DATE: __________
The project report titled COMPANY PROFILE OF ONIDA in Sagar City Prepared by MANOJ RAJAK under the guidance and supervision of MR! "ARDES" PATKAR #Le$t%rer OF M&A Deptt! O' S!S!"!C! JAIN I!M!R!( for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Ma)ter *' &%)ine)) Ad+ini)trati*n is satisfactory in respect of :Comments By Examiner Supervisor Head of Deptt.
1. Contents and presentation of the su !e"t matter #. $an%ua%e &. Em odies the ori%ina' (or) of the "andidate. *. Su mission (ithin due date
Si%nature of
Si%nature of H.+.D.
DATE: __________
.R+D/CT PROFILE OF ONIDA in Sagar City is my own work, conduct under the
supervision of Miss !riyanka "ain #Le$t%rer OF M!&!A! #ffiliated Deptt! to $r O' S!S!"!C! &ingh JAIN 'our I!M!R!( (entral
)niversity, &agar To the best of my knowledge the report does not contain any work which has been submitted for the award of any degree, anywhere
Si%nature of the Candidate
I would like to pay my sincere thanks to Pr*'! R!P! Ra.at "ead *' t/e Dept! S!S!"!C! JAIN I!M!R!
Sagar for providing me the opportunity of doing the project report I would to e*press my deep sense of gratitude to Mi))! Priyan0a Jain #Le$t%rer *' SS!"!C! JAIN I!M!R! SA-AR( for her valuable guidance, advises, (ooperation + (onstant encouragement during the project preparation &he is very supporting and without her help I would not have completed my project report successfully I e*press my heartful thanks to Mr #jay $wivedi, Mrs !arul 'uru, Mr &anjay ,hare, + Miss 'arima
(hourasia and to the staff of & & % ( "#I- IM. , !arents and friends for their kind support and suggestion I am very thankful to retailer and customer whom I had approached for collection of necessary data and
who give their valuable time and comments, which were the inputs for my survey $ate: !lace: RAJAK MANOJ # 2)t M&A 1nd Se+! &at$/(
The project report has an objective to get the MBA student familiar with real life business situation and gives an opportunity to the student of understand the theoretical concepts of marketing and finance in practical way. In todays world !onsumer is the "ing# consumer test and preference go alone way in the actual sales of the product. $very research work has to deal with various people in concern organi%ation and each of them have their own opinion and thinking about various topics. The main aim of the survey report was to determine the PRODUCT PROFILE OF ONIDA in Sagar Cit . I tried my best to e&press the report through satisfactional representation' graphs' pie diagrams etc. and it helped me to enhance my knowledge I am e&tremely
happy to place before our esteemed teachers. The report of the survey carried in the city of (agar on !ustomer (atisfaction of )*I+A.
Onida today enjoys a strong equity among consumers making it one of the leading brands in India. Our constant endeavor to introduce products of substance that offer the very best in technology and the finest design have made Onida a leading player in the electronics and entertainment business today. Onida has recently made a foray in other household appliances including air-conditioners, washing machines, D Ds, !lasma " #$D televisions and home theatre systems. %or offices, Onida has also introduced state-of-the-art multi-media presentation products. Onida is a popular electronics brand in India. Onida has a network of && branch offices, '() $ustomer *elation $enters and +, depots spread across India. -s on &, .arch '((/, Onida had a market capitali0ation of *s.&(,.+1 crore. .irc 2lectronics won an 3-ward for 24cellence in 2lectronics5 in ,666, from the .inistry of Information 7echnology, 8overnment of India. Onida with its 9ales " .arketing office in Dubai reported a ',/ per cent e4port growth in two years, setting the base for an increased robust international presence.
