Can Analyzer
Can Analyzer
Can Analyzer
Electronic Devices
CAN Analyzer
Revision 1.011 Page 1 of 39
User Manual
Revision 1.011 English
HD67316-U-D1 HD67316-E-A1
CAN/CANopen Tools:
CAN bus Monitor CANopen Monitor CAN sender Network Manager COB-ID filter SDO and PDO filter Mask filter
Benefits and Main Features: CAN Analyzer Advanced 2.0A, 2.0B (11 and 29 bit identifier); Free updating to lifetime; Master DeviceNet utility; Opto-isolated CAN port; HW filter for CAN/CANopen packet; MAX baud rate 1Mb; Industrial temperature range -30C / 70C (-22F / 158F)
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Electronic Devices INDEX:
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Electronic Devices INTRODUCTION:
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The CAN Analyzer is a powerful, flexible and economic instrument which develops and verifies system based in CAN-CANopen. This product allows the study and configuration of CANopen systems, using a user interface that permits a simple access to devices and their objects. The instrument is composed of the following: module hardware with a USB/Ethernet interface that connects to a personal computer and a CAN terminal that connects to the line and software for MS Windows.
THE SOFTWARE: To obtain software please go to (This manual is referenced to the last version of the software present on our web site). The software works with MSWindows (MS 2000, XP, Vista, Seven). When launching the SW67411 the below window appears (Fig. 1). The software is composed of various windows that are controllable from a main window which allows access to the different CAN Analyzer functions (Fig. 1).
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Electronic Devices Status Desc indicates: Packet receive: the number of CAN bus packages received from the hardware device; Packet discarded Filter: the number of the CAN bus packages discarded from the hardware device;
CAN Analyzer
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Packet error controller the number of CAN bus packages discarded erroneously from the Controller CANbus; Send Filter - Bad Filter - Filter Ok: the state of the filter configurable from the software.
Status LED indicates: Cr: Color gray if the CAN Bus network was not activated. Color yellow if the CAN Bus network is active; Tr : Color red if sending data to the Hw CAN Analyzer device. Color gray if there isnt problems; Tp: Color red if the CAN Transmitters are occupied. Color green if there isnt problems; Ov : Color red if overwriting is verified within the receive CAN. Color green if there isnt problems; Wl : Color red if there are communications errors on the CAN during transmission and reception. Color green if there isnt problems; Bo : Color red if the CAN bus network is always in error. Color green if there isnt problems.
The Bus Load indicates the load level on the line. Normally, a line does not carry a load over 30%. A long period of time with an abnormal load may indicate that the applications are excessively using the BUS. This could be caused by an incorrect cable connection (use of the terminal resistors) or the presence of device that functions at a different BAUD RATE than the one set in the analyzer.
The menu and tool bar access a series set-up possibilities such as: communication configuration; baud rate of the bus; turning on and off the hardware.
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Electronic Devices FUNCTION
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In this menu it is possible to Start/Stop the analysis of the CAN network, set the parameters of the Analyzer and the parameters of the CAN bus.
By selecting the CAN Start button under Function menu, the analysis is started.
By selecting the CAN Stop button under Function menu, the analysis is stopped.
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Electronic Devices FUNCTION SETPORT:
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By selecting the SetPort button under Function menu it is possible to select the type of hardware in use and define the parameters of communication. For the Serial Type (HD67216) and USB Type (HD67316-U-D1) its only necessary to select to what COM port the device is connected (Fig. 2). For the Ethernet Type (HD67316-E-D1) it is necessary to insert the IP Address, SubNet Mask, Gateway and Port used for the connection to the device (Fig. 3). All these information are set to the device when the update of parameters was performed.
