wisdom (as you sized, 2 [dice]: ogre- or wagon-sized, 3 [dice]:
reject the true nature of Creation and go dragon- or tavern-sized, [dice]: ship- or
slightly mad) or 1d6 Charisma (as you accept bridge-sized.
the true nature of Creation and alienate
yourself from your peers). Fade a bridge away. Fade your enemy away
and then have the fighter line up for a two-
handed baseball bat swing at their neck.
10. Wall of Light
R: 50' T: wall or sphere D: 10 min / ILLUSIONIST MISHAPS
concentration+1 minute
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24
You conjure either (a) a hemisphere [dice]x5’ hours
in diameter, or (b) a 10' by 10' panel per
[dice], which can be arranged in any 2. Take 1d6 damage
contiguous formation joined by their edges.
The wall is intangible, but you can control 3. Random mutation (page 86) for 1d6 rounds,
what each side shows. It can be either (a) then Save vs Constitution or it’s permanent.
inky darkness, (b) light out to 30', (c) mirror,
(d) transparency, or (e) a simple texture, such 4. Blind for 1d6 rounds (you can’t cast spells)
as stone, brick, or carpet. Both sides do not 5. All sighted creatures are invisible to you for
have to show the same thing. You can change 24hrs.
these surfaces with a thought.
6. Eruption of random illusions from your
If you invest 4 [dice] or more into this spell, hands. Everyone in LOS must make a WIS
you may make the duration permanent. Save to do anything relying on sight for 1d6
11. Mirror Self
R: touch T: mirror D: concentration+1 minute 1. A 10’ square mirror appears and you are
compelled to enter. Your lose a random item,
You reach into a mirror-like surface and pull gain a random item of approximately equal
out [dice] copies of yourself. The mirror must value, and have 1 HP. You return the next
be large enough for you to pass through. morning, shivering.
Your mirror clones behave as you wish. They 2. You turn into an illusion for a day.
can walk and talk, but it cannot pick anything
up. You can see through their eyes and hear 3. Turn into an illusion permanently.
through their ears. You can cast spells through
them. You can switch places with your mirror As an illusion, you have no smell or taste. You
twin(s) as a free action. cannot be felt. Solid impacts cause you to
pop. Lose 1d6 Con that cannot be recovered
A mirror twin pops like a bubble if it suffers a while you are an illusion, and reform the next
solid blow. morning nearby. Illusions are real to you.
If concentration is lost you have 2 rounds to (1) is a neat idea. Mirror realms are always
regain it. Once you learn this spell, expect the fun. 0 HP isn't the worst penalty either. You'll
Illusionist in the mirror to reach out and copy get some of it back at lunch. (2) and (3) are...
you from time to time. really bad. Illusions being real to you does
mean you can walk across an illusory bridge
or ride an illusory dragon into battle, but
you're going to pop a lot.
12. Fade
R: 50' T: creature or object D: [sum] rounds This doom can be avoided by journeying into
the mirror-realm and eating one of the eyes
Target phases out and becomes unable to of the beholders found there, or performing
affect the world in any way except visually. It the Ritual of Prismax; a duel to the death
stands or floats like an illusion until the spell against three of your mirror selves, fought in
concludes. Not even magic can affect the a neutral battlefield.
If they would be inside a solid object when
Starting equipment: dramatic While most wizard schools breed spells
hatNecromancers are outlawed and outcast specifically, necromancers might keep a cadre
wizards. Their profession is a curse; their very of ghosts. Some necromancers cast their own
name a byword for unholy acts and ancestors as spells; some trap escaped ghosts
blasphemous deeds. Yet the necromancers and wield them in a form of holy penance.
persist on the fringes of society. They provide Typical Spell Format:
a relatively safe channel between the living Name. R: (range), T: (# of targets), D: (duration)
and the dead, and someone will always pay -
one way or another - for information only the
dead can provide. 1. Raise Spirit. You automatically gain this
spell at first level. Roll for your other spell
Perk: You can cause creatures you touch to normally.
reroll any Scars they accumulated during that
Turn. You can allow them to reroll detrimental R: touch T: spirit D: [sum] minutes
results or force them to reroll beneficial
results. If a creature successfully removes a After a ritual that takes 10 minutes, you call
detrimental Scars result because of the reroll out to the spirit of a dead person. The spirit
you provided, it permanently loses 1 HP. can be anyone, from long-dead kings to
newly-murdered party members. You do not
need the creature's body. This spell can only
be cast between sunset and dawn. Roll 1d6 on
Drawback: You require a ritual ingredient to the table below, modified by the following:
cast your spells. The ingredient has a
negligible cost (2cp) and is not consumed, but Bonuses
water, fire, or isolation could render you
unable to cast spells. Roll on the Ritual +1 for each [die] invested in this spell
Ingredient List below.
+1 if the spirit died within a week
+1 if the spirit has unfinished business in
CANTRIPS +1 if you know the spirit's true name
1. You can call on the spirit of a recently dead +4 if you personally knew the creature before
creature by interrogating its body. Provided it died
the creature died before dawn, and it wasn't
particularly pious or exceptionally Penalties
blasphemous, it will answer 3 of your
questions. At dawn, the spirit departs. The -1 for each of the creature's original HD
dead are rarely coherent or helpful.
-1 if the spirit was a wizard
Answers may be cryptic. If the creature had 3
or more HD, everyone present can see and -1 if the spirit is angry or irritated with you
hear the spirit. Otherwise, only you can see it. -2 if you have only a vague name or
2. You can ritually protect a corpse against description
possession by unwelcome spirits. -4 if the spirit was a necromancer or had
Alternatively, you can deliberately invite significant magical powers in life
spirits to possess a corpse. The ritual takes 10
minutes. The most dangerous time is between Other bonuses and penalties at the GM's
death and dawn; after that, the corpse discretion. The stronger the soul, the more
becomes less appealing to wandering spirits. dangerous the summon.
3. You can permanently lose 1 HP to add 1 MD
to a spell you are casting. You can only lose 1
HP per spell. Raise Spirit Result. 0 or negative: The spirit is
raised, but lashes out in anger and
annoyance. You take 2d6 damage. If this
damage reduces you to 0 HP, you are dragged
straight to the afterlife (no Save).
Alternatively, the spirit casts Fatal Doom (see
below) on you.
a. The spirit is raised, but it cannot be put
down. If there is a corpse nearby the spirit occurrences (peasants, domesticated dogs,
will possess it. Otherwise, it will act as a etc.) must also Save vs WIS or age 2d10 years.
disembodied undead of appropriate HD.
b. The wrong spirit is raised. It may be more
or less useful than the intended spirit. 5. Rot. R: touch T: creature or object D: 0
c. The spirit is raised, but its answers are Creatures take 2x[dice] damage, CON Save for
mocking and cruel. half. Creatures also age 2d10 years (no
mechanical effect), and may develop grey
d. The spirit is raised and answers your hair, shakes, and wrinkles. Objects are aged
questions truthfully. according to how many [dice] are invested.
Books sprout into mold, wood becomes soggy,
e. The spirit is raised and also provides a lamps run out of fuel and grow cold, and
useful answer to a question you did not ask. stone is entirely unaffected. 1 [die]: [sum]
f. The spirit is raised and remains for 1d6 days. 2 [dice]: [sum] months. 3 [dice] or more:
additional minutes. [sum] years. Undead are healed for
[sum]+[dice] HP, or 1 permanent HP is restored
g. or higher. The spirit is raised, and can be (to the former maximum).
given one command (as per the Command
Undead spell below.)
6. Raise Undead.
R: 20' T: [dice]x2 HD corpse D: 2 hours
2. Explode Corpse. R: 50' T: corpse D: 0 Target is raised as a specific type of undead
Target corpse explodes, dealing damage in a that is obedient to the caster. The creature is
[dice]x5' radius, Save vs DEX for half. The animated by a specially developed spell or an
maximum damage dealt is dependent on the obedient ghost. When the spell’s duration
creature's size: ends, the undead may collapse, and cannot be
raised again or used for any further spells.
Rat: 1
Dog: 1d6
The type of undead raised depends on the
Human: 2d6 target and the [dice] invested.
Cow: 3d6 1 [die] : 1-2 HD creature : corpse snake,
crawling claw, skeleton, zombie
Elephant: 6d6
2 [dice] : 1-4 HD creature : wight
Whale: 8d6
3 [dice] : 1-6 HD creature : war spirit, mummy
This spell cannot target undead creatures
unless you control them. 4 [dice] : 1-8 HD creature : something
impressively terrifying
3. Death Mask.
R: touch T: humanoid corpse D: varies Undead typically have reduced stats
compared to their living form. Undead of 5 HD
You touch a corpse and the face peels off like or less are nearly mindless. If you die while
a mask. The rest of the corpse shrivels up and undead are under your control, the spell's
flakes into dust. When you (and only you) duration expires, or you try to end the spell,
wear the mask, you will look and sound like there is a [HD]-in-10 chance the undead
the person whose face you're wearing, but remains active. Otherwise, it collapses.
only to sentient people (no effect on animals,
spirits, or elementals). The mask will rot into Instead of letting the spell expire, you can
uselessness after [sum] days. If [dice] is at keep the [dice] you spent on the spell
least 4, the mask is permanent. invested. The spell's duration becomes
permanent as long as those [dice] remain
invested. Alternatively, if you spend 4 [dice]
4. Fear. R: 50' T: creatures up to [sum] HD D: 0 to raise a 1 or 2 HD creature, the spell's
duration becomes permanent and no [dice]
Target creatures must Save vs Fear or take a need to be invested. Creatures may retain
morale check, modified by your CHA bonus, or some special abilities they had in life.
flee from you. If you cast this spell with 4
[dice], creatures unused to supernatural
7. Innocent Revenant. R: Touch T: corpse D: 0 10. Death Scythe.
R: touch T: corpse D: [dice]x10 min
A creature of [dice] HD or less that died in the
last 3 turns immediately returns as an undead The corpse disintegrates as you pluck a black
version of itself with full HP. The HD scythe from its chest. The scythe deals
requirement is ignored if the target is well 1d8+Strength Bonus damage. It deals double
known to you (a fellow PC, for example). This damage to creatures of the same type as the
revenant can never gain HP, and loses 1 HP, corpse used to create the scythe (so a scythe
and 1 point of INT and WIS to a minimum of 5, drawn from a troll's body would deal double
every hour until it reaches 0 HP and damage to trolls).
disintegrates. This HP loss can be healed by
the Rot spell or other effects that heal undead
creatures. The revenant is unaware that it EMBLEM SPELLS
ever died, even ignoring obvious signs of
death (no heartbeat, cold flesh, gaping 11. Finger of Death. R: 50' T: creature D: 0
wounds). However, if someone else insists on
confronting them with evidence of their own Target living creature must make a CON Save
death, they fly into a rage, becoming a or die. Creatures with a significant magical
mindless undead. nature gain a bonus equal to their HD. Frail
mortal creatures may not get a Save. This
A necromancer can "accidentally" kill a friend spell requires 2 [dice] to cast against a
using their class' Perk, then raise them as an creature of 5 HD or less, 3 [dice] for a creature
Innocent Revenant, then heal them with Rot between 6 and 8 HD, and 4 [dice] for
or control them with Command Undead. creatures with more HD.
+1 MD: You may increase then length of your The Doom is inevitable and irreversible. The
command by +2 words. GM may alter details and circumstances, but
if you say that the target will be hounded
+1 MD: You may increase the duration from his home by those he loves and
between checks by +2 rounds. devoured by wolves in the forest, that's how
he's going to die - and soon. Nothing else will
kill the target until the Fatal Doom has come
to pass.
9. Fog. R: 30’ T: self D: [dice] hours
You breath out a bunch of fog, filing an area
[dice]x20' in radius. No one can see beyond 10'
in the fog. Undead can see through the fog. If
you invest 4 [dice], you can instead breath
out a layer of thick grey-yellow clouds that
block sunlight for the spell's duration, for 3
miles in every direction.
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 You need to breed and research 8 specific
hours spells. The spells don't do anything alone, but
they modify your soul to withstand the
2. Take 1d6 damage terrors of undeath with your mind intact. You
3. Random mutation (page 86) for 1d6 rounds, are essentially breeding and then grafting
then Save vs Constitution or it’s permanent. spells onto your soul.
4. Save vs Fear against the target of your Since no active liches will teach you the spells
spell. 1d6 rounds. Target is fully healed if they used, and records of spell development
undead. are fragmentary at best, each lich must forge
their own path. Some succeed; many fail, and
5. 1d6 nearby corpses raise as zombies and fade away into half-mad shadows or
attack you for 1d6 rounds. disappear screaming into Hell. Other liches
become trapped in living worlds of madness
6. You die. Save vs INT every hour to find your and memory, unable to accept their new form
way back to your body. or the changing times. History is full of
Immortal Tyrants; they never quite manage to
rule the empires they desire.
1. You die and spend the next 1d6 days
wandering Creation as a disembodied, feeble 1 Ashes of a former lover-turned-rival
spirit. Your body will rot after 2 days unless it 2 Carved & polished bone
is preserved in some way: pickling, 3 Clay Bottle
embalming, freezing, or desiccation. If you
inhabit a rotting body, you become undead. 4 Dried frog in a pouch
2. You become undead, permanently. If you 5 Front legs of a cat
were already undead, you instead lose 6 HP 6 Grey metal bell with no clapper
permanently. 7 Powdered teeth, human
3. By direct decree of the Caretaker, all corpses 8 Round blue stone containing a soul
in 20 miles rise as zombies and skeletons and 9 Salt made from the tears of dead
attempt to kill you. If you have been priests
particularly notorious, they will be 10 Twig w/three forks & one dead leaf
accompanied by 2 Bell Exorcists and a demon.
Average: 3d20 skeletons, with 1d6
lieutenants, monsters, and commanders as
appropriate. Anyone they kill joins them.
They will pursue you to the ends of the earth.
If you don't like spiders, this is not the class Typical Spell Format:
for you. Name. R: (range), T: (# of targets), D: (duration)
6. Gift of Silk. damage. You can see 30' in all light
R: touch T: point D: [sum] hours conditions.
A rope [dice]x50' long appears where you 12. Trapdoor Monster. R: 50' T: point D: varies.
designate. You can choose to have one end
anchored securely to a solid surface. The rope A gigantic trapdoor spider appears beneath a
is very strong and slightly sticky. solid surface within 10' of a point you
designate. The exact position of the perfectly
camouflaged trap door isn't know to you or
anyone else. The spider will attack the
7. Gift of Fangs. nearest creature smaller than it or of
R: touch T: [dice] weapons D: 1 hour approximately equal size. It owes you nothing
Weapons you touch become venomous, and is not friendly. The size, HD, and damage
dealing an additional 1d4 damage on a hit. of the spider depends on the [sum] rolled:
1-7: person-sized, 2 HD, 2d6 damage
WITCH 2. Telekinetic Shove.
R: 50‘ T: creature or object D: 0
More accurately called an Animist Wizard. An object or creature within range is hurled
These are the “bad” wizards. The ones who through the air. Save to negate. A human-
live in shacks on the edge of town or in sized creature travels 10’ per [dice], and takes
castles on the edge of reality. They are the 1d6 damage for every 10' traveled. A creature
cursed ones, robed in black, who you seek thrown at another creature requires an Attack
when all other hopes fail. When family turns roll to hit and inflicts 1d6 damage for every
their back on you, when you scream curses 10' traveled. This spell will also blow open all
into the night, when your very soul burns, the closed but unlocked doors in a room,
then you are in need of an Animist Wizard... shatter all the windows in a building, or
or ready to become one. knock the thatched roof off a peasant's shack.
Perk: If someone makes a bargain with you 3. Shrivel.
and breaks it, save vs Wisdom. If you pass, R. 50' T: [dice] creatures D: varies
you instantly know about it. Your spells can
target parasites and unborn children without CON Save negates. Target loses half of its
targeting their hosts. What counts as a current HP and loses [dice] Strength (affecting
"parasite" is up to the Referee. the damage it deals). When the spell ends,
the lost HP and Strength returns. If you cast
Drawback: You are feared and distrusted by this spell with 3 or more [dice] against a
most. You cannot bathe. You can never return single target, the lost HP does not return, and
another person's love. the Strength damage is permanent. The
apparent age of the target increases
considerably for the spell's duration. Dramatic
CANTRIPS hand gestures are mandatory.
