Passive Voice Exercises.
Passive Voice Exercises.
Passive Voice Exercises.
1. 2. 3.
La voz pasiva se forma con el verbo to be conjugado ms el participio del verbo principal. En ingls es mucho ms frecuente que en espaol y, normalmente, aparece cuando no es importante quien realiza una accin sino el hecho en s. Por eso, no siempre que veamos una pasiva, tenemos que traducirlo literalmente, puesto que en espaol suena ms forzado. Slo es posible el uso de la voz pasiva con verbos transitivos (verbos que llevan complemento directo). El sujeto de la oracin recibe la accin. El sujeto agente se expresa con by (por). Sin embargo, en la mayora de las ocasiones se prescinde del sujeto ya que no nos interesa saber quin exactamente ejecuta la accin.
VOZ ACTIVA: Josh gave Charles some books on Software Development. Quin hizo la accin?: Josh Quin recibi la accin?: Charles Por tanto, Charles se convierte ahora en el SUJETO de la oracin y es quien la recibe: VOZ PASIVA: Charles was given some books on Software Development by Josh. La accin es en pasado (GAVE), entonces el verbo que usamos para la voz pasiva ser el verbo TO BE en pasado (WAS) ms el verbo principal en pasado participio, que en este caso es GIVEN (give-gave-given). Usamos el verbo de la columna tres. TIEMPOS: TO BE + PAST PARTICIPLE (MAIN VEB) *Conjugar el verbo TO BE en el tiempo correspondiente SIMPLE PAST: was given / were given SIMPLE PRESENT: is given / are given / Teacher usually give me lost of material I am usually given lots of material to read I am tol FUTURE (will): will be written
am given
PAST CONTINUOUS: was being given / were being given PRESENT CONTINUOUS: is being given / are being given / am being given FUTURE CONTINUOUS: will be being given PAST PERFECT: had been given PRESENT PERFECT: has been given have been given FUTURE PERFECT: will have been given SIMPLE PAST: Tom wrote a letter. SIMPLE PRESENT: Tom writes a letter. SIMPLE FUTURE: Tom will write a letter. A letter was written by Tom. A letter is written by Tom. A letter will be written by Tom. A letter was being written by Tom. A letter is being written by Tom. A letter will be being written by Tom. A letter had been written by Tom. A letter has been written by Tom. A letter will have been written by Tom.
PAST CONTINUOUS: Tom was writing a letter. PRESENT CONTINUOUS: Tom is writing a letter. FUTURE CONTINUOUS: Tom will be writing a letter. PAST PERFECT: Tom had written a letter. PRESENT PERFECT: Tom has written a letter. FUTURE PERFECT: Tom will have written a letter.
MODAL VERBS: CAN / COULD / SHOULD / MIGHT / MAY + BE + PAST PARTICIPLE Tom should write a letter. A letter should be written by Tom. Tom may write a letter. A letter may be written by Tom. PASSIVE VOICE WE NEED 2 VERBS: TO BE + PAST PARTICIPLE OF THE MAIN VERB Simple past Simple present Future will Past continuous The car was washed last week. The car is washed once a week The car will be washed tomorrow afternoon. The car is being(esta haciendo) washed at the moment.
