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Full Metal Mongo: Scale

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Full Metal Mongo

Humongous: Slang. Extraordinary large; Open source NoSQL database Written in C++ https://github.com/mongodb/mongo

expressive coinage, perhaps reecting huge and monstrous, with stress pattern of tremendous

Production Deployments

Terminology and

The mongo shell Insert / update / delete Querying Aggregation Map/reduce

Schema design Indexes DBA stuff Security Replica sets Sharding

Terminology and basics

NoSQL is almost everything Schemaless is nonesense : mongoDB do
have a schema

Flexible But a schema

Scaling out
scale speed NoSQL


BSON: Binary encoded serialization of
JSON documents

Characteristics Lightweight: minimum overhead Traversable Efcient: encoding and decoding

{ _id : ObjectId(xxxxx), name : 'Full Metal Mongo', date : Date(), presenter: 'isra', attendants : [ {name:'ana', age:23}, {name:'luis', age: 32} ] } //default _id: 24 hex chars

Data schema
Document { user: 1, name: [] }

Flexible: no xed structure ALTER TABLE (implicit) Created in the rst insertion (same for

Capped collection: maintain insert order,

xed size

JSON document _id (ObjectId) unique for the collection it can be a document itself Fields: numeric, string, date Arrays and subdocuments

SQL to Mongo mapping

MongoDB basics
Default port: 27017 Optional authentication Data location: /data/db/ Modes automatic replication automatic fail-over

Ofcially supported C, C++, Erlang, Haskell, Java,
Javascript, .NET, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala

Community supported ActionScript, C#, Delphi, etc. http://api.mongodb.org/


username and password are optional port: 27017 by default database: admin database by default options: name=value pairs

The mongo shell

Hands on: lets get started

Run a mongod (--fork) instance Run a mongo shell (mongo) that connects
to this instance

The mongo shell: basics

show dbs use db_name show collections (current db) show users (current db)

Suppose a collection of GUL courses.
db.courses.insert ({ name : 'Full Metal Mongo', date : new Date(), presenter: 'isra', attendants : [ {name: 'ana', age: 23}, {name: 'luis', age: 32} ] }

//Full Metal Mongo course db.gul.find({name:'Full Metal Mongo'}) //Courses attended by ana db.gul.find({attendants.name:'ana'}) //Course names given by isra db.gul.find({presenter:'isra'}, {name:1})

Querying II
//Courses ordered by name db.gul.find().sort({name:1}); //The first 5 courses db.gul.find().limit(5); //Next five courses db.gul.find().skip(5).limit(5); //First course (natural order) db.gul.findOne()

Querying III
//Courses attended by any under-age db.gul.find({attendants.age:{$lt:18}}); //Last year courses between Monday and Thursday db.gul.find({date:{ $gt:new Date(2012,03,08), $lt:new Date(2012,03,11)} });

Querying IV
//Courses attended by pedro or ana db.gul.find({'attendants.name': {$in:['pedro', 'ana']} }); //Courses attended by 10 people db.gul.find({attendants: {$size:10} });

$ operators
$in / $nin $all (default is any) $gt(e) / $lt(e) $ne $elemMatch
(conditions in the same subdoc)

$exists $regex $natural (order) $toLower / $toUpper

More $ expressions
$sum $avg $min $max $push (insert) $addToSet (insert) $rst (sort) $last (sort)

//updates if exits; inserts if new db.gul.save(x) //update speakers in the crafty course db.gul.update( {name:'Crafty'}, {$set:{presenter:['javi','isra']}} ); //new attendant to a course (not multi) db.gul.update( {name:'mongoDB'}, {attendants: {$push:{name:'pepe', age:19}} } );

Find and Modify

ndAndModify (not widely used)

//removes all db.gul.remove() //search and remove db.gul.remove({presenter:'isra'})

Database references: direct linking

//Query isra = db.gul_members.findOne() //Response from the query {_id: ObjectId('ad234fea23482348'), name:'isra', age:31, languages:'js'} //Find by id db.gul.find({'attendants._id':isra._id})

Database references: DBRef

//Query isra = db.gul_members.findOne() //Response {_id: ObjectId('ad234fea23482348'), name:'isra', age:31, languages:'js'} //Insert by DBRef db.gul.insert({ name: 'mongoDB', presenter: new DBRef('gul_members',isra._id) })

Import example data

Download a short courses collection from http://www.it.uc3m.es/igrojas/mongo/
//Import dataset in JSON mongoimport --db gul --collection courses initDB.json

Hands on: querying

Add a new course with data similar to the

Update your course to add attendants Query courses with speaker Jess Espino Query course on Friday Query courses tagged as android

db.gul.aggregate([ pipeline ])

Pipelines (7)

$match (n:1) $project (1:1) $group (n:1)

$order (1:1) $limit (n:1) $skip (n:1) $unwind (1:n)

Examples: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/ sql-aggregation-comparison/

Aggregation I
//Number of courses db.gul.count(); //Number of courses given by isra db.gul.count({presenter:'isra'}); //Distinct attendants to all courses db.gul.distinct('attendants.name');

Aggregation II
db.grades.aggregate([ {$unwind:"$scores"}, {$match:{"scores.type":{$ne:"quiz"}}}, {$group:{ _id:{class_id:"$class_id", student_id:"$student_id"}, score:{$avg:"$scores.score"}} }}, {$group:{ _id:{class_id:"$_id.class_id"}, score:{$avg:"$score"} }}, {$sort: {score:-1}} ])

Hands on: aggregation

Distinct course speakers Distinct tags and count Number of courses per weekday

Batch processing of data and aggregation

Where GROUP BY was used in SQL Input from a collection and output going
to a collection