1. Transform into a creature with your face 4. Control Water.
that has either (a) a fly speed of twice 2x R: 50’ T: a bucket’s worth of water D:
Movement, (b) 3x Movement (c) swim speed concentration
of 2x Movement, (d) burrow speed of
Movement, (e) the ability to squeeze through Control a small amount of water within 50’.
gaps smaller than a human head. Choose one At one [die]: (a) propel a small boat, (b) carry
option at character creation. The a small item through the water, (c) allow
transformation lasts for 1hr per Animist someone to swim at 2x speed, (d) force
wizard template per day. someone to swim at half speed, (e) splash
something no more than 5' away, (f) dry
2. Dim or extinguish all non-magical light something that is wet, (g) freeze a small
sources within 10’. amount of water, (h) cool a hot cup of tea.
3. Touch someone to learn if they have killed Each [dice] you invest increases the effects.
another sentient creature in the last 24hrs. Good luck adjudicating this one, but you get
the idea. With 4 [dice] you should be able to
sink a ship or turn back a river. Something
ANIMIST SPELL LIST equivalent to a full-blast fireball. Water
spirits carry means of purifying corruption,
Typical Spell Format: and Animists know their secret ways.
Name. R: (range), T: (# of targets), D: (duration)
5. Sleep.
R: 50' T: [sum] HD of creatures D: varies
Target falls into a magical slumber, and can't
1. Powerful Presence. be awoken by anything less vigorous than a
R: 0 T: self D: [dice] hours slap (a standard action). If [sum] is at least 4
times the creature's HD, the duration becomes
The caster seems to grow in magnificence and permanent (until slapped) and the creature
poise, and gains +2x[dice] bonus to Save vs no longer needs to eat or drink while
Domination, Charm, or Fear effects. Easily sleeping. If you also invested 3 [dice] or more
frightened creatures (horses, mice, guilt- into this spell, the duration becomes
ridden murderers) must test Morale or flee permanent, and you can set the only
before the caster. condition that will cause the creature to
awake (the sunrise before the apocalypse,
A very minor fear-like effect combined with a true love’s kiss, etc.)
long-duration buff. This is stage magic. You
grow 2" taller and much more sinister. Undead, creatures immune to being charmed,
and mindless creatures are not affected.
6. Charm Person. 10.Alter Self.
R: 50' T: person D: [dice] hours R: 0 T: self D: [dice]x10 minutes
The person regards you as a good friend and Alter your form to resemble that of another
ignores the obvious spell you just cast on creature of your type (usually humanoid).
them. If you invest 4 [dice] or more into this You do not gain any special abilities from this
spell, the duration becomes permanent. transformation.
So not dragons, dryads, owlbears, ants, You can't alter your smell, and you can't hide
elementals, or angels. People. If it's worried from Wizard Vision or an angry mob forever.
about taxes, gossips, and wears pants, it's a
person. This effect overrides the drawback of
being an Animist Wizard, but not for long. EMBLEM SPELLS
7. Dream Eater. 11. Doom.
R: 50‘ T: creature D: 0 R: 50' T: creature D: concentration
A sleeping creature within 50' takes [sum] Target feels cold. If you invest 3 [dice] or
damage. The caster heals for the same more, and you loudly pronounce doom on
amount. No save. When you gain this spell, if them for the next 2 turns (without being
you don't know Sleep already, you learn it the interrupted or breaking line of sight), target
next time you would roll to gain a spell. It dies on the 3rd turn. You need to truly hate
replaces one of the spells you'd roll for. the target for this spell to work, or convince
This spell doesn't work on creatures that don't yourself that you hate the target. Even a
dream (snails, worms, bureaucrats). sliver of pity cancels the spell.
8. Scorching Ray. You can kill anything with this spell. You
R: 100' T: creatures or objects D: 0 might need to test Wisdom or Charisma to
prove you really hate a target.
Fire a ray at a target, dealing 1d10 fire
damage with a successful attack roll. Each 12. Curse.
dice you invest in this spell allow you to fire R: 50' T: mortal creature D: permanent
an additional ray at the same target or at a You inflict a Minor or Major curse on the
new target. Creatures are not set on fire, but target. For a minor curse, you must invest 2
very flammable objects such as candles, dry [dice]. For a major curse, you must invest 4
straw, or paper will catch fire 1 round after [dice]. Dice used to cast this spell are
being struck. Instead of using this spell to automatically exhausted. You cannot dispel
deal damage, you can instead use it to light your own curses. (Curse table page 58.)
all the candles in a single room.
The fire conjured by an animist wizard is a
dark and greasy sort, an outcast spirit.
9. Scry.
R: [dice]x100' T: point in space D: People make the sign against the evil eye
concentration when you pass. Shops close. You will never
find true love unless you renounce your class
You conjure an invisible, intangible, floating and powers, although you might find
eyeball to a point in space that you corrupted substitutes. That's the deal you
designate. Unlike most spells, you do not made. Take the corruption of the world into
have to have line of sight to cast it. As long as yourself for sheer power, or to improve the
you maintain concentration, you can see rest of Creation. Do what can be done, or
through this sensor with your normal senses. what needs to be done. Also, being dunked in
This spell requires something to scry on, the water accidentally doesn't count as a
usually a mirror, quiet pool, clouds, or bath. You need to do it deliberately to clean
bonfire. If you invest 2 or more [dice], you can yourself.
also hear through the sensor (it grows an
ear). If you invest at 3 or more [dice], you can Your transformation grows to corrupt you, or
also speak through the sensor (it grows a your corruption grows to transform you.
dribbly little mouth). If you use an actual Difficult to say. Eventually, you're going to
crystal ball when casting this spell, the range turn on your friends and devour them. True
is instead [dice] miles. Crystal balls are rare love requires you to love someone back, and
enough that they are never offered for sale, that means giving up your powers forever.
but are worth upwards of 3,000 gp. Most are
ancestral relics.
These are only examples. Roll randomly, pick
a curse, or inflict something thematic.
Cursed people need to have their curse
identified (by a priest, a hermit, a madman, a
fairy, etc.). Identification also reveals the way
to remove the curse. You can also try all sorts
of risky exorcisms and rituals to get rid of the
curse instead. Some of the effects seem
severe, but remember, they could be "just die"
instead. Curses should be appropriate to the
target, their sins, and the caster's whims.
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 1. An aspect of your transformation manifests
hours for 1 day.
2. Take 1d6 damage 2. An aspect of your transformation becomes
permanent. You become crueler & greedier.
3. Random mutation (page 86) for 1d6 rounds,
then Save vs Constitution or it’s permanent. 3. Your transformation becomes permanent.
Resembles your transformation. You become bestial and monstrous. You
become a dangerous NPC.
4. Blind for 1d6 rounds
This doom can be avoided by true love, or by
5. Deafened for 1d6 rounds slaying the last of a powerful species (black
6. Spell targets you (if harmful) or enemy (if dragons, elder trees, creation elementals,
beneficial) or fizzles (if neutral). abandoned gods).
Starting Gear: Light Armor, Bow, Arrows (20, Enchantment Format:
1 slot), Fletchers Kit. Name
R: (range), T: (# of targets), D: (duration)
A: Fey Archery, +2 Enchantments, +1 MD
B: Inhuman Accuracy, +1 Enchantment +1 MD
1. Banshee Arrows
C: Impossible Shot, +1 Enchantment, +1 MD R: 50’, T: [dice]x2 creatures, D: 0
D: Meld With Shadow, +4 Enchantments, +1 Screams like a demon in flight and shrieks on
MD impact. Affected creatures must make a WIS
Save or be frightened.
6. Fox-Eared Arrow with a stacking +2 to hit, or at a new target
R: 50’, T: 20’ area, D: [sum] rounds with no additional bonus.
The Fey Stalker can hear all sounds within 20’
of the arrow as if they were being made
directly next to them. 12. Blink Arrow R: 50’, T; area, D: 0
Fire an arrow at an area you can see. The
arrow trails an arcane umbilical that is
7. Magpie Arrow anchored to your bow. When the arrow
R: 50’, T: object or person, D: 0 arrives, you are whisked across the
intervening space.
The arrow swaps places with the target,
allowing the Fey Stalker to teleport objects Watch out for pillars and plumes of fire.
into their hand.
1 MD: target an object no larger than a gold
coin or iron key. FEY STALKER MISHAPS
2MD: target an object that occupies no more 1. MD return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24hrs.
than 1 Item Slot (a hat, a sword, etc.) 2. Take 1d6 damage.
3. String breaks. Spend a round doing nothing
3 MD: target an object that is equivalent to a but restring your bow.
medium sized creature or smaller. 4. Lose 1 MD for 24 hours.
5. 1d12 arrows shatter in your quiver.
4 MD: target an object the size of a ogre or 6. Cannot use enchantments for 1d6 rounds.
GUN PRIEST Good Night’s Rest.
C: Smoldering. If you make a charge attack
Starting Equipment: witchlock arquebax (2 with your arquebax and kill your target,
slots), dagger (1/3 slot), leather armor, enemies who can see the attack must make a
cartridge box & hayago (1 slot). Morale test. You don't have to light your
beard on fire and scream but it helps.
A: Read Machine, Word of Kos, +1 MD, +2
spells (roll 1d6)
D: Arcanum. You can create arcanum; limited
B: Read Stone, Roots of The Mountain, +1 use magical devises using bits of ancient
MD, +1 spell (1d8)
technology salvaged while adventuring. You
C: Powder Sprite, Smoldering, +1 MD, +1 spell require a wizard’s sanctum (page 41). It takes
(1d10) 2 Item Slots worth of salvaged tech to create 1
D: Arcanum, Master Artificer, +1 MD, +6
spells The time and cost involves are the same as
creating a scroll (page 45), but they occupy 1
Item Slot, have 1d3 MD worth of charges, and
You are a dwarf. You gain +2 HP with their effect is determined randomly by rolling
template A & C. You gain +1 to Find Hidden on the Random Spells table (page 90). For an
Things (doors, pressure-plates, tripwires, etc.) addition 150gp you can work out how to
with template B & D.
make the arcanum replicate a specific spell
effect that you already know, rather than
rolling for it randomly.
A: Machine Empathy. As a species created
specifically to maintain the great arcane Arcanum are rendered inert after their MD has
engines of the Island dwarves understand been used up and cannot be repurposed. Most
machines better than they do people. You tend to crumble into dust. MD are never
gain +2 to repair, modify, or sabotage recovered on a 4-6.
mundane machines.
D: Master Artificer. You can read the dreams
A: Word of Kos. The invisible laws that bind of the Ancient’s abandoned technology.
reality are as words on the page to the Sometimes you can even repair or repurpose
dispersed intellect of the AI called Kos. Kos it.
imparts some of its secret knowledge to
acolytes of the 79 litanies of the Machine God. Save vs INT to determine the possible
function of unfamiliar devices. With no
context for arcane tech, your deduction may
be correct, (“This is a positive-control-valve
B: Read Stone. You know when all the traps & used to release excess pressure in a closed
secret doors in a dungeon level have been
found. system”) but your assumptions about its use
are often wide of the mark, (“Elves used these
B: Roots of The Mountain. As long as one foot as reproductive aids”).
is planted firmly on the ground you have
advantage on saves to resist being knocked Your Machine Empathy bonus now applies to
prone, shoved, or otherwise moved. the arcane technology of the Ancients.
Your official duty is assisting the communities rings of occultum and brass wrapped in
there to keep their failing technology copper wire, fitted with a protective sleeve.
functioning. Your actual mission is to recover
any useful relics and return them to the Magic Accumulator. Dwarves do not have
Improbability Forge. spell slots. They take this as a challenge. A
passive devise that draws ambient magic
More than one Gun Priest has developed radiation into a canister resembling a small
disturbingly individualistic traits and “gone hand-cranked coffee grinder.
native. “
Coronal Discharge Unit. When an arquebax is
Dwarves find channeling magic directly fired, dangerous sympathetic magical
presents a number of problems (see Dwarves vibrations can accumulate within the
page 86). To overcome these obstacles the accelerator. The CaD is designed to mitigate
priests of the Improbability Forge have this danger.
developed a host of techniques for harnessing Axehead. CaD technology is far from
magical energy within weapons and artifacts. perfected so sometimes cold steel is your go-
to problem solving tool. Treat as a greataxe in
It takes great skill to wield such devices and melee (1d12, knock target prone on a critical
long years of training to master their rites of hit).
maintenance and repair.
The witchlock arquebax is a device unique to WITCHLOCK AMMUNITION
gun priests.
Dwarfs take the Principia Arcana explanation Gun Priests carry a bulky cartridge box that
of spells being magic bullets that wizards holds 12 charges, called a hayago. Each
load into their heads and fire from their mind- hayago holds an amorphous blob of spell
guns literally. Not possessing meat-brains the matter.
way that other mortal species do, dwarven
craftsmen applied their not inconsiderable The cartridge box is also an enchantment
skill to the problem and developed the basic engraver. The gun priest sets the selector nobs
pattern of the occultum reactive accelerator for the spell they desire, feeds in a punch-
and the witchlock firing mechanism. card, and work a small crank.
Irredeemably pragmatic as a species, the first They can then retrieve, load, and fire the spell
arquebaxes were purely functional devices for they selected.
deploying spells. Over time however the gun A powder sprite greatly speeds the process
priests who crafted them began to impart (allowing the Arquebax to be loaded and fired
their own decorative flare -a practice that has in the same round).
caused much scowling and muttered
disapproval from the Council of Forge Typical Spell Format:
Masters. Name. R: (range), T: (# of targets), D: (duration)
Intricately decorated and master-crafted,
each arquebax is a unique work of art.
Crafted as part of the final rituals to become 1. Battering Beam
a sanctioned Journeyman of the Crucible. As R: 100' T: creature or object D: concentration
no two arquebax’s are the same, one might
use a break-action witchlock design to load A beam of force strikes a target you can see,
spell-cartridges, while others might be lever- pushing them backwards. Target must Save vs
action, breach-loading, or employ a locking Strength or be pushed away from you 10' per
bolt. round. Very large creatures only move 5' per
round. The beam inflicts a -[dice] penalty to
Slots: 1, Hands: 2, Notes: 1 round to reload. Inflict [dice] x d6 damage each round to
stationary objects. If you invest 3 [dice] or
All arquebaxes share the same core more, creatures that fail their save are
components: knocked prone.
Witchlock. Consisting of a firing mechanism, Each round you maintain concentration
the “dog”, a cold iron firing pin, and a witch- increases the -[dice] modifier to the STR saves
stone sparking pan. by 1, making it more difficult. If the target
cannot move backwards, it takes 1d6, +1/per
Occultum Reactive Accelerator. Alternating round, bludgeoning damage.
2. Sleep Gas 7. Ultra-lucent Paint
R: 50ft, T: [sum] HD of creatures D: Varies R: 50' T: creature or object D: [sum] hours
Target falls into a magical slumber, and can't Creatures get a DEX Save to avoid. You
be awoken by anything less vigorous than a splatter the target in bright octarine paint,
slap. WIS Save negates. Non-alert, unaware leaving a mark the size of an apple. The mark
targets do not get a save. If [sum] is at least is visible through fog, smoke, or total
x4 the creature's HD, the duration becomes darkness, up to [dice] miles away.
permanent (until slapped). Creature no longer
needs to eat or drink while sleeping. It is also visible through solid barriers, such as
stone walls, up to 10' thick. The paint drips off
Invest 3 [dice] or more into this spell, the and marks the ground below the target.
duration becomes permanent, and you set the Unless bandaged or swabbed, the paint will
only condition that will cause the creature to leave a faint trail behind the target.
awake (the sunrise before the apocalypse,
true love's kiss, etc.) Attacks against the target are made with
An air-burst spell that showers an area with automatically return to the gun priest’s pool.
multi-colored beams of magic. Target suffers a They also accumulate an Instability Die (ID).
different effect depending on which color Each time a spell is fired the PC also rolls their
strikes the target. Roll 1d10: ID. ID do not count towards the results of a
spell, but do count towards misfires. Different
colored dice are recommended.
1. Red. Target takes [sum] fire damage, DEX
save for half. A gun priest may bleed off 1d6 ID during
2. Orange. Target takes [sum] bludgeoning Lunch, and all ID after a Good Night’s Rest.
damage and is knocked prone. CON save for The process involves meditation, muttering
half and not knocked prone. sutras, and power-tools.