Present continuous Future continuous Past perfect Present perfect Future perfect Future perfect
The car was being(estaba haciendo) washed when I got home yesterday afternoon. The car will be being washed this time tomorrow morning. The car had been(habia sido) washed when I got home. The car has been(ha sido) washed three times this month. The car will have been(sera) washed this time tomorrow night. Tomorrow night
THIS TIME TOMORROW NIGHT En pregunta el color morado pri ero luego el inicio This room is cleaned every week. (Este cuarto es limpiado (se limpia) todas las semanas.) English is spoken in many countries. (El ingls es hablado en muchos pases). Jane is not supposed to be home at this time. (No se supone que Jane est en casa a esta hora) YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE READ CHAPTER 4 The sidewalks in this quarter arent swept every day. (las aceras en este barrio no se barren todos los das) English is spoken in many countries. (El ingles es hablado en muchos pases) (se habla) Jane is not supposed to be home at this time. (No se supone que Jane deba esta en casa a esta hora.) The sidewalks in this quarter are not swept up every day. (Las aceras en este barrio no se barren a diario) Is baseball played in South Africa? (Se juega el bisbol en frica?) I was given two hours to do the test. (Me dieron dos horas para hacer el examen) New condominiums are being built in the southern part of town. (Los nuevos condominios estn siendo construidos en la parte superior de la ciudad). A welcome dinner for the guests is being prepared right now. (Una cena de bienvenida para los invitados est siendo preparada en este momento)
MORE EXAMPLES: 1) Julia rescued three cats. Three cats were rescued. 2) The students handed in the reports. The reports were handed in. 3) Maria crashed into the blue car. The blue car was crashed into. 4) Alex learned the poem. The poem was learned. 5) Steven has forgotten the book. The book has been forgotten. 6) The mechanic has not repaired the DVD recorder. The DVD recorder has not been repaired. 7) They play handball. Handball is played. 8) Sue puts the rucksack on the floor. The rucksack is put on the floor. 9) The girls had lost the match. The match had been lost. INSTRUCTIONS: Rewrite the sentences into passive voice. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE (is / am / are + past participle) 1. The documents / print The documents are printed. 2. The window / open THE WINDOW IS OPPENED 3. The shoes / buy THE SCHOES ARE BOUGHT 4. The car / wash THE CAR IS WASHED 5. The litter / throw away THE LITTER ARE THROW AWAYED 6. The letter / send THE LETTER ARE SEND 7. The book / red / not THE BOOK ISN RED 8. The songs sing / not THE SONGS ARENT SINGED 9. The food / eat / not THE FOOD ARE NOT EAT 10. The shop / close / not THE SHOP ARE NOT CLOSED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. He opens the door. The door is opened by him. We set the table. THE TABLE IS SET BY US She pays a lot of money. A LOT OF MONEY IS PAID BY HER I draw a picture. A PICTURES DREW BOOK They wear blue shoes. THE SHOES WORE GREEN They dont help you. HE DONT HELPED He doesnt open the book. THE BOOK NOT OPENED You dont write the letter. HE DONT WRITED THE LETTER Does your mum pick you up? YOU DOES MUM PICK YOU. Are you picked up by your mum? YES I DO PICK UP (pasar por ti) THE GARBAGE
10. Does the police officer catch the thief? IS THE THIEF CAUGHTBY THE POLICE OFFICER?
WAS THE THIEF CAUGHTBY THE POLICE OFFICER?(PASADO) 11. Do you tidy up your bedroom once a week? IS YOUR BEDROOM TIDIED ONCE A WEEK? 12. Does Ann bake cakes? ARE CAKES BAKED BY ANN? 13. Does your dad drive you to school? ARE YOU DRIVEN TO SCHOOL BY YOUR DAD?NO IM NOT 14. Does Rick wash the car? IS THE CAR WASHED BY RICK? 15. Do Plastics engineers design new products? ARE NEW PRODUCTS DESIGNED BY PE? SIMPLE PAST TENSE (was / were + past participle) 1. The test / write The test was written. 2. The table / set THE TABLE WAS SET 3. The cat / feed THE CAT WAS FED 4. The lights / switch on THE LIGHTS WERE SWICHED ON 5. The house / build THE HOUSE WAS BUILD 6. Dinner / serve DINNER WAS SERVED 7. This computer / sell / not THIS COMPUTER WASNT SOLD 8. The car / stop / not THE CAR WASNT STOPED 9. The tables / clean / not THE TABLES WERENT CLEANED 10. Plastic / invent PL PLASTIC WAS INVENTED PL 11. She sang a song. A song was sung. 12. Somebody hit me. SOMEBODY WERE HIT ME 13. We stopped the bus. THE STOP WAS BUS 14. She finished the Project. THE FINISH WAS PROJECT 15. Mum baked a cake. A CAKE WAS BACK 16. A thief stole my car. MY CAR WAS THIEF STOLE 17. She didnt win the prize. THE WONT WERE PRIZED 18. I didnt tell them about the party. THE PARTY WASNT TOLD 19. Did you tell them? Were they told? WERE THEY TOLD THE TRUTH 20. Did he send the letter? WAS THE LETTER SENT BY HIM? 21. Did you buy the books? WERE THE BOOKS BOUGHT BY YOU? 22. Did Kevin write the letter? WAS THE LETTER WRITE KEVIN? 