Figure 2: Set Port Communication window for Serial Type & USB Type
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By selecting the Setup Properties button under Function menu it is possible to set the properties of CAN bus. In this menu is possible set the Protocol between Standard (CAN2.0A) or Extended (CAN2.0B). By checking the Tx Passive field the analyzer doesnt reply with the Ack frame to a CAN frame. In the section Baudrate (kBit/s) there is the list of Baud that is possible to select for set the CAN baudrate. It is possible to select only one value. By checking the Show only CIA Baudrates it is possible to select only the baudrates defined by CIA. Otherwise it is possible to select also no standard baudrates.
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Electronic Devices VIEW: In this menu it is possible to select what see in the Main window.
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With the View/Hide Tool bar button it is possible to show/hide the toolbar with the commands of the menu. The View Form List controls the opening of the windows that access the various CAN Analyzer functions. With the Hardware Status button it is possible to show/hide the information of Bus Load, Packet and Status Led.
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Electronic Devices FORMS: In this menu it is possible to select which forms see.
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The CAN Monitor is a window that allows the visualization of the BUS data at the package level. The CAN Sender is a window that allows CAN packages to be send into CAN line. The CANOpen Monitor is a window that allows for the visualization of BUS data, interpreting it as CANopen packages. The Network Manager is a window that allows for control of the CANopen modules inserted in the line. It can scan the network to find modules and for each one, it reads the object dictionary. The DeviceNet is a window that allows the control of a slave DeviceNet.
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Document code: MN67316_ENG
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This is the window that allows the visualization of the bus data at the package level and its columns mean the following: Time: indicates the time in which data is received; ID (HEX): indicates the Identifier; Data (HEX) indicates the data byte of the CAN package ( they can be from 0 to 8 ); ASCII is representations of received data in character. the the ASCII
The buttons on the tool bar allow the following actions: Export Excel allows the exportation of the entire content of the grid as a text file;
Figure 5: CAN Monitor window CAN Start and CAN Stop is used for activate or stop the writing of the packages in the grid; Clear eliminates the grid content; Lock Recent Entities visualizes the last CAN package; Scroll/Overwrite Mode serves in the choice to write all packages one after another in the grid or to write all of them in the same row; COB-ID List permits to see the COB that arrives and see the update of their value; Filter opens the window for filter set-up. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Srl IT31010 Mareno Treviso INFO: Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
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Electronic Devices FILTER FOR CAN2.0A (STANDARD) The filter is an instrument that allows the hardware module to eliminate package that it does not want to be visualized in the CAN Monitor window. (Note: the filter reacts on the Identifier section of the package) By pressing the Filter button from the Can Monitor window the Filter window (if protocol is standard CAN2.0A) appears (Fig. 6). On the set-up windows for the filter, there are two lists: on the right, the list of the Identifiers ($0-$7FF) of the packages to be visualized; On the left, those lists to be eliminated. To modify the lists, use the keys <<, >>, ALL and NONE to move an Identifier from one list to another, bring them to the right (shown) or the left (hidden).
Figure 6: Filter window for Standard Protocol _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Srl IT31010 Mareno Treviso INFO: Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
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Electronic Devices FILTER FOR CAN2.0B (EXTENDED): COB-ID FILTER When the protocol is extended (CAN2.0B) by pressing the Filter button from the Can Monitor window the Filter CAN 2.0B/J1939 window appears (Fig. 7). In this window there are: A text area on the left for insert the COB-ID in the filter; A big area on the right for display the COB-ID inserted; Two buttons for add or delete the COB-ID; Two options for set the filter to Type Positive or Type Negative. For insert a COB-ID in the filter you have to digit the COB-ID in the first text area and click on the ADD button. Now the COB ID compare on the right box. For delete a COB-ID you have to select the COB-ID to remove and click on the DELETE button. You can choose two type of the filter: positive or negative, by clicking on the relative option: Type Positive: on the CAN visualize only the COB-ID added; monitor you
Type Negative: on the CAN monitor you visualize all COB-ID except the COB-ID added.