7he shipments to the 8ulf contribute almost 1/ per cent of Onida:s e4port revenue, while shipments to the fast growing 2ast -frican market ;<ganda, 7an0ania, =enya and 2thiopia> and the 9--*$ countries accounted for ,1 per cent of e4port revenues. ?ome 7heatres and D D players have been introduced in these markets to strengthen the Onida brand presence. 7hese products have customi0ed models with local language user interfaces in line with its geographies of focus. Onida models are now available with -rabic, !ersian and *ussian O9D ;menu>. Onida products have been favored by hypermarkets like #u #u $entres, $arrefours, 8eants and Dasmans in 8$$ countries. In addition to the 8ulf countries O@ID- has now a si0eable presence in *ussia, <kraine and neighboring $I9 countries. O@ID- has already crossed ,((((( mark in $7 e4ports to *ussia in a span of just ' years and plans to grow in these markets at a much faster pace. -part from 7elevision 24ports to *ussia, Onida also e4ports D D !layers and ?igh end #$D 7elevisions.
Company History
?ow it all began Onida was started by .r.8.#..irchandani and .r. ijay .ansukhani in ,6), in .umbai. In ,6)', Onida started assembling television sets at their factory in -ndheri, .umbai. 9uperior products and the combination of a distinctive voice, a cutting-edge advertising strategy, and purposeful marketing ensured that Onida became a household name. Over the years, Onida has strengthened its reputation for the intelligent and pioneering application of technologies.
Onida has a network of && branch offices, '() $ustomer *elation $enters and +, depots spread across India. .I*$ 2lectronics shares are listed on the @ational and .umbai 9tock 24changes. 7he company enjoyed a market capitali0ation of *s.&(,.+1 $r. as on &,st .arch '((/. 7he transition of Onida from a family-owned business to a
professionally managed company has largely been made possible by the vision of the $hairman " .anaging Director, .r.8.#..irchandani.
Onida brand has following range of products.
,. #$D 7 s 2. !lasma 7 s &. 7elevisions +. D D and ?ome 7heater 9ystems /. -ir $onditioners 1. Aashing machines 7. .icrowave Ovens ). !resentation !roducts 6. Inverters ,(. .obile !hones
,o more messy spea)ers and (ires2 Ae saw that most #$Ds focus on picture clarity and compromise on sound. ?ence a home theatre is bought separately. But thanks to the Caria 7hunder with home theatre bar gives you
the most powerful sound in #$D segment without setting up the messy wires of a home theatre.
India3s most "onvenient hi%h front 'oadin% fu''y automati" (ashin% ma"hine2 - front loading washing machine gives the best wash quality but
requires bending while washing clothes. Onida high front loading washing machine has a wider and taller drum for superior cleaning. It:s India:s slimmest high front loading washing machine.
2 4$ 0apa)!t. 40 )/s dept1 D!$!tal 0 #t* l W!de +#)l!#ed D!$!tal D!spla. 5, )/s W!de D * ,2 )/s H!$1 D * 1806 D * Ope#!#$ 8 Va*!a7le &p!# &peeds 1000 *p/ &p!# M t *
2', 4$ 0apa)!t. 8 Was1 P* $*a/s 480 W P 3e*8ul M t * T*!ple Pulsat * Te)1# l $. Wate*8all &.ste/ L0D D!spla. Me/ *. Ba)9up Ma$!) F!lte* &ta!#less &teel Tu7 Dela. &ta*t 8 Wate* Le(els
1- Thunder. Bi% Sound. .erfe"t C'arity2 In some mobiles, the sound is not clear, while some you can barely hear and others have cracked sound. Introducing the Onida =D 7hunder phone that gives big sound with perfect
clarity everytime you hear music or make a call. 9o now listen to this and you will forget all other mobiles. $hallengeE
L!(e P!)tu*e 01at Bus!#ess 0a*d s)a##e* Mult! D )u/e#t (!e3e* 2'4: QVG; T u)1 &)*ee# Dual )a/e*a "<pa#da7le /e/ *. upt 8 GB Re/ te ) #t* l/;#t! t1e8t se)u*!t. Bluet t1 3!t1 ;2DP p* 8!le ;ud! / V!de pla.e* ;ud! / V!de Re) *de* "DG" / GPR& / W;P Mus!) P1 t s1 3 =a(a