23. Did Rick take photos? WAS TAKE PHOTOS RICK? PRESENT PERFECT (HAS BEEN / HAVE BEEN + past participle) 1. The postcard / send The postcard has been (HA SIDO ) sent. 2. The pencils / count THE PENCILS HAVE BEEN COUNTED 3. The door / open THE DOOR HAS BEEN OPENED DE DOOR 4. The beds / make THE BEDS HAVE BEEN MADE 5. The mail / write THE MAIL HAS BEEN WRITEN 6. The money / spend THE MONEY HAVE BEEN SPENT 7. The room / book / not THE ROOM HAVENT BOOK 8. The rent / pay / not THE RENT HAVENT BEEN PAYD 9. The people / inform / not THE PEOPLE HAVENT BEEN INFORM 10. Plastic / use PLASTIC HAS BEEN USED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Kerrie has paid the bill. The bill has been paid by Kerrie. I have eaten a hamburger. A HAMBURGUER HAVE BEEN EATEN We have cycled five miles. FIVE MILES HAVE BEEN CYCLED I have opened the present. THE PRESENT HAVE BEEN OPENED They havent sent the parcel. THE PARCEL HAVENT BEEN PARCEL We havent agreed to this issue. TO THIS ISSUE HAVENT BEEN AGREED They havent caught the thieves. THE THIEVES HAVENT BEEN CAUGHT They have designed useful products. USEFUL PRODUCTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED Has Richard phoned Tim? Has Tim been phoned by Richard? Have they notice us? HAVE NOTICE BEEN THEY US ? Have you read this book? HAVE THIS BOOK BEEN YOU READ? Have you sent the invitations? HAVE YOU BEEN INVITATIONS SENT? Has Josh written a song? HAS JOSH BEEN A SOG WRITEN? Have people used plastic for a long time? HAVEA LONG BEEN TIME PEOPLE USD PLASTIC? Have plastics engineers developed new methods for plastic manufacturing? HAVE NEW METHODOS BEEN FOR PLASTIC MANUFACTURING PLASCTIC ENGINEERS DEVELOPED? FUTURE WILL (WILL BE + past participle)
The exhibition / visit The windows / clean The message / read The thief / arrest New designs / create The photo / take These songs / sing The sign / see / not A dictionary / use / not Credit cards / accept / not The ring / find / not Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. Jane will buy a new computer. Her boyfriend will install the computer. THE Millions of people will visit the museum. Our boss will sign the contract. You will not do it. They will not show the new film. He wont see Susan. They wont ask him. Will the company employ a new worker? Will the plumber repair the shower? Will people use plastic in the future? Will John invite you to the party? Will Kevin give you the books?
MODAL VERBS (can, cant, would, need to, should + be + past participle) I can answer the question. A question can be answered. She would carry the box. A BOX SHOULD BE You should open the window. A WINDOWS SHOULD BE We might play cards. A CAR PLAY BE MIGHT You ought to wash the car. A CAR WASH BE OUGHTED He must fill in the form. A FILL MUSTED BE IN THE FORM They need not buy bread. A BREAD NEEDED BE NOT BUY He could not read the sentence. THE SENTENCE READED BE COULD Will the teacher test our English? Will our English be tested by the teacher? Could Jenny lock the door? Will the door be locked by Jenny Can you write a song? Will the song be writed be Will you tell the truth? Will the truth be tell me Underline the verbs in passive voice.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
John collects money. Anna opened the window. We have done our homework. I will ask a question. He can cut out the picture. The sheep ate a lot. We do not clean our rooms. William will not repair the car. -
Our homework has been done by us. A question will be asked by me. The picture can be cut out by him. A lot was eaten by the sheep. Our rooms are not cleaned by us. The car will not be repaired by William. Was this circle drawn by Sue? Could the dog be fed by you? Present Progressive (is, am, are + being + past participle) A cup of tea is being drunk by Sheila. THE CAR IS BEING WASHED BY MY FATHER THE COWS IS BEING FARMER MILK BY JOE OF HIM SHE IS BEING TAKE A PICTURE A POEM I AM BEING WRITE FOOTBALL ARE BEING NOT PLAYED A TIE HE IS BEING WEARING
9. Did Sue draw this circle? 10. Could you feed the dog? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sheila is drinking a cup of tea. My father is washing the car. Farmer Joe is milking the cows. She is taking a picture of him. I am writing a poem. We are not playing football. He is not wearing a tie.