Figure 7: Filter window for Extended Protocol: COB-ID Filter _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Srl IT31010 Mareno Treviso INFO: Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
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Electronic Devices FILTER FOR CAN2.0B (EXTENDED): MASK FILTER By clicking on Mask Filter appears the window in Fig. 8. This window is for setting Mask Filter. In the first text area you can write the COB-ID to add to the list. The COB-ID must be in binary code. When you insert the COB-ID you can insert some variables (x), the variable can be 0 or 1. Example 1: COB-ID
On the CAN monitor you can visualize the following COBID: 100011 100111 101011 101111 You can insert also the COB-ID without variables, in this way: Example 2: Figure 8: Filter window for Extended Protocol: Mask Filter COB-ID is 110100 On the CAN monitor you can visualize only the COB-ID 110100 You can add or delete the COB-ID by clicking on the relative buttons.
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It allows for data to be send in the network. The package is built by its Identifier and its data. The window allows a list of packages to be created, then are visualized on the grid. To add a new package, write the values in the text fields and then choose Edit New. The new package extends the table at the first available row. Otherwise, to modify a row, select it and choose the option Edit Modify. Edit del eliminates the selected row. From the Function Menu, choose Transmit Current Object to send the package one single time. Choose Transmit Cycle to send it cyclically. The Debug function send only the selected package, if the main checkbox on top is checked. For select the package to be sent you have to check the debug on the end of the line.
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Electronic Devices For each defined packet it is possible to define a cycle time that it is used for transmit of the frame cyclically. For assign this time you have to select the desired frame and press the button marked with A. The right window appears (Fig. 10). In that it is possible to define the Timer Tics (mS) that is the cyclic time used for send the packet and the Start Byte from 1 to 8. Once the package to be sent are set-up: select the row dedicated to the package to be send and click on the transmission: Transmit Current Object: to send one time; Transmit Cyclic: to send cyclically, if the Cycle Options are set-up.
For each defined packet it is possible to increase automatically the value of the data. For do that you have to select the desired frame and press the button marked with B. The right window appears (Fig. 11). It is possible to enable the increase of the value by checking the field Enable increase value; select the amount of bytes used for the increase (Byte=1, Word=2, DWord=4); select the Start Byte and also swap, by checking the Swap bytes field it is possible to select which of 2 or 4 bytes used for the increase is increased first.
Figure 11: Increase Option window _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Srl IT31010 Mareno Treviso INFO: Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
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It allows for data to be send in the network. The package is built by its Identifier and its data. It is a window that allows the BUS data to be visualized, interpreting the data as specified by the CANopen. The columns mean the following: Time: Indicates the time that data is received; Node: Address of the device associated with the package (1-127); Object: Indicates type of object; the Figure 11: CANopen Monitor window
Data: Indicates the data related to the package (the contents depend on the type of package).
The tool bar allows for the following actions: Export Excel: allows for the exportation of the entire contents of the grid as a text file; CAN Start and CAN Stop: activate or stop the writing of the packages in the grid; Clear eliminates the grid content; Lock Recent Entities visualizes the last CAN package; Scroll/Overwrite Mode: serves in the choice to write all the packages one after another in the grid or to write all of them in the same row; Filter opens the window for filter set-up.
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Electronic Devices The filter is an instrument that allows the hardware module to eliminate package that it does not want to visualized in the CANopen Monitor window. By pressing the Filter button from the CanOpen Monitor window the Filter window appears (Fig. 12): The set-up window of the filter allows every type of package to be visualized or not based on a specific address. It is possible to set the filters on SDO, PDO, EMCY, NMT, SYNC, TIME, NGNG frames. To modify the lists, use the keys <<, >>, ALL and NONE to move an Identifier from one list to another, bring them to the right (shown) or the left (hidden). The CANopen monitor window is valid only for standard protocol.