Map/reduce (II)
Courses attended per individual
var map = function(){ for(var i in this.attendants){ emit(this.attendants[i].name,1); } }

Map/reduce (III)
attended per individual Courses var reduce = function(key, values){
var sum=0; for (var i in values){ sum+=values[i]; } return sum; }

Map/reduce (IV)
Courses attended per individual
db.gul.mapReduce({ map: map, reduce: reduce, {out: {inline:1}, query:{initial_query}} });

Hands on: map/reduce

Update the some courses to add

Get all the courses attended by individual Distinct tags and count

Schema design

Schema Design
Function of the data and the use case Decisions # of collections Embedding or linking Indexes Sharding

Types 1:1(person:resume) 1:n (city:person, post:comments) m:n (teacher:student) Doc limit: 16MB Examples: school, blog

No transactions Redesign schema Implement in SW Tolerate no transactions

Schema design: examples

Lets design the schema for courses school blog / twitter foursquare


Objective: Query optimization Used in the query itself and/or the ordering B-Tree indexes _id index is automatic (unique)
db.gul.ensureIndex({ name:1 }) db.gul.getIndexes() db.gul.stats() //Size of the index

Indexes (II)
For arrays, the index is multikey (one
index entry per array element)

Field names are not in indexes

//Compound indexes db.gul.ensureIndex({ name:1, age:1}) //For nested fields (subdocs) db.gul.ensureIndex({ attendants.name:1 })

Indexes types
default unique
db.gul.ensureIndex({name:1}, {unique:1})

db.gul.ensureIndex({name:1}, {sparse:1})

TTL (time to live) geospatial

Indexes options
dropDups: drop duplicate keys when
creating the index (converted in unique) primary of the replica set, in the foreground on secondaries

background: created in the background on

More about Indexes

Covered index query covered completely by the index Selectivity of an index Explain


Geospatial indexes
2d-only compound indexes may be used
db.places.ensureIndex({'loc':'2d'}) db.places.find({loc:{ $near:[20,40], $maxDistance:2} }).limit(50)

Creating indexes: examples

Optimize our courses database Think of common queries Implement the convenient indexes

DBAs stuff

mongodump / mongorestore copy les using your own software
(journaling enabled required)

replica sets: backup from secondary

db.gul.runCommand('compact') db.runCommand({compact:'gul'}) //Run a script from the command line mongo < path/to/script.js

Log queries / commands
mongod --profile 0/1/2 --slowms 100 //0: no //1: slow queries //2: all queries //slowms: threshold for type 1

Proler (II)
From the mongo shell
db.getProfilingLevel() // 0-1-2 db.getProfilingStatus() // { "was" : 0, "slowms" : 100 } db.setProfilingLevel(1,1000)

Data stored in system.prole collection

Kill operations
db.currentOp() in progress operations db.killOp(op_id) Dont kill write ops in secondaries compact internal ops

Commands for dbas

mongotop time of activity per collection info about total, read, write, etc. mongostat (command line) every x seconds info about insert, update, delete,

getmore, command, ushes, mapped, vsize, res, faults, etc.

Security tips

mongod/mongos --auth //not from

Add user use admin db.addUser(user, passwd, [readOnly]) Auth use admin db.auth(user, passwd)

Types of users
admin created in the admin db access to all dbs regular access a specic db read/write or readOnly

Intra-cluster security
For replica sets, to use non-auth (faster)
communications among the nodes

mongod --keyFile le --replSet

Replica sets

What is a replica set?

Info replicated among several nodes 1 primary n secondaries (min 3, to get a majority) When a node falls, theres election and a

majority is needed to select a new primary

Types of nodes in a replica set

Regular Arbiter: decides the primary in a election Delayed: cannot be elected primary Hidden: used for analytics (not primary)

Replica set conguration

rs.config({ _id: 'rs_name', members: [{_id:0, host:host0}, {_id:1, host: host1}, {_id:2, host: host2}]}) rs.status() rs.slaveOk() //read form secondaries rs.isMaster() //check primary

Write concern
Journal: list of operations (inserts, updates)
done, saved in disk (permanent)

getLastError (managed by the driver) w: wait until write is saved in memory

(the app receives ack) Used to detect errors, like violation of a unique.

j: wait until write is saved in the journal

Oplog and write concern

oplog.rs: capped collection with the
operations made in the replica set, stored in natural order

write concern w: n, means wait response of n nodes in a

replica set nodes

w: majority, wait for the majority of the


What is sharding?
Scalability Horizontal partitioning of a database A BSON document stored in ONE shard Shard key Not unique No unique elds in the collection Mongo offers auto-sharding

What is sharding?
Auto balancing Easy addition of new machines Up to 1k nodes No single point of failure Automatic failover Select a convenient shard key

Sharding cong
Need of cong servers store metadata about chunks mongod --congsvr Need mongod routers mongos (accessed by the apps)

Sharding operations
chunk: range of the sharding key being in a

operations split: dividing a chunk to balance the size

of the chunks another

migrate: moving a chunk from a shard to

Sharding diagram

via: http://www.cloudifysource.org/2012/03/25/petclinic_deepdive.html

Shard key selection

Examples: choose the shard key for courses school blog / twitter foursquare

MongoDB devel docs: http://
www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/ Developer+Zone display/DOCS/Developer+FAQ cookbook.mongodb.org/

MongoDB FAQ: http://www.mongodb.org/ MongoDB cookbook: http://

Kyle Bankers blog: Aggregation: http://kylebanker.com/blog/

e-Commerce example: http://

kylebanker.com/blog/2010/04/30/ mongodb-and-ecommerce/

mongodb MOOCs (dbas and developers) http://education.10gen.com

Thank you very much! Any questions?

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