3. Yellow. Target takes [sum] lightning 1D6 DOUBLES
damage, DEX save for half. 1 Brightly colored sparks fly from your
4. Green. Target takes [sum] acid damage, witchlock arquebax blinding you for one
DEX save for half. round.
2 One of your orifices makes a noise like a
5. Blue. Target takes [sum] ice damage, DEX thunderclap.
save for half. 3 Gasses vent from the coronal discharge
6. Purple. Target takes [sum] necrotic damage unit, extinguishing all torches and
and is blinded for [sum] rounds. CON save for candles within 20'.
half and not blinded. 4 Witchlock’s “dog” gets stuck. You act
7, 8, 9. Struck twice. Roll a d6 twice. Add last in the next initiative round.
effects; make one save. 5 Arcane feedback from the magic
accumulator causes you to
10. Struck thrice. Roll a d6 three times. inadvertently connect everyone in a 60'
radius to the dwarven hive mind. All
must Save vs Charisma or be stunned
12. Devil’s Breath for 1 round. You are stunned for 1d3
R: 200ft, T: area, D: 0 rounds.
Does [dice] +[sum] fire damage to all objects 6 Witchlock back-blast. Take 1d6 damage.
in a 20ft radius. DEX save for half.
GUN PRIEST NOTES 1 Effect targets adjacent target instead
(harms next nearest person, alters
You cast spells slowly for the first 3 levels but wrong thing, creates related but not
you also never run out of MD. You might also identical item).
explode as you accumulate instability dice. 2 Teleport 1d6x10' in a random direction.
Gun Priests bring a lot of dungeoneering skills 3 Effect is maliciously altered (harm
to a party with machine empathy and read targets an ally, alter makes the target
stone. With roots of the mountain you are an more dangerous, create something
excellent support fighter, setting teammates inconvenient).
up for devastating attacks. 4 A random spell from your cartridge box
cooks off, targeting you.
The ability to create random, limited use, 5 Coronal Discharge Unit overheats. Will
magical item with master artificer is fun. It’s be ready to fire again after a Good
also a way to bleed PCs of gold in return for Night’s Rest.
magic items. 6 Take 2d6 damage. If reduced to 0 HP or
below, your witchlock also explode. 3d6
damage, 20' radius.
Gun Priests are not subtle. When a witchlock 1 Effect targets a random ally instead.
arquebax is fired it is always accompanied by
a ring of smoke, an ear-shattering crack, and 2 Witchlock mechanism fails. Witch-stone
a discharge of purple light as the coronal dematerializes for 1d6 days.
discharge unit attempts to bleed off residual 3 A random spell from your cartridge box
arcane energy. cooks off, targeting you and an ally.
4 Lose 1d2 permanently from a random
Despite the best efforts of the Improbability Ability bonus.
Forge’s best craftsmen, a CaD capable of 5 Add +1 ID to all rolls for the rest of the
bleeding off 100% of residual sympathetic day.
magical vibrations has not yet been achieved. 6 Take 3d6 damage. If reduced to 0 HP or
below, your witchlock explode. 5d6
When an arquebax is fired the MD damage, 50' radius.
QIGONG MONK a Good Night’s Rest. If you do not get a good
night’s rest make a WIS save for each QD to
recover it anyway.
A mash-up adapted from remixesandrevelations
and Monks are able to perform any of their qigong
techniques spontaneously as long as they
Starting Equipment: robes, big prayer beads. have at least 1 qi die to spend.
A: Kung Fu, Qi Training, +1QD 1 All Journeys Begin & End with One Step
2 Empty Palm Vanquishes the Wicked
B: Be As Water, +1 HP, +1QD
3 Fear of Rain Clouds is Advised
C: Perfect Knowledge, +1QD 4 Fortune shakes the Proud, but the
D: Master of Many Forms, +1 HP, +1QD Humble endure
5 Green woman is easily rebuffed by the
You gain 1 Qi Die (QD) and +1 HP for each two
Qigong Monk templates that you possess. Chaste
6 Light is Foreign, Darkness is Native
A: Kung Fu. If both of your hands are free,
you may use kung fu. 7 Meshi Meshi Meshi Meshi Meshi Meshi
You deal 1D6 +STR damage. 8 Throw The Ox Cart
If you used kung fu last turn, you deal 1d6 9 Rain Parts for the Wise
+STR to two enemies that you could hit, or 10
2d6 +STR to one enemy that you could hit. The Gale shatters the Oak, but the
Willow Bends
If you've used kung fu the last two turns, you 11 Rooster’s Crow Brings the Dawn
deal 3d6 +STR damage among up to three
separate enemies that you could hit. 12 Virtue is a shield against Tragedy
13 Arrow From Hallucination Stance
A: Qi Training. Gain 2 random starting qigong
techniques from the qigong techniques list. 14 Legendary Stance: Clear Sky, White
Roll 1d8 to determine each technique. Lightning.
B: Be As Water. While you are unarmored,
add both your CHA and your DEX Bonus to
AC. You gain a +2 to-hit when you attempt a
combat maneuver.
Typical Technique Format:
C: Perfect Knowledge. When you have a Name. R: (range), T: (# of targets), D: (duration)
Revelation or Enlightenment, you may choose
1 from the first 12 qigong techniques on the
list rather than rolling randomly. 1. All Journeys Begin with a Single Step
D: Master of Many Forms. Gain 4 new qigong R: self, T: self, D: instant
techniques. Choose any of the 14 techniques.
Move up to [dice] x 50’ as a free action. Your
movement is so fast it appears instantaneous.
NOTES ON THE QIGONG MONK At 1 [die], you ignore pressure plates (or
similar mechanisms) and dangerous or
Monks are trained in isolated Chin Dok difficult terrain. At 2 [dice], you may move up
temples. Monks are sort of like muscle a wall or over the ceiling, as long as you end
wizards -they express extra-dimensional your movement in a place where you can
truths through violence. Monks call these normally stand. At 3 [dice], you may move
truths "qigong." They are analogous to spells, over surfaces that couldn't normally support
but represent a focus and channelling of the your weight (surface of water, twigs and
monk’s own inner spirit, rather than external leaves, weapons held by your enemies). At 4
ones. [dice], you may move through impossibly
tight squeezes without being slowed
Qi dice are d4. Like spell dice, they are (between prison bars, through a keyhole).
expended on a 4+. (Therefore, monks have
lower numerical effects than wizards, but You may also use this technique as a reaction
burn their dice less often.) to any melee attack against you, even outside
your turn.
Qi dice are restored when you meditate after
2. Empty Palm Vanquishes the Wicked anyone with a melee attack, they do an extra
R: 30', T: object, D: [dice] minutes +[dice] holy damage to that person. If 4 or
more Qi Dice are used, the light exuded by the
As an action, you fire a gigantic hand (about caster has the properties of natural sunlight.
the size of a refrigerator or a pony) made of
blue Qi from your own hand. The hand can be
used to strike anyone within range for
1d6+[dice] damage, or it can do anything else 7. Meshi Meshi Meshi Meshi Meshi Meshi
a giant hand could do. It cannot fly or really Ora!
move, but it can hold things or lift things up. R: self, T: self, D: one round
It has a STR of 13+[dice] and HP of [sum]. It You may make [dice] bonus attacks on your
disappears after time runs out or it runs out next turn, inflicting [sum] damage to each
of health. target hit.
12. Virtue is a shield against Tragedy the third devil suffers 2 damage. The die that
R: self, : self, D: instant rolled 4 is expended, but the other two refresh
to your qi pool.
Spend one round focussing your qi. Use this
technique to reflect an attack back on your Revelations & Enlightenment
attacker. You must contest their roll with one
of your own and roll higher than them. You A monk does not learn qigong automatically
get a +[dice] bonus to this. If the ability as they level up. They must earn their qigong
would have automatically affected you, or from revelations.
done so if you failed a saving throw, then no
additional roll on your part is required. When you roll doubles on qi dice, you receive
a revelation.
If you have successfully matched the roll or
otherwise met the conditions, then this A Revelation allows you to learn a random
technique takes effect. The attack is redirected new qigong from the list, as long as (1) you
back at the person who used it, affecting are not at the maximum for your level.
them instead. Additionally, the effect of their Learning a new qigong is instantaneous--an
attack or ability is multiplied by [dice]. "aha" moment. This can change the tide of
For example, if it was an attack that did 4
damage, it would do 4*[dice] damage to the Monks may know as many qigong as their
person who made the attack. level x3. Revelations that would give you
more qigong than you can master for your
level are wasted.
13. Arrow Frog Hallucination Stance When you roll triples on qi dice, you receive
R: self, T: self, D: [sum] rounds or until all Enlightenment.
illusions destroyed
The first time you roll triples, you take the
You create [dice] illusory images of yourself, first step towards Enlightenment. You
which move as you move and always stay renounce material wealth. Carrying money or
within 5' of you. They are constantly stepping precious objects cause you to be encumbered.
through each other, so that it is impossible to
tell which is which. When an enemy attacks The second time you roll triples, you take a
you, roll to see if they hit you or an image. An second step towards Enlightenment. You
image vanishes as soon as it suffers a solid retreat into hermitage. Play another PC for a
impact (a blow from a mace, but also a slap). while. If the other PCs go and find your monk,
Area effects such as a dragon's breath will you can bring them out of retirement.
cause all images to instantly vanish (and
you'll take fire breath damage, naturally). The third time you roll triples, you ascend.
You recognize that to live inherently means
that you suffer. Your life immediately snuffs
out like a candle, never to be lit again. You
14. Clear Sky, White Lightning cannot be reincarnated, resurrected, or receive
R: touch, T: creature, D: instant any form of life-after-death magic. You move
Your attack becomes charged with lightning. on to a higher plane of existence.your
The primary target of your attack suffers Motivations is related to helping mortal
[sum] lightning damage. kind achieve enlightenment. If one of your
Motivations relates to shepherding
If you spend 2+ qi dice, you strike additional humanity to enlightenment, you may
targets within 30' with arcing lightning. The spend 1 Conviction point when you achieve
second target suffers the same amount of the third step of enlightenment. If you do
damage, minus the result of the highest die. so, you forestall your ascent to non-being
Additional targets may also be affected by and become a bodhisattva. As a
dropping the next highest die, until the result bodhisattva, you become an outsider.
is 0.
For example: You spend 3 qi dice and (Note: Doubles and triples happen more
successfully use Clear Sky, White Lightning frequently with d4 than with the wizard's
against a minor devil. That devil suffers 3d4 d6.)
damage. You roll a 2, 3, and 4. That devil
takes a total of 9 damage.
You then choose 2 other devils within 30' of
your first target to also suffer lightning
damage. Dropping the highest dice (4), the
second devil suffers 2+3 damage for a total of
5 damage. Dropping the next highest dice (3),
1D10 I COME FROM . . .
1 The Brotherhood / Sisterhood
2 The Fraternity
3 The Order
4 The Society
5 The Union
6 The House
7 The Temple
8 The Army
9 The Family
10 The Followers
1D10 OF THE . . .
1 Flowing Waters
2 Five Seasons
3 Indomitable Soul
4 Steady hand
5 Empty Palm
6 Whispering Word
7 Winter’s Heart
8 Spring’s Fire
9 Sons / Daughters of Autumn
10 Way of Solar Righteousness
1D10 IN MY ORDER, WE . . .
1 Didn’t eat meat.
2 Swore Oaths of poverty.
3 Were taught how to garden & write
4 Allowed prostitutes to live with us, but
were never allowed to touch them.
5 Acted as the local constabulary.
6 Organized hunting expeditions for
monsters terrorizing the area.
7 Assassinated people for money.
8 Had a Deity who loved and dwelt in the
monastery with us.
9 Didn’t drink or smoke.
10 Only took lovers from within the Order.
SORCERER and quadruples).
Sorcerers don't run out of steam. They have
Adapted from the opposite problem. Like an overcharged
locomotive, they sometimes explode.
Wizards have mind-guns that shoot spell-
ferrets. They train and breed spells.
Warlocks and Eidolons borrow power. SORCEROUS POWERS
A Sorcerer's power is their own. Harm. Deal [sum]+[dice] damage to one
target creature or object you can
They have turned their souls inward and built see. Creatures can make a DEX save for ½
a pyre in their hearts. They are more real than damage. Flavor however you'd like: lightning
the rest of the world. Rare, because their arts bolts, beams of light, grasping hands from the
cannot be taught, and because they underworld.
frequently explode. Intolerable, because they
cannot abide servitude or obedience. +1 ID per additional target.
Powerful, because the world reshapes itself to
their whims. Something within a sorcerer
allows them to touch and alter the very fabric Alter. Make a declarative statement affecting
of Creation and they are all absolutely nuts. one creature or object you can see. The
Starting Equipment: Outlandish Costume statement is true for [dice] rounds. The
statement cannot cause damage directly (use
Harm), move a creature or object, or create
new objects or effects (use Create). Creatures
A: Soul Casting, +1 SD and magical objects can make a WIS save to
avoid being altered.
B: Billowing Robes, +1 SD
E.g. "This door does not exist." You can walk
C: Soul Vision, +1 SD through the space the door formerly occupied.
D: Magic Ward, +1 SD "The dragon is now a mole.” The dragon still
has all its original abilities and HP, but it
might be easier to hit.
A: Soul Casting. You alter the world through "The dragon is made of paper." The dragon is
sheer force of will. You need no charms, no now made of paper for [dice] rounds. If you
runes, no spells, no incantations. Reality is set it on fire with a torch, it will take extra
yours to command. damage.
You change the world using your Sorcerer Dice +1 ID per additional target.
(SD). You gain +1 SD (1d6) per Sorcerer
template to a maximum of 4 SD. Each time +1 ID to affect an area the size of a wagon.
you use one of the abilities below, invest any
number of your SD. The [sum] of the SD +2 ID to affect an area the size of a cottage.
rolled, as well as the number of [dice]
invested, may affect the result. +3 ID to affect an area the size of a village.
SD can be used any number of times per day. +1 ID to make the effect last for [dice]
Unlike a wizard's MD, they always return to minutes.
your pool. However, each time your SD +2 ID to make the effect last for [dice] hours.
returns to your pool you accrue 1 Instability
Die (ID, 1d6). You always roll all your ID when +3 ID to make the effect last for [dice] days.
you use your sorcerous powers. These dice do
not count towards the [sum] or [dice] of any
given power, but they do count towards
doubles, triples, and quadruples. Use different Create. Create something, a creature or object.
colored dice. Creations exists for [dice] rounds, are person-
sized or smaller, and have 2HD. They cannot
Ex.: Ziwilgo the Sorcerer, level 2, has 2 SD to deal damage.
invest. She wishes to Harm a target and
invests both SD. She has used two other You can create objects with magical effects
sorcerous effects today, so adds +2 ID. Only (flying carpets, invisibility cloaks), but
the 2 SD count towards the [dice] and [sum] created objects cannot deal magical damage
of the spell, but all four dice are counted for (you can make a regular sword but not a +10
the purposes of Calamities (doubles, triples, vorpal sword of fire) or provide permanent
effects (healing potions only heal for the
duration listed, rings of permanent stat
gain only work for the duration). You can
make a sword that looks like a +10 vorpal
sword of fire though. 1D6 DOUBLES
+1 ID per additional object or creature created. 1 Brightly colored sparks fly from your
+1 ID to create a magical or sufficiently weird 2 You make a noise like a thunderclap.
3 A strong wind billows around you,
+2 ID to create a creature of up to +4 HD. extinguishing all torches and candles
within 20'.
+1 ID to create an object the size of a wagon. 4 You act last in the next initiative round.
+2 ID to create an object the size of a cottage. 5 You broadcast your current emotional
state. Everyone in a 60' radius must
+3 ID to create an object the size of a village. Save vs Charisma or experience your
emotional state.
+1 ID to make the creature or object last for 6 Take 1d6 damage.
[dice] minutes.
+2 ID to make the creature or object last for
[dice] hours. 1D6 TRIPLES
1 Effect targets adjacent target instead
+3 ID to make the creature or object last for (harms next nearest person, alters
[dice] days. wrong thing, creates related but not
identical item).
2 Teleport 1d6x10' in a random direction.
B: Billowing Robes. If you are wearing an 3 Effect is maliciously altered (harm
outlandish costume worth at least 10 gp, your targets an ally, alter makes the target
armor counts as Leather. more dangerous, create something
If you are wearing an outlandish costume 4 A random spell is also cast, targeting
worth at least 100 gp, your armor counts as you.
Chain. 5 Doomed To Die as on the Scars Table
(pg. 14). You do not gain the +1 to WIS.