P1 #e7 9 )apa)!t.- 590 ) #ta)ts 2'0: 2224 TFT D!spla. Dual G&M 2 Me$ap!<el )a/e*a M!)* &D )a*d e<pa#da7le t 2 GB Bluet t1 3!t1 ;2DP p* 8!le
T1e ;d(a#)ed ;ud! D!st*!7ut! # P* 8!le >;2DP? all 3s 1!$1 @ual!t. aud! t 7e st*ea/ed 8* / #e de(!)e t a# t1e* (e* a Bluet t1 ) ##e)t! #' ;ud! / V!de Pla.e* ;ud! / V!de Re) *de* We7)a/ GPR& / W;P
P-one1oo2 #apa#it) ( '00 #onta#ts 1!83 2.24 $F$ Displa) FM ,adio +&F +a*e%a Mi#%o SD #a%d e5panda1le to 2 6 luetootVi1%ation Spea2e% 7udio 8 Video Pla)e% 7udio ,e#o%de% 8 +all %e#o%de%
P-one1oo2 #apa#it)( '00 #onta#ts 1!83 .'4 +S$9 Displa) FM ,adio VG; 0a/e*a
VG; sta#ds 8 * V!de G*ap1!)s ;**a.' +t !s t1e sa/e *es lut! # as 240<480A t1at !s 0'5 /e$ap!<els' Mi#%o SD #a%d e5panda1le to 2 6 7udio 8 Video Pla)e% 7udio 8 Video ,e#o%de% GPR& / W;P
.ro!e"tors and Disp'ay .rodu"ts Onida offers a wide range of stylishly crafted presentation devices, each of
which has been customised to suit a particular type of application - be it for the home or office. $ombining the finest in projection, magnification and visual display technology, these systems ranging from portable multimedia projectors and compact desktop visualisers to !lasma Display panels and giant video walls will ensure that every screening or presentation will keep the audience engrossed. -nd leave them with memories of a superlative visual e4perience.
Info"us 4u'timedia .ro!e"tors Onida is the only company in India which has the widest range of projectors that use the most contemporary technologies. 7his is due to the co-branding arrangements with Infocus $orporation <9-, world leaders in #$D " D#! projectors.
$CD T5 %resh colors, clear, distinct, original as fresh as you see in real life. @ow on your #$D 7v. Onida #e4ini 7vs are equipped with <ltra #uminance 7echnology that ensures fresh colors. Aith beauty at its best and performance at its peak, Onida #e4ini is a statement and not just a possession.
5isua' .resenters %or projecting &D objects to printed matter, transparencies and &/ mm slides, the isual !resenter is the most versatile presentation equipment to have. Aith connectivity to monitors as well as multimedia projectors, ideas and images can be communicated on a large screen in a wide range of environments like class rooms, conference halls, image capturing and video conferencing.
Onida LCD T3
Onida LCD TV Price List All prices are in Indian Rupee (INR)
Onida 32 Lexini LCD TV Rs.33,490/Onida 46 Lexini LCD TV Rs.1,05,000/Onida Xaria 32 LCD TV Rs.33,990/Onida Xaria 42 LCD TV Rs.63,990/Onida 40 Lexini LCD TV Rs.65,990/22 VOGUE
120W PMPO HD ,ead) Mo"ie $V HDM& VisD &*age Engine HD ,ead) Wide Sound P+ &nput
32 Diamond HD Ready
000W PMPO US 2!0 :0000 ( 1 D)na*i# +ont%ast ,atio 2 HDM& VisD &*age Engine SU,F S/i"el ase Wide Sound P+ &nput
Full HD 200W PMPO iPla)on .0000(1 D)na*i# +ont%ast ,atio 2 HDM& SU,F Su%%ound Sound VisD &*age Engine P%i#e ,s! 28;'008<
+B6ECTI5ES +F THE ST/D7he project has been divided into two parts. One that is related with the internship work as per the guidance of the company mentor that required market visits to be carried out to different distributors and dealers to understand the way they operate and the interface between the company and them. 7he other part of the project is academic and deals with research, analysis and studying the various strategies that are employed by the company, its comparison with other players and so hence and so forth. 7o analy0e the .arket of O@ID- !roduct. 7o analy0e the factors influencing the customers to choose a particular brand of 7elevision. 7o know the customers view towards 7elevisions of different brands.
