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Generic Lesson Plan Form

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The key takeaways are that the lesson plan format outlines the structure and components that should be included when planning a lesson, such as objectives, teaching strategies, materials, assessments, etc.

The purpose of the lesson plan format is to help teachers design effective lessons that meet the objectives and needs of the students.

Some of the main components included in the lesson plan format are objectives, teaching strategies, materials, pre-assessment, engagement, learning activities, closure, checking for understanding, and assessment.

HCPSS Lesson Plan Format


Howard County Generic Lesson Plan Format

Tell students what youre going to teach, teach it to them, then ask them to say, show, or apply what theyve learned.

Unit: (Taken from the HCP Lesson Title:

!ssential Curriculum"

esignate a!!ro!riate strategies"areas

Teaching Strategies

,,, caffolded -uestioning

Objectives: (Taken from the HCPSS Essential Curriculum, which is #ased on $aryland Content tandards%&oluntary tate Curriculum". '#(ectives)

$ust #e written in #ehaviorally measura#le terms $ust inform students a#out e*actly what they are e*pected to know and #e a#le to do at the completion of this lesson $ust match assessment e*pectations and #e reflected in ru#rics, tests, and all other formative and summative authentic and alternative assessments.

Time required: !stimated num#er of minutes re+uired for the lesson #aterials) (3ist of all materials that will #e needed for the lesson"

.nclude planning for cleanup and reorgani;ation of materials for su#se+uent classes, e.g. science la#s, mathematics manipulatives, art, P.!. supplies, etc. .nclude pertinent e+uipment%la# safety rules in plans. Have #ackup plans and materials when technology is used in the event that we#site access is interrupted or pro#lems occur.

,,, .ndependent /eading ,,, .nterpretation of 0raphics (maps, graphs, cartoons, ta#les1" ,,, Concept 2ttainment ,,, Cooperative 3earning ,,, Think4Pair4 hare ,,, /oundta#le ,,, 5igsaw ,,, Pairs Check%/eview ,,, .ndependent%0roup Pro(ect ,,, .ntegration of Technology ,,, Print alternatives, i.e., !4te*t ,,, 6se of 2udio Clip%$usic ,,, .nteractive tudent 7ote#ook8 ,,, 9ormal :riting ,,, .nformal :riting ,,, 0raphic%&isual 'rgani;ers ,,, $odeling%<emonstration ,,,Think 2loud ,,, /eciprocal Teaching ,,, 0roup 2ctivities ,,, imulation ,,, 6se of &ideo Clip ,,, 3ecture =#ursts ,,, >4minute pause ,,, <ifferent purposes for viewing%reading ,,, Cross4Curricular Connections 'ther,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Pre$%ssessment o& Prior 'no(ledge: ?<rill@ :arm4up@ 2nticipation 0uide@ A:3@ Pre4test" ...provides a review of previous knowledge learned in class or in the =real world and a connection to what will #e learned in this lesson.

2llows the teacher to connect formerly e*perienced knowledge to new information. Prevents repetition of ideas previously mastered #y students. /einforces students metacognitive skills and network to connect

(<ifferentiate Content, Product, Process" ,,, Tiered assignments ,,, 9le*i#le grouping ,,, 3earning centers ,,, Curriculum compacting ,,, &arying +uestions ,,, .ndependent Pro(ects ,,, Brain Compati#le .nstruction ,,, Cultural Conte*t ,,, $ultiple .ntelligences

i&&erentiation Strategies

prior knowledge to new concepts and constructs. Engagement: (2nticipatory et, $otivation" ...provides a =hook to focus students attention and e*cite them to learn.

Learning #odalities
,,, &isual ,,, 2uditory ,,,Tactile%Ainesthetic

9ocuses student attention Provides an organi;ing framework for new ideas or information which will follow 2ssists in understanding a#stract ideas using analogies, e*amples, non4e*amples, and discrepant events.

)eneral %ccommodations to %ccess Curriculum ,,,2dapt the skill level

,,, 2dapt the num#er of items ,,, 2dapt materials ,,, Provide learning strategy ,,, Provide audio%video%digital access


HCPSS Lesson Plan Format

,,, .ncrease personal assistance


HCPSS Lesson Plan Format

Co$Teaching #odel
,,, 'ne lead%one support ,,, tation Teaching ,,, Two 0roups ,,, 2lternative Teaching ,,, $ultiple 0roups ,,, Team Teaching

Lesson evelo!ment"Procedures: (Body of the 3esson" %ctivit* <esign at least two CD to ED minute lesson segments and structure transitions. ( egment length should reflect attention span of students." Considerations1

Be sure activity matches o#(ectives. !*plicitly teach skills (including thinking skills and interpersonal skills" that students need to complete the activity successfully. Be sure roles and responsi#ilities are clear for group assignments. Be sure students understand what they are e*pected to do and what product(s", if any, they are to prepare.