If you are wearing an outlandish costume 6 Take 2d6 damage. If reduced to 0 HP or
worth at least 1,000 gp, your armor counts as below, explode. 3d6 damage, 20' radius.
Plate. DEX Save for ½.
C: Soul Vision. You can see the souls of living
creatures. This allows you to guess the 1D6 QUADRUPLES
approximate location of invisible creatures. 1 Effect targets a random ally instead.
You can also immediately tell if a person is
possessed, undead, protected by the 2 Effect is reversed (harm heals, alter in
Authority, or a spellcaster. opposite manner, create the opposite of
what was intended).
The price for this gift is your connection to 3 A random spell is also cast targeting you
others. You permanently lose 1d2 Wisdom (as and an ally.
the constant scrutiny of souls warps your 4 Lose 1d3 permanently from a random
mind) or 1d2 Charisma (as you become Ability bonus.
callous and jaded). 5 Add +1 ID to all rolls for the rest of the
D: Magic Ward. Reduce all incoming magic 6 Take 3d6 damage. If reduced to 0 HP or
damage by 2. Does not apply to self-inflicted below, explode. 5d6 damage, 50' radius.
damage. Once per day, negate the effects of a DEX Save for ½.
spell that targets you. Does not apply to
spells generated by Calamities.
Notes on the Sorcerer OUTLANDISH COSTUMES &
At level 1 you have the equivalent of an AMBIENT SORCERIES
infinite-use magic missile. Wow! Roll once on each table when you gain your
Overpowered, right? first Sorcerer template.
Well, possibly. The problem is that you might
explode. You are not stealthy, not subtle, and
not inclined to use your brain when you could 1D10 OUTLANDISH COSTUME
use your powers. Unlike a wizards, who must 1 Long woven cloak of many colors
carefully chose when to deploy their powers, 2 Thick coat made of human skin & hair
sorcerers are full-speed all the time.
3 Living full-body tattoos of scenery, birds,
You gain a few powerful abilities, but your clouds
stats are also likely to decrease, making you 4 Turban & billowing silk robes
more vulnerable than most classes (though 5 Three conical felt hats stacked inside
you could, feasibly, alter yourself to have
higher stats temporarily). each other
6 Coat made of pierced sea-shells
You can heal people using alter, but the 7 Nude, save for a few modest straps of
wounds reappear when the duration expires. leather
Reality will, eventually, override your 8 Extraordinarily long eyebrows &
impositions. fingernails
9 Geometric robes with silver symbols
Who Are You? 10 One strip of cloth wound around your
entire body
You are a Sorcerer. Elves might be arrogant,
but you operate on another level entirely.
Your pride, sense of self, and sheer bloody-
mindedness override reality.
You brook no competition; there can be only 1D10 AMBIENT SORCERY
one sorcerer in any given party, city, cabal, or 1 Clap hands to take 1 damage & teleport 1’
cult. You will accept no master and believe in 2 Can read any language, but must read
no law but your own.
out loud, (loudly).
To the feudal system, you are an Outlaw. To 3 Thumb or nose can glow as bright as a
the Church, you are an appalling spectacle, candle.
and should be put in your place (or in the 4 Cross legs and close eyes to hover 2’ off
ground) before you harm anyone else. the ground.
5 If you hold your breath, you weigh as
You might be tempted to optimize your much as a feather.
Sorcerous Powers, but consider... is that what 6 Pleasant, exotic, spicy smell. Can turn on
a power-addled, overconfident, and utterly and off at will.
self-assured sorcerer would do? Would they 7 Invisible to birds.
do the best thing or the coolest thing?
8 Rain or snow will not fall on you.
You can say, "I'd like to make a bridge from 9 Do not need to eat or drink. Eat 1 gold
here to here" when using a sorcerous ability, piece per day instead.
but you are also free to shout, "Stones! Heed 10 Invisible to cats.
the word of Ziwilgo!" Sorcerers tend to chew
Generate a name here if you're stuck:
SWORDCASTER Swords that miss their target fly off into the
distance or embed themselves in walls and
furniture. They still magically reappear at
Adapted from your side at the end of your next turn.
A: Hands Clasped. Your hands are bound. Iron
Starting Equipment. A number of swords shackles, mummified in cloth, shoved into a
equal to the number of hands you have, jug jar; it matters not how, only that you cannot
of wine, a dramatically tattered cloak. remove your hands from this state, or you
A: Blade Barrier, Hands Clasped will lose the ability to swordcast. Your feet
work as well as hands for most tasks, and
B: Steely Gaze, +1 SD your bound hands may still be used to
grapple, hug, or otherwise encircle someone.
C: Size Matters, +1 SD
You cannot wear armor.
D: Swordspell, +2 SD
When you stand in place you begin to float a
foot off the ground but to move across the
ground you must use your feet. For now.
Beginning with template B you begin to
accrue Sword Dice (SD). Initially they only You can slowly (1/4 Move) float straight up/
buff blade barrier/strike but pay dividends down 5ft for each swordcaster template that
with template D. SD may be combined with you possess. You only move horizontally in a
normal magic dice (MD). stiff wind.
Swordcaster abilities use the following
B: Steely Gaze. When you lock eyes with
[Sum] = sum of Sword Dice results. someone, they fall under the effect of a hold
person spell. WIS Save to end. However, while
[Dice] = number of Sword Dice rolled. they are under the effects of hold person
[Swords] = number of swords you control or (paralyzed). So are you. You can end the
invest in an ability. (Hands + available SD.) effect at any time. Undead and Creatures of
4HD or greater are unaffected.
1. Searing Swords 1. The two MD that rolled doubles are
Make a normal blade strike attack. On a hit expended.
the blade glows with white hot intensity
inflicting [sum] fire damage and causing the 2. You take half of all damage from swords
target to ignite. Target creature may attempt embedded in targets until your next turn.
a CON Save to tamp out the flames. A failed 3. You are stunned for [swords] rounds.
save inflicts 1d6 fire damage/round but does
not impede their ability to move or attack. 4. Gain [dice] levels of fatigue.
2. Petrifying Blades 5. A random swordspell casts at a random
Creatures with your swords embedded in target in sight. [dice] applied are equal to
them have their movement reduced to 0 until [swords]. (Assuming you have them.)
the blades return to their orbit around you.
6. A random sword fractures. Take 1d8
3. Recall Swords slashing damage.
Up to [dice] swords embedded in creatures
pull back to you, dealing [sum] damage to
the creatures they were stuck in.
[swords] spin around you in melee range
dealing [sum] + [dice] damage. DEX Save for 1. Your swords are frenzied and attack the
half damage. nearest creature for [swords] rounds. This
includes you.
5. Bladed Wings
Gain a fly speed equal to [swords]*10, and 2. Your swords turn inward on you, you take
can float up to [sum]*10 feet off the ground. [swords] *1d8 damage.
[Dice] rounds duration.
3. Your swords all return to you, swirl around
6. Fracture Sword your body, and impale you for [swords] *2D8.
A sword ascends vertically to a dramatic IF you are reduced to 0HP or below, the
heigh then embeds itself with a peel of swords shatter, inflicting 3D6 damage to all
thunder into the floor/ground inflicting [sum] creatures in a 20’ radius. DEX Save for half.
damage in a [dice] *5ft radius. Dex Save for
half damage.
7. Counter Strike
Once per round as a free action, when you are The balance between gaining protection from
hit in melee combat you may counter-attack your swords and sacrificing that protection to
dealing [sum] damage and the attacker is inflict damage is interesting and in keeping
pushed up to [dice]*5ft away in any direction. with the push-your-luck nature of Adventure
8. Swords of the Dead
[Dice] enemies that die on your blades You lose swords as you lose magic dice and
reanimate and wield your swords as weapons. though you will always have the equivalent
They last for [sum] Turns. of leather armor you can become quite
squishy as the adventuring day wears on.
9. Fractal Bladebeam
Make a normal blade strike attack. A beam of Some spells can invest more than one sword,
coherent light blasts forth from [dice] swords implying that a sword with one spell
dealing [sum] +2 damage to the target. If that inscribed on it can still be part of a different
enemy already has one of your swords swords spell effect. Tracking which spells you
embedded within it they take x2 damage. lose as SD becomes depleted and you control
fewer and fewer swords feels like an exercise
The beam may bounce [dice] times until you in madness. Just assume you have access to
miss, dealing [sum] +2 damage each bounce. all your spells until you run out of SD, at
which point you still have blade barrier and
10. Avatar of Swords blade strike to work with.
You bond with your floating swords, and
become a [dice]-handed sword that deals Where do swords go as you lose control of
[sum] + [swords] damage for [dice] rounds. them? I have no idea. A half-dozen scabbards
slung about your body? Pocket universe? Are
they steel or made of solid light? These are
questions for you to answer.
Also, good luck climbing ropes with your feet.
WARLOCK D: Part The Veil. Pierce the membrane
between worlds and expose the target(s) to
the unblinking gaze of your master beyond
Starting Equipment: Dagger, ragged cloak, the stars. This ability has three applications:
1d6 doses of some very good drugs. You
cannot wear medium or heavy armor. Cerebral Dredge
R: touch, T: Creature, D: concentration
A: Pact, +1MD
Make a WIS save to rummage a creature’s
B: Cloak of Stars, +1MD mind like a midden heap. Target recalls the
C: Liquid Sanity, Spelleater, +1MD desired memory you designate in perfect
detail ("the first time you met your wife",
D: Part The Veil, +1MD "where you buried the treasure"). The creature
will be lost in a reverie for [sum] rounds. This
You gain 1 Madness Die (MD) for every reverie ends if the creature is attacked,
warlock template that you possess. threatened, or has to perform any action.
A: Pact. In exchange for powers and the This memory may induce a Fear or Morale
promise of forbidden knowledge you have test. It must be specific. "The scariest thing
entered into a pact with an inscrutable entity you have ever seen" would not work, but "the
from beyond the stars. A Warlock who breaks night your village burned" would.
their pact die screaming, lost to madness.
Piercing Insight
You have spell-like abilities, but they are not R: 25’, T: creature, D: 0
the same as a wizard’s spells. To use an
ability, select the number of Madness Dice [Dice] gnashing maws appear around the
(MD) you wish to invest, roll them, and add target ripping thought and memory from their
the numbers together. mind.
Most abilities depend on the number of [dice] Use 1 MD to learn the current and max HP of
invested and the [sum] they show. the target. Use 2 MD to also learn of any
resistances or vulnerabilities. At 3 MD you
also know of any special abilities they might
have. 4MD will further reveal any spells the
B: Cloak of Stars. Your clothes are imbued target may know or templates they possess.
with the darkness of unreality. Unknown
constellations drift across the inner surface of Hymn of The Stars
your cloak. You gain +1 AC for each Warlock R: 100’, T: [dice] creatures, D: concentration
template that you possess after A (Max +3).
Does not work if you wear any inflexible A rift in space-time opens and the Stellar
material (all armor). Choir pours forth a cacophony of discordant
sound. CON save or be Stunned for [sum]
rounds. Creatures that fail their save may
attempt another at the start of each of their
C: Liquid Sanity. Take 1d6 psychic damage turns with a -[dice] modifier to the roll.
and add +1 MD to a warlock ability. If any MD
roll a 6, roll an additional d6. Continue rolling
additional dice until you roll something other
than a 6. D: Thrash. This ability triggers as a free
action when struck by a melee attack. You
The extra dice count towards Mishaps and must invest MD in this ability.
Dooms. Mishaps and Dooms cause an
additional 1d6 damage. A writhing mass of tentacles erupt from your
abdomen lashing out at enemies within 15’ of
you. [Dice] targets are flung [dice]x5’ in a
random direction and take [sum] damage.
C: Spelleater. When an enemy targets you Targets make a DEX save with a -[dice]
with a spell or spell-like ability, make a WIS modifier for half damage and avoid being
save as a free reaction to direct the spell back thrown.
at the caster. Invest 2MD to double the effect
(duration, damage, etc.) and 3MD to triple it.
Warlock Abilities DOOM OF THE WARLOCK
1. Scuttle 1. Lost to Madness for 1d4 days. Incapacitated.
R: self, T: self, D: [sum] rounds
2. A rival Alien Intelligence has noticed you.
Dozens of tiny mouths open in the calloused You are hunted by it’s corporeal minions (the
soles of your feet. You can move at full speed Henchmen from Miyazaki’s Howl’s Moving
in any orientation and freely rotate as you Castle would be great for this).
move. Climb or walk up any solid surface as
well as a spider could, even upside-down. 3. You have failed to meet the terms of your
Pact in a timely manner. Your consciousness is
This ability is the reason why a Warlock’s shunted out into the cold void between the
hoary feet are always shoeless, filthy, and stars, and your body becomes the vessel for a
wrapped in dirty rags. twisted alien intelligence.
2. Eldritch Blast
R: 200', T: creature, D: 0 NOTES ON THE WARLOCK
Target takes [sum] + [dice] damage, no Save. Warlocks are paladins of the Great Old Ones
As a Warlock, your spell is an oscillating who slumber in their death-like sleep beyond
current of eldritch fluid, throwing off globs of the veil of stars. Exiled to the Outer Realms by
energy that spit and sizzle on the ground like Logos and Brana when Creation was young
hot grease from a frying pan. and chaotic, their splintered consciousnesses
3. Time is a Flat Circle still hunger to remake Creation in their own
R: self, T: self, D: dice twisted image.
Decouple yourself from linear time for [dice] Warlocks have a singular driving need: a lust
rounds. To those around you you appear as for power so strong that it overrides good
several blurry versions of yourself, all moving judgement. No one becomes a Warlock as a
out of synch with one another. Gain +4 AC. result of good life choices.
Your movement speed doubles and your may Warlocks are not unbridled engines of chaos
perform an extra action each round. You however. Though their patron care little for
cannot use other Warlock powers in this state the affairs of mortals, drawing unnecessary
but you can otherwise act normally. attention is counter to their goals. Unsubtle
Warlocks will find their powers restricted and
There is a 1-in-6 chance +[dice] that as you eventually, their minds shattered.
reenter the normal flow of time something
will follow you. Ex.: A space amoeba made of Mishaps and Dooms abstractly represent this
teeth and slime with [Dice] slashing displeasure, as well as the inherent danger of
pseudopods (1d6 damage). HP is is [sum]+10). tapping into these powers.
Some Warlocks try to pass themselves off as
seers or Sorcerers as they go about their quiet
WARLOCK MISHAPS work of collecting the fragments of forgotten
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 until rituals that will help their patrons establish a
your next Good Night’s Rest. bridgehead in this reality.
2. Receive a minor side-quest from the Old At 5th Level a Warlock may retire from
Ones. You have 1d6 days to complete it or adventuring and establish a cult. In effect
suffer a Doom. they become an NPC Evil Cleric who sends out
other schmucks to look for lost tombs and
3. Eldritch tentacles explode out of you buried eldritch tablets.
causing [sum] damage in a 20’ radius. DEX
Save for half damage. You are fine.
4. Screaming for 1d6 rounds.
5. Eaten by portal, reappear in 1d12 rounds
from a surprising location.
6. Summon a Star Baby; It is not friendly
(Referees: Just Use Bears).
GOBLIN An under-race of dells and hollows, the very
genetic code of goblins is entwined with the
Yes. mud and slime of the deep country.
Start Stuff: daggar, bad pants, one shoo.
Start Know: goblan. According to legend, the very first goblins
Get Good: Each time Get Good, roll one time were lost children who had their souls stollen
on list. Same thing, roll new. Get four thing by dark nymphs. Goblins can still transform
only (eh, bee, sea, dee). Each time get good, children into more goblins, though the sheer
no make stats better (except by list roll). numbers of goblins in the Rim would indicate
that they have other methods of reproduction
as well, given that there isn’t a pandemic of
1D20 GET GOOD missing children.
1 Good Guts +2HP, no poison eats. Goblinism is known to be contagious.
2 Good Brains +2 Intz, learn random
little wizard spell.
3 God Face +2 Chisma, big big
smile grin, ear to ear.
Big eyes.
4 Good Ears +2 Wisdum, not
never sneaked up on.
5 Good Sneaks +2 Dexty, is Expert
Movez Silenter. So
6 Good Punch +2 Strangths. Like to
Fight. Fight you.
7 More TEEF Mowf is daggers
now. Can chew rocks,
8 Not Ded Keep 1HP when
should be ded.