RESEARCH 4ETH+D+$+77he *esearch is 24ploratory *esearch. In the present *esearch I have collected data through 9urvey of ,(( customers. SA4.$E SI8E &/ respondents. S+/RCE +F I,F+R4ATI+,2 !rimary " 9econdary Data was used. SA4.$I,7 4ETH+D !ercentage .ethod SA4.$I,7 .R+CED/RE 2 $lose 2nded Fuestionnaire are used. SA4.$I,7 TECH,I9/E $onvenient 9ampling .ethod. T++$S +F A,A$-SIS I have used Fuestionnaire .ethod.
Percenta"e #$ Resp#ndents
80 28 !0 0 20 0 LCD CRT
Interpretati#n% 2/0 &. +"e res*&nden+s "a%e LCD Te$e%isi&n, 720 &. +"e res*&nden+s "a%e CRT Te$e%isi&n.
.Ra+e +"e .&$$&1in- .a#+&rs '&( #&nsider are i2*&r+an+ .&r 3(i$din- 3rand i2a-e. O*+i&n ,ri#e C$ari+' 4&(nd D(ra3i$i+' L&&5s (a$i+' ,er#en+a-e &. Res*&nden+s 24 6 10 1/ / 34
6n+er*re+a+i&n7 240 &. +"e res*&nden+ sa' ,ri#e is +"e .a#+&r 1"i#" 3(i$d 3rand, 60 sa' C$ari+' 3(i$ds 3rand, 100 sa' s&(nd 8(a$i+', 1/0 sa' D(ra3i$i+', /0 sa' L&&5s, 340 sa' (a$i+' is +"e 2&s+ i2*&r+an+ .a#+&r .&r 3(i$din- 3rand i2a-e.
. !"a+ d& '&( $&&5 .&r 1"i$e *(r#"asin- a LCD / CRT Te$e%isi&n) ,$ease ran5 in &rder &. i2*&r+an#e. O*+i&n C&2*ara+i%e 9d%an+a-e ,ri#e TV 9d%er+ise2en+ 4#"e2e/Dis#&(n+/:ree ;i.+ (a$i+' ,er#en+a-e &. Res*&nden+s 36 20 6 20 1/
Percenta"e #$ Resp#ndents
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
C &. ! $i0 r# /# A 1! $# #( )0
20 6
i Pr !
T2 r 0! A)
" i$ '# %
D !4 . 3!
!. $i,
i, r! 4F ($ &' ! i5$ G
$ !(
Interpretati#n% 360 #&ns(2ers $&&5 &(+ .&r #&2*ara+i%e ad%an+a-e 1"i$e 2a5in- a *(r#"ase.
. !"' '&( *re.er a *ar+i#($ar 3rand &. LCD / CRT Te$e%isi&n) O*+i&n <n&1n ,r&d(#+ ;&&d (a$i+' Reas&na3$e ,ri#e =&re Va$(e .&r =&ne' O+"er Reas&n ,er#en+a-e &. Res*&nden+s 20 24 22 1/ 16
Percenta"e #$ Resp#ndents
2 22 2' 20 &' &0 ' 0 (n#)n Pr#duct *##d +ualit, Reas#na-le Price .#re Value $#r .#ne, Ot/er Reas#n 20 &8 &!
Interpretati#n% 240 *e&*$e sa' +"a+ -&&d 8(a$i+' 2a5es a 3rand *re.era3$e.
#ess Investment is done on !romotions and -dvertisement in comparison of the competitors. @ow the D2 I# .-@ in the advertisement is not working for O@ID- and company is not able to connect with this generation. $ustomers are not aware about all the products of Onida.
7he Indian mass market. 7he high end value driven proposition helps in increasing market share. 8rowing semi urban market. !urchasing power of people is increasing day by day.
Indian mass market may be captured by rival .@$s like #8, 9-.9<@8 and 9O@D Due to increased price of inputs and continuing price erosion there is downtrend in the consumer durable market
')G of the respondents have #$D 7elevision, H'G of the respondents have $*7 7elevision. '+G of the employee say that they have 9amsung #$D I $*7 7 , ++G of the respondents have #8 #$D I $*7 7 the respondents prefer O@ID-. and ''G of
'+G of the respondent say !rice is the factor which build brand, 1G say $larity builds brand, ,(G say sound quality, ,)G say Durability, )G say #ooks, &+G say Fuality is the most important factor for building brand image.
