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The goal of a report is to offer as accurately as possible the full sense of the original book or research, but in a more condensed form. A report should be accurate, objective, concise and clear. Linking words (This are the same for all the other writing and also for the speaking part):

Logical/sequential order: o Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, etc. o Next, last, finally o In addition o Furthermore o Also o At present/ presently Order of importance: o Most/more importantly o Most significantly o Above all o Primarily o It is essential / essentially Contrast: o However o On the other hand o On the contrary o By (in) comparison o In contrast Result: o As a result o As a consequence o Therefore o Thus o Consequently o Hence Comparison: o Similarly o Likewise o Also Reason: o The cause of o The reason for

SUBORDINATORS: Comparison and contrast: o Although o Though o Even though o While o Whereas o However o Nevertheless Cause/effect: o Since o So that o Because o Owing to o Due to o In fact o Thats why o As a result of o Given that. Time: o After o When o Until o Whenever o Before o While. Possibility: o If o As if o Whether o Unless Place and manner: o Whenever o Where o How. Appropiate phrases to make recommendations and suggestions: Introductions: o The aim of this report is to. o This report describes/outlines/deals with o This report is based on Making recommendations: o It would be a good idea to 2

o It might be advisable to o It would be preferable to o I suggest/propose/recommend that we (should) Conclusions: o To sum up, . o In conclusion, o I have no hesitation in recommending Organize your report into sections with headings. Include a clear introduction and conclusion. Write clear and concise sentences. Use a formal style. REVIEWS Reviews can include criticism as well as praise. Divide the review into paragraphs with a clear introduction and conclusion (The first on my list was My second visit was to). Give a clear, concise description of the place you are reviewing (keen to discover whether they live up to their reputation, I went along this week to sample what was on offer). Keep your opinions/recommendations for the final paragraph (So which of the two. Should you choose? I suggest you try). FORMAL LETTERS Begin with: If I know the persons name: Dear If I dont know the persons name: o Dear Sir or Madam. o To whom it may concern. For a woman: o Married: MRS. o Not married: MISS. o Dont know: MS. Give your season for writing: To star the first paragraph: o I am writing to apply for o I am writing to you about/with regard to Giving personal information: 3



o o

Ive been studing for the past two years. I currently work as so I am used to

Close the letter with a set phrase: I hope my application will meet with your approval. I look forward to hearing from you. I hope you will find this information of use. I wait your reply.

Finish: If I know the person: Yours sincerely. If I dont know the person: Yours faithfully.

Star a new paragraph when you change topic. Letters of application require a formal style. CONTRIBUTIONS


Use imperatives to give instructions or strong advice. Divide the contribution into sections with clear headings so that it is easy to follow (introduction, what to visit, leisure attractions, special events). Divide sections into paragraphs where appropriate. Information leaflets are usually written in a fairy formal style. Keep the information clear by avoiding very long and complicated sentences. ARTICLES


Give the article an eye-catching title. Start the article in an interesting way to make the reader want to read on. Ask questions and address the reader to involve them (Does it sound idyllic?... So what makes? Where else can you? Where but in a will you? Would I.?) Appeal to the readers imagination (Imagine the scene.). Star a new paragraph when you change topic. Finish with an interesting conclusion. Use an informal, lively tone for most magazine articles aimed at young adult readers. COMPETITION ENTRIES


Use questions to hold the readers interest (Who, now, can imagine? How on earth, we wonder, did our? What better way is there to?). Vary your sentence patterns by using a range of linking words/phrases. Divide your entry into paragraphs, with a clear introduction and conclusion (over the past century, now, lets start with, the second). Use a lively tone but dont be too informal remember who will read your entry! (it is a competition). PROPOSALS


Use appropriate language for making suggestions and recommendations (Reports).