9 Beetle Friend Can ride it. If dead, is
sad, find new bettle
next day.
10 Sticky Expert wif Derring
Do. (Hehe. Doo).
Easy climb but fings
get gummed up.
11 Weird Goblan Newtate one time.
12 Ankle Bite If fight thing bigger
than you, +2 hits
13 Goblin Friend Is good. Mebe make
more goblans? If
dead, sad, but find
new friend next day.
14 Bug Barf One time in day, barf
up big sack of spider,
worms, pillbugs.
15 Wut? Never afraid. No
thinks to read or
16 Lucky Goblan +2 Saves. Also, one
time in day, reroll
big round dice.
17 New Stuff If lost arm or leg,
grows back in some
18 No Squish If fall, no die. Bounce
19 Ooze Friend Little squishy friend.
No acid or guts or
ooze hurt you.
20 Greasy Can no be tied up or
MANY GOBLINS They spend money collectively and
Many Goblins act as one character. There are a If you need to determine exactly how Many
lot of them (though the exact amount seems Goblins are present, roll 1d12+6. This number
to vary from scene to scene) and they varies encounter to encounter and even round
contribute about as much as one actual to round. When performing basic unskilled
character (at best). They are a bunch of labour, like digging a trench or carrying
goblins milling about in the back of the scene, buckets, Many Goblins count as 10 people for
doing goblin things, kind of half-paying the first hour, 5 people the next hour, and give
attention, and mostly serving as colorful up after the third hour. They occupy an area
detail. 20' square whenever possible, spreading as
needed (a 5' wide 80' long line, etc.)
Starting Equipment: many daggers, filthy
rags, fleas, etc. Roll for 1 random item from B: Goblin Warlord. One goblin in the swarm
the Dungeoneering Table. has earned a name. Once per encounter, for
Starting Skill: goblan. one round, the named goblin can do
something different than the other Many
A: Shared Totals Goblins. They could run to warn the PCs while
the rest of the Many Goblins fight something.
B: +1 Goblin Warlord At the end of the round, the Goblin Warlord is
C: +1 Goblin Warlord, Use Thing absorbed back into the swarm. Goblin
Warlords get a name and a very short
D: +1 Goblin Warlord, New Thing description like, "has a horned helmet" or
Many Goblins gain +2 HP every level. If this "smells of cheese."
would take them over 20 HP, they instead If the Many Goblins die, each Goblin Warlord
split into Two Many Goblins and lose half becomes a Level 1 Goblan with no bonuses,
their maximum HP. One half runs away. the stats of the Many Goblans, and 2 HP. If the
Goblin Warlord finds some more goblins, or
spend some time in an area where goblins are
A: Shared Totals. Many Goblins have a shared likely to be found, they can recombine to form
HP pool just like a normal character. Every a new Level 2 Many Goblans. Only 1 Goblin
point of damage causes a single goblin to die Warlord survives this process. You can use
in an inconsequential background sort of orphans, urchins, drunkards, wastrels, and
way. Area of affect attacks and traps only particularly cunning feral dogs to fill out the
affect them once. Single-target Save or Die ranks. Goblinism is contagious.
effects instead cause Many Goblins to lose 1
HP. Other single-target spells usually affect C: Use Thing. Many Goblins can now be given
all the goblins. Mutations might affect all the magic items or special tools.
goblins or become a Thing they can use (see They can use them once per encounter,
Use Thing below). collectively. This could be a Goblin Warlord
Somehow they consume the same ration as action. The goblin with the magic wand fires
one person. it, the goblin with the serrated weasel-
thrower uses it, then steps back into the
If Many Goblins are reduced to 0 HP, they crowd.
become strewn about the place, wounded and
moaning, miserable and unable to help D: New Thing. Many Goblins gain a special
anyone until healed. If they are reduced 6th inventory slot that contains a random
below 0 HP they all die in a suitably tragic- item rolled on the Random General Gear A or
comic fashion. The only survivors will be the B Table. Roll the item randomly each
Goblin Warlords (see below). encounter. If the Many Goblins run into
another room or out of sight (one round at
Many Goblins have 5 inventory slots total. least) and then run back (a second round)
They can carry more things but they will they can reroll the item.
inevitably lose, smash, ruin, sell, or eat all
but 5 items. Weapons and armor are carried
separately and do not occupy inventory slots.
In order to gain any benefit from a weapon,
armor set, or magic item, Many Goblins need
10 copies. Give them 10 swords and they deal
sword damage, etc.
MIMIC You must eat living creatures or raw meat as
A: Swallow Whole. You know the rule that
anything that fits in your mouth doesn't take
Adapted from up an inventory slot? You have a *very* large
mouth. Consider anything smaller than a one-
handed weapon to fit in your mouth for this
Starting Equipment: Roll 1d6 to determine rule (though your mouth is much larger). You
what you begin the game mimicking. can fit one entire person inside you, and if
you wish, you can deal d4 acid damage to
1. Treasure chest them each round. Anything that you choose
not to deal damage to remains miraculously
2. Table undamaged.
3. Anvil B: Dextrous Tentacles. In addition to your
4. Barrel tongue, you have three 10' long tentacles that
are each as strong as a human hand.
5. Fireplace
B:Improved Mimicry. You can now mimic
6. Pile of garbage anything from the size of a longsword or
other two-handed weapon up to the size of an
Advantage on [d3]: 1. Disguise, 2. Gourmet, 3. ogre.
Furniture Assembly
C: Adventurer Mimic. You can now mimic
anyone you've eaten. When you do, you
perfectly impersonate their mannerisms and
A: Literally a Mimic, Swallow Whole speech patterns, but not memories or skills.
B: Dextrous Tentacles, Improved Mimicry, You may use one of their mental attributes
instead of yours. You may mimic one of their
+2 HP 1st-level class abilities, if they have them.
C: Adventurer Mimic, +2 HP D: Mimic Clutch. You hatch a clutch of several
hundred adorable baby mimics, around the
D Mimic Clutch size of a gold coin each. They act as a 3-HD
swarm (or several smaller swarms), and can
You have +2 on Constitution saves. follow simple instructions with great
enthusiasm. Their mimicry is imperfect, but
they can mimic much smaller items. When
A: Literally a Mimic. You are a mimic, a they take damage, they can't heal it - instead,
roughly crustacean-esque creature that can some number of the swarm die squirming and
take the form of mundane artificial items. squealing. When they consume a creature,
You're limited to mimicking items the rough there's a (consumed creatures)-in-20 chance
shape and size of a treasure chest, that you of one growing into another full-grown
can see. When you see fit to move, you scuttle mimic, which may travel with you as a
on little crab legs. You are a perfect imitation companion of its own volition until it finds
of the mimicked object, but when someone somewhere nice to settle down, perhaps in a
tries to use you then your true nature as a 10-foot-square dungeon room guarded by an
voracious beast is revealed as your toothy orc.
maw splits open wide.
With your maw, you can make a d8 slashing
damage bite attack (obviously this reveals
you as a mimic). You also have a sticky
tongue that extends up to 15'; it deals no
damage but can grapple enemies and drag
them into your maw with startling speed.
A tongue-grapple is executed as the Combat
Maneuver. (Page 11) On your next turn, you
may drag your target into your mouth,
making a standard bite attack as you
consume it, or simply attempt to continue the
grapple while your companions beat and stab
your target.
Prerequisite: you must be a Gnome. You
cannot choose Template A from this class
unless you have Template A from another
class (so, effectively, you can't enter this class
until you are 2nd level).
B: Brawler, Feck Off!
C: Powerful Hat
D: Gnome Rage, Truculence
1 Batfolk Can “hear” walls and major features in the dark, out to Can’t notice stationary
40’. details. Can’t actually fly
2 Beetlefolk Extra set of arms. Useful for holding your lantern. Require custom-made armor
3 Boarfolk Tusks as light weapon, (1d6 piercing). Constant snuffling. -2 Move
Silently & Unseen
4 Bugbear Shrug of 1d12 damage 1/day. Lowlight vision. Too big for normal doors
5 Menhir Immune to mind altering spells. Can eat almost Slow to act. You always act
anything as rations. last
6 Drake Scaly hide provides a natural AC of 12. Does not stack Fragile egos
with worn armor.
7 Dwarf Stoic and hardy. +3 Item Slots. Lowlight vision. -2 to use magic items unless
they are arcanum.
8 Elf Lowlight vision. Speak with plants -though they rarely Worked metal of any sort
have anything interesting to say. makes you nauseous &
9 Frogling Prehensile tongue (as whip, 10’, 1d4 damage). Drink twice as much water
10 Gallus Gallus Toe talons as light weapons (1d6 slashing). Produce one Constant clucking. -2 Move
½ ration per day (egg) regardless of sex. Silently & Unseen
11 Gnome Become invisible if you close your eyes, hold your Save vs CHA or punch
breath, & don’t move. anyone who looks at you
12 Goblin Can see/smell 20’ in the dark. Can fit through any space Social pariah. Treated like
smaller than their head. lepers
13 Halfling Reroll a Crit Failure 1/day. +2 to Move Silently & Unseen. Consume +1 ration/day
14-15 Human +1 Item Slot, gain a random piece of gear. -2 to saves vs being mutated
or transformed
16 Magpie Always know the approximate value of mundane items. WIS save or pick up shiny
objects. Can’t actually fly.
17 Owlling Can do that creepy 180 degrees head rotation thing. Cough up disgusting pellets
Lowlight vision. +2 to avoid surprise. after every meal. Can’t
actually fly.
18 Sluglings Cannot be pushed or tripped in combat. Salt does 1d4 damage/round
19 Tiefling Lowlight vision. Prehensile tail. Gain additional 2 quick- Cannot tell a direct lie, but
draw item slots. can lie like a lawyer
20 Uruk The first time you suffer Fatigue you can ignore it. This Prone to making rash
resets with a Good Night’s Rest. Lowlight vision. decisions
Lowlight Vision. Can see clearly in dim light. Light brighter than moonlight or candlelight
negates. Ineffective in complete darkness (windowless room, dungeon, deep cave, etc.).
Create New Ancestries. Players are encouraged to create their own ancestries or adapt them from
other games. Work with your Referee to come up with a small bonus that will not break the
game and a weakness that is more “flavor” than game mechanics.
If you really want to drill down into playing a specific Ancestry consider playing it as Creature
As Class. Work with your Referee to create 3-4 templates and treat that species as a class, as is
done with the Goblin/Many Goblins, Mimic, and Surly Gnome.
Every fantasy town has a blacksmith. But do they have a blacksmith who also sells specialty
stationary? Roll 2D20 and combine the results from each column.
1 Blacksmith Ribbon
2 Bowyer/Fletcher Small Birds
3 Cooper Designer Eyewear
4 Tanner Specialty Stationary
5 Miller Decorative Spoons
6 Jeweler Lace
7 Tailor Artisanal Mayonnaise
8 Cobbler Unusual Jams & Jellies
9 Barber Surgeon Buttons
10 Baker Collectible Sewing Pins
11 Butcher Used Horseshoes
12 Candlemaker Tiny Hats
13 Bookstore Clockwork Toys
14 Confectioner Goblin Teeth
15 Stable Human Teeth
16 Brewery Monogramed Kerchiefs
17 Fishmonger Decommissioned Wands
18 Cheesemonger Charms
19 Wheelwright Glass Eyes
20 Apothecary Stamps
1 Pliers, loop of wire 1 Half a map
2 Jar of glue 2 Jar of eyeballs
3 Drill 3 Knucklebones of a saint . . .probably
4 Smoke bombs (3) 4 Jar of leeches
5 Sturdy shears 5 Antique wand
6 Spyglass 6 Small box containing the dying
7 Chisel breathe of a dead man
7 Writing case (paper, quill & ink)
8 Rope, 50ft
8 Ironbound tomb (probably cursed)
9 Crowbar
9 A small bird with opinions
10 Caltrops
10 Ring (holds 1 MD)
11 Copper wire, 15ft.
11 1d3 Enigma (spell/potion)
12 Bladder of oil
12 A fairy’s heart in a small vial
13 Grapple hook
13 A Thief’s book of secrets written in
14 Iron spikes, 5 invisible ink
15 Bucket of pitch 14 Bone reliquary that only opens
16 10ft pole when asked politely
15 Collection of iridescent cicada wings
17 Hammer
16 Cold iron key to a tower that no one
18 Lantern, 1 flask oil has ever heard of
19 Lock-picks 17 Magic robes
20 Vial of acid 18 Black chalk that summons ghosts -
will answer questions truthfully
D20 FOOD & DRINK 19 Spice bag of holding
1 Mortar & pestle 20 1d3 magic scrolls
2 Tobacco & pipe (5 uses)
3 Set of ladles, spoons, and sieves D10 UNLABELED WANDS
4 Bag of salt 1 Sleep
5 Fancy chef’s pan 2 Acid Arrow
6 Fishing rod 3 Magic Missile
7 Ewer of wine 4 Burning Hands
8 Strange fungus 5 Feather Fall
9 Bag of potent spices (5 uses) 6 Knock
10 Large wheel of expensive cheese 7 Grease
11 Book of monster recipes 8 Wizard Lock
12 Sack of flour 9 Fireball
13 9 rations 10 Transmute <X> to <Y>
14 Bear trap
15 Questionable mushrooms
16 Bottle of poison
17 Magical healing herbs, 3 doses
18 Pot of grease
19 3 flasks
20 Set of fancy chef’s knives
1 A jar containing a wizard’s last thoughts.
2 A wolf skull and a wooden tongue. If the tongue is put inside the skull, It will start cursing in
an unknown language. Anyone who hears it curse must make a CON save or gain
3 An empty lamp capable of holding a djinn.
4 A crystal ball which holds within it visions of the life you could have had if only you’d made
better choices.
5 A book detailing the process of creating an owlbear. It’s quite nasty.
6 A book of alleged demon sightings, like a UFOlogist’s conspiracy book.
7 A yellowed candle clutched by a mummified hand. Light the candle to reveal invisible beings
and ghosts.
8 The animated skeleton of a canary, locked in a cage. It will shriek horribly if it catches even a
faint whiff of poison.
9 Black Fen and The Boys. (D10 mice for hire.) Black Fen runs a collection of protection rackets
and other schemes and takes tribute from most of the street gangs operating in the area - you
can hire her, but she won't be coming with you herself. Instead, she'll send one of her "boys",
invariably a tough, scarred mouse with good instincts for when to get the hell out of dodge
and an eye for trouble - and loot. The real benefit to having her on your payroll though is that
the mouse gangs won't ever harass a party that has one of her boys tagging along.
10 A Charcoal Skull Mask. Peer through it to see the world on fire.
11 The mummified corpse of a seer packed into a large clay amphora. Once per day, feed it three
drops of human blood and receive a yes or no answer to a single question.
12 Razor-sharp bone shards from a famous monks ribcage. Said to cure possession if swallowed,
but the results are often bad for your internal organs.
1 Blindsight Your eyes turn milky-white as mycelial hyphae sprout from your eye
sockets and form a dense crust over the top of your head. You no
longer "see", per se, but you can sense vibrations out to 60', regardless
of environmental conditions (light, dark, etc.)
2 Extra Limbs You sprout d4 extra limbs. 1-4: arm, 5-6: leg. For each extra pair of
arms you gain an additional attack per round and gain the Spiderclimb
ability (as the spell). For each additional leg, increase your movement
speed by 5' per round.
3 So Many Eyes You grow 1d6 functioning eyes. Roll location for each. 1. Back, 2. Chest,
3. Forehead, 4. Mouth, 5. Back of Head, 6. Palm of hand.
4 Toothy Maw Your mandible detaches, splits, and grows down into your chest cavity.
A horrific trefoil mouth full of razor sharp teeth that now occupies the
upper third of your body mass.
You can wield them as daggers or shoot your spines 50'. They inflict
1d6 damage. Creatures struck by your spines Save vs Constitution or
become poisoned. Successful save ends.
8 Prehensile Tongue Your tongue swells and elongates until it is as long as your arms. You
can hold objects with your tongue.
10 Cronenberg A random body part (1d6: 1-2 legs, 3-5 arms, 6 head) is replaced with
the equivalent from a (1d10: 1-3 jelly, 4-6 crustacean, 7-9 insect, 10
you become a goblin, page 78)
11 Extra Mouths You grow 1d6 extra functioning mouths. They mutter and grumble
constantly. Roll location for each. 1. Back, 2. Chest, 3. Forehead, 4.