Is she preparing the party? Is the party being prepared by her? Are they talking about the meeting? IS THE MEETING BEING TALKED ABOUT BY THEM? Is she watering the flowers? IS FLOWERS WATERING IS SHE? Are you fixing the car? IS CAR BEING FIXINGED ARE YOU? Is she baking a cake? IS CAKE BEAING BAKINGED IS SHE Is he writing the letter? IS LEATTER WRITING IS HE Past Progressive (was, were + being + past participle) We were talking about Francis. Francis was being talked about. He was playing the guitar. THE GUITAR WERE BEING PLAYED. She was watching a film. A FILM WERE BEING WACHT. I was repairing their bikes. BIKES WERE BEING REPAIRED They were not eating dinner. DINNER WAS BEING NOT EATED. We were not painting the gate. THE GATE WAS BEING NOT You were not driving him home. HIM HOME WAS BEING DRIVED He was not feeding the dogs. THE DOGS WERE BEING NOT FEED Was she reading these lines? Were these lines being read by her? Were they carrying bags? WAS BAGS BEING CARRYED? Was he narrating a story? WERE A STORY BEING NARRATE Were they reading an article about plastics? ABOUT PLASTIC ------ BEING AN ARTICLE READ? Past Perfect (had been + past participle) Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. I had worn blue shoes. Blue shoes had been worn by me. Joe had cleaned the tables. THE TABLES HAD BEEN CLEANED BY JOE We had lost the key. THE KEY HAD BEEN LOST They had started a fight. A FIGH HAD BEEN ESTARTED I had been reading an article. AN ARTICLE HAD BEEN READED I had not closed the window. THE WINDOW HAD BEEN NOT CLOSED They had not bought the paper. THE PAPER HAD BEEN NOT BOUGHT She had not noticed me. I HAD BEEN NOT NOTICED Had she solved the problem? Had the problem been solved? Had he recorded that song? HAD THAT SONG BEEN RECORDED Had you written the list? HAD THE LIST BEEN WRITTEN Had they bought the material? HAD THE MATERIAL BEEN BOUGHT Had you paid for the tickets? HAD THE TICKETS BEEN PAID Had you sent the information? HAD THE INFORMATION BEEN SENT Had she read the story? HAD THE STORY BEEN READ Had she lost the manual? HAD THE MANUAL BEEN LOST Conditional (would be + past participle) Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. Jenny would congratulate you. You would be congratulated by Jenny. We would pick you up. YOU UP WOULD BE PICK She would order a pizza. A PIZZA WOULD BE ORDER He would build a new house. A NEW HOUSE WOULD BE BUILD They would take the opportunity. The OPORTUNITY WOULD BE TAKE You would not recognize Jim. JIM WOULD BE NOT RECOGNIZE I would not do that kind of job. JOB WOULD BE NOT DO THAT KIND Would they decorate the room? Would the room be decorated by them? Would the DJ play this song? WOLUD THIS SONG BE THE DJ? Would Simon open the window? WOULD THE WINDOW BE SIMON OPEN? Would Peter invite Tim to the party? WOLUD THE PARTY BE PETER INVITED? Would you create useful plastic products?WOULD PLASTIC PRODUCTS BE CRATE USEFUL Would she buy a new car? WOULD NEW CAR BE BUY? Would you fix the car? WOULD THE CAR BE FIX? Would you develop new techniques? WOULD TECHNIQUES BE DEVELOP NEW? INSTRUCTIONS: Identify the sentences in passive voice. Circle the verb forms. The Fellowship of the Ring is
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
the first book of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy, which is set the story of Frodo, a hobbit, and a magic ring. a magic ring. The wizard Gandalf then tells the Master Ring to rule all other Rings. Gandalf his
in a fictive world, Middle Earth. It tells As the story begins , Frodo is given
him of the Rings of Power and of Sauron, the Dark Lord, who made advises
Frodo to leave home and keep the ring out of Sauron's hands who already has sent Sauron the power to enslave Middle Earth.