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The Network Manager window (Fig. 13) allows certain operations, designed for the analysis of CANopen devices. It is possible to scan the network through this window. In order to identify the presence of module within the network, it is possible to read the objects of a modules Object Dictionary and send the start package to the network. Set-up the range of addresses for the scan in order to scan the network. Press the Scan button and wait for this scan. The list of the node is filled in with the found nodes. These can be added to the Index and SubIndex. The button Add Node, Add Index, Add SubIndex, Modify and Delete allow for the elaboration of the objects list. To read the value of an object through SDO, select the object from the list and press the button Read and the button Write to write it. With the EDS button it is possible to add the EDS file for the defined node.
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Electronic Devices By pressing the EDS button from the Network Manager window (Fig. 13) the window Load EDS file appears (Fig. 14): By this window is possible to load an EDS file for CANopen. Can also set as part of EDS you would load by check the field: Insert Mandatory object; Insert optional object; Insert manufacturer object. When the EDS is loaded on the network manager is possible see the various object of CANopen device (fig. 13).
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With the button Device NET, you can access the window for the DeviceNETs Master simulation (Fig. 15). In the window Device NET Master Emulator, you must write the devices address only, then push the START button in order to visualize the input and output data. In the left column you can put the data that DeviceNets Master must write in DeviceNETs net. In order to change the datas value, it is enough: to select the data, to write its value in the editbox on the list and to push the SEND button. In the right column you can view all data of the slave. This column can be only read. Push the STOP button in order to stop communication with the slave.
Figure 15: DeviceNet Master window _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Srl IT31010 Mareno Treviso INFO: Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
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Electronic Devices TRACE In this menu it is possible to start/stop the saving of data into a trace.
The Start File Trace open a window (Fig. 16) that allows to define the settings of the trace. It is possible to create many small files instead of a big one by checking the field Enable MultiFiles and selecting in the field Change file when arrive to x 100000 records how many records to be saved into a file. The Stop File Trace stops the trace.
Figure 16: Trace Definition window _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Srl IT31010 Mareno Treviso INFO: Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
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Electronic Devices BASIC CONCEPTS ABOUT CAN: The CAN Bus is a bus that use simple twisted cable as a physical support. It allows for the communications between several devices at the same time on the same network through an automatic control on the part of the hardware driver, package priority. It is used often in the automotive field and by automated industry. A CAN package is composed of several parts: 11/ 29 bits of the Identifier; up to 8 bytes of data; and other CRC bits. The COB-ID serves to define the priority of the BUS package (note: the lower the values, the higher is the bus priority). The COB-ID bits are, in effect, defined as dominant if zero and recessive if one. The CAN Hardware Driver and the CAN Controller (generally, the microprocessor) if there is an error during the transmission of the package, they suspend the transmission and recuperate the information automatically. This automation permits a high level of security and therefore is used in critical situations.
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Electronic Devices BASIC CONCEPTS ABOUT CANOPEN: The CANopen is a protocol based on CAN that defines a series of set-up rules for package and interactions in which devices can communicate. Also, CANopen brings to the generation of profiles made to standardize communication with generic modules such as I/O, Encoder, etc. Above all, CANopen defines diverse typologies of the package, distinguished base on the COB-ID of the CAN Package (see the table below). COB-ID $00 $80 $80+devadd $180+devadd $200+devadd $280+devadd $300+devadd $380+devadd $400+devadd $480+devadd $500+devadd $700+devadd $600+devadd $580+devadd
Network management Sync Emcy txPDO 1 rxPDO 1 txPDO 2 rxPDO 2 txPDO 3 rxPDO 3 txPDO 4 rxPDO 4 Nodeguarding SDO request SDO response
In the table, for every package devadd (the device address), there is a value up to $7F. A CANopen network can have up to 127 devices (devadd begins from 1).
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Electronic Devices We add a brief description of the meaning of the 8 bytes of data for each type of package.