+EP )oals"%ccommodations ,-ased on Students. +EP"/01 Plan2


HCPSS Lesson Plan Format


Transition Plan a structured way to end one activity and give directions for connecting it to the ne*t activity. %ctivit* Considerations1

Present new information in multiple ways to reach all learners (video clip, reading, visual images, PowerPoint presentation, lecture =#ursts". Connect new information to previously learned knowledge or skills. /elate new information to real4world scenarios.

,,,3iterary ,,,.nformational

3eading Strategies Te*t


Transition Plan a structured way to end one activity and give directions for connecting it to the ne*t activity. %ctivit* Considerations1

,,, Purpose ,,, Prior knowledge ,,, Preview ,,, &oca#ulary%Concepts ,,, Predict

Be sure students have the opportunity to practice new knowledge and skills individually and with the teacher present. Provide opportunities for enrichment, as well as re4teaching and addressing .!P% P goals. Be sure activities re+uire students to use higher order thinking skills

,,, Chunking ,,, elf4monitoring through clarifying +uestions and notations on te*t ,,, /eread ,,, $etacognitive conversation


,,, ummari;e or paraphrase ,,, :rite BC/s in response to reading +uestions ,,, 6se ru#rics

(i.e., application of knowledge, analysis and synthesis of information, evaluation of processes and products." Transition Plan a structured way to end last activity. Be sure there is time for students to clean up and give full attention to lesson closure. Closure: ( ummary@ !*it +uestions@ ilent e*it slips, etc." 1#rings students #ack to the lesson o#(ectives to discern if they learned the material, i.e., = how me or tell me what new information you learned in todays lesson and how you will use it in your life.

)eneral 3eading Processes

Cues students that they are at the end of todays lesson Helps students organi;e their learning Provides opportunity for varied ways for students to show learning /einforces main points and unites them in a coherent whole Connects to the real world to enhance retention and meaning /einforces metacognition

,,, <ecoding ,,, &oca#ulary ,,, 9luency ,,, Comprehension (Clarifying, &isuali;ing, -uestioning, Predicting, 2ccessing Prior Anowledge, ummari;ing, $aking .nferences, and <etermining $ain .dea"

%!!roaches to 3eading in the Content %rea

,,, /eading 2pprenticeship8 444 Other


HCPSS Lesson Plan Format

Chec5ing &or Understanding throughout the Lesson (!P/@ tructured -uestions" 1checks to see if students =got it correctly #efore proceeding to new concept or skill or to the ne*t segment of the lesson.

Ever* Pu!il 3es!onse ,EP32 Strategies

Plan specific +uestions and how students will answer. 6se these throughout the lesson to #e sure that students understand the information taught in each lesson segment. 6se !P/ strategies fre+uently to #e sure !2CH student understands lesson content. 6se higher levels of Blooms Ta*onomy to develop +uestions that

,,, Choral 2nswer ,,, Thum#s 6p%Thum#s <own ,,, C, E, > 9lash ,,, :ritten 2nswers on :ipe Boards ,,, how of Hands ,,, Cue Cards ,,, Think, Pair, hare

ensure transfer and retention of new information. 0uides the teacher in knowing whether to continue the lesson or to T'P and re4teach #efore proceeding to the ne*t activity. %ssessment: (/eview of 2nticipation 0uides@ Post4tests@ BC/s@ -ui;;es@ Tests@ Pro(ects@ !ssays@ Performance 2ssessments, etc." 1allows the students to demonstrate what they have learned and what they need to have re4presented in another more effective way. 1allows the teacher to see what was learned successfully and what must #e re4taught.

3inks directly to the stated '#(ective(s" .s ongoing and is in alternative forms Provides a roadmap for individual and whole class learning and achievement <rives future instruction

,,, Collect and 0rade ,,, Check for Completion ,,, .n4Class Check ,,, /u#ric ,,, Checklist ,,, Peer% elf 2ssessment ,,, 5ournal%3earning 3og ,,, Portfolio ,,, Constructed /esponse ,,, -ui; ,,, Test ,,, Presentation ,,, Performance 2ssessment ,,, .nformal 2ssessment ,,, !*it lip ,,, 'ther


Home(or5"Enrichment: (.ntegrated /eading and%or :riting 2ssignments@ /eflective 5ournals@ Pro(ects" 1takes the learning out into the real world and provides opportunities for additional practice and connections at home and with families

.s practice of learned material, not new material. .s designed to #e completed in a reasona#le amount of time. :arrants immediate feed#ack to #e meaningful. /e+uires home and school support (particularly for young children". 3inks to recent learning conte*t.


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