Frodo leaves
the shire with three travelling companions: Sam, Merry and Pippin. First they do not know their trail already. But soon the four friends find out
that the Dark Riders have picked up about that. They have
a few encounters with the Dark Riders which Frodo and his friends can
only just
escape. In one attack by the Dark Riders, however, Frodo is wounded to escape with him. Travelling on, they reach by Elrond.
badly. Still, his friends manage the country of the elves. There Frodo is healed
The Statue of Liberty Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). You must either use Simple Present or Simple Past. 1. The Statue of Liberty (give) _______gave_____ to the United States by France. 2. It (be) _______was______________a present on the 100th anniversary of the United States. 3. The Statue of Liberty (design) _______was designed________ by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. 4. It (complete) _____was completed______ inFrance in July 1884. 5. In 350 pieces, the statue then (ship) _______was shipeed_____ to New York, where it (arrive) ______arrived_____ on 17 June 1885. 6. The pieces (put) ______put them_____ together and the opening ceremony (take) _____taking______ place on 28 October 1886. 7. The Statue of Liberty (be) ___was_____ 46 m high (93 m including the base). 8. The statue (represent) ________is represent___________ the goddess of liberty. 9. She (hold) _____held___ a torch in her right hand and a tablet in her left hand. 10. On the tablet you (see / can) _____can be accessed____ the date of the Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776). 11. Every year, the Statue of Liberty (visit) _________is visited ______ by many people from all over the world. Active Voice or Passive Voice? Complete the sentences (Simple Present or Simple Past). 1. Portal dolmens (be) _____had_________ ancient tombs. 2. They (build) ____they build_____ about 6000 years ago. 3. In order to build such a tomb, ancient people (put) ____put_________ up big stones. 4. These standing stones then (form) ___forming________ the walls. 5. Another huge stone, the cap stone, (place) ______Places_____ on top of the other stones. 6. Finally, the tomb (have) _____had ___ the form of a little chamber. 7. In that chamber, the dead person (bury) ______buried___ . 8. Then the entrance to the tomb (close) _____closed________ with another stone. 9. Nowadays, portal dolmens (see / can) ____cloud be seen _______ in Ireland, Wales and Scotland. 10. They (call) _called___ portal dolmens because they (look) ___Looked__ like a huge doorway (or portal). Hadrian's Wall Fill the gaps with the correct tenses (active or passive voice). In the year 122 AD, the Roman Emperor Hadrian (visit) _______visited___ his provinces in Britain. On his visit, the Roman soldiers (tell) _____salled_______ him that Pictish tribes from Britain's north (attack) the attack them. So Hadrian (give) ____gived_______ the order to build a protective wall across one of the narrowest parts of the country. After 6 years of hard work, the Wall (finish) __________just_____ in 128. It (be) _____was_____ 117 kilometres long and about 4 metres high. The Wall (guard) _guard___ by 15,000 Roman soldiers. Every 8 kilometres there (be) ____had_________ a large fort in which up to 1,000 soldiers (find) ___found____ shelter. The soldiers (watch) ___wall____ over the frontier to the north and (check) ___checked_____ the people who (want) ____wanted___ to enter or leave Roman Britain. In order to pass through the Wall, people (must go) ___sould be_____ to one of the small forts that (serve) _____served_ as gateways. Those forts (call) ____called____ milecastles because the distance from one fort to another (be) ___be_____ one Roman mile (about 1,500 metres). Between the milecastles there (be) _____had__ two turrets from which the soldiers (guard) ___guarding ______ the Wall. If the Wall (attack) _____attacked_ by enemies, the soldiers at the turrets (run) ____ran______ to the nearest milecastle for help or (light) _light____ a fire that (can / see) ____could be seen _ by the soldiers in the milecastle. In 383 Hadrian's Wall (abandon) _________was_________. Today Hadrian's Wall (be) ______was________ the most popular tourist attraction in northern England. In 1987, it (become) ________was becomed _______ a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Simple Past Tense Passive Forms 1. The storm _________follows______ by freezing temperatures. (follow) 2. The injured woman ____taken_______ by ambulance to the hospital. (take) 3. Don Quixote _________wrote___ about 400 years ago. (write) 4. More than a third of the children in the study _____identified_____ by their parents as having some sort of sleep problem. (identify) 5. The coded message _____encoded______ by Interpol. 