Suggestions and recommendations: o I recommend/propose/suggest/believe (that) we (should) o We could also o If we., we could. Use linkers to sequence points (Additionally). Set out you text so that it looks like a proposal and not a letter. Divide your proposal into sections with headings. Include a separate introduction and conclusion. Introductions: o The aim/purpose of this proposal is to o This proposal relates to o This proposal describes/outlines Conclusions: o To sum up, I believe that o In conclusion, I would say that. o On balance, we are of the opinion that. Be clear and concise. Use an impersonal tone. ESSAYS Include a clear introduction and conclusion. First: o o


It is (often) said People say. 5

o There is an old saying that Introductions: o In this essay, Im going to/I would like to o Lets begin with Some expressions: o The key to the problem is. o In my opinion o It is my belief that o To be honest o In brief/short o In this context o For instance/example o Its worth considering o In other words Conclusions: o In sum/ To sum up, o In conclusion o The obvious solution. o It is my belief/opinion that o It seems to me that Rephrase the question to avoid repeating the task. Depending on the essay task either present both sides of the argument or support a single argument with ideas/examples. Use paragraphs to organize your ideas and points. Organising points: o Take, for example o In the first place/ To start with, o Secondly, o Finally, Use linkers and appropriate phrases to develop points clearly and logically.


PART 1 I come from Murcia. It is a little city in the south-east part of Spain. But I have been here in Madrid for three years studding at the University. Q: Do you enjoy studying English? A: Yes I do! I quite like studying languages and English in particular. I have a lot of English friends and love to be able to communicate with them in their own language. And I love watching English series too. Q: Do you have any hobbies or interests? A: No, not hobbies really. I used to like collecting things like insects as a child but that doesn't interest me now. I am very busy studding so I only spend my free time going out with my friends or just relaxing at home. Q: Why are you preparing for the CAE exam? A: Because it's important for my future. Nowadays you cant get a good job if you dont speak English. I passed FCE last year and if I'm successful at CAE I'd like to try CPE. 'That's a good question.', 'Well, let me think ...' PART 2

What strikes me about the first picture is the fact that... This picture reminds me of... Judging from the photograph, the children... The man appears to be... From what we can see here, he must... There are many similarities... Both picture depict... Both picture are quite similar in that they show... When you give it a closer look it reveals... The first picture ... whereas the other picture ... Another important difference is... Picture ... doesn't show ... as clearly as ... Picture ... attempts to ... but I think picture ... does this more effectively... All pictures are interesting, but ... gives a stronger idea of... It's difficult to tell from a photograph but this picture could have been taken in ... I might be wrong, but I'd say that this picture ... I would imagine/guess that this picture comes from ... Picture ... is by far the best to show because ... To me, picture ... is essential for this kind of publication. 7

I'm surprised there is no picture showing... A picture of ... would get the message across more effectively. The cover would be so much better if we had a picture of ... So let's look at the alternatives ... The name for this escapes me at present, but it's for/it's like ... The name for it is on the tip of my tongue ... PART 3

"That's an interesting point." "I was interested in what you said about ..." "So, when you say ........, do you mean ........?" "Could you explain what you mean by .......?" "So, weighing up the pros and cons, do you think ?" "Are we generally in agreement that ?" "So, all in all do we feel ?" "Essentially, do we all agree that ?" "So, to sum up " "So, in general " "It seems weve reached the conclusion that " Up to the problem in question ... The main problem centres around ... It's my belief ... For my part ... As I see it ... As I was saying ... I forgot to mention ... I'm of the opinion that ... To my mind ... To my way of thinking ... I am convinced that ... I am inclined to believe that ... Don't get me wrong but shouldn't we ... ? Judging by ... they must be ... ... is a separate issue. Moving on to ... Taking everything into account ...

I couldn't agree more. I agree up to a point. I think I see what you mean, but ... I'm in two minds about it. / I'm ambivalent about ... I don't see eye to eye with you here ... That's true in a way, I suppose, but ... I don't feel convinced ... That's one way of looking at it. On the other hand ... Can you take a clear stand on that matter? It brings to the question / idea / problem of ... Perhaps we should put ... first? What do you think? A strong point in favour of ... is that ... What do you think should go next? Are you happy with this order then? Do you go along with that? PART 4

Just following from what X was saying, I also feel ... While generally agreeing with X, I must say that ... Adding to what X has just said, I think ... I can sympathise with what X said but ... One thing X didn't mention is ... Surprising, as it may seem, I don't support X's view on ... Perhaps it should be also emphasized that ... / it should be pointed out that ... ambitious annoying argumentative, quarrelsome bad-tempered big-headed bitchy brave cantankerous carefree