&1G consumers look out for comparative advantage while making a purchase. '+G people say that good quality makes a brand preferable. '+G of the respondents say the price of 9amsung #$D I $*7 7elevision is less, '(G say !rice of #8 #$D I $*7 7elevision is less, '(G say O@ID- #$D I $*7 7elevision has less price, &1G of the respondents say price. ideocon #$D I $*7 7elevision has less
&'G of the respondents say 9ound of 9amsung #$D I $*7 7elevision is best, &+G of the respondents say #8 #$D I $*7 7elevision is best in terms of 9ound Fuality, ,1G of the respondents say O@ID- #$D I $*7 7elevision is best in terms of 9ound Fuality, ,)G of the respondents say 7elevision is best in terms of 9ound Fuality. ideocon #$D I $*7
#I.I7-7IO@9 O% 97<DD
7he respondents were limited and cannot be treated as the whole population. 7he respondents may be biased. 7ime was the major constraint. 7he accuracy of indications given by the respondents may not be consider adequate
$ompanies must advertise their products heavily. $ustomers must be made aware about the features of #$D I $*7 7elevisions. -fter sales services provided must be improved. .ore advertisement must be made to improve brand image. -ttractive offers must be made by the company. 9pares parts should be provided at low cost.
7his project helped me tremendously in knowing how marketing activities are carried out in a real situation. In classroom lectures, I was able to understand only the theoretical work I have the practical e4perience about the marketing activities. -s far In my study I have found that ma4imum people prefer to buy #8 #$D I $*7 7 as compared to other brands of #$D I $*7 7elevision because of its 9ound system and features and performance. Inspite of #ess price of other brands of #$D I $*7 7 people prefer #8 #$D I $*7 7 .
I found that people prefer #$D 7elevisions because of their attractive looks and space required for keeping #$D 7elevision is also very less.
BIB$I+7RA.HBoo)s2 =otler, !hilip., J.arketing .anagementJ !rentice ?all Of India !vt. #td., @ew Delhi. =othari, $.*, J*esearch .ethodologyJ, Delhi ishwa !ublication., @ew
!ublishing $ompany #imited. @ew Delhi 0e sites2 www.lge.com www.videocon.co.in www.Onida.com www.samsung.comIin
Ra+e +"e .&$$&1in- .a#+&rs '&( #&nsider are i2*&r+an+ .&r 3(i$din- 3rand 62a-e. a. d. ,ri#e D(ra3i$i+' 3. e. C$ari+' L&&5s #. .. 4&(nd (a$i+'
!"a+ d& '&( $&&5 .&r 1"i$e *(r#"asin- a LCD / CRT Te$e%isi&n) ,$ease ran5 in &rder &. i2*&r+an#e) a. #. ;i.+ e. a. #. e. (a$i+' <n&1n ,r&d(#+ Reas&na3$e ,ri#e O+"er Reas&n 3. d. ;&&d (a$i+' =&re Va$(e .&r =&ne' C&2*ara+i%e 9d%an+a-e TV 9d%er+ise2en+ 3. d. ,ri#e 4#"e2e/Dis#&(n+/:ree
9.9.?.$. K-I@ I@97I7<72 O% .-@-82.2@7 " *292-*$? 9-8-* ;..!.> D0AL0R12 +302TIONNAIR
@-.2L- MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.. D-72 MMMMMMM. ,. Dealing with following companyN $ompany MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. year MMMMMMMMM.. '. -verage salesImonthN MMMMMMMMMMMMM.................................. &. ?ow many orders do you order in a month N -----------------------------------+. Aho are the competitors of your productN ---------------------------------------/. Do you think that the company has a long standing imageN Des I @o. may be ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. *eason you account for you saleN a. Fuality youN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------). -re you satisfied with these techniquesN Des I @O ---------------------------6. Ahat e4tra facilities are provided by company to youN a. $ash discountb. DealerJs discount Others. ,(. Ahich form of media had lot of impact on the customersN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------c. 7ransportation d. b. !rice. $. arieties Offered d. Brand @ame H. Ahat promotional technique is being providing by company to