Network management (Cob ID 0x00) Byte 1 : Identifies the type of command Byte 2 : Identifies the node that receives the command Byte 3-4-5-6-7-8 :Reserved Sync Message (Cob ID 0x80) Byte 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 : Absent Emergency Object (Cob ID 0x80 - 0xFF ) Byte 1 : LSB Error Code Byte 2 : MSB Error Code Byte 3 : Error Register Byte 4-5-6-7-8 : Manufacturer Specific Error Field Timestamp Message (Cob ID 0x100) Byte 1-2-3-4 : time expressed in milliseconds Byte 5-6 : Number of days Byte 7-8 :Reserved Transmit Pdo n 1 Cob ID 0x180 a 0x1FF Byte 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 : databytes Receive Pdo n 1 (Cob ID 0x200 a 0x27F) Byte 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 : databytes
SDO Read Response (Cob ID 0x580 a 0x5FF ) Byte1 : 010X.YY11 (0x40) YY Indicates how many byte of the 4 data possibilities do not contain data. X Indicates a bit which has an indifferent value (dont care) Byte 2 : index byte low Byte 3 : index byte hight Byte 4 : subindex Byte 5,6,7,8 : Data bytes SDO Read Request (Cob ID 0x600 a 0x67F ) Byte1: 010X.XXXX (0x40) X Indicates a bit which has an indifferent value (dont care) Byte 2 index byte low Byte 3 index byte hight Byte 4 subindex Byte 5,6,7,8 Reserved SDO Write Response (Cob ID 0x580 a 0x5FF ) Byte1 : 011X.XXXX (0x60) Indicates a bit which has an indifferent value (dont care) Byte 2 : index byte low Byte 3 : index byte high Byte 4 : subindex Byte 5,6,7,8 : Data bytes
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Electronic Devices SDO Write Request (Cob ID 0x600 a 0x67F) Byte1 : 001X.YY11 (0x20) YY Indicates how many byte of the 4 data possibilities do not contain data. X Indicates a bit which has an indifferent value (dont care) Byte 2 : byte index byte low Byte 3 : byte index byte hight Byte 4 : subindex Byte 5,6,7,8 : Reserved SDO Abort (CobID 580+id) CobID 600+id Byte 1 100X.XXX (0x80) Byte 2 index byte low Byte 3 index byte high Byte 4 subindex Byte 5,6 Additional code Byte7 Error code Byte 8 Error class
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Electronic Devices ABORT CODE DESCRIPTION: 0503 0504 0504 0504 0504 0504 0504 0601 0601 0601 0602 0604 0604 0604 0604 0606 0607 0607 0607 0609 0609 0609 0609 0609 0800 0800 0800 0800 0800 0000h 0000h 0001h 0002h 0003h 0004h 0005h 0000h 0001h 0002h 0000h 0041h 0042h 0043h 0047h 0000h 0010h 0012h 0013h 0011h 0030h 0031h 0032h 0036h 0000h 0020h 0021h 0022h 0023h Toggle bit not alternated. SDO protocol timed out. Client/server command specified not valid or unknown. Invalid block size (block mode only). Invalid sequence number (block mode only). CRC error (block mode only). Out of memory. Unsupported access to an object. Attempt to read a write only object. Attempt to write a read only object. Object does not exist in the object dictionary. Object cannot be mapped to the PDO. The number and length of the objects to be mapped would exceed PDO length. General parameter incompatibility reason. General internal incompatibility in the device. Access failed due to an hardware error. Data type does not match, length of service parameter does not match. Data type does not match, length of service parameter too high. Data type does not match, length of service parameter too low. Sub-index does not exist. Value range of parameter exceeded (only for write access). Value of parameter written too high. Value of parameter written too low. Maximum value is less than minimum value. general error. Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application. Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of local control. Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of the present device state. Object dictionary dynamic generation fails or no object dictionary is present (e.g. object dictionary is generated from file and generation fails because of a file error).