VOCABULARY FOR TOPICS ambicioso pesado discutidor malhumorado credo, engredo de mala leche, venenoso; valiente cascarrabias despreocupado

careless cautious conceited, full of oneself conservative conventional cowardly crazy, nuts cruel charming cheerful dull, boring flirtatious friendly generous hard-working honest kind laid-back lazy loyal mean modest moody naive naughty (children) open-minded: narrow-minded:

descuidado, poco cuidadoso prudente, cauteloso, cauto; presumido conservador convencional cobarde loco, chiflado cruel encantador alegre, jovial; soso, aburrido coqueta amigable, simptico, agradable generoso trabajador honesto amable tranquilo, relajado perezoso, vago fiel tacao modesto de humor cambiante ingenuo, inocentn malo, travieso (nios) de actitud abierta, sin prejuicios de mentalidad cerrada, intolerante;


polite proud reliable: hes a very reliable person self-confident: to be self-confident selfish sensible sensitive shy - introverted strict stubborn sympathetic (understanding) talkative trustworthy two-faced weird

corts, educado orgulloso fiable, confiable: es una persona en la que se puede confiar seguro de s mismo: tener confianza en s mismo egosta sensato, prudente; sensible tmido, vergonzoso - introvertido estricto, severo, riguroso terco, testarudo, tozudo comprensivo conversador, hablador digno de confianza falso raro, extrao Are the characters posing or in a spontaneous shot? In the foreground/background In the left hand corner / in the top right-hand corner To the left, in the middle, to the right of the frame/picture/photo The characters/landscape/role..

PART 1 Threatened (amenazado)/ reproached (reprochado, recriminado). 11

Sheer (puro, total, absoluto enormidad?) Attempt (intento, esfuerzo) Enclosed (adjunto) / attached ( -) Carry on (continuar) / carry out (llevar a cabo) Thoroughly (a fondo) Deceiving (engaoso) / pretending (fingiendo) Prevented (impedido) Assortment (surtido, variedad) Referred (referido) / regarded (considerado) Target (objetivo) / aim (apuntar, proposito, meta) Pursued (perseguido) /chased ( -- cazado, ahuyentado) PART 2

IN honour Fascination TO Thougnt TO myself Went ON to become Much TOO fast In AT least WHOSE Goes ON to say Singing AT the top of his voice IN emergencies By MEANS of drugs or relaxation techniques A point AT wich they PART 3

Delight delightful Belong belongings Discover undiscovered Geoglaphy geographical Consider considerably Picture picturesque Evident evidence Hand handful (cantidad?) Enthuse enthusiasm Sgnify significance Take undertaken (toghether) Act actively Stand (posicin) outstanding ( extraordinario) Foot footsteps Sight insight Afford affordable Simple simplicity Capable incapable Repeat repeatedly 12

Look lookout Eager (ansioso) eagerness Increase increasingly Season seasonal/seasonable PART 4

Order (events, holidays, peticin) Strong (chance, argument,currents) Pass (time, send, rebasar) See (decide, visit, understand) Count (againts, contar con, herself.) High (spirits, position, wind..) Met (to discuss, the deadline, problems) Clear (ideas, skin, traffic) Break (band, weather, holidays) Sense (time, tener/tomar sentido) Fair (hair, weather, say) Term (school, medical, agreement) PART 5

No INTENTION of ing S.o FAILURE to inf. Make s.t CLEAR that RING (no at) the moment EVERY chance OF ING APART from s.o /s.t SHOT of time To be CAPABLE OF ING Made NO REFERENCE TO the Much to her DELIGHT she Never OCCURRED to s.o to inf. As a RESULT of A CHANGE for the better in the weather CAME as a surprise to s.o Theres no KNOWING what s.o will inf. INTERESTED in ing Havent HEARD from s.w On the POINT of ing. Bad weather LED to the As far as s.t is CONCERNED, .. It is HIGH time s.o had done s.t Make a great IMPRESSION ON s.o


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