Tcs Amirtha2
Tcs Amirtha2
Tcs Amirtha2
liaison= communication & cooperation, link obliterate= bolt out, destroy exasperate = depress ramification = consequence altercation = controversy, quarrel recapitulate = summarize impasse = deadlock semblance = appearance
2. . #. $. %. &. '. (. 1). 11.
exonerate x accuse sa!acity x foolis"ness commensurate x disproportionate nonc"alant x anxious cryptic x explicit rupture x continue revocable x final slump x safe translucent x opaque dan!le x secure
*+,-./0 1234*+5+/6.2/7 .8 9,6 :+*; +,6;. <=>+68.2/6 *+4+,8+- ,6 ./ 85+ 285+* 6+86? part 2@ 1. fill t"e missin! number 2 & 2# && A t"e folloBin! series,"oB many b s are t"ere suc" t"at eac" b folloBed by an ! next to it if t"e ! is not folloBed by d next to it b ! b d q m b ! d m ! b ! ! b q m b b ! q b ! d y! b a m ! b ! m . some en!lis" Bords ans Bill be cyrner 7please #.suppose t"e first and 2 letters in t"e Bord inter c"an!ed parliamentarians $."oB Bould t"e decimal number #)% be repransated in base & number systemA
%.B"at is t"e lar!est prime number t"at can be stored in ' bit Bord computerA &.if n=%'x12x$1 B"ic" of t"e folloBin! is is not an inte!erA ans nC211 '.B"ic" of t"e folloBin! is t"e poBer of A ans %$%1 (.odd man odd out ans @mvs 1). odd man odd out ans @lisp 11.t"e t"ree numbers in t"e bracket reprasents t"e len!t" of t"e sides of a trian!le.B"ic" of t"ese does not represent a proper trian!leA ans@ #,#,( 12.number of vertices,sides,face in a cubeA 1 .B"ic" "as "i!"est deviationA ans@ &,7&,&,7&,& 1#.keplers laB states t"at squares of period of planetary orbits are proportional to cubes of semimajor axies if a,b stands for periods and x,y stand for semi major axes of t"e tBo planets,B"ic" of t"e folloBin! is trueA ans@all t"e above,aD2CxD =bD2CyD E. 1$.a and b to!et"er can do a piece of Bork in 1# days if a does tBice as muc" Bork as b in a !iven time ,find "oB lon! a alone Bould take to do t"e BorkA 1%.B"ic" of t"e follBin! matrices ics similarA<det<a?==)? 1&.matc" t"e folloBin! scooter7automobile oxy!en 7Bater s"op floor staff7filters bu!7reptile 1'.if & stands for double Fstands for 7 t"en &F&<$?7F&F<$?=A 1(.a sequence is defined recursively as f<)?= f<1?=1
f<n?=f<n71?G f<n72? 2).B"at curve best suits for x .(( 1).)# ((.(' 1))) ((() y .))))1 1.)2 1.((& #.))# 21. a tBo dimensional arry x<&,(? is stored linearly column7Bise in a computers memory.eac" column requires 2 bytes of stora!e of t"e value .if x<1,1?= ))),and B"at for x<$,'?A 22.of t"e four vectores a,b,c,d find out B"ic" pair forms an ort"o!anal set iGj, iG2j,7&iGj,2i7 j 2 .m< & ,11?Gr< .#?7t<&.&?Gr<$.'? f<%?=A
m7modulo r7rond off t7trunction 2#.t"ree independent mac"ine efficiency 2), ),#), if combine B"at is t"e net efficiencyA 2$.t"e lo! values of tBo numbers to t"e base 1) are !iven beloB x .1#2 .1# lo!x .#(&2)% .#(& ## '1) find lo! .1#1A 2% some !rap"7 B"at is t"e equationA lo!x=y 2&.t"e temperature sum @ 7tD2C%G#tG12 12. 1 . bucket sum ans@1).)11n an aircraft takes off from a &2n#)e at 2 am local time to b 2n$)B.if t"e flyin! time is 1) "our B"at is t"e local time in landin! areaA 1#. t"e data stora!e space required is !iven by t"e value p<n?=#)))sqrt<n?
B"er n is t"e number of data elements used.find percenta!e c"an!e in stora!e if t"e memory increased by 1FA 1$. a poBer cable is to be run from a poBer plant on t"e bank of ariver ()) meters Bide to a factory t"at is located ))) meters doBnsteam on t"e opposite bank.if t"e cost of layin! cable under Bater is rs.$ per meter and t"at of layinf in over "ead on land is rs.# per meter,find t"e point doBnstream B"ere t"e cable is to cut across t"e riverA 1%. t"e circle sum like cobol and javaE