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The Law of First Mention

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1. The Biblical Law of First Mention

One of the most remarkable evidences of Biblical unity is the internal consistency, and no where is this internal evidence more strikingly evident than in a phenomenon which students of the Bible refer to as "The Law of First Mention," which simply means that the very first time any important word is mentioned in the Bible [usually, of course, is in Genesis, the first book of the Bible] Scripture gives that word its most complete, and accurate, meaning to not only serve as a "key" in understanding the word's Biblical concept, but to also provide a foundation for its fuller development in later parts of the Bible. Examples of this phenomenon are as follows: Word Light Blood Grace Just [Righteous] Perfect Atonement [Pitch] Covenant Altar Shed [Pour out] Wine Drunken Praise [Command] Peace [Salem] Tithes First Mention Genesis 1:3 Genesis 4:10 Genesis 6:8 Genesis 6:9 Genesis 6:9 Genesis 6:14 Genesis 6:18 Genesis 8:20 Genesis 9:6 Genesis 9:21 Genesis 12:15 Genesis 12:15 Genesis 14:18 Genesis 14:20 Word Vision Shield Reward "I Am" Word Imputed {Counted] Righteousness Angel of the Lord Worship [bow down] Mercy Fire Obey Sow Salvation First Mention Genesis 15:1 Genesis 15:1 Genesis 15:1 Genesis 15:1 Genesis 15:1 Genesis 15:6 Genesis 16:6 Genesis 16:7 Genesis 18:2 Genesis 19:16 Genesis 19:24 Genesis 22:18 Genesis 26:12 Genesis 49:18

These examples above are only a few of the many, throughout God's Word, that demonstrate the Biblical phenomenon of this "Law of First Mention" and, although we do not have the time to expound on these example in this lesson, nonetheless, we can see from them that they do, in fact, give clear, and unmistakable, testimony to the reality that the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, has One Great Author, because, this phenomenon of the

Law of First Mention is not only completely beyond the reach of any possible human contrivance, but, also its recurring occurrence throughout Scripture is too striking to be attributed to mere chance, hence the only explanation for this phenomenon is, as 2 Peter 1:21 tells us, that, "Holy men of God spake as they are moved [controlled] by the Holy Spirit."

2. The Biblical Law of the Numerical Structure of Scripture

Another phenomenon of the Bible, which can only be understood in the light of Divine inspiration, is the absoluteness of its mathematical structure, a mathematical structure which has been the subject of many studies. One of these studies was done by a converted Russian Nihilist and Harvard scholar, Ivon Panin, who, being a mathematician, spent fifty years studying the subject of Bible numerics. Many other competent scholars have studied, and consequently, written works on, the subject of Biblical numerology. Some of these works include: Browne's, "Ordo Saeculoreum" Grant's, "Numerical Bible" Bullinger's, "Numbers in Scriptures" and John J. Davis' Biblical Numerology One aspect of Biblical numerology is the fact that every letter of the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts is numbered and occupies its own special place in the order of the total number of letters in the Bible. Every word, phrase, sentence, and paragraph, has a definite numerical sum and the whole text of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, has sequences, combinations, ratios, etc., that follow a uniform design. In his study of the ancient Biblical texts, Dr. Panin took a given subject, such as the genealogy of Christ as found in Matthew 1:1-17 . . . or a book of the Bible as a whole . . . or the Bible in its entirety, and he was able to illustrate the following phenomena: The number of words in the vocabulary are divisible by seven! The number of words beginning with a vowel are divisible by seven! The number of words beginning with a consonant are divisible by seven! The number letters in the vocabulary are divisible by seven! [And, of these letters, both those which are vowels, and those which are consonants, are divisible by seven! The number of words in the vocabulary which occur more than once is divisible by seven, and, likewise, the number of words in the vocabulary which occur only once is also divisible by seven! The number of words which occur in more than one form is divisible by seven, and, likewise, the number of words in the vocabulary which occur in only one form is also divisible by seven! The number of proper names divisible by seven! The number of male names are divisible by seven! The number of female names are divisible by seven! The number of words beginning with each of the letters os the alphabet is divisible by seven!