Mouth, 5. Back of Head, 6. Palm of hand.
12 Eye Stalks A pair of thick spiny eyestalks grow out of your skull, capped with
enormous insect eyes. These replace your normal eyes but do not
change you vision significantly.
Mutants are assumed by “regular folk” to be members of a chaos cult. You will be killed on sight in most
settlements and hunted like a dog by bounty hunters and vigilante posses in the wilds.
If you can get to one alive, most senior priests of a shrine or temple have the knowledge to undo your mutation.
You only have 2d6 days to reach one and the price you pay will be high -either in gold and silver, or with service
to the temple.
Zone Mapping creates a middle ground Unencumbered creatures can move into an
between the gridded map and Theater of The adjacent zone during the Movement phase of
Mind. Zones do not represent a specific square combat. They may use their Action to move
footage, instead they stand in for different again that round into another adjacent zone.
areas of play. Zones of difficult terrain require a double-
In a tavern zones could represent the kitchen, move to cross -can be split across 2 rounds.
bar, and common area. In a small wizard’s Certain spells or abilities may allow a
tower each floor might be its own zone. If its creature to move farther than a single zone
large enough the great hall of a castle could without using their Action. Referees will have
be divided into multiple zones. A ship’s decks, to adjudicate these situations individually.
the gangplank, and the dock. A dungeon
room, the corridor, the next room. KEYING THE ZONE
Zones can also represent vertical separation. One perk of using zone maps with index cards
A cliff. A catwalk. A balcony. A ship’s rigging. is that you can key important features
directly onto the card to encourage players to
REPRESENTATION interact with them and make combat more
The easiest way to use zones at the table is
with index cards and a marker. Simply write
what they represent and lay them out in
relation to one another. If using miniatures,
place them in the appropriate zones.
All creatures in the same zone may engage in
melee combat or combat maneuvers. Ranged
combat is not possible, or is penalized at the
Referee’s discretion.
Creatures can fire ranged weapons without
penalty from one zone into an adjacent zone.
Shooting at targets more than 1 zone away
incurs a stacking -2 penalty for each zone
beyond the first.
1 Larayo Deathwobler 51 Scormy Kate
2 Kirby Biscuits 52 Red Hazel
3 Chudbate Le-Rax 53 Roselyn Squint
4 Torstach Law 54 Con of Incher
5 Red Moon Fong 55 Brom Itchfinger
6 Missmadin Radertoss 56 H.K. Von Cuntinghat
7 Spigan Shillheart 57 Pris Lightwave
8 Dido Dushstrider 58 Yondo Milktoaste
9 Pog Trumple 59 Tingle Cungletongue
10 Alfag the Lemplestringer 60 Shamus Blackfoot
11 Ernje Teets 61 Luusimous Porson
12 Tev BrambleNock 62 Sorce Burntress
13 Skumpoacher Toots 63 Scharto Montooson
14 Jack Dreadtooch 64 The Blackguble
15 Ulric Blumf 65 Thumblebottom Mintshite
16 Freebeard Doublefocket 66 Aden Half-Kong
17 Pippa Trufflebump 67 Marcus (of Deeper Troggle)
18 Maldroma Sbarty 68 Panwen Domstouch
19 Malchart WoodIe 69 Peren Axebutter
20 Pepper Blowback 70 Alloway Grimes of Naftport
21 Dadian Fethgreaker 71 Tuberius Rades
22 Revelock T'Fuckletop 72 Barkson Fistfoot
23 Argolf Stumbleduck 73 Skadwick Scurvy
24 Diego Red-Hank 74 Berry Doom
25 Mane Lungs 75 Rubuth Humbledought
26 Sormon the Bloak 76 Poet Wikkwetch
27 Surge Garggle 77 Vile Pepper
28 Pickle the Wizzer 78 Hran the Beeper
29 Digbyth Kright 79 Fander Crowhands
30 Torvi Sturmgirdle 80 Hran the Beeper
31 Namen the Finger 81 Aedrica, Son of the Caver
32 Romen Nudell 82 Willow Trobable
33 Bellan Dirtfinger 83 Yassa the Dog
34 Scarlett Uncaller 84 Depah Half-Deep
35 Earwig Scumnose 85 Sharman the Shart
36 Tiddles Dailsnaker 86 Perry Fuckett
37 Squist Bumbletwigs 87 Anvil Taintscupper
38 Chance Weesletopper 88 Toreis Halfbrother
39 Aelbu Mordick 89 Piney Wolfs
40 Fango Dungback 90 Dax Finchwistle
41 Alvirael Hecksaver 91 Ponce Barbors
42 Sarian Darkshit 92 Jack Slapper
43 Torrim Pepperworth 93 Bargus Marcus
44 Theren the Taint 94 Butterfold
45 Rel Chunker 95 Wong Fe Thingingson
46 Cribbage Nightbottom 96 Rant Death
47 Porridge of Harken 97 Tikper the Snewt
48 Sly Tar Farch 98 Supul Spoaks
49 Tanimir Sollybeard 99 Oli Grymspleen
50 Wastian Stormdrain 100 Cal Spilltopple
When a Player misses a session, a plausible in-game reason for them not being there is best. The PC
stays in the village. The are hired for a one-person job. They are doing Wizard business and must not
be disturbed. They are busy with their new lover/partner/sword/mysterious artifact.
If you can’t think of a good in-game reason for their absence you may roll on the table below.
1 Tiny hands grab you from the Tiny hands return you from the -
darkness. darkness.
2 Touch mysterious statue and Vomited out from a different -
get dragged in. statue.
3 Abducted by Spider Wizards Returned, cocooned in silk, Start session at ½ HP.
who take you for a bounty with a note apologizing about
they are tracking. the mistaken identity thing.
4 Tiny nature spirits lure you Wander back, exhausted and Reflections are enemy selves.
away from the party. changed. You will avoid them if you can
and never discuss important
business in front of them.
5 Fall down a deep, narrow, Fall from hole in the ceiling/ Start session at ½ HP.
hole. vomited up through the roots
of a gnarly old tree.
6 Dragged over a waterfall Found unconscious near a Start session soaked in water.
while flirting with local nixies. stream.
7 Fall through a thin spot in Return as if no time has -
space-time. passed.
8 Vanish while the rest of the Party members rescue you in a -
party sleeps. dream.
9 Transformed into a tiny bone A drop of blood changes you 1d3 temporary WIS damage.
idol. back.
10 Leaned on a one-way door and Loop around, harried by Gain ½ XP from missed session.
fell through. enemies.
11 Separated while traveling Stumble back angry and Start session with 1 random
through a natural labyrinth. confused. item (page 88).
12 Dungeon madness. Run away Return apologetic and hollow- You no longer trust paper. You
screaming. eyed. begin to tattoo your knowledge
and maps on your skin in code.
13 Nearly invisible pit trap claims Return with a cryptic apology Lose all but 1 Ration.
you. note.
14 Bright glow, screaming, panic. Mysterious event repeats. You Start session with max HP.
You vanish. return.
15 Vanish while scouting ahead of Appear naked and shivering at Start session at ½ HP and with
the Party. dawn the next time the Party a new distrust of amphibians.
makes camp. Your gear is in the
hollow of a nearby tree. Gain ½ XP from previous
16 Taken by one of the local Appear in a huff, enemies in Return with shackles, blood
factions. pursuit. under your nails. Gain full XP
for missed session.
17 Fall of a cliff in a tangle of Long, desperate climb back. Start session with 2 levels of
rope. Fatigue.
18 Touch a mysterious rune, Appear near the party with a You must name any flame that
vanish. thunderclap. you light. You must speak to
them as if they were people.
They take up a Hireling slot.
They have a morale ratting of 8.
They may keep watch for you.
They can also betray you.
19 Vanish into the darkness with Doppelgänger returns with you -
a scream. in pursuit.
20 Ambush or bad fall. Party sees You return as if nothing Start session with max HP.
you die. happened.
D100 SPELLS below 1HP), and AC by +/-2 (smaller creatures
become harder to hit).
Spell Formatting Example; spending 2MD to enlarge a medium-
R: range, T: target(s) affected, D: duration sized creature wielding a mace would raise
(0= instant) their damage from 1d8+STR to 1d12+STR, give
them +10 temporary HP, and reduce their AC
by -4.
1. Albrecht's Unreliable Disintegrator 5. Belladonna's Pit
R: 100', T: object/creature of [dice] x2 HD or R: 100', T: area, D: 0
less, D: 0
Summon or banish [sum] 5’-wide cubes of
Target creature, or an object weighing less matter. Material will be the same as the
than [dice]x200lbs disintegrates into target area (dirt, stone, metal, etc.). New
nothingness. Save +4 negates. Magical objects cubes must be affixed to a surface or each
gain an additional +2 to their save. You can other.
disintegrate a section of an object or creature
but not very precisely. 6. Battering Beam
R: 100', T: creature or object, D: concentration
2. The Automatic Marching Mule
R: touch, T: point on groud, D: [sum] hours A beam of force strikes a target you can see,
pushing it backwards. Target must Save vs
You create a mule-like creature out of pure Strength or be pushed away from you 10' per
force. The creature has two bucket-like round. Large creatures only move 5' per
saddlebags on each side. It walks forward at round.
a brisk trot. It will stop and turn at your
verbal command, but you cannot make it Apply a stacking -2 modifier to the save for
reverse or slow down. You can only give it the every MD invested in the spell after the first
commands "go", "stop", "turn left", and "turn one.
right". The mule can carry twice as much as an
ox. It has [dice]x2 HP, and any attacks If the target is an object, deal [sum] damage
automatically hit it. It is completely mindless per round. Each round you maintain
and extremely literal. The mule will obey your concentration adds an additional -1 to saves
last command until the spell's duration and inflicts an additional +1 damage to
expires. objects.
3. Alter Local Gravity If the target cannot move backwards, it also
R: 50', T: [sum] x5' squares, D: [sum] rounds takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage per round.
You must cast this spell indoors, in an area 7. Become Delicious
with a solid roof no more than 50' high. R: touch, T: creature of [dice] x2 HD or less,
D: [sum] varies
An areas that you specify has its gravity
altered a) an angle that you specify (90 Target creature smells and tastes delicious for
degrees left, 180 degrees up), or b) to a lower the spell's duration. The smell radiates 20' in
strength that you specify (50%, 0%) for the calm air, but can spread via wind or leave a
duration of the spell. The spell's effect takes trail.
place gradually, giving creatures a chance to
Save vs Dexterity to hang on to something. Sentient creatures can usually resist the urge
to eat the target without a save, but animals
Creatures take fall damage as normal. In and other ravenous creatures must Save vs
lower gravity, you can jump proportionately Wisdom or select the spell's target as their
higher and farther, but virtually any action primary attack target. Insects will be
requires a Save vs Dexterity. If you invest 3 attracted to the target for the spell's duration.
or more [dice] the spell's duration becomes a
year and a day. The target may Save vs Wisdom at the end of
each duration interval to negate the effects. 1
4. Alter Size [dice]: minutes, 2 [dice]: hours, 3 [dice]:
R: touch, T: creature, D: [sum] rounds months, 4 [dice] years. This spell can also
affect dead creatures.
Touch a creature to alter its size category by
[dice] steps. Make a melee touch-attack vs
unwilling creatures.
Increase/decrease the damage they do by one
dice-type, HP by +/-5 (, enlarged creatures get
tougher, cannot reduce a target creature
8. Bend Fate 14. Conflicting Command
R: touch, T: self, D: special R: 50', T: creature, D: 0
Cast as a free action. Roll [dice] d6s and add You shout a magic phrase to a creature that
the results to any save, attack, or damage can hear and understand you.
roll. Results vanish after a Good Night’s Rest.
To you, and to anyone else, it is
incomprehensible but your target interprets it
as a magical command that is impossible to
9. Butterfly Hurricane fulfill. "Fall down and jump up at the same
R: 30’ radius, T: self, D: [sum] rounds time" is a possible translation, but the conflict
You create a whirling, brightly colored mass is more fundamental. The target takes [sum]
of butterflies that cloaks you completely. Any +INT damage and is stunned for [dice]
ranged attacks fired into our out of the rounds. WIS Save to end.
hurricane are made with disadvantage. You 15. Control Fire
have advantage to save against attacks that R: 50’, T: a torch’s worth of fire, D:
target an area (dragon's fire breath or a circle concentration
of frost). Creatures other than the caster who
end their turn inside the hurricane must Save Control a small fire within 50’. At one [die]:
or be stunned for 1 round. (a) cause a fire to double in size, power, and
brightness, (b) create a huge amount of
10. Cacophonous Alarm smoke, (c) extinguish a fire no larger than a
R: 100', T: point in space, D: [sum] hours torch, (d) have a small ember (0 damage)
You send a small orb of force to a point you jump 1' off the fire, (e) ignite something that
designate. The spell creates an incredibly loud is meant to be burnt, such as a match,
clattering, wailing, and whistling when it cigarette, or fuse, (f) heat up a cup of tea to a
detonates. Creatures within [sum] x5' must pleasant temperature. Each [dice] you invest
Save or be stunned for one round. It is audible increases the effects.
in clear air up to a mile away. You can
designate [dice] conditions under which the 16. Counterspell
orb will detonate. You could say "now", "if R: special, T: special, D: 0
anyone steps on it" or "if water touches it". Cast as a reaction or against an ongoing
The conditions must be obvious and must magical effect. Make an INT Save with a
occur within 5' of the orb. When the spell's +[dice] modifier to your roll to cancel the
duration expires, you can choose to have the spell. If you fail, the spell affects you instead
orb detonate or vanish silently. The orb is of it’s intended target.
solid, and can be moved or thrown.
11. Cascade of Power If this makes no sense contextually, suffer a
R: touch, T: creature, D: [dice]+1 rounds Mishap from your wizard sub-class. If you are
not a wizard, suffer a Mishap from the Classic
During this spell's duration, any [dice] your Wizard sub-class. If you are not a magic user
target expends on other spells return to their of any type, suffer a Doom from the Classic
pool on a 1-5, rather than a 1-3. When this Wizard sub-class.
spell's duration ends, you must Save vs 17. Creature Comforts of Tuttle Wren
Intelligence or suffer a Mishap. R: 10', T: area, D: [sum]x2 hours
12. Circle of Silence In an area you designate, no larger than
R: 100', T: [dice] x10’ area, D: [sum] rounds 15'x15' by 10'x high, a magical camp appears.
A circle of crackling white light appears at a The camp includes a bedroll, a sleeping
point you designate, rendering an area utterly platform, a small purple and gold tent, a
silent. No sound can enter or leave the area. small table and chair, a kettle, a cook pot, an
Spellcasting is not possible within. Noise from iron arm to hold the kettle or cook pot over a
outside can be heard. Can be cast on a fire, a book entitled "The Erotic Poems of
creature. WIS Save to resist. Plumtarch" (less erotic than expected), and a
13. Cone of Dense Foam pair of dry wool socks.
R: [dice] x10' wide & long cone, T: area D: 0 Any items removed from the area vanish
A cone of white foam sprays from your hand. instantly. In the spell's area, the temperature
It's as dense as porridge, but tastes like is moderated very slightly, wind and rain are
seawater. Creatures inside must Save vs lessened, and vermin cannot enter.
Constitution or begin to drown. STR Save to
struggle free. Creatures are -2 to Attack until
they can wash.
18. Cube of Spell Splitting 22. Dredge
R: 50', T: point in space, D: [dice]+1 rounds R: 100', T: area or creature, D: 0
A 5' cube of grey light appears in the air at a Buried or covered objects rise to the surface in
point you specify. It can be targeted by non- area you designate, [dice] x10' in radius. If
magical attacks (AC10, 5 HP) and disappears you cast this spell on the ground, coins,
if it takes more than 5 damage. stones, and roots will be pulled to the surface.