6. The jury _________gived______ incorrect instructions by the judge. (give) 7. He __________delighted___ by the decision. (delight) 8. In late fifteenth-century England, people _______fordid__________ by law from working on a Sunday. (forbid) 9. The subjects cholesterol levels ___________monitor_____ closely by the investigators. (monitor) 10. The companys financial statements _______audited____ by a leading accounting firm. (audit) 11. New problems with the drug _________dicovered____________ in recent years. (uncover) 12. Once it ___determine _ that the students is eligible for financial assistance, the school will provide detailed application instructions. (determine) 13. The stock market ________affected_____ by the recent economic news. (affect) 14. The introduction of new technology ____delay____ owing to market saturation. (delay) 15. It ______discussed______ that the consumer must pay for the cost of advertising in the form of higher prices for goods. (argue) 16. The Park Service _______embarrass me___________ for years by crowding at the Grand Canyon. (embarrass) 17. A large number of animals _________cloned____________ since Dolly the sheep. (clone) 18. That area ___________pested__ by political tensions for years. (plague) 19. Homocysteine ______liquid__________ to strokes and heart attacks. (link) 20. He __________quoted_____ as saying that the governments policies are flawed. (quote)
PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (is, am, are + being + past participle) 1. Is it true that cows are being taught to read in New Zealand? (teach) 2. According to police, several suspects are being questiong in connection with the robbery. (question) 3. New security procedures are being implement at the company where I work. (implement) 4. A great deal of paper ____is being consume __ by our office. (consume) 5. What ____is being done _____ about acid rain? (do) 6. There is a lot of open space that __is being not utilize______ in our community. (utilize / not) 7. The reasons for the crash __is being investigate ____ by nearly a dozen investigators. (investigate) 8. Our product _______are being made_______ in 16 countries. (market) 9. Technology _____is being introduced_ in classrooms at an accelerated pace. (introduce) 10. Studies ______are being desing __ to find out whether B vitamins can slow down the onset of Alzheimers. (design) 11. This city _ are being turned ______ into a dump, he complained. (turn) 12. Doctors warn that too much sugar ____am being eaten ___________ (eat) 13. Mmmmmm! It smells just great! What _is being cook________ ? (cook) 14. Look! A film ______are being shoot______ (shoot) in our neighborhood! I cant believe it! 15. The thieves ________is being taken _______ to the police department. (take) 16. The criminals __________is being question ______________by the police. (question) 17. Right now Mr. Smith _______are being gotten___________. I hope he gets the job. (interview) PAST PROGRESSIVE (was , were + being + past participle) 1. The machine _was being repair___ when the explosion occurred. (repair) 2. Major changes ___was being pla ___ when the Minister suspended the council. (plan) 3. The witness said he hadnt come forward earlier because he ___were being come______ by the defendant. (blackmail) 4. They said the old church was closed because it _were being turned into a night club! (turn) 5. Some of the exhibits in the museum ______was being renovate ____when I last visited it. (renovate) 6. The singer filed the police report because he said he _______was being stalk____ by an obsessed fan. (stalk) 7. The actor ___were being treat___________ for minor injuries. (treat) 8. The police said the man ________was being question ___ for questioning in regard to a series of robberies in the area. (question) 9. There were technical problems while your order ______being processed _______. (process) 10. No work ___were being done __________ when we arrived at the site. (do) MODALS Passive with Modals (must, might, should, can + be + past participle) 1. The blood test ______MUST BE PERFORMED_____ at a laboratory approved by the insurance company. (must / perform) 2. Microsoft _MIGHT BE REQUIRED_ to add products made by rivals to Windows. (might / require) 3. Dr. Smith said people with pernicious anemia __MIGHT BE HARMED _if they took folic acid without also taking vitamin B12. (might / harm) 4. Some scientists believe that cloning experiments __SHOULD BE PERMNITED NOT__ to continue. (should / permit / not) 5. The direction of an electrons spin _CAN BE CONTROLED _magnetically. (can/control) 6. Pluto __MAY BE TAKED __ of many of the same materials as the primordial solar system. (may / take)
7. Scientists said that smaller populations of monarch butterflies __COULD BE FIND_ in the western United States. (could / find) 8. Your e-mail __CAN BE ACCESS__ from any computer with an Internet connection. (can ( access) 9. Some experts say that current techniques for matching fingerprints __MAY BE FLOW_ (may/flaw) 10. More __MUST BE DO_ to control the introduction of new forms of genetically modified seeds and plants. (must / do) 11. For maximum efficiency, the coils on the back of your refrigerator __SHOULD BE CLEANED___ at least twice a year. (should / clean) 12. Within five years, sensor computers _COULD BE SHRINKED__ to the size of a grain of sand. (could / shrink) 13. New methods for processing plastic ___MIGHT BE CREATED__ (might / create)
Passive sentences with modals 1. The company _____ in A) might be contacted B) can be contacted C) might contact 2. Letters to the editor ____ for brevity and clarity. A) may be edit B) should edited C) may be edited 3. Mussels ________ in a pan with holes so they can drip. A) should store B) should be stored C) should being stored 4. Educators in the United States disagree over the age at which kids ___ to computers. A) should be introduced B) should to be introduced C) should introduce 5. Whar percentage of your portfolio ___________ to bonds? A) should allocated B) should be allocate 6. Microsoft ____ to remove Media Player from Windows. A) may be force B) might force 7. Scientists are convinced that memory _____ even late in life. A) can be improved B) can be improve 8. Cross-country skiing equipment ______ at many ski shops. A) can be rent B) can rent 9. I ________ at 555-3204-5678 A) can be reached B) should reach C) should be allocated C) may be forced C) must improved C) might be rented C) can reach
D) can contact D) should be edit D) should be store D) should be introduce D) should to be allocate D) might forced D) must improve D) can be rented D) should be reached
10. Printing systems are becoming so small that scientists believe that tiny electronic circuits of _____ by special injects. A) could to be printed B) could be printed C) could print D) could be print 11. A government spokesperson said today that certain popular nutritional supplements ____ later this year. A) might be ban B) might be banned C) might to be banned D) might being banned 12. An Ethernet adapter __________ separately for PlayStation 2. A) must to be purchased B) must being purchased C) must purchased D) must be purchased D) could be called D) must be performed D) should be tempted
13. This part of a boom in memory training, or what _________ mental aerobics. A) must called B) could be call C) must to be called 14. The blood tests ______ at an approved laboratory. A) must to be performed B) must be perform 15. Some people _______ to defeat the copy protection scheme. A) should be tempt B) might tempt C) must perform C) might be tempted
16. The company, which has been in negotiations with the union for over a month, said something _____ soon. A) might be worked out B) might be work out C) might being work out D) might being worked out 17. The doctor said the patch ___ no more than once a day. A) could be apply B) could apply C) cant be apply D) cant be applied 18. Alzheimer's disease _____to homocysteine, a normal diet byproduct. A) can linked B) should be linked C) could explained 19. The researchers said the anomaly _____ in two different ways. A) could to be explained B) could be explained C) could explained D) can to be linked D) could be explain