The Bible is written in two languages: The Old Testament is written in Hebrew . . . [a few chapters are written in Chaldee which, for numerical purposes, is the same as Hebrew] . . . and the New Testament is written in Greek. Both these languages have the peculiarity of having no separate symbols for numbers which correspond to our modern Arabic figures - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 0 - and, because they do not have separate numbers, what these languages do is make use of the letters of their alphabet, so that each Hebrew and Greek letter stands also for a certain number, which is called the "numeric value" of the letter. As each word consists of letters, the numeric value of a word is the sum of the numeric values of its letter. The numeric value of a sentence, paragraph, chapter, book, volume, or library, is the sum of the numeric values of the words of which these consist.

While it was by means of these numeric values that the Greeks and Hebrews performed all their numeric operations, when we analyze the numeric scheme of Scripture, we find that besides its "numeric value," each letter, in both the Hebrew and Greek language, has what is called a "Place Value," and the "Place Value" of a letter in the Scripture, whether Hebrew or Greek, is the number of the place the letter occupies in the alphabet. Accordingly, in the Hebrew, the Place Values and the Numeric Values are only the same for the first ten letters, while in the Greek, the Place Values and the Numeric Values are only the same for the first five letters. This being true, while the Place Value of the eleventh Hebrew letter is 11, its Numeric Value is not 11, but, rather is 400. The same holds true for the Greek alphabet, while the Place Value of the sixth Greek letter is 6, its Numeric Value is not 6, but, rather, 7. The full value of a Hebrew or Greek letter, or word, is the sum of its "Numeric" and its "Place" value, thus the full value of the word for "Jesus" in the Greek, is 975, of which the Numeric Value is 888, and the Place Value is 87. Other features which Panin's study brought to light is the fact that the Numerical Value of the vocabulary, the various alphabetical groups of words, and the various forms in which the words occur, are all divisible by seven! The above enumeration barely touches the surface of the numerical scheme, brought to light to us by Panin, which is found throughout the structure of our entire Bible. Panin challenged any man to. "write one intelligent paragraph of 300 words and to not only produce some numerics phenomena of like designs, but to also complete it in six months, and any man who can do it will prove himself a wonder." - No man has offered! Since many of the Scripture writers were men chosen from very ordinary walks of life, which means that they had little, or no, schooling, can one imagine, for instance, if Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John had not been aided by Divine wisdom, how long it would have taken them to produce the harmonious numeric features that are found though out their books, and in each topic in their books? One must also keep in mind that, because which each additional sentence the difficulty of constructing on this numerical plan increases in arithmetical and geometrical progression, one would have to, if he is writing unaided by Divine wisdom, "contrive" to write each paragraph so as to develop constantly fixed numeric relations to what goes before and what comes after. If the wonder of all this isn't enough, an added amazing feature found with the book of Matthew is that, not only do the words display elaborate numeric design, but these same numeric designs are not found in any other New Testament book! There is no way that Matthew could have known that he had used words that would not be used in any of the other twenty books because, for him to have knowledge of the words that were written in these other books, he would not only have had to have had them before him as he wrote the book of Matthew, he, also, would have had to have written last . . . [that is, before the other Gospel writers]. It also happens that each of the other books of the New Testament show this same phenomenon. What is the explanation of this phenomenon? All of the writers could not have written last? It is possible that each of these writers were mind readers? Could it be that, somehow, they were all literary, and mathematical, geniuses who, not only never been equaled? One is hardly able to be conceive of all this? Is the explanation that there was Divine intervention?

Panin proceeded to prove that every book of the Bible carries such numeric features, that each numeric feature is necessary to cause the numerical scheme of the entire Bible to work out correctly, and that nothing can be added to, or subtracted from, the Bible, as we have it, without spoiling these features. Because these Divine Evidences are found in Scripture from the first verse of Genesis to the last verse of Revelation, they, certainly prove that the God of nature is, therefore, also the God of Scripture. This being true, the quarrel of modern skeptics, therefore, is not really with believers of the Bible, but, rather, with God Himself.

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