Can Diabetes Be Reversed
Can Diabetes Be Reversed
Can Diabetes Be Reversed
Can diabetes be reversed? It is the opinion of most experts in the field of diabetes that unfortunately, once a person is diagnosed as a diabetic, they have to deal with that disease for a lifetime. But the good news is that a diabetic can lower their risks for any problems or complications by keeping blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible.
Those with Type ! diabetes will need to be on some form of insulin therapy for the remainder of their life. This is because the cells of the pancreas which produce insulin are damaged and unable to generate this hormone. "ith Type # diabetes, the cells are resistant to insulin but this resistance can be overcome with diet and maintaining a healthy weight as well as exercise. $edication in most Type # diabetics is needed but often by keeping a good diet as well as exercising regularly, the symptoms of diabetes will be controlled enough that medication is not needed. If a person with Type # diabetes is able to control the symptoms by diet and exercise, this does not mean that they have reversed their disease. If they returned to a poor diet and stop regular exercise, their diabetic symptoms as well as abnormal blood glucose levels would return to diabetic levels. "hen you read on the internet about a cure for diabetes, you will notice in the fine print that with all of these cures the blood glucoses levels have normali%ed enough to &'T ()*+I() $),IC-TI'&. This is not really a cure but only more like a remission.
Those diabetics who undergo gastric bypass surgery will often have their blood sugar normali%e, however this treatment involves a permanent and extreme change in lifestyle. They must eat tiny meals several times a day as well as exercise regularly for the loss of weight to remain. .o was the diabetes normali%ed by the surgery or the regime which is needed to maintain weight loss after surgery? /or anyone with diabetes it is important to eat correctly every day to keep blood glucose levels near normal. - diet for diabetics involves eating a good variety of foods with plenty of fruits, vegetables and meats as well as forms of protein such as dairy products, grains and cereals. The proper amount of calories needs to be maintained in order to manage a weight which is healthy. The diet much also contain foods which are high fiber. .o in summary, most medical professionals will agree that once you have diabetes, you will always have diabetes. -nd in order not to have further complications common with diabetes, you will need to keep blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible whether by medication, insulin, or only diet and exercise.
Exercise can help those with diabetes by: Improves the body0s use of insulin or other medications 1elps to burn excess body fat, as well as helping to decrease and control weight. ,ecreasing body fat will result in improved sensitivity of insulin. 1elps with improving muscle strength 2owers blood pressure
Increases strength and bone density 1elps to protect against blood vessel disease and heart by lowering bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol. Improves circulation of blood system and reduces risk of heart disease. (educes stress, releases tension and anxiety and promotes relaxation Increases energy level and enhances work capacity. Type 1 diabetes and exercise tips In order to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia if you are a diabetic, follow a regular routine of eating meals, exercising and taking medicines at the same time every day. .trenuous exercise as well as prolonged sessions can cause the body to produce more adrenaline as well as other hormones can counteract the effects of insulin and can cause your blood glucose to rise. If you are taking strenuous exercise, your insulin or oral diabetic medications may possibly need to be ad3usted or changed. Talk to your doctor. +se care when exercising especially if your medication is getting to its peak effect. )xercise with another person who knows you are a diabetic and will know what to do if you develop low blood sugar reaction. It is wise to wear a medical I, tag or carry an I, card which says that you have diabetes ,epending when you exercise, reduce your dose of either long acting insulin or short acting insulin. Some further diabetes exercise tips include: 1ave a discussion with your physician about what exercise would be suitable for you. ,iabetes complications such as eye disease which is severe and any damage to nerves may cause some types of exercise to be dangerous for you. The physician may also want to run tests to determine how your heart responds to exercise. ,o not exercise if your blood glucose level is greater than #45 mg6d2 and you are positive for ketones. This indicates that
you already have a lack of insulin and exercise will only make it worse. 7ou need to ad3ust your insulin and hydrate as necessary.
+se caution when exercising if blood glucose is greater than 855 mg6dl without any ketones as exercise my help decrease your glucose level but it is possible that they will increase instead. 1ydrate well before and after exercising as well as track you glucose levels and ketones. 2earn to know the effects different types of exercise has on your blood glucose. "hen exercise have carbohydrate based foods available and also for the period following exercising. -dd carbohydrates to your meals if you plan to exercise, ad3ust insulin doses appropriately also. Before beginning any exercise program you should talk with your physician on what kind of exercise and what ad3ustments you need to make with medications as well as meal plans.