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Electronic Devices UPDATE NEW FIRMWARE: ON HD67316-U-D1: For update the firmware version of HD67316-U-D1 it is necessary to download from this link the files that are necessary for do the operation. After extracting the archive you have to launch the executable USB_SW67316_Update.exe file. The window that appears is shown in Fig. 3. The steps to do are: Connect the device to an USB port and press the Update COMport List button; Select the COM port where the device is attached (USB port is virtualized like a serial); Press the Update Device button and select the file FW_USB_SW67316.sim. When in the log field appears this Update made with success sentence the updating is finished correctly. If doesnt appears, try to repeat the operations.
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Electronic Devices ON HD67316-E-A1: For update the firmware version or changing the Ethernet parameters of HD67316-E-A1 it is necessary to download from this link the files that are necessary for do the operation. You have to install the SW67216 program, launch it (Fig.4 appears) and follow these instructions: Connect the Ethernet cable to the Analyzer and feed it; Go to Function SetPort, select Ethernet Type (HD67316-E-A1) and press the OK button; Go to Ethernet Configuration and select or By Serial if you dont know the settings of Ethernet parameters; or By Ethernet if you know the IP Address and the Port.
Note: When you install a new version of the software it is better if the first time you do the update of the Firmware in the HD67316-E-A1 device. And also for the first update you have to use the Serial RS232.
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Electronic Devices USE OF BY SERIAL The window (Fig. 5) is divided in two sections, one for the data of Ethernet and the other for the actual update. The parameters that are necessary to set are: IP Address, SubNet Mask, Default Gateway, Port. These operations must be made before starting the update: Turn off the Device; Connect the Null Modem Cable form your PC to the Gateway; Insert the Boot Jumper (For more info see Fig. 17); Turn on the device; Check the BOOT Led. It must blink quickly (see LEDS section). Then, after selecting the correct COM port you have to select the operations you want to do. You can select only Firmware, only Project or both of them. Then press the UPDATE button. When appears Fig. 6 the update will be completed with success. At this point you can: Turn off the device; Disconnect the Boot jumper; Disconnect the RS232 Cable; Turn on the device.
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Electronic Devices USE OF BY ETHERNET It is possible to do the Ethernet update only if you know the actual IP Address, Subnet Mask and Port that are programmed into the device. Otherwise you must use the Serial Update. It is possible to put the device on Boot Mode (through the Jumper2) and update the device. For use this procedure you have to: Turn off the Device; Connect the Null Modem Cable form your PC to the Gateway; Insert the Boot Jumper (For more info see Fig. 17); Turn on the device; Check the BOOT Led. It must blink quickly (see LEDS section). The window (Fig. 7) is divided in two sections, one for the data of Ethernet and the other for the actual update. The parameters that are necessary to set are: IP Address, SubNet Mask, Default Gateway, Port. After inserting the actual IP Address and the actual Port you have to select the operations you want to do. You can select only Firmware, only Project or both of them. Then press the UPDATE button. When appears Fig. 8 the update will be completed with success. At this point you can: Turn off the device; Disconnect the Boot jumper; Disconnect the RS232 Cable; Turn on the device.
Figure 7: Update By Ethernet window ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Srl IT31010 Mareno Treviso INFO: Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
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Electronic Devices
Figure 17: Connection scheme for HD67316-E-A1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Srl IT31010 Mareno Treviso INFO: Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
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CAN Analyzer
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Electronic Devices POWER SUPPLY: The HD67316-U-D1 device dont need an external power supply for work. The alimentation is given by USB port. The HD67316-E-A1 can be powered at 819V AC and 835V DC. For more details see the two tables below. VAC Vmin 8V Consumption at 24V DC: Device HD67316-E-A1 W/VA 3.5 Vmax 19V VDC Vmin 8V Vmax 35V
USB: The USB connector (Connector1) of HD67316-U-D1 is a Type-B Female. So the cable must be a Type-B Male.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Srl IT31010 Mareno Treviso INFO: Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
User Manual
Document code: MN67316_ENG
CAN Analyzer
Revision 1.011 Page 34 of 39
Electronic Devices ETHERNET: The Ethernet connection must be made using Connector3 of HD67390-E-A1 with at least a Category 5E cable. The maximum length of the cable should not exceed 100m. The cable has to conform to the T568 norms relative to connections in cat.5 up to 100 Mbps. To connect the device to an Hub/Switch is recommended the use of a straight cable, to connect the device to a PC/PLC/other is recommended the use of a cross cable.