If you cast it on water, sunken objects will rise
At any point during the spell's duration, spells to the surface and remain there as long as
that enter the cube through one of its faces you maintain concentration.
will be split, and identical copies will fire out
of the spell's 5 other faces. The copies are not The total weight of dredged objects cannot
specifically targeted, but will hit any valid exceed [dice] x100lbs. If you cast this spell
targets in their path, and within the original targeting creatures in the area instead, the
spell's range. creatures must Save vs Wisdom or be stunned
for 1 round. If [sum] is greater than 10, they
For example, you could fire a magic missile also take 1d6 damage and are knocked prone.
straight through the cube at a target 30'
away from the cube. Five other magic missiles Instead of targeting an area, you may instead
would fire from the other five sides of the target a single sentient creature.
cube and disappear after 30' unless they hit a
target or obstacle within 30'. Touch spells and Unwilling creatures must Save vs Wisdom or
spells with a range of "self" are not affected. recall a memory in perfect detail. You
Other spellcasters can use your cube. designate the memory ("the first time you
met your wife", "where you buried the
19. Cuspid’s Swarm of Irritating Vermin treasure"). The creature will be lost in a
R: 50', T: [dice] creatures or objects, D: [sum] reverie for [sum] rounds. This reverie ends if
rounds the creature is attacked, threatened, or has to
perform any action. This memory may induce
A cloud of tiny magical insects attack your a Fear or Morale test. It must be specific. "The
target. They do 1 damage per round to living scariest thing you have ever seen" would not
creatures and no damage to nonliving work, but "the night your village burned"
creatures or objects. The target makes attacks would.
with disadvantage. If the target is an object,
the vermin will do minor cosmetic damage, 23. Elasticity
such as chewing holes in paper, gnawing R: touch, T: self, D: [dice] rounds
wood, chipping paint, and scratching glass.
Your limbs can stretch up to [sum] x10’.
20. Delayed Noxious Odor Sphere
R: 50', T: point on ground, D: [sum] rounds/0 24. Enfeebling Sigil
R: touch, T: object, D: [sum] rounds
A marble-sized bead of grey-green ooze lands
at a point you select. At any time within A writhing arcane symbol appears on an
[sum] rounds, you can cause the sphere to object you touch. Any creature within 40' of
detonate. the sigil who looks at it must Save vs Wisdom
or have their STR Bonus inverted for [dice]
Creatures within 20' of the sphere's rounds, (+3 STR becomes -3 STR, etc.).
detonation must Save vs Constitution or flee
the area, as a failed Morale check, to wash. The symbol vanishes after [sum] rounds. If
The area is filled with a thick green mist that you invest 3 [dice] or more, you can instead
lasts for [dice] hours. The spell does not affect set the duration of this spell to permanent,
creatures with no sense of smell, mindless provided no one looks at the sigil. Once it is
creatures, or creatures who habitually live in seen, the duration becomes [sum] round as
filth (goblins, shambling mounds, etc.) usual.
21. Duelist's Wings 25. Entangling Smoke
R: touch, T: [dice] creatures, D: [sum] rounds R: 50', T: [dice]x2 objects/creatures, D: varies
Tiny white wings sprout from your ankles and Target creature or object is grabbed by
wrists. In combat, you may make a free tendrils of thick black smoke. Save vs
Combat Maneuver to reposition yourself each Dexterity to negate, prone creatures
turn. Your move speed increases by 5' and you automatically fail. Target moves at 1/2 speed
reduce all fall damage by 2. and takes a -2 penalty to-hit until it can Save
vs Strength to end the effect. Apply a -2
modifier to the save for every MD invested
after the first one.
26. Fear 32. Gelatinous Form
R: 50’, T: [dice] creatures, D: [sum] rounds R: touch, T: self, D: [sum] minutes
[Dice] creatures that you designate become Your flesh becomes gelatinous. You can
terrified of an object that you touch and squeeze through gaps as small as a keyhole
suffer the fear condition. Save ends. with a great deal of effort.
27. Feeblemind You take no damage from bludgeoning
R: 120’, T: creature, D: varies weapons for the duration of the spell. Any
acid damage you take heals HP instead. Your
Target must make a WIS Save or become an clothes and items are not affected by this
imbecile (invert their INT Bonus), unable to spell.
think clearly or cast spells, (+3 INT becomes -3
INT, etc.). 33. Glamour of Servitude
R: touch, T: sentient creature, D: [sum] varies
28. Filch
R: [sum] x10’, T: object, D: 0 Target's clothes transform into livery. Other
minor cosmetic effects, such as a change in
1MD -a tiny object that you can conceal in the hair color, may also occur. The target appears
palm of your hand teleports into your grasp. to be a minor servant or hireling. Save vs
2MD -an object small enough to hold in one Wisdom to avoid the transformation.
hand teleports into your grasp. This effect is so convincing that even people
3MD -a person-sized object teleports into close to the target will believe the target has
your arms. been demoted or promoted, and must Save vs
Wisdom to believe otherwise.
4MD -a horse-sized object teleports to the The target may save at the end of each
nearest empty space to you that it can fit in. duration interval to negate the effects:
You can spend MD to teleport multiple small 1 [dice]: minutes, 2 [dice]: hours, 3 [dice]:
objects, each capable of being palmed, into months, 4 [dice] years
your hands at the same time. DEX Save or
drop items when teleporting more small 34. Glorious Starburst
objects than you have free hands. R: 100', T: point in space, D: [sum] rounds
29. Flip Person You fire a flare 100' upwards. It hovers there,
R: 50', T: [dice] creature(s), D: 0 providing light as bright as moonlight for
Target creature(s) with total HD of [sum] or 300' around you, for [sum] rounds. You can
less are flipped head-over-heels, to land on command the starburst to move horizontally,
their feet unharmed and in the same position. change color, rise an additional 100' per
Loose items, coins, etc. may be shaken free. round, or explode into sparkles.
Targets must Save vs Wisdom or be stunned If it strikes a creature or object, it deals 1d6
for 1 round. fire damage and then explodes into sparkles.
30. Frenzy 35. Grease
R: 120’, T: [Dice] creatures, D: [sum] rounds R: 50ft, T: object, surface, D: [sum] rounds
[Dice] creatures must Save vs Wisdom or Can be cast directly on a creature or a [dice]
erupt in a frenzy of violence and attack x10’ surface. All creatures affected must Save
whomever is closest to them. vs Dexterity or drop held objects and, if
Target suffers a -4AC penalty but receives a +2 moving, fall prone.
bonus to attack and damage rolls. 36. Hammond's Arrow-Directing Lens
31. Gavin's Path-Clearing Servant R: 200', T: creature, D: [sum] rounds
R: [dice]x100', T: area, D: 0 A lens of force appears 5' over the target. Any
You send an invisible blade of force along a arrows that pass within [dice] x10' of the lens
clearly defined path. Any light debris on the are directed to the target.
path (snow, small stones, leaves, grass) is Archers do not need to roll to-hit. Target
pushed to the side. Any pressure plates or Saves vs Dexterity to avoid taking damage.
tripwires are activated. You do not have to be
able to see the entire path, but you do need to This only affects arrows and crossbow bolts,
know the approximate route the blade will not sling bullets or thrown weapons.
take. The path is [dice]x10' wide. If you cast
this spell with 3 [dice] or more, the range
becomes [sum]x100'.
37. Heroic Leap 41. Ice-Bridge Step
R: touch T: creature D: [dice] minutes R: touch, T: [dice] creatures, D: [sum] minutes
Target can leap up to [sum]x5' high and/or You can run over water as if it were land. Ice
[sum]x5' forward in a straight line. They take forms beneath your feet with each step. If you
no damage on landing, provided they land on slow down, you'll sink. Very wavy seas may
or above the level they started from. require a DEX Save.
For example, you could leap from the ground 42. Invisible Tether
to top of a steeple, or you could leap over the R: 120', T: [dice] +1 object/creature, D: [sum]
steeple to land on the ground, but you rounds
couldn't leap from the top of a steeple to the
ground. [Dice] objects within 10’ of each other cannot
move, or be moved, more than 10’ apart. DEX
On landing, the target may Save vs Dex with Save to avoid being tethered.
a +[dice] bonus to change direction and repeat
the leap. You cannot cast spells or attack 43. Light
while leaping. R:10', T: area/object/creature, D: [sum] Turns
38. Hone Summon magical light that illuminates as a
R: touch, T: object, D: special lantern. Will move with whatever object or
person it is cast upon.
You run your hands over a metal or wooden
edge and hone it. The object becomes razor Can be cast in a creature’s eyes to blind it.
sharp. Blunt objects deal 1d6 damage. WIS Save to avoid.
Weapons deal an extra 1d6 damage for the Can be used to cancel magical darkness.
next [dice]x2 hits. The edge must be smaller
than your outstretched arms. 44. Light's Own Scourge
39. Horsebane R: [dice]x20' radius, T: light sources in area,
R: 100', T: area, D: [sum] rounds D: 0
An area [dice] x10' in radius becomes sticky All light sources in the radius of this spell deal
and soft. Creatures in the area move at half damage to the creature nearest to them.
speed and take 1 damage per round. Any Candles and matches deal 1d4 damage.
creature that was running or charging in the Torches and lanterns deal 1d6 damage.
round before this spell was cast must Save vs Bonfires deal 2d6 damage.
Dexterity or take [sum] damage and be
stunned for 1d6 rounds. Creatures with more Magical light sources with a duration of at
than 2 legs get -4 to their save. least 1 round deal damage equal to the [dice]
invested in their casting +1d6. If a light source
40. Identify Owner deals 4 or more damage it is also
R: touch, T: object, D: 1 minute extinguished.
Letters appear over the object you touch, 45. Lock Joints
spelling out the name of the object's owner or R: 100', T: [dice] x2 creatures or objects,
owners. If the object has no owners, the spell D: [dice] rounds
Creatures or objects you target must Save vs
If you invest 2 [dice] the spell will also show Wisdom or have their joints locked at their
if the ownership is disputed. Dead people current angle and position for [dice] rounds.
cannot dispute ownership. If you invest 3
[dice], arrows will appear pointing in the This could affect the hinges of a door, the
approximate direction of the owner (or a skull links in a chain, or the legs of a sprinting
will appear if they are deceased). The name horse. Stumbling creatures usually take 1d6
revealed will be name the owner used when damage. 2d6 if they were running.
they purchased or acquired the object. For
example, if Tabitha Winklewort was using her
alias "Jane Crow" when she bought her boots,
the name listed would be Jane Crow. If you
targeted a ring she stole and invested 2 [dice]
or more, the names listed would be Jane Crow
and Baron Summerland.
If you invest 4 [dice], true names will be
listed alongside aliases, provided the owners
are mortal. This spell also works on slaves
and domesticated animals.
46. The Magnificent Sponge 51. Multi-Elemental Spray
R: touch, T: point, D: [dice] hours R. [dice] x15' cone, T: area, D: varies
You summon a yellow sponge the size of your If [sum] is equal to or greater than a creature
head. The sponge can instantly absorb up to in the area's HD, they take 1d4 fire damage. If
[sum] x100 liters of liquid without growing [sum] is twice the creature's HD or more, they
heavier. You can squeeze the liquid free, but also take 1d4 cold damage. If [sum] is three
only at the rate of a normal sponge (10L/ times the creature's HD or more, they also
minute). The sponge can be reused if it is take 1d4 lightning damage. If [sum] is four
wrung out completely. times the creature's HD or more, they also
take 1d4 acid damage and are knocked prone.
If you cast this spell with 4 [dice] the sponge
lasts for a year and a day, but the spell does 52. Negasonic Ray
not return to your spellbook until the sponge R: [dice] x20‘ cone, T: area D: concentration
duration expires or the sponge is dispelled.
Rippling rings of purple light pour from the
The sponge is impervious to harm caused by caster's forehead. All sounds are cancelled
the liquids it absorbs. Liquid still in the within the area of this spell. Creatures are
sponge when it vanishes or is dispelled deafened until the spell ends or they leave
splashes to the ground. the spell's area.
47. Mangling Blows 53. Night Sphere
R: 100', T: creature, D: 0 R: 20’, T: area/object/creature, D: [sum] Turns
Invisible hammers of force strike from every A [dice] x20’ sphere of darkness displaying an
direction. Target creature takes [sum] unfamiliar night sky appears. Other than the
bludgeoning damage and is pushed [dice]x5' stars, creatures without wizard vision or
in a random direction. equivalent are blinded. Low-light vision does
not work.
Save vs Dexterity for ½ damage and to avoid
being pushed. 54. Objectify
R: touch, T: self, D: [sum] rounds/varies
48. Marble Madness
R: touch, T: self, D: [sum] rounds Become an inanimate object between the size
of a grand piano and an apple. Investing 3MD
Your pockets fill with [dice] x100 ball bearings increases the duration from rounds to Turns.
for [sum] rounds. Unless you have enormous Investing 4MD makes the duration permanent
pockets, or are grabbing fistfuls of ball until a predetermined trigger reverts you back
bearings every round, they will overflow on to normal.
round 2.
55. Orbiting Spikes
The ball bearings disappear in [dice] Turns. R: 30', T: self, D: [sum] rounds
49. Mind Labyrinth You summon [dice] daggers of force that orbit
R: special, T: self, D: [sum] hours your head like a very angry halo. With a
You create a spiraling labyrinth of thought in thought, even if you are doing something
your mind. Anyone attempting to read your else, you can throw a spike at a target. Treat
mind or cast a memory-altering spell must this as a ranged attack range of 30'. You can
Save vs Intelligence or become trapped in the throw one spike per round as a free action.
Once per hour, they can save to escape. Very
experienced mind readers may expend a [die]
to automatically escape in 1d10 minutes.
While a creature is trapped in your mind, you
can distantly hear it's thoughts.
50. Miniature Sandstorm
R: 30’, radius T: self, D: [dice] hours
You cough up a swirling spiral of sand.
Everything in a 30' radius of you is obscured.
The sand deals no damage, but creatures
move at half speed within the sandstorm's
56. Package Neatly 61. Pyre
R: 20', T: objects, D: concentration/permanent R: 100', T: [dice] creatures or objects, D: 0
Up to [dice] x500lbs of nonliving objects are Targets take [sum] damage and must Save vs
packed neatly. You must name the objects or Dexterity or catch fire, taking ongoing 1d8
their general category when you cast the damage until extinguished. ½ damage on a
spell ("those coins", "the contents of that successful save.
room"). If no packing materials are provided,
the objects will be stacked into compact Targets that are inflammable (soaked
cubes, with the largest and most stable creatures, metal, etc.) will not catch fire.
objects at the bottom. If chests, paper and Targets that are very flammable (soaked in
twine, sacks, carts, etc. are provided, the spell oil, dry wood) make their save with
will use them as you direct. The packages disadvantage. You can target this spell
created will take up the minimum space precisely enough to light the wick of a single
possible, and will be remarkably sturdy. The candle in a bundle, provided you can see the
spell will continue to pack objects for as long wick.
as you maintain concentration. The objects 62. The Razor Spiral
must be able to move freely. You could not R: Self, T: [dice]x10' radius, D: concentration
use this spells to pack clothes someone was
wearing. The objects will not lift more than Blades of invisible force fly around the caster.
10' off the ground during the packing process. All creatures in area take 1d4 damage each
57. Paper Automaton round the spell is maintained. Roll damage
R: touch, T: paper, D: [sum] hours for each creature individually, starting with
those closest to the caster. The spell ends
You enchant a piece of paper, parchment, or automatically when [sum]+3 damage has
vellum to obey your commands. The paper been dealt. The blades will also cut or
folds into a tiny humanoid shape and follows damage fragile objects in the area.
simple instructions. It can lift nothing heavier 63. Redwyn's Excellent Clamp
than a single coin, but it can write and read. It R: 30', T: object(s) ,D: [sum] varies
has [dice] HP and AC10 and takes no damage
from bludgeoning weapons. The size of the A clamp of red light appears over one or two
automaton depends on the dice you invest. 1 objects you designate. The maximum width of
[dice]: mouse 2 [dice]: dog, 3 [dice]: person, 4 the clamp is [dice] x10'. The clamp will push
[dice]: ogre. the objects together until they are held
58. Percival’s Blood Rain securely, but it will not damage either object
R: 100', T: [dice] creatures, D: 0 or any living creatures. If you designated an
orc's shirt and the back of a chair as targets,
Hissing blood rains from above inflicting the clamp would firmly secure the orc to the
[sum] damage. If creature is already bleeding chair. The clamp must be able to fit around
it takes an extra 1d6 damage and is stunned. the objects. You could not secure a chair to the
DEX Save for ½ damage and no stun effect. floor or walls.
59. Perilous Bridge STR Save to escape and, most of the time,
R: [dice] x100', T: object, D: 1hr creatures can wriggle free in a few hours. The
spell lasts for 1 [dice]: minutes, 2 [dice]:
A shimmering bridge of force appears from an hours, 3 [dice]: days, 4 [dice] months, or
object the caster touches, and extends, permanent.
perfectly level, in a single direction. Both ends
of the bridge must touch solid objects. The
bridge is 1' wide and thin as a sheet of paper.