Other general exercise guidelines and precautions: .tart slowly and slowly increase Choose an activity you like Consider a water exercise program, others including walking, riding a bike, muscle stretching )xercise 8 to 9 times each week for #5 to 95 minutes each time. .pend 4 to !5 minutes warming up and 4 minutes cooling down "ear proper and good fitting shoes :ractice proper foot care ,o not ignore pain. ,rink water before, during and after exercise to stop dehydration
fruit having high content of sugar. But, there are a bunch of fruits that diabetics can en3oy that have no notable affect on blood sugar levels. /oods especially fiber rich fruits are great to eat for diabetics as they have a low glycemic index or <=I> as this do not cause a spike of blood sugar to the degree of those which have a high =I. The basis for this is that fiber slows the rate of absorption for any sugar to the blood system. /ruits which are fiber rich are fruits with skins which are edible as well as seeds since these are the parts of certain fruit which are most fiber rich. /ruits which are elevated in fiber together with the content of fiber shown in brackets include?
Blueberries <#.@A> -pples <#.4A> :omegranates <8.9A> -pricots <#.!A> :ears <#.!A> -vocados <B.@A> Ciwifruit <#.!A> -vocados are not only high fiberD they are a very rich resource of fat which is monounsaturated. -merican ,iabetes -ssociation does advocate a diet which is high in fats which are monounsaturated as this type diet can aid in reducing the complications of diseases which are cardiovascular in nature. These diseases are a common problem in diabetics more than the overall populace. )vidence also shows that diets which are rich in fats which are monounsaturated can improve the control of blood glucose levels. Those fruits which are elevated in fructose as well as those which have a higher ratio of fructose level to glucose are also very helpful to diabetics since fructose doesn0t need any insulin for metaboli%ation and therefore can be eaten by diabetics who are insulin resistant. /ruits with high fructose include?
-pples $angoes =uavas -ll of these have ratios of fructose to glucose larger than #. -s well as high fructose and fiber levels, the apple has an added benefit for diabetics. (aw apples have high ;uantities of pectin that extend control of glucose in diabetics, which reduces the insulin needed by as much as 45A in many cases. =rapefruits are an additional fruit which are good for diabetes. This is because grapefruits promote loss of weight which can in turn help reduce resistance to insulin. /ruits with glucose amounts which are high should only be eaten in small ;uantities as they often cause the level of glucose in the blood to spike. But many can be eaten as a part of a diabetic healthy diet. /ruits with high sugar levels include?
Bananas =rapes ,ates "atermelon 'ranges -lso fruit 3uices have a propensity of being stripped of the fibrous pulpy portions of the fruits and conse;uently they have a tendency to have fiber which is low and sugar which is high. $ost fruit 3uices producers also add extra sugar to the 3uices so that there are some 3uices higher in sugar content than most carbonated soda drinks. /ruits which are dried also are inclined to possess a ma3or effect on blood glucose levels because of content of sugar which is high. /ruits which are canned and packed with syrup are high in sugar and should only be consumed only in small portions or the syrup should be drained before eating. It is more preferable to eat fruits which are packed in their natural 3uices
/ruits are healthy to eat but for diabetics there are some fruits which are better than others.
Blueberries -pples :omegranates -pricots :ears -vocados Ciwifruit -vocados are especially good for diabetes as they are beneficial for preventing complications or problems with the cardiovascular system. =rapefruits are also good as they help in weight control. /ruits which are elevated in fructose as well as those which have a higher ratio of fructose level to glucose are also very helpful to diabetics. These include?
:ears -pples $angoes =uavas -pples are also especially good because of not only being high in fiber but also having pectin which has been shown to reduce glucose levels by as much as 45A. /ruits which can cause blood glucose levels to spike and therefore should be eaten in small ;uantities include?
Bananas =rapes ,ates "atermelon 'ranges /ruit 3uices should also be consumed in small amounts because many producers of fruit 3uices add extra sugar. .ome fruit 3uices have more sugar content than carbonated soda drinks. /ruits which are canned and packed in fruit syrup should be only eaten in small portions as the syrup is very high in sugar content. There are some fruits which are canned and packed in their own 3uices and these are much better for the diabetic to eat.