LEDS: The device HD67316-U-D1 has got three LEDs that are used to give information of the functioning status. The various meanings of the LEDs are described in the table below.
Boot Mode
1: Device State
Blink quickly
Blink slowly: No frame is received 2: Receiving USB (Blue) Blink quickly: Frame received on USB Blink quickly
Blink slowly: No frame is received 3: Receiving CAN (Blue) Blink quickly: Frame received on CAN Blink quickly
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Srl IT31010 Mareno Treviso INFO: Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
User Manual
Document code: MN67316_ENG
CAN Analyzer
Revision 1.011 Page 35 of 39
Electronic Devices The device HD67316-E-A1 has got four LEDs that are used to give information of the functioning status. The various meanings of the LEDs are described in the table below.
Boot Mode
1: Receiving CAN
Blink quickly
2: Transmitting CAN
Blink quickly
ON: Ethernet Cable connected 3: Link Ethernet (Green) OFF: Ethernet Cable disconnected Blink slowly (2Hz)
4: Device State
Blink quickly
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Srl IT31010 Mareno Treviso INFO: Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
User Manual
Document code: MN67316_ENG
CAN Analyzer
Revision 1.011 Page 36 of 39
The termination of CAN line, with a 120 resistor, in the HD67390-U-D1 is made by putting the Dip2 of Dip-Switch A at ON position. The termination of CAN line, with a 120 resistor, in the HD67390-E-A1 is made by inserting a jumper like in the figure above. Characteristics of the cable: DC parameter: AC parameters: Impedance Impedance Delay Length Baud Rate [bps] 10 K 20 K 50 K 100 K 125 K 250 K 500 K 800 K 1000 K 70 120 Ohm/m Ohm/m
5 ns/m Length MAX [m] 5000 2500 1000 650 500 250 100 50 25
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Srl IT31010 Mareno Treviso INFO: Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
User Manual
Document code: MN67316_ENG
CAN Analyzer
Revision 1.011 Page 37 of 39
Figure 19: Mechanical dimensions scheme for HD67316-E-A1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Srl IT31010 Mareno Treviso INFO: Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
User Manual
Document code: MN67316_ENG
CAN Analyzer
Revision 1.011 Page 38 of 39
Electronic Devices ORDERING INFORMATIONS: The ordering part number is formed by a valid combination of the following: HD67316 x y z Connectors Type 1 = Removable Screw Terminal Enclosure Type A = DIN Rail mounting D = Device Table Interfacing U = USB E = Ethernet Device Family HD67316 = CAN Analyzer
CAN Analyzer, USB version, device table CAN Analyzer, Ethernet version, 35mm DIN Rail mounting
ACCESSORIES: Order Code: AC34001 Order Code: AC34002 Rail DIN - Power Supply 220/240V AC 50/60Hz 12 V AC Rail DIN - Power Supply 110V AC 50/60Hz 12 V AC
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Srl IT31010 Mareno Treviso INFO: Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
User Manual
Document code: MN67316_ENG
CAN Analyzer
Revision 1.011 Page 39 of 39
If while using your product you have any problem and you wish to exchange or repair it, please do the following: 1) Obtain a Product Return Number (PRN) from our internet support at Together with the request, you need to provide detailed information about the problem. 2) Send the product to the address provided with the PRN, having prepaid the shipping costs (shipment costs billed to us will not be accepted). If the product is within the warranty of twelve months, it will be repaired or exchanged and returned within three weeks. If the product is no longer under warranty, you will receive a repair estimate.
Gateway CANopen / Canopen Gateway CANopen / Modbus RTU Master
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Srl IT31010 Mareno Treviso INFO: Phone +39.0438.30.91.31