Slowly walking across it does not require a
Save vs Dexterity, but running or a slight
breeze will require one. The bridge shatters if
it is dealt any damage.
60. Poisoned Words.
R: 50' T: creature of [sum] HD or less D: 0
Target creature vomits up 2d10 liters of
spiders. The spiders aren't hostile or
venomous, but their bites itch and they
probably don't want to be held. This spell
does not deal any damage, but target is
poisoned and may require a Morale check.
64. Resolute Command 68. Screaming Teeth
R: 50', T: creature, D: [sum] rounds R: 50' ,T: creature, D: [sum] varies
You shout a single-word command. Target Target's teeth scream whenever the target
must Save vs Wisdom or obey. For two opens its mouth. The screaming is very
rounds after you cast this spell, it resonates. unpleasant, and causes them to lose
Targets who previously passed their save [dice]+1d4 Charisma, to a minimum of 1, for
must save again at the beginning of the next the duration. Target may Save vs Wisdom at
2 rounds, with a +2 bonus the 1st round and a the end of each duration interval to negate
+4 bonus the 2nd. the effects. 1 [dice]: rounds, 2 [dice]: days, 3
[dice]: weeks, 4 [dice] months. The spell fails
The command cannot directly cause the target if the target has no teeth.
harm, or force them to commit a directly
harmful action. You could cause them to run 69.Scrim's Bouncing Sphere of Destruction
into a trap they didn't know was there, or into R: special, T: point, D: [sum] rounds
a tactically disadvantageous position, but not
off a cliff. A small yellow sphere appears on your
fingertip and fires off at enormous speed. Any
For each [dice] you add past the first, you can creatures struck must Save vs Dexterity or be
affect 2 additional creatures, or add an stunned for 1 round. If you cast this spell
additional word to your command. outside, or in a very large room with multiple
exits, you strike 1 target before the spell
65. Roaring Flames vanishes into the distance. If you cast this
R: [dice] x10’ long cone, T: area, D: 0 spell indoors, in a room with a limited number
A cone of crackling fire, 30’ wide at it’s of exits, the sphere is trapped and begins to
terminus, races across the ground. Creatures bounce around at high speed.
in the area take [sum] damage, Save vs The effects depend on the room size. 400
Dexterity for ½. Inanimate objects take [sum] square feet or less (20'x20'): all creatures
x2 damage. Creatures and objects are not set must save or be stunned each round for the
on fire by this spell. duration. All objects that could be shattered
66. Roiling Polymorph or broken have a 50% chance of breaking
R: 10', T: creature(s) of [dice]x2 HD or less, each round -potions, flimsy furniture,
D: [sum] rounds windows, etc. 1600 square feet or less
(40'x40'): creatures have a 50% chance per
Target creature(s) transforms through a wide round to be hit. Objects have a 25% chance of
variety of shapes. Save vs Wisdom to resist. breaking each round. Any larger rooms:
creatures have a 10% chance per round to be
Roll 1D10 at the start of each round: 1-2: no hit. Objects have a 5% chance of breaking
change from current form, 3: small mammal, each round.
4: small amphibian, 5: small bird, 6: small
crustacean, 7: medium mammal, 8: medium These chances may be adjusted by the GM
bird, 9: creature of the same size and species depending on the room size and contents. If
as the target, but of different appearance, 10: you invest 3 [dice] or more in this spell,
creature of the same size as the target, but creatures that fail their save also take 1
different species and appearance. damage. If you invest 4 [dice] or more,
creatures that fail their save are also knocked
The creature's Stats and HP are quartered prone.
when transformed into a small creature and
halved when transformed into a medium 70. Scry
creature. When the spell's effect ends, the R: [dice]x100', T: n/a, D: [sum] rounds
creature is stunned for 1d6 rounds. You conjure an invisible, intangible, floating
67. Rolling Spark eyeball to a point in space that you
R: 10', T: area, D: [sum] rounds designate. You do not have to have line of
sight to cast it. As long as you maintain
A spark of lightning appears within 10' of concentration, you can see through this
you. Each round, it moves up tp 10’ in a sensor with your normal senses. This spell
straight line. Creatures or objects in a 10' requires something to scry on, usually a
radius of the spark take 2d6 lightning mirror, quiet pool, clouds, or bonfire.
damage. DEX Save for ½.
If you invest 2 [dice] you can also hear
If the spark strikes a creature or object through the sensor (it grows an ear). If you
directly, or it is struck (AC12), the spark will invest 3 [dice] you can also speak through the
bounce in a random direction. It may gain sensor (it grows a dribbly little mouth). At 4
speed if struck with significant force. The [dice] the duration is in Turns rather than
spark floats 5' off the ground. rounds.
71. Scuttle 76. Spectral Weapon
R: touch, T: [dice] creatures, D: [sum] minutes R: 50', T: area, D: [sum] rounds
Your clothes and hair animate to carry you. Summon a spectral weapon that inflicts
You can move at full speed in any orientation, [dice]d6 damage. Costs your action to cast but
and you can freely rotate as you move. will fight on its own thereafter.
For instance, you could run while standing on The weapon has a [dice] bonus to-hit, AC
your head, holding a torch, and turning 10+[dice], and [sum] HP.
counterclockwise. You can lie on your side
and, while flipping end over end, move 77. Spiderclimb
backwards. This effect does not allow you to R: touch T: [dice] creatures D: [sum] minutes
climb up walls, but you can climb ladders or Targets can climb or walk up any solid surface
rope at twice your usual speed. as well as a spider could, even upside-down.
72. Scything Disc of Nog Crumbling surfaces, liquids, or jumping will
R: 200', T: creature, D: 0 break the spell.
You fire a whirling disc of force and light from 78. Spitting Stone
your fingertip. The disc screeches like a saw- R: touch, T: object, D: [sum] hours
blade. It deals [sum] damage to its target. If it You touch a stone no larger than your head,
deals more than 6 damage, it bounces and it grows a face that resembles a
towards a random creature within 20', dealing gargoyle's. You can designate [dice] conditions
[sum] -2 damage. If it deals more than 6 under which the stone face will discharge
damage, it bounces towards another random water. You could say "always", "whenever any
creature within 20', dealing [sum] -4 damage. one but me walks past", "only when an orc
This continues, losing 2 damage with each walks past". The conditions must be obvious.
bounce, until there are no valid targets or the The stone is not very observant.
spell deals 6 or less damage to a creature. The water sprayed by the stone does not deal
73. Shackle to the Earth damage, but it has a 50% chance to
R: 100', T: [dice] creatures, D: [sum] rounds extinguish torches. The water disappears once
it passes more than 100' from the stone. The
DEX Save to avoid. Targets must be touching stone sprays water in a [dice] x5' cone. If you
the ground. For as long as the spell is active, invest 4 [dice] or more, creatures passing
they must keep at least one limb touching the through the cone must Save vs Strength or be
ground at all times. Movement speed is ½. If a knocked prone.
target is prone, they must Save vs Strength to
get up. Targets take a -4 penalty to Saves vs 79. Squelch
Dexterity. R: [dice]x10', T: spell, D: 0
74. Shuffle The [sum] of this spell must equal or beat the
R. [sum] x10’, T: [dice] creatures, D: 0 [dice] x2 invested in the spell you are
attempting to squelch.
An even number of creatures, objects, or
creatures and objects, switch places. The You can cast this spell as a reaction. You halve
number must be even, so a caster needs to the duration, effects, and/or damage of a
invest 2 or 4 MD. spell that would affect you or anything
within [dice] x10' of you. You cannot affect
If they invest 1 or 3 MD, resulting in an the spell's range or area.
uneven number of targets, the caster is added
to the target pool to create an even number. If the spell requires a save, you or any
affected targets gain +4 to their save.
75. Sonorous Seeker
R: [dice] x1 mile, T: object, D: [sum] hours 80. Sturdy Circle in the Air
R: 100', T: point, D: [sum] Turns
You create a fluttering star of light that
twitters like a bird. Name a unique object you You draw a circle [dice]x5' in radius in the air.
have clearly seen before, and, if the object is The circle is made of force, as solid as iron.
within the spell's range, the seeker will fly to You can draw the circle at any orientation.
it at the speed of an arrow and hover near it, At your command the circle will follow you,
chiming as loud as a bell. attempting to say within 15’ of you at all
The seeker has 1 HP and AC16. If the object is times.
not within the spell's range, the spell has a
50% chance of seeking out a similar object.
Otherwise, it fails.
81. Summon Candles 87. Thicken Air
R: touch, T: object, D: 5 minutes / 3hrs R: 50', T: [sum] x5' squares, 50' high D: [sum]
[Sum] dribbly candles appear on objects you
touch. The candles are lit and burn for 3 Air in an area you select becomes as dense as
hours. They can be detached, but will fade water. You can still breathe it, but you can
from existence within 5 minutes. If any spells also swim in it. Projectiles passing through
are cast within an area illuminated by a the area do -4 damage. Flying creatures
summoned candle, the candle's flame will entering the area must Save vs Constitution
turn blue and point to the caster. or be stunned for 1 round. If you invest 3 or
more [dice] the spell's duration becomes a
82. Suspend Objects year and a day.
R: touch, T: [sum] objects,
D: concentration or 1 minute 88.Thunderclap
R: 100' ,T: creature, D: 0
Objects that weigh no more than [dice] lbs are
suspended in the air. The slightest effort Target takes [sum] damage. CON Save for ½.
knocks them to the ground. You do not need The target and all creatures within [dice] x10'
to see the suspended objects, but you do need of the target are deafened for [sum] rounds. If
to maintain concentration to keep them [sum] is greater than 12, the effect is
afloat. If you break concentration, the objects permanent.
fall after 1 minute if left undisturned.
89. Thurmond's Prolonged Bombardment
83. Sword of Infamy R: 120', T: creature or object, D: [sum] rounds
R: touch T: sword D: [sum] rounds
Each round, a fist-size sphere of force appears
Creatures killed by a sword you target reveal and slams into the target, dealing 1d6+[dice]
their souls briefly before death. For most damage. Dex Save for ½. Human-sized and
creatures, the soul appears as a small, smaller creatures that take 5 damage must
vaporous homunculus which vanishes after a also Save vs Strength or be knocked prone.
few moments. allies of the deceased must
Save vs Fear / pass a Morale check. 90. Transfer Exhaustion
R: 20', T: creature D: 0
84. Sympathetic Resonance
R: touch, T: 2 creatures or objects, D: [sum] This spell can only be cast if you are fatigued.
minutes You bundle your fatigue into a ball and toss it
at a creature. The creature must Save vs
You touch one creature or object and then Wisdom or be stunned for [dice] rounds. You
touch another creature or object. For the immediately heal [sum] HP. The creature may
duration of this spell, any spells that affect take on some aspects of your personality.
one target will have their effects applied to
the other target as well. Both targets must be 91. Trifurcate Arms
valid, but range and line of sight between the R: touch, T: self, D: [sum] rounds
targets is not considered. For the duration of the spell your arms split
For example, you might touch a goblin and a into three identical copies, moving
dragon. If you strike the goblin with a magic independently with all the dexterity and
missile, the dragon would be hit as well, for strength of your normal limbs. You gain +2 to
the same damage, even if the dragon was Strength and can carry multiple weapons. In
several hundred feet away and inside a cave. combat make a single to-hit roll, roll damage
independently for each weapon you are
85. Teleport wielding and apply only the highest result.
R: 120’, T: [dice] creatures or objects, D: 0
92. Ultralucent Paint
Up to [Dice] medium sized or smaller R: 50', T: creature or object, D: [sum] hours
creatures or objects that you can see
disappears and reappears in a visible and You splatter the target in bright octarine paint
clear area [sum] x10’ away. leaving a mark the size of an apple. The mark
is visible through fog, smoke, and total
86. Thaumaturgic Anchor darkness, at any distance up to [dice] miles. It
R: 120', T: creature or object, D: [sum] rounds is also visible through solid barriers, such as
stone walls, up to 10' thick. The paint drips off
Creature or object becomes the target of every and marks the ground below the target.
spell cast within [sum] feet of it. Unless bandaged or swabbed, the paint will
leave a faint trail behind the target.
93. Ulrik's Beam of Blindness 96. Weighty Sphere
R: 100', T: creature up to [dice] x2 HD, D: 0 R: touch, T: point, D: [sum] hours
A brilliant white ray shoots from your Summon a stone sphere with a radius up to
forehead. Target must Save vs Wisdom or go [dice] x2'. The sphere is immensely heavy. 2'
blind for: 1 [dice]: minutes, 2 [dice]: hours, 3 radius: 2.5 tons. 4' radius: 22.5 tons. 6' radius:
[dice]: months, 4 [dice] years. You may choose 78 tons. 8' radius: 182 tons. You must summon
any number of the target's eyes to blind. This the stone onto a stable surface. For example,
spell can be reflected by mirrors. you can't summon it by touching water or
sand, but you could summon it on top of a
94. Ulrich's Forceful Sigil flimsy wooden railing. If you invest 3MD or
R: touch, 50' T: object, D: [sum] rounds more the spell's duration is permanent.
A writhing arcane symbol appears on an 97. Wending Bolt
object you touch. Any creature within 10' of R: 200', T: creature, D: 0
the sigil must pass a STR Save or be pushed
back 5' and knocked prone. The symbol Make a ranged spell attack. Target takes
vanishes after [sum] rounds. If you invest 3 [sum] damage. You do not need to see the
[dice] or more, you can set the duration of target, but you do need to know their
this spell to permanent until activated. Once approximate location (within 10'), and there
it is triggered, the duration becomes [sum] must be a clear path for the bolt to reach
round as usual. them. The path can be as convoluted as
required. The bolt can pass through gaps as
95. Weal or Woe small as a fist.
R: 120', T: [dice] creatures, D: 0
98. Wernher's Embafflement
[Dice] allies gain advantage on their next R: 100', T: creature up to [dice]x2 HD, D: varies
action, attack, or save. Alternatively, impose
disadvantage on the next action, attack, or A blinking globe of light flies from your hand
save of [dice] enemies. and sinks into the target's head. The target
must Save vs Wisdom or become stunned for
the spell's duration. The target may attempt a
new save at the end of each duration
interval. 1 [dice]: rounds, 2 [dice]: minutes, 3
[dice]: hours, 4 [dice] days.
99. William's Finger-breaker
R: 100', T: creature of [dice]x2 HD or less, D: 0 OCTARINE LIGHT
The target of this spell must have fingers. You Sprinkled throughout this document are
snap your fingers and your target's fingers references to “Octarine Light”. In Sir Terry
crack, break, and bend. They take [sum] Pratchett’s Discworld series Octarine, also
damage and must immediately Save vs known as the “Colour of Magic” or the “King
Constitution or drop whatever they are Colour”, was the 8th color of the Discworld
holding. You can choose to have the target spectrum. Visible only to wizards and cats.
take no damage, but they get +2 to their save.
It is generally described as a fluorescent
100. Zem's Obsessive Exsanguination greenish yellow-purple.
R: touch, T: creature, D: 0
Octarine light is extremely dangerous. A
Target’s suffers [sum] damage as their strong concentration of octarine light (say
circulatory system is blown out of their body, from a Light spell) fires off a random spell
landing [dice] x10’ away. each round on/at every creature in the
affected area. The spell can be from the
Skin, organs, and bones fall in a heap. Target’s preceding list of random spells or from the
concioussness stays with the circulatory spell list of the wizard responsible for
system, able to move & attack normally but foolishly summoning the octarine light in the
equipmentless. Any injuries inflict x2 damage first place.
until it crawls back into the body.
Additionally, everyone in the area must make
Only works on things that bleed. a WIS Save or suffer a random mutation
(page 86).
Magic users in the affected area add an
additional +1MD to any spell they cast.
Whether they want to or not.
NAME: __________________________
WISDOM _____
ALIGNMENT: ______LEVEL: __XP: ______
RELIC is a Lonely Adventurer production. A
special thanks is due to Zac Bir for doing the
original Glaive layout upon which I build this
mess. Sorry about that, Zac. To Gambe dei
Mari, Martin Bentley, and my wife, Mrs.
Lonely Adventurer, for being excellent
volunteer editors and proofreaders. Apologies
to all as I’ve continued to tinker with this
document since you offered your help and I
have no doubt made some horrible mistakes
since then.
Type 1 Ninja:
(The Owlbear-Heist Crew)